The Trial of Joe


Joe has been arrested and charged with the following offenses:

– Inability to use space bar.

– Attention whoring.

– Trolling.

– Thread hijacking.

– Spamming threads with dozens of Latin phrases.

– Posting tons of conspiracy theory comments about Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, and links to and, etc.

– Posting multiple Google searches.

– Posting comments that make no sense whatsoever.

It is getting to the point where I am sandboxing 12 to 24 comments a day from Joe. Most of them are oneliner Latin phrases. He just posted half a dozen in a row.

The fate of Joe now rests with a jury of his peers: OD readers and commentators. Should Joe’s posting privileges be restored? You decide.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Branded” :

    I’ve been cashiered :

    ” He was innocent…..not a charge was true*…..but the world will never know…..”

    Do you think the big-shot teevee execs will ever bring back “Branded” ?
    [ 1965-66 : NBC.]

    Chuck Connors as “The Vindicator” : Chuck Vindice !!! Branded was always alot more interesting** to me than Mayberry. Branded was Real : Mayberry be aseptic. You know what I be sayin crackers?

    Mayberry is Lame : Always was. Mind-numbingly dull. Especially Barney and Aunt Bee. Barney from Bedrock was alot more fun than Barney from Mayberry.

    “Fuck America” : Important “Greg Johnson” article over at Chechar. Very articulate and informative comments from readers, as well. Important reading for All White Americans.

    I’m playing “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” over and over to help me get through this “difficult” time. It’s my favorite Elvis song. Poor country boy. God only knows what the Colonel/Handler did to Elvis. A very murky character, this Colonel Parker.

    It’s Too Bad a drug addict is The One who represents The South in all it’s Magnificent Glory :

    …… The Mississippi Delta shining like a National Guitar, through the cradle of the Civil War……”

    It’s enough to bring a tear to Dixiegirl’s eye, and Robert’s 3 eyes. I’m sure.

    I think I’ll get through “this” okay. I believe our Redemption and Salvation was won for us in the Domain of the Spirit, and not through the New Testament narrative. So it’s all going to work out fine in the end :

    “poor boys and pilgrims…… maybe I’ve reason to believe we all will be Received in Graceland.”

    * Except “cum grano salis” : Guilty, most proudly so.

    ** And Hogan’s Heroes was always alot more fun than Mayberry. Colonel Klink, Sergeant Schultz, and General Burkhalter, were a Hoot.

    It’s going to be okay. If the meth heads you all are goading on to attack blacks and immigrants don’t get off their drug addict/drunk butts to start civil disturbance between racial/ethnic/religious groups, there’s enough Mossad/CIA agents/ Communists [ jew and otherwise] around who will. Don’t worry. Relax. You all will be getting The War you all are drooling for , drooling for so obviously. You all “work” way too hard.

    I hope some of my commentary, suggested google search terms, and links, got through to some of the, Oh, let us say, less educated founding stock types who read “OD” : The kind Dixiegirl and Stonelifter, especially, direct their commentary to, so apparently.

    We’re hill people. Tuscany [ via the Big Apple] . Cerchi. White Guelph. A leopard can’t change it’s spots. What’s in the blood, is in the blood. Fuggedaboudit, as Jack Ryan would say.

    Parlero* con tutti voi in seguito.

    Giuseppe ” zeppew” Salvatore.

    * May God forgive me for not using an accent mark. I lost my “Windows” guide for typing in “foreign” language accent marks. It doesn’t matter. I could never be bothered with accent marks anyhow. It’s too much of a hassle, all the steps you gotta go through to put on one damn accent mark. I have fallen into the pit of sinful sloth. Yes sirre bob.


    ” Omnia mutantar, nihil interit ”
    [ Ovid. Metamorphoses, book XV, verse 165]
    Good luck finding your Isis.

    Oremus :

    Oremus pro invicem.

    Omnis vir Tigris*. Yes sirre.

    *Especially when Dixiegirl comes barreling through like a Payseur-Lancaster locomotive. That’s for sure.

  2. We’re not taking a vote on Joe. This is more like a privy council.

    Joe belongs in the privy. Upside-down. I disliked him from about 10 seconds after he came here.

    Screw the trial, let’s get to the sentencing.

  3. To THE:

    Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion :

    Is a “privy council” kinda/sorta the same thing as a Torquemada’s courtroom?

