I ran the numbers.
In every Southern state with the exception of South Carolina (there was no data available at StateHealthFacts.org for Florida and Texas), abortion is a demographic tailwind that has the effect of preserving the White majority.
It turns out that evangelical Christians are right about abortion clinics having a “disparate impact” upon the African-American community.
In Mississippi, there were 2,770 abortions in 2008, 654 of whom were to White women, and 2,084 were to African-American women. 75.2 percent of abortions in Mississippi are to black women.
In Alabama, there were 11,240 abortions in 2008, 4,428 of whom were to White women, and 6,589 were to African-American women. 58.6 percent of abortions in Alabama are to black women.
In Georgia, there were 32,599 abortions in 2008, 9,954 of whom were to White women, and 20,909 were to African-American women. 64.1 percent of abortions in Georgia are to black women.
In Louisiana, there were 5,991 abortions in 2008, 2,408 of whom were to White women, and 3,475 were to African-American women. 58 percent of abortions in Louisiana are to black women.
South Carolina
In South Carolina, there were 7,051 abortions in 2008, 3,945 of whom were to White women, and 2,873 were to African-American women. 55.9 percent of abortions in South Carolina are to White women.
In Tennessee, there were 17,873 abortions in 2008, 8,698 of whom were to White women, and 8,722 were to African-American women. 48.8 percent of abortions in Tennessee are to black women.
In Arkansas, there were 4,786 abortions in 2008, 2,771 of whom were to White women, and 1,630 were to African-American women. 57.9 percent of abortions in Arkansas are to White women.
North Carolina
In North Carolina, there were 28,511 abortions in 2008, 12,647 of whom were to White women, and 14,673 of whom were to African-American women. 51.5 percent of abortions in North Carolina are to black women.
In Oklahoma, there were 6,478 abortions in 2008, 4,602 of whom were to White women, and 1,194 of whom were to African-American women. 71 percent of abortions in Oklahoma are to White women.
In Missouri, there were 7,379 abortions in 2008, 3,880 of whom were to White women, and 3,107 of whom were to African-American women. 52.6 percent of abortions in Missouri are to White women.
In Kentucky, there were 4,266 abortions in 2008, 2,840 of whom were to White women, and 1,031 were to African-American women. 66.6 percent of abortions in Kentucky are to White women.
In Virginia, there were 26,562 abortions in 2008, 12,569 of whom were to White women, and 12,324 were to African-American women. 47.3 percent of abortions in Virginia are to White women.
West Virginia
In West Virginia, there were 1,963 abortions in 2008, 1,724 of whom were to White women, and 209 were to African-American women. 87.8 percent of abortions in West Virginia are to White women.
Note: This doesn’t necessarily mean that family planning is a net winner for White Southerners. Whites are probably much better at using birth control, condoms, and putting off having children altogether for the sake of frivolous careers. Junior is less likely to be interdicted at the abortion clinic than in the bedroom.
Hunter, this is leaving out some very important information, and I am going to take a guess that “White” really means “White” + “Hispanic” like typical statistics that don’t break down race? The “other” category in the stats seems too small to be Hispanic.
I would love to know the total breakdown of races.
The categories are White, black, and other. There is no information available for Florida or Texas.
Seeing as how there are hardly any Hispanics in Mississippi, it is clear that abortion in Mississippi is a huge net positive there, racially speaking. 75.2 percent of the abortions are to black women.
If only the countless pro-abortion arguments could be transformed into even more beneficial sterilization arguments.
Instead of making welfare dependent on sterilization, why not increase welfare payments for welfare recipients who get sterilized? A cost of mere billions, in exchange for eliminating the black plague forever, seems like a bargain.
To provide additional detail, once Shaniqua births her first sprog, give her the same welfare payment she’d usually get for 6 sprogs, if she gets irreversibly sterilized.
In addition to these numbers being too harsh on whites (http://www.abortionfacts.com/statistics/race.asp) , I actually applaud when degenerate whites take themselves out of the gene pool.
I see whites shifting naturally to the right as a race because our leftists are aborting and sodomizing themselves out of existence.
Birth control trends are likely similar.
Bottom line: inveigh against abortion and birth control as much as you please, but don’t dare restrict it because it is wonderful for our race. Worried about abortion? Have more kids.
It is important to keep in mind that abortion is a method of family planning. This particular method happens to work to our racial advantage in a multiracial context.
