The Think Squad on Obama, Peak White Guilt, and BRA’s Collapse


Funny stuff … Obama’s legacy could turn out to be ending White guilt, while raising the expectations of the Black Undertow and yet doing nothing effective to improve their lives, only making their lives substantially worse to the point where their anger finally explodes in a final meltdown that topples the foundation of BRA.

“Here in Chicago, I regularly meet with a group of friends who call themselves “The Think Squad”; these are men and women who are prominent members of the black community in Hyde Park and the City’s south side. None of them supported Barack Obama’s presidential bid in 2008 but most begrudgingly voted for him because they freely admit race-pride was their motivating factor. These people knew Obama when he was a state senator and saw him do absolutely nothing for blacks in Chicago back then…and they similarly saw Obama do nothing for blacks (or any of his constituents in general) as a United States Senator. The Think Squad has always seen through Obama and continues to speak out about his failings. Expect them, and other blacks coast to coast, to become even more vocal about the “magical first black president” after he loses in November and the anger of “how much that punk wasted” really comes to a boil and people no longer feel intimidated or threatened when the Obamas have left the White House for Hawaii next January. That’s when people will REALLY let it all fly, once the Obamas are no longer even a vestigial presence in Chicago and people have no fear at all in talking about what a sham their marriage is and how the two of them benefitted from affirmative action and white guilt their entire lives.

The problem, for blacks in Chicago, is that the Obamas have actually ruined that white guilt for “the rest of us”, as the Think Squad put it last night at an impromptu after-church-programs dinner I enjoyed with some of the more outspoken “Thinkers” in a little Mexican restaurant near the south side. I try to go to as many of these events as I’m invited to because I always learn something new about how much many blacks actually detest Barack Obama, despite the fact that 95% of black voters are still going to cast their ballots for him in November. ”Look, you just have to understand that if there’s a chance to vote for someone who looks like us on a ticket, especially for president, we ain’t gonna vote for no Romney. You put Allen West on a ticket some time and you’ll have blacks forgetting they were ever Democrat. Put that Mia Love on a ticket and watch blacks go nuts for her as VP or something in the future. Democrat Party “Who?” they will say because if you look at the skin and it looks like yours that’s just how you vote. This is the truth. Am I lying?,” one older Thinker asked the table.”…

The subject of “using up all the white guilt” is an interesting one that dominated a large part of the conversation as we ate our meal. Speaking openly about this, the Think Squad told me in no uncertain terms that for decades black people have counted on white guilt to “get stuff, whatever we wanted” and that if the government or a corporation or whatever wouldn’t give in to demands from blacks they’d “just scream racism until everyone got scared and gave up”.

‘They’d give up pretty easy too, actually. It was a game people played. You wanted something and you just had to time it right. The City especially would race to get you whatever you asked for if they thought Jesse would show up with his guys and scream and yell about racism if Daley didn’t give them what they wanted”, a Thinker told me about how easy it was for blacks to manipulate the system in Chicago by using threats of “RACISM!” cries to essentially extort Mayor Daley for concessions.

“Daley was smart. He never wanted black people to be picketing anything in Chicago. So all it would take would be a call from Jesse where he’d make the threat and the next day Daley would give in. He was no fool. He didn’t want no trouble. Worked like a charm for thirty years!”, an older Thinker across from me said, between bites of his steak burrito.

I learned that “white guilt” was a finite resource for blacks that many people believe has now been depleted during the Obama presidency. This is something that causes EXTREME anger in black ranks because “Obama didn’t care about what happens to everyone after he’s gone and living in that big house in Hawaii they bought for him”. That’s a reference to the $35 million “retirement estate”that wealthy Chicagoans like Penny Pritzker are working to purchase for the Obamas for occupancy come January 2013 when they are forced to move out of Washington. Like Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos before them, after they leave power they’ll be exiled to the greater Honolulu area to hold court on Oahu and live a life of pampered extravagance as a new Hawaiian royal family for the rest of their days.”

