Race denying Libertarian Ron Paul did and said some very stupid things during his third, failed Presidential campaign. Most of RP’s insane, stupid comments were designed to counter the New Republic (queer, Zionist owner Marty Peretz) smear that Ron Paul was R-A-C-I-S-T (link to NR smear). OD readers are probably familiar with Ron Paul’s shameful Black pandering comments in the New Hampshire debate that:
“Martin Luther King was one of (his) heroes because MLK practiced Libertarian principles of civil disobedience (link to RP pandering to MLK)”.
In an effort to increase his Black voting support from 0% to 0.001%, Ron Paul and now Rand Paul proclaim that they are the only Presidential candidate in either party that understood “true racism in the judicial system” – RP argued that Blacks are disproportionally put in prison for drug crimes” (link to RP promising to release most Blacks in crime for trafficking crack cocaine and heroin).
Then, there was Ron Paul’s efforts to reach out to the Arab Islamic terrorist voters by stating that the Sept 11th, 2001 attack was America’s fault for stationing US troops near Saudi Arabian holy cities (link).
My (least) favorite Ron Paul pandering campaign statement was RP’s acceptance of birth right US citizenship rights for the children of Arab terrorists. Yes, Ron Paul tried to persuade our nation that Anwar al-Awlaki – (headed up Al Qaeda’s terrorist operations in Yemen) was a US Citizen, entitled to full US Bill of Rights protection because of birth right citizenship. Yes, Anwar al-Awklaki was born in New Mexico US of A, the dark, hairy, urine colored monster son of Nasser al-Aulaqi a Fulbright Scholar who earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics at New Mexico State University in 1971.
Maybe someone here can do a public opinion poll on the subject. My own feeling is that about 99% of sane White American voters (ie not Liberal/Libertarian true believers) oppose giving birth right US citizenship to the children of Islamic Arab extremist “students” from Yemen. Similar overwhelming percentages of White American voters oppose bringing in the ugly, hateful likes of Mohammed Ata and friends to attend 747 flight school in Florida (anybody else notice that these Arab terrorist “students” are only interested in learning how to fly and crash our 747 airplanes, they show little interest in take-offs and landings?).
Can some of OD’s Israeli Jewish voters help us answer these questions:
Does Israeli have race denying Liberal/Libertarian presidential candidates who favor open borders immigration in to Israel from Muslim Arab and Black African countries?
Are there many/any Jewish Israeli voters that want to give full Israeli citizenship rights to likes of al-Qaeda terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki based on some Liberal/Libertarian principle of “birth right citizenship”?
I highly doubt it.
My own feeling is that Jewish Israeli voters want to make/keep Israel as a Jewish ethno state and Jewish Israel citizens don’t put up with the insane, treasonous rantings of octogenarian Libertarian/Liberal true believers.
Or maybe Ron Paul was just smoking MJ weed with Willie Nelson (link to music video “I’ll never smoke weed with Willie again”)
Fortunately, the United States of America still has some sane, tough White men like New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who supported the US drone missile killing of Anwar al-Awlaki. NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly reassured metro New York City (White) residents that the NYC police were “on alert to possible revenge attacks” – Commissioner Kelly put the word out that the NYPD was spying on Arab/Muslim immigrant groups and would do what was necessary to prevent Arab/Muslim terrorist attacks.
We at OD hope NYPC Commissioner Kelly gets together with French General Paul Aussaresses, who directed French army counter terrorism efforts against these same, nasty, ugly Arab Muslim terrorists in French Algeria (see the movie the Battle of Algiers, read his narrative “Battle of the Casbah”). Commissioner Kelly looks to join a storied short list of White men like Gen. Aussaresses, Arkan, Vlad the Impaler – Count Dracula, Vladimir Putin who know how to fight fire with fire, who can get down and dirty to fight ugly, nasty Muslim rapists, murderers, fight to win and secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
14 Words.
Rand Paul is just as bad. He repeated the “blacks are victims of racism” lie on Sean Hannity’s show a few times.
Ron Paul was the most anti-white of the Republican candidates this year – which is saying something.
After the GOP loses in a landslide in 6 weeks, Rand will be one of the bright young leaders of the Stupid Party.
He is already pushing the “conservative on economic issues” (tax cuts for millionaires, cutting the few programs like medicare that help elderly whites who paid into them) and “moderate on social issues” (pro-amnesty, pro-quotas) garbage that makes everyone hate the GOP.
