Slaves Without Masters

American North

Here is another amusing excerpt from Inhuman Bondage:

“Much of this hostility to emancipation in any form arose from the widespread white fear that if blacks were released from the surveillance of bondage, their crime rate would soar and the costs of their maintenance would be transferred from their owners to the taxpayers responsible for what we would call local welfare.”

Face palm.

Once upon a time, there was a theory of the Black Undertow in the Northern states. It was a speculative notion. It was a destructive future possibility that might arise following the immediate abolition of slavery, as opposed to a plan of gradual emancipation coupled with colonization.

Crime might soar. Property values might decline. Businesses might close. Schools might be ruined. The political system might be corrupted by permanently aggrieved black voters. Taxpayers might have to assume the financial burden of providing for indigent free negroes.

It all came true!

Note: Under slavery, the Black Undertow was effectively privatized. Masters were responsible for the welfare and behavior of their slaves. They also had the power to compel their slaves to labor on their plantations and produce valuable agricultural commodities (cotton, rice, tobacco, etc.) that contributed to the prosperity of the country.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW- If ever there were a justification for the South, it is columns like this, that point out EXACTLY what the Confederacy feared, has come to pass… and that it has been an ‘equal opportunity destroyer’ of both North… AND South.

    Lord God Almighty, forgive us our sins in America. O God, purify our minds, that we ever thought the goyim were our spiritual equals. Forgive us, Lord, and restore Thy chosen people once more, lest we perish from off the face of the Earth, in thy wrath, and be trodden underfoot of the gentiles. Help us, O God, to see Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the faces of White Men, everywhere. Amen.

  2. “Under slavery, the Black Undertow was effectively privatized.”

    – Slavery created the Black Undertow in the first place.

  3. No, slavery created the Black Undertow plain and simple. The Union didn’t bring niggers here, Southern plantation slavery did. The Union abolished slavery, and Confederacy tried to expand it westward. The Union was shipping niggers back to Africa and creating colonies like Liberia, and the Confederacy seceded over the foolish issue of insisting on keeping nigger slaves to begin with.

  4. According to the article, in 1965, a century after the end of the war, Birmingham was a pretty nice place for white folks to live. Unless you believe the ghost of Thaddeus Stevens walked the streets of Fountain Heights, frightening Southerners from their homes, it seems pretty clear the responsibilty for this one lies elsewhere. Ask Dylan, maybe he might know.

  5. The confederacy per se did virtually nothing in bringing anything anywhere. I’m not merely being semantic here. The Confederates were blockaded within an instant of declaring independence. I’m not being a cleverdick here either. The Confederacy never got to import or export much of anything.

  6. Reconstruction had to be fought tooth and nail. Had they not fought back from the emancipation onward Birmingham would have been a complete hole 100 years earlier. White supremacists down there kept things bearable by being very racism and naughty
    white supremacists.

  7. Chesapeake Bay was the first American colony to practice nigger slavery. Confederacy or not, nigger slaves were always a “Southern” thing.

  8. No, slavery was a borrow culture from the Portuguese, Sephardi, Dutch, Spanish and ultimately the Muzzies. In terms of slaves per square mile the south was hardly

  9. Birmingham nevertheless is complete hole, despite the historical resistance to Reconstruction.

    “White Supremacy” does not work. Complete, physical, racial separation is the only solution to the Nigger Question. As in, don’t bring nigger slaves here to begin with. As in, pick your own damn cotton.

  10. @Stoneloser

    Douglas Harper, the author of that imaginary bullshit in the link you posted, is a nigger and a liar. There were never that many black slaves in Northern colonies. Not even close. White indentured servants were cheaper, more widely available, better acclimated to the weather, and better suited to the tasks for which they were acquired.

    You’ll reach for the most obscure and questionable “sources” to try and deflect blame for all misery that your people’s own foolhardy actions caused. Southerners established those plantations, Southerners stocked them full of niggers, Southerners wouldn’t get rid of the fucking things even after they became an obsolete, destructive, contentious presence, and Southerners attacked Ft Sumter, got Lincoln elected, tore the country in half, and brought your own people to ruin. Those are FACTS. Deal with it.

  11. do your own research and you’ll find the same info 313piss. More men then me have posted and linked to to the same topics with different resources. Be man enough to find out the truth of your kin on your own…. ops that will never happen because women can’t be men and your ignorance protects your fragile self esteem

  12. or you could actually follow the reference on the page I linked too, but your lazy nigger loving ass won’t do such a thing either. Rudel posted lincolns 1st address where he promises not to interfere with slavery and your dumb ass still thinks the war was about slaves. Hell half the niggers in know the truth about yankees and slaves and are by default smarter and better educated then you.

