Jews DO Control The Media


H/T Brett Stevens

The Jews control the media … or so says this Jewish blogger, who is bragging about it:

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

That’s why the MSM sucks.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The truth is, the anti-Semites got it right. We Jews have something planted in each one of us that makes us completely different from every group in the world. We’re talking about a group of people that just got put in death camps, endured pogroms, their whole families decimated. And then they came to America, the one place that ever really let them have as much power as they wanted, and suddenly they’re taking over. Please don’t tell me that any other group in the world has ever done that. Only the Jews. And we’ve done it before. That’s why the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. We were too successful. Go look at the Torah — it’s right there. <b<And we did it in Germany too.

    My blood was boiling just reading it……

  2. grrrr, I screwed up the HTML, but I wanted to put the “AND WE DID IT IN GERMANY TOO” in bold.

    As much as this post nauseates me, I can already see its potential as a rather useful “open White eyes” tool.

  3. For a people who have above average intelligence Jews certainly put out some terrible television.

  4. There is a interesting comment bellow the article on the power of jewish ethnic networking:

    “I was successful, and I worked in many places all over the world and in many companies on the higher and highest floors. My experience? We, the people with the same “faith” have always rapidly “find” each other and we almost always have supported and promoted each other much more than other people we weren’t as close to. To find the right, good jobs also used to be somewhat “easier”. And I know many Jewish children, my own, those of friends, neighbors, in the communities, and I saw them grow and some day leave the parental home. Mostly with a bunch of Jewish contacts we knew or somebody we knew knew :-)”

  5. Southern Cavalier George Washington: “The government of the United States, which gives bigotry no sanction…May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.” – Washington’s letter to a synagogue.

    The first Jew elected to a major public office in the USA was Francis Salvador of South Carolina (1774).

    Then, of course, there was Judah Benjamin, Confederate Secretary of State.

    New Hampshire was the LAST state to allow Jews to hold public office (1877)

    Its all the Puritans/Pilgrims/Yankees fault. LOL!

  6. Fox is actually run by Rupert Murdoch, who’s a gentile, but as far as the other media corporations go, yeah all of em’ heebs. Big shocker there.

  7. Jewish people take nepotism to remarkable levels. As you said, they find each other and back each other up. Can you imagine them having a civil war?

  8. The hollywood schmooze sometimes produce good stuff — maybe in spite of themselves. Who knows? Maybe it’s a trick.
    The schmoozzies at TCM are at it again. Today, that classic and everyone’s favorite movie of all time — “It Came from Beneath The Sea” — airs once again as we delight to witness ” a giant octopus attacks San Francisco”. We can all agree that SF deserves it– leftist stronghold that it is. Are the hollywood schmoozies real about their desire to see SF destroyed because of the sins of SF inhabitants , or are the schmoze trying to somehow “dupe” us once again? Kinda/sorta like “Hogan’s Heroes” and “The Beverly Hillbillies”. Now that Andy is gone, and Aunt Bee is no longer baking apple and peach pies, the jews are really feeling their oats : Quite brazen they are. Yes sirre bob.
    Columbia Pictures : 1955
    Check your local teevee guide for time.

  9. “I have had much conversation with many Jews: I have never seen either a drop of piety or a grain of truth or ingenuousness – nay, I have never found common sense in any Jew.”

    [They are] “profane dogs,” [they] “stupidly devour all the riches of the earth with their unrestrained cupidity.”

    “[their] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone.”


    The Puritans/Pilgrims are to blame! The Yankee Calvinists did it! Waaaah!

  10. That jews don’t have civil wars is to their credit — it’s hardly to their discredit. It’s to the discredit of the white race that we love to indulge in internecine war with one another.

  11. Cromwell let the Jews back into England. He was a Calvinist par excelence. He was minutes away from emigration to Massachusetts but decided to commit himself to war with his king.

  12. There is no white nationality or language Joe. That’s the point of this site.

    Although biblically Judah and Israel did fight.

  13. White civilization has been declining in Europe since 1789 and in America since 1861. Jews, being the parasites and opportunists they are, see opportunity in a degenerate, demoralized host, and pounce upon it, salivating at the thought of sucking all of its life juices until it topples over in an ashen, diseased mess.

    A healthy people recognized these facts and put these scavengers in their own ghettos. Jews cannot build civilization. Being West Asian, thus essentially Asian, they can copy very well, but lack the creativity for civilization building.

    I agree with another poster on here (John? Jim? Joe?) sorry, cannot remember. It is Whites who are the problem, not Jews. For a variety of reasons, Whites lost their virility, their purpose, and their pride. A few Whites will carry the race through the dark ages, which are already upon us, long after the carcass has been devoured by the parasites.