Sam Francis was right in 1994 at the AmRen conference. At the Q&A session a young Republican type geek was asking a question about the GOP. Before the guy could finish his question Sam said, “The Republican party should be destroyed.”
He was correct.
If no one told you, RP has been out of the race for some time. That’s certainly an indictable list you put together. As a RP supporter I winced at it many times. But the list of his career-long and mountainous by comparison positive points made him a much better man than the Obama clone you ended up with.
Good luck on that let ’em in and then fire on ’em strategy. When we were forced to let ’em in down here fifty years ago our laws were suspended and our law enforcement personnel were effectively handcuffed, either by executive order or by court order. I’m sure that won’t happen under your next president, whoever he is.
Above was @ Ryan.
Bernie, I think that you are a little too negative. Let’s focus on the positive things we’ve done – beaten back about 8 full illegal alien amnesties. Taken down and out some terrible treasonous RINOs – Chris Cannon, Dick Lugar, put a big scare in to McCain, Lindsey Graham.
And the best news is that the White vs White Cold War really is over. All of our supposed White enemies in Central and Eastern Europe are now, solidly back on the White side.
Also the Irish vs English/British White hatred, White civil war seems to be pretty much over (flooding England and now Ireland with Paki Muslims and Black Nigerians tends to make the local forgive and forget other Whites).
Now, if only we can get some Southerners on OD to say some nice things about us Whites in the Midwest, North East.
🙂 Just kidding.
But try to look on the bright side of life.
Has anyone else seen the ending musical number from the Monty Python movie the Life of Brian where people getting crucified on the cross are singing:
“Always look on the bright side of life”.
I’m not going to despair if Obama gets re-elected. He is after all my Chicago S.S. neighbor. Maybe we’ll get our pot holes fixed, plus Obama is less likely to support new Neo Con Jew wars against Iran than Romney.
“Always look on the bright side of life.”
The bright side of life as the instantaneous flash of a hydrogen bomb.
It’s an important point to make. Israel is pretty much the only sane Western country. We need to demand that our leaders act more like Israel’s.
“But the list of his career-long and mountainous by comparison positive points made him a much better man than the Obama clone you ended up with” is exactly right, Bill.
Jack seems to think Obama (because he might fix potholes in Chicago?) is a better choice than the “too old,” “very old” white, states’ rights constitutionalist. Jack seems to think (“Then, there was Ron Paul’s efforts to reach out to the Arab Islamic terrorist voters by stating that the Sept 11th, 2001 attack was America’s fault”) that the Neocon wars on behalf of Israel and global plutocrats should not be blamed for the WTC and other terror attacks. I don’t remember whether I’ve read anything about Jack’s position on the “9/11 Truth” position.
“Israel is pretty much the only sane Western country. We need to demand that our leaders act more like Israel’s.”
But they mostly already do, and are. And it’s not really Western, since it’s not Christian — but is in fact, ANTI-Christian.
Jack, what is your view of the “9/11 Truth” position?
If the 9/11 contentions were true, then the vaunted NYPD (“sane, tough white men”) would be on the wrong track, whether stupidly or intentionally.
Mainstream conservatism failed because it was unable to deal with the realities of race based politics and the subsequent accusations of racism. In this Ron Paul is no different from any other conservative.
Emergent white identity politics are intentionally stifled and suppressed under the current BRA system. As the liberalism that serves as the state religion of BRA continues to lose credibility, we have arrived at a point when ethnicity has become and will remain the dominant force in politics.
The true significance of the 2008 election was the desire of blacks, browns, and yankees for a nonwhite leader. Following the reelection of Obama this year, there will be a need to “secure the gains.” The enshrinement of nonwhite rule within the federal bureaucracy will be the major effort.
Will there be a yankee “Golden Dawn” response? Will yankees bitterly cling to their “noble savage” religion of negro worship or shake off their Enlightenment delusions and reawaken to their whiteness? Only time will tell…
Ron Paul, libertarian conservatism, along with the GOP and all other forms of mainstream conservatism, are a historical dead end. These forms of conservatism only lead to the marginalization and eventual extinction of whites in America.
The pallid so called conservatism of the recent past will die in this election.
Deo Vindice
2008-2012 is the point of no return. 2012-2016 will be the first birth pangs of a completely different American political scene.
