North Carolina Gone, Is Virginia Next?

North Carolina

Romney started pulling resources out of North Carolina last week. Now Obama is falling back to Virginia.

It is coming down to the Midwest:

“But senior Democrats increasingly recognize that their path to 270 electoral votes is not in the latter three but in the Midwest.

“Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio are crucial — if we win those three states, the president is reelected,” said Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), a close Obama ally.”

Note: Romney is +2 in the latest ARG poll in Nevada. I notice he is also up to 0.7 in the RCP average. I think it was 0.2 yesterday.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tim Stanley on the third debate

    We also have to judge this debate as part of the narrative arc of this season. Romney won the first debate by a mile. Because Romney’s win was so decisive, it sparked an image change: Americans started to think of him as presidential material. That’s why Obama winning the second debate by an inch made little impact – people were watching Romney not to see him land punches but to see how well he could take them. He won the third debate because, by the end of the night, his and Obama’s positions in the narrative arc had switched. Romney now looks like the President and Obama looks like the challenger.

    Funny how he’s saying EXACTLY what I’ve been saying here.

  2. I noticed Svigor, you did indeed say it first 🙂

    Ps: I placed my first online bet on the race last night based on your predictions!

  3. Mary, don’t bet based on my predictions! I’m zigging when everyone else is zagging, bad idea to follow me. And I’m sure as hell not betting anything on the election. I have a clear conscience at this point, but if people lose money listening to me I’m going to feel guilty. I hope the bet was a small one?

    But I am just calling them as I see them, rest assured of that.

  4. I’m kinda surprised I haven’t seen anything about the aforementioned narrative arc from the PUA/game/manosphere crowd. I’d have thought they’d be all over how perfectly Romney’s been gaming 0bama and commanding the “alpha” high ground. He’s played 0bama like a fiddle throughout. First, he bodyslams him in front of the world; deflate the empty suit, put him in his place (and manage to look like the better man, compassionate and sympathetic at the same time). Then, he goes toe to toe with him and takes all his best shots in the second debate when the empty suit brings his best game. Then, he rope-a-dopes him in the third debate and plays CiC to the angry challenger.

    Totally gamed.

  5. I caught a little of the debate on the radio last night riding back from a League of the South meeting. Pretty pathetic. Romney was talking about how much he loved Israel, how he would do anything for Israel and how he hated Iran. Obama sounded a bit more reasonable. But both were awful.

  6. Yes. Romney definitely has Obama’s hamster in a tizz. I too have been surprised, Svigor, about the lack of Game application to the Romney / Obama debates. The Crimson Artists are otherwise engaged.

    But in the World Game – the Judaic Imperium is going to play the goyim nations to Nash Equilibrium. I would say they are pretty much on track. The two Goldman Sachs POTUS candidates tend avoid all topics that would raise the J word.

    The US Golem sporting a ring through its nose (and probably every other orifice) is now destroying another ME nation. And we are playing war games with Israel in the Gulf.

    Am I the only one missing the coverage of these important points in the POTUS debates?

  7. I have a counterintuitive thought for our electoral gamblers: I think there is a greater than 50% chance that Obama will win…and I would bet money on Romney.

    Those who have more than a passing knowledge of poker are familiar with the concept of “pot odds” (simplistically, how much are you paying for a given chance and amount to win) With a 43.1% Intrade cost (up two basis points in the last couple hours), Romney’s pot odds are favorable even if his election odds are not. I believe a Romney wager is buying a 5-7% positive spread. Svigor obviously figures more.

    So place a few shekels on the toe-licking myrmidon of the most important state in the union. Our side could use the money.

  8. I won’t brag when Obama wins big.


    There is story on the national wires today about two “boys” being arrested for killing a 12 year girl in New Jersey (white female, can’t find race information of assailants). It makes me wonder.

  9. Lew, no biggie, I probably won’t rub (many) noses in it when I’m proven right.

    As for the girl, she was a blonde, and the perps were niggers.

  10. Svigor, Thanks for the information.

    313Chris, I won’t brag if Obama wins, but I will eat crow in the OD comments if he loses. I will apologize to you specifically.

  11. PalmettoPatriot says:
    October 23, 2012 at 8:16 pm
    I caught a little of the debate on the radio last night riding back from a League of the South meeting. Pretty pathetic. Romney was talking about how much he loved Israel, how he would do anything for Israel and how he hated Iran. Obama sounded a bit more reasonable. But both were awful.

    Jack replies:

    Yes dreadful. I know that I am getting a bit old when I can remember a time when Americsan Conservatives didn’t complete boot lick to the Jews. The White American Christian Religious Right set up by folks like Falwell and Pat Robertson was originally designed to counter the cultural dominance of Hollywood, the Liberal New York, NorthEast, I other words…

    The Jews.

    Loathsome, hate White American Jews like TV producer Norman Lear set up counter organizations like “People for the American Way” to meet the supposed threat of racist Nazis in the Religious Right. Why did they bother?

    I try to look for silver linings, it’s true that Obama and Lib Dems don’t go for Neo Con pro Israel foreign policy as much as our suck up White Conservatives do.