I seriously doubt the tout ensemble of birth control, condoms, divorce laws, feminism, and putting off having children are working in our favor though. The welfare state is another massive loser. BRA is the biggest loser of all because it makes everything more expensive for White families and tolerates legal and illegal immigration.
Here are a couple of other points to ponder. In Kentucky the negro is still greatly over represented in the abortion stats because they account for a single digit percentage of the state’s total population.
Ponder also that the stats only consider the race of the mother. Who knows what color the fetuses were, but it would seem to me that having a mud pie in the oven would be a damn good reason to make a trip to the butcher.
Dave –
Sterilization has a bad connotation among all politicians, even though it may be sound, rational policy. Why blacks and native americans were sterilized against their will, don’t you know that!? It will never happen. Limiting incentives to have babies, on the other hand is most certainly going to occur. The money is running out. Even Zimbabweans understand hyperinflation. Shaniqua will, too, and she’ll either take birth control or stop spreading her legs.
But the decrease in black population caused by abortion is offset by the increase in the whigger population caused by moral degeneracy.
Can we get the whigger numbers?
Dave- excellent idea.
Sally- who CARES what others think? THIS IS A GENOCIDAL WAR WE MUST WIN.
Whites must join or be encouraged to join the Quiverfull movement. Unless we can replicate our numbers to be MORE than the non-Whites, it IS the end of the world.
We must see this in terms of our demographic destiny.
It would be rather funny to set up a church fund that pays out to mothers 5,000-10,000 for every white baby safely delivered. Create some implicit white hurdle. Like Irish ancestry or something. Or swimming proficiency.
Another necessary statistic to put these numbers in perspective is the racial makeup of any particular state.
Ponder also that the stats only consider the race of the mother. Who knows what color the fetuses were, but it would seem to me that having a mud pie in the oven would be a damn good reason to make a trip to the butcher.
Exactly what I was thinking. It’s even better than Hunter says.
One thing is certain – young whites are tending to (1) delaying or not having kids (the higher IQ whites); or (2) competing with the underclass blacks and hispanics to have babies out of wedlock (lower IQ whites).
Family formation among whites ain’t happenin, especially since the economy deteriorated. You may applaud the fact that DWL whites are not forming families and are taking themselves out of the gene pool, but I don’t. They’ve been propagandized by the media and colleges – the fastest way for them to drop liberalism and get realistic is to start families. Plus, I think even intelligent conservative young whites (e.g., Hunter, Paul Kersey, Unamused, Kyle Rogers – not sure about the first three but I’ve got that feeling) are not having children.
The film Idiocracy is our future, except with lots of blacks and mestizos, which (oddly enough!) only showed whites as idiots.
People on these forums tend to concentrate on black birth rates, but a really frightening statistic is what I read in American Thinker today – one in four hispanics born in the US has a baby before she’s twenty;
Every mother who gets the 10 grand must demonstrate some proficiency in an activity not known to blacks. obviously it’s not going to be too taxing. Some handicapped form of Biathlon. Triathlon etc. A jog a swim and a bike run. Here’s the cash now go multiply.
Gymnastic stuff. There could be an intellectual round. Say write a book chapter, essay, design something. A sort of festival of womanhood. I do not mind bribing the ladies. Been at it since I was 14 or so.
Liberals are often very bright but they have often been seduced by easy point scoring and wrapped into mental pretzels by the establishment. They are not worthless though. They are still useful idiots, even for our side. You just have to figure out a way to use their fanatical Purblind myopia against itself.
Even the most degenerated white is better than a nig.
Do some serious studying about Margaret Sanger and Woodrow Wilson and you will quickly lean that Glenn Beck and his Yankee flag waving Tea Party butt buddies are completely wrong about those two brave soldiers of the White Cause. If they’d had their way, the Union would be totally nig free by now.
A couple of people have commented that most of the Whites who abort their children are degenerates who are better gone from the gene pool. Well said.
When I lived in North Minneapolis in the 1980’s I used to purposely take a detour that took me past the abortion clinic in Robbinsdale so I could flip of the do-gooder misfits who were there all day every day. The only people who were more pathetic than those dumpy do-gooder freaks were the sorry examples of humankind who were waiting to get served by the clinic. Niggers, lard-asses, zit-faced cracka hoes with moustaches and the occasional crack whore made up most of the crowd on the clinic side of the street. It’s a crying goddamn shame when the most normal looking people in a crowd are crack whores.
That homely, retarded-looking crew looked should even be allowed to breath, let alone breed.
If I’d had my way I wouldn’t have bothered with the fetuses. I would have aborted all of the freaks on both sides of the street.
