Southern Baptists Get First Black President

Southern Baptists elect first magic negro president


Fred Luter Jr. was already “the first black vice president” of the Southern Baptist Convention. Now he is going to be the “first black president” of the Southern Baptist Convention.

“The first black” precedent is usually a reliable indicator of the decline of a city, state, nation or institution.

Jean-Jacques Dessalines was the first black president of Haiti. Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. Robert Mugabe was the first black president of Zimbabwe. Coleman Young was the first black mayor of Detroit.

Obama was the first black president of America. NASA quit going to space when Charles Bolden became its first black administrator. The arrival of the first black family in your neighborhood heralds the inevitable collapse in property values.

“The first black” almost always means … the turning point when something started turning into shit.

Serious Bible scholars will tell you that God cursed Ham’s swarthy descendants to be the servant of servants. I don’t know if there is any merit to that theory, but divine wrath is the most plausible theological explanation for the existence of black people.

To be perfectly honest, I am thrilled that Fred Luter Jr. is going to be the first black president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I have never thought much of Baptists and hopefully this move will start killing them off in Dixie like the Methodists and the Episcopalians.

The South was regrettably evangelized by Northern missionaries who spread their diseased low church faith here in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Southern Baptists only ballooned into their present size because of the credit they got for defending slavery in the nineteenth century.

Churches rise and fall. The egalitarian Baptists grew at the expense of the more hierarchical Anglicans who benefited from the collapse of the still more hierarchical Catholics. Christianity in the South will be strengthened by the decline of Baptists and Methodists.

In the short term, the evangelical sects will benefit from the collapse of the Southern Baptists, but in the long term hopefully a more enduring church – the Church of Dixie, something like the old school Anglican Church – will emerge from the wreckage.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t think the Southerner’s saw it coming.

    Given the distances and territories I think they were astonished by the fanatical ideology of the Republicans and their cohort. This site has raked over the minutiae of the seemingly small but important ideologal differences that motivated the Union to annihilate the Confederates. That is I think a very clear analysis of problems in the culture. Joe, what the f*** are you talking about by claiming that this site doesn’t investigate such things?

    Also the German and Irish influx wasn’t mercenary. They were largely zealous true believers in equality. Lincoln was clearly a man who believed in revolutionary
    egalitarianism (despite claiming he felt blacks were inferior) as it concerned blacks.

  2. Lincoln was one of the most duplicitous and evil men in history. He talked out of both sides of his mouth. Why anyone would put any stock into anything he ever said is beyond me.

    Don’t quote the bastard. He brought nothing but misery and death to America.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Christianity at its roots and bones is a universalistic Judaic sect. As such its bound by tradition and the Bible to reach out to all peoples, to spread the Gospel, the good news to everyone. When they couldn’t preach, the killed (c.f. the pagans of Europe, the Islamics) Extending its reach, especially as it original core audience is shrinking is to be expected.

    More exclusionary forms of the religion really are quite modern and while I am not adverse to the religion, I won’t miss it either. Its far to contaminated with bad memes these days and is far too easily adapted by the rotten elite as a social control.

  4. @John
    Neither the “puritanical egalitarians”, nor the “greasers” as Tabula would say, ever mentioned anything about the mercenary spirit of the white race ( both groups are rather mercenary themselves), nor did the yankee puritan boys in the military ever restrain themselves from race-mixing in their travels around the world and at every port of call, just like the southern military men do now; The Southerners who trip over themselves to Voluntarily join a military owned by a government ( yankee uncle sam) the southerners say they are so opposed to and very greatly detest, as per the southerners.
    They Voluntarily join a military owned by a government that is doing everything in it’s power to stomp on the southerners, yet the southern boys keep volunteering to join.
    And while they Volunteer they proclaim to the world their love of kin and folk and heritage and culture while joining a military owned by a government that is trying to destroy their kin and folk and heritage and culture.
    I would think that is something to be examined with the goal of changing the collective behavior.
    All white Americans need to examine this mercenary aspect of our race that runs deep in the blood. Not in a nihilistic way. Just a common-sense, straight-forward,honest way. So we can change for the better and get out of this mess the white race is in all over the West, in all the formerly white countries.
    Our enemies all over the world understand this fault of ours, and use it against us. It’s time for the white race to wake up and start seeing this fault as clearly as our enemies do.
    This refusal to see and examine and change this major fault is at the crux of the problem, and what holds us back.
    That white men don’t see their skin as being part of their soul, as Fr John says, is Exactly because of the mercenary spirit of the white race. It’s there where the problem lies, is the root of the problem, and the reason the white race is now on the run.
    A refusal to honestly and forthrightly examine our mercenary spirit and change this aspect of our white race will lead us to ultimate defeat.

