The WASP Question – Again

New York

David Brooks takes a whack at this

“Through most of the 19th and 20th centuries, the Protestant Establishment sat atop the American power structure. A relatively small network of white Protestant men dominated the universities, the world of finance, the local country clubs and even high government service.

Over the past half–century, a more diverse and meritocratic elite has replaced the Protestant Establishment. People are more likely to rise on the basis of grades, test scores, effort and performance.

Yet, as this meritocratic elite has taken over institutions, trust in them has plummeted. It’s not even clear that the brainy elite is doing a better job of running them than the old boys’ network. Would we say that Wall Street is working better now than it did 60 years ago? Or government? The system is more just, but the outcomes are mixed. The meritocracy has not fulfilled its promise.”

In the Northeast, the Yankee was knocked off his throne by the Jew and the Irish Catholic around the mid-twentieth century when JFK was president.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Meritocracy is a nauseating word, since it implies that our current power structure is base on merit, when religion, ethnicity, race and gender trump merit at every turn, and discrimination based on the aforementioned grounds is boldly, and legally, instituted, at the same time that the current powers-that-be wail from the highest rooftops about the unjustness of the whites who preceded them. If any group deserved to be completely overturned and snuffed out, it is our current elites.

    The view that there was no merit to the nation, institutions and societies that whites founded and managed for centuries prior to the 1960s is absurd. Everything that was built prior is being mismanaged and run into the ground, and is really running on the energy and ideas left over from the whites who imagined and built the nation. I can’t think of an area that is better off now under our Jewish-led rainbow coalition of elites. The culture, economy, rule of law, international standing, race relations, and everything else that matters is falling apart, and we are told everything is in the hands of more capable, morally superior group of elites. Nonsense! The people running things at the moment are nothing but vicious incompetents with a tendency towards murder and theft on a grand scale. Meritocracy, my ass! The Sham Wow guy comes off as more trustworthy and polished than these people!

  2. The WASP elites self-destructed spiritually with liberalism and biologically with contraception. EM Jones describes this process in detail.

  3. In the Northeast, the Yankee was knocked off his throne by the Jew and the Irish Catholic around the mid-twentieth century when JFK was president.

    The difference being that the Catholics merely wanted to join the existing WASP elite, while the Jews wanted to overthrow it altogether. The Jews succeeded, to the detriment of the nation as a whole.

    It’s true that Catholics historically tended to vote Democratic, but then so did Protestant White Southerners right up to the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976. And Catholics have always been much closer to Protestants in voting intentions than to the archly-Democratic Jews.

    In the 2008 election, White Protestants voted 65% for McCain and 34% for Obama, White Catholics 52% for McCain and 47% for Obama, and White Jews 16% for McCain and 83% for Obama. One of these things is not like the others.

    In the recent Supreme Court decision, the Catholic justices voted 4-2 to repeal Obamacare, while the Jewish justices voted 3-0 to uphold it. If the court was all Catholic, Obamacare would be toast.

    In the US and the rest of the Anglosphere, Catholics have tended to lean somewhat to the left of Protestants. Most of this is probably due to Irish Catholic grievances against the British Protestant ascendancy. But the idea that Catholics are somehow inherently leftist is false, as can be proven by a quick scan of other mixed Catholic-Protestant countries.

    In Germany, the differences between the two major parties are almost as much confessional and regional as ideological, with the Catholic south and west mainly supporting the conservative CDU/CSU, while the Protestant north and east mainly supports the socialist SPD. Not coincidentally, the most Catholic part of the country, Bavaria, is also the most conservative. CDU leader and chancellor Angela Merkel, daughter of a Lutheran pastor from East Germany, is an anomaly, the exception that proves the rule.

    In the Netherlands, the same pattern holds, with the Catholic south leaning toward conservative parties, while the Protestant north mostly votes for liberal or socialist parties. Geert Wilders, himself a Catholic, has his base of support in the mainly Catholic provinces of Limburg and North Brabant.

    In Switzerland, the conservative nationalist Swiss Peoples Party (SVP) is strongest in mainly Catholic central and southern Switzerland, especially in the original cantons surrounding Lake Lucerne. The SVP are weakest in the Protestant strongholds of Geneva, Basel and Zurich and their environs.

