Lincoln (2012)


I notice that Tommy Lee Jones is playing Thaddeus Stevens, the leader of the Black Republicans in the House, who was so radical that he had himself buried in a negro graveyard in Lancaster, Pennsylvania as an eternal testament to his support for negro equality:

Note: OD is looking forward to reviewing this movie in November.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Haha, just watched the trailer, came right here to see what OD had to see.

    Looks like another piece of Official Propaganda in the same vein as Ryan’s Privates, only with more “heart warming goodness”. My only curiosity is whether Spielberg will show the gravestones of Jewish Confederates.

  2. That’s all we need, more bullshit Lincoln mythology in praise of the “Great Emancipator.”

    One of the greatest debts that yankees owe the rest of humanity is the complete destruction of their temple to the false god of Lincoln. They can cart off the ugly statue of “Saint” MLK while they’re at it, too.

    Deo Vindice

  3. Rudel: You must have misunderstood some of the things I said. If you somehow got the mistaken impression that I thought everyone in Oregon were queers, then I apologize for phrasing my comments in a crude way that could be easily misconstrued by persons with limited attention spans and substance issues.

    I have to tell you, however, that I’m fairly certain that what I said was that all of the guys THAT I MET during my many trips to Oregon talked like queers. I didn’t say that every male in the whole state was queer. I’m sure that many of the guys I talked to were actually bi-sexual, and I would bet a pinky finger that some of the men folk in those little towns East of I-5 are heterosexuals. So please don’t accuse me of overgeneralizing.

    And when did I dis Vietnam vets? Where do you come up with fantasies? Saying that a bunch of them came home exactly the same as they left is just an accurate description of what occurred. Pointing out that many of them went to prison is also historically correct, as is the fact that some of them received unwanted affection during their stay in the big house.

    Why are you so touchy, brother Rudel? When did the truth become an awful, hateful thing?

  4. Rudel says:
    The main theme of No Country for Old Men (both the book and the movie) is not anti-Angloism but that Death can be random and eventually comes to us all despite any effort on our part to avoid it….

    No kidding, Rudel. Lol. You’re so literal for a scholar. If I were writing a freshman English paper, that’s exactly what I would have said.

    @ John—

    The Road was good. Good enough that I (unfortunately) continued reading until I (unfortunately) hit Child of God —-

    The one more redneck serial killer book that made me realize the author wasn’t a Southerner, (not really).

    It’s amazing the extent to which the border states and South have been entirely rewritten from the point of view of foreigners— and how their perspective comes out, no matter how hard they try to mimic “Southern Gothic” style. Flannery O’Conner was a real Southerner, but still had the touch of the outsider, and she never “loved her characters,” as some writers say.

    Now I really did go OT— But Cormac McCarthy is “Southern Gothic” via Rhode Island— and yet taught as a “southern” writer.

  5. Oh— Child of God is set in Sevier County TN. And the villain character employs every possible stereotype learned from movies like Deliverance.

  6. Rudel—

    Are you really saying you don’t see the subtext of the hispanic chasing the “Western” typed Jones ’til he’s tuckered out— against the backdrop of the border problems? It’s as overt as Clint’s death for the Hmong in Gran Torino, which he accomplishes flat on his back, arms outstretched, palms bleeding, like he’s Jesus.

    Back to the topic— our house won’t be watching this one on Lincoln.

  7. This rioting is a twofer. I think we will shortly see antisemitism and racially aggravated statement laws in the US. It can’t be far off. The press need to be jacked up before they
    brainwash the public. The first amendment is going to be eviscerated.

  8. Dixiegirl: Yeah,one of those little toys would be a real game changer if a guy wearing only a chrome football helmet and a Zoro cape jumped out of the bushes along the jogging trail. (That actually happened in Minneapolis in the late 80’s.)

  9. “Are you really saying you don’t see the subtext of the hispanic chasing the “Western” typed Jones ’til he’s tuckered out— against the backdrop of the border problems? ”

    I think you have the characters, the storyline, and the actors all confused here. How long has it been since you watched the movie?

