Romney-Ryan Threaten Medicaid and SNAP EBT Work Requirement


This is the only positive thing I can say about the Romney-Ryan ticket. I would also recommend taking a closer look at this plan before getting excited about it in light of the underhanded way that Republicans stretched their so-called “cuts” to the Farm Bill over a decade.

Requiring African-Americans to work for SNAP EBT and Medicaid benefits and putting a time limit on the EBT card at least gives the Romney-Ryan ticket something to talk about with the conservative base:

“Food stamps, known officially as the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, would also become a block grant program under Ryan’s plan. In addition, starting in 2016, recipients would be required to work or enroll in a job training program. A time limit would also be phased in.

Romney has also said that he supports block grants.

Several conservative think tanks say that the Ryan plan will ultimately help both the nation and the poor….”

Update: Vox has a new column, “Ryan is a RINO.” Federale also takes on the myth of Paul Ryan as a fearless budget cutting reformer. Paul Kersey scoffs at “America’s Comeback Team.”

“The problem is that Paul Ryan is not part of the solution. In fact, Paul Ryan is one of the politicians who is even more responsible for the current economic crisis than Barack Obama. Consider his voting record:

YES on Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
YES on $15 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler.
YES on $192 billion additional anti-recession stimulus spending.
YES on prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients
YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
YES on Head Start Act
YES on No Child Left Behind Act
YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent
YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
YES on emergency $78 billion for war in Iraq & Afghanistan”

Paul Ryan supported BRA’s stimulus, Head Start, No Child Left Behind, and TARP … and the media is spinning this guy as the second coming of Ebenezer Scrooge.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pols do this stuff all the time. They start talking about cutting or regulating some industry then BAM the donations roll in and its magically forgotten about. The 2006 congressional and 2008 presidental elections were great illustrations of this.

    I’ll bet Shanikas smoked brisket that Wal-Mart and ogranizations representing the over-priced shop-n-rob stores and dingy doc-in-a-box clinics are going to make some nice donations now. Some to Black Jesus and some to Morman Barbie. Then no matter who wins, nothing changes.

  2. You do realize that even if Romney/Ryan carry all the Southern states (highly likely except for those overrun by transplants from I forget where) they will probably still lose the election.

    I think you guys are barking up the wrong tree again. Spend some time talking to your neighbors up there and your friends who’ve moved down here.

    We are really not your problem. We love white people.

    Deo Vindice

  3. I don’t care at all that he is White.

    What are his policies? What is he going to do to reverse our national decline? What is he going to do to make things better?

    “America’s Comeback Team” wants more free trade, more legal immigration, and more foreign wars. We’ve been too hard on Wall Street. We haven’t been pro-Israel enough. We haven’t shipped enough jobs overseas.

    I don’t have any reason to vote for Romney-Ryan. I don’t plan on voting for them until I have a reason either.

  4. Denise writes:

    “Romney and Ryan suck. We know this. But day be Whites-ez.”

    Jack Ryan responds.

    That’s more than a bit harsh. Romney and Ryan are racial pussyfooters, sure we wish they were tougher, more open and solidly on our side. But, put them – pussyfooters around good, solid White Americans of various regions, church affiliations and they will be fine. The key is to get racial pussyfooters away from groups/crowds where they feel they must pander. Work to get the likes of Romney and Ryan not to hang out with BRA, Ivy League Jews, the Mainstream Media, AIPAC, NAACP etc.

    I am 100% confident that if any Southern OD readers went to Janesville WI (where Paul Ryan was born and raised and where ~ 5 generations of his Ryan family have been, they would find the Ryan family, Ryans neighbors, his school mates to be nice White American folks. It would not be dangerous for any White OD readers to send their children, grandchildren to schools with White children from Janesville WI – the same cannot be said about sending your children, grandchildren to school with Blacks, NW in Chicago Public Schools, greater Los Angeles public schools.

  5. “Work to get the likes of Romney and Ryan not to hang out with BRA, Ivy League Jews, the Mainstream Media, AIPAC, NAACP etc.”

