About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ” The Great Revealing: US Marshalls Expose Biggest Scandal in History”
    Excellent article. Not all bad news : Talks a little bit about the growing dissent in the US military against Uncle Sam’s communist regime.
    If link doesn’t work, go to “rumormillnews” (.com) The article was put up Fri 20th. I know rumormillnews runs wacky articles alot, but this article is not at all wacky or off-the-wall. Very level-headed and intelligent analysis of America’s present-day situation.

  2. Nothing will ever come of this investigation. This poor soul is just another notch for the enemy. They don’t snitch and apparently most of “us” don’t snitch on them either.

  3. We could in our little part of the web start a small pebble down a mountain. Basically start refering to instances like this as acts of war of a low intensity war.

    It is called leverage, and this would lever it into a community of folks who like to talk of war, we even have a few of those types here at OD.

    IMO these are not “crimes” these are political acts by a demographic steeped in racial hatreds socially, politically and maybe hardwired mentally as well.

  4. Of course that would make outfits like the lamestream media outlets and the SPLC and Holder Justus Dept. complicit, and knowing reactionairies like I do they will wait for some demi-god like CONservative leader to tell them what to do and themselves go about believing the anti-white left is morally superior.

  5. John – I’ve repeatedly posted my beliefs on what ObamaHolder will do, once re-nmstalled. I’m certain that some think I’m melodramatic – but I’m not.

    If the Kenyan Usurper is re-installed, the slaughter of American Whites begins for REAL. I am not exaggerating.

  6. Steve,

    Thanks for those links. The links you’ve posted are not making the rounds in my immediate circles

  7. Excellent videos/information about the “Mystery” Obama and Obama’s “mystery” father and Obama’s family history/background at Council of Conservative Citizens. The website is on the blogroll here at Occidental Dissent. Communists to-the-core, the whole family.

  8. RRS, I’ve attempted to convince people the high negro on White crime rate is in fact a low intensity war. It never stuck. I think because #1) most people do not understand how often negros attack Whites, and emotionally dismiss the statistics. They simply cannot conceive the actual crime rates/ natural criminal instincts of negros #2) folks dismiss the idea because it’s not an organized event as in no one is planning the attacks from above. Perhaps it would be best to label the flash mob attacks as LIC since they are planned events.

    Or maybe it would work better in some place like detroit for Chris313.

  9. @Stonelifter

    Whites and niggers in Detroit have been at war with each other since 1863. If you are white man or woman born here, you were born into a race-war and everyone realizes it.

    Sometimes it flares up into open combat, as it did in 1943 and 1967 and the Devils Nights of the 1980’s, but mostly it’s just extreme tension and hostility. Only thing you can do is stay alert, look out for your own, and be prepared for the worst.

  10. I have seen this @Steve.

    The joke is on the JudeoXtians, the JudeoXtian Ziobots and Noachide churches and faith communities busy polishing the turd at their blasphemous Conference.

    “Israeli lawmaker Destroys ‘Abominable’ New Testament as ‘Christians’ United for Israel meet in Washington”. This was the Tues July 17, 2012 and posted on the Traditional Catholic blogspot

    Also of note to those who do not have their seat belts fastened, their tray tables stowed and a barf bag at the ready is that Michael Ben Ari is anti-pope Benedict’s ‘father in the faith’. See Benedict’s turgid tome ‘Light of the World’, p. 82.

    This was also the week after the traditional Roman Catholic sodality the Society of St Pius X said ‘no deal’ to Rome on the bi-lateral talks for what the anti-papacy regards as ‘normalisation’ of the Society’s relations with Rome.

    The Roman Catholics adhering to the holy faith and to what the Church has always and everywhere taught in Scripture, Tradition and doctrine to not want to be ‘normalized’ with the anti-pope’s father in the faith.

    Michael Ben Ari’s satanic hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour and our King has no part with us. Non habemus partum.

  11. The Catholic church is involved in banking– the Vatican owns a bank : “Creditio Artigiano”, a very Corrupt and Scandal-Ridden bank. The catholic church practices Usury [ big-time]. Most people don’t know the vatican actually owns a bank : It’s the truth. Google:
    ” creditio artigiano + vatican”
    ” creditio artigiano + bank scandals”
    The Vatican has always Supported the Staus-Quo, always. The Vatican never stopped a war in Europe : Many times it was the Vatican that fomented war. The popes didn’t care if White Europeans killed one another down in droves, as long as the Vatican big-shots stayed in power. Many White Europeans were killed by the Vatican throughout history : Mostly over land-grabs and financial reasons. The catholic church always reeked of corruption, from the very first day the church opened it’s doors for business. The catholic church has nothing to offer to modern-day White Americans : Nothing. Even the most devout and traditional church leaders in the United States throughout the history of the US, were antagonistic to the Protestant Christian founding-stock. And this was way before the church was taken over by commies in 1958. The catholic church– even the older, more “traditional” catholic church, reeked of corruption, murder, usury, war-mongering, and stomping down on the average, working-class of Europe. The catholic church “traditionally” supported a serf-based economy. Serfdom, constant indebteness, constant misery for the bulk of Europe’s White population. The catholic church, in spite of it’s official announcements, is very much tied into the world’s banking/power system : Always has been. The catholic church holds no answer(s) or solutions to the problems White Americans must confront.