  14. Both jews and whites are the problem. Both need to clean up their respective houses. Both are dirty. Both stink to high heaven. However, as I’m white myself ( from a christian/catholic middle-class background) , I prefer to concentrate on myself and my own kind : yes, even if the focus is a negative one. Self-examination and introspection are important if one wants to better oneself. There’s no way around that.
    In the meantime, the jews Do control the media. Yet and still, we Do control whether we watch teevee ( or go to the movies) or not . If one is reluctant to throw the TV out in the dumpster for good, one still DOES HAVE CONTROL of the On/Off button on the remote control. Don’t like “jew” teevee : Stop supporting it with your $$$$ through your cable subscription, or at least turn the goddamned TV off, at least that :
    Put your finger on the ” OFF ” button, press down on the ” OFF ” button : the TV will then shut off — it will go blank ; Then, get your butt off the couch and go Do Something Constuctive. You DO have control of that. End of problem. If white Americans can not even make that sacrifice to better ourselves– the Race we say we’re so concerned about– then we’re pretty much useless.

  15. It’a a real simple principle “white” people. It’s not complicated stuff.
    Typo: I was typing too fast. Forgot the “r” in the word “constructive”. Lots of constructive things to do instead of watching TV.

  16. Interesting. Jews don’t usually speak so openly about their power or their belief in the inherent inferiority of the goy. Michael Hoffman’s argues that as Jews increase their grip over host societies, they increasingly revel in bragging and taunting the goyim. We will probably see more and more open triumphalism.

  17. That said, it’s important to remember history shows Jews never acted alone. Jews have always benefited from help from Whites elites.

  18. Jews are not the problem because they have always been this way, all through recorded history. Whites have not always been the way they are now. We, as a race, have fundamentally changed and the Jews have not.

    The problem lies in the fact that Whites have forgotten the collective personality of the Jews and what it means to let them appear as ‘one of us’. That is our fault, not theirs.

    And Joe, you are right. Jewvee is overwhelmingly destructive for White people. So are films, but personally I enjoy a good movie, so now only watch foreign films or those with more gentiles in the credits.

  19. Judah/Israel had a civil war sure, but that was something like 5,000 years ago. It has absolutely No bearing on anything going on today. 5,000 years ago was a real long time ago. Nobody gives a sh*t about what happened 5,000 years ago. Not really. Just some academic historians and some preachermen who seem to be obsessed with the 5,000 year-ago history of a bunch of weird Middle Eastern tribes that no one relates to, or gives a flying fig about.

  20. @Hunter Wallace

    Hunter Wallace: “…clearly the authors of our decline…obsession with jews can go completely off the rails”

    You’re right.

    You blame Yankees for everything wrong in the USA. Obsession with Yankees can go completely off the rails.

    You decry Jewish influence in the USA.
    Apparently G. Washington, colonial South Carolina (majority black), and the CSA were more progressive than Yankee New Hampshire when it came to Jewish inclusion.

    I think Connie Chastain was correct. The South was multicultural. The Yankees were the real racists.

    “America has yielded up her vast indigenous family tribe after tribe to the haughty Genius of Civilization…That is the very fact of their [Indians] inferiority. There is always place for the superior…It is plain that so inferior a race [blacks] must perish shortly like the poor Indians.”

    -RALPH WALDO EMERSON, transcendentalist

  21. If Calvin truly didn’t see any “common-sense” amongst the Jews, then Calvin was truly blind. If the Jews are sooo without “common-sense” they wouldn’t have so much power and control : They own everything worth owning in the country. Sounds like common-sense* to me. Calvin = Jackass.
    * The Jews have good traits, and lousy traits. The Jews have common-sense, and tons of it : That’s to their credit, along with not indulging in internecine war ( the last civil war 5,000 years ago is not even on the radar).
    Perspective is always helpful when examining an issue. Giving credit where credit is due also adds to understanding. Making criticisms when legitimate and objective adds to understanding as well.

  22. What would a State or the Federal government do to a factory that was dumping sludge in a local waterway? Would that factory owner not be held responsible for the toxins they’ve released, forced to clean up their mess, clean up their act, and surrender their resources until said situation was better.

    How much sludge has the toxic Jew media dumped on the American mind? How much immorality? How much perversion? State and the Federal Government should bring charges against all media outlets, from newspapers to fild to Broadway. Their assets should be siezed or they should be very, very very heavily taxed. I’m normally not for giving the government power for anything, but in this case, I would make an excpetion. THe media needs to be destroyed. All of it. It is unAmerican to the core and has been for decades.

  23. @ Wayne,

    The States have a chance of doing what you suggest but the Jews control the Federal Government. Feds = Jews.

  24. @John
    If I’m “out of my mind” ’cause I don’t relate to the history of middle eastern tribes 5,000 years ago — and nothing about it resonates in my heart– then about 99.999% of the white race is “out of their minds” also. I’ve never met anyone in real life who ever brought up the subject of middle easten tribes : I only come across the subject in books on rare occasion , and occasionally online amongst certain types ( usually types trying to divide the white race even more than it already is). Even ministers hardly talk about the middle eastern tribes , even the very few conservative and old-fashioned ones. No one gives a flying fig. Not old-fashioned christians, not jews, not anyone. Not really. It just doesn’t resonate with anyone period.