Anwar al-Awklaki was, in fact, as US citizen by the US government’s definition of what that is. It isn’t a false statement to say that Anwar al-Awklaki was a US citizen. Now, you can argue whether or he *should have been* a US citizen, but he was one nonetheless. What’s more, Ron Paul called for the end of anchor-baby citizenship in his book “Liberty Defined”. While immigration seems to be Ron Paul’s weakest point, he is also the only candidate to ever endorse a state’s right to secede from the union and has stated that he would not use the power of his office to interfere with state laws passed which are aimed at curtailing immigration. Because of this, Ron Paul’s personal views on immigration become less of a problem because there’s no evidence he wanted to use the power of the presidency to enforce them.
Ron Paul would have been an infinitely better choice for pro-White aims than Mitt Romney. Paul believes in freedom of association and gutting the welfare state. We don’t need the government to openly proclaim its preference for Whites. All we need is to get government policies that artificially promote non-Whites out of the way, and let natural law take care of itself.
Oh, and the US government does deserve a huge share of the blame for the 9/11 attacks. Sorry, Jack, but it is true. Are you seriously one of these “they attacked us for our freedom” people?
“Following the reelection of Obama this year..”
– Simply not going to happen, despite how much you fantasize about it. Romney has a staggering 15 point lead over Obama among the middle class, he’s leading in all the swing states, and even within the margin of error in Pennsylvania. Obama is heading for a humiliating defeat, and even he knows it — the Obama’s just purchased a home in Hawaii. They obviously don’t plan on returning to Chicago after they leave the White House in January.
“Will there be a Yankee “Golden Dawn” response”?
– Northerners fight with niggers in the streets, in the open, until the government sends in the army to bust it up. THAT is how we respond when we’re pushed. You Southerners need to hide behind white hoods and groups of a hundred just to lynch one solitary nigger in the middle of the night.
“Will Yankees cling bitterly to their “noble savage” religion of negro worship..”
– You Southerners are the ones who turned a minstral tune about a homesick nigger, into your national anthem. Looks to me like YOU are the ones who “worship negros”!
“..or shake off their Enlightenment delusions and awaken to their whiteness?”
– There was, and is, NOTHING delusional about the natural truth that people are born free to govern themselves as they see fit and decide their own destiny by their own will. It doesn’t get any “whiter” than that, asshole. Your bitterness toward individual liberty and the common decency that man should achieve his rewards by his hand, and your refusal to part with obsolete, defeated old institutions like monarchy and slavery, is both pathetic and disgusting.
Face it loser, civilization moved forward and it ain’t ever going back.
Where are you getting your data chris?
Even the Kuwaitis (with no axe to grind) are aware that Romney is in deep trouble.
where ate you getting your data 313Chris?
Chris – I love ya – you know this – but Romney seems to be doing everything he can do, to destroy his campaign.
I’d love to see 15 point lead stats myself. As far as I can tell it’s neck and neck…
Jack – Israel, and their flunkies in DC aka Tel Aviv West, did 9/11/01. Biggest False Flag attack yet, on American soil.
Come on…….the facade is almost crumbled. Even military folks are beginning to tell the truth.
LOL, you get your AMERICAN election data from KUWAITI news sources?? Try the Drudge Report for once.
Go home, English John. This election is none of your business. Tell Harry to lay off the white lines, and Kate to be more aware when she takes her top off.
Drudge! Cool!
“Ron Paul would have been an infinitely better choice for pro-White aims than Mitt Romney. Paul believes in freedom of association and gutting the welfare state. We don’t need the government to openly proclaim its preference for Whites. All we need is to get government policies that artificially promote non-Whites out of the way, and let natural law take care of itself.”
Bingo! That in itself would take care most of these issues.
Though I agree with many of the opinions and historical analysis at this site, I do find the constant hysterical picking on Ron Paul disgusting given that he has done more under adverse conditions to advance my liberties than any other Congress person ever. He has done more on gun rights, income tax, monetary issues, STATES RIGHTS, etc. though the corrupted press on the both the right and left has done its damn best to make him look bad without intellectually analyzing any of his contentions.
Yes, I really wonder whether he believes his own nonsense about MLK, but what would you like him to say that the lame stream media would not criticize and that includes Fox News.
Here are the pinko commies upset with RP’s position on immigration:
Paul on birthright citizenship:
Paul believes that the 14th Amendment is ripe for an… amendment.
