About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. are we hoping Obama wins or Romney wins?

    I would think we are hoping Obama wins so the Red States will talk secession.

  2. There is nothing to recommend Romney.

    His entire campaign is based on the silly idea that he is going to “fix the economy” with the same GOP policies of the last twenty or thirty years. He said a couple of good things about immigration in the primaries, but we have no reason to believe that he was serious about any of it, and his actions since then suggest otherwise.

  3. If a White man aspires to any high office in our land the pledge of allegiance to racial diversity must be recited boldly and continuously. Failure to do so guarantees a quick exit. Sickening!
    Just once I’d like to hear a media mouthpiece ask questions about the religious hierarchy of Judaism?
    Not a negro or female to be found among the chief rabbis in Israel.
    No negro or female rabbis among Orthodox and Conservative movements in this country either.
    In the very small segment of world jewery known as the Reform movement, females have been sanctioned. To the best of my knowledge one negress has been ordained in recent years.
    Of course, the traditional Orthodox and Conservative branches consider them apostates.
    Was Joe Lieberman ever grilled over his Orthodoxy?
    Will never happen.

  4. Only a fool could lose to Obama with this economy, and the good news for Obama is he’s facing the perfect fool.

  5. Maybe the republicans wanna to lose. Maybe that’s why they fielded Romney. Maybe they don’t want a Replublican president in the White House when the country goes off the cliff for good. Seems like it’s going to happen very soon. That’s the feeling I have about the near future for this country. Who knows? Just a thought. Is Romney related to Mccain? Cousins or something like that. They’re both real losers, that’s for sure. I’m sitting the election out. Hate to have come to this conclusion. Hate to say it. I don’t even think Romney is worth walking over to my local polling place for (and it’s only three blocks from my home).

  6. Am starting to think Romney will lose. Even with the high unemployment blacks will go 96% for Obama and Hispanics and Asians will go 2-to-1 for the Negro because they want a fully funded welfare state.

    Romney needs 61% or 62% of the white vote to win and he will likely get only 60%.

    The GOP is finished at the national level. Reagan in 1984 got 64% of the paleface vote against a failed far-left Democrat (Mondale). That is about the upper limit for the GOP and the white vote but you have to give us something to vote for you (Romney is not).

  7. The race to the bottom will pick up speed when Romney loses. The GOP leaders will announce we lost because we didn’t appeal to enough blacks and latinos! We need to reach out! After the loss, the GOP will begin abandoning whites even more than they already have.

  8. Romney has done absolutely nothing to try to fire up the conservative base. He has talked about nothing but the economy in order to position himself as a centrist and fiscal moderate to win over independent and moderate voters.

  9. In stark contrast, Obama has doubled down on amnesty and gay marriage. He has obviously given up on trying to win the White working class. He can win reelection though by driving down the White vote.

  10. All people are children of God.

    No dissemination in the eyes of God.

    This is the problem: its the same message as progressives except for the “God” part.

  11. Romney thinks’s he can sit back and win because he’s not Obama. What a pathetic excuse for a candidate.

  12. No one who voted for this one or any of the other Neocons in the primaries has any right to complain now, and what has been started must be finished: Vote for him once again in November, and it costs nothing to vote. In the future, IF we ever have another such opportunity, vote constitutional conservative. Vote for freedom instead of tyranny.

  13. Off David Duke’s site:

    Republican US presidential candidate Mitt Romney is planning a trip to Israel this summer, the New York Times has reported.

    A trip to Israel would be designed in part to help Romney build support among Jewish voters, evangelical voters and conservatives.

    but …. last week ……

    UN grants Nativity Church ‘endangered’ status – UNESCO agrees to fund repairs for site of Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem, despite Israeli and US objections.


    I don’t think this story was covered in any western media outlets.

    The Israelis and ZOG are not the evangelical’s friends.

