Southern Baptists Get First Black President

Southern Baptists elect first magic negro president


Fred Luter Jr. was already “the first black vice president” of the Southern Baptist Convention. Now he is going to be the “first black president” of the Southern Baptist Convention.

“The first black” precedent is usually a reliable indicator of the decline of a city, state, nation or institution.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines was the first black president of Haiti. Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. Robert Mugabe was the first black president of Zimbabwe. Coleman Young was the first black mayor of Detroit.

Obama was the first black president of America. NASA quit going to space when Charles Bolden became its first black administrator. The arrival of the first black family in your neighborhood heralds the inevitable collapse in property values.

“The first black” almost always means … the turning point when something started turning into shit.

Serious Bible scholars will tell you that God cursed Ham’s swarthy descendants to be the servant of servants. I don’t know if there is any merit to that theory, but divine wrath is the most plausible theological explanation for the existence of black people.

To be perfectly honest, I am thrilled that Fred Luter Jr. is going to be the first black president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I have never thought much of Baptists and hopefully this move will start killing them off in Dixie like the Methodists and the Episcopalians.

The South was regrettably evangelized by Northern missionaries who spread their diseased low church faith here in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Southern Baptists only ballooned into their present size because of the credit they got for defending slavery in the nineteenth century.

Churches rise and fall. The egalitarian Baptists grew at the expense of the more hierarchical Anglicans who benefited from the collapse of the still more hierarchical Catholics. Christianity in the South will be strengthened by the decline of Baptists and Methodists.

In the short term, the evangelical sects will benefit from the collapse of the Southern Baptists, but in the long term hopefully a more enduring church – the Church of Dixie, something like the old school Anglican Church – will emerge from the wreckage.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. yep they are done. They’ve been going the social justice route for awhile but now it will pick up steam and Whites will leave.

  2. Serious Bible scholars will tell you that God cursed Ham’s swarthy descendants to be the servant of servants. I don’t know if there is any merit to that theory, but divine wrath is the most plausible theological explanation for the existence of black people.

    Not according to this website – they belief they are the true Israelites.

  3. Hunter, your comments vis-a-vis Baptists are highly regrettable. I thought I perceived you to be confessionally Christian until I read here someone assert you to be an atheist.

    Be that as it may, you are a logical, reasonable person (to the typical racialist anyway). I appeal to your reasonableness here. The South is identified with and defined by (I will leave off alluding to the rest of the US) more than any other cultural marker Christianity. It behooves any intellectually self-controlled person to admit the truth and deal with it whether it suits them or not. This is what distinguishes (for the most part) the conservative from the liberal. Today liberalism reigns supreme and has thrown off any pretense of a concern with truth (facts) but that is another discussion.

    Why express loathing for so many damn good Southern people? Now that I ask the question I have to wonder if Hunter Wallace really wrote the above. I would have bet the ranch that he would have come to their defense vigorously if another had made such remarks about his countrymen. And I would have lost the ranch!

    You did well in your initial remarks about Black “firsts”. But then you unhappily wandered off the prudent reservation. I am not a Baptist (Presb. – evangelical) but I simply looked at this event as another indication of a terrifying trajectory of suicide in the country and the West generally. Still, I hope, like you, that there will be a grand turnaround soon . BTW did you here the joke: “What do you call the one black in a room of a thousand Republicans?……Mr. Chairman.”

  4. The Methodists are the only big Protestant denomination that doesn’t ordain homosexuals or lesbians.

    As far a heirarchy goes, the source of the racial problems in the Methodist church is with the “Bishops” i.e. the heirarchy. Before 1939, when the three largest Methodist churches merged, Bishops only counted in the Northern Methodist Church. The Southern Methodist’s had Bishops for ornamental purposes only, and the Methodist Protestant Church didn’t have Bishops at all!

    Btw, the Methodist “Bishop” in northern Alabama is a real flaming asshole in my humble opinion.