    That would be much easier for you folks to do. I’m pretty sure that Romney thinks we benighted Southern racists are pretty close to the devil incarnate. Divisive “bitter clingers” to a long gone and best unremembered past. We don’t have that much clout.

    Believe me, Southerners will turn out in droves to vote against the mulatto messiah.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Nice White american folks got us into this mess. Those nice White folks ended jim crow and set the negro lose. Those nice folks are the decadents of those who fought a war against Southron folk and used the negro against us. Hard to establish their nice track record unless its nice to negros. They are nice however when its time to roll over politically.

    Ryan has a track record, it sucks. Romney has a track record, also sucks. That’s on them not on those of us who don’t support them.

    Yes it would be dangerous, who knows what strange yankee ides they would pick up? Like negros should be citizens, allowed to vote etc etc

    Not sure how many Southron folk here want to be americans.

  7. Ye gods! All you talk about on this blogsite is Secession and the End of BRA, but now you all sound like a bunch of Disingenuous White Liberals crying about voting records and policies! WTF?

    Yes RINOs suck. No Biggie about that. However, since the BRA is SUPPOSED to collapse why are all of you talking about conservatism and saving the country?

    Its all coming down! Trillion Dollar Deficits annually are UNSUSTAINABLE!

    It comes down to this. Do you want a Psycho Anti-White Nigger siccing the US Military on you for wanting to survive the Zombie Apocalyse of the Day the EBT Card stops working, or do you prefer the Military to be Thousands of Miles away protecting the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem so Whites can finally Clean Up the Neighborhood?

    Think about this Election as: Idi Amin vs. George H.W. Bush.

    So what’s it gonna be? Uganda or the Gulf War?

  8. Like Stonelifter and Apuleius, I honestly don’t care who wins in November.

    Romney-Ryan will get 95 percent of the White vote in Alabama. The election isn’t going to be decided here. It will be decided in the Southwest or the Midwest or somewhere like Virginia or Florida.

    Even in the South, Romney-Ryan will easily win all the areas that are dominated by White Southerners. If they run into trouble in Dixie, we all know it will be in the carpetbag strongholds like NOVA, Central Florida, and the Research Triangle.

    This election doesn’t concern us. It is totally in the hands of Yankees. We already know that it all boils down to whether or not Yankees can stop themselves from voting for Barack the Magic Negro.

    If Yankees vote as a solid phalanx again for Obama-Biden, then Obama wins. Once again, the election is totally in your hands and will be decided in your own backyard, not ours.

  9. Stonelifter laments:

    “Nice White american folks got us into this mess. Those nice White folks ended jim crow and set the negro lose. Those nice folks are the decadents of those who fought a war against Southron folk and used the negro against us…

    Yes it would be dangerous, who knows what strange yankee ides they would pick up? Like Negroes should be citizens, allowed to vote etc etc”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    OK, OK – yours is a strong, unreconstructed policy promoting the reestablishment of Negro slavery in the US South, Jim Crow laws. There are others in the South and elsewhere who share your position, but it’s not exactly a mainstream position these days.

    Other White folks in this country are working under the idea that slavery has ended and it isn’t coming back anytime soon or ever, so we’re trying to make the best of things, come up with other policies that work well, OK, given the changes in time.

    It’s like women and the vote. Yeah, the US held the line of Women’s suffrage until when ~ 1920? And we’ve all be suffering ever since. But, given that women do have the vote, let’s try to come up with some candidates, policies that can win even with women voting, even with the end of Negro slavery.

  10. R/R will not change the “cold equations”.

    Partition will, and once explained, it will resonate with 80% of whites.

  11. I’m not really sure why all of you want Secession. Doesn’t that just reduce the size of the White Lands to a fraction of what it was before?

    Its almost as though you want the Government to put you on Reservations like they did with the Indians! Is that what you want? White Reservations?

    What keeps the blacks and browns from invading them once they’re up and running? The FEDGOV isn’t gonna let you get away with DISCRIMINATION are they?

    Face it! Face facts! White Supremacy is only feasible if FEDGOV or BRA ceases to exist entirely! They won’t let you go! The Vampire Squid is not Merciful!

  12. Jack,

    Obama can in Iowa today. He had a crowd of cornfed blonde women nooning over him. They are invested in the Mochah Takeovah these days. There is no policy fix to an erotic female fixation on magical Negroes.