  13. Rhode Island was heavily involved in the slave trade during the post-revolution era. In 1774, the slave population of Rhode Island was 6.3%, nearly twice as high as any other New England colony. In the years after the Revolution, Rhode Island merchants controlled between 60% and 90% of the American trade in African slaves.[29][

  14. @Steroidpopper

    My “nigger loving ass”? LOL, this from the degenerate that plans to use third-world shitskins as breeding-vessels for his sons!

    And the war WAS about slavery, pin-cushion. As in, lazy shits like yourself started it because the thought of having to do your own work was too much to bear. Southern states, specifically the original three cotton kings, seceded over so-called “states rights”, but do you know what “right” they were talking about? Of course you do: SLAVERY. You pathological scumbag.

  15. Thanks for the good links, Stonelifter. I’ve read that most of the negro slaves in the originally Quaker areas of southeastern Pennsylvania and western Jersey were kept as house servants, or perhaps “house decorations,” or social status symbols, rather than used as field hands or for any other hard physical labour.

    Meanwhile, I have an earlier comment still awaiting moderation.

  16. Did someone mention nigger lovers?? The Southern slavers were the ultimate nigger lovers. Their black wives and mulatto children were elevated above low class whites. Disgusting.

    Groid/mulatto prof. gleans from historical records.

    For the most part the mulatto slave owner aligned themselves with the white ruling class and helped to preserve the system of slavery.

    Among black slave holders the free mulattoes owners were over represented, being the offspring of white planters and merchants. Many of their white fathers provided for them.

    Thomas Hanscome, a white planter of St. James and Goose Creek, provided for the mulatto children of Nancy Randale, a free black woman, with six slaves as well as stocks and bonds valued at $150,000. In 1823, the mulatto children of Henry Glencamp, the superintendent of the Sante Canal, and Jenny Wilson, a free black woman, inherited eighteen slaves as well as the plantation called Pine Hill in Stephens of Charleston District.

    Many white fathers accepted their black children as legitimate heirs.

    For example, the children of Michael Fowler, a white planter of Christ church Parish, and his black slave/wife named Sibb lived as man and wife and raised a family on his plantation. According to Calvin D. Wilson “there was a rich planter in Charleston named Fowler who took a woman of African descent and established her in his home…There was a daughter born, who was called Isabella; the planter insisted that she be called as miss Fowler.

    He expected his slaves to treat his mulatto children if though they were white. His children were so acculturated into the white elite slave holding class that they only associated with whites.

    In 1810, the estate of Michael Fowler was divided among his mulatto children: John Fowler, Jacob Fowler, Stanhope Fowler, Nelly Fowler Collins, Becky Fowler and Isabell Fowler Dereef. The Fowler failed to emancipate any of their slaves and regarded them as investment property. They held their slaves until the end of the Civil War.

    The former South Carolina black slave Waters McIntosh recalled, “When I was a boy we used to sing, ‘Rather be a nigger than a poor white man.”

    Black slaves viewed themselves as better than poor whites because their masters did too. According to Eugene Genovese, “Rosa Starke who had been owned by a big planter in South Carolina reported that poor whites had to use the kitchen door when they went up to the Big House. Her mistress ‘had a grand manner; no patience with poor white folks.”

  17. “And the war WAS about slavery….” – 666Chris

    Yes, in part. But reading just chapter 1 and 2 of Dwyer’s WBTS, it clearly revolved around the englightenment doctrine of Egalite, Liberte, and Fraternite misapplied (in the USA, and the Carribean) to negroes, as well as the Tariff issue.

    Slavery was an ancillary issue, as this site, and Dwyer’s book clearly corroborate.

  18. @Stonepasser

    1.) The Rhode Island slave-trade was a Jewish enterprise.

    2.) That woman who wrote that Boston Globe article is also a Jew, and I take whatever wrote with skepticism.

    And why do keep posting these maps? Every one of them points to the Southern colonies as being the biggest nigger-slave owners outside of the Caribbean.

  19. Less than 10% on the map indicates that SOME were in those northern counties, but whether they were used in plantation agriculture or anything like it at all there is very doubtful.

  20. I’m just an outsider to the region and its culture, and I’m interested in learning from the facts, not in spinning them.