“…birthright citizenship, originating in the 14th amendment, has become a serious cultural and economic dilemma for our nation… No other wealthy, western nations grant automatic citizenship to those who simply happen to be born within their borders to non-citizens. These nations recognize that citizenship involves more than the physical location of one’s birth; it also involves some measure of cultural connection and allegiance. In most cases this means the parents must be citizens of a nation in order for their newborn children to receive automatic citizenship…
I’ve introduced legislation that would amend the Constitution and end automatic birthright citizenship. The 14th amendment was ratified in 1868, on the heels of the Civil War. The country, especially the western territories, was wide open and ripe for homesteading. There was no welfare state to exploit, and the modern problems associated with immigration could not have been imagined…
Our founders knew that unforeseen problems with our system of government would arise, and that’s precisely why they gave us a method for amending the Constitution. It’s time to rethink birthright citizenship by amending the 14th amendment.”
So if this is true, what is the criticism? RP certainly give me more of ‘loaf’ than any of the other candidates out there. I guess he also appealed to me because he actually has some morals which is more than you can say for most elected to public office.
“Oh, and the US government does deserve a huge share of the blame for the 9/11 attacks. Sorry, Jack, but it is true. Are you seriously one of these “they attacked us for our freedom” people?”
I would like anyone to explain why we are over there. Ever since the commie FDR made a dirty deal with Arabs for oil, that part of the world has been nothing but a problem. I’m for cutting off all foreign aide and let the sand monkeys send us a fax at the State Department if they need to say something. Here is where the conservatives are just as sorry as liberals on hypocrisy; not a one would sign their adult child for the military to use as cannon fodder in any of these ‘wars’.
Think about it Chris,
The Kuwaitis are not trying to depress the Romney vote are they? they can’t run psyOps from Kuwait City. There’s no expat community to hoodwink. I’m showing you what a disinterested news source has to say. If you don’t understand the point of showing you a disinterested source, well, you are clearly beyond help.
And no I do not base my analysis on Kuwait. There’s plenty of evidence that Romney is sinking.
First, I am ready to stop writing “Western” civilization. What it really means is White, and in any case the term should be used very cautiously when speaking about Jewish folks. The fact of historical Christianity is problematic in this respect but, on the other hand, Christianity is now mostly a sop to Judaism, at least in its predominate manifestations.
Second, it makes no sense to wonder perplexed over what American Jews do and say about America, and Israeli Jews do and say about Israel. They are two distinct issues with one common goal. Jewish Israeli domestic policy is 180 degrees from whatever the Jews have in store for Americans on American soil. The reason, of course, is that Jews are primarily interested in preserving their benefit, and destroying White unity. But it has always, and I mean always, been that way for the Jews.
Third, libertarians cannot be supporters of White unity because they are first liberals and, as such, view people as interchangeable units guided by (or under the right circumstances at least potentially guided by) reason. Of course this view of man is an absurd challenge to reality, and it is why libertarians, left liberals, and right liberals will never be capable of coming to grips with the racial/ethnic dimension of political power. And it is why the shape-shifting Jews, not caring for the left-right game (they can be Communists just as well as they can be Neo-Conservatives), will always win out over liberals (of any stripe) Whites.
Fourth, referencing number two and three, Paul was smeared as an anti-Semite because he was not Israel uber alles on foreign policy, and because his domestic plan was to dismantle the Federal Reserve in favor of sound money. These two proposals were, of course, not in the interest of Jewish elites, and therefore it was clear that he was an anti-Semite.
Finally, only a complete abandonment of liberalism in all its manifestations will ever lead to positive change. But I give the possibility of this happening a big zero in the near term, and only in the instance of major cataclysm (financial or other catastrophe) do I even suspect it could ever happen. Whites are too timid, too naive, and too easily swayed. I hope I am mistaken.
One other thing, as far as Muslims go, some people have suggested that they should be banned from the U.S. That is, we should separate ourselves from them. Fine. Few would really mind this solution in practice. But what if the same thing were said about their Semitic brothers from across the aisle? Then all hell would break loose.
I love you too, sis. But all this whining and defeatism, and seeming of oblivion on the part of so-called racialist whites… it just drives me up a wall. I don’t quit, I don’t give up, and I have no other place to call home. So I fight, and go forward. Always, always forward.
This election is not lost for white people. Not at all. Romney is going to have a good day one day, and then take a beating from the press for the next three. His numbers will go up and down, and more violently as Election Day draws closer. It’s always this way in close contests. White people, most specifically the keyboard-warrior-caste, need to toughen the hell up, quit crying, and stay the course.
We’re going to win this. So don’t lose hope.