    It is not Jones’s character, the sheriff, being chased. Chigurh, the hitman, who is neither Hispanic in the novel nor the movie, chases Llewelyn Moss, the man who came upon the scene were Chigurh kills all the Mexican drug runners and then takes the money. (If anything, BTW, it is Moss who is actually made up to look as if he might pass as Hispanic. )

    And pretty much everybody in the story is dressed as “Western typed.”

  10. “Now I really did go OT— But Cormac McCarthy is “Southern Gothic” via Rhode Island— and yet taught as a “southern” writer.”

    And why not? He grew up in Knoxville from the age of three.

  11. “I would bet a pinky finger that some of the men folk in those little towns East of I-5 are heterosexuals.

    Then you haven’t met any loggers from the Coast Range. Try reading Sometimes A Great Notion.

    I’ve got a veteran comrade in Coleman, TX. I’ll bet dollars to donuts you don’t dis Vietnam Vets with such vitriol in your neck of the woods. Enough already, I’m really getting bored with this.

  12. I didn’t realize Rudel was such an attack dog. Rudel, aren’t you tired of attacking other racially conscious whites with this trivial nonsense of tomato/tamaddo?

    I really thought you only had a crush on me.

  13. “No kidding, Rudel. Lol. You’re so literal for a scholar. If I were writing a freshman English paper, that’s exactly what I would have said.”

    And why not? It’s the major theme of the book. And as far as the movie is concerned, Tommy Lee Jones wasn’t killed by Antonio Banderas (a stand-in for the Grim Reaper) when he checked out the motel room was because it simply just wasn’t his time to die.

    The drug cartel backdrop to all of this was just that. A backdrop showing the nihilistic dimensions of our current society and perhaps the fate of mankind in general.

    I greatly preferred The Road because it offered some sort of glimmer of hope. But that is merely my weakness for sentimentalism. We’re all gonna die. Make the most of what you have while the getting is good.

    As an added note I’m sure Spielberg’s Lincoln movie will be apologetics for him forcing a White genocidal war which killed more than half a million White folks. I’m actually gonna watch it to use his fanaticism as a rhetorical weapon against all the “liberal” fools.

  14. “If anything, BTW, it is Moss who is actually made up to look as if he might pass as Hispanic.”

    It’s just the mustache. He’s as White as they come, right down to his Welsh name and heavy barreled Mauser 98 chambered in .270 Winchester. A good choice for pronghorn IMHO. This is from the book. I forget what he used in the movie.

  15. Playing Roots Backwards:
    So Viet nam vets are fuck boys? I spent a year in combat with the 101st Abn in the A Shau Valley in 1969. I’m almost 63 now but I’m sure that me and some of my comrades who are even older could still give you a good attitude lesson you little turd. Really, Hunter, this blog has become useless. I started following it a few months ago as it’s great to see pro-white groups. This site has become a juvenile debating society with no relevance to the challenges the white race faces. We get good old Dixiegirl who blames all of our problems on the Pope. Then there’s the ridiculous Father John+, who claims to Orthodox Priest? Read his blog,,all the problems of America are due to the filioque doctrine..a stupid theological argument of the 10th Century!! That’s what this site is all about..let’s go back and refight the 30 years war…let’s refight the Vikings versus the Italian states of the 12th century,….well…I’m off to to some place that’s really concerned with our PRESENT perilous state.

  16. Rudel..I did read Stuka Pilot, by Hans Ulrich Rudel 40 years ago, He blew up a lot of Russian tanks. Good thing he never took his Stuka over Britain, where the RAF slaughtered them.

  17. Lincoln redux.

    A Jewish director casts a jewish (Irishish) actor to play a gangly negrophile.

    Let’s see how this movie does at the box office. America has hit peak Negro. Let’s see how Django and this propaganda do…

  18. I’ve read a number of letters from troops during the War of northern Aggression Jack and noticed the same thing. The letters on slavery are few and far between. Clearly there was an abolitionist strain, and it grew in numbers as the war grew.

