K-Lo on Mitt’s Turning Point

National Review

Don’t miss this crucial column from NRO’s Kathryn Jean Lopez in which she recounts the story of how Mitt Romney’s speech to the NAACP impressed her Nigerian cab driver in the Beltway:


The mid-July rumor that Mitt Romney might pick former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice as his running-mate was a fun Matt Drudge scoop for those few in the country who live off political-campaign gossip during Acela rides between Boston and New York or Philly and D.C. It was a treat for junkies looking for a pre-convention news high, coming so soon after Ann Romney’s offering that her husband might be considering a woman to fill the slot.

A woman is a good idea. Or a Marco Rubio. A Bobby Jindal. That’s the unsolicited advice one political veteran offered while discussing Mitt Romney’s potential vice-presidential pick. Most important, he said, “You’ve got to go to the future.” Oddly, that’s what the Condi rumors reflected, despite the fact that she had served in George W. Bush’s cabinet. . . .

Romney also issued a challenge to embrace school choice as a civil-rights issue. One of President Obama’s more indefensible positions is reflected in his stubborn refusal to be an advocate for some of the poorest children in Washington, D.C., who are plagued by dismal, dangerous schools. Talking about the intolerable inequality that persists in educational opportunity, Romney quoted Frederick Douglass: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” That’s a statement for our times, soul-reviving for our country and our culture.

It was one of several quality borrowed lines Romney offered. “Every good cause on this earth,” Romney said, “relies in the end on a plan bigger than ours. ‘Without dependence on God,’ as Dr. King said, ‘our efforts turn to ashes and our sunrises into darkest night.’ Unless his spirit pervades our lives, we find only what G. K. Chesterton called ‘cures that don’t cure, blessings that don’t bless, and solutions that don’t solve.’” This is a crucial part of the conservative proposition this November that Romney represents: that government is not our sole or even our primary hope, and it’s not our primary agent of transformational change. . .

The Romney campaign doesn’t need a vice-presidential gimmick. Mitt Romney just needs to be himself. That NAACP speech was a model and a turning point. “Take a look,” he said at his unleashing. If he keeps talking that way, whole new audiences might do just that.”

Few of us political junkies in Dixie ride the Acela train in the Northeast corridor between Boston, New York City, and DC. Maybe we could have seen Romney’s “unleashing” from that vantagepoint?

Down South, it sounded like he was booed by a bunch of African-Americans after promising to give away our new schools in our overpriced suburbs because blacks have totally destroyed our old public schools, and it is also looked like he has a rock solid grasp on 1 percent of the black vote.

Note: Condoleeza Rice probably voted for Obama in 2008.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Clearly the Romney pandering strategy is paying off. Perhaps he just might get that 1% of the Black vote after all.

  2. We may not see an all White male presidential ticket again.
    The trend seems to go either female or non White.

  3. That idea doesn’t bother me Sean. Most people are not rational, even White men, and it would be a lot easier to spin a negro in charge of the collapse then tell the truth about a collapse

  4. The sooner you realize it’s a choice between TWO evils, the sooner you can actively choose the lesser & plan accordingly. (Using the little time left to prepare for the coming storm)

    Unless of course you’re prepared for civil unrest, martial law, suspension of the Constitutional Rights afforded to Citizens, collapse of infastructure, the electrical grid, food & water supply, medical care, EMS, Fire & Police… (except those coming to collect your firearms).

    Then, by all means- help Obama win by voting third party, abstaining, or actually voting for the nigger. Lastly, come on AmRen & thump your chest a little bit prior to, during & after the process.

  5. What does choosing the lesser of two evils accomplish?

    It just puts another Republican like Bush in there who is going to do absolutely nothing to reverse our decline. He is going to do all kinds of favors for his rich corporate contributors. He is going to provide jobs and patronage for the same set of worthless hacks in the Beltway.