    It’s a mistake, not to mention a grave insult, to lump Catholics together with Jews. The political-religious divide in America is between Christians (Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, Mormons) on one hand, and non-Christians (Jews, Muslims, other religions, atheists) on the other.

  4. The Catholic church in my AO is very far to the left on all issues expect queers. Can’t speak to the church anywhere else, but it follows Catholics here vote to the left because of the message they hear on Sunday

  5. Brooks, being an evil snarling jew, has this to say:

    “A relatively small network of white Protestant men dominated the universities, the world of finance, the local country clubs and even high government service.”

    If he had, instead of “dominated,” written the word “built,” then he might come further to the truth. That’s right: a small network of white Protestant men BUILT the universities, the world of finance, the local country clubs, etc etc etc.

    The Catholics, to their credit, built their own rather extensive system of schools, colleges, universities; and only after they had done this, did they begin to wish to meld into the larger Protestant culture. The jews simply wanted to push their way into the Protestant-built world and dominate it, having contributed nothing of their own. They are a hermit-crab people, always seeking to usurp what others have built. It’s even in their scriptures: “you shall enjoy gardens you did not plant, and wells you did not dig” etc etc. Everything the early-twentieth-century anti-semitic restrictionists said, has turned out to be exactly true. The same is true for what the Asian-exclusion proponents said: every bit of it has come to pass. These men were not blind; they knew that of which they spoke.

    What’s even funnier is that you’ll often hear jews defend their absurd preponderance in Hollywood and media (hello, DoJ? where’s that disparate impact suit?) on the grounds that they built it, so it’s theirs to dominate. Well, did they build Harvard Law School, or the Supreme Court? It never stops with these people.

    “It’s a mistake, not to mention a grave insult, to lump Catholics together with Jews.”


    You have to keep in mind that the Catholics used to vote Democrat consistently because they were working-class people trying not to be ground asunder by the forces of Capital; the Jews voted Democrat because they wanted a party of their own, that they could wield as a weapon. Which they do.

    Like I say, it never, ever stops. You can’t get through to them.

  6. “In Germany, the differences between the two major parties are almost as much confessional and regional as ideological, with the Catholic south and west mainly supporting the conservative CDU/CSU, while the Protestant north and east mainly supports the socialist SPD. Not coincidentally, the most Catholic part of the country, Bavaria, is also the most conservative. In the Netherlands, the same pattern holds, with the Catholic south leaning toward conservative parties, while the Protestant north mostly votes for liberal or socialist parties…. In Switzerland, the conservative nationalist Swiss Peoples Party (SVP) is strongest in mainly Catholic central and southern Switzerland….”

    In some other countries the more conservative parts are the northern, eastern, or western — but what all cases, INCLUDING OUR STATES, have in common is that the more conservative are the most agrarian, or the most rural or less densely populated parts, though religious and ethnic variations interplay. The more urban, suburban, and multicultural, the less conservative. Apostate Romanism is generally NOT an effective conservative influence but may appeal to some conservative or traditional-minded people. Nearly all denominations are being run as popular entertainment businesses competing for market share and ignoring controversial issues.

  7. It’s easy to forget that 200 years ago, most of this continent was wilderness, inhabited sparsely by Stone Age hunter-gatherers who had not even thought of the wheel. Now, it is built from coast to coast with advanced cities, highways, rail, airports, and most of the world’s major-class universities.

    Who did all this? Jews? Asians? [laughs long and hard]

    And yet, now that it’s all built, an entire civilization, what in the Old World would have been the fruits of millenia of effort done in two centuries flat, here come the swarms of Asians and Jews, to enjoy what others have done.

    It’s like the old saying, but with a bit of spin: If _you_ build it, They will come.

  8. Settling on a straight meritocracy to discern who runs your country is as preposterous as settling on an arm wrestling contest to discern who gets to sleep with your wife.

    Any man so stupid as to agree to that arrangement is too stupid to have a wife. She should flee from both husband and winner alike.

  9. I can’t remember who it was in the comments who challenged me to name a really awful bonafide Yankee the other day … I could think of plenty of them from a century ago, but whoever it was scored a point on that one.