    [dated : 1480 AD*]

    “AD” can also stand for “disambiguation”. Wikipedia it ; Or,

    Google :

    ” Christianity + Cognitive Dissonance”

    ” Christianity + Cognitive Dissonance + Calvinists + Puritans + The Talmud ”

    “Christianity + Cognitive Dissonance + Calvinists + Puritans + The Talmud + Communists + Freemasons + White ‘christian’ Sell-Outs + More Freemasons + The Federal Reserve Act + Jew Mobsters + Mazzini + Golden Circle + Fuggedaboudit”

    Ones homines sunt asini vel homines et asini sunt asini* :

    * Yes: Even, and Especially , [ + Fr John +]

    Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina**

    ** No, Mosin. Latina doesn’t mean miscegenation. Relax.

  4. No Sean, it doesn’t matter what you think : No one ever thought otherwise.

    Rudel is being quite civilized. It’s a miracle. See how long that lasts. About 3 minutes : You can bet the farm on that.

    Amanda : You’re “tolerant”*, and I’m next in line to be the pope.
    * boo hoo hoo, Amanda is soooo tolerant and “nice” : boo hoo hoo. Look what happens when you’re “tolerant” : boo hoo hoo….

    Svigor : Relax. I’ve already been sentenced, and without trial, too boot. Learn how to read English : Same to you Lew, pick up an English text book, and study it. For your own benefit.

    Yes Wayne, It’s not about just “us” at all, Wayne, it’s about the commonweal. Perhaps there’s a spark of hope for you : Still I don’t think so. Not at all.

  5. @fips

    Mulagans are too stupid* to learn Latin in the first place. What do you care about Latin for? You can’t even speak English. Mulagans* [ and Dixiegirl*] are too stupid for any language.

    Fuggedaboud* about learning Latin, or any language really.

    Fuggedaboud* about learning Latin or any language period : A force d’explications ca Finira par etrer* :

    * That be chink talk, mulagan “fips” boy : It’s means “Fuggedaboudit”* in chink.

  6. “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”. – Karl Marx

    Of course a crypto-Jew like Marx would say that.

    It seems appropriate on this thread though, as it seems Joe was a crypto trying to undermine OD.

  7. @fips

    I notice there’s a Stumble Inn in Elmina, Ghana. Oh, about 80 miles or so from the former slave port of Accra, where lots and lots of your precious brothers were loaded on ships, in chains and at the point-of-the-musket, and shipped over here to Obrah/Obama/Grace -land.

    Mostly by the Dutch : Jews with Dutch names, in addition to Christians* without morality ; let alone common-sense : fuggeddaboud about racial loyalty, that doesn’t make the radar screen : Kinda/sorta like Colonel Parker, Elvis’ handler, who was born in tulip-land [ the Netherlands, though The “Southern Colonel” would always Lie about that fact] .

    Most likely, the Colonel was what we Eye-talians in Da Bronx call a half *and half *, sometimes even call ’em dagos* [ on bad days, or if a Cuomo* and /or a Gotti* is around] : 1/2 and 1/2’s usually make the most ardent Gangstas and/or Freemasons, and love to suck bagels from complete jew ass-holes the most, to speak in general.

    Is this Stumble Inn in Ghana the one you mean? Is this where “OD” Headquarters is located? Is this the Stumble Inn you mention in your “friendly” commentary? Or is there a Stumble Inn in Provo also, as per the “OD” IP #. Who knows?

    IP# says Provo, time clock says Africa. I’m not computer literate.

    Out of sinful Sloth, I unfortunately allowed my passport to expire, and having fallen deep into the pit of lazy sinful Sloth, I simply Can Not be bothered going through the hassle of getting another passport. I will not be going to Ghana any time soon, most likely never : In fact, I know I will Never be going to Ghana.

    Nor Utah, for that matter. Zion National Park be damned. I don’t care for anything associated with Zion : Including your mulagnan Mamba-Jamba Obanga: As well as sell-out whitey ; The one from Mormon-land : Though he really may not be White after all, as per “dear” Lynda, I pray as I wait to find out The Truth. Yes sirre.

    As you’re some kind of mulagnan type, fips-boy, possibly race-mixed with mexican and/or chinese and/or negro and/or jew khazar blood, god knows what [ as your English is atrocious, almost as lousy as Dixiegirl’s ] I’m sure you understand all about laziness, so it be aight.

    I be learnin ebonics so we can better communicate, as you’re never going to learn proper English, let alone Latin, being a stupid mulagnan : I have a habit of being redundant. Whitey be sayin “aight” : pronouncing it “Kewl” : It’s all good, mulagnan dude, O00ps, I mean fips-boy.

    My ancestors, including my parents and grand-parents, belong to “The Ages” : The “Domain of the Spirit”, so to speak, where “Christ” Resides : Always Has ; jewsus, or haysus in mexican, [in case you’re some kind of spic, so you understand what haysus means ] being a made-up pharisaical yarn to control the hoi-polloi [Greek for : jackassess] .