  5. How a religion of Bronze Age Judea is supposed to halt and reverse white decline when it has ALWAYS been a factor in white decline baffles me.

    But then again, so does fealty to the Republican Party.

  6. Apuleus: I didn’t quote him. Just judged him by his actions rather than his words.

    White people tend to suffer from ideological rather than mercenary instincts. Mike Hoare was a merc. He’s a rare fish. Dixiegirl talked about the Companymen who did damage, but she sticks to the facts. She does, what you attempt to ape.

    Again this site covers these issues so you are just being a broken record.

  7. “They, the immigrants, could have said no to the whole agenda” – They did ultimately end the reconstruction, and if America is to be saved(unlikely and increasingly doubtful) it will be their descendents who will have to rule against BRA.

  8. The so-called idealogy of the white Caucasian race is a giant smoke screen and cover up to hide the merceneary instincts.
    Our religious leaders carry their bibles with them as they bless the troops, each opposing side of white men, just before the white men on opposing sides are just about to kill one another down in droves.

  9. anon at 7:05
    The immigrants didn’t put and to reconstruction. The native southerners did. The immigrants were up north for the most part, except for a good number of the carpetbaggers, many of whom were immigrants: Immigrants who loved reconstruction.
    The native white southerners put an end to that. That’s one thing I admire the southerners for. I have issues about other things about them, but not their desire to throw reconstruction off their shoulders.( it was a fine example of non-mercenary spirit, rare for the white race). That’s why I admire the southerners for it.
    I think however, in the present day, they have caved in too much to whole nihilistic agenda.

  10. Wheather you folks like it or not, Joe is right. We brought this thing on ourselves. We threw away commonsense and traditional wisdom in dealing with non-white people and Anti-Christian religions. It was caused by people of all social classes listening to deceiving voices of Jews and white traitors who played to our worst instincts (a desire for easy credit to buy things we couldn’t afford or really need, a desire for what is forbidden, (porn, illicit sex, drugs and booze for ‘a good time’, ) or making an appeal to our better nature (divorced from commonsense) by selling us the nonsense of liberty for everybody, equality for everybody, and brotherhood for everybody. Nobody forced these things on us. Like the Israelites of old, we allowed ourselves to be seduced by our own lusts and desires. If we would and could practise self discipline, our white traitors and the Jews could never gain a stranglehold on us. if we want to be free, self discipline is where we got to start.

  11. Joe, if I understand your point, I think it could be best described as “original sin” or the “law of unintended consequences,” if you prefer that. It’s a rare human who is omniscient.

    Reason is a tool, a means not an end. Given human weakness and proneness to error, I can hardly see how we should enshrine Reason like the French revolutionaries did. Metaphysics and teleology are inextricably linked to our problems.

    If I accept the premises behind atheistic nihilism, then why should I care if the white race vanishes. What is the point, really?

    Transcendent truth exists, else we’re stuck in Plato’s cave. If it cannot be obtained from our traditional cultural sources, perhaps one of you atheist “Shell answer man” types could identify the appropriate source. Just don’t put your own error prone finite mind on a pedestal for the rest of us to admire. You lack the authority to do so, despite your delusions of grandeur.

    I’ll take imperfect Tradition however much I may misunderstand it over modernist hubris any day.

    I find it impossible to love abstraction. Beauty, truth, and goodness are transcendental qualities embodied in the concrete and the particular. Or they are simply passing illusions of no consequence whatsoever. In that case, why bother. We really don’t have any problems if that is true. It’s all just a shadow play that will be over soon.

    I love my mother. Don’t ask me to love yours. She isn’t mine.