“That’s all good for Barack and Michelle, but what happens to the rest of us? We ain’t getting squat from any of this. Worse, we don’t get to exploit the white guilt any more because that’s not there these days. It’s all gone. He done did it. He ruined it for us. White people don’t feel guilty no more and won’t do stuff for us now that they used to do so fast you wouldn’t believe it”, a Thinker in a bright, pretty pink blouse offered. ”All of it is gone. They used it all up to elect him and to scream at anyone who said boo to him in the last four years. White people got used to being called racist all the time and aren’t scared about it anymore. I have no idea how I’m going to get funding for my programs now because I always counted on white people being too scared to say no to anything we needed at work. This is a disaster for the black community and it’s all because they put all the eggs in his basket and he f***ed it all up”.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We need a chimp-o-meter risk threat analysis.

    The dial could read:

    1 Normal (murder mayhem and rape criminal)
    2 Elevated ( 1+ annoying protests about cops, employers)
    3 Danger ( 1+2 mob attacks and arson)
    4 Lethal (1 thru 3 looting and incipient race riots)
    5 Chimpout ( 1 thru 4 and outright bananas behaviour: Gotterdammerung)

    let’s get on with it.

  2. “It’s all gone. He done did it.” – If it is gone, it is more the fault of abstract reasons than any one man. At best he represents its peak.

  3. ” White people got used to being called racist all the time and aren’t scared about it anymore. I have no idea how I’m going to get funding for my programs now because I always counted on white people being too scared to say no to anything we needed at work. This is a disaster for the black community” – And they should be really, really, careful with that. I can’t think of much that would drive whites into a murderous rage, but this has potential. Or perhaps we are all simply inured to this, and will redirect our hatred towards the left in general.

  4. This article came from HillBuzz, run by a former Hillary Clinton (hence the name “Hill” Buzz) enthusiast turned lamestream conservative Kevin DuJan.

  5. also, slogans like “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” and others from BUGS, spreading through the anonymous parts of the Internet.

    Obama helped, because people had been being primed to vote for Jackie Robinson for so long, and it was good for people to see Affirmative Action up close. But it’s not really about the Blacks.

    It’s about us Whites finding ourselves again.

  6. Peak white man’s guilt, well it’s about time. Thanks Moochelle and Barry, you treasonous, stupid, self-centered, affirmative action, bags of feces. I still think that the mainstream media will die trying to keep him in office; which brings us to another possible silver lining (i.e., the overall hit to credibility and the hit to the tribe’s pocketbook for going to the mat for the usurper in the controlled media). We shall see, we now truly live in interesting times; what a bunch of idiots. I can just hear it: “He done used up all that Whitey guilt, that down low MoFo, blah, blah, blah … pass that Mexican green sh_t; I don’t like the way them beaners be serving us, I guess it’s no tip for their brown asses again. What does SBPDL mean again? …”

  7. the large mistake of letting sub-humans into western civilization may be nearing its swan song, perhaps we can be done with these brutes once and for all

  8. What they indirectly admit is that “White guilt” and “racist” are inventions used to manipulate the White sense of justice and fair play for the “other”. That is all. The manipulators claim no “higher morality” like so many anti-Whites do.

    There is no “higher morality” to claim. Anti-racist is just a code word for anti-White and nothing more.

  9. I went to HillBuzz and read the complete article. Every white person in America ought to read it. It’s the cure for white guilt! BTW, why weren’t these blacks eating in a soul food joint? Were da ‘fraid de help in a black place might rat dem out to Jesse J?

  10. Upcoming, the question will be whether the saga of “white guilt” hurt more whites than slavery hurt blacks—

    —destroyed white families, young whites commit suicide, made them confused and act out in school and turn to drugs that have been made wildly available in white suburbs since 1965, even “cool” to use by propaganda, before “the war on drugs” to subsume them in the “mainstream” pharm companies to control, the broken homes, the tensions between white generations, the cutting off of the right to follow their religion (the fifth commandment honoring their ancestors), the confusion about how the supposed “privilege” works with individual realities, often lives in impoverishment, the loss of any mothering and being turned into “latch key kids” because the white women had to be put to work to “pay for the guilt,” and lack of money due to a lack of “spending power” (no matter how high the “wages”) under the system—

    ect, etc.