    Google, fips :

    ” haysus + cognitive dissonance + la raza + golden circle”

    So, naturalmente & per certo, I can not possibly bring any of my relatives, old or young, or middle-aged, or any age, Period , on any non-existent trip to Ghana, or to any StumbleInn anywhere in the world the StumbleInn may happen to be , as I am too lazy to renew my passport, and even to lazy to drive to any possible StumbleInn here in California, even if there’s one in Sacramento, that’s how lazy I am, having fallen into Slothful sin ; You understand, I’m sure : Mulagnans being lazy yourselves.

    Plus, I gotta oil up my Glock, for The Upcoming Massive Civil Disturbance, as All White Americans should be doing ; If they’re smart, which is questionable, considering the mess “our” country is in.

    * That’s why Miscegenation is a Sin. It produces Cuomos and Gottis, and only “g*d” And My One True “God”, know who else :

    One should only marry and/or make babies with one’s own kind. That’s what I always say.

    Deos enim religuos accepimus, Caesares dedimus*

    *Especially The Illuminati/ Freemason type characters.

    Remember fips : “Parva leves capiunt animas.” That’s what I always say. Ask Fr John and Lynda to translate that for you.

    Vade in Pace, fips-boy.

  8. Joe is back for now.

    I’ve integrated the 60+ comments in the Jewlag into this discussion. While awaiting the verdict in this trial, Joe has been given the (temporary) power to defend himself and respond to these charges.

    What is your plea, Joe? This is your own vanity thread.

  9. Just as well, Hunter. He earned it with those remarks.
    I haven’t laughed so hard since I don’t know when.

    Il miglior Fabbro.

    Deo Vindice

  10. My vote is for the writers of OD posts to edit out more comments – only include ~ 80% of comments. When Joe writes, rambling, Latin phrased comments, just hit the delete key. It’s not being mean or negative, just selective, same as a big city newspaper’s editorial page editor doesn’t publish every letter to the editor, just the best, most interesting reader comments.

    Joe can make comments to my OD articles, they just have to be sane, pertinent to the post and adhere to OD’s comment’s guidelines.

  11. “Joe is back for now.”

    Whulp, then I’m outta here. Simple as that.

    Give me a shout if he gets booted again. Til then, these threads really won’t be worth the trouble it takes to decipher them… instead I’ll be reading my back-of-the-cereal-box Finnegans Wake decoder, which is easier to figure out than your favorite boor… cheers.

  12. Hi Joe!!!!!

    Apelius – for real!!!! I usually don’t re-read an entire thread – but I did this one, with Joe’s commentary interlaced. I’ve been laughing so hard I nearly choked.

    (But I didn’t choke, to the dismay of a handful. Sorry, boys. Too bad for you. )

    I’m still laughing……..awsome.

    Joe – I think all you need to do it edit a bit. That’s all. Just edit. Just edit. Cut your big posts down. You do post some great stuff.

    I wasn’t sure about you – it’s so easy to fall into the WN paranoia thing. Considering that the Military is planning ppre-strikes aganst Tea Party members – paranoia is wholly justified. They ARE out to get us – and I doubt if it matters Who is the Jew, anymore.

    I think you are a well-seasoned Italian guy, with time on your hands. (There’s one thing you do NOT do, that makes me thing you are not a Hebe troll, but an old Italian Gent. Let’s see if any-one can figure out what that thing is) Come to the Stormfront Confab in TN, next month.

    You can sit with my crew .

    I think you would be an absolute SCREECH, (as my pal Susie the UberWASP redhead Mainline socialite, I palled around with, in the days of my first youth) to hang out with.

    Any-one who can make me laugh, til I almost choke – well you belong anywhere you want to be.

    And thank you for the Latin you sent my way….I’d forgotten to do that. I’ve had a wretched weekend. But I must remember to “gather” as much as I can.

    It was Ginger Rogers day on TMC. Still is.

    Amore, and kisses,

    (JUST EDIT!!!!!! Divide your posts up a bit!)

  13. @Hunter Wallace

    I’m only “guilty” of taking things here at “OD” with ” a grain of salt”. I’m tired of Latin [ as I know you must be by now, I can’t say I blame you] so I won’t translate “a grain of salt” into Latin.

    A leopard can not change it’s stripes. I have always taken religious/political/cultural matters with some salt. It’s very Italian to do so, really. I’m very typical of the group of people I was born to : Tuscan/Catholic [ Guelph: White Guelph, too boot]. I’m very grateful to have been born in Tuscany. So yes, I’m guilty of taking things with a grain of salt.

    Human nature is weak, and we live in a Vale of Tears, an old-fashioned Catholic expression, as I’m sure you know. That will never change, though I respect everyone who works and strives for a better world ; That’s important to do, to work for a better life for our children.