    Only partition.

  13. Hunter Wallace writes:

    “Romney-Ryan will get 95 percent of the White vote in Alabama. The election isn’t going to be decided here. It will be decided in the Southwest or the Midwest or somewhere like Virginia or Florida.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Since this is true (I agree with HW that Romney -Ryan will sweet the Confederate Southern states, that’s the South no longer including DC Swamped Virginia and Hispanized, New Yawkized Florida), wasn’t it a smart move by the Romney campaign to pick a VP that can help the ticket win in states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey with lots of middle class, working class White Catholics – who will feel kinship with this Paul Ryan?

    Let’s be smart – not everyone is an alternative-right policy wonk that lives and breathes everyday about immigration issues. For most White folks in America, it’s “can I identify with this political leader?” Lot’s of White folks can identify with Paul Ryan – and when perfectly decent White folks like Ryan from Wisconsin come down to Alabama and Tennessee, teach them to say:


    And then try to work with them to develope time tested ways to….

    Keep the N********* down.

    14 Words

  14. How has the EU or US as currently constituted stopes negrification of European and American homelands?

    I say partition and separation. Then expulsion of undesirables! is the general pattern all white nations that intend to remain white nations can only follow.

  15. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are nothing more than the cat’s paws of the interests who control the GOP.

    If you want the Sheldon Adelson, Bill Kristol, and Robert Kagan foreign policy and the Wall Street Journal trade policy and the U.S. Chamber Chamber of Commerce immigration policy, then vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

    If you don’t want those things, then vote for someone else or sit out the election.

  16. People really need to read more Marx. A distributive state of some kind is an inevitable consequence of modernity. Almost everyone is displaced from lands and as technology advances,work as well.

    This means any state that lacks the social acumen to distribute wealth is inherently unstable, people need the basics.

    Getting rid of EBT and the like means food riots and worse, think Arab Spring here a
    The notion that the military won’t step in is silly, they don’t want disorder and not all of them are White rednecks.

    I can guarantee you that enough instability will put in an anti White dictator that makes Obama look like Bull Connor.

  17. Let us say that Ryan repudiated his war votes for Israel’s wars, as he has claimed to have misgivings about certain of his other votes. He would not have even been considered by Romney, nor promoted by the meida.

    Ryan is less conflicted about his votes for the unfunded Iraq War and the Patriot Act, followed up with Libya war funding and the National Defense Authorization Act under Obama. The Weekly Standard’s Stephen Hayes—who was one of the few journalists privy to the Ryan pick before the news broke—reported that Ryan has in recent months been briefed by Elliot Abrams and “surge” architect Robert Kagan. Eli Lake confirmed in a Daily Beast story with the subhead, “Romney’s VP pick tilts his ticket closer to the neocons on questions about America’s role in the world.”

  18. It’s good that Romney picked a white ethnic. Probably. But Mocha Man has the blondies nooning over him in alarmingly large numbers.

  19. There’s a difference between “vote White” and “vote black” – Obama and Holder really are on the side of the black community whereas Romney and Ryan are not on the side of the White community at all.

  20. John, I would have thought that the Unpleasantness of the 1860s would have shown Southrons and Whites that the Union is NOT a Voluntary Association. You become a member at birth, and the only way to dislodge the Vampire Squid that comes free with Mandatory Membership is to Renounce your American Citizenship and move out of the Country! Many Rich Folks are doing just that, but really is that a Good Option?

    Where on the Face of the Earth can White People go and not have the darkies follow them? Where can you go where the Vampire Squid cannot suck out your life’s work in Confiscatory Taxes and Usurious Loans? Is there such a Place?

    Lets Never Forget that BRA does not believe in Borders. That’s very Libertarian of them isn’t it? If they don’t care about their borders, are they really going to care about your borders? Probably Not!

  21. Strickland,

    I consider myself to be somewhat Marxist, even though I’ve flipped from left to right very recently.

    Marx was a very astute guy. His analysis in Das Kapital could even be used on MBA courses as a manual. The same could be said of 1984 as a political science manual.