  25. It was a throw away line you humbug. Not an invite to a soliloquy.
    So transparent.

    The only thing wrong with whites is pathological altruism. That’s all.

  26. For a race that believes itself to be so inherently special, the Jew the sure seems to lack the most elementary survival characteristic — the the deductive ability not to repeat the same mistake.

  27. “For a race that believes itself to be so inherently special, the Jew the sure seems to lack the most elementary survival characteristic — the the deductive ability not to repeat the same mistake.” – On the contrary, they are refining their techniques as they go. The push to open borders a century ago was thwarted by pro-white progressives, and today it is unthinkable that anyone would hold that ideology here.

  28. We are at Hebrew 5.7

    each millenia and century.

    Anyway, watching Walking Dead right now. They are playing the episode when they have first entered the CDC.

  29. @Anon

    The Jew comes along and does his thing, the host eventually has enough, and the Jew limps away bleeding and traumatized. It’s happened time and again down through history. They don’t learn, and they still haven’t even here and now.

  30. The Jews were never enslaved in Egypt. That is a lot of kosher baloney. They have changed their identity and cloaked themselves in the ancient Israelite history and Covenants.

    Idumea is of Esau – not Jacob.

    The Jews are a Babylonian people and ethnically Yiddish. They are Idumeans of ancient Idumean pronounced Yidumea. They infiltrated the Kingdom of Judah and took over the institutions of the Israelite Covenants – the Temple and the Kingship. They infiltrated the Davidic lineages through Solomon and his idolatrous wives. The Northern Yiddish branch of the Tribe is Khazarian.

    You are a riot, Joe, I had no idea that the character of Sid the Sloth in Ice Age series was a Jewish stereotype. Don’t you people ever do anything except stereoptypes and schticks?

  31. One thing about Islam is that its good at keeping Jews out of power in the House-of- Islam.

    But good at infiltrating the House-of-Kuffar and using them as a proxy to attack the muslims.

  32. If anything the exodus was a brigade of mercs running for their lives from a furious host population.

    It may not have had anything to do with anyone in Judea either. Just another borrowed Rewritten story. Like Noah or Eden or Abraham.

  33. The Exodus is a story of how a foreign or migrant worker Joseph betrayed a great empire by using his position of authority to place the agriculture of that nation on a speculative basis – which he controlled and how he reduced that population to starvation in time of trouble.

    America take note.

    It is the story of how later rulers of the host nation enslaved his entire people for centuries in retaliation for that act. It is the story of how that enslaved population left Egypt against the will of a despotic ruler and removed to the lands of their ancient sojourn – a land that at that time was under sway of the giant races.

    The story of the Exodus is the story of their reconquista.

    That is the bones of the story. There are no Jews in the Exodus unless you count the Judaic Babylonian priests in Egypt. But Jews being Jews there did probably exist a population living well off the Egyptian empire.

    It is a story of the ancestors of the Israelite peoples now living in the Western nations who are enslaved to the despotic race and hostile international elite of Jewry that controls all their nations.

    All European tribes descend from Jacob. And the Exodus is their story ‘warts and all’.

  34. @ Apuleius

    As long as “people of the book” (i.e. Jews and Christians) pay the jizya, muslims are obligated to protect them as dhimmis or “protected ones” as per islamic law.

  35. @ Apuleius

    re: your link

    Not sixty years later, the Moroccans defied Nazi Germany by refusing to turn over their Jewish population for extermination.

    That statement is questionable. I couldn’t find another reference to support it. It appears to be part of the Holocaust narrative lie.

    The Nazis just wanted them out Germany and Europe – i.e. Haavara Agreement and Madagascar Plan.

  36. @Lynda
    I had no idea “Sid the Sloth in Ice Age” was a jewish stereotype either . I don’t even know who “Sid the Sloth in Ice Age” is period. Nor do I give a flying sh*t.
    And I still don’t give a flying fig about some weird middle eastern tribes 5,000 years ago– jewish or otherwise. I’d bet the farm that 99.999% of whites think and feel the same about the matter. You’re working way too hard trying to convince everyone to actually care about a lame, tired, and played-out subject. None of these stories about all the weird middle eastern tribes ever did the white race any good. Just confusion and division. It’s very amusing to me to see you and a few others ( Fr John+, Mosin, John) trying so desperately to get everyone excited and to care about a played-out and lame subject: a bunch of weird middle eastern tribes from 5,000 years ago. What a joke. You go catholic* girl!
    * the catholics support open borders and massive immigration into the US. The catholic authorities in mexico are goading the mexicans on to colonise the US, especially the Southwest. Google : ” atzlan”.

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