Yeah, the Romney campaign has had a bad past few weeks, pandering to the NAACP, pandering to the Jewish Israel lobby (also to Christian Zionists) – flouting ridiculous nonsense that “Russia is America’s #1 geo political foe”. And there appear to be all kinds of idiot Romney “advisers” from Massachusetts pandering to homosexual extremists. But, there is good news today to show that the Romney campaign is back on track.
Mitt Romney was in a Chicago suburb today speaking to White voters blasting the Obama campaign for dismantling welfare reform. Here’s a quote from the AP story, submitted for “fair comment”, protected under the 1st Amendment.
“ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill. — Making a play for middle-class voters, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney sought Tuesday to elevate welfare reform as a campaign issue, accusing President Barack Obama of encouraging a “culture of dependency.”
Campaigning near the president’s hometown of Chicago, Romney suggested Obama had dismantled the 1996 welfare reform overhaul signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Romney said that, if elected, he would make sure welfare recipients are required to work.”
So Mitt Romney is speaking to our people, promoting popular issues with subtle and not so subtle racial themes.
Again, I note that Mitt Romney is a racial “pussy-footer” – very similar to George HW Bush Sr (US President 1988-92). Pussy-footers are the most common American racial renegades. Pussy-footers look and act White. They marry White, they don’t have any real hatred towards our/their White American people. But, they rarely if ever defend our people and in live or die racial conflicts, racially charged political campaigns they pussy-foot around; they try to pretend that there aren’t any racial conflicts and any racial problems are some misunderstanding. Pussy-footers like to be liked and they tend to agree with whoever is in the room with them.
So today, please pass the word on to all of your contacts that you approve of the Romney campaign’s new direction:
Targeting our people, our voters – “hunting where the ducks are”. The Romney campaign is no longer pandering to NW voters who will never vote for White Republicans. Instead, the Romney campaign is connecting with the voters he/we need to win and the Romney campaign is standing up for the legitimate rights of our people.
There is no super conspiracy controlling the Romney campaign. Mitt Romney doesn’t hate our people. He doesn’t want to destroy the Whites in the South. He’s not trying to bring back Black Reconstruction or incite Blacks to riot and murder in you town. There is no reason to hate Mitt Romney because he is rich, was the governor of a Northeastern state or hate all the beautiful White people associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mitt Romney is a solid White guy with a large, very beautiful White family.
But he is a…..
Please understand the situation and act accordingly.
“But he is a….. Pussy-footer.”
You know, you could leave out the “footer” and you’d still be good.
I have no idea what Romney’s true intentions are (or indeed, if he even has any true intentions; some people think the man’s never had a firm conviction in his life, and for all I know, they may be right), but it can be argued that all his pandering is really just straight out of the playbook: it’s not intended to hoover up NW votes, which everyone knows he’s never gonna get. It’s intended to re-assure the milquetoasts and the Nice White Ladies that he isn’t a terrible rrrracist monster and so forth, so that they can Feel Good About Themselves when they vote for him, which is what they really want to do, it’s just that all the pavlovian programming they’ve had all their lives makes it hard for them to conceive that they have actual bona fide racial interests that could possibly ever be in conflict with anybody else’s.
NICE WHITE PEOPLE: Can’t we all just get along?
BLACKS, JEWS, MUSLIMS, ASIANS and LATINOS: Get along? Pfft. That is soooo last year. Now that we have the numbers, we’re no longer interested in just ‘getting along’. We’re interested in robbing and raping you, over and over and over again, and pounding your pasty Xtian face into the dirt, from now til the end of time. All that getting along stuff was just a ruse to get you to drop your guard, while we consolidated our position. Now we’re here, and it’s beautiful! So just shut up and give us: a) your daughters for the rape factory, b) all your university seats and high-tech jobs for our Asian friends, c) all your tax dollars for the Lazy-Ass Fund, d) lots of cultural and religious groveling for our Muslim friends, and e) your son’s blood to defend Israel.
You got a problem with that?,2933,317005,00.html
Mitt Romney on Sunday said he pulled off to the side of the road and wept when he heard in 1978 that the elders at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had decided to let blacks participate in Church rites.
