Romney Won’t Revoke Obama DREAM Act Amnesty


Some people are saying that we have no choice but to vote for Mitt Romney:

Note: I can think of plenty of other things to do on November 6.

“DENVER (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says he would honor temporary work permits for young illegal immigrants who were allowed to stay in the U.S. because of an executive order signed this summer by President Barack Obama.

Romney told The Denver Post, in an interview appearing in Tuesday’s edition, that people who are able to earn the two-year visas to stay and work wouldn’t see them revoked under a Romney administration.

“The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid. I’m not going to take something that they’ve purchased,” Romney told the Post, promising to put a comprehensive immigration reform plan into place before those visas expire.”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Let the Hindenberg soar!

    Brimelow has a really good article up on vdare.

    He’s quoting GD, NF, Netanyahu on African and Asian migrants as if Romney had said such things. A good laugh.

  2. Has he not pledged to revoke the ACA, the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare”? An analysis of the ACA shows that it is actually another phase of Reconstruction II or could constitute Reconstruction III as it effectively levels medicare rates across the South making them conformable to rates in the rest of the US.

    So there’s that. Otherwise, he is a sure bet to institute policies which may indeed resurrect the economy rather than continue the financially restrictive policies currently in force. Once Romney is elected, investors will no longer fear the socialists in the white house and will invest and create jobs. That is not an argument for Romney as a principled conservative who will restore constitutional liberties, just an acknowledgment of his demonstrated financial and administrative expertise.

  3. Just vote against Obama, and against Eric Holder, Elena Kagan, homo marriage equality, vote against BRA etc. So the GOP nominee is pussyfooting, doing “me to” Republicanism – same as Gerald Ford, Bushes etc. Yeah, depressing, but doesn’t change reality.

    I’ve lived under the hell of David Dinkins New York City early 90s, Harold Washington Chicago’s (Black, queer, ex-con). Obama was/is my neighbor in Chicago, was my Illinois State representative. I will not accep the lie that there is no difference between some pussyfooting White executive (mayor, governor, President) like Mayor Daley II to Harold Washington, or Guliani to Dinkins, Ian Smith to Robert Mugabe or now Romney to the Obamanation.

    If you hate pussyfooting White candidates to such a degree that you can’t vote for Romney, just concentrate on local races.

    Hunter, when are starting your local Alabama political career? I highly recommend you go the David Duke route and run for state representative – stress local issues and your strong, implicit racial connection to the local area. Run and WIN on issues that work, opposing (NW) crime, high taxes, affirmative action, bad immigration, just finesse the Jew issue and understand that lots of local Whites in Alabama and most every state have fallen for a lot of the Jew propaganda program (Neo Con Jew wars, Religious Right Christian Zionists worshiping Israeli Jews as the people of the Bible).

    We have to go local. Make the long march through the institutions. In ten years I hope our own Hunter Wallace has had lots of local, state political successes and can challenge to run for Governor of Alabama. I hope he will not be marginalized and hanging out with drop outs talking, talk, talk, talk about 3rd party Presidential campaigns, bringing back slavery in a restored Confederate States that hate Yankees, Midwestern guys that look and sound like Bob Newhart, White Catholics from Janesville Wisconsin, Whites from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the French, the RUSSIANS, White guys like me who were somehow “Left Behind” on the South Side of Chicago.


    Peace brothers and sisters.

  4. Jack,

    Just vote against Obama, and against Eric Holder, Elena Kagan, homo marriage equality, vote against BRA etc. So the GOP nominee is pussyfooting, doing “me to” Republicanism – same as Gerald Ford, Bushes etc. Yeah, depressing, but doesn’t change reality.

    I believe the too candidates are to similar two waist my time voting.

  5. Forget Romney, but some folks may want to vote Republican ‘down the ticket’ so that the House doesn’t turn over to the Democrats.

    A Republican House may be the only thing that stops a full stop Amnesty and total racial oblivion aka Camp of the Saints.

