Jews DO Control The Media


H/T Brett Stevens

The Jews control the media … or so says this Jewish blogger, who is bragging about it:

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?

But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.

That’s why the MSM sucks.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. WWII was but a continuation of WWI with the Wiemar Republic interlude. The more I look at the situation today, and the more I learn about both sides of that conflict the more I suspect the wrong side won. After all these years this is the conclusion I am quickly coming to. IMO, from what I know thus far, Britain, not Germany was the cause of both. Both times they used their kosher connections to draw America in. Just look at pre-WWII war propaganda. Who controls the media??? Compare and contrast to Wiemar Republic anti-German propaganda.

  2. The jews have owned Britain for centuries.
    They now own the US.
    Just about every grocery store chain, all the banks ect ect.

  3. ps you are correct Barb, they should be grateful to the Founding Stock but expecting them to be is unnatural. I love my horse, she is a wonderful creature, beautiful, strong and loyal; a true help but I can’t expect her to fetch ducks for me. It would be unnatural for her to do so. I have a good hunting dog to fetch birds for me, who is also a wonderful creature, brave in her own way, a great helpmate when I’m hunting but I can’t expect her to haul logs for me because that would be unnatural.

    We need to abolish the idea that our intelligence over rides what is natural for us to do.

  4. @Wayne
    You needn’t wonder why I didn’t mention the whites who were killed in the Soviet Union. The subject being discussed is Internecine war — when a race wars against one another. What happened in the Soviet Union can not truly be classified as a white internecine war exactly. The subject being discussed is whites fighting and warring amongst ourselves.
    I’ve already written posts to “OD” about the great bloodshed that happened in the Soviet Union and the horrors of communism. I even mentioned what a great sin communism just yesterday.
    The great death toll in the Soviet Union was a result of the communist jews in the Soviet Union using various groups of minorities in the Soviet Union to kill whites. It is disgusting what happened– but it was not internecine war– that’s the topic we’re talking about.

  5. Joe, I’m going to teach you something.
    Not that you’ll listen. Actually, this is for lurkers who may not know:

    Our real problems stem from the 17th Amendment, ALSO, unsurprisingly, passed in 1913. In fact, May 31, 1913, which is prior to the Federal Reserve Act passage of Dec.23, 1913. Which is significant.

    Here’s why. This will be lengthy, so bear with me.

    The Constitution as originally written called for direct election of the House of Representatives, but the indirect election of Senators, Senators being elected by the members of each state’s legislature.

    The Founders did this for a good reason. They knew that direct democracy results in mobocracy. They wanted the Average Joe to have representation in the Congress that he could badger to “bring home the bacon” to his district, but the Senate was to be a more deliberative body, able to think of the welfare of the country as a whole, not forever beholden to raising money to get elected and therefore vulnerable to being bought off.

    So that’s why the House was based on population, but each state got 2 senators.
    So we end up with 435 members of the House, but 100 members of the Senate. That means each Senator’s vote is more “cloutful.”

    Now, with the passage of the 17th amendment, those hundred senators must go fundraising to get reelected. That makes them vulnerable to being pushed around by billionaires.

    You see, today, to buy a bill-passage from the house, you have to bribe 218 members. But to buy bill-passage from the Senate, you only have to buy off 51 Senators.

    Now, when Senators were elected by the state legislatures, any special interest would have to buy off enough members of 51 state legislatures to get their pro Senators elected. That’s a lot of folks to bribe. Too many to do it effectively.

    But when the 17th Amendment passed, ahah! Now the moneyed folks had to only buy off with campaign contributions 51 guys. This is becoming do-able. Especially since you really only need to target a few Senators for defeat with your big bux to get the others to get your message and get with your program.

    So the direct election of Senators passed in May. By fall, Warburg would have gotten the message to the Senators, vote my way — or else you’ll be going home next election cycle.
    The 17th Amendment is why, on the day before Christmas Eve, while most Christian Senators were already Home for the Holidays, the Federal Reserve Act was rammed through and signed by jew-controlled Wilson, who himself was excessively influenced by Colonel House, the representative of the House of Rothschild in America.

    “Col. Garrison, an agent of Brown Brothers bankers, later Brown Brothers Harriman, had entree everywhere in the financial community
    Garrison also wrote in this book:
    “Paul Warburg is the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred Rothschild of London.”

