Romney-Ryan Threaten Medicaid and SNAP EBT Work Requirement


This is the only positive thing I can say about the Romney-Ryan ticket. I would also recommend taking a closer look at this plan before getting excited about it in light of the underhanded way that Republicans stretched their so-called “cuts” to the Farm Bill over a decade.

Requiring African-Americans to work for SNAP EBT and Medicaid benefits and putting a time limit on the EBT card at least gives the Romney-Ryan ticket something to talk about with the conservative base:

“Food stamps, known officially as the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, would also become a block grant program under Ryan’s plan. In addition, starting in 2016, recipients would be required to work or enroll in a job training program. A time limit would also be phased in.

Romney has also said that he supports block grants.

Several conservative think tanks say that the Ryan plan will ultimately help both the nation and the poor….”

Update: Vox has a new column, “Ryan is a RINO.” Federale also takes on the myth of Paul Ryan as a fearless budget cutting reformer. Paul Kersey scoffs at “America’s Comeback Team.”

“The problem is that Paul Ryan is not part of the solution. In fact, Paul Ryan is one of the politicians who is even more responsible for the current economic crisis than Barack Obama. Consider his voting record:

YES on Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
YES on $15 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler.
YES on $192 billion additional anti-recession stimulus spending.
YES on prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients
YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks
YES on Head Start Act
YES on No Child Left Behind Act
YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent
YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant
YES on emergency $78 billion for war in Iraq & Afghanistan”

Paul Ryan supported BRA’s stimulus, Head Start, No Child Left Behind, and TARP … and the media is spinning this guy as the second coming of Ebenezer Scrooge.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Obama’s Son Lew

    I think I know Michigan better than you ever could. And if you’re so “happy to vote nigger” then why don’t you move yourself and your family here to Detroit, so you can experience first-hand the misery which you’re admittedly “happy” to force on everyone else?

  2. Rudel says:

    August 14, 2012 at 2:05 am
    “The chance that Romney will win Michigan is 0.0% Obama bailed out GM and the auto industry.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Thanks Rudel. We’re hoping that we have better than a zero percent chance of winning Michigan. Wow, lot’s of negativity, defeatism on O.D.

  3. Is there any polling data yet? I’d have to see a shift to believe Ryan will have an effect.

    Anything yet?

  4. “Wow, lot’s of negativity, defeatism on O.D.”

    That’s because white-nationalists & similar types are basically cry-babies. They talk the loudest, but will take any excuse to give up. The whole “worse is better” line of thought is white nationalism 101 in action. People like this are an embarrassment to our race.

  5. Ulfric says:
    “The election of 2012. This has to be the most boring election ever, even worse than McCain as at least Palin was able to fire up the base.”

    Regardless of what you think of the candidates, the base is getting fired up. They’ll be White hot by November.

    Ulfric says: The economy is in the toilet with a middle class crying for leadership and all they get are the most anti-populist bunch of losers I have ever seen.

    Then vote for Obama again. His policies have worked real well. Loser Romney couldn’t possibly do better than the anti-White, commie negro in chief.

    Ulfric says: If you aren’t in the top 1% of earners, you do not matter to the Romney/Ryan ticket.

    That is BS! Cutting taxes, reducing spending, regulations and creating a positive business environment will help the middle and lower classes. The highest income brackets pay most of the taxes already. A large percentage of citizens/residents contribute zilch. I’m sick of the government reaching into my pockets to disperse my cash to losers, deadbeats. malcontents and morons.

    Ulfric says: “Meanwhile the only supporters this crew has are the” lesser of two evils” crowd who crawl out every fours years with their apocalyptic warnings of what will happen if you do not vote Republican. It is completely laughable.”

    The only people who crawl out of anything, anywhere are lefty rabble.

    The discerning hear the sound of hoofbeats. I hope it’s not too late.

  6. Tumbleweed Whites like Rudel fail to register that I’ve long praised New World Whites of German extraction, lauded Von Steuben and encouraged New World Whites to attend the parade in his honor. “Hyphenated” is a political term used when an American retains inordinate bonds and spurious allegiance to a foreign land. It is no way an indictment of one’s European heritage whatsoever.

    Now this doesn’t mean we should pretend there isn’t a special relationship between America and Britain. To a lesser extent, Holland as they’re practically little Englishmen, especially Frisians.