    I’m sure the anti slavery angel is played up because it reads better then waging war on a group of people who basically wanted a divorce. How popular would the union be if folks new the war was about taxing the South and preserving a domestic market for northern industrialist? Look at the terms used. Foreigners who fought for the north are portrayed in a positive, sympathetic light. Foreigners who fought for the South are called mercenary. In a civil war, one group wants to over throw the govt and gain power over the whole nation. The South didn’t want to do that. Rebel/ rebellion implies the same thing. It’s much easier to drum up support for warring on folks that want to take over your govt and enslave you then drumming up support for people who basically wanted a political divorce

    The nature of killings changing… 3-4% of adult men are psychopaths. That’s not the bad thing most folks think. Generally those men get their thrills from high risk high reward but non violent behavior. Since we live in a safe world, it’s coming out in more violent terms. Maybe. It sounds good, but who can know these things for sure?

  19. JimBob: So you need help. I think that’s a pretty good definition of a fuckboy.

    I recall a time in the late 80’s when you boys who participated in the war that was lost were much younger, the crew that I rode with stopped at a beer joint called the Badger Lounge on University Avenue in the Midway section of St. Paul. Lots of bikes out front so we thought it was a biker bar. Wrong. It was a Vietnam Vets MC bar.

    They were all kind of kissing the asses of a couple of the patch holders that I rode in with until one of them proclaimed that he was thinking about starting a club made up exclusively of guys that were too fucking stupid to get out of jury duty. It took a minute to sink in, then all of those weak bitches just kind of drifted away and a bunch of them left the bar.

    My contact info is all over this thread. I’m not hard to find. Come on down any time.

  20. Rudel: Yeah, I read that book. I gave it a chance because I had read “One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest” and “Sailors Song”. I came to the conclusion that it was one of those books a guy has to write due to a contractual obligation. Kesey never seemed to know where he was going with it.

    I met some of those Oregon loggers during the lumberjack contests in La Crosse, WI in the early 90’s. They made a lot of noise and had a few fights, but they didn’t win the fights or many of the contests. I kind of admired a couple of them, though, because they handled their ass-kickings well. No sniveling and no nigger-like ambush shootings afterwards. I think that they actually appreciated good, recreational violence. I like that.

  21. Playing roots..a Jew troll from Minnesota,,,that explains it all what have you done for the white race lately?? you look like the typical Jew troll…Anyway ..this website has drifted a long way from it’s premise..Occidental Dissent…it’s a little pissing contest for punks like roots..or rather Jew trolls like Playing Roots..

  22. We all know Jewboys like Playing Roots backwards worked to undermine us in favor of the communists in Viet nam..he is still following the instructions of his tribe..spitting on us 40 years later like his kike ancestors did then.

  23. Daniel Day-Lewis should have used his Daniel Plainview voice and played Lincoln like a tyrant. Now that would be a great movie.

  24. “Then there’s the ridiculous Father John+, who claims to Orthodox Priest? Read his blog,,all the problems of America are due to the filioque doctrine..a stupid theological argument of the 10th Century!!”

    Jim Bob- Thanks. You’re 63, and therefore my senior. Yet, you were foolish enough to have gone to ‘Nam’ and fought for the man, yet your forsaken generation brought on all the ills my younger brother generation have been saddled with, ever since. Instead of your era saying ‘no’ to forced bussing, the Civil Wrongs legislation, you tuned in, turned on, and dropped out. You accuse this blog of degenerating into a sophomoric debate, yet you WILL NOT (as is typical with so many, many people calling themselves ‘edumificated’) even countenance the possibility that a philosophical error, noted by the contemporaries of the time, might just have created a mindset, that later brought on all the subsequent evils of the West, and has led us to the dead-end culturally, that we see now?

    What of St. Augustine and his ‘City of God’? For over 1500 years (until your sorry generation led the world into the myopia of rock as music, degeneracy as normal, and ‘perpetual war for perpetual peace’), his work on how one philosophical idea (whether that of Pagan Rome, or merely the outworking of Genesis 3:15-16) has given us two separate, disparate, yet growing together ‘civilizations.’ Entire university curricula have been built- hell, the CONCEPT of the University itself- was built on this one philosophical idea!