    With a Republican in the White House, Whites are going to go back to sleep for another four years. Meanwhile, the underlying racial demographics will only become drastically worse, ensuring a further decline in the economy and our standard of living.

    If John McCain had won the presidency, he would have forced House Republicans to work with Democrats to pass comprehensive immigration reform. With Obama in the White House, congressional Republicans will at least try to block damaging legislation.

    The best we can hope for out of the federal government is gridlock because Republicans are plainly unwilling to do anything that positively makes life better for White people.

  6. It will make a great deal of difference to super billionaires like Bob Perry and Sheldon Adelson if Obama is defeated by Romney. Further down the scale, the return on voting for Romney diminishes because ordinary people are less invested in neocon wars for Israel.

    Lastly, it is hardly our fault if Romney wants to run his campaign in such a way that offers us no positive incentive to vote for him. That’s his own fault. The reason he does that is because he falsely assumes that he has us in his back pocket.

  7. I hate that lesser of two evils bullshit; each is still supporting evil. Then the supporting the lesser of the two evils crowd wants to claim they are morally superior to the person who decided to support no version of evil

    I think the best thing possible would be for no White people to vote in the federal election.

  8. Researching Mitt Romney is like wringing out a dirty mop. No matter how many times you wring the mop, you can always squeeze out a little more dirt.

    The Bloomberg article I linked above mentions a billionaire Romney donor named Paul Singer. Singer recently donated $1,000,000 to the Romney SuperPac “Restore Our Future.” Since I had never heard of Singer, I decided to look him up.

    It turns out Singer is a Jew. He is a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition. He also supports an organization called the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Their motto is Securing America, Strengthening Israel. The front page of their web site currently features an article calling for a US-led war on Iran.

    In addition to the million-dollar donation mentioned in the Bloomberg piece, it turns out that Singer also uses his billions to promote homosexuality and gay marriage within the Republican party:

    NY Times:

    [Singer] steadfastly supports conservative candidates. He also steadfastly supports gay rights in general and marriage equality in particular. Along with a few other leading Wall Street financiers [ed. of what ethnic background???], he contributed and helped drum up the majority of the money — more than $1 million — that fueled the campaign for same-sex marriage in New York.

    He has given nearly $10 million of his own money to gay-rights initiatives, including the same-sex marriage efforts not only in New York but also in New Hampshire and New Jersey. And that figure doesn’t include his assistance in tapping a broad network of donors for individual candidates. He was pivotal in rounding up about $250,000 apiece for the Republican state senators in New York whose votes for same-sex marriage provided its margin of victory in the Legislature.

    Now, Singer says, he’s providing $1 million to start a new “super PAC” with several Republican compatriots. Named American Unity PAC, its sole mission will be to encourage Republican candidates to support same-sex marriage, in part by helping them to feel financially shielded from any blowback from well-funded groups that oppose it.

    To sum that up, Romney takes big bucks from a billionaire Jew who spends his millions: 1) to promote gay marriage within the Republican party, and 2) to fight Republicans who oppose gay marriage, that is, most Republican voters and almost all conservative Christians.

    Romney is rotten to the core. I hope Obama destroys him.

    www nytimes com/2012/06/10/opinion/sunday/the-gops-gay-trajectory.html?_r=2

  9. ‘Romney is rotten to the core.’


    With Justice Roberts turning into a 2012 version of Earl Warren there is no longer any reason to vote for these Doles, McCains and Romneys. They won’t even deliver on the Supreme Court anymore…

  10. Amanda choosing the lesser of two evils isn’t a viable option. It has been tried and tried again with no different result. We here are not insane enough to believe that the outcome will be different this election. Nor can we be persuaded by fear which is what you propose. Obama getting in carries risk certainly but there is also opportunity.

  11. “‘Without dependence on God,’ as Dr. King said, ‘our efforts turn to ashes and our sunrises into darkest night.’ Unless his spirit pervades our lives, we find only what G. K. Chesterton called ‘cures that don’t cure, blessings that don’t bless, and solutions that don’t solve.’” This is a crucial part of the conservative proposition this November that Romney represents.”

