The Trial of Joe


Joe has been arrested and charged with the following offenses:

– Inability to use space bar.

– Attention whoring.

– Trolling.

– Thread hijacking.

– Spamming threads with dozens of Latin phrases.

– Posting tons of conspiracy theory comments about Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, and links to and, etc.

– Posting multiple Google searches.

– Posting comments that make no sense whatsoever.

It is getting to the point where I am sandboxing 12 to 24 comments a day from Joe. Most of them are oneliner Latin phrases. He just posted half a dozen in a row.

The fate of Joe now rests with a jury of his peers: OD readers and commentators. Should Joe’s posting privileges be restored? You decide.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent



    It bring the Norman, Saxon and Italian together.

  2. “Maybe you could assign Father John or Brutus to follow Joe and edit or delete his comments as needed.”

    Oh, Lord. NO. Please, no. PLEASE. NO.

    First off, I don’t UNDERSTAND Joe. He’s nice one minute, and then blasphemous, insulting, smart-alecky, and then utterly off the wall.

    As in, ‘Wackjob, not making sense.’ Then, he’s okay for a day- or an hour- or a post, and then- yes, Hunter. He reminds me of the stuff I’ve read of Malachi Martin’s on ‘Demon Posession.’ The ‘Exorcist’ allusion is actually rather eerie to contemplate.

    I can’t vote for him to stay. But I can’t vote for him to go. I can say that, over at my blog, his posts have been trashed for months in the ‘spam’ folder. What else can one do?

    I truly feel sorry for the man- but I think seriously he is under some grave psycho-hormonal-deviant racial paradigm, that just does nothing for this blog.

    The best thing we can do for him, is to pray for him. Actually that’s about all we CAN do for him……

  3. La Popessa has Spoken !

    Veri simillimum est, locum in quo praedictorem Christianum protervum invenies, ventrem leoninum esse :

    That’s what I always say about preacher -women [ and preacher-men].

  4. Si deum irretes unum, sescenti tibi iam supersint

    And :

    As I told “dear” La Popessa :

    Veri simillimum est, locum in quo praedictorem Christianum protervum invenies, ventrem leoninum esse :

    That’s what I always say about preacher-men [ and women].

  5. Since this thread has gone off topic, I vote keep Joe. My point is that the comments never stay on topic. Is he annoying? Yeah. But my personal view is that it is a slippery slope one steps on when deciding to limit speech. Of course, this is your site Hunter, and I respect that so I won’t be upset if you ban him.

  6. Looks like Dixiegirl is hiding out for awhile. Smart. Maybe if she disappears for awhile, the readers will forget I rightfully associated her with deflection, digression, diambiguation, and The Talmud : Maybe the readers will forget all about it : Oremus, of course.

  7. OT: What is the point of registering for the forum if everything is disabled?

    You may not post new threads
    You may not post replies
    You may not post attachments
    You may not edit your posts

  8. In Joe’s defense I give you

    Captain John Charity Spring M.A.

    He’s a Latin spouting madman and a blockade running slave smuggler in George McDonald Frasier’s incomparable “Flash For Freedom” Perhaps we ought to keep him.
    He can be the villain of the website.

  9. We’re Not the least bit upset either , so we’re not the least bit suprised you feel the same way “We” do SomeGuy.

  10. John says:
    “Denise is a simple enough.

    “Malleus Judaica.”

    OMG! I can’t stand it. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Witty people on this site.

  11. Apuleius forgot to mention the Jew commie mob in Chicago, the ones who groomed the african for the oval office : I’m sure it was an innocent oversight.

    What happened to Lewis? Did a stonefall on his head and knock him out? And I went out and bought him a ” I’m Masculine As Fuck” t-shirt.

    Can’t give it to whittle sammy. His Mammy wouldn’t think it be fittin’, no , it’s just ain’t fittin’. Plus, whittle Sammy is a wimp, so yes, it wouldn’t be fittin’.

  12. I vote for Joe to be restored. Heck, quite a few of us occasionally do what he does. I believe in liberty and freedom of speech. I also hate sensorship of things that are true and MAY BE TRUE! I agree with what he says from time to time.

  13. Joe’s only offense is the number of posts. Everybody goes OT, all the time.

    The only thing I think that needs to be done is, if anything at all and if such a plug-in is available, install a WP plug-in that will force a time limit between posts to the same thread, thus forcing aggregation of thoughts.