    Unfortunately, many times, most times really, the efforts of those trying to improve this world we’re born into, get undermined and usurped [ Jews or no Jews]. It’s been that way thoughout history, and in all corners of the world. I recognise and respect the work of all those who have worked, and are working, to improve the world. Their labors were/are not in vain.

    I am of the school “the glass is half-empty”. Not from pessimism ; If one truly faces what’s lacking , one can then work to fix the situation. The White Race needs to seriously do some real and true soul-searching if the White Race is going to prosper in the future. I will continue to mention the collective faults of the White Race, in the hopes of amendment and betterment.

    I don’t care who criticises me for this. I don’t care who calls me a “troll”. I know I’m not. Those here who call me a troll just because I mention some faults of our race every once in awhile really need to rethink. I criticise other groups as well, many times [ Jews, Blacks, etc. ] That all gets quickly forgotten if I say one critical thing about my fellow Whites ; Yet, you yourself are the one who runs an ongoing series of articles about White sell-outs ; I find it very confusing and disambiguous.

    One can’t improve without self-reflection. The White Race has plenty of faults. If the White Race is so intrinsically wonderful to begin with, the White Race wouldn’t be in the position it’s in right now in the very first place. One can only blame others for so long, then one must face oneself. It’s the truth. I’m not apologising for it.

    I much prefer Unity for the White Race than division, especially if the division could lead to internecine war. I have a deep love for Christ in my heart, but not organised religion. The churches, all of them, only divide the White Race . The churches never did much, really did nothing, to Unite the White Race.

    That’s my gripe with Christianity. If it weren’t for that, I really wouldn’t criticise Christianity at all. It was my grandmother’s faith. It pains me to criticise Christianity. Still, the truth is the truth. Christianity, in all it’s forms, only divides the White Race.

    There are times here at “OD” when I get the impression some are too gung-ho for internecine war. I stand opposed to internecine war amongst White Americans. Especially these days when the world is barreling down on us. If you “allow” me back, I will continue to be opposed. I will continue to write sardonic posts in reply to anyone who goes overboard advocating war amongst White Americans.

    While it’s true the Yankees treated the South miserably, and many war crimes were committed by the Yankees, Sherman being the epitome of a war criminal [ He was disgusting] , it’s also true that Calhoun, and many other Southerners [ I won’t mention JB’s name, you know who I mean] were involved in fomenting the War of 1861. I will continue to criticise 19th century Southern leadership. Southerners are Not the innocent angels many Southerners, both here at “OD” , and in the real-life world outside of cyber-space, make out to be. The facts of history point otherwise.

    To those so gung-ho to see war in America : Relax. It’s coming. The force and direction of history is leading to war here in the States. No need to push it. It’s coming. To those who are looking forward to it, relax and be happy, if the thought of war makes you happy : War is coming, one way or another.

    I cry for my adoptive land. I was born in a city reduced to rubble during ww2. I was born 11 years after the war ended. The pain and suffering of the war was in everyone’s hearts, one could see the pain in their eyes.

    To those who are looking for war here in America, I can only say : You do not know the true pain of war. Wait until the war comes first before you talk so tough. It is hell. It is pure misery.

    The war hung over Livorno, and all of Europe, like a thick black cloud from hell. Even 11 years after it ended. The pain of war is carried in the heart, and is passed down to future generations. Southerners, of all Americans, should already know this.

    With all due respect Hunter, as you want Southern seccession [ I’m not opposed, if it could be done peacefully] I think you made an error in naming your website. The Occident, as of course you know, encompasses the whole West. I’m from and of the Occident, and I also am a dissenter [ and yes, a curmedgeon also].

    The name of your website attracted me to “OD” in the first place. Perhaps, [if you don’t mind some unsolicited advice] change the name of the website, or start another one with the a more narrow and directed goal : Southern Secession. You’ll get less Yankee/Non-Southern readers that way. More readers who share you views about matters discussed here.

    To tell you honestly, the name of the website and the goal of the website, Southern Secession, is disambiguous. I find there’s alot of disambuousness here at “OD”. That bothers me. I prefer things more straight-forward-honest.

    There are many here who write one post after another about divisions in the White Race : Constantly. Even if they have to go back into history 500-600 years and more, to find fault. Yet, no one calls them on it.

    On one hand, one minute, “OD” calls for secession, the next minute “OD” talks about how important it is for Whites to work together, the next minute talking about every division the White Race has ever experienced down through history :

    Make up your mind. It’s all very disambiguous. That’s why I sometimes “spam”, as you call it. It’s an effective way to stop the mixed-messages so common at “OD”.

    My Latin posts are in response to those commentators here who pepper their posts with foreign words and expresssions, too inconsiderate and rude to translate. Most Americans do not know Latin, or French or German, for that matter. That’s how I got started on my Latin posts, originally. As a form of mockery.