  14. No one who voted for this one or any of the other Neocons in the primaries has any right to complain now, and what has been started must be finished: Vote for him once again in November, and it costs nothing to vote. In the future, IF we ever have another such opportunity, vote constitutional conservative. Vote for freedom instead of tyranny.

    It costs nothing to stay home either. If there are people here who voted for Romney in the primaries, it’s not too late to avoid repeating the mistake. Just don’t vote Romney in November! Encourage your family, friends, colleagues and as many other people as you can to do the same, say no to Romney.

  15. I very strongly disagree.

    Obama cannot fail to win his second term and mandate if not all conservative whites make the very, VERY slight effort required to vote for the SAME candidate again that they mostly voted for in the primaries!

    What would “They” care if whites don’t vote?

  16. Mosin Nagant says:
    “In the future, IF we ever have another such opportunity, vote constitutional conservative. Vote for freedom instead of tyranny.”

    I doubt there will be a future for us if Odumbo wins again. If we think it’s bad now … just wait.
    Full blown anti-White pogroms escalating to warp speed with no resistance whatsoever.
    Democrats will not stop the assault as they are the party of blacks, mestizos, jews, asians, homos, transgenders, commies, weirdos, mud-sharks, welfare cheats and assorted moochers.
    Republicans ( weak as they are ) will become even more disillusioned, disheartened and gelded. They will be powerless to do anything but watch and weep.
    Sorry, but most folks who revere the constitution and the dead White men who wrote it ain’t in the donkey party. That is a FACT!

    The notion some have that worse is better is wrong. Worse is worse.

    We are only beginning to get some traction. We do not have the numbers yet, but I believe through personal experience we are gaining converts daily.
    We need to build up some momentum. When we do it will be a sight to behold.

  17. I don’t see the building momentum, and think it all teters on the brink –but I’ll do what I can to (ACTIVELY) support this SLIGHTLY less anti-white candidate that so many of you voted for in the primaries.

  18. Amurrican politics is just so much kabuki theatre bullshit. Doesn’t matter whether we have the mulatto bastard or this apostle of nothingness. We the people are screwed.
    I’m not playing their stupid game any more. I’m done with it for good.

    Deo Vindice

  19. It would have been better if these give-up-afterwards conservatives had not voted in the primaries either, giving us this choice and now thinking of abandoning.

  20. Mosin Nagant says:
    I don’t see the building momentum, and think it all teters on the brink –but I’ll do what I can to (ACTIVELY) support this SLIGHTLY less anti-white candidate that so many of you voted for in the primaries.

    Oh, I could give you several examples of family members, neighbors, friends and acquaintances who have seen the light. My constant harping on matters pertinent to our survival certainly was a catalyst, I’m proud to admit.

    I like to send video clips of TNB to relatives. After a while the truth becomes more and more evident.

    One of my in-laws is a super liberal idiot. After sending her countless links to videos showing the incredible brutality unleashed upon innocent victims by throngs of negroes she has begun to understand why I am such a zealot.

    She told me she is starting to be very fearful of them and is afraid to drive in certain areas of town.

    I could tell you of another bleeding heart who has now become comfortable uttering with appropriate inflection the previously forbidden -N- word at family gatherings much to our amazement. Ha ha.

    The internet, video cams and cell phones are our greatest tools. A video is of more worth than thousands of words. Images are etched deeply upon the soul. Hollywood knows this and has used this technology to it’s advantage.

    We can too!

    The media can’t fool us any longer.

  21. We will have war with Iran by November.

    No voter is going to want to change horses in midstream of that debacle.

  22. I would think we are hoping Obama wins so the Red States will talk secession.

    Not going to happen. If Obama wins, it will just be four more years of the First Chimp doing everything he can to destroy the white middle class. The best and only hope for white America is a Romney victory. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a fool.

  23. No voter is going to want to change horses in midstream of that debacle.

    You would really want a negro running the country during a time of war? If we do go to war it is vitally important that we have a white man running the country.

