Race denying Libertarian Ron Paul did and said some very stupid things during his third, failed Presidential campaign. Most of RP’s insane, stupid comments were designed to counter the New Republic (queer, Zionist owner Marty Peretz) smear that Ron Paul was R-A-C-I-S-T (link to NR smear). OD readers are probably familiar with Ron Paul’s shameful Black pandering comments in the New Hampshire debate that:
“Martin Luther King was one of (his) heroes because MLK practiced Libertarian principles of civil disobedience (link to RP pandering to MLK)”.
In an effort to increase his Black voting support from 0% to 0.001%, Ron Paul and now Rand Paul proclaim that they are the only Presidential candidate in either party that understood “true racism in the judicial system” – RP argued that Blacks are disproportionally put in prison for drug crimes” (link to RP promising to release most Blacks in crime for trafficking crack cocaine and heroin).
Then, there was Ron Paul’s efforts to reach out to the Arab Islamic terrorist voters by stating that the Sept 11th, 2001 attack was America’s fault for stationing US troops near Saudi Arabian holy cities (link).
My (least) favorite Ron Paul pandering campaign statement was RP’s acceptance of birth right US citizenship rights for the children of Arab terrorists. Yes, Ron Paul tried to persuade our nation that Anwar al-Awlaki – (headed up Al Qaeda’s terrorist operations in Yemen) was a US Citizen, entitled to full US Bill of Rights protection because of birth right citizenship. Yes, Anwar al-Awklaki was born in New Mexico US of A, the dark, hairy, urine colored monster son of Nasser al-Aulaqi a Fulbright Scholar who earned a master’s degree in agricultural economics at New Mexico State University in 1971.
Maybe someone here can do a public opinion poll on the subject. My own feeling is that about 99% of sane White American voters (ie not Liberal/Libertarian true believers) oppose giving birth right US citizenship to the children of Islamic Arab extremist “students” from Yemen. Similar overwhelming percentages of White American voters oppose bringing in the ugly, hateful likes of Mohammed Ata and friends to attend 747 flight school in Florida (anybody else notice that these Arab terrorist “students” are only interested in learning how to fly and crash our 747 airplanes, they show little interest in take-offs and landings?).
Can some of OD’s Israeli Jewish voters help us answer these questions:
Does Israeli have race denying Liberal/Libertarian presidential candidates who favor open borders immigration in to Israel from Muslim Arab and Black African countries?
Are there many/any Jewish Israeli voters that want to give full Israeli citizenship rights to likes of al-Qaeda terrorist leader Anwar al-Awlaki based on some Liberal/Libertarian principle of “birth right citizenship”?
I highly doubt it.
My own feeling is that Jewish Israeli voters want to make/keep Israel as a Jewish ethno state and Jewish Israel citizens don’t put up with the insane, treasonous rantings of octogenarian Libertarian/Liberal true believers.
Or maybe Ron Paul was just smoking MJ weed with Willie Nelson (link to music video “I’ll never smoke weed with Willie again”)
Fortunately, the United States of America still has some sane, tough White men like New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who supported the US drone missile killing of Anwar al-Awlaki. NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly reassured metro New York City (White) residents that the NYC police were “on alert to possible revenge attacks” – Commissioner Kelly put the word out that the NYPD was spying on Arab/Muslim immigrant groups and would do what was necessary to prevent Arab/Muslim terrorist attacks.
We at OD hope NYPC Commissioner Kelly gets together with French General Paul Aussaresses, who directed French army counter terrorism efforts against these same, nasty, ugly Arab Muslim terrorists in French Algeria (see the movie the Battle of Algiers, read his narrative “Battle of the Casbah”). Commissioner Kelly looks to join a storied short list of White men like Gen. Aussaresses, Arkan, Vlad the Impaler – Count Dracula, Vladimir Putin who know how to fight fire with fire, who can get down and dirty to fight ugly, nasty Muslim rapists, murderers, fight to win and secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
14 Words.
Nov. 10, 1989: Celebration at the Berlin Wall
They shout, “The wall must go!”
Nov. 9, 1989: The Berlin Wall Falls
Nov. 10, 1989: Celebration at the Berlin Wall
So how come they opened the wall, after Reagan’s speech? Why would they obey Reagan?
How come they didn’t shoot everyone, when before they did? Where did those crowds come from?
“They shout, “The wall must go!””
Did you read what I said before dumb-dumb? Two and a half years after Reagan’s speech and after the East German government had started allowing travel to the West.
My above post tripped the moderator.
Considering the above videos:
How come they opened the wall, after Reagan’s speech? Why would the East German authorities obey Reagan? And how come they lost the will to shoot people that approached the wall, when before they did?
You guys are saying this kind of thing just happens on its own, all we have to do is wait for a bad economy and it will fall in our lap.