  6. “ps you are correct Barb, they should be grateful to the Founding Stock but expecting them to be is unnatural. I love my horse, she is a wonderful creature, beautiful, strong and loyal; a true help but I can’t expect her to fetch ducks for me. It would be unnatural for her to do so. I have a good hunting dog to fetch birds for me, who is also a wonderful creature, brave in her own way, a great helpmate when I’m hunting but I can’t expect her to haul logs for me because that would be unnatural.

    We need to abolish the idea that our intelligence over rides what is natural for us to do.”

    Wrong. It’s natural for me to crap in the street, but my intelligence overrides that natural inclination and I refrain from such poor manners and find a facilities when Nature calls.

    By the same token, even if it’s “unnatural” for Jews to give primary loyalty to White Americans, they, nonetheless, OWE us that loyalty, out of common decency.
    If they canNOT override their baser instincts, then they ought to make aliyah to Israel rather than stay here and cause us trouble by doing such, frankly, RUDE things like suing Arizona for wanting to control its border.

  7. Barb, you are all over it.

    Joe: You leave out the Soviet butchery because YKW run it, thereby not fitting your narrative that it’s all whitey’s fault. That’s why the Nazi is the eternal bad guy and the Bolshevik kindly forgotten about….down the old memory hole. That, and YKW contols the media.

  8. Awesome post, Barb. Have you read “The Creature from Jekyll Island”?

    If I could undo one amendment it would be the 17th.

  9. @Wayne
    Once again, I have written many posts to “OD” over the past 2 months (when I found the website) about the horror and terror that was the Soviet Union and the massive death tolls that whites in the Soviet Union had to endure and suffer. I even mentioned the communist jews. I have written many posts about commie jews in the Soviet Union and also about communist jews here in the States as well. I’m not going to mention the subject with every post I shoot off to “OD” just to prove my white “credentials” to you.

  10. actually it is not natural to crap in the street; there is a common human revulsion to crap, we “know” its unhealthy and taking a crap puts you at risk from predators.

    it is natural to favor your own kind. When the South is free again, we should look real close at expelling all people with less then 3 generations and strong blood ties to the South. All jews belong in Israel, but really I’d be happy with all of them being out of the South, but I see no real operating difference between jews and yankees. I don’t hold one any better or any worse then the other. Which if you understand how little I think of yankees you’ll understand what condemnation that is of jews

    You’re spot on about the 17th amendment being one of the worse things that happened to us, but all past the 1st 10 seem to be a bad deal if you ask me

  11. Joe: Everyone here understands your “white credentials” perfectly, as well as your anti-Southern ones.

  12. Stonelifter: Great post! Agree 100%.

    Joe: You must be careful not to post when off your meds. The hate you spew cannot be easily cloaked by your thin veneer of “helpful” criticism.

  13. The New World Imperator himself, Cecil Rhodes – whose dream was an Anglo-American Australian German empire – was funded in no small part by the Rothschilds. That’s just one example.

    If New World Whites strive for greatness the Jews will profit.
    If New World Whites forget how to be great, Jews won’t forget how to profit.

    Whites lost the triple A rating long before BRA. Can’t hate the smart money for being smart. Barnyard antisemitism is not doing us any favors, gentlemen. We have cultural hurdles to overcome such as the fact marrying one’s cousin is seen as “disgusting” when it is the practice of our ancestors and today’s elite.

    Africa. Africa must be physically Europeanized.
    The battle will be not with Negroes but with Chinese.
    Control the world island and control the world.

  14. The control of anything relies on funding. No war is fought without an abundance of funding.
    So long as the juden is funding, nothing they don’t want to happen will happen.The jew is deeply embedded in foreign policy.
    They are foreign policy, they run it, fund

  15. NWO normally implies stuff like the UN and one world govt, state sponsored “capitalism” open borders, population control etc which is inherently anti White and marxist ( which is also anti Christian and anti Western/ White)

  16. Yeah, what SL said above.
    NWO is in no way pro-White.

    And it should be called, JWO.
    Jews are the architects of it.
    They fund it and reinforce it with their anti White media.

  17. @Hunter: “This is a throwback to my old blog Antisemitica. Literally every day, I could scan their own media and find them doing something objectionable. No need for tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. It will suffice to link to what Jews are saying like Matt Drudge. Do it enough times and people will begin to realize there is a problem.”

    Yes, I agree. Share FACTS about real deeds and tendencies, rather than conspiracy FANTASIES.