  5. I don’t have a problem with Christianity per se.

    I used to be an atheist – it took me years to get over my aversion to Christianity, which for years I associated with anti-racism, egalitarianism, and opposition to science, but ultimately my interest in history allowed me to distinguish between Christianity as it once existed for centuries in Europe and the degenerate form of Christianity as it now exists in America.

    As an atheist, I could enjoy reading Aquinas and Augustine and appreciate Luther and Calvin without associating any of them with Ted Haggard or Jimmy Swaggart. That’s what ultimately allowed me to get over my bias and focus on what I was reacting so negatively to.

    I don’t regret the decline of Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, or Episcopalians. Their religion is really nothing more than a Jesusfied version of Americanism. The Lutheran Church, for example, would be unrecognizable to Luther himself.

  6. It will be interesting watching the reaction. There probably won’t be one though. The most fundamentalist of Baptist congregations haven’t been members of the SBC for a long time. They have been either completely independent or members of smaller associations. At least that is my impression. At most a few will leave. Will the new president attempt to merge the SBC and the black Baptist associations is what I’m wondering. My parents are Baptist and the church they’re members of is part of the SBC. I’ll have to check on their reaction.

  7. I love the South.

    Insofar as there was ever anything good about the Southern Baptists, it was due entirely to the popularity they gained by defending slavery, breaking with Northern Baptists, and adapting their creed to Southern racial conditions.

    The same Baptist religion in the North produced William Lloyd Garrison. Northern Presbyterians founded Oberlin College in Ohio. I’m convinced that Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection was responsible to a large degree for the decline of the British Empire.

  8. @Hunter Oberlin College was founded by the Congregationl Church a/k/a The United Church of Christ. Not the Presbyterians.

    Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection? That’s a new one on me. Wesley preached that men could reject Jesus Christ, or backslide, as he called it.That salvation could be lost by rejecting Jesus Christ. Which runs against strict Calvinism i.e. once saved always saved.

  9. Southern Baptist are garbage. The Preachers are mostly anti white Scot Masons. All the religions today are dominated by New World Oder Agenda that promotes we are all one blood and that we must love all the darkies and let them come to America. Like Robert Miles said years ago—I love evrybody–bring them all to America–and then laugh about how stupid this is. Look on google search—338 Billion A year on Illigal Aliens. Yeah. bring em all here….ha.ha ha…. PS) Ever notice when you go in a Social Security Office you dont see any grey hairs. They are all their to get Disability.

  10. My ideal would be a strong national church that would work with our new nation-state to morally rehabilitate our own people after our near fatal brush with the death of our civilization.

    Is that too much to ask? The SBC is more concerned with evangelizing niggers in Africa, fighting “racism,” elevating them over Whites to genuflect before the media, and even dropping the whole “Southern” part altogether.

    BTW, these moral guardians haven’t exactly proven up to the task of preserving our culture, considering.

  11. Methodism traditionally has taught the potential of a sinless obedience in one’s Christian walk. As a strain of Arminianism it has also implied the possibility of the loss of one’s salvation. These run counter to historical reformed and protestant doctrine.

    All of this is incidental. What is materially significant here is the truth that Christianity has NOTHING to do with PC. The lay folk in all denominations are always more orthodox than the clergy as a whole and the elites who enjoy the “rule” over them. When have the elites as a caste EVER done anything but bring ruin to those of whom they have had charge? It brings to mind Orwell’s bon mot: “An intellectual must have made that statement. A normal man could never be such a fool.” “Killers have to kill” and elites have to pervert and destroy.

    We exult in the “glories of Western culture” (mostly past). Those glories are but the tapestry woven of the doctrines of the Christian faith. Away with the identification of Christianity with the decline of the South (or any other)! It is the FORSAKING of the same that has brought us to this nightmarish denouement. The present filthiness of this culture has been held back till so recent a time by the faith of our fathers and mothers and its fading has introduced us to our current enfeeblement.