    Deo Vindice

  12. @Apuleius
    I never asked you to love anyone. Love whom you please, of course.
    Never said, nor implied in any way, that I am somehow “omniscient”.
    As far as “Transcendent Truth” is concerned, I believe that our Redemption and Salvation was won for us in the Domain of the Spirit, ipso facto bypassing all our religious leaders who use the bible to confuse, divide, and foment war; Who carry the bible with them to bless all the white men who are about to shoot one another down in droves; While our religious leaders turn around and go live in comfort and security at our expense; While we kill our fellow white men down in droves,our religious leaders are tripping over themselves to run to the bank to get yet another loan and work in cahoots with the jews they say we should mistrust and dislike.

  13. It’s a good day to be an apostate! My faith ultimately died a natural death years before I came racially aware. Worshipping a cosmic zombie sent to Earth, whose sole purpose was to spare us from his maker, is preposterous. Breaking from the external trappings of Christian mythology was so liberating. It was much later before I began to renounce Christian ethical frameworks, mental patterns, and egalitarianism.

    Looking back now perhaps I was subconsciously disgusted by the prominent kaffir promotion at church. A Methodist one no less. One mudshark poisoned the congregation. Or, Judaic universalism simply made them receptive to horrid practices. Within two years more kaffirs moved in (one had Predator hair lol). No visible anti-White hatred, mind you. Simply directing the charity of misguided Whites into kaffir coffers and residential areas.

    Robert Matthews (a dreaded vanguardist) observed that pastors were often the only White class to resist his recruitment efforts in the Northwest. Back when, of course, that region was viable as a White survival region.

  14. A far as christian “love” is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to love everyone you meet while going through life.
    It would make alot more sense to me to just say try to respect everyone you meet in life, and if they are not trying to hurt you, just leave them alone.
    But no, our religious leaders drum into our heads to try to do the absolute imposssible thing to do– it makes those who are trying to be good christians crazy and confused more than anything else.

  15. As God did not make individuals equal I see have no reason to believe that He made the races equal. There is nothing that is true that contradicts the Christian faith and nothing that is false that is compatible with the Christian faith.

  16. From Aesop’s fables:
    The Fox who had Lost his Tail

    A FOX, caught in a trap, escaped by tearing off his brushy tail.
    After that, the other animals mocked him, making him feel so ashamed that his life was a burden to him. He therefore worked out a plan to make all the other foxes the same as him, so that in their common loss he might better conceal his own deprivation.

    He called a meeting of foxes. A good many came to it, and he gave a speech, advising them all to cut off their tails. He said that they would not only look much better without them, but that they would get rid of the weight of the brush, which was a very great inconvenience.

    But one of them interrupted his speech.

    “If you had not lost your own tail, my friend,” that fox said, “you would not be giving us this advice.”

    A more cogent analysis of the situation may be found here:

    Freedom Cobra, you’re such a clever boy.

    Deo Vindice

  17. Reading these comments is enough to make one wish that Hunter never brought it up. The atheists’ pathological hatred of Jesus Christ has somehow blinds them to the fact that the followers of His Judaic sect were persecuted by the Jews throughout its first centuries. (One has to be a caricature ideologue to believe that all Jews throughout the millennia are the same; as Hunter has shown, some Southern Jews were even hostile to the civil rights movement).

    I challenge the heathens to demonstrate that “Christianity” was weakening our people at any time prior to the advent of liberalism with the French Revolution, rather than a vital creed which befits and strengthens any nation which embraces it. (As far as I can tell, their main beef with Christians is that they object to gunning down minorities with machine guns as the first solution, and deny that any shaved heads who do so get to booze in Valhalla for their deeds).

  18. …. and while it is drummed into our heads to love everyone we meet in life, we are told simultaneously that it is okay to throw others in slavery, while being told simultaneouly that we should pay a fair wage; We are told to have mercy and compassion while simultaneously being told to shun our own family members if they don’t interpret the bible exactly the way we do; While simultaneously being told to love the stranger in our midst, we are simultaneouly told to dislike the jew– {the “stranger” in our midst , perfect example}; While simultaneously our religious leaders love the jews for their loans and their 501c tax break; While being told to turn the other cheek we are simultaneously told that we must “pick up our swords”……. the bullsh*t and the mixed messages just never end…..
    After 2,000 years of these non-stop mixed messages, I’m not suprised the white race has gone collectively crazy.