    (I myself am planning on voting for Virgil Goode.)

  6. Here’s the thing, northern white keep re-nigging the vote. Southern Whites can only tend to their own back garden if northerners keep this race traitoring habit.

  7. Kievsky – Romney’s loss will NOT punish Republicans. They don’t CARE. They will bail overseas.

    Holder’s re-installation will give him and his fellow Nigs the green light to murdering Whites, on American soil.

  8. I have a suspicion that the Republicans are purposely trying to throw the election because they think people will start flocking to them after another four years of Obama.

  9. Jack,

    Advocating for Romney made some sense six months ago. That was then. Romney subsequently made his positions on immigration perfectly clear. You’re all alone now, I think, among ODs erstwhile Romney supporters. Time to give up the ghost. Also, Romney supports the worst forms of libertarian, anti-middle class economics. He’s not a mere pussyfooter. He is a hardcore enemy with Euro DNA.

  10. “romney won’t revoke any part of BRA. Which is why it’s pointless to vote for him.”

    It’s increasingly clear as Romney moves towards the “center” and cluelessly panders to left-wing interest groups that we can expect nothing more than mere modifications to Obama initiatives such as the “Dream Act” and ObamaRomneycare. The situation might become much worse if Romney is elected. Obama’s current initiatives (look at what a mare’s nest the Healthcare act is) could easily self-destruct whereas Romney is competent enough to work with a Republican congress to reform them so as to actually make them functionally viable!

    Romney is a disastrous me-too Republican in the mold of the Bushes and Eisenhower. There will be no rollback of BRA under Romney. Only efforts to make it more “fair” and efficient.

  11. The Repubs had chance after chance to be conservative over the past 50 years. No organization deserves to me punished more than this treasonous crowd.

  12. @Wayne
    “No organization deserves to me punished more than this treasonous crowd.”

    Indeed, in war you shoot the enemies front and hang the traitors behind. Respectable conservatives are traitors to whites, no one can make the argument they have been anything but collaborators.

  13. Denise says:
    ‘Holder’s re-installation will give him and his fellow Nigs the green light to murdering Whites, on American soil.’

    Like that matters to many posters on this site?

  14. Listening to the supposedly conservative crowd in my office, the only problem with Romney is he panders to the right wing! I kid you not. This country is so far beyond fucked I fear for our descendants.

  15. Romney will lose, which takes a lot of the drama out of our debates about whether to vote for him.

    It is far more important to prepare for the day after the election, which is about a month away.

    The phrase “no electoral path to victory” has to reverberate through the white mind, and we have to be the bell ringers.

  16. isn’t obamacare a version of romneycare?

    romney’s version of improving the economy is not to repeal laws that will help bring jobs back to the usa. romney’s version of improving the economy will be to double down on the fair trade lie, and such which hurts working class White men. if romney wins, the economy will pick up in ways that don’t matter for most people. Stock prices will rise and the like, but there will be no influx of manufacturing jobs for working class White men and we’ll limp along with the lame as produce nothing of value service based economy. Who gives a damn about stock prices, ROI and the housing market when average IQ White men cannot afford to have large families?

    An obama victory will not be open season on White folks. #1 obama knows he needs White voters (yankees) and they don’t have that kind of power over the police, military, NG or even gun laws. That’s pure fear mongering and unrealistic

  17. To be fair to Romney this was a reform for Mass.
    Obama has created a medical Frankenstein system. Worst of all possible worlds. It’s not Swedish social democracy nor is it the British NHS or a German Krank system.
    It’s just whites paying for blacks again.

  18. ‘You’re all alone now, I think, among ODs erstwhile Romney supporters. Time to give up the ghost. Also, Romney supports the worst forms of libertarian, anti-middle class economics. He’s not a mere pussyfooter.’

    Yes it is very interesting that Jack Ryan HATES Libertarians and Gary Johnson with a passion, but turns right around and then supports the exact same economic policies when it is Romney that is promoting them!!!

    Dudes got some blind spots.

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