  12. Accursed be the man….

    “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” – Gal. 1:9

    “And I contended with them, and pronounced them cursed, and struck certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, You shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.” – Neh. 13:25

    ““Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.” – Lev. 25:44-46 (nor let the slaves rule over you…)

    “He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him: he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.” – Deut. 28:44

    “And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.” – Ezek. 21:3

    “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you…

    “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you…

    ” Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you…” – II Cor 6:17

    It’s what Fr. Seraphim Rose said: “In the end, all the [organized] Churches will serve Antichrist.”

    What is the mark of those who are devoid of the spirit of God? Miscegenation- either racial, or same-sexual, or aborting foetuses of the Elect race. All of which, explicitly have as their end, DENYING THE IMAGE OF GOD among Adamic Humanity. Which Christ took on for all eternity, to show ‘His People’ who they were. [Matt. 1:21]

    “THE” [sic] ‘unforgivable sin’ is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost- and who was it who overshadowed the Virgin Mary, to give ‘image and likeness’ to Christ? The Holy Ghost. What is that unforgiveable sin, again? Perhaps denying Whites, their own ontological Existence?

    “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.” – I John 2:18, NIV

    If only the SB’s would say, ‘We will NOT have this man to rule over us.”- But because they don’t, they have become Jews, and say it of the only ONE who SHOULD rule over us. – Lk. 19:14

    “….Dear children, this is the last hour…”

  13. “The same Baptist religion in the North produced William Lloyd Garrison. Northern Presbyterians founded Oberlin College in Ohio. I’m convinced that Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection was responsible to a large degree for the decline of the British Empire.”

    Hunter, that’s because ALL of this is predicated on the fact that the West broke from the East in 1054. THIS is ‘filioquism’. It’s what it does, it leaves its fingerprints all over EVERYTHING. And it is fully, squarely ROME’s FAULT.’s-elders/

  14. “Today liberalism reigns supreme and has thrown off any pretense of a concern with truth (facts) but that is another discussion.”

    Yes. Liberalism has displaced Christianity in the realm of irrational concepts Niggers like. Christianity was always a distant mirage, liberalism is a poisoned well. True a mouthful of sand is a slower death than a belly full of poison. Thanks but no thanks though.

    Hunter is right, you guys want to take back your lands. Let the Negroes have the mirage, keep towards the oasis of reason.

  15. “Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection? That’s a new one on me. Wesley preached that men could reject Jesus Christ, or backslide, as he called it.That salvation could be lost by rejecting Jesus Christ. Which runs against strict Calvinism i.e. once saved always saved.”

    Earl – Wesley was an Arminian. It was his fellow Anglican, Geo. Whitefield who was the Calvinist. Read Dallimore’s amazing biography on the latter, to see which ‘-ism’ influenced America in the generation right before the “First American Revolution” (cuz there’s gonna be a second one, real soon….).

    Wesley was called every name in the book by the C of E, for his abandoning the explicitly Calvinist tone of the Articles of Religion in the back of the BCP. Bishop Ryle (one hundred years later) was probabaly the LAST ‘overt Calvinist’ in the C of E, until maybe John Stott… who was much more latitudinarian….

  16. “My ideal would be a strong national church that would work with our new nation-state to morally rehabilitate our own people after our near fatal brush with the death of our civilization.

    Is that too much to ask? ”

    Hunter, no it is not. The Orthodox doctrine of ‘symphony’ make both the ruler and the hierarch responsible for each other, and the laity (just like the Houses of Commons/Lords) in England were supposed to do, to KEEP OUT the JEW, the INFIDEL, and the HERETIC…. or burn him at the stake (one of the great things John Calvin did….imho)

    But one has to SUBMIT to that sort/form of hierocratic rule. Most Modern Antinomian (lawless) Americans are ruled only by their gut, or their genitalia, or their egos. They long ago lost that desire to ‘subdue the flesh, and keep it under.’