  24. It costs nothing to stay home either. If there are people here who voted for Romney in the primaries, it’s not too late to avoid repeating the mistake. Just don’t vote Romney in November! Encourage your family, friends, colleagues and as many other people as you can to do the same, say no to Romney.

    Why don’t you also put a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out since you apparently have no use for them?

  25. His entire campaign is based on the silly idea that he is going to “fix the economy” with the same GOP policies of the last twenty or thirty years.

    Those policies are a lot better than the socialist ones of Obama and the Democrats!

  26. Am starting to think Romney will lose. Even with the high unemployment blacks will go 96% for Obama and Hispanics and Asians will go 2-to-1 for the Negro because they want a fully funded welfare state.

    Actually I think fewer blacks, Hispanics and pro-Obama whites will go out to vote this time because of their disappointment with the big monkey. At the same time, I think that more conservative whites will vote this year because of their disgust with Obama’s socialist policies.

  27. Why don’t you shut the fuck up if you don’t have a point?

    I do have a point. It is vital that whites vote for Romney unless they want to endure another four years of Obama’s anti-white policies.

  28. Joe,

    Serious question: what do you think Romney will do to help White people that Obama won’t do?

  29. …Obama’s socialist policies…

    What socialist policies? Obama is not a socialist. He hasn’t called for nationalizing the means of production.

  30. The more I think about it, the more I think it would be better if we have negro and woman presidents from here until the collapse. If its a White man, folks will blame White men. If its a negro/ woman folks will blame the negro/ woman and we can more easily point out the mistakes of BRA/ WRA

  31. Still waiting on the VP pick. If it’s Paul Ryan, I vote on Nov 6. If it’s Marco Rubio, I won’t bother.

  32. Joe Walker: Exactly what, sir, will Romney do for whites? Exactly how will having Romney differ from Obama? Hell, how was Bush different?
    The Republican Party uses white men. They think they can count on our support then kick us to the curb. You do know that if Romney wins (I don’t think he will) that he will immediately lurch to the left, that every Repub in power will be overwhelmed with a deep feeling of guilt and start reaching across the isle to meet the left in the “middle”, right? How many times has this played out before?

  33. Joe Walker: Whites always lead this country in war regardless of the president. You can guarantee that our Admirals, Generals and Special Ops forces will be white, besides the few set up for window dressing. Look how Norman Swatzkoff (sorry for the spelling) actually run the Iraq War, but the office-boy Powell was set up to get all the credit.

  34. “If its a White man, folks will blame White men. If its a negro/ woman folks will blame the negro/ woman and we can more easily point out the mistakes of BRA/ WRA” — but if its a negro or woman in power white males might be blamed even MORE, and who cares about the blame as long as a white man is in power. Obama and his cohorts and handlers don’t care about blame, and use their power to do whatever they please. They use their power to shape public opinion. White males not voting at all may be what they’d like most. Our people did ourselves terrible damage by voting to stay on this course with the Neocons in the primaries, and now we have this Neocon that we MUST support. But as we encourage others to vote for Romney we need to make it clear that it is only because he is slightly less evil.

    But if you want to speed the process to complete tyranny, then vote the straight blue ticket.

  35. “if Romney wins (I don’t think he will) that he will immediately lurch to the left, that every Repub in power will be overwhelmed with a deep feeling of guilt and start reaching across the isle to meet the left in the ‘middle’” — a perfect description of Neoconism in action, besides starting the next war. But this is what was chosen overwhelmingly in the primaries.

  36. But until our people turn from their wicked way our land can never be healed. The sin must stop, and then our people will come to our senses about politics. Honest men cannot be cheated.

  37. Mosin,

    Serious question: can you please be specific about what you think Romney will do or don’t do that will slow progress toward tyranny?

  38. I hope the jewish media savages the Mormons. From what I observe the public face of Mormonism is basically the “Granny” version of pleasing overweight over emotional middle aged women and making everything “nice.” But behind the scenes I believe very competant men are going to be getting their ox gored by Jew Inc., and I got nothing against jews making enemies.

