About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well Sam, it sounds like you’re in a real bind. I hope your faith that Romney will change things in your town will be rewarded.

  2. Lew says:
    Obamacare is the law of the land because a Republican-appointed judge made it the law of the land.

    What about the other four justices? Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan? Did they have anything to do with the decision? Three jews, and the Rican is possibly/probably a crypto. Who nominated those weasels?

    Roberts does not have a bad track record. He actually wrote the 5-4 opinion to stop school integration based on race.

    Why he sided with the left is a mystery. His arguments made no sense and were contradictory. That tax thing was concocted purely from his imagination. I’m guessing because of pressure he didn’t want the community activist to go down in history as the most worthless, inept, corrupt, bumbling buffoon to ever occupy the White House.

    That wouldn’t look good for black history mumf.

    LandShark says:
    Well Sam, it sounds like you’re in a real bind. I hope your faith that Romney will change things in your town will be rewarded.

    I hope so too, but he won’t if we don’t elect some folks to back us and put heat on him to do what is right for White people for a change.

  3. Why do I know Romney will do nothing pro White?

    #1 he’s a damn dirty yankee

    #2 the4 GOP has a track record I can read about and observe; past performance is indicative of future performance . That track record includes giving into minorities see no child left behind act. One waste of money to curry favor with negros and don’t forget all he pandering to beaners from the GOP

    #3 Romney made his money by shipping jobs overseas which hurts White people. See point #2

    #4 Romney will not replace the career govt workers that drive most of what you’re bitching about, and he won’t repeal shit just like all the other GOP presidents. See point #2 again

    Defeatist? You haven’t read very many of my posts have you?

  4. Stonelifter says:
    Why do I know Romney will do nothing pro White?
    #1 he’s a damn dirty yankee

    OK, now I get it after reading many of your posts. Youv’e got the Southron thing going. You don’t have much use for any other Whites. Problem is I’ve travelled all over this country and have met outstanding White folks everywhere. The N.E. was no exception.
    We need to work together at this point. I won’t preach to you as I’m sure you’ve heard it all before and rolled your eyes.
    You can keep the South for yourself. You don’t need to worry bout me setting up camp. Lived in Tennessee many, many years ago as a younger man attending a Bible college. Too damn hot for this fair skinned Northern boy. Made friends with some very sweet people, however.
    They wouldn’t be thrilled with me anymore as I’ve questioned the veracity of the Bible and left the fold long, long ago. We weren’t once saved always saved, so I’m destined for the lake of fire, I guess.
    All the more reason to appreciate the bitter cold of northern Wisconsin until then.

  5. No real counter argument to my why Romney won’t do anything pro White, and yes yankees also have an anti White track record to point at such as the 14th amendment civil rights movement etc etc.

    We also have Romney’s statements on immigration control and actions as governor to use as a base from which to judge his actions as POTUS. That’s a lot of reality to offset anyone’s hopes regarding Romney/ GOP/ yankees etc

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