    Yet, because your brain is too addled with Agent Orange, or the numerous joints you have smoked over your life, you find my desire to bring some light- both historical, and theological- to this board, when I ASKED HUNTER IF I SHOULD COMMENT on these topics early on, and he said, ‘Go right ahead,’ You DARE to presume that this ‘stupid theological argument’ has no merit? If the battle dead of the Crusades mean little to you (“Western Christians’ butchering Orthodox Greeks, Serbs, Rus, etc.- in their own homelands, under direct orders from the fucking POPE), then, so, too, should you feel NOTHING for the righteous dead of 1865, 1914-17, and our parent’s generation, 1940-45, and 50-53. All of whom, died for NOTHING, if history and a ‘stupid theological idea’ means little to you……

    Which would ALSO mean you don’t give a ‘f’ for the aborted dead (all because of a ‘stupid theological argument’ about the existence of life for the unborn) from 1973- today, just in our country, alone.

    Your name suits you- it bespeaks ignorance, stupidity, and a narrow view of the world, that stops at your own blasphemous mouth. You truly are nothing more than A backwoods ignoramus- the very caricature of the South- who cares little but for the lusts of his belly, and his continued unwarranted existence on God’s earth.

  25. “As an added note I’m sure Spielberg’s Lincoln movie will be apologetics for him forcing a White genocidal war which killed more than half a million White folks. ”

    Rudel, thank you. That’s exactly what I thought, when I see this spate of ‘Lincoln as vampire slayer, Lincoln as righteous avenger, Lincoln as a VIABLE FILM TOPIC in 2012?!?!?!?!?!?

    This is all propaganda, to shore up the crumbling facade of the worst president (except for Obumgabe) the US has EVER known. The jews want to destroy White America- because of a ‘stupid theological idea’ that they are the Chosenites, when Christendom has doggedly, steadfastly denied them that very title, since AD70- and nowadays, having overplayed their hand, and witnessing the unstoppable nature of the Internet, and blogs such as this one, they cannot escape from their Bernie Madoffs, their NAACP complicity, their using the Niggers as tool of White Cultural (and now, racial) Genocide… so what do they have left? Illusion.

    What Hollyweird has ALWAYS been best at? Except, for intelligent Whites (unlike some ‘John Boys’ on this board), we now have the age, wisdom, and IQ’s to see through their charade.

    I’m not going to view this movie- even though I am teaching the brood about the Civil War this year. I want Truth, not merely fictional propaganda.

  26. JimBob: I finished my education in Minnesota, and I worked there for a lot longer than I intended. I’m not from there.

    No Jew blood in this Cracker. My family tree is full of names like Tackett, O’Devlin and McElroy. Not a single name that starts with Silver- or Gold- or ends in -bloom, -baum or -stein.

    I never undermined any of you boys who got suckered or drafted into that Yankee war in Nam. To tell the truth, I didn’t think about it much one way or the other. When I was in school and college in Michigan there was always some kind of hippy shit going on, but I didn’t give a shit about any of that. I had school, I had a job, I had the gym and I had an old Harley and an ancient Ford that were broke down half of the time. Even if I had wanted to undermine you guys I wouldn’t have had time to schedule it in.

    I may have overstated my disgust and disdain for for Vietnam vets while I was exchanging insults with Rudel. The only ones that I actually have anything against are the Bozos like Rudel who think they are badasses because they were in Nam.

    I’m 59, so I was around when you boys were shipping out. I knew plenty of folks who went to Nam. The few that were badasses when they left were still badasses when they came home. The ones who were pussies when they left were still pussies when they came back home. That’s what I SAW. I’m pretty sure that you saw it, too.

    I have always hung out with rough folks my whole life. Dog fighters, bikers, boxers and hog hunters are the folks I know. So when I come across a motherfucker who thinks he’s bad just because he hung out in the jungle for a year or so with a bunch of other terrified kids, I don’t really buy it. If that’s all a guy did, then he coasted for 40 years, bragging about his trial by fire the whole time, then I call him out on it.

    What have YOU done for the White race? Recently or ever?

