Jews DO Control The Media


H/T Brett Stevens

The Jews control the media … or so says this Jewish blogger, who is bragging about it:

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

That’s why the MSM sucks.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If judah/israel had some kind of civil war something like 5,000 years ago– but the judahs/israelites were not “true jews” ( as some here are now claiming) then the “real” jews ( the jews who control hollywood for example) never had a civil war period. We’ll have to then give the “real” jews (of hollywood) even more credit.
    Some say the jews keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again — if that’s true , their mistakes can’t possibly be very devasting. The jews own everything worth owning in the US. How many mistakes could they possibly have made? Seems to me they’re doing alot better than we, the members of the white race.
    Is it possible we’re the ones who truly make the same mistakes over and over again? Like the internecine war of 1861, followed by the internecine war of WW1, then followed by the internecine* war WW2 . Nah. Can’t be : We’re “good”, we’re “innocent”, we’re “sterling”, and we’re without “fault” : They will know we are christians by our civil wars and our smirks.

  2. No Jewish influence in the Middle East. Nope. Never.

    “If for Muslims all roads led to Baghdad, so did they for the Jews. A class of wealthy Jewish bankers emerged in the courts of Arab potentates. Through their taxes, they funded Muslim military campaigns and the lavish spending of the rulers. Through their newly required power, they were also able to look after the interests of their community, within which their authority was unsurpassed.”

    Silly me, I thought the current Muslim rage was due to Zionism.
    I guess us Kuffars should just convert to Islam and stop being Jew proxies.
    Poor wittle Muslims who have suffered so much at our hands.

    I’ll even bet that Waldo Emerson and the rest of the innocent Yankees would approve.
    Dhimmitude or bust!

    Deo Vindice

  3. * Internecine war means when a race goes to war against one another. In the wars noted above, the white race went to war against one another. The jews didn’t force our ancestors to kill one another down in the millions upon millions.

  4. “The jews didn’t force our ancestors to kill one another down in the millions upon millions.” Ethnic Russians in the day of Trotsky/Lenin would not agree. And you must know of the anti-German pro-commie agitation during the Wiemar Republic, which led to Hitler then to WWII.
    We whites have enough warfare left unto ourselves, we don’t need interlopers stirring up more.

  5. They also largely control the money supply around the world. And, we also know AIPAC is one of the most powerful political groups in the WORLD! And, when you control the US, you pretty much control everyone and everything. They are also very vindictive, just ask Mel Gibson. They don’t get hurt, they get even!

    The Jews control everything because they are ethnocentric, money-hungry, and largely more devious when it comes to following the rules, if they decide to follow them at all; and, they know the weaknesses of other groups and largely play on those weaknesses. They are also masters of propaganda (probably invented it) and deception (that, too). Their religion is not like Christianity in many ways. They do not look at deception and manipulation like Christianity does. In fact, the Book of Esther tells them to go out and take control of the house that someone else built. You do the math. I really don’t understand why everyone is always calling them more intelligent. I think they’re just much more shrewd. I’ve met quite a few dummy Jews in my days when I lived in one of their centers of power, Jew York. Lovely people those Jews. Lovely. My admiration runneth over.

    The real phrase is “There’s a sucker born every minute and two Jews to take him.”

  6. From Hollywood to Dhimmitude! Yes folks, we cover it all for you. Buckle up for an exciting ride on the hobby horse.Things are getting moving. Stay tuned for the next comment– after this commercial break : ” The US Military Needs You. Join Now. Beat Up Those “Wittle” Ragheads! Get Free College Tuition! Join Today and We’ll Throw In A Lifetime Of Bragging Rights and Depleted-Uranium Poisoning. Tell All Your Buddies ( and Girlfriends! ).
    [ “Bridge on the River Kwai” is playing on TCM this evening. Check your local teevee guide for time].

  7. Joe,

    Your ability to remove anything You want to do off of the table of debatable or moral issues while simultaneously respecting nothing in our culture as immune from your harping is truly dazzling. I know this is old news to all reader of The Culture of Critique, but real time examples help make the point. Joe as you live and breathe.

  8. “The jews didn’t force our ancestors to kill one another down in the millions upon millions.”

    Depends on the definition of “force.” Weasily jew-defenders will claim what I’m about to explicate as not force, per se. But that’s just weaseling, because it CERTAINLY was force by the method of propaganda:

    Jewry declared War on Germany in the 1930s, and jewish movie producers made newsreels before the movie that portrayed Germans as evil incarnate. Americans watched these newsreels and took them as truth.
    So my Germanic father was drafted to go to war against Germanic cousins.