As I have stated hundreds of times during the past twenty years, we need mobile abortion clinics to prowl the streets like ice cream trucks. A lot of bloodlines need to end.
Father John, who cares what others think? Uh, try those in power, i.e., your elected representatives!! AKA the ruling class. Get a grip (I hate that expression). No one at the state or federal level has even introduced that kind of a bill for fifty years. It takes years after new ideas are introduced before they are enacted into law. Voluntary sterilization is NOT GONNA HAPPEN any time soon in B&HRA (black and hispanic run america). You think all of a sudden the voters who elected Obama are going to do a 180 and start clamoring for something like this? Think.
If we can’t fulfil our demographic destiny, we deserve to go the way of the bison. Which also makes any talk of white nationalism pretty pointless. Without progeny, we have no future.
Deo Vindice
excellent points all. The other side of the coin should be a sort of eugenic encouragement for good physical specimens. Sort of like the Nazi Joy Division idea. If you are classically minded Plato’s Republic is a good model too.
“The film Idiocracy is our future, except with lots of blacks and mestizos, which (oddly enough!) only showed whites as idiots.”
Idiocracy did not make it to the theaters. It was actively suppressed by the studio. If it were more racially-realistic, Mike Judge would never received the money to shot it in the first place.
I don’t know where Mike Judge lies on the political spectrum, but from what I remember his work doesn’t include characters like the “token black guy” thrown in for diversities sake.
President Camacho was quite the deadgiveaway on race.
Make the crops grow!
>>>Another necessary statistic to put these numbers in perspective is the racial makeup of any particular state.>>>Right
Well I gots the spreadsheet, will post.
Well, I guess from the abortion crowd, there is plenty to be optimistic about. That makes an ironic kind of sense.
These are percentages. The first number is % White, the second number is % negro.
Miss. 59,37
Ala 69,27
Georgia 59,30
Louisiana 62,32
SC 65,29
Tenn 77,17
Ark 76,16
NC 66,22
Okla 72,8
Missouri 82,12
Ken 88,8
Vir 67,20
WV 94,4
I also wonder if the abortee, so to speak, is a half caste. No way is data going to collected for that factor. If a family member confessed they were knocked up by a black wouldn’t abortion follow pronto?
Birth control by German Shepherd Dog:
“I seriously doubt the tout ensemble of birth control, condoms, divorce laws, feminism, and putting off having children are working in our favor….”
Widespread PRACTICING of the Christian religion by whites would bypass that pagan ensemble entirely and create an immense white “baby boom.”
^^ BEST story I’ve read in a long time! I was having a crappy day and that brought a smile to my face. A black rapist/murderer living in IRELAND, of all places gets part of his penis bitten off by a German Shepherd! Thanks, for posting fnn!
I think Sallie got it dead on: more intelligent Whites are putting off having children, in some cases, a very long time. Some women wait too long and aren’t able to have children without extreme medical interventions, or perhaps not at all. Less intelligent Whites are popping out Welfare babies left and right, and often practicing miscegenation while they’re at it.
There doesn’t seem to be much of a middle ground. People like me were taught it was the “responsible” thing to graduate college and be financially secure before having children. The better path for our race would be to have children while trying to work towards those goals. One might not be able to live the optimal consumerist lifestyle while having a young family, but it’s way overrated and is increasingly becoming a pipe dream, anyway.
My girl laughed her arse off.
Glad you did too. Dogs could be trained to deball all sorts of filth.
You have to love dogs. Most of them hate niggers just as bad as we do.
Deo Vindice
John says: Like Irish ancestry or something. Or swimming proficiency.
Obama is Irish. F*ck that.
Just don’t have the group try to be a 501(c) so they can do as they please. Then shut it down as soon as it’s accused of “descrimatin” and move it to another state in another name with the same purpose.
“Voluntary sterilization is NOT GONNA HAPPEN any time soon in B&HRA (black and hispanic run america). You think all of a sudden the voters who elected Obama are going to do a 180 and start clamoring for something like this? Think.” – Sallie
You are presuming I wish the current regime to continue in its illegitimacy as a ruling institution, with a comment such as this one. I am predicating my observations on a post-secession ‘New Dixie’ whites-only goverment. I am trying to contribute to the exchange of ideas in a ‘New White World’- rather than giving one iota of legitimacy to the Obamanation. For the record….
“Widespread PRACTICING of the Christian religion by whites would bypass that pagan ensemble entirely and create an immense white “baby boom.”