    Your point about
    marx is well taken. However, I want the blacks to chimpout. A megachimpout is the only way the slide into Brazilification can be stopped dead. Have ever seen Elite Squad? It’s about how whites in Brazil police the favelas around Rio and Sau Paulo.

    Otherwise our grandchildren will be paramilitary Death Squad types who have to scour the slums for Heavily armed murderers and rapists.

  22. “Hunter Wallace says:
    August 13, 2012 at 6:17 pm
    There’s a difference between “vote White” and “vote black” – Obama and Holder really are on the side of the black community whereas Romney and Ryan are not on the side of the White community at all.”

    Mmmmm….that’s because Whites have gone along with the We Are the World program for decades. That Utopinast Party sure was fun – when it was mostly self-congratulatory Whites, in the room. Then the Darkies began to show up in …unfortunate numbers…and began doing what Darkies DO, Whites are just beginning to slip away from that mess…the lights are starting to go on…

    When we begin being pro-White in numbers that are noticable – then the RomneyRyans will be pro White.

    Romney’s gonna be installed. Jews and Shabbos Goy Yankee Aritos love money. White meakes money. Darkies do not.

  23. However, I want the blacks to chimpout. A megachimpout is the only way the slide into Brazilification can be stopped dead.

    A chimp-out may be good – it will reality check for stupid naive whites causing some to convert to WN. So far, the unreported black-on-white crime situation has been a “boiling the frog” scenario.

  24. However, I want the blacks to chimpout. A megachimpout is the only way the slide into Brazilification can be stopped dead.

    A chimp-out may be good – it will reality check for stupid naive whites causing some to convert to WN. So far, the unreported black-on-white crime situation has been a “boiling the frog” scenario.

  25. I think that America is already polarized, just not in the right proportions yet.

    Far too many Whites still want to believe the Magic Negro Crap, and the Jewsmedia feeds them that drivel 24/7.

    The Jews have to go – AWAY. Their iron grip on the Media must be broken even if it requires cutting out their tongues and knee-capping them all.

  26. The Jews have to go – AWAY. Their iron grip on the Media must be broken even if it requires cutting out their tongues and knee-capping them all.

    I’m hoping that happens when the economy tanks and people start looking for some one to blame and more people get turned on to WN.

    Mass boycott of Hollywood movies would be good – it all helps.

    Recently, some key websites have been shut down (prothink, Zion Crime Factory, holocaust denial videos) – hopefully, they pop up somewhere else. Obviously, some one is scared.

  27. “Think about this Election as: Idi Amin vs. George H.W. Bush. So what’s it gonna be? Uganda or the Gulf War?”

    It’s even possible to get BOTH.

    I’m on the side of Denise and Jack Ryan, and a few others, in this discussion. Even 1% less evil is significant in the present crisis.

  28. What a dilemma! Do I vote for the jewasskissing Romney with his paleface lotsa-money-spending, freedom-destroying, open-the-floodgates sidekick? Or, do I vote Virgil Goode? So far, it’s Goode for me!

  29. The only good chimpout is one in a wealthy Jew neighborhood. Can you see the flames on your tv? Burning, looting, raping – not Sylvia and Abby – but Hymie and Morty. Yes, yes, yesssss.

  30. If Yankees vote as a solid phalanx again for Obama-Biden, then Obama wins. Once again, the election is totally in your hands and will be decided in your own backyard, not ours.

    True. In the 2008 election, the “North” (for our purposes here, the 21 Northeastern and Midwestern states) voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats, 198-27 in electoral votes. To win the White House in 2012, the Republicans are going to have to make a major breakthrough in the North or go down in flames once again.

    That’s why from a geographic perspective, the Romney-Ryan ticket offers the GOP the best chance to win the North, and hence the country as a whole. They represent two far-northern states, Massachusetts and Wisconsin, that haven’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate in 28 years. Let’s call this year’s GOP plan for victory the Behind Enemy Lines strategy.

    The BEL strategy has worked successfully in the recent past: for the Democrats in 1992 and 1996. The Clinton-Gore ticket, using two Southerners from former Confederate states, made major inroads in the staunchly Republican South, helping pave the way to two straight nationwide victories.