  14. Hunter: I recommend that you carefully consider what it is you hope to accomplish with OD and whether Joe’s presence weakens or strengthens that goal.

    Free speech is fine, but in your house you don’t have to tolerate anything that hurts you and your interests.

    I’ve been banned or censored on various websites for even suggesting, by some off-hand tangential arguments, some of the principles you espouse on this site. It is a credit to you and those like you that the right is more open than the left. However, you must ask yourself if we can afford to carry on this way.

    In my opinion, Joe’s comments detract from the conversation here on OD. He himself has made it clear repeatedly that he does not support Southern Nationalism or the South or Southern Heritage.

    After posting 10 or 20 comments per day, he himself said at one point he took OD “with a grain of salt”. Why would he do that unless he was here to destroy your good work??

    Just my 2 cents.

  15. I’m an ass, not a fool.

    Then again, I guess there’s not much difference.
    Position filled, off with his head.

    Deo Vindice

  16. I am sure I deleted a few trollish, CT comments by Joe – but, I have done the same with many other comments from others.

    I have nothing personal against Joe – I hope he does well in real life. Yeah, he makes some comments on OD that don’t help the discourse, that’s life.

  17. “Can him. He’s an awful bore as well. I get tired of reading about Judah P. Benjamin six times a day.”

    I agree with this. I also agree with Wayne in that I don’t believe Joe is helpful to the spirit and direction of OD.

    Looks like the decision has already been made, but I thought I would throw in my two cents nonetheless.

  18. Iam laughing myself silly, picturing in my mind, the aged Italian Joe staring at his screen. He must be jumping out of his skin!
    Hunter, you took away his only enjoyment, trolling your site was his life for the last few months!!
    Hey Joe, what’s up bro? Your mind must be racing, like a hamster wheel. LMAO…

    Give Joe the BOOT!!!! Sicilian Stlye!!!

  19. “Sam says:
    August 12, 2012 at 12:34 am
    John says:
    “Denise is a simple enough.

    “Malleus Judaica.”

    OMG! I can’t stand it. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Witty people on this site.”

    I, as well! This is why it’s the OD is the BEST!

  20. This thread should be proof enough that the grounds to ban Joe are not valid. This thing is onto completely different subjects.

  21. I don’t like bans, I joke around about banning, Joe. I don’t really care one way or the other. Yet I think HW will eventually let him out of segregation. Fine with me, not that it matters what I think.

    Joe is probrally an old frizzy haired jew with time on his hands to run wild on a pro-White site.

    He is entertaining and I never take what he says seriously. I usually just scroll right past his medicated rants and confused posts. Every once and awile I read some of his stuff.

    Unban, JOE!!
    Just for laughs!!

  22. Amanda,

    Tolerance and ridicule are completely different. I doubt anyone here takes Joe seriously and if they do….

    Joe may not realize it, but he is/was a resident clown for the sole purpose of amusement.

  23. Stonelifter: nemo me impune lacessit – no one provokes me with impunity

    Thanks Sam! Would make a great family motto if I was into such things

    Joe posts one anti White diatribe after another, is called troll every forum he goes to, is regularly proven false…. What does he do for us as a people?

    Ban him

  24. On the JoeQ.

    I have given some thought on this, although he is the court jester and all around a-typical personification of the nuerotic jew, that is on occasion good for a laugh. He does bring this site to a base level of a seinfeld show. The latin phrases and all the other non-sence is not beneficial here.

    It’s OK to have laugh now and then, but he is a nusance most of the time, provoking infighting.
    It may be a good thing to bid Joe a good bye. Serious topics are in play here, Joe may need to be ushered away to more fertile pastures, where his antics would be more accepted.

    Ban Joe.

  25. It’s not about us. We are solid in our convictions. It is visitors to this sit, potential allies, that Joe targets. He has even said so. He does not mean well for you cause, Hunter. Even his rants on communism strike me as tongue-in-cheek.

  26. “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”. – Karl Marx

    Might as well ban Fr. John, Dixiegirl, Denise and the others who endlessly argue about religion too. The next step would be to ban all the closet atheists and agnostics (ie. any adult male with an IQ above room temperature) who sanctimoniously though hypocritically defend “the religion of my ancestors and kin.” Unfortunately there wouldn’t be anyone left on the forum in that case.

  27. Joe could be amusing at times, but that is part of his schtick. It makes disruptuion more effective.

    Lifetime ban without appeal. Adjourn the trial!

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