    Ted Kennedy – R.I.P.

    Chris Matthews

    Joan Walsh

    Lawrence O’Donnell

    Rachel Maddow

  10. To what extent is the WASP Yankee even still in power in the North in the 21st century?

    He certainly isn’t running the show at Harvard, Yale, or Princeton anymore. He doesn’t control New York, Illinois, or Massachusetts.

  11. Every damnyankee who sneers at us folk down here is a horrible yankee. Everyone of them that dismisses our concerns as a people as the concerns of ignorant, inbreed backward hillbillies etc is a horrible yankee; everyone of them who moves down here because they cannot make the cut up there then sets out to change us like were broken is horrible. Everyone of them talk down NASCAR, our music, our culture is a horrible yankee

    the list of those things goes on for miles but y’all get the point

  12. The names Kennedy, O’Donnell, Matthews and Walsh suggest admixtures of other than the true WASP English Anglo-Saxon DNA, and some are not Protestant either, but I get the general idea: that they are all “YANKEES.” Yankee is a term I almost never used or even thought of before visiting this website, and it still seems to me an identification of old New Englanders rather than residents of all states other than the southeastern states. Why not say “northerners and westerners” or “extra-southeasterners”?

  13. That’s a good although non-dictionary definition, Stonelifter: “Everyone…that dismisses our concerns as a people as the concerns of ignorant, inbreed backward hillbillies etc is a horrible yankee; everyone of them who moves down here because they cannot make the cut up there then sets out to change us like were broken….”

  14. The truth is the WASPs fought hard to protect America from the YKW-led onslaught in the early 20th century, but behind the YKW invasion were global financial powers so formidable that they overwhelmed or simply bought out the WASPs.

    Now the remaining WASP descendants have simply absorbed YKW’s propaganda, and become culturally YKW.

    Of course, the YKW parasites, having hollowed out and destroyed their host, will, as they have for thousands of years, move on to a new victim. Perhaps China will not be so susceptible to the YKW plague.

  15. A lot of what ails us is what I call “Ignoring Origins”;

    remember those people who asked “Why do they hate us?” after 9/11?

    or those who think Hitler and Jew-hate just came out of nowhere with no cause?

    or that communism and socialism was the idle invention of a bunch of well fed folks who had nothing better to do with their time then to mess with kind ol’ business men?

    when the white race rises up against genocide; anti-whites will be asking “Why?” Phoney ignorance masking what everyone knows.

    In sum: if you treat people like shit, of course they’ll be gunning for you, as the Jews and Catholics did to the WASPs, and eventually they will get the upper hand, even if momentarily. Thus, if you aren’t going to treat people like family, don’t let ’em in your house.

  16. “It’s a mistake, not to mention a grave insult, to lump Catholics together with Jews. The political-religious divide in America is between Christians (Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, Mormons) on one hand, and non-Christians (Jews, Muslims, other religions, atheists) on the other.” – Jeppo

    Jep, you don’t get it. Because HW is speaking of reawakening the South (Dixie) the fundamental difference between the South and the North (even acknowledging that Scarlett O’Hara was a catholic in the South) was between the TRUE FAITH (i.e., Bible Protestantism- Anglican in aristocratic society, and Methodist/Baptist in lower) versus the apostate Puritan/calvinism of the North, and the influx of those ‘Irish’ that scared American sentiments silly about the ‘power of the Pope.’ Why, even as late as the 1950’s, with Blanshard’s books, there was an attempt to raise up Protestant ire against Romanists, which I- as a former Catholic, now Orthodox/Western Rite cleric, can see quite clearly. You need to read more and understand where the men of the South are coming from…. As far as the jews are concerned, they have ALWAYS been ‘other.’ And still are, if truth be told. But there, who has been their staunchest advocates, but the Vatican II Catholics?

    Just reading Maurice Pinay’s or Michael Hoffman’s sites, should give you a clue to THAT ‘uneasy alliance.’

    But to minds who don’t want to hear, nothing reaches….