  21. That doesn’t mean I don’t think now that slavery was originally a mistake, or even a moral lapse. I’m not “disinterested” in that sense, but only in the sense of a good historian insisting on objectivity, to know the facts, first of all, before making any moral judgement.

  22. “I’ve read that most of the negro slaves in the originally Quaker areas of southeastern Pennsylvania and western Jersey were kept as house servants, or perhaps “house decorations,” or social status symbols, rather than used as field hands or for any other hard physical labour.”

    You are right about that. Chester county PA and the Brandywine Valley down into Delaware is/was fox hunting country. Quite a bit of overlap with the Tidewater lifestyle according to many Virginians of my acquaintance. Unfortunately it’s all getting paved over with suburban sprawl in both areas nowadays.

  23. Mosin, if your up to it, send me your waiting approval post through a pm. I’m getting ready to hit the road and won’t have much in the way of internet for I don’t know how long.

    Whether slavery is or isn’t moral isn’t the question at hand. Nor is the debate about who owned more slaves. Clearly the South did. The debate at hand is, the north and their role in slavery, and its about one ignorant woman who can’t come to grips with his history.Actually its not a debate, 313piss has no proof of her own. I want to clearly demonstrate truth to those interested truth. North and South Clearly slavery didn’t take on up north in large numbers, but clearly the north tried their hand at slavery and didn’t find it as economically advantageous. The proof for my claims aren’t hard to find. There are some places where plantation style farming took off, ( Rhode Island and Delaware) but we’re talking very small areas. In those areas, slave populations looked like SC in terms of numbers. The north even had slave uprisings of sorts. The north made a lot of money in the slave trade and benefited from it indirectly through tariffs and access to cheap Southron raw material. If slavery was the moral sin 313piss thinks it is, and the fall out of slavery is the destroying force 313piss thinks it is, then the north is guilty of the “sin” because of the role they played in owning slaves, bringing them to the new world and profiting off of slave labor

    Myself, I don’t think slavery is immoral, and I don’t think slavery is causing our problems. negros weren’t much of a problem pre 1865, and they weren’t much of a problem during Jim Crow. It’s the civil rights movement stuff is the problem, and is a problem no one could for see 400 years ago, or even 180 years ago. Southron men did see the yankee writing on the wall in the 1860’s though, and civil rights is a gift form yankees.

    piss313 it must be nice and convenient to spin every thing you dislike. your Italian ancestors some how were roman but didn’t own slaves, and where pagans so it’s ok if they did. Which shows you have no real sense or morality because it varies from place and time. you aren’t even intellectually honest or brave enough to extend that thinking to Southrons who owned slaves. you spin away the Italian involvement in European slavery and do the same thing by “blaming” the yankee slave trade etc on jews. This is why I call you small and a woman. you rationalize everything away like a woman, and you inner man is to small to deal with facts about your peoples behavior you now condemn.

  24. When Northerners start telling you about picking your own cotton, just tell them to start mowing their own lawns and doing their own landscaping.

  25. @Brutus

    You’re thinking of Californians. Here in the North, we actually do our own work for our money, and pay high taxes to support the people who used to do Stonelifter’s family’s work for them. We can’t afford slaves, and we prefer to do our own landscaping.

  26. Actually, David Brion Davis says in his book that slavery was initially more important in New York than Virginia or Maryland. New York had more slaves than Georgia during the American Revolution.

    Slavery in New York lasted longer than it did in Alabama and Mississippi and most of the South.

  27. Don’t forget New Jersey “The Garden State” a good portion of which has good farmland that is actually south of the Mason-Dixon line, at least on a map. The 1800 census counted 12,422 New Jersey slaves. Abolitionist sentiment did become stronger and when slavery in the state was finally abolished in 1846 there were still 18 slaves who were grandfathered in as slaves for life. Presumably the 15th Amendment in 1865 manumitted any of those 18 that still remained.

  28. I live in the North. There are plenty of Mexicans doing yard work and landscaping (and plenty of other types of work, just like everywhere else).

    Maybe they are not doing lawns in Detroit, but they are in a lot of other places. And too many people, far too many, suffer from the solipsism. If they don’t see it out in their backyard, then by God it is not happening anywhere. If the people they see and know are doing something or not doing something, then by God people are doing it or not doing it everywhere.

    The solipsism. The world is just like me and my experiences.

  29. ” We can’t afford slaves…”

    The modern replacement is a much cheaper deal. You only pay the Mexican about 8 bucks an hour for the hours he works. You don’t have to pay for his family, their housing, their food, their clothing, etc., etc. You just pay the 8 or so bucks an hour while he works and send him on his way.