    I will continue to do same [mock] if the others here who use foreign words and expressions without translating continue to be obstinate, obdurate, and intransigent : Fr John and Lynda, the 2 “righteous”, “blessed”, and “holy” ones are especially guilty of being inconsiderate.

    My above posts are not translated because I thought they would not be put on the board ; I don’t mind at all you put the posts up : I just thought you and Jack Ryan would be reading the posts. I didn’t know I had my very own “vanity” thread as I thought I was booted off, ipso facto, my posts were written for you and Jack Ryan. Again, it’s not an issue : I don’t mind at all you put the posts up on the board.

    [My “Elvis” posts were not translated as a way to drive home the point no one else is translating their foreign language posts either]

    It’s sad to me, a foreign-born American, has to remind native-born Americans , to translate foreign words. It’s inconsiderate not to translate : But I don’t consider myself a “chosen one” so maybe my good manners, my philosophy, and my suggestion falls on deaf ears.

    I will always take “OD’, and almost everything in life, with some salt ; I will always be a curmudgeon and a dissenter, a curmudgeaonly-dissenter. I’m not going to change my ways. I enjoy being a curmudgeon-dissenter. I will be the same as always : No change.

    I can be as thick-headed as any Southerner — and “you all” are very stubborn, that’s for sure — including and especially, Calhoun and Walker, though I hope I don’t ever come to the type of end Walker had in Honduras, while fighting for his “precious” Golden Circle Slave Empire , if I’m not mistaken ; though I won’t come to the same kind of end as Walker , ’cause I’m not in any way supportive of “Golden Circles”. Deal with it, or not :

    John C. Calhoun and William Walker, two jackassess, from a long line of Southern jackassess. I don’t know how Calhoun came to his end : Good riddance to Calhoun, however he came to his end. I know Calhoun died in 1850, 11 years before the War of 1861. He never saw the “Great” War he did so much to foment ; boo hoo hoo.

    The ball is on your side of the “court” now.

  14. Joe,

    Just edit things a bit.

    That [above] post was terrific. But when you “over-right” you defalte the force force of your words.

    Internecine wat? That’s the ony kind of war that Europeans have ever really fought. We, as the Occident – we’re down to the wire now. It’s not the 11th Hour. It’s 11:55PM

    We, here-in, know the “crunch” is coming. We know. I think the bickering and sparring is simply marking time. NOTHING can spot what’s coming. And the Southern secession – we all have to get through What’s Coming, befor that can possibly happen.

    The ball’s not in Hunter’s court. This is his court. He just let you back in. Have fun! He handed you the ball back. Play nice!

  15. Here:

    Joe says:
    August 13, 2012 at 12:33 am
    @Hunter Wallace

    I’m only “guilty” of taking things here at “OD” with ” a grain of salt”. I’m tired of Latin [ as I know you must be by now, I can’t say I blame you] so I won’t translate “a grain of salt” into Latin.

    A leopard can not change it’s stripes. I have always taken religious/political/cultural matters with some salt. It’s very Italian to do so, really. I’m very typical of the group of people I was born to : Tuscan/Catholic [ Guelph: White Guelph, too boot]. I’m very grateful to have been born in Tuscany. So yes, I’m guilty of taking things with a grain of salt.

    Human nature is weak, and we live in a Vale of Tears, an old-fashioned Catholic expression, as I’m sure you know. That will never change, though I respect everyone who works and strives for a better world ; That’s important to do, to work for a better life for our children.

    Unfortunately, many times, most times really, the efforts of those trying to improve this world we’re born into, get undermined and usurped. Jews or no Jews. It’s been that way thoughout history, and in all corners of the world. I am of the school “the glass is half-empty”. Not from pessimism ; If one truly faces what’s lacking , one can then work to fix the situation. The White Race needs to seriously do some real and true soul-searching if the White Race is going to prosper in the future.

    I don’t care who criticises me for this. I don’t care who calls me a “troll”. I know I’m not. There are hose here who call me a troll just because I mention some faults of our race every once in awhile . I criticise other groups as well, many times One can’t improve without self-reflection. The White Race has plenty of faults. If the White Race is so intrinsically wonderful to begin with, the White Race wouldn’t be in the position it’s in right now in the very first place. One can only blame others for so long, then one must face oneself. It’s the truth. I’m not apologising for it.

    I much prefer Unity for the White Race than division, especially if the division could lead to internecine war. I have a deep love for Christ in my heart, but not organised religion. The churches, all of them, only divide the White Race . The churches never did much, really did nothing, to Unite the White Race.