  7. Cutting taxes, reducing spending, regulations and creating a positive business environment will help the middle and lower classes. The highest income brackets pay most of the taxes already. A large percentage of citizens/residents contribute zilch. I’m sick of the government reaching into my pockets to disperse my cash to losers, deadbeats. malcontents and morons.

    These are talking points worthy of the lowest echelons of Free Republic, Red State or National Review Online. None of it is true.

    Since Richard Nixon, no demographic group has done worse under Republican presidents than working class White men.

  8. Lew said, “This is one reason I’m happy to vote nigger. As a classic leftist, Obama actually gives a shit about the middle class and the poor. There are plenty of White folks in both categories.”

    Lew you ignorant slut. Don’t you know Liberal Doublespeak by Now?

    Rich = White , Poor = black,brown.etc.

    The Democraps couldn’t care less about poor Whites! When they see a poor White, its like an Early Hanukkah for them! They are Totally Anti-White!

    They would steal the last Dollar from a Homeless White Man and give it to some Rich Pavement Ape in a Jew York Minute!

  9. So why did Obama bailout GM and the auto industry? Create the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau? Cut payroll taxes?

  10. “fuck the yankees”

    And Babe Ruth was a New World White of German extraction.
    A good one.

    From the New York Times in 1942:
    “We Americans of German descent raise our voices in denunciation of the Hitler policy of cold-blooded extermination of the Jews of Europe and against the barbarities committed by the Nazis against all other innocent peoples under their sway. These horrors … are, in particular, a challenge to those who, like ourselves are descendants of the Germany that once stood in the foremost ranks of civilization”

    Babe Ruth
    (among many others)

  11. The reason for “bailing out” GM, was to hand it over to the Unions.

    The New Consumer Protection Agency has control over who gets loans, and is filled with YKWs and die-versities to force banks and credit unions to make so-called “sub-prime” loans which is code talk for handouts to die-versities.

    There is even talk about making mooslims a protected class and official minority eligible for Affirmative Action Programs and Special Rights under the Civil Rights Act such as Hate Crimes Legislation.

    Seeing the Anti-White Pattern yet? Or, are you Willfully Blind?

  12. Dr. Doom says:
    ‘The reason for “bailing out” GM, was to hand it over to the Unions.’


    When Obama pushed through his stimulus package shortly after taking office, the money going to bail out GM and Chrysler was not so much intended to shore up those corporations as it was intended to shore up the unions at those corporations. In other words, although one of the ubiquitous reasons given was saving these two iconic American companies, the real goal was to pass tax-payer dollars to Democrat-dominated union members (to keep them voting for Democrat candidates for the foreseeable future). In a real sense, this is nothing more than a sophisticated money laundering scheme. And it’s one that should outrage every American taxpayer regardless of party affiliation.
    But it gets worse. In states like Wisconsin, far from the automakers and their union workers, 80% of stimulus funds “went to public unions.” That means these unions received $600 million in funding which they are now using to fill the coffers of Democrat candidates and to pay for ongoing opposition to Gov. Scott Walker. As a matter of fact, public employee unions have already spent more than $8 million in their effort to recall Walker. What this does, in effect, is remove the advantage Walker had achieved in fundraising by placing the weight of the national purse behind Walker’s opponents.

    What a scheme. Obama took money from American tax-payers and gave it to union members in Detroit to keep them solidly Democrat. And in Wisconsin, he dispersed hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars that are now being used to try to remove a sitting Republican governor.
    Call it what you want. I call it money laundering 101.

  13. Jack Ryan, I didn’t say Michigan has a zero percent chance of going Republican, Lew did. I think he is on to something with his “negativity.” Bailing out the unions instead of the GM bondholders might have been illegal but is was effective in keeping union employees in the Democratic camp.

    The GM bailout also saved a lot of firms in Ohio that are part of GM’s supply chain. Unemployment in Ohio is down below the national average now and Obama’s poll numbers are up. Even if Romney takes Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia he still has to crack at least one midwestern state plus Colorado and New Hampshire to get to 270. He has a real uphill battle.

    The debates will be a huge factor (as they always are.) Personally I think we are headed for financial disaster no matter who wins. We can’t afford the trillions we are spending on our worldwide imperial adventures and the police state at home.

    Romney wants to INCREASE defense spending and cut entitlements. That’s not currently popular with white Yankee women of any socioeconomic class. Ron Paul was right. We need to make savage cuts to the military/national security state apparatus to have any chance of getting out of our current financial mess with a depression that is only of medium severity. It’s not going to happen if the GOP wins. It’s not going to happen if the Dems win. Paul Ryan’s proposed cuts were only a drop in the bucket. We are headed for hyperinflation. It’s too late. We are doomed either way.