    A decimating plague, pogrom, or war is God’s general means to bring sinful Man back to hearing his ‘still, small voice.’ And I think that is all we are GOING to hear, at this late date…..

  17. I mean right in castigating churches that “blackout” while tolerating churches that are apolitical and with beneficial social outcomes.

    Niggers don’t believe/understand Christianity or Liberalism. They just want an excuse to hoot n holler. Both systems promise “free stuff” and the Nigger is a pathological looter.

  18. I go with the idea that once a Church denomination goes anti White, it’s anti Christ.

    Put the word out that the Southern Baptist leadership is anti Christ in every conceivable way (sodomites, child molestation, gun confiscation, one-world, anti Christ UN, New World Order, surrendering to the Muslims etc).

    If you are inclined to Christian religiosity, there are non denominational Bible churches to attend, support.

    I like a lot of White Mormon/Latter Day Saints – study up on their successful organization – they make the local Bishop the go to guy, he’s elected by the immediate congregation, so you don’t have the problem of national seminaries being taken over by race mixing liberals and then forcing one of their guys down on the local Whites.

  19. That was so profound!!!! I never thought about it, but yes, the “first Black” anything is a good signal of its decline. I’m bronzing that. Seriously: that was profound!

  20. As a Southern Baptist this decision troubles me greatly. I searched long and hard to find a small traditional church amongst all the new mega churches, (First Baptist).

    In good conscience, I cannot in any way shape or form support this decision. I will make my displeasure known to the SBC.

    If I find that my Pastor & Church Deacons support this decision, I’ll withold any future Church tithes until a suitable replacement is found.

  21. Mormons? Aren’t they among the most rabidly supportive of third-world immigration and miscegenation? Their “doctrine” and notions of “history” are perfectly absurd. Again though, who cares. The heart of the matter is WHAT WAS the old-time religion of our fathers and mothers? What harm did it do you? It defined the true, the good, and the beautiful for white people for two millenia.

    Stop mixing the current perversions of multi-culti-ism with the faith of a mere 50 years ago. Name one thing in this world that hasn’t been infected with that phenomenally virulent cult. Did you really expect that PEOPLE who inhabit the churches to be the one demographic that would be immune to the disease?

    Perhaps those who comment here are far more innately independantly minded than I am. It took years to overcome the merciless onslaught of lying propaganda from every conceivable quarter (greatly aided by the internet) and truly KNOW that what your eyes actually see and your ears hear is TRUE. A little understanding of the folk in the pew is in order – don’t you think? And a little personal effort at enlightening (no play on words intended) him will salutary in good measure.

    And a curse on the lying elites.

  22. I go with the idea that once a Church denomination goes anti White, it’s anti Christ.


    That is an excellent meme! It’s like a verbal gunshot to the neo-Babelists.

    Anti-white is anti-Christ.