    When I had my company in Minnesota I fought and won two lawsuits that resulted from my refusing to hire unqualified niggers. Other employers followed my example and pretty soon it became difficult for niggers to find lawyers who would take frivolous cases to trial on a contingency basis.

    My only other contributions have been the many times when wouldn’t take shit off niggers. I don’t know for sure, but I think my unexpected belligerence probably made those particular niggers think twice before they fucked with the next Cracker.

    I get a lot of flack on this site from time to time because I take a view of White folks that is similar to the view of the Aryan Brotherhood in the CA prisons. I feel that the vast majority of them are totally useless and will be more hindrance than help if America ever decides to play cowboys and niggers.

    You have been around long enough to know that it was White politicians that brought us all of the Civil Rights Acts, the Immigration Act of 1965 and the Voters Rights Act. Those politicians were voted into office by a population that was over 90% White. So, no, I don’t love everybody with a White hide.

    Next time you are out in a crowd of White folks, count on your fingers the White guys that you figure would fight if a nigger came up to them and started some shit. I do that all the time and I never run out of fingers.

    As for all of the petty fighting and juvenile bullshit that ends up in the comments here at OD, I think it’s just a natural occurrence. I’ve had myself bullshitted into believing for the past 3 3/4 years that everything would be alright if we could just get that goddamn nigger out of the White House. That, of course, was a bunch of bullshit, but it was a goal that held out some hope. Now it is clear that nigger or no nigger, White folks will still be on the same downhill slide that we’ve been on since Ike was in the White House.

    It appears that many others who comment here are also in a disillusioned stupor. Even Hunter admits to hiding out in history. Arguing and talking shit is not uncommon in such situations.

    Just give it some time. WWIII is coming soon, then we’ll have plenty to say.

    By the way, the only picture of me that is online is just a picture of the tattoo on my left forearm that says FUCKA BUNCHA BEING NICE. It’s on my facebook page. So you never saw any picture of me.

  27. “The only ones that I actually have anything against are the Bozos like Rudel who think they are badasses because they were in Nam.”

    I’m not a badass because I’ve been to ‘Nam although that sure helped to teach me a few tricks. I’m a badass because I won’t hesitate for an instant about dropping the hammer on you. And that’s something you don’t know jack shit about. I’m not about fist fighting for sport or hanging out with lowlifes, I’m about killing. Just remember that you fuckwad next time you are out this way.

  28. A few observations:

    I have known a lot of Vietnam vets. More than not joined rather than were drafted. More than not were rear echelon, support, mechanics, electronics, etc. than combat infantry. More than not were decent people and never had too many problems. Those that were drafted weren’t too bitter about it. They knew how to get out of it and did not do that because they had respect for themselves and the overall society. That is a White thing in case you had not noticed.

    As a general rule, it’s stupid to denigrate people who have fought a war, any war, and came back alive. In general, those who have been there do not do this. It is a punk thing to do, in fact.

    The Junkers Ju-87 Stuka was a ground attack aircraft which was a most effective weapon, but like many Reich aircraft a cantankerous beast to fly, and in any event a tiny number survive. It was a sitting duck for fighter attacks, much like many later dedicated ground attack aircraft.

    From Wikipedia:
    Although sturdy, accurate, and very effective, the Ju 87 was vulnerable to modern fighter aircraft, like many other dive bombers of the war. Its flaws became apparent during the Battle of Britain; poor manoeuvrability and a lack of both speed and defensive armament meant that the Stuka required heavy fighter escort to operate effectively.

  29. Rudel: Where’s that name and address I’ve been asking for? You would think that a stone cold killer like you wouldn’t be afraid to let folks know where all of the tough talk is coming from.

    I like guns, too. I like them a lot. I wear out barrels quicker than anybody I know. I often go through over a thousand rounds per month. I am like greased lightening with my highly concealable J-frame .357 that I carry in an upside down Bianchi tear-out shoulder rig. I’ve got 29 firearms and I’ve shot just about everything that shoots, but that .357, in that rig, loaded with 125 grain SJHP’s, is the only one I really need.

    What I really like is knives. Edged weapons provide that personal touch that neither fists, feet nor bullets can bring to a fight. And the look that a dickhead gets on his face when he sees his insides on the outside is precious and addictive.