    I’d say that counts as being forced.

    Then after the war the Jew Morganthau Treasury Sec’y came up with a plan that the allies would destroy Germany’s capacity to make ever make war again, by de-industrializing Germany, and would de-Nazi-fy the Germans using as one of their “tools” restrictions on food relief imports. In Occupied post War Germany, the average caloric intake was 1000-1500 Kilocalories, i.e., death by slow starvation. Patton didn’t want to do this, former President Hoover was horrified at the idea, but excessively-influenced-by-jews FDR admin went ahead. Even Churchill only agreed because judaized FDR admin used the lend-lease program as an arm-twister.

    I’d say that counts as force.

  9. Chris313 nailed it:
    “The Jew comes along and does his thing, the host eventually has enough, and the Jew limps away bleeding and traumatized. It’s happened time and again down through history. They don’t learn, and they still haven’t even here and now.”

    Christian, Muslim, pagan, or atheist. It makes no difference.

    They never know when to quit, so inevitably it comes back to bite them in the ass. At present, their control of our politics (both parties), media, popular culture, and our religious institutions is almost ironclad, so they gloat and try to humiliate us at every turn. This will be their undoing, once again.

    They’re just the poor innocent victims of persecution throughout history. Right?

    If you understand the phrase, “nisht geshtoygn un nisht gefloygn” (“didn’t climb up and didn’t fly”), which means “bullshit,” as a denial of Christianity, you’re speaking Yiddish.

    So wonderful to have such people in our midst. Isn’t it?

    Deo Vindice

  10. …..poor poor us wittle christians, so good and innocent, the bad bad meany jooos are not nice to us. boo hoo hoo hoo. everyone should be nice to us because we believe in jesus and we’ve always paid lip service to him- at least when we weren’t killing one another down in civil wars– so the jooos and the darkies should be nice to us and not be meanies. boo hoo hoo hoo. i want my mammy. i want my mommy. i wanna watch the andy griffith show and leave it to beaver too. boo hoo hoo hoo……

  11. Hey
    Joe the Jew:

    Mockery is the penultimate sign of a jew.
    Do please go away.

    And YES, the joooos SHOULD be nice to us. They OWE us. They mostly owe the Founding Stock, and they also owe those of us who did what the jews were SUPPOSED to do, give our first loyalty TO the Founding Stock, not other jews.

  12. @Apuleius
    There’s plenty more where that Emerson quote came from. The Sons of Confederate Veterans have done yeoman’s work in dredging up TONS of quotes showing how Yankees were genocidal anti-semetic white supremacists and how Southerners were much more racially progressive (see my original comment at the beginning of this thread).

    “‘Thomas Goodwin, a Northern abolitionist, [wrote] in 1864 that Southerners had “African playmates…African attendants…African recreations…African voices…African minds”…The relaxed morals of Southerners was “the direct influence of so large a population of half-barbarous Africans interspersed among them.” Southerners had become Negroized, and so were not true Americans as defined by New England elites.”‘

    From “Why the War was not about Slavery” by Donald W. Livingston, Sons of Confederate Veterans

    BTW, the African voices/minds part reminds me of the song “Honkytonk Badonkadonk” by SCV member Trace Adkins. Hell, “Dixie” was even a black minstrel song.

    I’ll take “Battle Hymn of the Republic” over those two any day.

  13. @Apuleius
    As you’re the one who shot off a yiddish expression to “OD” , it seems to me you’re the one speaking yiddish, not I. I never denied Christianity*. You fully well know that. You read my comments about the Light of Christ and the Light of the Holy Spirit just yesterday. Any objective and fair-minded reader would know my words were sincere and hearfelt. You know that.
    * I do deny certain aspects of Christianity, however. The hebraic, the egyptian, and the puritanical aspects of it. I like the Zoroastrian influence in Christianity. I made that clear yesterday. I’m not writing another long post about something you read yesterday.

  14. Re: Jews

    This is a throwback to my old blog Antisemitica. Literally every day, I could scan their own media and find them doing something objectionable.

    No need for tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. It will suffice to link to what Jews are saying like Matt Drudge. Do it enough times and people will begin to realize there is a problem.

  15. How many names ending in -bloom, -stein and -baum are on your personal shit list? Do you know where to find them so you can have a heart to heart chat with them while the niggers are burning the cities?