Clearly something else was going on in the USSR. People that knew exactly what they were doing, made that system collaspe and it coincided with Reagan’s speech. That wall was the weak point in the Soviet System. Tear down the wall and you tear down the Soviet system.
“How come they didn’t shoot everyone, when before they did?”
Because the Czechs and Hungarians were letting Germans through their borders anyhow so the East Germans opened the gates. Only then after the East Germans had their freedom to travel to the West did crowds of young people start to bash at the wall.
Rudel says:
September 26, 2012 at 4:52 am
You trying to miss the point by nit picking? So my memory was a little foggy, it does not change what happend.
Look at those crowds all over that wall, disrespecting it, when before they would have been shot dead.
For all intents and purposes, it was gone and you know it.
Now are you going to explain why the wall went down after Reagan’s speech?
Why did the wall go down after Reagan’s speech?
In the Nov. 10, 1989: Celebration at the Berlin Wall video, the authorities say,
they are going to bulldoze holes in the wall.
So they started tearing it down before the activists did. How about that! 🙂
The Wall could not be saved. Because there was nothing substantial left to save. By the time its foundation collapsed, its biggest supporter, the S.U. was a hollow shell. Just two years later Gobachev had barely survived an attempted coup, and was reduced to begging the G7, and especially the Kohl government, for 30 billion in short term loans. By then, unlike the situation in 1917, the money lenders were not very willing to part with their shekels in order to save what they had originally built up, and what they now considered to be not only a terribly bad investment, but an anti-semitic one at that.
Isnt that sad, folks? What a terrible loss for us….
m says:
September 26, 2012 at 10:10 am
“The Wall could not be saved. Because there was nothing substantial left to save. By the time its foundation collapsed, its biggest supporter, the S.U. was a hollow shell.”
The wall was psychological. People were executed if they tried to cross it. The Communists’ will to execute people crossing that wall was broken, 70 years after Communism started and at the same time as Reagan’s speech.
And no one here really believes one speech did all that, yet clearly that speech was the trigger for this collapse. So something was going on inside the USSR, that coincided exactly with that speech.
As for the USSR having a bad economy, there is Never a point when a Communist country has a good economy.
I will say it again, because you guys clearly are not getting it:
There is Never a point when a Communist country has a good economy.
There is Never a point when a Communist country has a good economy.
There is Never a point when a Communist country has a good economy.
Thirty years after it was bombed out of existence, the Japanese per capita income reached that of the US.
Yet look at China:
Communism is the only system of government, that makes entire peoples poor, no matter what their natural talents.
In 2010, China’s GDP was valued at $5.87 trillion, surpassed Japan’s $5.47 trillion, and became the world’s second largest economy after the U.S.[50] China could become the world’s largest economy (by nominal GDP) sometime as early as 2020.[51]
Population, Japan 127 million.
Population China 1.3 billion
So China and Japan have roughly the same size economies, with China having 10 times the population of Japan and this is with all the help China has had from Western countries with favorable trade conditions, taking jobs from our people.
They work well enough though.
Many commenters are saying that I am being mean to Ron Paul, picking on a nice, sincere, now very old White man.
I concede that Ron Paul has been a nice, sincere person (not a man, because he doesn’t have a working penis or a set of balls), he has been simply out of his league, embarrassing himself and our race by competing in contests that he has no chance of winning or even of being competitive and
We’ve documented here on OD that Ron Paul is pushing the same old, same old race denying libertarian/economic conservatism that has been overwhelmingly rejected by poor and working class White American voters for over 100 years.
By the analysis of Wilmot Robertson – Ron Paul has been/is a White racial traitor to our people – being a:
1) White pussyfooter
2) Old believer (libertarian Constitutionalist).
Ron Paul has been insane, treasonous on the live or genocide issue of mass NW 3rd world immigration in to the USA/the West since at least 1988.
We linked once before to this Ron Paul C-Span interview in 1988 on the subject of mass NW 3rd world immigration invasion. I’ll link to it again. This interview should have ended Ron Paul’s political career – for some reason it didn’t end, this race denying Libertarian RP cult just went on and on and on and on.
Just listen to the pleas of the regular White American caller from California – who’s seeing his nice, safe, White American world destroyed by 3rd world immigration. And then listen in horror as Ron Paul goes off on some long rant that according his irrefutable free market economic theories, the invasion of the US by tens of millions of low IQ AmerIndian Central American gang bangers is somehow good for America and these “hard working immigrants” are going to make California and America a better place and any problems associated with mass NW immigration (invasion and conquest of people) are supposedly caused by too much government regulation and the US government making our Southern border too secure.
“Do you honestly believe that there is absolutely nothing of value in the entire “liberty movement” for us?”
Jack Ryan replies:
One can have “liberty” and also common sense, sanity, loyalty to our people. Japanese people, Swiss people have political leaders that promote Liberty and security for Japanese people to be safe and in control of things in Japan, same goes for the White Swiss people in Switzerland.
So what’s the problem with White American “leaders” like Ron Paul?