“I can remember when I heard about the change being made. I was driving home from — I think it was law school, but I was driving home — going through the Fresh Pond rotary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I heard it on the radio and I pulled over and literally wept,” the Republican presidential candidate said.
Romney said the matter still makes him emotional today.
The former Massachusetts governor said that the Mormon church’s decision to change its doctrine had no impact on his own views of race relations — he had long been brought up to believe that all people were created equal in God’s eyes.
“I can remember when I heard about the change being made. I was driving home from — I think it was law school, but I was driving home — going through the Fresh Pond rotary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I heard it on the radio and I pulled over and literally wept,” the Republican presidential candidate said.
You know what this guy is? He’s a filthy boomer.
“had no impact on his own views of race relations — he had long been brought up to believe that all people were created equal in God’s eyes.”
This drives me crazy, it’s so intellectually shallow and/or deceitful. It is perfectly possible to believe that all people are equal in God’s eyes and still understand that there is such a thing as racial politics in the world (or we could just shorten it to “politics” and it’s virtually the same thing), and that it won’t go away, and that there are more and less rational ways of dealing with it. You can have a clear-eyed view about race and human existence, and still believe in sparkly things. When people say things like what he said, it makes me think they’re simply stupid. And shallow.
What is this article, from The Onion? Certainly good satire.
Please adhere to the OD comments guidelines (no hobby horse riding), address the topic of the post – in this case, the Romney campaign getting back on track campaigning against welfare cheats not working, ripping off White tax payers.
Jack, just in case you wrote this with a straight face, Mitt is no pussy-footer. Mitt is a salesman. While not a very good one, it appears there are some people who’ll buy anything.
Welfare reform is dead in the water until printed dollars no longer feed those who are on it.
I still adhere to the idea of him narrowly winning in contested circumstances and the apes Chimp Out in response. The scales fall from the whiteman’s or whitewoman’s eyes and Romney proceeds to decimate the Urban Gorilla.
I’m not voting for him.
I don’t believe a word he says. He will say anything to get elected. Then what?
My concept is that white chicks need to stop nooning over Kang Nig.
Disrupt that imaginary coalburner mojo That whitewomen suffer from and Romney wins handidy. A spectacular black on white rape, a high profile black on white murder… All that stuff.
More Trayvons please! More Trayons.
The VP pick is coming any day now. Let’s see if it is Marco Rubio.
Then what? more of the same.
However if a Chimpout occurs I think blacks will be under a police state regime again. It’s got to happen.
Please adhere to the OD comments guidelines (no hobby horse riding), address the topic of the post – in this case, the Romney campaign getting back on track campaigning against welfare cheats not working, ripping off White tax payers.
Jack, the comments are more germane to the article than you imply. There seems to be so much doubt about Mitt’s electioneering rhetoric vs. what he might actually do that it has people almost in stitches. Expressing overwhelming disbelief is addressing the topic of the post.
He’ll say anything to get elected. Even appeal to whites. Unfortunately re-instating welfare reform will not even be a drop in the bucket in regards to alleviating our national debt. He will have no influence at all with the bond gods when they cease to make use of the dollar as the international reserve currency.
Don’t expect him to ratchet back down any of the national police state policies (roving DHS “Viper” traffic stops anyone?) implemented by Bush and Obama either.
Vox agrees:
If this posts, then my Tor Browser is the problem. If not, Hunter just doesn’t like me…
Here’s an idea. Dress up as Antifas and forest Romney for being racist. If you have enough Q-Ships (idea from ww1 btw) following him around protesting him with slogans like:
“it’s Racist to run against a black president!” or
“whites are finished it’s a black world!”
it will encourage racists to support Romney JUST because. We just saw how much damage the GLAAD hags like Adam Smith did to themselves. So why not stage a few cointelpro demonstrations of your own?
Just a thought.
That’s funny. Hunter, does Tor screw up one’s ability to post here?
What is Tor?
Romney’s hand can be forced even if he doesn’t want to be racist he can be shown that he needs the conservatives to get abything done.