  16. “The Jews were never enslaved in Egypt. That is a lot of kosher baloney. They have changed their identity and cloaked themselves in the ancient Israelite history and Covenants.

    Idumea is of Esau – not Jacob.”

    Lynda- THANK YOU. When we forget this factoid, we EXCUSE the Deicides for all of their antichrist actions, because we foolishly believe that they are ‘God’s Chosen People.’ The Only chosen people are those who ‘are the called’ [Rom. 8:28]- of Israel in the O.T., and of the Church in the N.T.

  17. @Barb
    The jews have a monopoly over the federal reserve banking system ( because white christian lawmakers gave the jews the monopoly in the first place, between white internecine wars *, if I may add ); The jews do not have a monopoly on “mockery”, however. Mark Twain is an example of “penultimate” mockery. Twain wasn’t a jew.
    * One can hardly expect the jews to respect the founding stock , when the founding stock didn’t even respect themselves and proceeded to engage in a very destructive internecine war killing one another down in droves, then founding stock lawmakers handed the jew bankers complete control of the US : With complete free will and complete free volition. What a joke. It deserves mockery. It certainly doesn’t deserve respect. The world is a tough place . Deal with it.

  18. Battle Hymn of the Republic has got to be the worst anthem of all time. I’m no Southron, but “To Arms In Dixie” was definitely the better tune in that war.

  19. Brownedhead
    Along with “We Shall Overcome,” “John Brown’s Body/Battle Hymn of the Republic” is one of the theme songs of BRA. Probably why you like it so much.

    Yankees have tried repeatedly to turn the South into Haiti, but haven’t succeeded yet.

    Minstrels were white men in blackface mocking negroes. “Dixie” was written by a white man, Daniel Decatur Emmett from Ohio.

    Yankee abolitionists were really white supremacists–what twaddle.
    Trot out all the rainbow Confederate garbage you want. It proves nothing.

    Your attitude toward white Southerners shows just how “pro-white” you really are.
    We’re still here. It really must suck to be you.

    Deo Vindice

  20. I never said we should ignore or overlook the behavior of the jews. We need also to look at our own faults at the same time. That’s all I’m saying. I mention the faults of the white race so maybe readers will think more about the state the white race is in and how it came to be. We’re in the mess we’re in because of our own faults as well as the influence of the jews. Big resistance here every time I mention white internecine war. It’s the Major Reason for the mess we’re in as a race. Can’t face that. Tough shit.
    It’s still the truth whether you wanna face it or not. I’m outta here for the evening. Talk to you all tomorrow.

  21. Thanks, Joe. Nice to know I still haven’t lost my touch. You’re such a mensch.

    Of course I know you feel the same way about Christianity as, well…YKW.

    Deo Vindice

  22. What internicine war have whites fought since 1945? Remind me. Europe did great for millenia. Our recent lack of wars is perhaps the actual problem. Additionally we have failed to butcher sufficient numbers of Africans.

  23. “The jews have a monopoly over the federal reserve banking system ( because white christian lawmakers gave the jews the monopoly in the first place”

    OH, PLEASE, Joe. The Federal Reserve Act was rammed through on Christmas Eve when most Christian lawmakers had gone home for the Holidays.

    The Federal Reserve Act was a con job rammed through as a result of a conspiracy of banksters, some White, like J.P. Morgan, and some JEWISH like Paul Warburg. The conspiracy was put together at a supersecret meeting at Jekyll Island as a sneaky way to underhandedly undermine the sensible desires of Americans to break the Money Powers.
    Read G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island to see how these Jewish banksters (with complicity from some White banksters) conned America.

    Here’s the deal. Jews OWE Americans loyalty. That they gained a Federal Reserve power and USED IT AGAINST US is an evil thing for which the Jews who did and continue to screw us over, are culpable.
    You don’t get to excuse the Jews who did this by saying, hey, you Whites are at fault because you dumb enough to let us scam you. No. The scammers are the evil ones.

  24. “The jews do not have a monopoly on “mockery”, however. Mark Twain is an example of “penultimate” mockery. Twain wasn’t a jew.”

    Work on your reading comprehension.

    What I SAID was, mockery is the penultimate SIGN of a Jew.
    I didn’t say ONLY Jews mock.
    I said mockery is the penultimate sign that someone, suspected of being a jew, is in fact a jew.

    It’s like a differential diagnosis in medicine. If you have some signs/symptoms of a disease, and you see the “clincher” sign or symptom, that clincher is what tips the “presumptive” diagnosis into the “confirmed” category.