    That’s my gripe with Christianity. If it weren’t for that, I really wouldn’t criticise Christianity at all. It was my grandmother’s faith. It pains me to criticise Christianity. Still, the truth is the truth.

    There are times here at “OD” when I get the impression some are too gung-ho for internecine war. I stand opposed to internecine war amongst White Americans. Especially these days when the world is barreling down on us. If you “allow” me back, I will continue to be opposed. I will continue to write sardonic posts in reply to anyone who goes overboard advocating war amongst White Americans.

    While it’s true the Yankees treated the South miserably, and many war crimes were committed by the Yankees, Sherman being the epitome of a war criminal [ He was disgusting] , it’s also true that Calhoun, and many other Southerners [ I won’t mention JB’s name, you know who I mean] were involved in fomenting the War of 1861. I will continue to criticise 19th century Southern leadership. Southerners are Not the innocent angels many Southerners, both here at “OD” , and in the real-life world outside of cyber-space, make out to be. .

    To those so gung-ho to see war in America : Relax. It’s coming. The force and direction of history is leading to war here in the States. No need to push it. It’s coming. To those who are looking forward to it, relax and be happy, if the thought of war makes you happy : War is coming, one way or another.

    I cry for my adoptive land. I was born in a city reduced to rubble during ww2. I was born 11 years after the war ended. The pain and suffering of the war was in everyone’s hearts, one could see the pain in their eyes.

    To those who are looking for war here in America, I can only say : You do not know the true pain of war. Wait until the war comes first before you talk so tough. It is hell. It is pure misery.

    The war hung over Livorno, and all of Europe, like a thick black cloud from hell. Even 11 years after it ended. The pain of war is carried in the heart, and is passed down to future generations. Southerners, of all Americans, should already know this.

    I will always take “OD’, and almost everything in life, with some salt ; I will always be a curmudgeon and a dissenter, a curmudgeaonly-dissenter. I’m not going to change my ways. I enjoy being a curmudgeon-dissenter. I will be the same as always : No change. ”


    This edit is not perfect – but your message “flows” better. The emotional impact of your memories of the post-war suffering of Livorno, and the comparison of the the outrages committed by the North, against the South, with attendent suffering, is intact – not diffused.

  16. It’s still too long. I ought ot have taken the digression about Christianity out.

    Here’s another edit:

    “To tell you honestly, the name of the website and the goal of the website, Southern Secession, is disambiguous. I find there’s alot of disambuousness here at “OD”. That bothers me. I prefer things more straight-forward-honest.

    On one hand, one minute, “OD” calls for secession, the next minute “OD” talks about how important it is for Whites to work together, the next minute talking about every division the White Race has ever experienced down through history :

    Make up your mind. It’s all very disambiguous. That’s why I sometimes “spam”, as you call it. It’s an effective way to stop the mixed-messages so common at “OD”. ”

    See – one post – one idea. Has more impact.

    Now to reply – you are wrong. Your spamming only clutters and confuses. People just glance down looooooooooooooooong posts. It adds nothing. The spamming simply discredits the rest of your posts.

    You apologia has some truly beautiful elements. I simply want to polish, and chisel the rough bits.

    Do you “see”?

  17. One of the Main Reasons for the Division amongst Whites is the Schism of the Church.

    Look at all the different denominations which have even smaller divisions within them.

    Its a Jewish Strategy – Divide and Conquer.

    Now that there are so many churches, its easy for them to take control and Kill Them Off!

  18. Joe says:
    “What happened to Stonelifter ? Is he in Syria with the Mossad/CIA/?”

    Syria? No, no, no. Stone just returned form California ( he was gone all last week) with the scoop on you JewJoe.
    The-JIG- is up! Your fractured Latin and extensive use of ebonics gave you away.

    JJ frantically practicing before sending a deluge of posts.

  19. “Ball is in your { court }” refers to the “privy council” Hunter Wallace mentioned in this thread : Not the whole website.

    Of course, “OD” belongs to Hunter Wallace . I never said, nor even in any way suggested, even in the slightest, otherwise. The thought this website doesn’t belong to Hunter Wallace never even ever crossed my mind ; Not once, ever : Not even for 1/10 of one -second.

  20. Dr Doom :

    Go to Chechar website : Go to “Fuck America” article. Read my posts there about Jews and Christians : Keep in mind alot of Christians — both Catholic and Protestant– are the dreaded, am I allowed to say it ? , do I dare?, “Freemasons”.

    It’s true that Jews love divide-and-conquer, it’s also true the Christian leadership loves it too. That’s what I mean when I say we have to face ourselves, the faults of our own race, along with the faults of other groups : No other group is going to take our “advice” to change their ways, if we ourselves refuse to change our ways.

    See “Fuck America” for details.

    Very informative article and commentary at Chechar.