It routes your computer through many servers worldwide, so if a website is being monitored, its extremely difficult to trace back to the user. I’ve noticed some difficulty posting comments and sending e-mails at times; thought maybe the extensive routing path could interfere.
“What is Tor?”
Tor: anonymity on the internet.
John says:
August 7, 2012 at 9:33 pm
“Romney’s hand can be forced even if he doesn’t want to be racist he can be shown that he needs the conservatives to get abything done.”
Romney is a respectable conservative, which means he can be easily moved, if his respectability is threatened by certain words.
Make him fear being called anti-white, more than he fears being called racist and he will dance for us, like a puppet on a string.
a shortened version of my vanishing comment:
Only a pussy-footer stands a chance in modern America. I’m not excited by Romney, but I can’t buy into Worse-is-Better. Worse is much, much worse. Reparations worse; no more 2nd Amendment worse; “My 2nd term is over, but I have more work to do so I’m staying” worse.
If you live in a solid GOP state, vote 3rd party. If you live in a contested state, might have to bite the bullet and vote Romney. And then there’s a lot of work to do.
Virginia Gov. McDonnell will be the VP pick.
Paul Ryan will be the VP pick.
as long as you are not planning to do something stupid, I wouldn’t worry mate. The authorities would be wasting their time anyway. Presume you are Under suveillance at all times.
Infiltrate antifas and get them chanting over the top bullshit too.
Ali G ought to be a guide. Interview black leaders and get them to say dumb shit. Stephen Colbert does something similar as a fauxservative. It’s brilliant but don’t leave the satire to your opponents. Breitbart was onto something.
Ouch on that link.
Mitt’s VP:
Van, respectfully, I do believe that worse is better. But I don’t think Obama is any worse than Mitt would be. There are other reasons not to bite the bullet …again.
Any time people take the time to cast a ballot for a candidate they’re endorsing that candidate, and more importantly that type of candidate. People have been voting for the alleged lesser of two evils for decades and this what it gets us. An emptier suit every time. To the point that there is absolutely no discernible difference between the two candidates. Unless the light is off, in this case.
We’re so far gone that it really doesn’t make a difference who wins now anyway.
There’s another reason for not worrying about the ‘election’, too. As someone once said, if voting made a difference it would be illegal. That’s truer today than it’s ever been.
Hunter, I’ll ask you, as I can’t ask Vox Day.
“So, are you saying vote for the Obamanation? As you are the only poster who has called this administration ‘the Obamanation’ (as have I, for four years) I would think you have a strategy. Do you? Or do we ‘do nothing’ as some fool has suggested. Didn’t we ‘do nothing’ when we chose McCrazy back in 2008, instead of Ron Paul? I’d like to know your suggestions, and why, if Romney is not ‘the Two.'”
Does it matter if you live in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississipi, Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia who you vote for?
It’s a local problem for people such as yourselves.
James Mattoon Scott 2012
I wish you people would quit hating on Romney our saviour the way you do. He is the most inspiring leader I have ever seen. I can’t wait to vote for him because he is a white man who will save us all. Don’t you know he is from Massachusetts, land of our pilgrim forefathers? We are supposed to be indivisible, you know. Now quit divisibling.
Didn’t that O’Donnell fellow try to observe Confederate Memorial Day. The people have decided that holiday should not be observed. What do you think our leader Romney would think about showing that damn rebel flag. Shame on you! I sure hope he don’t pick a Southerner, unless it is a true Southerner like Bobby Jindal or Nikki Haley. They are so much better than those other cracker trash.
Paul Ryan would be a good ‘un. He is from the saintly state of Wisconsin, birthplace of our beloved GOP. They do everything right there and have a really fun state fair, too.
Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
His truth is marching on!
“What is Tor?” Tor: anonymity on the internet.
As the brood says, “Kewl!” Downloaded like Flynn. I’m using this from now on for those ‘scary sights’ – like everywhere anyone can think might lurk….ell-oh-ell.
“I wish you people would quit hating on Romney our saviour the way you do. He is the most inspiring leader I have ever seen. I can’t wait to vote for him because he is a white man who will save us all. Don’t you know he is from Massachusetts, land of our pilgrim forefathers? We are supposed to be indivisible, you know. Now quit divisibling.”