Yes, Mosin. But there are those on this forum who do not share the same faith structure as you or I, more’s the pity. Then, for the Israel of God [Gal. 6:16], only that elect seed [Ez. 9:2] are the recipients of God’s salvific love- and then, only those who obey His Law, in things like not miscegenating themselves, allowing a witch to live, and resting on the Sabbath/Sunday- you know, the Ten Commandments?
But it’s a good point to make, nevertheless……
Additional insights in a similar vein….
How many generations back?
Anyway, swimming is a good hurdle. Possibly cycling as well and maybe shotting. It would set up significant barriers.
Interesting link, Fr John. Among other things I noted the term “quiver-full” which reminds me of the saying, Biblically-based, by Mennonite fathers that their many sons were like “a full quiver of arrows.”
This was seriously proposed in the 1990s, the main opponents were the evangelical Christians and the Catholics. Remember that evangelical Christian growth is clearly among blacks and mestizos, as Whites are becoming more and more secular. (See the Southern Baptist Convention, not to mention the increasingly Spanish/mestizo Catholic church in California, elsewhere.)
Choose one: the White race, or backward judaic superstition from thousands of years ago.
A few years ago, the SBC website had a front page video with someone directly claiming that the “Rapture” would happen just as soon as Israel and Iran had a nuclear war – predicted to be coming by 2010 – and the USA got in on the side of Israel. It was up only a few weeks before it was taken down.
Remember the Minot Air Force Base “Broken Arrow” incident, that nearly set one off? Patriot John Wheeler III probably saved us from that fate, and paid with his life.
Had enough yet, Dixie?
An article in favor of forced sterilization of our own…. ugh.
Excellent idea. I’ve advocated something like it on many occasions. You can still pay welfare. Just pay more to those who forgo or limit childbirth, thereby changing the incentives the poor face. That’d be a great start anyway. You can of course always apply something more forceful or direct once the principle of the necessity of demographic management is widely embraced.
It’s very pleasing to see the Christers opting to remain mute on this thread, too. I guess even they can sniff the demographic winds.
“Choose one: the White race, or backward judaic superstition from thousands of years ago.”
Not so. THIS is the choice we have: to serve only one master. Choose ye this day….
THE SECOND COMING by William Butler Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
@Playing Roots Backwards
Margaret Sanger was unquestionably on our side, and even made common cause with the Klan to prove it. Figure it out people!
The lady is 100% correct, you want more White babies, give young – that is YOUNG (20s), as in the fertile ages – White women an economic incentive to bear White children. If it takes a few shotgun weddings, so be it. Back in the day there were many young White married women going to college, living with their husbands in the *married dorms.* Yes, that’s right, people used to get married *before college* and didn’t slut it up all during their higher education years.
Nothing wrong with tradition, you don’t need superstition to be traditional. Albert Pike was traditional, but not a superstitious fanatic.
Lilly de Valle: We all were and still are sold a lie. Couples should have children early, women should stay home and nurture them, men should be out in the field. This is our heritage, the way nature or Nature’s God intended.
There are going to be many very old and very lonely white men and women in the old folks home, with nobody to care for them, no children or grandchildren to speak of. Maybe a dog. If the bottom drops out of the economy like many forecast, the benefit of children and grandchildren will be readily apparent, once the elderly cannot suckle off the nanny state until death.
I think about this every time a church picks up “bus kids” to fill the pews. Discourage contraceptives and your church will grow without having to door knock or any other foolishness. I used to not believe that contraceptives were a type of abortion, but they truly are.
“Choose one: the White race, or backward judaic superstition from thousands of years ago.”
Funny how white nurseries were full when white people kept faith with the backward judaic superstition from thousands of years ago.
“It’s very pleasing to see the Christers opting to remain mute on this thread, too. I guess even they can sniff the demographic winds.”
Emperor Sliver, if you skeered, say you skeered. Not quite over your homoerotic uniform fetish, I see. It doesn’t really make you look more butch for the other guys.
Rather amusing to hear you make smug delusional proclamations about eugenics for the stupid. Has it never occured to you that you are of their number?
“You can of course always apply something more forceful or direct once the principle of the necessity of demographic management is widely embraced.”
Thank you, Emperor. You should get out more often.
Hi, ho, Sliver and away!
Deo Vindice
My eyes were opened , I guess around last Chrismas . I remember spending the entire Holiday reading SBPDL website. I’m 39 yr old with three kids. After learning about the dire straits our race is in, my wife and I decided to try and add to the family. Maybe it will be twins!