  21. I’m not going to Tennessee next month. I have other plans for next month ; Even if I didn’t have any plans, I wouldn’t go based on the premise I have to go to prove I’m not a “troll” :

    I can’t be bothered going to Tennessee, or anywhere else, not even next door to my neighbor , to prove anything to anyone :

    My words stand on their own merits.

  22. Joe,
    Don’t forget:
    La madre degli imbecili è sempre incinta.
    The mother of imbeciles is always pregnant.

    Deo Vindice

  23. I think I liked that epic flame-war from a couple weeks ago better than this weirdness. At least then we were speaking Yankee language (obscenities and threats) instead of boring-ass Latin.

  24. Joe says:
    I’ll write my posts as I please.
    Joe says:
    I’m not going to Tennessee next month. I have other plans for next month ; Even if I didn’t have any plans, I wouldn’t go based on the premise I have to go to prove I’m not a “troll” :
    I can’t be bothered going to Tennessee, or anywhere else, not even next door to my neighbor , to prove anything to anyone :”

    JJ, Denise pleads your case and goes out of her way to help you and to be nice to you and you bite her in the butt.

    Google: ” Whittle JJ + guido + Johnny Puleo + raviolos + matzo + can dish it out but can’t take it.”

  25. I was touring the A-stan country side. A strange and beautiful place, with towering rugged mountains, fast flowing white water type rivers, green valleys and sand dunes all within a few minutes of each other.

    To bad this place is full of hajjis.

  26. @Sam
    Go to :

    http// www. Joe Has The Correct View. Intelligent. Common-Sense/

    For more information about Joe, and how Joe is usually correct about, Oh, 97 to 98 % of the time.
    How were the pancakes Mammy whipped up for you?

    @ Apuleius

    That’s why my mother only had 2 kids, me and my younger brother. Thank you for that peice of Very Very Important information. Information that will Greatly help All White Americans. Yes sirre bob.

    @ Sam

    Denise didn’t do a damn thing for me. That’s for sure.

  27. I was touring the Mexico countryside. The mountain desert beauty of Mexico is a sight to see.

    Too bad this place is full of donkeys.

  28. Even Apuleius admitted he’s an ass earlier in the thread : He said so himself.

    Apuleius has the correct view. I concur.

  29. Joe,
    “Even Apuleius admitted he’s an ass earlier in the thread : He said so himself.
    Apuleius has the correct view. I concur.”

    If you’re looking for an argument about that, you’re not going to get one.
    By the way, sometimes you sound just like my wife.

    Are you sure those weren’t burros or mules instead of donkeys?
    I’m an expert on the subject if you need help. Don’t be stubborn.

    A lavare a capu e ru ciucciu, ci perdi a l’isia!
    Washing the head of a donkey is a waste of soap!

    Deo Vindice

  30. @Stonelifter:

    “I was touring the A-stan country side. A strange and beautiful place, with towering rugged mountains, fast flowing white water type rivers, green valleys and sand dunes all within a few minutes of each other.

    To bad this place is full of hajjis.”

    Stone, I hope you don’t mind if I tell you to keep your powder dry and your head low. This board wouldn’t be the same without you. Please be careful out there.

  31. “Too bad th(e) place[Afghanistan I presume] is full of hajjis.”

    Interesting point, curious if you know this (maybe you do) and how many others here do. The Army, like all armies, has an esprit de corps interest in picking out a collective name, hopefully derogatory, for the enemy: Charlie, gooks, krauts, Jerry, nips, etc. It serves the purpose of de-humanizing the enemy, making it easier for people to be able to kill them. It’s basic to maintaining military morale in the context of violence, keeping people from breaking apart under the natural stress of being pressed to destroy other human beings. So, a name was needed for the Enemy in Iraq and A-stan.

    But “hajji”, as you may know, is actually a term of respect in the Islamosphere: it denotes someone who has made the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, a theological requirement for all pious Muslims.

    So in other words, in today’s PC environment, even though we were literally raining bombs and bullets on people halfway across the world who, although very few of them had actually done us any real harm, many or most of them in their Islamic hearts wish us cast into the very mouth of Hell simply for not being Muslim, and who would happily rape our women and children without a thought in the world if their Allah gave them power over us, were to be denoted by the US Army by a term which in their language indicates the highest respect.

    Make of that what you will. But keep in mind we’ve been fighting two wars over a man/hours aggregate of sixteen years, without so much as a soap bubble of tangible advantage or victory in sight to show for it, when in reality our unimaginably powerful military could have rolled over both countries in, as another military sage once put it, “about as long as it takes a hungry man to eat his dinner.”