I thought for a minute I was reading Joe’s comments. Then I realized it was satire, and from Apuleius…..
Stop pussyfootin’ and trucklin’ and suchlike and just vote Romney!
Tor. It’s a word. I used to be pro-Southern before the Yankees tor me a new one.
Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
His truth is marching on!
Apuleius is hating on our German-American, Scandinavian American kinsmen in the state of Wisconsin, he writes:
“He is from the saintly state of Wisconsin, birthplace of our beloved GOP. They do everything right there and have a really fun state fair, too.”
Jack Ryan responds to this foolish hatred of Whites in Wisconsin:
Hey Apuleius – the people rioting and attacking people at the Wisconsin state fair were Black gangs from Milwaukee – yes, Milwaukee has terrible problems with Black criminals, but the rest of the state is very beautiful and very, very White – some of the nicest White people in the world, very down to earth. Madison the capital is full of lots of idiot Libs/Leftists/Jews and the Milwaukee Madison Lib axis tries to bully the rest of the state – they tried to recall populist White Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, the recall failed.
I try very hard in all of my posts and comments to get White Americans to just be decent and kind to other White Americans. Sure, it’s best to stick up with your own unique White social/region group – I have great respect for White Southerners who love the South and Southern history/heritage, but that’s no excuse for hating on perfectly nice, good White people in Wisconsin, White people from Catholic or LDS traditions.
Kindness means being “kind” to your own kind.
German-Americans, Scandinavian Americans in Wisconsin are your/our own kind. Get to know them and they know you.
Spread White love not White hatred.
14 Words.
“It’s a local problem for people such as yourselves.”
Not so. We is indivisible, don’t you know. All problems can be solved at the national level.
“I thought for a minute I was reading Joe’s comments. Then I realized it was satire, and from Apuleius…..”
I’m busting balls, Bronx style. Joe has schooled me well in true Horace Mann style.
I done seen the light. Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
His truth is marching on!
Romney is our color, but he’s not our kind.
As people, I’m sure we’d all be kind to Mitt and his family. As a politician applying for a job, it’s a sad state of affairs.
Jack, you want us to put a smily face on. It’s not easy.
“the people rioting and attacking people at the Wisconsin state fair were Black gangs from Milwaukee – yes, Milwaukee has terrible problems with Black criminals”
It is our fault. If we had only learned to pick our own cotton. Very sorry about that.
I promise not to buy any more negroes and I will sell the ones I’ve got and give them cibbil rights, free money, and jobs if they want them.
We are always wrongly beating on white folks, too. I guess we’re the bad seed.
I won’t fly that flag no mo. Our people have decided that that flag should not be flown. It is divisive, and we is indivisible, don’t you know?
Peace and love. Where have I heard that before…don’t worry. We shall overcome.
Some day.
Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
His truth is marching on!
LandShark says:
“Jack, you want us to put a smily face on. It’s not easy.”
Jack responds:
I know things often look dark, but today really was a good day. Mr. and Mrs. Mitt Romney (beautiful White couple, with a huge, beautiful white family, white grand children) were campaigning in a White Chicago suburb, campaigning against NW Lib Min programs that encourage NWs to rip off our welfare system – works for me.
Also, smile and enjoy the Summer Olympics in London England – lots and lots of beautiful talented White athletes winning, winning. Our only competition is the Chinese – and some talented, attractive high East Asians on the Chinese team, not a bad competitor for our White Indo European people.
And Israeli Jews or really Jews anywhere, Arabs, Muslims from nasty countries like Algeria and Pakistan – they’ve won exactly nothing. The supposedly physically superior Black Africans and Black Americans haven’t won much, OK a few sprinters and that cute 16 year Black American gymnast from Gary who stayed with a nice White family training in Iowa – I don’t mind a few of these.
Yeah, there is much to smile about today. Try to see the good things in life. All is not dark, gloom and doom, our people are doing fine and we can do even better.
When did happy people get anything done?
What have you gotten done?
As I said, Romney doesn’t excite me. But, honestly, an unleashed Obama, unconcerned with re-election, absolutely terrifies me. Look at what he’s already done, while concerned about re-election, including the recent Executive Order than essentially prohibited punishing blacks in public school. What would he do when he is completely unaccountable?
