Race denying Libertarian Ron Paul did and said some very stupid things during his third, failed Presidential campaign. Most of RP’s insane, stupid comments were designed to counter the New Republic (queer, Zionist owner Marty Peretz) smear that Ron Paul was R-A-C-I-S-T (link to NR smear). OD readers are probably familiar with Ron Paul’s shameful Black pandering comments in the New Hampshire debate that:
“Martin Luther King was one of (his) heroes because MLK practiced Libertarian principles of civil disobedience (link to RP pandering to MLK)”.
In an effort to increase his Black voting support from 0% to 0.001%, Ron Paul and now Rand Paul proclaim that they are the only Presidential candidate in either party that understood “true racism in the judicial system” – RP argued that Blacks are disproportionally put in prison for drug crimes” (link to RP promising to release most Blacks in crime for trafficking crack cocaine and heroin).
Then, there was Ron Paul’s efforts to reach out to the Arab Islamic terrorist voters by stating that the Sept 11th, 2001 attack was America’s fault for stationing US troops near Saudi Arabian holy cities (link).
My (least) favorite Ron Paul pandering campaign statement was RP’s acceptance of birth right US citizenship rights for the children of Arab terrorists. Yes, Ron Paul tried to persuade our nation that Anwar al-Awlaki – (headed up Al Qaeda’s terrorist operations in Yemen) was a US Citizen, entitled to full US Bill of Rights protection because of birth right citizenship. Yes, Anwar al-Awklaki was born in New Mexico US of A, the dark, hairy, urine colored monster son of Nasser al-Aulaqi a Fulbright Scholar who earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics at New Mexico State University in 1971.
Maybe someone here can do a public opinion poll on the subject. My own feeling is that about 99% of sane White American voters (ie not Liberal/Libertarian true believers) oppose giving birth right US citizenship to the children of Islamic Arab extremist “students” from Yemen. Similar overwhelming percentages of White American voters oppose bringing in the ugly, hateful likes of Mohammed Ata and friends to attend 747 flight school in Florida (anybody else notice that these Arab terrorist “students” are only interested in learning how to fly and crash our 747 airplanes, they show little interest in take-offs and landings?).
Can some of OD’s Israeli Jewish voters help us answer these questions:
Does Israeli have race denying Liberal/Libertarian presidential candidates who favor open borders immigration in to Israel from Muslim Arab and Black African countries?
Are there many/any Jewish Israeli voters that want to give full Israeli citizenship rights to likes of al-Qaeda terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki based on some Liberal/Libertarian principle of “birth right citizenship”?
I highly doubt it.
My own feeling is that Jewish Israeli voters want to make/keep Israel as a Jewish ethno state and Jewish Israel citizens don’t put up with the insane, treasonous rantings of octogenarian Libertarian/Liberal true believers.
Or maybe Ron Paul was just smoking MJ weed with Willie Nelson (link to music video “I’ll never smoke weed with Willie again”)
Fortunately, the United States of America still has some sane, tough White men like New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who supported the US drone missile killing of Anwar al-Awlaki. NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly reassured metro New York City (White) residents that the NYC police were “on alert to possible revenge attacks” – Commissioner Kelly put the word out that the NYPD was spying on Arab/Muslim immigrant groups and would do what was necessary to prevent Arab/Muslim terrorist attacks.
We at OD hope NYPC Commissioner Kelly gets together with French General Paul Aussaresses, who directed French army counter terrorism efforts against these same, nasty, ugly Arab Muslim terrorists in French Algeria (see the movie the Battle of Algiers, read his narrative “Battle of the Casbah”). Commissioner Kelly looks to join a storied short list of White men like Gen. Aussaresses, Arkan, Vlad the Impaler – Count Dracula, Vladimir Putin who know how to fight fire with fire, who can get down and dirty to fight ugly, nasty Muslim rapists, murderers, fight to win and secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
14 Words.
Jared writes:
“Libertarians are just like “conservatives”, in that there are variations within the school of thought. Yes, many libertarians are race-denying open borders people, but”
Jack Ryan replies:
Jared there is no “but”. Those White, non Jewish/Gentile Americans who support open borders, mass immigration of the entire non White, third world populations of Turko Mongolian, Chetnian, Algerian, Paki rapist/scum untermenschen are simply insane, traitors!