    Their tendencies (including a tendency to conspire) are real, can be proven, but Their Global Conspiracy is FICTIONAL.

  18. “The jews have owned Britain for centuries.
    They now own the US.”

    Please go collect your prize, but be sure to pay your tax on it as realized gains.

    At the highest levels, Jews have controlled Europe and the US for a long time via Banking. Hitler was financed by the same group that got the US into the war, the same group who owns a good portion of the NY Federal Reserve Bank…..who were the same jewish family banks that came over from Europe at the turn of the 19th century.
    It’s all public knowledge, you just have to go look for it.

    WRT where to place blame for Jewish subversion, this quote about fractional reserve lending sums up the involvement of Jews and their white conspirators very well:
    “The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”

    Now tell me that doesn’t describe high finance, hollywood, K-street or anything else the hook-nosed goblins are over-represented in. There’s your explanation for shabbos-goy assistance. Joe is right but still an asshole.

  19. “Their Global Conspiracy is FICTIONAL”

    No, it is not. There is a global conspiracy of Jewish families, but they don’t necessarily identify with wider jewery. The international bankster jews are agnostic in their traceable actions. The modus operandi of media jews, banker jews and Zionist lobbying jews are all similar, which causes the confusion.

    A more accurate statement would be a single global conspiracy is likely fictional. However, several smaller global jewish conspiracies have been very well documented. It must have been something they were all taught in hebrew school.

  20. Jews DO Control The Media

    When I start seeing holocaust denial documentaries featured or people like David Irving being interviewed on main stream US TV stations and magazines , then I’ll start believing otherwise.

  21. FACTS : Israel’s Mossad attacked the World Trade Center in NYC, with lots of help from Dick Cheney and US intelligence services. google it.
    FACTS : Israel’s Mossad assassinated JFK back in 1963 with Lyndon’s blessing . google it.
    FACTS : The jew commie mobsters in Chicago groomed the african-born Obama for the presidency. google it.
    FACTS : Obama is beholden to jew commie mobsters. Lasker family. google it.
    FACTS: The US military in Afgahnistan is protecting the poppy fields for the jew mobsters who own and control the international heroin trade. google it.
    FACTS : The taliban destroyed the poppy fields and put an end to the heroin trade ( at least until uncle sam’s military showed up on the scene). google it.
    FACTS : Hitler and Mussolini were two birds of the same feather : And the feather was Red just like the color of the Rothschild’s family crest : just like the color of the flag of the Soviet Union. google it.
    FACTS: Woodrow Wilson and so-called christian lawmakers ( overwhelmingly founding stock) handed the Rothschilds [ the family with the Red Shield on their family crest, the Same Red of the flag of the soviet union] family ALL the power to print money , control the economy, and dictate ALL government policies in the USA. google it.
    FACTS : The propensity of the white race to indulge in internecine war is our greatest weakness and needs to be addressed if we, the members of the white race– are to ever get ourselves out of the mess we’re in. google it.

  22. FACT : The jews aren’t “behind” anything.
    FACT : The jews are Leading The Way ; It’s non-jewish whites who are “Behind” the jews , so many white VIPS ( the great majority of them) love [and profit* ] from the “jew” agenda as much as any jew banker or any kind of jew trouble maker.
    * the white VIPS profit from the agenda, just not as much as the jews, that’s all. Still, the Fact is: the white VIPS Do very much profit from the jew agenda. So in the final analysis, the whites love the jew agenda as much as any jew banker or any kind of jew trouble maker.

  23. FACT : The White Race — individually and collectively — have alot of soul searching to do if we’re even going to hope to make a change for the better : ” barnyard anti-semitism” just doesn’t cut-the-cake as someone here rightfully mentioned.
    Nor is constant, endless war [ internecine or otherwise ] the answer to our problems as a race, either . The white race in America has been going to war — internecine and otherwise– since 1941. Go look at Detroit or any other American city : After all the wars, our cities [have] , and our country as a whole , has been destroyed.

