Romney-Ryan Threaten Medicaid and SNAP EBT Work Requirement


This is the only positive thing I can say about the Romney-Ryan ticket. I would also recommend taking a closer look at this plan before getting excited about it in light of the underhanded way that Republicans stretched their so-called “cuts” to the Farm Bill over a decade.

Requiring African-Americans to work for SNAP EBT and Medicaid benefits and putting a time limit on the EBT card at least gives the Romney-Ryan ticket something to talk about with the conservative base:

“Food stamps, known officially as the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, would also become a block grant program under Ryan’s plan. In addition, starting in 2016, recipients would be required to work or enroll in a job training program. A time limit would also be phased in.

Romney has also said that he supports block grants.

Several conservative think tanks say that the Ryan plan will ultimately help both the nation and the poor….”

Update: Vox has a new column, “Ryan is a RINO.” Federale also takes on the myth of Paul Ryan as a fearless budget cutting reformer. Paul Kersey scoffs at “America’s Comeback Team.”

“The problem is that Paul Ryan is not part of the solution. In fact, Paul Ryan is one of the politicians who is even more responsible for the current economic crisis than Barack Obama. Consider his voting record:

YES on Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
YES on $15 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler.
YES on $192 billion additional anti-recession stimulus spending.
YES on prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients
YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
YES on Head Start Act
YES on No Child Left Behind Act
YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent
YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
YES on emergency $78 billion for war in Iraq & Afghanistan”

Paul Ryan supported BRA’s stimulus, Head Start, No Child Left Behind, and TARP … and the media is spinning this guy as the second coming of Ebenezer Scrooge.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I doubt I could ever get excited about a Romney candidacy (or that of any other Republican who’s allowed within 10 miles of the convention). But considering that the two VP names mentioned a lot recently were Rice and Rubio, the Ryan pick is a small ray of sunshine. It could be worse.

  2. After the past twenty years of hollowing out the economy and with our little brown brothers having a lockdown on the “jobs Americans won’t do,” I’m not so sure this issue has the resonance across Amurrica that it did in the 90’s.

    I know the boys are flush with the recent Wisconsin victory and that’s probably why Ryan got the nod, but times are hard for many folks. I think this stance provides the perfect opportunity for the HNIC to demagogue the issue.

    Quite a few young people are on the outside looking in on this economy right now. There are also a good many older, less marketable whites who have permanently lost the good paying jobs they had and are facing diminished prospects for their future.

    It’s a hard sell if you ask me. I think they just wind up being portrayed as cold, heartless bastards in the end. This only feeds the “Robin Hood in reverse” meme mentioned in this article. I’ve heard King Nog use that line recently, too.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Yeah, we are all breathing a huge sigh of relief that it wasn’t Congoleeza Rice or Marco Rubio, but now the dust is settling and people are beginning to take a hard look at Paul Ryan, and upon closer inspection his voting record on immigration isn’t really that impressive.

  4. Forcing black people to work for the EBT card … sounds like another case of Too Good To Be True. What’s the catch? Is this just another Republican talking point like the virtual fence?

  5. Re: “upon closer inspection his voting record on immigration isn’t really that impressive”: Huge understatement regarding one that ranks near the very bottom on immigration voting among hundreds of House Republicans, and wants MORE and “streamlined” immigration.

  6. Sorry to be obscurantist, but wasn’t Welfare SUPPOSED to be something that only tided you over, until you could find work? And then, once you found work (and ANY work, as long as you had no skills- that’s a ‘no-brainer’) you went OFF Welfare?

    Or do Blacks/Messicans/Sharia’n’s have another law for them, that Whites don’t?

  7. So basically, this is another example of how the parrots shrieking “there is no difference!” are lying.

    Race riots, and watching that smug bitch Michelle pack her shit and hit the bricks not enough for you all?

  8. That’s the real problem. They’re not doing anything to restore the credibility the Republicans lost under Bush. True conservatives remain profoundly uneasy with Romney because everyone knows deep down he is not a conservative.

    Pretty hard to get people revved up when they’re still feeling slick between the legs. The GOP has been completely ineffective at opposing the Obama agenda even after the 2010 election. The duplicity of John Roberts has also removed the piquancy of the old Supreme Court appointment argument. They just look dead in the water to me.

    Ryan’s big claim to fame is taking a stand last year before public pressure forced the Republicans to back down. In terms of real accomplishments, he has nothing to show. Rhetoric is all fine and dandy, but in the end it’s just lip service. People are really tired of Republicans constantly saying one thing and doing the other. Nothing has happened yet to change this perception.

    You can only go so far on the relief people feel from not being stabbed in the back yet.

    The ONLY thing Romney has going for him is his whiteness. Something he himself seems uneasy with. Is that enough? We shall see soon enough.

    Deo Vindice

  9. There is something profoundly ironic about a man who had to rely upon Social Security payments to fund his college education after his father died when he was a teenager going after government social programs with a vengeance. Expect much to be made of this in the weeks ahead.

    Deo Vindice

  10. “[Ryan’s] voting record on immigration isn’t really that impressive.