  32. Why thank you dearest Clytemnestra. It is very kind and thoughtful of you to say. Perhaps I feel safe here because of the well wishes of my friends and family. Not to worry though, the Almighty God will call me home when He wants. I am safe where ever I am until that day, and nothing will add one moment more to my life.

    Yea a hajji is a jib-jib/ India Indian or a moslem who has made the pilgrimage. I figure we call them hajjis because sand negros wouldn’t pass the PC muster.

    I happen to agree Oscar. I think you were beating around a bush to be kind. Your a good man, and probably a very nice guy. I’m not and I’ll be blunt.

    There will be no victory here or in iraq. I worked there too. It’s not the lack of military power; we lack the willpower to use it and our “leaders” defined “victory” in impossible terms. On top of that, we are using the same failed ideas from Vietnam, where I think this whole crazy modern notion of military power came about. The army kills people and breaks things. That’s it. They cannot pull people out of the 7th century and into the 21st. Military orders should be “Go to point A; kill all enemy combatants; break all of their shit and come home in the most cost effective manner regarding lives and material”. That’s it. Anything more than that is an abuse of good men.

    We would have “won” in 2-3 years if we did to the hajjis what we did to the plains Indians. Hell the govt used more force/ cleared a higher level of force on the White folks in Waco and Ruby Ridge then they ok’ed here.

    I feel….. I’m not sure how to express what I feel for the veterans of Vietnam and the GWOT. These men are my friends and family. My grandfather and father fought in Vietnam. My son, both of my brothers, both son-in-laws and almost everyman I know on a deeper level have fought in the GWOT. I ‘m proud they fought, and fight so well. Heart broken they sacrificed for nothing. Rage beyond words their leadership abandoned them…Their sacrifice in time, lives, limbs etc are for nothing. Rage, pride, sadness. Sometimes all at once.

    I fault our “leadership” civilian and military. I loathe high ranking officers who have not stood up for these young men. They have forgotten their duty and responsibility owed their subordinates. 2 generations of men used up because generals lacked the balls to tell their boss they were fucking up. I wasn’t in favor of either invasion. I knew the end result would be a waste of money, lives and limbs of earnest young men. However, I’m no youngster. I knew there would be no “victory”. I would have said no to both invasions, but the call isn’t mine. We don’t live in the world we want, but the world we were given. I love the work; the intensity of experiences, seeing new places, and doing high risk things with my friends. I was bored with the “drug war” and I earn a large paycheck for enjoying myself.

  33. These Wars are Not Worthless. They are Starving the Beast.

    FEDGOV or BRA has wasted Trillions of Dollars that might otherwise be used to give Aid and Comfort to our Enemies – The black/brown horde that occupies our cities and rapes and plunders us.

    The More resources that go to helping the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem is less Dollars for black/brown invaders to the Suburbs on Section 8 Kill and Destroy Missions.

    The White Casualties are regrettable of course, but how many more Whites would have been Killed or Raped by the Colored Horde if the Dollars for their housing and feeding were not being diverted to protect the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem?

    FEDGOV of BRA must die. In Afghanistan and Iraq and later Iran, Washington D.C. (Devil’s City) will die the Death of a Thousand Cuts and Downsizes. Praise God! God is Great!

    When they are thus weakened, the Coup de Grace can be delivered by an Angry, Vengeful White Taxpayer Base armed with pitchforks, torches and GUNS!

  34. Clearly Rudel you have sexually satisfied all the neighborhood pets since you have the free time to attempt trouble making here after Hunter asked us not to snipe at each other.

    What is wrong with these damnyankees that they can’t leave people be? Could any of the decent yankees here explain it?

  35. Now, Stonelifter, you know they wouldn’t be keeping up the tradition of poking your nose where it don’t belong. “All we want is to be left alone,” is not something they ever have any intention of honoring. Tearing you down is much more fun for them. All in the interest of white solidarity, no doubt.

    Welcome home, brother. Kick back and enjoy the bright sunny South. At least what’s left of it before they finish with the ethnic cleansing. The Yankee empire is running full throttle against our people, letting hajjis build mosques in Murfreesboro. Pretty soon you won’t know if you’re coming or going.

    Deo Vindice

  36. @Joe

    I know what you be sayin MatzohMan. I always thought Italy was good for the Jews, a huge dose of life and love of life. Gets them out of their Jew thing and lifts their horizons. I am glad to hear that you were born in Tuscany, Joe – a truly sublime part of the world.

  37. Joe can be funny and lighten the mood. Sometimes I would rather read Joe’s nonsense than Rothschilds and Bilderbergs and people screaming at each other in the comments and eye gouging each other.

  38. He put a lot of effort into one of those posts above. The problem with Joe is that he gets carried away with his lack of seriousness sometimes and becomes flippant to the point of annoying everyone.

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