  17. “They are a hermit-crab people, always seeking to usurp what others have built. It’s even in their scriptures: “you shall enjoy gardens you did not plant, and wells you did not dig” etc etc. ”

    Arrrrgh! Oscar, the “Jews” are NOT the “israelites” of the Old Testament.
    Reiterating a point I thought I had sufficiently decimated some months back!
    The “Jews” aren’t even Israelites! Read Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe.”

    A Nobel-prize winning author who was Jewish, ought to know about his own people’s congenital lying about who they are as a race, don’t you think?

  18. Newsflash:

    It was a PROTESTANT –wasp— COUNTRY! COUNTRY!!!

    They had all the jobs, did all the work, filled all the classes, etc.

    This is what so many are invested in obscuring, why places like TOO only let the most self-hating Wasps post, why the “immigrant meme” was Soooo effective, (because the people using it don’t identify as wasps.) The “us and our posterity” must be SILENCED.

    Now I’ll go read the rest.

    I never even get past the first sentence before I’m cracking up.

    The wily Puritans —those pale-face WASP DEVILS— made us do it!

    Obscuring reality on this score is genocide.

  19. Sentence II:

    Hannity meme.

    “Ever since catholics and jews all but genocided the “us and our posterity” (using legal infiltration and proxy warriors— blacks incited on slave meme for jews, and south american browns incited on catholic liberation theology and “anti-angloism” –code for protestant— for the catholics)— it has become A MERITOCRACY—

    —even as they, themselves, always call it a Welfare State based in redistribution

    lmao! it’s like deo vindice— times two

  20. Eg:

    “…Today’s elite is more talented and open but lacks a self-conscious leadership code…”

    Rofl— self exposure on this level should be FUNNY. Am I the only one with friends who hold their sides laughing @ reading articles such as this???

  21. @ [ + Fr John + ]
    What weird middle-eastern tribe from 5,000 year ago is the One Tribe God loves the most, may I ask? So many tribes. So much disambiguation. What tribe or tribes are on God’s “they’re okay, they’re not so bad” list exactly ? Which tribe or tribes were on God’s Shit List exactly. What tribe or tribes are on God’s list of “sometimes I [God] like them, sometimes I [God] don’t particularly like them”.
    I can never get all these wierd tribes sorted out correctly. It’s all soooo confusing to me.
    I fear I’ll never be able to sort out all these wierd middle-eastern tribes from 5,000 years ago : God will never be happy with me and I’ll never make it to Graceland.
    Please pray for me. Or, at least write a post delineating , preferably in a clear and coherent manner, all the tribes of the middle-east from 5,000 years ago and how they rate exactly in the eyes of God His Holy Himself. Thanks.
    ” Vita summa brevis spem nos vetat incohare longham”.
    [ The shortness of life prevents us from entertaining far-off hopes]

  22. @ “…..The WASP elites self-destructed spiritually with liberalism and biologically with contraception….”

    LOL— wn’s run around shrieking genocide (rightly so).

    THE WASP, however —the root of all evil!!—- may only “self” destruct. Never ATTACKED!

    —tears of laughter!

    If it’s not the devil Puritans (who were actually pretty smart), then it’s the “wasp” generally (ALL OF THEM! (code for northern european, btw) their “liberalism,” and insistence on science, or thinking, or maybe wanting to be free of ignorant serfdom and society based in entrenched jewish and catholic elites (who Brooks says aren’t running things all that well….

  23. @ Jeppo

    “….The difference being that the Catholics merely wanted to join the existing WASP elite, while the Jews wanted to overthrow it altogether….”

    Except for the top brass, you have a point there. The regular work-a-day catholics did, in fact, appreciate what had been done, the path that had been made.

    After Vatican II, imo, any one of them worth their salt had to have become an honorary protestant, maybe—- in the sense that they could now see clearly (one hopes) what protestants had been viewing for 1500 years (or more but that’s another story)— maneuvers of their high officials that were questionably really based in Christ.

  24. Since spin and marketing are of course a great strength of YKW, they have re-labeled white European dispossession as “meritocracy.”

    Our side needs to become at least as skilled at re-labeling and re-framing, using pithy succinct words and phrases that convey powerful ideas.