  12. @ Moderator
    I think it’s very rude not translate foreign words and expressions. As far as Latin words and expressions, American schools, including many Catholic schools, stopped teaching Latin back in the late 60’s early 70’s. Most of the readers to “OD” do not know Latin [ and/or Catholic church Latin expressions]. I happen to be familiar Latin , and Catholic church Latin expressions, but just familiar with it. Most readers to “OD” don’t know Latin. Even if most did, there would still be some readers who wouldn’t understand. I imagine Occidental Dissent is supposed to be for All readers, it’s supposed to be a forum for All readers to have a dialogue : Occidental Dissent is not a forum for those who happen to know Latin [ or any other foreign language].
    I respectfully request you call upon All posters here to “OD” to translate foreign words and expressions. It’s very inconsiderate not to translate.

  13. You know, I’m ordinarily against trigger-happy banning on open discussion sites, but ‘Joe’ and his bullshit are starting to becoming a constant disruption to the normally great atmosphere on here.

    When people have to scroll past a dozen consecutive, tourette-like, text-walls of jibberish in order to read one meaningful comment, the flow of discussion becomes choked and exchanges between individuals get left hanging when people check the ‘Recent Comment’ sidebar and see nothing but Joe, Joe, Joe, Joe.. on ten different topics.

    Time to block the troll.

  14. @Chris313 and @ Sean
    I never stopped anyone from posting. Just asked for posters to translate foreign words and expressions. That’s all.
    “non illegitimi carborundum” : don’t let ’em grind you down.
    It’s from the Harvard Fighting Song:
    ” Ten Thousand Men of Harvard”
    Does anyone know what [ Hank? tekina ko ] means? I’m awfully curious about that. It’s not coming up on any of my google searches.

  15. @Hunter Wallace
    I shall refrain from doing so. I hope others do as well. I didn’t initiate ” non-illegitimi carborundum”. Just translated it. I thought it was a rude, out-of-place, and an un-called -for response after requesting everyone simply translate foreign words and expressions for the benefit of all the readers. Totally out-of-place on this thread of commentary. Still, I shall discontinue. [ “Hank? tekina ko” was out -of -place, I should have posted that to “The Joker”. My apologies]. I shall discontinue using out-of-place foreign words and expressions. May other posters do same. May they start translating as well : It’s the considerate thing to do.
    English isn’t my native language : Italian is. I think it’s sad a foreign-born American has to remind native-born Americans to translate foreign words into English, in case someone may not understand the foreign language in question.

  16. Joe,

    Stop! It Hurts. Chris points out the “textwall” you create in thread after thread. It’s not merely eccentricity or ideosyncratic on your part. It’s designed to make the comment section unbearable.

  17. @John
    You post here at “OD” just as much as I do @John.Overall, post-for-post, you shoot off more posts to “OD” than I do [ which doesn’t bother me in the least, it’s not an issue with me, seems to be an issue for you]. At least I include links and provide google search terms for the readers to back up my opinions.

  18. @Joe

    Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri?
    Ever noticed how wherever you stand, the smoke goes right into your face?

    Venite ac capite, Jew Troll.

  19. Lynda,

    James II said the following, I sh*t you not:

    “suppose… there should be a law made that all black men should be imprisoned, it would be unreasonable and we had as little reason to quarrel with other men for being of different [religious] opinions as for being of different complexions.”

    not making it up. This was a stump speech that he gave for getting a bill of Catholic tolerance passed.

  20. @Lynda and All Readers
    I mentioned the Catholic church owns a bank– Creditio Artigiano– and is involved in Usury , so @ Lynda stoops to making slurs against me ’cause I mentioned some truth, and had the nerve to even provide the readers with google search terms to back up my accusations. As I’m being called a “Jew Troll ” for critizing the Catholic church, does that mean Luther and all the other Protestant Reformers were “Jew-Trolls” as well? As per Lynda’s premises, Luther and the other Protestant Reformers were “Jew-Trolls” also: They critized the Catholic church even more than I do even.
    Lynda can’t honestly refute what I have to say about the Catholic church, so she devolves into using slurs : How desperate.

  21. @Lynda and All Readers
    I mentioned the Catholic church owns a bank– Creditio Artigiano– and is involved in Usury , so @ Lynda stoops to making slurs against me ’cause I mentioned some truth, and had the nerve to even provide the readers with google search terms to back up my accusations. As I’m being called a “Jew Troll ” for critizing the Catholic church, does that mean Luther and all the other Protestant Reformers were “Jew-Trolls” as well? As per Lynda’s premises, Luther and the other Protestant Reformers were “Jew-Trolls” also: They critized the Catholic church even more than I do even.
    Lynda can’t honestly refute what I have to say about the Catholic church, so she devolves into using slurs : How desperate you @ Lynda get when faced with the truth of the Catholic church.

  22. Excuse me : My computer frooze up when I shot off the 1st post, then I got it working again, so I wrote the post a second time. The computer frooze up on me, I didn’t think the 1st post got through. Sorry about that.
    A very long, but thorough and detailed article about the state of the US. It covers many topics, including banking in the USA, the Federal Reserve,etc.. It also includes the role of the Vatican-Owned bank and how the Vatican-owned bank is involved in American banking, and how the Catholic -church- Vatican-owned bank is tied into the Federal Reserve System. It’s entitled: “The Great Revealing: US Marshalls Expose Biggest Scandal in History”. The link is included in my first post on this thread. I mention it again because there’s very important information/facts in the article
    all White Americans should know. The article covers many important topics.
    ” divinecosmos” (.com) is a very good website for information in general.

  23. Google ” popes + jews” or “popes and jews” or, ” popes working with jew bankers”
    It will lead to many websites dealing with the history of the Vatican vis-a-vis the Jews. Some websites are from a Jewish perspective, some websites from a Catholic perspective, some from a Protestant Christian perspective, some neutral. One can learn alot. One will see the history about the Catholic church vis-a-vis the Jews is alot more complicated and alot more involved than just “whose a jew and whose not a jew” : What a tedious, stifling approach to studying/learning history.

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