  23. Good luck @ Fr John getting the white race to stop miscegenating. The white race has been doing that since the beginning of time.
    All the young men who join the military, the navy is the perfect example, love to miscegenate with the local girls at every port of call. It’s been going on forever.
    Even the “good and upright christian boys from ‘good’ homes” from the midwest and everywhere else indulge in it.
    When they join the navy and hit a port of call, they go out and race mix with the “island girls” and the “native girls”.
    And all the sermons and all the readings of paul’s letters never had any affect on what runs deep in the blood of the Caucasian: being mercenaries and the love of miscegenation.
    The difference between the present-day and the past, there’s more honesty now. Before it was all covered up, the miscegenation. It was intentionally overlooked, in the usual phony-face christian way ( the mercenary aspect of my race still remains to come to the light, however).
    I don’t disagree with you 100%. Nor, do I take issue with everything you say, I sometimes do agree with you– usually with qualifications.
    You truly are fighting an uphill battle, I think. That doesn’t mean necessarily that the battle is not worth the fight and the struggle,however. I commend you for that. I have no problem with that.
    I think it best, though, if you wish to see your vision come to fruition, is to start qualifying your arguments. That can only be done by facing the hard truth of what it is that compels and inspires the Caucasian race. We have some deep faults. Approaching the subject as if we are angels and saints that somehow got off track and went astray from some glorious past is not exactly the truth.I think you are wearing “rose-colored” glasses, and are overlooking too much real history, seeing history through the light of a stained glass window, so the speak.
    I am not accusing you of mendacity. Just think you are too naive. That’s all.
    The jews are not our real problem. The real problem is how mercenary the white race truly is. No religion or philosophy that overlooks that is going to get off the ground.
    The jews just whisper, sometimes shout, into our ears and entices us on to what’s already there, deep in the blood.
    And for the overwhelmingly large part, the overwhelmingly large proportion of the white Caucasian race love having the jews around for this reason.
    We can indulge in what we intrinsically love to do, and then when it all turns to shit, we can turn around and blame the jews, pretending that we had been “hoodwinked”; Pretending that we never loved the agenda, or profited off the agenda, or had a good time from the agenda; As if we somehow don’t have free will and volition, in spite of all the sermons reminding us that we surely do have free will and voilition : The sermons about free will and volition are the truth.
    In our collective free will and volition, the white Caucasian christian race, collectively and to a very large degree, loves the “jewish” agenda alot more than we all let on. It’s very phony and mendacious of us christians to pretend otherwise.
    Our christian leaders in government and in the churches love the jews more than they let on ( that has been true throughout history and remains true to this day), and in the working-class world where I live, a great many christians love the so-called “jewish” agenda as well. I know christians who love the agenda alot more than some jews I know.
    There are jews online , for example, who do tell us the truth and who are making attempts to have a more truthful and honest world. I notice, that on a per capita basis, there are more jews online telling me the truth of things, than there are christians.
    Building a foundation on false premises makes for a very shaky structure that will eventually come crumbling down. I think Jesus said something along these lines, though I was never very good at remembering my bible passages.
    He also said something along the lines of knowing a tree by it’s fruits.
    The tree that represents white christian america is rotten to the core. All the finger pointing in the world is never going to replenish the tree. The tree can only be replenished, watered and pruned, by honesty, true honesty.
    True honesty calls us to examine our own faults before we finger-point.
    It is, I’m quite sure, very obvious to the jews ( and the blacks as well) that we white christians are not doing very much to change our own collective faults, as we shout at them to change their faults.
    I commend you,though, for starting the process of self-reflection and some deep thought about our present-day situation and how we can get out of the mess we’re in and turn things around for the better. For all of our philosophical differences, I see some truth in what you are saying, and I do not begrudge you your vision ( or mosin nagant’s vision).
    The vision will never come to fruition, though, if we all keep fooling ourselves that all of our problems are because of the jews (or the blacks). The white christian race in America always had plenty of say and influence in America. What we said collectively and to a large degree was and still is : ” do your own thing”.
    That philosophy didn’t start in the 60’s, just the expression. The attitude was present and pervasive and deep in white christian America for a very long time.
    We had a say, and we said “f*ck it”, go do whatever you want, even if means destroying one’s family and one’s community. And no jew and no black put a gun to our heads and forced us into it. We did it to ourselves.

  24. Joe – I iniitally thought you were cool – but now I think you are mental.

    There WERE guns put to the heads of White Christians. War of Northern Aggression? The forced integration of schools? Those words ring a few bells?

    Hilter was not a Hebe – and he was the GOOD GUY.

    Screw off. You waste bandwidth.

  25. Amanda – express your displeasure loudly – and dont’ let up – and yell EVERY-ONE EVERY-ONE.

    you sound like a veey nice lady.

    Stop it.

    Becoem Belligerent as you can. The more you do it – the Worse is Better you’ll get.

    Think about it. Hebes have gotten where they’ve gotten by a lot of means – but a LOT of the ground they ganed is due to sheer yelling and screaming, and pitting and hissing. So many Whites are so loath ot make a scene, or HORRORS! Raise their voices….shhhh…! Don’t YELL!…’s just terrible….that we’ve pretty much ceded out existence to our Racial foes.