  25. “In the US and the rest of the Anglosphere, Catholics have tended to lean somewhat to the left of Protestants. Most of this is probably due to Irish Catholic grievances against the British Protestant ascendancy. But the idea that Catholics are somehow inherently leftist is false, as can be proven by a quick scan of other mixed Catholic-Protestant countries.”

    This is likely because a distinction can be made within Catholics: Irish Catholics being less conservative than German Catholics because of the culture of grievance. The culture of grievance being the main cultural force within American-style liberalism.

  26. @ [ + Fr John +]
    Are the “hermit-crab people” related in any way to the “inuit skraelings” who washed up on Ireland’s shore? Are the “hermit-crabmite people-tribe ” originally from the middle-east from 5,000 years ago ? Are they on God’s Shit List ? ; Or on God’s “sometimes I [God] like them, sometimes I [God] don’t particularly like them” list ?
    Doesn’t sound like the “hermit-crab people” make the list of [The One Tribe], however. Poor hermit-crab people : No gardens and wells of their own. Why don’t the hermit-crab people just go to africa and buy some slaves and force the slaves to dig wells for them aand plant gardens for them ? The “hermit-crab people” don’t sound too bright. Sounds like the “hermit-crab people” will never make it to Graceland.

  27. “The Catholics, to their credit, built their own rather extensive system of schools, colleges, universities; and only after they had done this, did they begin to wish to meld into the larger Protestant culture. ”

    They did this to prove themselves to the dominant Protestant culture at the time. Most did not have the connections to get into Protestant universities, initially. Schools like my mother attended were designed to teach Catholic immigrants proper English and other skills to make them appealing to Protestant employers. Most Catholic immigrant households had etiquette books written by upper-crust WASPS like Emily Post.

    There was a strong desire to assimilate to the culture and prove that, aside from the church they went to on Sunday, they were no different from the WASPS who, believe it or not, they admired and aspired to somewhat be. However, that was back when the WASP was culturally confident and showed a certain caste arrogance that you don’t see anymore.

    “To what extent is the WASP Yankee even still in power in the North in the 21st century?

    He certainly isn’t running the show at Harvard, Yale, or Princeton anymore. He doesn’t control New York, Illinois, or Massachusetts.”

    Oh, there are plenty of WASP Yankees still in power. The Bush family comes to mind. There are others who are still there. The thing is, like the British aristocracy, they have all literally gotten in bed with the Jews. Look at how many of their daughters have married nice Jewish boys. Peggy Noonan in her genteel, delicate way, speculated in one of her posts, that the ruling class (WASPS) have “made their own separate peace” with the enemy. I think she is right.

    “Every damnyankee who sneers at us folk down here is a horrible yankee. Everyone of them that dismisses our concerns as a people as the concerns of ignorant, inbreed backward hillbillies etc is a horrible yankee; everyone of them who moves down here because they cannot make the cut up there then sets out to change us like were broken is horrible. Everyone of them talk down NASCAR, our music, our culture is a horrible yankee.”

    Every damnyankee who sneers at you folk down there has never even visited the South and only has shows and movies, produced by YKW, like In The Heat of the Night where all Southern Whites are stupid and evil or Deliverance as his reference. Why do you think Tim Wise hated The Andy Griffith Show? Most Yankees who come to the South may come with preconceived notions, but they evaporate quickly by contact with Southerners, most of whom are very gracious and personable.

    For example, when my military family was stationed in South Carolina, the people who so nice and interesting, that we started touring the landmarks and the museums, because they were so different from what we had been led to expect that they excited our curiosity. One of the places we went was Charleston where we visited the slave market and were shocked to find out how much Negro slaves were sold for. We had been under the impression that they couldn’t have sold for more than a hundred dollars. We also visited the Boone Plantation where we were told that the planters had to pay a ten dollar head tax on every slave he owned. Seeing how expensive they were made us understand why the planters who probably had to go into hock to afford them were not too thrilled with the abolition movement.