When did you campaign for Romney? Are you actually out there pounding the pavement? All I see you doing is taunting an obscure Brit on an equally obscure website…and getting jabs in on Confederates. Confederates who I might add had nothing to do with shipping niggers into America. The Confederates were keeping them in open air prisons with plenty of excercise doing tedious back breaking work.
Did you ever pause to think that they were dealing with the Real legacy of the Founding Fathers like Jefferson who himself neatly dodged responsibility for slavery and gained the glory for writing a notion on a parchment?
What’s the difference between a supermax prison and a plantation?
One generates money and agricultural products, the other is a university of crime and bleeds the taxpayer dry. That was the quid pro quo of emancipation. There were probably very few prisons in the south before the civil war. Plenty afterward.
Chris – I’m not defeatist at all. I really don’t care which Zio Puppet “wins” – I just want ZOG dead. ZOG is committing hari kari. YAY!
Try the Drudge Report for once.
Umm, I hope everyone who reads Drudge and trusts him always keeps close the knowledge that he is a homosexual jew?
Jus sayin……
Yeah, I’ve known that for some time. He just posts those articles, he doesn’t write them.
If I’m not mistaken, Matt Drudge is, in addition to being a Jew and a homosexual… a born & raised Southerner :0
Drudge is interesting. But he’s a party man. No problem with him.
Here’s a thought though, are Jews moving into the nationalism market? Are they abandoning reflexive liberalism?
Bernie: no he won’t. The Repubs will insist on Marco Rubio and West. Maybe Mia love thrown in somewhere too. I wonder if the tenor of the American Thinker crowd will change when Romney gets bounced?
Drudge, Breitbart, Shapiro. The four horsemen of the Neoconopolis.
I knew Shapiro back in college. He’s extremely Jewish looking back on it with hindsight. Back then he was a snotty conservative oped writer. The whiny tone could be heard as you leafed through the college paper.
John says:
‘Drudge, Breitbart, Shapiro. The four horsemen of the Neoconopolis.’
Four horsemen?
Jared wrote: “Ron Paul would have been an infinitely better choice for pro-White aims than Mitt Romney. Paul believes in freedom of association and gutting the welfare state. We don’t need the government to openly proclaim its preference for Whites. All we need is to get government policies that artificially promote non-Whites out of the way, and let natural law take care of itself.”
sth_txs wrote: “I do find the constant hysterical picking on Ron Paul disgusting given that he has done more under adverse conditions to advance my liberties than any other Congress person ever. He has done more on gun rights, income tax, monetary issues, STATES RIGHTS, etc. though the corrupted press on the both the right and left has done its damn best to make him look bad without intellectually analyzing any of his contentions.”
Both of you: Exactly right!
Chris – I don’t have enough hours inthe days ,these days…I’m reading through today’s Drudge stories…..I just read the Commets, on the Town Hall story, on how school kids hate the food that Moochelle the First She Ape is inflicting on American kids – I’m beginning to see variations of “Nigger” appear more and more….
ooh ooh ohh – pick me!!! I wanted sooooo badly to answer this question!!! FIRST, let me point out, that the schools lunches COST MORE!!!! This is the democrats who promised you no more new taxes on those making 250,000 or less. Well, there you go – lying ni!gers!
Second – this is Moo-Shell’s agenda – making sure kids aren’t FAT!!! And, she’s doing a good job, by forcing them to eat brussell sprouts!!! Good job ni!ga!
So, she would rather have hungry kids that can’t focus on their school work – of course they will lose weight – but hey, they won’t learn anything. MAYBE she is trying to level the playing field – the stupid little niglets can’t learn, so yeah, maybe we will starve the little CR@CKA kids so they won’t get an advantage!!!!
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Post Comment rlangevin Wrote: 8 minutes ago (8:40 PM)
Niglets???? it;s pickininnis
@ First, I am ready to stop writing “Western” civilization. What it really means is White…christianity problematical…”
Ethnic European Civilization, maybe
Chris said “stay the course”. Where have we heard that before and what did it get us?