    Thanks for reminding me about the lowlifes that I used to hang out with. Here is one of them:

    I rode Harleys with that guy for years. When some niggers jumped my wife and beat her ass while she was shoveling our front walk in North Minneapolis, I called Joe and he was there with a crew within minutes. I don’t think we found the right niggers that night,but we fucked up lots of niggers.

    That’s what lowlife friends do for each other.

  30. “When some niggers jumped my wife and beat her ass while she was shoveling our front walk in North Minneapolis”

    Sure they did… What a joke, now you’re making up stories. You beat up niggers in a van but beat the rap. You made a zillion dollars in an engineering deal. You’re the baddest mofo in the valley, blah, blah, blah… Next thing you know you’ll be telling us how you ran for office but lost when they found out you couldn’t even keep your wife safe from niggers.

    BTW, you’re just wasting gunpowder by shooting 125 grainers in that J-frame. It all comes out the serious end as just fire, noise, and smoke instead of muzzle energy. And you sure as hell don’t shoot a thousand rounds a month out of one. A J-frame would be beat to hell after just a few hundred of those through it. That rig is all wrong for fast draw too. You waste a lot of time in the draw and don’t end up coming up through the target with it. I keep my J-frame in a pocket holster as backup. Behind or on the hip is where you want carry your main piece. Your obviously nothing but a liar who beats off to the pictures in gun magazines.

    I prefer rifles though. They hit a lot harder and you can put meat on the table with them. I gave you my email address. As soon as you get out here email me again and we can immediately set the time and place for a get together since your skip tracer girlfriend can’t seem to track me down. Bring your brother-in-law and all your biker friends if you like. In fact, you might want to send them instead of yourself. You’ve obviously never put anyone down as your increasingly hysterical posts sadly show. I wouldn’t advise you to start your killing career with me ‘cuz it will be a damn short one if you do.


  31. Rudel:

    For your information, when I lived in Ramsey, MN I used to buy my ammo from a guy who used to test ammo and develop powder/bullet combinations for Remington. He loaned me a book called “One Shot Stopping Power” that was put out by some FBI ballistics experts.

    The conclusions set forth in the book were based upon actual shoots by cops and robbers in which the shooting victim was fully incapacitated by a single shot. The bullet that took the prize was the 125 grain SJHP.

    My ammo guy, Jack, concurred. The storage building behind his shop in Hugo, MN held used ballistic gel blocks that had been shot with various rounds. The ones that had been shot with the 125 grain Hornady .357 SJHP clearly indicated the greatest amount of energy transfer. Energy transfer, not muzzle energy is the factor that determines the effectiveness of a round.

    Unlike some fuckboys that I could name, I was slow to abandon my neighborhood when the niggers started to take over. I actually thought we could hold the line. I was safe enough, but my wife and kids apparently weren’t so we moved to Ramsey in 1990.

    Some of us, Rudel, have actually walked it. We didn’t sit around viewing the world through Ken Kesey books.

    If you are lucky enough to come across an upside down Bianchi tear out holster that is designed for a short barrel J-frame, snatch it up before somebody else does. They are rare. Bianchi quit making them after a couple of Bozos figured out how to shoot themselves in the armpit. Give it a try, then talk shit about how useless it is. Everybody I know that ever bought one still has it.

    Put a Pachmayr Smoothie grip on a S&W Model 66 with a 2 1/2″ barrel and shove it into that Bianchi rig and it will be completely concealed under a light jacket or even the heavy shirts that lots of folks wear like jackets in your region. When you need it you just grab the grip and pull it out of the holster. No snaps or straps to fuck with. The pistol is held in place, upside down, hammer forward, by spring pressure.

    Greased lightening, Rudel. No shit. And don’t worry about the short range of a pistol with a 2 1/2″ barrel. Any legitimate two-legged prey is going to be almost close enough to reach out and touch.

    You can keep those big, conspicuous rigs. If I know you’ve got it, you more than likely won’t get a chance to use it.