Jack, if you don’t mind my asking, how many presidential election cycles have you experienced?
Gabby Douglas did just great and more power to her; nonetheless, if you haven’t yet seen McKayla Maroney’s jaw-dropiing vault, go look at it. Awe-inspiring. I’m told she did it with a broken big toe, too.
My apologies to Chris313, Sean, Rudel, Jack Ryan, and all other northern brethren.
I can’t keep this up no more. I’m just a failure at toeing the line, I guess.
I just threw up all the cheesy grits I had for dinner. I feel very sick inside, like something inside me just busted. Really woozy, just like with all them drugs I took in the 60’s when I was demonstrating for peace and love. I think I need to take a powder.
Now I’m seeing my great great grandaddy’s ghost standing there wagging his finger at me. No, he’s not wagging his finger, he’s giving me the finger. Mommy, make it stop!
I just can’t do it no matter how hard I try. But for your sake, I’ll try one more time.
Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
His truth is marching on!
Can’t really say it with any conviction like I mean it, anymore. Especially with great great grandaddy standing there like that. Sorry, boys, I guess I’m Yankeed out.
I just can’t do it. It won’t go down and stay down. It just keeps rising up again.
Dr. Jeff Davis was just here and gave me the following prescriptions. I think I will be much better soon.
“I will admit no bond that holds me to a party a day longer than I agree to its principles.”
“Governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.”
“Nothing fills me with deeper sadness than to see a Southern man apologizing for the defense we made of our inheritance. Our cause was so just, so sacred, that had I known all that has come to pass, had I known what was to be inflicted upon me, all that my country was to suffer, all that our posterity was to endure, I would do it all over again.”
“Truth crushed to earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again.”
God save the South! (and you all, too)
Deo Vindice
@Fr John
Don’t start making trouble now, Fr John. We’ve been getting along very well lately. Now why would you want to start trouble and ruin it all? Why, just the other day, I mentioned you had the “correct view”. How Kewl is that?
Anyway, I’m currently indisposed at the moment, precluding me from debate, especially cantankerous debate, as you seem to be fomenting. You have a habit of doing that. I won’t have any of it.
I’m busy studying the history of weird 5,000 year old Middle Eastern tribes so I can someday perhaps understand at least some of the off-the-wall things you have to say.
You interrupted my studies concerning the Ancient Egyptian Religion + Freemasons + the Federal Reserve ; And why exactly are symbols of the Ancient Egyptian Religion Plastered All Over Our American Federal Reserve Dollars? Why is the Washington Monument a Giant Egyptian Obelisk? Does anybody know?
I’ll be voting for the “White” Federal Reserve Bank Puppet, thank you very much :
Like minister dude, I just don’t think an African-born, Hard-Core Commie should be sitting in a Lame Duck Oval Office. Obama is tied into the Real Hard-Core Commies who want to see as many White Americans murdered as possible. If he wins, he’ll be a lame duck president : There won’t be much stopping him from The/His Commie Agenda of Murdering Large Numbers of White Americans.
You know what I be sayin cracker? Crackers like you be crackin me up.
Putting Obama’s Hard-Core Communism aside for the moment, he wasn’t even born in the States. He was born in Kenya, Africa. He’s illegal right off- the -bat.
“Kopf Hoch” @ Fr John : “Chin-Up” preacher dude. Someday your website will take off, I just know it. Just think, you could be on Mars by now if not for all the heathens.
As I touched upon earlier today, ” Odi profanum vulgus et arceo”. That’s always a good idea. I’m sure you’ll agree.
[ I hate the unholy rabble, and keep them away ]
I gotta go now. My raviolos are getting cold, and I got alot more studying to do.
What do you think about what I had to say about Hitler today? What about what I said about Benjamin and Belmont? Hamilton —-> Federal Reserve?
Do you think the Illuminati* has anything to do with plastering Ancient Egyptian Religious Symbols all over our Federal Reserve fiat dollars?
* Illuminati = Jew bankers + Freemasons.
[+ Oremus pro invicem + ] : Let us pray for one another.