I listed Israel as a sane, ethno nationalist state of regular Jewish Israeli people who would never in SIX MILLION years support birth right Israeli citizenship for nasty, ugly Arab Muslim terrorists like Anwar al-Awklaki.
The Jack Ryan definition of a “Racist” is someone who has loyalty to his people, and someone who is not:
A) A complete #*$(#$ idiot
B) A complete $*(#%$ traitor
I can say with 100% confidence that the Swiss people are “racist” – they are not complete #*$(#$ idiots, and also not complete $*(#%$ traitors. Likewise the Japanese – few if any Japanese political candidates are advocating welcoming the likes of Anwar al-Awklaki, Mohammed Ata, Pakistani Muslim pimps grooming Japanese girls to be Muslim prostitute sex slaves – few leading Japanese political leaders want to support nasty Muslim rapists to rape Japanese school girls in Japan.
So what is the problem with idiot/traitor Liberal/Libertarians like Ron Paul who welcome or are indifferent to the genocide of our people in our country?
And why do so many seemingly sane, racially aware White Americans ENABLE confused, feeble old Libertarian traitors/idiots like Ron Paul?
Ron Paul would have done his best to free us of the shackles of the federal government. And that alone was reason to support him.
But, as they save, eventually a slave learns to loves his chains.
Sorry but should be “say” not “save”
jack ryan says:
September 25, 2012 at 5:08 am
“And why do so many seemingly sane, racially aware White Americans ENABLE confused, feeble old Libertarian traitors/idiots like Ron Paul?”
Until Ron Paul utters the magic word, “anti-white”, he is not one of us.
“Until Ron Paul utters the magic word, “anti-white”, he is not one of us.”
Name one mainstream candidate who has? You will never, ever be given the opportunity to vote for one that has. Until you understand this, the game goes on.
This kind of logic will keep us in a stalemate for eons.
Kuwait for example, is fairly pro Republican out of loyalty to Bush I, so they have no reason to propagandize about the direction the vote is going. Indeed that paper is a reliable ME source.
Please try to make intelligent comments that address the topic of this post:
White American political leaders who are supposedly on our side, pandering to Arab Muslim savages, terrorists, supporting birth right US citenship for the ugliest, most hateful, violent non Whites on planet earth.
I deleted a couple of comments that were falling down in to personal, ad hominem attacks and bringing back secional hatreds between Northern and Southern White Indo European Americans.
I spent a lot of time in both the South and the Midwest – there are very nice White people in both places (though Southern women tend to smile a lot more at me, which I really like).
Let’s have a lot less hatred directed against fellow White Indo European Americans, despite some differences in geography, history, culture – we are a kindred people.
14 Words
Jack, you completely ignored almost all of my points. Let me break it down for you:
The US government is anti-White.
Libertarians are anti-government.
Thus, for the time being, why not consider them our allies? When anti-Whites are no longer waging the police power of government over us, perhaps then you can go to town on the libertarians for being traitorous race deniers etc. etc. But at this stage in the game, what do you expect to gain by so aggressively denouncing the largest and most energetic anti-establishment movement in America? Do you honestly believe that there is absolutely nothing of value in the entire “liberty movement” for us? Nah, we don’t need all those young and intelligent White people, so let’s insult them every chance we get and call them traitors. What a fabulous strategy to advance our cause!
I didn’t see your most recent comment because it was posted while I was writing my last one:
“White American political leaders who are supposedly on our side, pandering to Arab Muslim savages, terrorists, supporting birth right US citenship for the ugliest, most hateful, violent non Whites on planet earth.”
1. Ron Paul opposes birthright citizenship for children of non-citizens.
2. Acknowledging the reality of something does not equal support. Anwar whats-his-name was a US citizen, period, whether you like it or not. The concern by Ron Paul is that the president has a “kill list” where he can assassinate US citizens at will if he decides they’re a “terrorist”. Or are we supposed to believe that only non-White citizens will ever be victims? Nothing to be concerned about then I guess.
3. Ron Paul doesn’t pander terrorists. He is simply honest by admitting that imperialistic and interventionist US foreign policy is a source of fuel for them. Of course, perhaps you are of the persuasion that every single non-White Muslim on the face of the earth is a “terrorist savage” hell bent on killing Whites. In that case, I suppose nothing can be said to change your mind. I reckon you’d be alright with carpet nuking every Islamic country on the planet.