    How DARE either this writer or Romney PRESUME that a man and a mind as great as Chesterton can, in the same breath, be compared to that marxist, no-account plagiarizing, two-faced, adulterous, ‘I’m a white man tonight’ NIGGER!!!

    By GOD, this country is so utterly devoid of the pnevma of God, we are like Ancient Israel before the Captivity- cult prostitutes on the high places, corrupt judges, evil kings, and spiritual adultery everywhere you look.

    I believe Jeremiah Wright was correct. “G.D. America.”
    Misericordie, Domine.

  12. In the primary elections and months leading up to it, most of the Tea Partiers and other self-styled conservatives, and even some of you, supported Neo Con — not wanting any Republican candidate who was “too dangerous” and “who could never win.” Now it’s too late for choosing a better candidate. The white relationship with the Neocon went too far, and our shotgun marriage is in effect: Romney IS the white candidate; and it is NOT possible to organise a successful mass movement of whites to abstain from votin; and from all involvement with the Republican party, and the election WILL go forth, even without all of us; and if enough whites don’t continue to support what they chose in the spring, then don’t count on THE COLLAPSE as a certain outcome, but on the resounding second mandate for “Hope and Change” weakening further the position of the Tea Party Republicans who are the ONLY governmental force resisting the tightening grip of tyranny.

  13. “I believe Jeremiah Wright was correct.” I don’t think you REALLY consider him worthy of citation.

  14. I agree: “(W)e are like Ancient Israel before the Captivity — cult prostitutes on the high places, corrupt judges, evil kings, and spiritual adultery everywhere you look.”

    And not only SPIRITUAL adultery, everywhere you look.

  15. “….Though this filmed mischief and anti-social behavior has been popular among teens for years, lately it has become increasingly violent…..”

    Says Kevin Dollard, in the first article. “Just a little mischief.”

    People should call these msm freaks on their minimizing— shrinks use that word for violent perpetrator colluders (such as the article writer.) “Mischief” is no ok in this context. Is this writer a sociopath who wouldn’t know that— or what?

  16. With a Republican in the White House, Whites are going to go back to sleep for another four years.

    No they won’t, because the savage of the negro has been re-awoke. And he is not going back to sleep until there is an honest attempt to combat negro crime. Good neighborhoods are going to begin to look like third world cities in Mexico, Brazil, and California within a few years. And the trend will not reverse, even if rising crime rates are reversed. Honest statistics regarding crime rates are also going to have to be produced. We can’t “just know”, it must be documented. If it is a felony malicious assault, it needs reported as such and not as some misdemeanor crime no ones bats an eyelash at.

    While Romney might be far from an acceptable candidate, with him the removal of Eric Holder should happen. And that in itself should be a reason for voting for Mittens Romneyez , because as long as the Justice Department has an outright bias against white people, nothing is going to improve in day to day life.

  17. @….. “A woman is a good idea. Or a Marco Rubio. A Bobby Jindal. That’s the unsolicited advice one political veteran offered while discussing Mitt Romney’s potential vice-presidential pick. Most important, he said, “You’ve got to go to the future.”

    Msm doesn’t even BLUSH when offering blaspheme (it’s blasphemous to predict the future unless you’re a prophet)—- and says “you’ve got to go to the future…”

    How coy—- not to NAME THAT FUTURE.

    What is meant: It is a fait accompli—- the future is non-white.

    They’ve been talking exactly like this FOR FIFTY YEARS. Trying to produce the non-white future, make it a self-fulfilling prophecy, while offering abortions, self-sterilization pills, propaganda for “Zero Population Growth” and “reducing your footprint,” etc,—- all that and more geared POLICY WISE to producing a non-white future in America (that was 90% white 50 year ago— just a couple generations ago).

    That is Genocide, and a serious crime.

    The person who made that statement is pro-white-genocide.

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