  24. FACTS: All the whiskey in Ireland, all the snake-oil salesmens’ smirks in Missouri, all the jack daniels in Tennessee, and all the hollywood movies and teevee shows — including The Andy Griffith teevee show and Leave It Beaver teevee show, and all the other teevee shows — can’t cover up the culpability of our own so-called white leaders ; Nor can it cover up the culpability of the white race as a whole : After all the internecine wars, after handing all power over to the jews, the white race then decided to “do it’s {your} own thing “: Massive promiscuity, massive divorce, massive drug-taking, massive abortion, and all other kinds of immorality, sexual immorality and immorality in all other aspects of life as well . The jews didn’t put a gun to our collective white “christian” head and force us into any of this. Deal with it. It’s the truth. Tough shit.

  25. Joe you sound just like Raphael Benitez melting down right before Alex Ferguson handed him his head. Fakt! Fakt!Fakt!

    Barnyard Antisemitism? Don’t you mean “shut up Kulaks!”

  26. @ John
    I mean what I said in all my posts. Any individual reader is free [ of course] to come to his or her own individual conclusion about the issues discussed in this thread. I’m not the least bit inclined to respond to your puerile and mendacious accusation against me. Another ad hominem remark. I can’t be bothered.
    ” Obliti privatorum, publica curate”
    [ Forget private affairs, take care of public ones] A reminder the common good has priority over private matters when discusing public affairs. Your ad hominem remarks — however subtle and underhanded — belong in the realm of private matters, therefore I will not answer your puerile and mendacious questions : Meant to give the readers the impression I’m somehow a communist. You know fully well I’m not a communist [or a fascist] . That’s very obvious to any regular reader of “OD”, which you @ John are ; Well, at least it’s obvious to any objective and fair-minded reader.

  27. To All Readers:
    I never claimed , nor ever implied, I proved anything. I always suggest googling the information and learning more about the issues being discussed, and coming to one’s own conclusion about matters. That’s all.

  28. seems to me if most folks think you are X yet you claim to be Y you are either X or really shitty and describing why you are Y

  29. @Joe

    You post more “that’s a conspiracy theory – moderator please remove” than anyone. On second thought, you’re the only one that does it.

  30. Seems to me one person doesn’t equal “most folks”; As in 2 + 2 doesn’t add up to “most numbers”. Seems to me 1 + 0 = 1, and one only : In Stonelifter’s case, just “1” who presumes to speak for “most folks” as if he was somehow elected to speak for “most folks”.
    ” A l’impossible nul n’est tenu”
    [ No one is bound to do the impossible ]

  31. @Outlier
    Aux grands maux les grands remedes [ Desperate times, desperate measures]
    Boy, you’re desperate alright. That’s for sure.
    Avoir la bouche fendue jusqu’aux oreilles – Roughly translated: Laughing online.

  32. and you can’t count, John, myself and one of the lady folks called you anti White, plus Outlier here is calling you out joe-jew. That’s a few more than one

  33. To Stonelifter :
    That’s still not “most folks”. Occidental Dissent has alot more readers than those of us who post here on a regular basis. Lame try : but I guess lame is the best you can do.
    For all readers who want to learn more about jewish influence:
    Lots of links to jewish websites as well.
    It’s still important for us non-jewish whites to examine our faults as we examine the faults of others. The world is the way it is because of everyones collective thinking and everyones collective behavior.

  34. I agree with YT. It is not one but many. All with the same intended goal, each with different methods. I also agree that the jews would not be able to do any of this without outside help.

    So many to hate. So little time.

  35. The assertion of theory (not scientific theory either) as fact. Oh the world, ah so bad. Tikkun Olam Joe. The world doesn’t need fixing. No one here is interested in fixing the world. Just a very small corner of it.

  36. @John
    Go for it! No one is stopping you from “fixing” a small corner of the world, or the whole world if you so wish. You can’t possibly be so thin-skinned to allow my comments from stopping you from doing what you want: You say it as if my comments are somehow stopping you, and others, from doing what you want. That can’t possibly be true.
    I never said I’m out to change the whole world, or even a corner of it. I just mention aspects of modern-day life and encourage the readers to do independent research and study. That’s all.
    By the way, I did specifically say that I was not out to change the world. You conveniently overlooked that. I’m not suprised. It’s your way: Ad hominen remarks.
    You have no idea how I walk. We’ve never met in person (Thank God) . By the way, at least ducks* don’t try to distort the words of other people, and neither do they* resort to ad hominem remarks to defame people they* disagree with as you love do . Ducks* are quite honest that way.
    * Yes. I know ducks don’t talk or write, or type. It’s called sardonism : Marked by or displaying contemptous mockery of the motives of others. “Other” here refers to you @ John.

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