    I learned how to out-yell Kikes in college. I’m not kidding, or exaggerating. I went to school with loads of Hebes. In order to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish, I had to deal with them – and that meant out temper tantruming them. And to NEVER quit.

    The Non-Whites don’t take quiet resentment serioulsy. It doesn’t even register. You have to raise the roof.

    Do it. It’s fun. Those that disagree with eventually be so worn down that they will not argue with you. (They wil act behind your back – but keep an eye on them. You will know who to watch by any initial objections). Those that secretly agree will be THRILLED – you will see naked delight ,and joy, on their faces – and maybe will evne begin to speak out themselves.

    Raising HELL is fun -and usually works!

  26. The real problem is how mercenary the white race truly is

    When he ain’t pontificating he merely speaks ex cathedra.

    For a few brief moments there I thought our problem was jew control of money, information, the courts, congress, and so on.

    Here comes the waiter: “More assertions? Anybody like a few more arbitrary assertions?”

    “No thanks! I’m sated!

  27. Gee, yelling “kike” out at the college students really turned the country around- now we live in paradise because Denise was really brave and shouted out, “kike”.
    Thank god. Our problems are all solved.
    Those whites who refuse to see the truth : Refuse to see the faults of our race do the white race more harm than my post that has a good grain of truth to it.
    Can never change things for the better until you admit your faults. That’s the first step.
    If you pretend that you are perfect, when all evidence points otherwise, you will just stagnate and never get anything accomplished.

  28. @ Hunter, HarryO, John the priest etc.

    Hunter, I guess you know the story of how the Bishop of Northern Alabama dug up & lynched the long dead, and respected Methodist pastor? No one has got that treatment since the Catholics dug up John Wycliffe and burned him at the stake.

    John Wesley was no Methodist Pope. LOL. He was only one of the founders of Methodism, which included George Whitfield, Francis Asbury, Charles Wesley, Jacob Albright, and many others.

    Wesley preached Salvation through faith alone. His Arminism consisted of a belief that people can “backslide” reject Christ, and lose Salvation. Do you think that the Jews, Greeks & Romans who saw & heard Jesus Christ, and then rejected him will be saved???

  29. Christians were carrying the guns and hauling the cannons around in 1861-1865, not jews. They could have said no to the war agenda ( on both sides) but they said a collective “Yes” to the war, both southerners and northerners.

  30. Joe has the correct view.

    Please note: the Vatican (i.e. the pope and the bishops in union with him) is only infallible with regard to matters of faith, and then only when the pope is speaking ex cathedra. In matters of politics, etc., the opinions of the Pontiff, an ecumenical council, or of any bishop are just that — private opinions — and as such they may be erroneous.

  31. Joe,

    You are a very good example of the culture of critique. Hunter quite neatly points out the Puritanical egalitarian strain in the Yankee. The wierd Zionism of the dispensationalist evangelical, the cringe inducing cosmopolitalism of the German, the propensity of European/Americans to be destructive individualists.

    You are on the wrong website, Really. I’d say you a sockpuppet or pseudonym or an
    alterego of someone like Tim Wise. A snarky punk with an uppity sense of himself and a hatred for his own (or at least the hatred of a hunchback for the beautiful)

    now piss off, as stonelifter said.

  32. Jews scream to get what they DON’T deserve.

    Whites DON’T scream to get what they DO deserve.

    This fear of making a scene may be our undoing.

    Decorum at any price, including losing one’s country. The silence may be misconstrued- Whites ain’t complaining, therefore Whites endorse the status quo(statist quo). They think- if you guys hate the system so much how come you haven’t squawked over the last 45 years? We thought you were on board!