    On a psychological level, the whites have been told since birth they are vanishing. (Hand clapping over Genocide is in every “countdown” to when their evil population will be gone).

    Probably, some voted for O, knowing the future demographics won’t allow them to do so— they really will have to start looking out for themselves.

    In the end—- the whole era will have “called out” the non-wasp population. They’ve all shown what they do with a little power.

    Big Shotism just isn’t that respectable, not really. Trying to “be all things to all people,” and so on. These things used to be attached to about age 15, not governance.

  11. —- oh, the danger in it— is this is about where some start saying “he wasn’t good to us because he was not black enough…” And you start going from the Mandela to the Malema.

  12. The insane thing about this article is that this elite group of blacks gets together to do this crazy, cutting edge thing called “thinking.”

    They might as well have called themselves the “white squad.”

  13. Anecdotal, 2nd hand. Bleh.

    Guess we’re all feelin’ pretty good about maybe having a white nigga lead the USA to its grave? A Romney win will make for some amusing ‘race in America’ articles in Slate, but don’t get your hopes up for anything dramatic in real life.

  14. The Big Bird gambit is really making me feel that blacks are retards. All Romney said was “I like big bird” but NpR and Pbs should face cuts from tax money. and the nigger is going to run a national campaign around it. What’s wrong with cutting a subsidy? Or for that matter merely debating a cut subsidy?

    Obama is fundamentally unserious.

  15. Only in the black community would those people be elites, and such opinions be called thought. I come across more serious thought at the Waffle House lunch counter!

    The funny thing is that blacks are generally too stupid to understand that one gimme black president does not mean that the future belongs to them. Hell, the present isn’t even theirs. They were eclipsed in numbers by hispanics under a black president. I wonder what would have happened if that milestone happened under a white president? That was just too convenient!

    I don’t like the demographic trends, but it is blacks, not whites, who are being displaced. As a single group, whites will be the majority well past 2050. I don’t know what the future holds, but absolutely no one is coming to the U.S. hoping to live like blacks, to live around blacks, or to be governed by blacks. They have nothing to offer. The phony election of Barack Obama, who isn’t even an American black, is their high point.

    I don’t like Romney, but if the first debate was any indication of where the next debates are going, then affirmative action itself should be outed for what it is, because Obama was never anything more than an affirmative action president. So far, the difference between the two men is stark. There was no debate. It was a man talking down to a child.

  16. “I

    Niggers are dumb, weak, and ineffectual. Whites have a lot more to be concerned with when it comes to chinks and Hindus.

  17. What would it look like when white guilt “jumps the shark”?

    We will discover that on 7 November.

    Don’t forget that even without a “black swan”, working class and entrepeneurial whites will go ape shit when they start getting fined for not buying health insurance.

  18. “Niggers are dumb, weak, and ineffectual. Whites have a lot more to be concerned with when it comes to chinks and Hindus.”

    – Niggers are capable of more violence and destruction per individual, than gooks or dot-heads. It only takes one nigger house to ruin a whole neighborhood. It takes entire generations for gooks and dot-heads to achieve the same.

  19. Lol someone deliberately used “think squad” to refer to .a group of blacks then told the truth? Quoting TBG (TB grammar) and all? Either shit is turning sayer than anyone could have guessed or that’s some sort of psyop to build complacency

  20. “- Niggers are capable of more violence and destruction per individual, than gooks or dot-heads.”

    Not when they do cut rate work that reduces living wage jobs for Whites.

  21. the end of White guilt toward negros would be a good step in the right direction, but we have to end the whole line of thinking. No guilt toward queers, or beaners, none for injuns, dot or feather, no guilt toward woman and the gender war bullshit, no fake guilt about poor folks, no guilt for critters when we go after coal & oil etc etc

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