  28. @ [ + Fr John +]
    Do the “Jews” who are not true “Israelites” support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?
    Do the Waspmite Tribe support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? What about the tribe that makes God’s “They’re It” : They’re [ The One Tribe] Do they support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?, or no? Do tribes that support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 make it to Graceland-In-The-Sky ? or no? Where does the tribe of Guidomites fit into all of this? Do Guidomites make it to Graceland? or no?
    What about the Hamiltonmite tribe? Where does God send the Hamiltonmites? Do the Hamiltonmites make it to Graceland? Or does God His Holy Himself send the Hamiltonmites to The -Great -Wall- Street- in-the-Sky? Where did God send Benjamin and Elmore? : To The-Great-Fort-Knox-In-The-Sky ? Or, The Great : “City-Of- London ” -In-The-Sky ? Or, did God just send Benjamin-Elmore to Dollywood-In-The-Sky?
    It’s all sooo confusing, it’s. So is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913:
    Well, not that confusing really : If one gives it some serious consideration, as it would behoove All readers to do : Give it serious consideration.

  29. @Dixiegirl:

    “After Vatican II, imo, any one of them worth their salt had to have become an honorary protestant, maybe—- in the sense that they could now see clearly (one hopes) what protestants had been viewing for 1500 years (or more but that’s another story)— maneuvers of their high officials that were questionably really based in Christ.”

    I don’t think Vatican II had so much to do with it other than block-busters working in tandem with the fair housing ordinances. White Catholic ethnic neighborhoods were destroyed. White flight to Protestant suburbia was generated by these Catholics who scattered in all directions.

    Once that happened, they had no cohesive community and had only Protestants to associate with. They got invited to a church social or two, attended a church service or two and was impressed with the preaching – not as dry as Catholic sermon could be, and converted. Depending on where they ended up, a lot of Catholics became something else, even Mormon.

    Those Catholics who didn’t convert to Protestantism often married Protestants who got them more into the Protestant way of thinking as well. JMO.

    Love and fellowship are greater inducements than persecution to conversion, IMO.

  30. i don’t buy in to that brain washed bullshit. folks are responsible for their actions including damnaynkees regarding the South

    no most yankees who come to the South do nothing but run us down and try to change the place . For reference I give you Raleigh and Charlotte

  31. Dixiegirl, let me try again:
    Encouraged by the Jews, the WASP elites self-destructed spiritually with liberalism and biologically with contraception.
    EM Jones describes this process in detail. Kevin MacDonald states that it was “murder” rather than suicide, and he makes very good points, but the fact is that WASPs (in the US and elsewhere) got the liberal virus way before Jews rose to power in America. No Jew forces you to contracept your own children in the bedroom, it is your own decison. Have you heard of the Lambeth conference of 1930? Do you know what happpened there?
    Assisted suicide could be a better way to describe it.

  32. ” Vince Malum Bono ”
    [ Overcome Evil With Good] ( that’s what I always say )
    Kill and Deport Catholics Who Don’t Marry Wasps !!!
    That’s the Ticket 4 a Better America. Yes sirre bob.
    Vote 4 Benjamin-Elmore 4 Everything!! : The Ticket 4 a Better America. Yes sirre bob.
    Do your Sacred Duty to Save Wasp America: Kill and Deport Catholics Who Don’t Marry Wasps!!

  33. “(E)veryone of them who moves down here because they cannot make the cut up there”:

    Some of them move down there just because they’re rootless metropolitan people always looking for a new paradise to ruin and/or because they have lots of money and want to own yet another house and property in yet another state. Yes, they’ll use their power to change things and Charlotte and the “research triangle” metropolitan areas in your state are sad examples.

  34. does it matter why when the end result is the attempted destruction of our way of life? Motivation doesn’t mean a damn thing. The reality is yankees destroy and are no damn good for us or our heritage

  35. The old ethnic Yankee that was descended from English colonists is not in charge in the North at all anymore. Not only does he not rule New England he doesn’t even make up the majority of the population of New England.

    The only state in New England where English is the largest ancestry claimed among whites is Maine but even there only 30 percent of people claim it so they are more than twice outnumbered by the non-British descendants of the great waves of immigration.

    In the aftermath of Reconstruction many in the North adopted the view that the South was absolutely right on the racial question. You’ve quoted Charles Francis Adams saying so here before yourself. People in the South sensed in many ways we were winning the cultural battle in the late 19th and early 20th century. That is why so many former Confederates were able to make such pro-Union statements back then.