    The “clincher” sign or symptom is not something exclusive to that disease, it’s only, when considered with the totality of other symptoms, the sign that clinches a particular diagnosis.

    Like, take a situation where a patient presents with blood in the urine and flank pain. Maybe it’s a stone, maybe it’s a kidney infection. The “clincher” would be an elevated white blood cell count. Is an elevated white blood cell count exclusive to kidney infection? Of course not. But in the presence of blood in the urine and flank pain, that high white blood cell count is the clincher sign for the diagnosis of kidney infection.

    You were suspected of being a jew, from the many “jewy” kinds of things you’ve said, including the culture of critique crap, given ostensibly out of a desire to “help” us Whites, as if we don’t get enough of that shit everywhere we turn to the point that now we are so demoralized that we can’t even bring ourselves as a people to reproduce at replacement level.

    That you eventually resorted to mockery, which is so typical of how jews argue when they run out of any logic or facts, that mockery is the penultimate SIGN that you ARE a jew.

    Jew. Proven.

  25. The more elite the Jews become, the more they are persecuted.
    The more they are persecuted the more elite they become.
    And so on and so forth.

    Pogroms, holy hoax, inquisition, etc.
    Only the strong survive.
    Classic bottleneck effect.

  26. Internecine war is when a race wars against itself. See the above definition I supplied or get up and go get your dictionary. Look it up. Going to war against africans would not be considered an internecine war as we are not africans– nor even black Americans. We are of the White Race. The last internecine war the white race indulged in was WW2 ending in 1945 ( 68 years go). The war ended with about 60 million dead whites — all killed down by fellow whites. Many whites killed down before ever siring/giving birth to children. The white race lost all those who were actually killed in the war, as well as all the children who were never born — nor will ever be born — because so many whites died before reproducing. The war ended 68 years ago, but the results, the effects of the war, is Eternal : An Eternal loss of blood and spirit for the white race.
    And Europe throughout history didn’t do as great as some suppose. The wars following Luther and the other reformers resulted in one-third of the white race dying : All killed down by fellow whites; Another Eternal loss of blood and spirit for the white race.
    In terms of other types of wars — non-internecine wars– uncle sam has been at war since the end of the last internecine war in 1945 (Uncle sam has been a war since 1941 altogether). So, “lack of war” is not the “actual” problem white Americans face. Perhaps the “actual” problem is too much war.
    And to those who are so tough that you think we should go “butcher” the africans, why don’t you go out and do something to put an end to black criminal activity here in the States. Go beat up some black criminals here in the states if you’re so tough. That would help white Americans alot more than dragging our butts over to africa to get immersed in african wars ; Especially as we have so many black criminals right here in our own country : And especially as the country only declines even more after every war uncle sam indulges in.

  27. Suggestions for ‘ethnic cleansers’:

    1.) Don’t target a high-IQ population with a strong literary tradition.

    2.) If you ignore suggestion #1, be DAMN sure to finisb the job.

  28. how can anyone look at the way yankees vote and say yankees aren’t the problem?

    yea, moselms like to blame a lot of their history they don’t like on some jew tricking some moslem

  29. “One can hardly expect the jews to respect the founding stock , when the founding stock didn’t even respect themselves and proceeded to engage in a very destructive internecine war killing one another down in droves, then founding stock lawmakers handed the jew bankers complete control of the US ”

    Oh, and you’ve got your events ass backwards, too. The Federal Reserve Act came first, THEN came the first of the two very destructive wars.
    Federal Reserve Act was in 1913.
    WWI started 28 July 1914.

    “Crazy” conspiracy theorists would note that the ability to print money out of thin air is a necessary precursor to being able to wage all-out war.

    “Crazy” conspiracy theorists might logically ask, did the immigrant jew Warburg ram through the Federal Reserve Act for the express purpose that the Great War to kill gentiles could in fact be financed to be waged?

  30. Yeah, jew Warburg, he sure showed us how much loyalty he bore for the Founding Stock, didn’t he?
    He busts in to our country and does not even pass go before he’s working on Senators Aldrich and Glass to recruit them into his nefarious plan to ram through a central bank (which would ultimately benefit int’l jewry)
    who, having listened to good sense from Charles Lindbergh’s father and Ezra Pound, wanted nothing to do with anything even faintly smelling like a central bank.

    Asshole, disloyal jews.

  31. jews are loyal to jews just as Southron Whites should be loyal to Southron Whites above all else but God.