  33. Joe,

    The Union drafted in as many as 150,000 Irish born soldiers. As many as 250,000 German born soldiers. This allowed the Union a 2.5/1 advantage instead of a 2/1 advantage. It was no civil war in the normal sense. The extra immigrants enabled the Union to attack attack attack and not worry much about casualties. TheSouthers were 95% fighting a defensive war. Many soldiers were foreigners on one side. Often egalitarian type Catholics or Lutheran. They came to annihilate an AngloSaxon people
    in the South and unleash a black plague upon them.

    Had the Confederates won, or simply survived the onslaught
    American cities would not be blighted by Zombies and Vampire Squids, WASPs would still be in control.

    You are on the wrong website.

  34. Joe- with comments such as you deliver, who needs enemies?

    I concur with some of the other posters on this blog. I’m speaking about changing minds, here. That comes FIRST. Then changing attitudes comes next. Finally, after changing the family, the neighborhood, the village, town, city, county, and state, we can ‘change the world.’

    Rome’s caesaro-papalism (like all Moloch based schemes) is TOP DOWN.
    Anarchism is bottom-up. Both are anti-biblical.

    Only Christianity is the ‘via media.’ Nobles (whether of spirit, of blood, or intellect, or monetary means- hopefully, all four, all the time) rule, yeoman have representation, elected from among themselves, again- picking the ‘best man for the job.’ And ONLY a Man. And only White, and ONLY Christian.

    Pardon me for saying this on this blog, Hunter, but I wonder if Joe isn’t the ‘devil on the shoulder’ sort of ‘minion’ that the Deicides use, to dissuade others of the viable insights from a leader of one’s people? Yes, I AM naive. I’ve striven my whole life to be ‘as gentle as doves’ to all. Only now, am I seeing that ravenous wolves have been lying to us, all along. Where’s my shotgun?.

  35. it was not a civil war; we did not want to assume control of the federal govt we wanted to be free from it. It was the a war for succession or independence. Let us use the correct terms for it. On this webpage at least

  36. ” What Anthony Jacob wrote in 1965 remains true today:

    As matters stand at present the white man is on the run. It is not the black man or the brown man who is on the march (they are not going anywhere, even if they think they are), it is the white man who is on the run.

    Why is the white man on the run? He is on the run because he does not believe that his skin color is part of his soul. He thinks that his identity as a white perishes with the flesh, and all that perishes is of no consequence in the spiritual world. But did not our Lord bid His fearful and doubting disciples to see and feel that His flesh was part of His essential identity as the Son of Man?

    Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. –Luke 24: 38-39

    The God of love who was fully divine and fully human knew that mortal man needs a local habitation and a name in order to know the Divine Love. Europeans of old Europe knew this; the modern, European, ornamental Christians do not.”


  37. good luck to all of you….. LOL
    By the way, the immigrants who fought in lincoln’s army were christians, not jews. You forgot to mention that. They, the immigrants, could have said no to the whole agenda, but they said a collective ” Yes” to the agenda of killing down their fellow christians. Another example of the mercenary spirit of my white race.
    Anyone not sure what mercenary means– seems some posting here don’t know what the word truly means– you may want to look the word up in a dictionary and reflect hard on what the word truly means.
    When I say “good luck”, doesn’t mean I’m going to stop posting. I still will continue to post.
    I’m just laughing at all of you who refuse to examine yourselves, yet you Expect and Absolutely Demand that the jews and blacks examine themselves and change for your benefit; When You Yourselves Refuse To Examine And Change For Your Own Benefit.
    It’s a joke.

  38. We did it to ourselves.

    There is an element of truth to that, however our current condition flows largely from the bogus Holocaust and the fairy tale gas chambers and ovens. This has been the psychological leverage to advance cultural marxism (i.e. human rights, political correctness, multiculturalism, hate speech laws aka freedom of speech suppression, etc.).

  39. Negro christianity is as barren as Judaism.

    Matthew 7:16
    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    Judaism is a most barren religion. Most Jews no longer even believe in God.

    It seems even atheists know as much, which is better than most churchgoing Christians these days.

    Deo Vindice

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