Paul makes a good point about how we feign shock that Muslims strike at the west.
But he could also add to this point that Islam snuffed out Eastern Christendom, occupied Spain and beseiged Vienna.
That’s Islam too. Bunch of imperialists themselves.
Do Israeli Jews Support Birth Citizenship rights for Arabs?
Does a bear shit on the Moon?
On the drug war,
prosecuting Deshawn for having weed and keeping him off the street is a vital part of the toolkit for white cops.
Get rid of the drug laws and we will have a real crime wave. It’s a kilo of injustice to create a megaton of actual crime prevention. Paul might be an ejjit.
“Get rid of the drug laws and we will have a real crime wave. It’s a kilo of injustice to create a megaton of actual crime prevention. Paul might be an ejjit.”
Get rid of the drug laws and you get rid of a layer of oppressive federal government bureaucracy (DEA, ATF, etc…) that routinely violates the Fourth Amendment and destroys our constitutional rights whenever and wherever it can. Not to mention misdeeds such as “Fast and Furious.”
Negroes are violent criminals by nature. Drug addicted negroes are impaired criminals. Drug addiction actually helps suppress more violent negro crime. Think about it.
Would you rather be locked in a room with a tranquilized ape or a sober one?
Deo Vindice
Snowhitey says:
September 25, 2012 at 4:11 pm
“Name one mainstream candidate who has? .”
No mainstream candidates is pro white. That is the point. They would not get to where they are, unless they are anti-white and is the same with the mainstream media.
Until one of them uses ‘anti-white’ in the real world, they are effectively anti-white, in the real world.
How many mainstream candidates have used ‘anti-Semitic’?
The answer to that question, should tell you all you need to know.
“Islam snuffed out Eastern Christendom, occupied Spain”
Not entirely. The Moors never conquered Navarre nor the Frank’s Spanish March.
Pedantically yours,
“No mainstream candidates is pro white. That is the point. They would not get to where they are, unless they are anti-white and is the same with the mainstream media.”
Too many on this site say they wouldn’t vote for Paul because…. this and that. Yet, it never stops them for voting for other candidates. At least Paul would have stopped a lot of the things that work against whites. Besides, how far do you think he would get if he said he was pro-white? For crissakes, whites would have run him out of town. We all should be supporting a third party candidate because it is anti-establishment and THE ESTABLISHMENT IS OUR PROBLEM.
Rudel says:
September 25, 2012 at 9:46 pm
“Islam snuffed out Eastern Christendom, occupied Spain”
Not entirely. The Moors never conquered Navarre nor the Frank’s Spanish March.
Pedantically yours,
Jack Ryan replies:
You are correct, and some pro Western historians have recently written that the reason Whites in Navarre held out against Arab Muslim Moor conquest was that local Whites took a no compromise, ZERO no tolerance policy towards race denying Libertarians who insisted (based on some Jewish Austrian Hayek free market economics model) that mass Arab Muslim immigation/invasions was good for the local economy and any minor problems associated with the Arabs raping and slaughtering local Whites was somehow “our fault” – something to do with some YouTube video, Danish/French cartoon.
Snowhitey says:
September 25, 2012 at 10:08 pm
“Too many on this site say they wouldn’t vote for Paul because…. this and that. Yet, it never stops them for voting for other candidates.”
The guy will not say anything that is pro white and he promotes anti-white policies. He has even gone as far as saying, anyone that wants a group defense, is stupid. So he really is anti-white. It couldn’t be more clear.
As for other candidates, I wouldn’t vote for them either. The best thing you can do right now, is contact them and tell them, you will not vote for them, until they say the magic word, ‘anti-white’.
There are a massive number of people out there that do not vote, because they know there isn’t any point, as nothing is going to change, given the candidates on offer. Now imagine if a candidate took advantage of that fact.
I’m not telling you who to vote for, Snowhitey. What I am saying, at this point in time, it doesn’t matter who you vote for. All candidates are effectively anti-white.
Vote third party. It is more effective strategically than not voting which will be mistaken for apathy rather than disobedience.
Now if only we could get Goode to say, ‘anti-white’.
I’ll settle for what he does say. It’s also important to keep third parties on the ballot for when one of us might have the guts and money to run for office. I’m old enough to remember when there were explicitly pro-white candidates running for office. If we have to wait until we are in the minority before that happens again then so be it. Then again perhaps we really are frogs caught swimming in a pot coming to a slow boil.