    Of course not; whose is? Pat Buchanan wasn’t in the running. We aren’t going to get someone who’s good on immigration. We’re going to get someone who’s soft on it, or someone who’s enthusiastic about it.

    Maybe after another four years of high unemployment and stagnating wages, Americans will be ready for some common sense on immigration. But they aren’t yet. So far, American “niceness” still makes it impossible for us to just say, “Sorry, we don’t want you.”

    Again, I’m not throwing any parties over this pick. But I never expected a Romney presidency (or any Republican who could be elected in 2012) to be any more than a holding action, slowing the rush toward insolvency and destruction. Ryan fits that, probably better than anyone else who would have been acceptable to today’s voters.

  11. Ryan was mega-spender…until Obama won. Then, he became an champion of austerity. He then changed on a dime and became a budget-cutter for political reasons. In other, Ryan is just another lying sack of you know what.

    Let me give to you straight everybody. It is no accident Ryan went from supporting TARP and all that other spending to a budget-cutter. We are headed into times of austerity. Therefore, in order to protect the tax structures and portions of the budget that help large corporations, banks, globalists, Wall Street and the MIC, Ryan’s wants to cut Medicare and other programs that help the White middle class as well Blacks.

    Ryan got an F on immigration for a reason. His approach to governance is geared toward helping the mega-rich. Since de facto open borders helps them, Ryan supports them.

    It’s sad and disappointing to see people buying into GOP BS again!

  12. The Tea Party is a joke. A false flag if there ever was one. It was the Tea Party that saddled us with Rubio and who were praying for Col. Allen West to be the VP pick. They also lost all credibility when they supported Rick Perry and Herman Cain.

  13. Whites nowadays are underemployed and on food stamps too. But you know, actually starving the poor might make them stop taking food for granted, and start moving their asses and digging potatoes and such.

  14. Agree. The wisest investment these days would be a bunch of five gallon buckets, some peat moss, and some taters.

    Deo Vindice

  15. What are the buckets for? I’ve grow potato, tomato, turnips, parsnips etcetc before. Never used 5 gallon buckets though.

    Catching water? Or some other type of storage?

  16. @ “….But considering that the two VP names mentioned a lot recently were Rice and Rubio, the Ryan pick is a small ray of sunshine. It could be worse….”

    Isn’t that just the strategy, though? Exactly like Northeast transplants to the South, where they always think they landed in paradise (while the real Southerners quietly move away from what is happening, to other towns).

    Where the Northeasterners landed has been changed so that the underlying economy is what HW sums up as BRA, but the Northeasterner (who’ve never known anything else) can’t know that, or see it.

    When you try to explain how “changed” things are, they just roll their eyes and say YOU don’t understand, and that you have no idea what Detroit is like (or Newark or whoever they came from).

    But should Newark really be the benchmark?

    This defines dumbing down.

    The ONLY REASON these other jokers were mentioned was so the stupid public would feel relieved when they get this guy. He also voted Patriot/ NDAA… right?

    The ONLY REASON the EBT thing is thrown in, is so they have one thing to make them look good.

  17. Oh… by “these other jokers who were put forward,” I meant the people who were put forward like Condeleeza Rice (the Romney people had no real intention of choosing any of these “nearly chosen” VP picks). They were only put forward, like the EBT issue, make you feel relief when, so you’ll accept it.

  18. Ryan is a thinking man’s Sean Hannity. He’s just in awe of his betters and thinks he is god’s gift instead of a sidekick.

  19. Dixie,

    You should check the Boston area press to see if Ryan shifts the ethnic vote .000001%. So far they are ambivalent to hostile about him. This suggests the gambit didn’t quite work. The same survey could be conducted in Philly and Chicago. Of course there’s no expectation of a win in those cities but a small shift on the votometer needle would be reassuring to see.

  20. Here an Irishman blogs about the Lace Curtain v Shanty Irish face off between Ryan and Biden.

    I think a quick look at the ethnic and subethnic politics here would be instructive. It’s actually how people do vote, forget ideology, so it would be instructive to
    have an OD explication. It looks like the second coming of the Paddies. Are the voting patterns of Urban and suburban Irish going to swing the election one way or another?

  21. Olivia Wilde is Irish-American she’s not impressed. But Rupert Murdoch is impressed
    and he’s a bit Celtic with a dash of Hebe.

    The best thing about Ryan for me is that he’s only 5 years older than me. So he’s contemplating the future rather than trying to rip off younger men before he dies. It seems that Ryan has gotten no bump from the Irish population. They prefer blacks to their own.

    We are in an advanced state of decay as a people.

  22. I didn’t know who any of these “people” are but I figured the russell simmons creature to be a negro by it’s statement

  23. Olivia Wilde is a lovely looking actress from a liberal journalist family that spans NYC Dublin and London.

    Rupert Murdoch owns Newscorp and Fox News.

    Russell Simmons is a Musical nig who married a skanky Nasiangroid called Kimora.

    As a snap shot you can pick up the broad outlines of where the electoral chips will fall.
    Romney will get nothing out of the Irish in America. Even though he’s choosing one of their own.

  24. @ Here an Irishman blogs about the Lace Curtain v Shanty Irish face off between Ryan and Biden….