  39. at this point I see it all as a propaganda battle. romney won’t do anything that is pro White, and will be as bad as any dem on most issues. Different I’m sure, but in the end just as bad. Hell no one is talking about the things that really need to be done at the federal level. Only states are taking action. Which makes me happy. However if things crash a burn with a negro at the helm, we can use it for better propaganda then if its a White man. Sure the left will blame it on Whites, they always do. My statement is about what WE can do.

  40. Stonelifter says:
    at this point I see it all as a propaganda battle. romney won’t do anything that is pro White, and will be as bad as any dem on most issues.

    How do you know he will not? Why are we such defeatists?

    There is no way in hell he can be as bad as any Dem. on most issues.

    If not for any other reason I’d like to see him win just to get Holder and Napolitano off of Joe Arpaio’s back and let him do his job. If there is an American hero it is that courageous eighty year old man in Maricopa County who deserves our help. Love that guy!

    If Obamacare is not repealed and the HUGE tax increases the Dems have in store for us are not thwarted our pathetic economy will be totally trashed.
    The savings and investments of hardworking White people will go up in smoke.
    How will we support our families in a third world economy?

    Minorities will be clamoring for more and more. Pelosi and Co. will gladly take everything remaining that is not nailed down to give to their favored pets.

  41. What happens with Romney after Obama is going to be the same thing that happened with Bush after Clinton. You really want to go through that again?

    Total disengagement is better for us than eight more years of neoconism. We need to practice disengagement.

  42. The sooner we go outlaw, the sooner our outlawism will be legal. The greater the perceived illegitimacy of fedgov the more obvious the choice to go outlaw. Change from within is now impossible.

  43. “The greater the perceived illegitimacy of fedgov the more obvious the choice to go outlaw. Change from within is now impossible.” I agree with the second statement, but of the former, voting for Romney in this election and supporting him IN THE RIGHT WAY, FROM THE RIGHT POSITION, will NOT help maintain the illusion of legitimacy of the tyranny.

  44. Sam,

    Romney will not repeal Obamacare. Obamacare is the law of the land because a Republican-appointed judge made it the law of the land.

  45. LandShark says:
    What happens with Romney after Obama is going to be the same thing that happened with Bush after Clinton.

    I despise Bush, but his justice department did not attempt to destroy my neighborhood.
    I moved to a suburban oasis twenty years ago. Very nice area relatively free of Trayvons.
    Unfortunately, things are changing rapidly. Blacks are infecting our community.
    How did this happen?
    Well, several homes were up for sale due to the rotten economy. In a short period of time they were sold. To my horror I discovered all were purchased by negroes.
    All gov. employees, three recently hired to fill BS positions in the school system. No doubt loans approved and backed by some affirmative action scam.

    At the main entrance to my subdivision sits an enormous apartment complex. We have always been thankful that for whatever reasons, no blacks have ever been spotted living there.
    Well, that changed. Holder, working with our local DOJ hucksters recruited negroes to answer ads for apartments. They were denied. Th regional head honcho who is a jew (shocked) sued the owner for more than a 100k and has had a choke hold on his throat since then.
    Our community has been in the process of building a larger downtown business center adjoined by upscale condos that have not been filled due to the recession.
    To make a long story short, the DOJ stepped in and required the developer to build low income subsidized housing units! They are going up as I speak in the choicest location.
    Oh, almost forgot to add that many of us wanted to take it to court, but our city attorney who also happens to be a jew advised against it saying it could be costly.
    Costly?! Costly?! We waste tons of money on all kinds of stupid nonsense. I was seething with anger, but I am a nobody who can’t do a thing about it.

    My county is the strongest conservative stronghold in the state. The transplanted Brooklyn N.Y. feminist, commie, anti-White jewess who ran for the state supreme court lost a bitterly contested race largely due to our efforts.
    We also put Walker over the top. We will have to be diversified QUICKLY to make sure our demographics get darker and darker.

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