  19. Actually – yelling Kike gets the whole ball rolling.

    Please provide the reason why Kikes are called Kikes.

    And then piss off Jew.

  20. A belief in a transcendent Redemption and Salvation from the Domain of the Spirit is not atheism,nor is it in any way a hatred for Jesus or The Light of Christ, or blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.
    On the last day, we shall know the truth.
    The Bread of Life and The Water of Life and Escort of The Holy Spirit Emanates from from The Domain of Heaven and not from our churches.

  21. @Denise
    You mentioned that you yell out “kike” all the time,but you don’t even know what the word means? LOL ( very intelligent)
    You’re the one who said you use the word all the time, you tell us what it means.

  22. “I challenge the heathens to demonstrate that “Christianity” was weakening our people at any time prior to the advent of liberalism with the French Revolution, ”

    The Spanish, Portuguese and French were colonizing South America, converting them to Christianity, and mating with the female population, rather than bringing over their own females to the detriment of the White race, creating an entire continent of Mestizos.

    The entire New Testament is a nod to egalitarianism. To say otherwise is delusional. If Jesus were alive today, he would be a birkenstock wearing hippie, living in Oregon with his hair in dreadlocks, probably ‘occupying’ Portland.

    There are a billion non-whites who think of Christianity as their religion now. So, you see, it does not matter whether a few bible thumpers think that Christianity belongs to European peoples and is what made them great. The fact is there are now a billion non-whites who don’t agree with them. Whatever christianity offered the white race in times past is no longer. That era is over unless one is some kind of mystic.

    Agnosticism, Gnosticism, Paganism, Atheism, for god’s sake, anything but another monotheistic religion derived from the desert can fill the void.

  23. @ ….That is an excellent meme! It’s like a verbal gunshot to the neo-Babelists.

    Anti-white is anti-Christ.

    This is where the energy should go. The quick memes that cut to the root of the matter. One can trace it back forever, this genealogy of when (who, what, where…) “christian” and “antiwhite” became synonymous.

    Christian Identity tries to solve some of the problems, by basically just saying, ‘we’re the real jews,’ and that had its roots in “british israelism” as far as I know.

    But where is the list of scripture, such as offered here as was linked above that give other food for thought, deleted from the current interpretation?

    There is psalm 69… “I’m forced to restore what I did not steal,” that seems useful.

    Isn’t ONE’S OWN HERITAGE a Biblical matter, after all: Deuteronomy 32:7, “Remember the Days of Old…” Fifth commandment.

    Isn’t taking down a confed flag then, akin to trampling on “Freedom of Religion?”

    For those who remain Christians— obviously they need to be reacquainted with the text— and embarrassed when it’s clear they have never even (back in reality) cracked a Bible, (if they’re saying they are “christians.”)

    Imo, this is the usefulness of Protestantism at heart. When the pope pulls a Vat II, there are organized people who just say we never believed him anyway. And since their whole thing is Read the Bible, they can point the way back to some more inclusive, and less selective, scripture versus.

    Not that they have done so.

    According to Pew, the biggest net loss in religion has been white catholics from their faith (although they have huge gains due to immigration, making them on the cusp of majority for the first time). The protestants moved a lot, but within protestantism, at the moment (probably toward like people). In another study, it said biggest crossover was asians to protestant (equating karma and eternal law and seeing rebirth and reincarnation.)

  24. …… and the queen of england is the blessed holy mother….. and the rothschilds are the angels from heaven…… and cromwell is He who came forth from the widerness to proclaim the messiah’s coming……. and tennyson is paul, “go forth and proclaim the good news to diver nations so the sun shall never set on our empire — on “us”.

  25. meant : wilderness.
    It kinda looks to me as if all our religious leaders ever did was just lead us into a wilderness, more than anything else.
    If the book is so true, then why is the white race so confused by it? I was always told that Truth is Light. But the white race is like the -blind- leading -the -blind.
    I say a big reason for it is the bible and our religious leaders.

  26. The Mormons, Southern Baptists, and Catholics do not sound like they did a century ago. The Lutherans sound nothing like Luther. Their true religion is Americanism which has progressively cannibalized Christianity.

    I began to notice this as an atheist. Christians today are light years removed from Medieval Christians or even seventeenth century Christians.