  32. Funny thing, Joe, even after all that fighting, all that blood feuding, all that “internecine” struggle, Whites still produced the best damn civilizations on the planet. So good, in fact, that Jews, blacks, Asians, Arabs, you name it, just immigrate by the millions. Jews, despite all the bitchin’ about evil whitey, just can’t seem to bring themselves to leave.

  33. It would help a lot if “our” people wouldn’t cooperate with them. What can you do when you have scum like Aldrich, Kennedy, FDR, Churchill, Buckley, Bush, etc., cooperating with them every step of the way? White Gentiles with the power to stop Jews dead in their tracks haven’t done it. In fact, they have done the opposite, sided with Jews against their own people.

  34. We would produce so much more if we didn’t rush so quickly to shoot one another down. I never said, nor implied in any way, the white race hasn’t ever done anything great : The white race has. We could produce so many more great things if not for our love of internecine war.

  35. “jews are loyal to jews just as Southron Whites should be loyal to Southron Whites above all else but God.”

    HUH? Stonelifter? Is that really you? You posted this? Did someone hack your account?


    Southron Whites built their country. They are Founding Stock. So, yes, they are right to be loyal to each other.

    But Jews are/were immigrants. Therefore, Jews, like all immigrants, OWE their primary loyalty to the Founding Stock, not other Jews. Or else they shouldn’t have come here. They should have stayed where the people who hold their primary loyalty are.

    When Norwegians came to America, they owed their primary allegiance to (White) Americans, not the Norwegians in the Old Country. If they cannot give their primary allegiance to the people of the country they are moving into, then they ought to have stayed back in the Old Country with the people they love.

    While it’s true that Wandering Jews may not have had “their own Old Country” that they ought to have stayed in in 1920 when they came here and insisted on staying a People Apart, they do now. If jews today cannot give primary loyalty to White Americans, they should make aliyah to Israel already.

  36. The Napoleonic wars were not a termination of civilization, nor was the Crimean War, Franco Prussian War nor dozens of other examples of whites butchering other whites. WW1 and the American Civil War were different. They can accurrately be called civilization ending wars. Analyzing what happened and why are very interesting topics.

    The white has declined since decolonizing Africa. Indeed the two are linked. Causal even. I contend that the European and American will need to revisit Africa. Bugging out of Africa was a monster error.

  37. John: Have to disagree on that. We need to stay the hell out of Africa and leave Africans there. No more empire.

  38. “It would help a lot if “our” people wouldn’t cooperate with them.”

    Well, sure. Nobody denies this. Jews have always done an excellent job of coopting our leaders, mostly with money. Warburg was very good at the veiled threat to “see it my way” lest he use his vast fortune to unseat any Senator who tried to obstinately oppose him.

    But it would be so darn nice if jews gave us White Americans the primary loyalty we are OWED such that they REFRAINED FROM corrupting our leaders against us.

    And just because our leaders are bought off is no reason to say that America’s woes are the result of some deficiency in actual, real Americans, and it’s all our fault, and we have power to change it, like you insist.

    Cripes. The Ron Paul Revolution/Tea Partiers (before that movement was derailed also) which jew-run media derailed through its constant refrain that he’s “unelectable”, is proof enough that White Americans want things righted and it’s the jews’ boot on our neck which is the primary cause of our decline.

  39. @barb
    The wars in Europe over The Reformation took place long before 1913. The War-Between-the-States took place in 1861, 52 years before 1913. And yes, the war was an internecine war — all founding stock on both sides were white. All immigrants brought over to fight in the war were white. Internecine means within the same race.
    I mentioned the war of 1861 and the war over The Reformation in my above post. You conveniently overlooked that. Again, both internecine wars took place before 1913. There’re many other internecine wars in the history of the white race. I’m not going to list each and every one of them: I’d be here all night typing. Any reader interested in the subject can google the information. It’s easily and readily available.

  40. you miss read Babr, jews are loyal to jews 1st and foremost. All people should be loyal to their own kind 1st and foremost.

    Poles should put other Poles 1st and foremost; Germans should put Germans 1st and fore most and Southron White people should put Southron Whites above all others, 1st and foremost. I don’t care for jews, but they, in this case, do what is natural and right, which is putting themselves and their tribe above others.

    To expect people to put other tribes over their own tribe is unnatural which is why there should have been 0 immigration into the USA; 0 jews, 0 Poles, 0 Irish etc etc.

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