There is no reason that our American political leaders/candidates cannot promote both liberty and racial/cutural/immigration sanity.
And there is no reason that Liberty oriented White American candidates have to punk out and humiliate themselves to BRA, the Islamic 3rd world immigrant invaders, virtually all hostile Non Whites and Homosexual extremists.
In case you haven’t realized it, White Americans are falling down in to brutal racial conflicts. Over 20,000 White American women are raped every year by Black African American savages/criminals. These Black African American rapists of our women are not victims of a racist criminal justice system as Ron Paul and the other assorted idiot Liberal/Libertarian traitors state over and over again.
Kindness means loving your own kind or at least working to see that your own kind are not raped and murdered in our country.
Please, everyone – get out of this race denying, racial treasonous Libertarian cult. It can be as bad as drinking the cyanide laced Kool Aid drinks offered by Rev. Jim Jones.
Paul is either bonkers or blind.
Snip snip.
Go to china and see how amzingly well they have developed. The seaboard is really advanced. So what if they still have peasants inland?
“In case you haven’t realized it, White Americans are falling down in to brutal racial conflicts. Over 20,000 White American women are raped every year by Black African American savages/criminals. These Black African American rapists of our women are not victims of a racist criminal justice system as Ron Paul and the other assorted idiot Liberal/Libertarian traitors state over and over again.
Kindness means loving your own kind or at least working to see that your own kind are not raped and murdered in our country.
Please, everyone – get out of this race denying, racial treasonous Libertarian cult.”
The point. Excellent article, Jack.
Deo Vindice
“I’m not telling you who to vote for, Snowhitey. What I am saying, at this point in time, it doesn’t matter who you vote for. All candidates are effectively anti-white.”
I totally agree. And, it will continue that way. I don’t believe Paul is anti-white at all. I believe Jesse Benton and other campaign operatives were working against his supporters.
Anyway, I am supporting Virgil Goode even though it pains me that Obama might slide in once again. I am anti-government though I am not and never have been a Libertarian.
XYZ – oh yes. I’m so sad that the tragic loss of that upstanding young Negro. Who knows what he may have contributed to the sum of Human Knowledge, had he not OD’d in the back of a patrol car.
Oh dose Ebbil Whi’ Debbils!
Well, I guess I will attempt the final word on this post, answer my own question:
Q: “Do Israeli Jews Support Birth Right Citizenship for Arab Terrorists?”
A: No – they do not, at least not for Israel. I’m sure many White Gentile hating Jews in Israel and the Jewish Diaspora strongly support flooding the USA, Europe, UK the White West with nasty Arab Islamic terrorists like Anwar al-Awlaki.
Q: Why do Jews do this to us?
A: Same reason, ex Black Panther (my Congressman) Bobby Rush supports unlimited 3rd world Arab, Black, Mestizo, NW Muslim immigration in to the USA:
they hate our guts, want to see us all murdered, our women raped, enslaved to them, or just to any NW group/mob. It’s a racial thing, we should just understand these unpleasant racial realities. Sadly so many important White American political leaders, intellectuals just don’t understand racial realities or they choose to ignore these racial realities. It’s not that Ron Paul and other Libertarians HATE White Americans, hate White Western people, they are just indifferent – they don’t seem to care.
So why exactly do we care about them?
You know Jack, that a lot us started off as Old Believers and that many Old Believers were/are race realists.
Rudel says:
September 28, 2012 at 2:40 am
You know Jack, that a lot us started off as Old Believers and that many Old Believers were/are race realists.
Jack Ryan:
I understand. And please review the Wilmot Robertson list of the 5 main types of White American racial traitors. Old Believers and Racial Pussyfooters are not the worst of our traitors, most are perfectly nice White people to be around, they aren’t going to rape and murder our daughters, but they are just not much help in stopping the worst Blacks, Mexicans, Arab Muslims from raping our daughters – they insist on being cowards, of changing the subject of trying to “understand” the feelings of the marauding Black, Mexican Arab Muslim rapists, they want to change the subject to promoting free market economics which everyone besides a tiniy 1% of exclusively White students and old people want to discuss forever – this 1% of Whites just can’t get enough of the gospel of free markets.
“Then, there was Ron Paul’s efforts to reach out to the Arab Islamic
terrorist voters by stating that the Sept 11th, 2001 attack was
America’s fault for stationing US troops near Saudi Arabian holy cities”
As I remember, that is one of the reasons the hijackers gave for 9/11.
Also, shortly afterwards, US troops were withdrawn from Saudi Arabia.
It’s disturbing to see neocon revisionism creeping into nationalism with Trump. When Ron Paul made that statement, 0% of white nationalists had a problem with it, because it was true.
What is this neocon bullshit? Ron Paul did less pandering than any other Republican during that time. Raymond Kelly made NYC a sanctuary city and kissed black and muslim ass constantly in his public statements, far more than RP ever did.