Snowhite is rite: “Too many on this site say they wouldn’t vote for Paul because…. this and that. Yet, it never stops them for voting for other candidates”…like the Mormon Norman….
Politicians are never going to say anything pro white, until people start pressuring them to do it.
The way I see it, no one votes in revolutions, they get on a consistent message that is effective and stop cooperating with the establishment. Voting for the less bad candidate, is just a form of cooperation.
What revolution is this you are talking about? It seems to me that the issue of there ever being one is somewhat in doubt.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 12:27 am
“What revolution is this you are talking about? It seems to me that the issue of there ever being one is somewhat in doubt.”
They said that, right before the Soviet Union collapsed as well. Paid experts said the Soviet Union would last forever, yet when it began to unravel, it did so at a lightening pace.
The anti-white system will only collapse, when many whites are calling it anti-white and someone in authority finally says, it is anti-white and it must go.
We saw similar happen when Regan said, “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall.”
Reagan at Brandenburg Gate – “tear down this wall”
The Soviet Union didn’t collaps because of Reagan’s speech or defense budget for that matter. It collapsed because it’s economy couldn’t deliver the consumer goods that the Russian people increasingly craved. A common and crass reason no doubt, but it is also the reason that Europeans and Americans tolerate BRA and why the fertility rate drops everywhere there is prosperity.
There is simply a surfeit of too much stuff. What’s next? Who knows?
Jack might be following a plan that might be working again: to stimulate another OD-record-breaking LONG comment thread on essentially the same topic as the last OD-record-breaking thread? Or just repeating to make his opinion of the very old, too old Ron Paul perfectly clear?
“There is simply a surfeit of too much stuff.” Quantity, yes, but not quality. A surfeit of waste. We’re also too crowded. We die without lebensraum.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 1:01 am
Regan’s speech was just the final trigger. All the hard work had already been done by activists on the ground, saying things like the following, over and over again:
If this workers paradise is so great, how come people aren’t allowed to leave?
If Communism is so great, how come these walls and minefields, were built to keep people in.
If Communism is so great, how come we kill people if they want to leave?
I am not sure why you keep posting this Alex Kurtagic. What experience has he had in taking down entire systems, like Communism in the USSR for instance?
“Alex Kurtagi? (born 1970[1]) is an author[2] musician,[3] artist, columnist, publisher, translator,[4] speaker,[5][6][7] cultural commentator, and social critic, whose writing deals with topics relating to culture, politics, music, and race relations in the contemporary West.
[1] He is the founder and director of the record label Supernal Music,[8][9] currently co-edits the print journal Radix along with Richard Spencer, and is member of the Alternative Right editorial collective.”
I see no practical experience above. So where does his authority in this matter come from?
“So where does his authority in this matter come from?”
His educated intellect. Where does yours come from?
If someone came to me asking for a job, I would first find out if they can actually do that job. A good indicator is if they have practical experience and a track record of success.
All Alex has done is start a band and a record label.
Rudel says:
“Where does yours come from?”
From the man that was part of the effort, to take down the Soviet Union, of course.
“All the hard work had already been done by activists on the ground, saying things like the following, over and over again”
All the propaganda by activists in the West didn’t mean squat. It was the German, Polish, Russian etc. people who brought down the Soviet Union. Reagan expanded the military/industrial/security state by deficit spending. He was a total fraud and nothing but a front man for the same like Clinton, the Bushes, and Obongo who followed him.
We haven’t had a “conservative” in the White House since Calvin Coolidge and we haven’t had a republic since Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground.
It was a resurgence of healthy nationalism.
Also the Jews had finished stripping the copper wiring and nicking the slate off the roof. They were well on their way to setting up their dens on Tel Aviv by the 1960s. The USSR served no purpose after Zion was refoubded.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 1:45 am
” It was the German, Polish, Russian etc. people who brought down the Soviet Union. ”
This work was done by activists inside the USSR and they got no where for 70 years, until they accepted professional help and yes, the CIA was heavily involved. See Samizdat for the conditions they worked under.
The methods used, were the very same methods, the KGB used to bring nations into crisis and convert them to Communism. KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov discusses these methods on youtube. Of course he doesn’t go into detail, he just tells you they were used. The CIA learned them well possibly from people like Yuri and turned them back on the USSR.