    As more such articles are written, the Irish have to start to admit how much power they have in the u.s.. Definitely, they do not wish the term “Irish lobby” to begin appearing.

    But shifting the immigration debate away from framing it as an economic issue (always and only) onto ethnic politics suddenly turns the bleeding border on a dime— and into an issue of genocide.

    Quite a bit more serious than pretending one just “wants cheap labor.” Or to pretend to give “charity” by robbing the earnings of americans by taking taxes they don’t want to give (which then makes it not really their money to give away), then redistributing that money to foreign populations with whom you share other bonds.

    Questioning the motives of Ryan-Biden, or whoever, when they redistribute american wealth to foreigners who happen to be south of the border and therefore “like them” (religiously) makes it interesting.

    “It’s the economy stupid”—- is a shared repeater of ‘right’ and ‘left.’

    Making sure immigration debate stays framed around economy (and never any other term) is essential to them.

    I’ll vote for —and tell my girlfriends to vote for— whatever the smart men on here think we should. (So there, Landshark).

  25. @ …We aren’t going to get someone who’s good on immigration. We’re going to get someone who’s soft on it, or someone who’s enthusiastic about it….

    Then shouldn’t the work be to reframe the debate as ethnic, not economic?— so the anti-white (european) policies become a matter of genocide?

    If there were a potential of that accusation, maybe they would get a little less enthusiastic about the Brazilification.

  26. Dixie,

    yet a Romney spokesman can’t even say Romney has Anglo-Saxon attitudes. I just don’t see how he can win if he’s determined to deny himself, to Er…himself.

  27. Olivia Wilde was born Olivia Jane Cockburn in New York City. She was raised in Washington, D.C. and went to school there, as well as in Andover, Massachusetts, where she graduated in 2002.

    Well, I can certainly see why she changed her last name. Who wants a girl with…
    If she were any more Yankee Irish in pedigree her last name would be Kennedy.
    Her uncle is the recently departed socialist writer Alexander Cockburn.

    That would be Russell Simmons of Def Jam records. Quite the negro.
    Stonelifter said it best, “if only it were true……”

    I’m betting Romney/Ryan will be a twofer and carry neither Massachusetts nor Wisconsin. Any takers?

    Dixiegirl, you are on a roll. Did you like the video?

    Deo Vindice

  28. Hunter Wallace writes:

    “This is the only positive thing I can say about the Romney-Ryan ticket. ”

    HW is “yankin’ people’s chain” – pretending that M. Romney – a successful LDS governor from Massachusetts with ~ 40 beautiful all White grandchildren (if not now then, surely in 10 years) and a middle class Irish Catholic VP named Ryan from the key swing state of Wisconsin is really no different that BRA, Obama, Holder, Jew Lesbian Supreme Court Justice Kagan, Lib/Dem’s mass amnesty, open borders immigration, Federal Hate Crime persecution of Whites etc.

    “It’s those GD Yankees from Michigan, Massachusetts and Wisconsin!” (Not!)

    Yeah, HW is just yankin’ people’s chain here, hating on White Irish/German Americans from Wisconsin.

    What HW is doing here is a variation of the annoying Irish American habit of trying to claim that their people really aren’t White (British) American and the Irish are another oppressed minority who suffered the Irish Potato famine and then suffered discrimination in the US from WASPs just the same as Blacks, Hispanics, gays, 3rd world people of color. Irish American justified their voting, support of Ted Kennedy and the Kennedy family for 40 years using the “we’re not White – we’re Irish”.

    Maybe Confederate Southerners can put in for minority PC affirmative action status, try to argue that they have been oppressed by Northern WASPs, Yankees just as bad as Native Americans, Blacks, Gays, Muslim immigrants blah, blah, blah.

    The other way to look at this is HW is just yankin people’s chain.


  29. YES on TARP
    YES on Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
    YES on $15 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler.
    YES on $192 billion additional anti-recession stimulus spending.
    YES on prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients
    YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
    YES on Head Start Act
    YES on No Child Left Behind Act
    YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent
    YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
    YES on emergency $78 billion for war in Iraq & Afghanistan”

    they don’t seem that different to me

  30. Irishness in the American context is Run amok “white alterity”. It’s just another powerplay to sucker people. It’s the most faux identity game in town. Very few people in Ireland are actually like what I’ve seen here.

  31. Amanda – AMEN!!!!

    Kievsky – double AMEN!!!!

    Jack Ryan – PREACH!!!!!


    Romney and Ryan suck. We know this. But day be Whites-ez.


  32. I tend to agree with Denise that Northern whites ought to vote Republican far more than they do in fact support their own. But I think Denise is living in a netherworld if she thinks northern whites will budge an inch from their obstinate negrophillia.

  33. jack, I realize you’re pretty pissed at people picking on your little brother Paul, but you left out another consideration.

    HW might just be yankin people’s chain here.

    Of course the Irish are white, unless they’re black Irish, of course.

    You seem to forget that Southerners have oppressed all the other members of that group. We’re bad like that, though we prefer the term “unreconstructed” to describe the unrelenting stream of hate we direct at any and all others.

    Deo Vindice

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