  32. John: What to hell do you mean? What to hell makes you think we’re not calm, goddamnit?

    I really am calm, John. I managed to get Rudel to admit that he has to carry two pistols in order to feel safe in his small, all-White town. What more can I really do?

    Thank you for your concern, but everything is just fine. There is a way to pinpoint a person’s location by using their IP, but I don’t know how to do it and I wouldn’t ask anybody that I know and care about to risk trouble by doing it for me. I come across keyboard warriors from time to time and have fun by making them inadvertently reveal their true nature. It’s just something to do until the overlords flip the switch on this giant blender we live in.

  33. “I come across keyboard warriors from time to time and have fun by making them inadvertently reveal their true nature.”

    You revealed your true nature as a bullshit artist when you made up that story about your wife getting beat up by some random niggers. Negro bitches might slap around white girls but the bucks don’t do it unless they are going to also rape and/or rob. Your credibility is zero and your “Dog the Bounty Hunter” clown act is getting stale.

  34. “What of St. Augustine and his ‘City of God’? For over 1500 years (until your sorry generation led the world into the myopia of rock as music, degeneracy as normal, and ‘perpetual war for perpetual peace’), his work on how one philosophical idea (whether that of Pagan Rome, or merely the outworking of Genesis 3:15-16) has given us two separate, disparate, yet growing together ‘civilizations.’ Entire university curricula have been built…the CONCEPT of the University itself…on this one philosophical idea! Yet…You DARE to presume that this ‘stupid theological argument’ has no merit? If the battle dead of the Crusades mean little to you (“Western Christians’ butchering Orthodox Greeks, Serbs, Rus, etc.– in their own homelands, under direct orders from the fucking POPE), then, so, too, should you feel NOTHING for the righteous dead of 1865, 1914-17, and our parent’s generation, 1940-45, and 50-53. All of whom, died for NOTHING, if history and a ‘stupid theological idea’ means little to you….”

    Yes, true religious understanding IS most important, CENTRAL! So well stated!

  35. “then, so, too, should you feel NOTHING for the righteous dead of 1861-1865, 1914-1718, and our parent’s generation, 194039-45, and 50-53.”

    I feel nothing but pity for those who died in those senseless, brutal, largely White genocidal, and totally avoidable wars that were no more necessary than the conflicts we have been involved in since.

  36. My experience with J-frames used to fire full charge loads a lot is that they get loose and break things. Cylinder alignment is tough to keep in check and they tend to start spitting lead. They just don’t hold up to heavy use. Nevertheless if one uses light loads for practice they are a decent carry piece if you like revolvers.

    I’d rather have a good autoloader over any wheelgun though. Nothing less than .40 caliber. Wheelguns are for fun: good auto pistols, such as those designed by John Moses Browning, are much better serious duty weapons, unless you have questionable ammo or are predisposed to carrying oversize Magnums for legitimate (bears, in North America) or other reasons.

    The recent crop of .410 revolvers make great snake dispatchers, though.

  37. Rudel: Yeah, you really stay on top of current issues don’t you? On average, 1700 White people are raped, robbed, assaulted or murdered by niggers every single day in America. That day was my wife’s day.

    Male niggers beat up, stab and shoot random White women every day. Perhaps you have heard of the major population shift that started in the 1950’s and was later named White Flight? It happened because of incidents similar to the one that involved my wife.

    You should really start paying more attention to what’s going on in the world outside your little commune. Strap on a couple of extra bulky old man guns, slide that Dylan tape into your 8-track player and roll on down to nigger town in Portland and ask some of the White folks who haven’t left yet what life is like for them.

    You should also check out the COLOR OF CRIME info in Hunter’s archives and the offering with the same name at The Century Foundation’s site. We all know that niggers fuck up lots of Whites, but if you look carefully you will see that a low percentage of interracial violent crimes, I think around 5 or 6 percent, are committed by Whites. Not every White man huddles in their little hippie town, listening to socialist beatnik music and packing multiple pistols in order to feel safe around their soft-ass neighbors on the rare occasions that they leave the house.

    You may very well be the most out of touch person on the face of the earth.

    But that’s okay. Somebody has to be the grazing animal or the food chain wouldn’t work.

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