  27. “The immigrants didn’t put and to reconstruction. The native southerners did. ” – As long as the north was willing to militarily occupy the south, the reconstruction was in full force. It took support for that to end before the reconstruction could be ended.

  28. The culture of critique has done its work well. For generations Christianity helped define the cultural matrix of white civilization. European culture is unintelligible without Christianity. Medieval cathedrals, Michaelangelo’s Pieta, Shakespeare’s plays, Bach’s music, etcetera. I guess we should just discard all that for the bounties of some nebulous oxymoronic atheistic nihilism or artificial phony neopagan culture.

    Humans will always find a reason to kill each other and create misery. I see the same smugness in most militant atheists as I do in most of our liberal enemies or any crazed religious fanatic of whatever creed. They don’t like the past, but I’m not really sure what they offer for the future, if anything. Perhaps a variant of modern Judaism, where we discard belief in deity for the worship of the tribe itself.

    All the blame Christianity talk sounds to my ears exactly like all the blame Whitey screeds of our enemies. They’re both fruits from the same Enlightenment tree, after all. Rejection of Christian culture is rejection of white culture. If you can do without one, you can do without the other. We should just finish the job of sawing off the limb on which we stand.

    You’re certainly right though, Hunter. Institutional Christianity has been cannibalized beyond recognition. It’s most definitely a brave new world we live in today.

    Deo Vindice

  29. John- (and Joe) what is the point of this ridiculous bit of ‘thurd world’ folly?

    Prince Phillip is “…A member of the Danish-German House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and a great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria… Prince Philip was born in Greece into the Greek royal family, but his family was exiled from Greece when he was a child…Prior to the official engagement announcement, he abandoned his Greek and Danish royal titles, converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicanism, and became a naturalised British subject, adopting the surname Mountbatten from his British maternal grandparents.” –,_Duke_of_Edinburgh

    Of course, the fact that he converted from Orthodoxy was unknown to me for many years. Perhaps that is the ‘curse’ this family carries-not leading the English back to their own form of Western Rite Orthodoxy, during his co-reign, but, instead allowing the spirit of the age to destroy Anglicanism, as it has done with every other Western Jurisdiction…..

  30. “European culture is unintelligible without Christianity. Medieval cathedrals, Michaelangelo’s Pieta, Shakespeare’s plays, Bach’s music, etcetera. ”

    All of those things are due to the brilliance of the White race, not christianity. Rome and Greece had very advanced civilizations without christianity. As a matter of fact, some would argue that christianity plunged Gaul and Britain into a Dark Age.

    But all of that is beside the point. The point is that now, CURRENTLY, christianity does NOTHING to help the predicament the white race finds itself in. In fact, currently, christianity is actively SUPPORTING our displacement. Those bygone days of christian fealty and brotherhood are gone and are not coming back. It is laughable to hear some on the Right wish for these days to return. If we are to mold another culture, another nation, it will not be through reintroducing christianity.

    Saying that pointing out the deficiencies within christianity is ‘Juden’ or tribal is a straw man. Either christianity can help or it can hinder. It is doing the latter.

  31. Christianity as it now exists in the appears to be judeo-xtian… And they adopt black aids orphans.

    This isn’t the robust heroic religion outlined in the “Dream of The Rood” or the laconic piety of characters like Alfred The Great, Alcuin, Edwin, Edward I…or people like Lee and Jackson. I detest the Fire & Brimstone stuff but what is the point of religion unless it keeps order?

    Modern Christianity ought to hang its head in shame.

  32. Good luck with your “reinvention” project. I think you’re a few centuries too late. Sounds much like what the Enlightenment liberals have been doing. Even though they’ve got the jump on you, with a little luck you might catch up.

    “Rome and Greece had very advanced civilizations without christianity.”
    Be careful with that one. Some people like Wilmot Robertson don’t think that Italians and Greeks are even white, you know.

    “Those bygone days of christian fealty and brotherhood are gone and are not coming back. It is laughable to hear some on the Right wish for these days to return. If we are to mold another culture, another nation, it will not be through reintroducing christianity. ”

    Almost as laughable as discarding around 1500 years of history. “Molding cultures and nations” is a “propositional” thing, isn’t it? And to think I always thought they were organic things that grew naturally. Thanks for setting me straight.