    Consider that the South (using the census bureau’s definition of 16 states plus DC) went 138-31 for the GOP in electoral votes in 1980, 174-3 in 1984, and 168-9 in 1988. Three straight crushing victories in the South, ending the historic Democratic domination of that region that had prevailed up to 1976. Then, using the BEL strategy with Clinton and Gore on the ticket, the GOP’s Southern victories were much reduced: 116-68 in 1992 and 104-80 in 1996.

    So it’s not that the Romney-Ryan ticket has to win the North outright this year, they just have to greatly reduce the Democrats’ margin of victory there. Just like what the Clinton-Gore ticket did to the GOP in the South in the 1990s.

    First of all, they have to win the Northern states that George W Bush won at least once: Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and New Hampshire. That shouldn’t be too difficult. Next they have to win some of the larger deep-blue states, states that have voted for the Dems since the 1980s, like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. It’s here that the election will ultimately be decided IMO.

    Will the “Yankees” in these states do the white thing and vote for Romney-Ryan? Or will they confirm the worst stereotypes that Hunter and other Southrons hold of them and re-elect Barack Hussein Mugabe? We shall see.

  31. “The only good chimpout is one in a wealthy Jew neighborhood. Can you see the flames on your tv? Burning, looting, raping – not Sylvia and Abby – but Hymie and Morty. Yes, yes, yesssss.”

    Now that you mention it, it was the Crown Heights riot in NYC that got rid of Dinkins as mayor and put in Guiliani. All we really need to do is get our two favorite groups together, get the chimpout started, and presto, BRA begins to unravel.

    Snowhitey, that is the most brilliant comment I have ever seen on this site. I truly stand in awe of your perception and intelligence. Goode for you, indeed! (Me, too!)

    Deo Vindice

  32. The White majority in every Southern state voted against Obama in 2008. He won Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida only because he rallied enough Yankee transplants and Hispanics to combine with blacks to put him over the top.

  33. Forcing black people to work for the EBT card … sounds like another case of Too Good To Be True. What’s the catch?

    LOL job training ….. There are fake schools for nigger that enrich nigger owners so that LaKeesha and En Cola .
    Some of the programs listed here are real:
    But a lot are not. Schools that teach “office technologies”?

    Otherwise our grandchildren will be paramilitary Death Squad types who have to scour the slums for Heavily armed murderers and rapists.

    They will come to us. Just need white neighbors to start acting like blacks currently do when the scourge is being cleared. “I dins see nuffin”.

    Next they have to win some of the larger deep-blue states, states that have voted for the Dems since the 1980s, like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. It’s here that the election will ultimately be decided IMO.

    Michigan and Wisconsin are White states. There is no reason they should be electing a nigger. Every White in those two states knows to avoid almost all of Milwaukee and Detroit. What the hell were they thinking when they were voting for a Chicago nigger.

  34. “What the hell were they thinking when they were voting for a Chicago nigger?”

    Well I sure didn’t vote for him. I think it’s important to remember that the white voting populace was disgusted with the Republican party in 2008, and many Northern whites, who would have otherwise voted against the Chicago nigger in overwhelming numbers, just plain didn’t participate out of apathy and despair. It will be a much different story this time around, and knowing what I know on the ground here, I believe Michigan will end up in Romney’s column in an election-night stunner.

  35. 313Chris

    I agree that Michigan should go Romney GOP this time, provided know it all Libertarian, economic Conservatives don’t manage to scare off White auto union workers.

  36. “It comes down to this. Do you want a Psycho Anti-White Nigger siccing the US Military on you for wanting to survive the Zombie Apocalyse of the Day the EBT Card stops working, or do you prefer the Military to be Thousands of Miles away protecting the Jumping Jews of Jerusalem so Whites can finally Clean Up the Neighborhood?

    Think about this Election as: Idi Amin vs. George H.W. Bush.”

    Holy crap, that’s an extremely good point. No sarcasm, I never really thought of it that way. But my plan to protest vote for neither Jug-eared-jesus or the RINO regardless has now been blown apart in my face. I still don’t plan on voting for Romney unless my state starts to look like a toss-up. In which case I will vote to keep the nigger out.