    In 1924 the old North and the old South united to try to save American society so it would still resemble something like it was when it was founded, but 1924 was too little too late.

    With far too many Yankee elites still embracing the other over their own people and a massive immigrant population including the Jews who had no love for the Yankee the non-universalist portion of the Yankee elite was eventually overwhelmed.

    Both Southerners and the Northern immigrant groups both have historic grievances with the old Yankee. What is important to understand though is that the reasons we dislike the old Yankee could not be more opposite. Southerners dislike the Yankee for the portion of his elite that went overboard with egalitarian universalistic ideas that lost all touch with reality. The immigrant population really dislikes him for the exact opposite reason. They dislike the part of the WASP that actually tried to protect his ethnic boundary markers and keep himself in power. In other words the WASPS they have a negative view of are the ones who really believed in being a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant not the universalist nut jobs. They dislike him for his only redeeming trait.

  36. @ [ + Fr John+ ]
    What happens to the catholicmites who don’t marry waspmites, or don’t even try to act and behave “waspymite-ish” ? Do they make it to Graceland? or no? Where does God send such recalcitrant catholicmites? Do they spend an eternity with the whore of babylon and other assorted babylon-ishmite tribe types? If a catholicmite doesn’t marry a waspmite and doesn’t act waspymite-ish, yet supports the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 with his/her all heart and soul, can such a otherwise recalcitrant catholicmite still have a chance to spend eternity with those special and chosen waspmite/israelmites in the great -Mayberry-In-The-Sky? Or no? I do very much want to know. I do very much want to be a good American. I do very much miss Aunt Bee’s apple pies. Do non-waspymish, non-wasp- marrying -catholics who don’t support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 make it to the great Eternal Chosen Church Picnic in-the-Sky?

  37. Will the hermite-crab people ever learn to dig their own wells and plant their own gardens? Or, will the hermit-crabmite-ish tribemites finally figure out they can go to africa and buy slaves for about 50 bucks a piece? : And then the slaves can do all the digging and all the planting, or will the 50 buck-a-piece-slaves start a slave revolt, and/or will the damn yankeemites free the hermit-crabmite’s 50 buck-a-piece slaves? Will the hermit-crabmites ever support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ? :Will the hermit-crabmites ever learn how to make it to Chosen-People-Israelmite-Heaven? Or, will the hermit-crab people just sorta meander back to their cousin-tribe : the innuit-skraelingmites of the north pole? Will they try to steal toys from Santa’s workshop? Will the hermit-crabmites put their claws in Mrs. Santa’s Christmas-cookie cookie jar? Or no?

  38. We weren’t knocked off. We just thought there were enough smart Catholics and lost the stamina for the old Jew quotas at top schools. Bad move? Yes, but the toothpaste is out of the tube and a Nigger is smearing it on the wall. Economically are we better off as individuals? Yes. As a nation, we’re shambolic and borrow money from the Chinese to give our Mandinkos a free lunch.

  39. I’m greatly enjoy being sardonic [ when appropriate] and iconoclastic [ ditto]. Always have. Thank you very much. Doesn’t hurt at all. I rather enjoy it. I hope no one hurts the hermit-crabmite people, though, they sound a bit lost and confused, that’s all. I trust as I pray [ +Fr John +] will preach/teach the hermit-crabmites the Bible-Truth and the hermit-crab people will make it to Graceland like all the other righteous posters here at “OD”.

  40. @Tamer of Savages
    Be of good cheer. The whittle “papist grand-kids” are becoming increasingly waspish/epitome-of-All-American with every passing day. I only hope and pray they don’t grow up to be sell-outs and support/approve of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913:
    I consider it my duty to drum The Truth into their whittle heads , however “papist” , however waspmite-ish, the whittle ones may be, or may not be.

  41. As per Stonelifter, “Joe” is a Jew ’cause I’m opposed to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Jews somehow don’t support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, as per Stonelifter. As per Stonelifter, non-Jews should support the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, ’cause according to Stonlifter’s logic/premise, Jews somehow are opposed to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. And they say “Joe” is on meds.
    Laughing online.

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