I don’t understand why Jack seems so fixated on tearing down libertarians. It is absurd to make the case that libertarians have had anything to do with the decline of White civilization in America. This is a decent link to clear up some myths about libertarianism:
Libertarians are just like “conservatives”, in that there are variations within the school of thought. Yes, many libertarians are race-denying open borders people, but here’s the thing….they don’t advocate using the police power of the state to impose their social views. They naively believe that the absence of the state and truly free markets would result in harmonious multiracial societies and blur the lines between nations of people. And you know what? That’s fine. Those of us who understand natural law know better. For example, most libertarians think that if all “anti-discrimination” laws were repealed then the free market would prevent “racism” by punishing businesses that choose to discriminate on the basis of race. But that’s just not true. Given real liberty and freedom of association, people will generally segregate along racial/ethnic lines and prefer their own over others. Given the fact that Whites are still the majority and are disproportionately responsible for creating wealth, absent government policies aimed at elevating the other races we would quickly see a return White-dominated and White-centered society in most areas.
Now, pragmatically speaking it is unlikely that we’re going to be able to restore natural order by completely abolishing the state. The reality is that the state is a deeply entrenched aspect of Western civilization, and we have about as much chance convincing a critical mass of White people to get rid of it as we do of convincing them to abolish all religion. What’s more, the anti-Whites are using the power of the state to achieve forced assimilation and integration and the erosion of the White population. So I’m opposed to the state as an ideal, but understand that we’re going to have to use the power of the state to save our people from genocide. Whether we like it or not, control of immigration has consistently been a function of governments in Western civilization.
With that being said, gaining sufficient control at the US federal level to save our people is a lost cause. That ship has sailed. There is no salvation to be found in the Union. Our best chance is dissolution of the Union and a return to state sovereignty. So being of this opinion, I just can’t see libertarians as enemies. Misguided as they are about the race question, they want to see dramatic reductions in what governments are allowed to do, which is generally a good thing for conservative Whites.
Libertarians present no significant stumbling block to the restoration of self-determination, and in my view we ought to count them as allies. When you get to the bottom of it all, we mainly just disagree on what the outcome of maximum liberty would be. So what if they believe in their fairy tale that it would produce large scale peaceful multiracial/multicultural societies? We have much more to gain by joining forces with them to take down the federal leviathan than we do by alienating them for their race-denying and misinterpretation of natural law. We can save that debate for another time. Meanwhile, anti-Whites and Marxists are the ones who are tirelessly seeking to use the police power of government to enforce equality and fairness. Attacking libertarians just doesn’t make any sense at all to me.
This is OT, but right now on The White Network, Carolyn Yeager is talking about this monstrosity, and people here REALLY need to hear about it!
“Absurdities and Insanities All Around Us” is the subject of Carolyn Yeager’s program tonight. Absurd claims about the benefits of infant circumcision by those who profit from it. Oprah Winfrey, pictured, is one. Also, some crazy, mixed-up current reports about Adolf Hitler, the “Nazis” and “The Holocaust,” still going strong after all these years.
Wow did I go back in time several months?!? An RP hit piece and an RP smear mention in one week!
The mans not even running third party, and is out of politics after his term. What’s up with the focus on a man who’s a non-factor? The only logical explanation is that you’re a Romney sycophant, afraid your man will lose because of libertarians voting 3rd party or not voting at all. Why not focus on attacking the two men still in the race. There has been plenty of race pandering on both sides lately.
Or stick with the dated RP attacks, it’s what you seem best at.
Wierd, I wrote four. I guess Breitbart met Death already.
You talking about Bush II? Uh, he didn’t coin that phrase, you know. But whatever. I’ll change it if that one upsets you. How about this: Don’t give up the ship!
“The only logical explanation is that you’re a Romney sycophant, afraid your man will lose because of libertarians voting 3rd party or not voting at all.” Another possible explanation: to instigate another record-breaking LONG comment thread!
Paul ties Obama among intelligent young people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp5bfxpchAY&feature=related
Paul the conspiracy theorist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plo-1rLZ3Jo&feature=fvwrel
“The only logical explanation is that you’re a Romney sycophant, afraid your man will lose because of libertarians voting 3rd party or not voting at all.”
Another possible explanation: to instigate another record-breaking LONG comment thread!
Paul ties Obama among intelligent young people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp5bfxpchAY&feature=related
I should have written: “ties Obama among college students, but leads Obama overwhelmingly among intelligent young white people”
Look, Jack: “Pastor Manning” endorses the Old Believer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZWZQd8OauY&feature=related
BTW the Lynryd Skynyrd band was a favourite music break subject not long ago, but now this: http://www.amren.com/news/2012/09/fans-outraged-after-lynyrd-skynyrd-denounces-confederate-flag/ They are probably anti-Paul and Obama-neutral as well. “Obama the white working man’s candidate!” True white patriot musicians are not in the limelight.