    Moreover, you will notice that the modern replacement need not be a Mexican. The very same deal applies. Low bucks per hour for hours worked.

  30. Interestingly it was “free” labor that killed slavery in New Jersey. The black slave population grew at a pretty good rate even after the ban on importing new slaves but six times as many European immigrants poured into the state so that hiring them for farm work was cheaper than maintaining a slave plantation.

  31. “The black slave population grew at a pretty good rate even after the ban on importing new slaves..”

    – All the more reason to never import them in the first place.

  32. “- All the more reason to never import them in the first place.”

    So what’s your point exactly? Slavery was common 3 or 4 hundred years ago and all the great European powers of the day employed it in their New world colonies. We are living with the results. What’s the point of second guessing things we have no control over? The Pharaohs enslaved the Israelites. The Spartans enslaved the Messenians.

    So what? The Northern colonies played a huge role in the slave trade, especially New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Even Boston was involved in the “Triangle” trade. Why are you trying to deny well recorded historical facts? What the fuck is the matter with you?

  33. “Birmingham nevertheless is complete hole, despite the historical resistance to Reconstruction.”

    It wasn’t Reconstruction that forced the racial integration of some Birmingham schools in 1963.

    On September 10, 1963—49 years ago today—the Birmingham City Schools were integrated after President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11118, ordering federal assistance in removing “unlawful obstructions of justice in the State of Alabama.”

  34. 313Chris says:
    “Under slavery, the Black Undertow was effectively privatized.”
    – Slavery created the Black Undertow in the first place.

    Didn’t someone tell you?— we’re global now. And the south’s slavery is minuscule in regards to Europeans in the global context.

    Due largely to anti-Anglo catholics like Hart, of the Hart-Celler Act, the U.S. HAS NO BORDERS. You are “documented” just like the latest Chinese “immigrants,” and you and your family are nothing more than that. The catholic-jewish alliance that romanized the US and supports Israel (the two “rationales” for the whole country) is a fait accompli.

    Go bitch to the Spanish. The anglo-saxon has no power to help you (LOL).

  35. Chris, maybe you just play the “blame game” because you don’t like how the yankee country turned out, lol.

    If it’s not the jews, it’s the protestants, and since they might need some of those, they usually pick the ones who don’t exist any longer, like evil Puritans, or maybe a big abstractions (but we know who thIey mean, those evil blonde-blues not under the thumb of rome) like those Enlightenment people, LOL.

    Thankfully, people such as Chris (t?) exist. He can do no wrong. He has no part in it. He has no complicity. He hasn’t fed off it one little bit, not even for his grand moralism. A saint, I tell you!!!

    (One other thing about real anglos-saxons. Like Kipling said, they are slow to hate, and masters of passive-resistance. Sometimes they will go down silently, just to watch the others slowly have to take a look at their own folly).

  36. Brutus says:
    I live in the North. There are plenty of Mexicans doing yard work and landscaping (and plenty of other types of work, just like everywhere else)….”

    Northeast city people (and NET’s here) HATE nature. They cannot stand to touch earth, or grass, or plants. Around here, everything they touch, withers.

    They can sort of go to “parks” in their cities, but only when every blade of grass is under strict control. They open PARKS in the south, lol. When they move to the south, they hire others to touch the earth, too. (Mexicans) They mulch over growing things, to stifle them, so they die. They plant only things they think will require no care, so they don’t have to deal with anything natural. They douse the earth in chemicals for fear of bugs, etc, etc.

    They have opened –GET THIS– “tourist farms.” We pulled in, just out of cultural curiosity, Brutus! They made us —KID YOU NOT— put on those paper overshoes to walk over the grass (I do think it was so our shoes would not become soiled when we looked at DISPLAY CHICKENS, lmao!!!) So there we were, laughing our heads off by their DISPLAY CHICKENS in the paper shoes!!!!

    Fortunately, they have started to build the houses closer together (at first in the “new south” those mystery “developers” were giving them YARDS…big mistake). It turned out, they just wanted bigger apartments with tiny strips of grass for their mexican friends to control.

    One theory we have around here: Whether they claim to be “right” or “left,” they are really PC (often neo-cons). Both groups are the Equality Brigade—- and there is nothing like hands-on practice with nature (plants or animals) to remind people about things like breeding, growth, natural selection, etc.

    The natural world AIN’T equal. And so they do anything they can to get away from it.

    Merely touching a blade of grass, not controlled by mexicans, probably gives NET’s cognitive dissonance.

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