  37. @ “….Its almost as though you want the Government to put you on Reservations like they did with the Indians! Is that what you want? White Reservations?…”

    In the u.s., why is that so terrible?

    It would be sort of like Montreal used to be for the French, except that —like the Indians and as a nearly genocided population— we might be due reparations payments for all our pain, and these reparations could be paid to kids, and grand-kids, also.

    Others conquered populations have done it. The Southern Reservation would come up with something different from casinos, though.

  38. The election of 2012. This has to be the most boring election ever, even worse than McCain as at least Palin was able to fire up the base.

    The economy is in the toilet with a middle class crying for leadership and all they get are the most anti-populist bunch of losers I have ever seen. If you aren’t in the top 1% of earners, you do not matter to the Romney/Ryan ticket.

    Meanwhile the only supporters this crew has are the” lesser of two evils” crowd who crawl out every fours years with their apocalyptic warnings of what will happen if you do not vote Republican. It is completely laughable.

  39. I’m not interested in explaining awaynthe voting pathologies of northern Whites. Hyphenated Americans in flyover territories with pretensions to a “Northern” identity, even less so.

    Voting for a white man because of his race is thoughtless, even base.
    The matter shouldn’t even be considered as the Constitutional basis of our country is a white male republic. However such tribalistic voting becomes imperative when by a horrific course of historical events there now resides a barbarous Negro in our nation’s highest office. A mockery has been made of our ancestors and country; this piece of outdated farm equipment must be opposed, called out for the AA fraud it is and humiliated by being a one-term president.

    The fact that the white men challenging the uppity Negro happen to have better policy proposals is an entirely separate consideration but one that would again push New World Whites to answer the call and expell the Negro.

  40. It’s troubling that some women here such as denise and amanda are of a master mentality and otherwise white knights such as Hunter are needling the perceived intentions of the White candidates.

    It’s true voting black and voting white are not at all the same. Good.
    I don’t want a handout.
    Taking back my money from the nigger underclass would be quite fine.

  41. Do you want a Psycho Anti-White Nigger siccing the US Military on you for wanting to survive the Zombie Apocalyse of the Day the EBT

    Why do people keep saying this? There is nothing to suggest Obama will do this.

  42. I agree that Michigan should go Romney GOP this time, provided know it all Libertarian, economic Conservatives don’t manage to scare off White auto union workers.

    The chance that Romney will win Michigan is 0.0% Obama bailed out GM and the auto industry. He saved more White jobs in one stroke than R/R have collectively saved in their entire miserable careers.

    This is one reason I’m happy to vote nigger. As a classic leftist, Obama actually gives a shit about the middle class and the poor. There are plenty of White folks in both categories.

  43. Find one post where I advocate the reintroduction of negro slavery. It cannot be done. Never took you for a lair Jack.

    And what do y’all think will be fundamentally different if Romney wins? What was all that different between any of the last 4-5 presidents? tax rates and the size/ scope of their wars is all I can come up with. Each one of them made the nation worse/ weaker less White at the end of their term

  44. “Hyphenated Americans in flyover territories with pretensions to a “Northern” identity, even less so.”

    What hyphenated Americans? Germans are a large portion of the founding stock as much as it pains some of you to admit it. The “Kentucky” rifle was Made in Pennsylvania by German gunsmiths and sold to the Scotch-Irish settlers going across the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky and Tennessee who were either right off the boat or who had worked off their indentured servitude to Englishman.

    Our esteemed host has claimed German ancestry. Most Normal White Americans have German blood:

    BTW, fukc the New York Yankees (baseball team.)

  45. “The chance that Romney will win Michigan is 0.0% Obama bailed out GM and the auto industry. He saved more White jobs in one stroke than R/R have collectively saved in their entire miserable careers.

    This is one reason I’m happy to vote nigger. As a classic leftist, Obama actually gives a shit about the middle class and the poor. There are plenty of White folks in both categories.”

    You are definitely on to something. Unemployment is down substantially in Ohio and Obama’s polls are up there. No Republican President has ever won without Ohio.

  46. Obama has this wrapped up already. The press show no sign of stopping the asskiss they are in the middle of.

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