  14. That is one big ten percent we have here in the US. It must be. Everybody I talk to who is not a democrat is it. (I assume. After all, many have been asking why straight, heterosexuals would advocate for queers, so I assume, by the very same logic, that all of these people must be in the ten percent, since they advocate for the ten percent. I am right, ain’t I?)

  15. “That’s because white-nationalists & similar types are basically cry-babies. They talk the loudest, but will take any excuse to give up. The whole “worse is better” line of thought is white nationalism 101 in action. People like this are an embarrassment to our race.”

    Exactly, if worse is better than stick your arm in a wood-chipper. That’s worse.

  16. Obama bailed out GM, and GM promptly shut down a newly retooled factory in Paul Ryan’s district. Coincidence?

  17. A bit off topic, discovered this old video depicting the urban-rural division of typically conservative Pennsyltucky: White women and black Obama fans (and a very few white males) from the city perform on one side, while local men of all ages and a few local women demonstrate against Obama on the other:

  18. There are your demographic traitors.

    A bunch of white women fantasizing about a black bff. Absolutely astounding. These women should have their hair shaved off.

    I wouldn’t mind so much if black people voted 50/50 themselves. Then the election might actually be about the “ideas”. Right now it’s about blacks seizing power and whites debating ideas.

  19. John, the women and blacks, and a few male union organisers are bused in from urban areas, and some are paid, to demonstrate, while the conservative locals must leave their work or businesses at loss to demonstrate voluntarily.

  20. That was like watching a Saudi Harem without the niqqab or shawls.
    It also reminds me of yoga studios. Some swami guru surrounded by leotard clad blondies with twinkling eyes.

  21. Re: Percentage of taxes paid by top 10%

    Thanks for showing that Obama / Democrat tax policy keeps the tax burden low for 90% of Whites. It’s probably a reason many White folks are going to vote nig. It makes sense. Obama will keep taxes low for most Whites, and, again, he helped retain White jobs at GM during the financial crisis. People see these decisions. GWB, meanwhile, made sure the parasitical scum on Wall Street got theirs during the same crisis even though they caused the crisis. People saw that too.

  22. It’s mainly white women tipping the scales. Not to blame it on them as women. In the UK, Germany and France white women are the bedrock conservative vote.

    Something disasterous has happened to white American women. More specifically women from the north. Overwhelmingly white guys you meet in America are a bit rightist.

  23. The problem I see is, it doesn’t take much money to be in the top 10% income bracket, 114k a year. That’s not poor, but it’s not a luxury lifestyle either, especially once you figure in taxes, State, federal, sales, property taxes, saving for retirement, and what ever it cost you to avoid schools full of negros. And most folks making that live in high rent AO’s.

    When 47% of a nation is tax consumers….. It’s not good. Maybe it would work if folks who did not pay taxes didn’t vote, but it isn’t going to lead to good things.

    Not to mention what a horrible idea income taxes are from the stand point of individual liberty. It in affect says, the govt has 1st dibs on what you produce with your labor. Not good at all

  24. Lew is right, of course. You know how HW would rather live among good Southern Negroes than Yankee DWLs? Well, there are millions of working class and middle class White Yankees that would rather have good union jobs and government benefits under a Negro than starve to death under a couple of good-haired White anti-White Jew-owned internationalists shipping their jobs to China and their sons to Iran.

    What the South needs is more Huey Longs and less Ayn Rands.

  25. NietzscheNow says:

    ‘Well, there are millions of working class and middle class White Yankees that would rather have good union jobs and government benefits under a Negro than starve to death under a couple of good-haired White anti-White Jew-owned internationalists shipping their jobs to China and their sons to Iran.’

    If anyone starves to death it will be under Obama’s watch.

  26. had a great piece yesterday on voting or I should say withholding your vote.

    The GOP will not solve what ails white America. There simply are not enough solutions to all our problems and the voting system is too corrupt. We need to get rid of lobbying and most, if not all, political contributions. Get rid of foreign aid and use the funds to supply all candidates with xxxx dollars. Limit the number of presidential candidates to 15 to 20 first come basis. The media gets strict guidelines and everything has to be disclosed on all equally. Any evidence of bias heavy fines.

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