The method is as follows:
You find a consistent message that works, by pointing out the contradictions and thus weakening the society.
You recruit an army of activists that ruthlessly attack the system using your message with endless repetition, until it can’t cope and collapses.
It takes around 15 years of this constant barrage, to bring any nation into crisis and then someone like Regan gives his trigger speech and its all over.
I still remember seeing the mobs armed with pick axes and hammers charge the Berlin Wall and start hacking it to pieces.
You guys really think an event like that, just happens on its own?
All the propaganda by activists in the West didn’t mean squat. It was the German, Polish, Russian etc. people who brought down the Soviet Union. Reagan expanded the military/industrial/security state by deficit spending. He was a total fraud and nothing but a front man for the same like Clinton, the Bushes, and Obongo who followed him.
We haven’t had a “conservative” in the White House since Calvin Coolidge and we haven’t had a republic since Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground.
Rudel, I may disagree with you on minor things but you are great.
John says:
September 26, 2012 at 2:27 am
“It was a resurgence of healthy nationalism.”
After 70 years of crushing poverty and murderous oppression, by the Communists, the East German mobs suddenly rose up and tore down the Berlin Wall, after Regan gave his speech?
That seems very unlikely. Nothing in politics just happens on its own.
“Also the Jews had finished stripping the copper wiring and nicking the slate off the roof. ”
They didn’t get started ripping off Russia, until after the Soviet Union fell. They had free reign to do it for 10 years, until Putin got in close with them, they trusted him enough to make him president and then he jailed them, took the mainstream media from them and booted them out.
I did not mention Reagan…where are you getting the idea I credited an Ameeican politician?
Bill Yancey says:
September 26, 2012 at 3:52 am
“We haven’t had a “conservative” in the White House since Calvin Coolidge and we haven’t had a republic since Sherman burned Atlanta to the ground.”
Communism stood for 70 years and it fell on Regan’s watch, all while Regan was calling them the “Evil Empire” and he created a fake “Star Wars” program that promised to shoot all their missiles down. And yes you heard that right, Star Wars never existed. It was propaganda designed to demoralize the USSR.
“You find a consistent message that works, by pointing out the contradictions”
It didn’t take the CIA to tell the Russian people that Toyota and Mercedes-Benz build a better car than the Lada or Volga and they sure didn’t need the CIA to tell them there was no toilet paper on the shelves of the stores.
In fact, the CIA was taken completely by surprise when the Berlin Wall came down, just like they were when Lech Walenska took the shipyard workers in Gdansk out on strike. They were too busy overestimating Russian military strength for the interests of our own military/industrial complex here at home.
John says:
September 26, 2012 at 4:03 am
“I did not mention Reagan…where are you getting the idea I credited an Ameeican politician?”
You have not explained the Coincidence of Reagan’s speech and those mobs of people armed with hammers and pickaxes, all converging on the Berlin Wall at the same time, after his speech.
Why did this healthy nationalism arise at this particular time and not in the 70 years prior?
Communist countries are always dirt poor. There is never a time when they are prosperous, so economics is no explanation.
When the USSR fell, they had a look at the naked economy of the USSR, and the entire economy, not just of Russia but also of the whole USSR, was less than half as large as that of the Netherlands.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 4:06 am
“It didn’t take the CIA to tell the Russian people that Toyota and Mercedes-Benz build a better car than the Lada or Volga and they sure didn’t need the CIA to tell them there was no toilet paper on the shelves of the stores.”
They never had abundance in the USSR. They never have it in any Communist country. For 70 years they had crushing poverty and murderous regimes. That is plenty of time for discontent to grow on its own, but it did not.
So how come activists attacked the wall after Reagan’s speech?
Tear Down the Wall
“1989 rock music video documenting the historic fall of the Berlin Wall. This Bellaphon Records hit single charted in Germany & Austria in November of 1989 as the Berlin Wall came down. Written & produced by Larry Dunn.”
How come activists attacked the wall after Reagan’s speech?
“How come activists attacked the wall after Reagan’s speech?”
Nobody attacked the wall until two and a half years later, after the East German government opened the gates and eased restrictions on travel to the West as a result of a summer of previous liftings of the Iron Curtain in Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.
The smashings of the wall were symbolic gestures and after the fact.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 4:37 am
Here is the media report from that day.
Nov. 9, 1989: The Berlin Wall Falls