    At least we’ll be out of the “Dark Ages.”

    Do hurry with your project. I can’t wait for our new improved Nordic future with old Nobodaddy vanquished at last.

    Deo Vindice

  33. Most atheists are reacting to what travels under the label “Christianity” in our own times. The Mormons, Catholics, and Protestants have all embraced Americanism as their real religion.

    It doesn’t take much time in atheist circles though to realize that atheists, agnostics, and secularists are even more fervently committed to Americanism. Their primary complaint against Christians is they are not as fervently committed to Americanism.

  34. @Anon

    I really shouldn’t bother to respond to your and others anti-Christian remarks. You’re bereft of any self-control. Think about it my friend. You have not a qualm about insulting your own racial and cultural kind and in a way that is as fundamental as is possible – attacking their faith with blithe contempt.

    Are you in any sense capable of a little introspection? Can you at all understand that pride is a hideous thing? My guess is that you can’t – but hope that you will in a day yet ahead.

    But as to the existence of Christians and Christianity they will still be here when you are long gone.

  35. Jesus was a very interesting person. Remarkable.

    The problem is that he had a (nearly) perfect character. Who could live up to that standard? And Hunter nails it again, the sects as they exist swallow America hook, line and sinker. The Anglican’s in England are getting beat down by the gay-marriage push in the UK. Why should the church accept this politically driven bullshit?

  36. Joe: Whites are no more mercenary than any other race. The American Indians sold out fellow tribes for their own selfish gains, as did the Mexican tribes that allied with the Spanish against the Aztecs. Asians have been fighting each other as long as Europeans have. The Mongols, for example, conquered much of the known world, but mostly they conquered their fellow Asians, the Chinese. Even the Japanese experienced over 600 years of feudalism among themselves. Stop trying to paint whites as the only race that does this. It’s simply not true and it unmasks your latent hatred of us whites.

  37. Joe, whites have no more propensity to miscenate than any other race. It’s more noticable in whites, like spotting stains on a white shirt is easier than on a black or brown one. However, on thing our white kin do do more than any other race is travel. We love to explore beyond our horizons. Not that other races don’t, but not nearly as much as we have. This exploring was mostly done by white men and required them to be gone for years at a time. It is only natural that some miscegination would occur with native women of other races. Regarding meso-americans, those people were conquered by the Spanish and therefore their women became spoils of war. This happens throughout history to any race who falls to another.

  38. Re: “Serious Bible scholars will tell you that God cursed Ham’s swarthy descendants….divine wrath is the most plausible theological explanation for the existence of black people.” This use of the story of cursed Ham to reference negroid African, and the view that negroid nature and existence are explained or caused by the curse is a heretical teaching that is NOT based on any serious, intelligent, honest Bible scholarship. Rather the Egyptian and Canaanite opponents of the Hebrews were said to be descendants of a son of Noah (Ham) who was cursed; hence the Egyptians and Canaanite, next-door-neighbour enemies and oppressors of Israel, were said to be cursed.

  39. Let’s not lump all Baptists together with the liberal “Southern Baptist” and “General Baptist” denominations, nor all Methodists with the liberal “United Methodist” denomination. There are many conservative, Biblical, genuine Christians in the “Independent Baptist” movement, the Churches of Christ, and the various Wesleyan Methodist groups. Finally, let’s not gloat over any such apostasy. It is nothing but tragic.

  40. Joe: The Jews will always say that nothing is their fault….ever. Never, never ever did the Jews as a people cause any problems. No sir, it’s all wicked white people. They WANTED to be abused. They wanted to be displaced. Their just like a crack dealer down on the corner. The junkie just wanted it. And when dumb ole whitey has too much and gets violent, well that’s his problem too. Joe, Jews have been kicked out of their host countries/cities over 100 times throughout history. Do you honestly believe that every single time it was whitey’s fault. Of course, your Jews will say that it was whitey’s envy at their success and intelligence. Ever notice, Joe, that when whites are represented disproportionately in any craft or position, EVEN IN THEIR OWN NATIONS, it must be due to white privilege and racism. But when Jews or any other race is represented disproportionately in white countries, it’s due to intelligence and ability??? Even you should be able to see the anti-white theme here, Joe.

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