  12. Assuming Bona’s post is accurate, we can chalk up another win for the predictive power of “nigger dunnit”; I didn’t actually know it was niggers, it was just an educated guess based on: 1) well, niggers 2) deshawns being interviewed as neighbors of the murderers.

    The article I read OF COURSE did not name the perps, show their pics, or state their race.

  13. Way OT, but I have to share this with you guys:

    Michael Savage – love him or hate him – is doing his début show tonight with cumulus Radio, after his old employer fired him for reasons I have not yet understood.

    Anyway, here I am listening to Savage on a Detroit-based radio station, and a local Detroit radio announcer gives us this piece of news that comes as no surprise to me:

    “The 20 yr old black girl in Shreveport who claimed she was attacked by three white-hooded KKK members who set her on fire because she was negro and wearing a pro-Obama t-shirt, well, turns out:

    HOAX !!

    Friends, we all knew this was a hoax from the moment we saw it.

    For your enlightenment, please see below my rather rabid reaction to the 100 commenters on “Your Black Planet” who reacted to this KKK hate crime news with typical negro stupidity : *check out the reaction of the black nationalist after my comment ) :


    commenting on :


    October 23, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    HOAX !
    Madonna CONSTANTINE. (fake noose at Columbia U)
    Tawana BRAWLEY. (fake rape in Da Bronx)
    …and the list goes on.
    African Americans with their tiny semi-simian hybrid brains that weigh 120 grams on average less than other races’ brains on average (the One Banana Difference!), as per Dunning Kruger, are simply too dim-witted to understand that the whole Victimization thing, the whole Cry Wolf Whitey Be Bad thing… is no longer working!
    People both white and black are catching on, alas.
    So please, Black America, give up the whining already. You are not as smart as people of other races. Because your ancestors took longer – over tens of thousands of years – to divorce themselves from the monkeys and other primates of Africa, that we all evolved from. In a word: your ancestors mated with primates, and that is why you have a facial angle of 72 degrees, compared with 85 degrees for white euros, and 60 degrees for a common orangutan. See to cross reference.
    Please keep in mind also that when European explorers first showed up to explore Africa, not a single European had ever seen a gorilla, a monkey, or a baboon. In Africa these creature were relatively plentiful; as a result (See David Brion Davis’s “Of Inhuman Bondage” ) white Europeans understandably tended to associate Negroes with primates. Or rather, white Euros failed to comprehend the distinction between the two.
    Also: When European explorers discovered Africa and its peoples for the first time, they had never up until then discovered a human-like population that was so primitive that said population had never invented the wheel, for goodness sakes. Never mind a written language; never mind a numbers system; never mind a systemic religion. And the list goes on.
    Look at the facts, folks, before you start calling me a terrible anti-african racist. I am NOT.
    -Lizzy Lester

    October 23, 2012 at 4:38 pm
    I see I have to school another crazy cracker…AGAIN! LOL
    I laugh at you NIGorant azzholes with your bullsh**t his-tory/his-LIE! You’re very comical, and stupid at the same time.
    Any way, let’s get to work: It is a known fact, that you people evolved from monkeys and apes [go look at YOUR his-story/LIE books! You did this when you came out of the bowels of the Black Woman Goddess, who shYtted you out of her azz. This is why you demon/devils are fascinated with s*it and urine…”golden” showers and “mud” wrestling!!!
    How could you demon/devils ‘FIND’ Afrika when you were not even BORN until 6,000 years ago? OURstory goes back over 7 million years!!! So, do the math apeboy! The FIRST bones of a cracker were found in the caves of the caucasus mountains, which were only 6-7,000 years YOUNG! The oldest bones IN THE WORLD WERE OVER 7 MILLION PLUS YEARS OLD FROM AFRIKAN SKELTONS FOUND IN AFRIKA!!!
    YOU ARE JOHNNY-COME-LATELY-albinoid/caucasoid.
    You turned pale when the Mighty Afrikans ran your pale naked azzes out of Kemet, and that’s when you went and hid in the cages having s*x with your dogs and other animals. This is why you beasts are so hairy, and animalistic toward real HUE-MANS…BLACK FOLKS!
    By the way, when the Mighty Afrikans, who civilized you demon/devils found you freaks, you were walking on all fours, like your dogs. They taught you how to stand up-right! You even had a stinch so bad, they had to show you how to bathe! Not only that, they taught you how to cook because you were eating raw meat! Okay? Y’all freaks still like blood running out of your meat to this day!!!
    Now, here’s the killer! You freaks were having s*x with each other, and you freaks/greeks introduced les*bianism and h*om*s*xuality to the world! AFRIKANS NEVER PRACTICED THIS TYPE OF ANIMAL BEHAVIOR.
    You albinoid greeks/freaks became pale by having s*x with each other and the rest is OURstory! This is why you have dog-like hair, dog-like big ears, and dog-like noses by having s*x with your DOGS, which you claim are your BEST friends. You also, had s*x with monkeys and apes, and this is why you are pale and have big ears and skin like a monkey!
    When you came out of the caves, you were mummbling like apes and monkeys, and to this day, when you go to the zoo, you visit your cousins…the monkeys and billygoats! Remember, you crackers LOVE to climb mountains.
    I saw a program on the History Channel, and a caucasoid ape was eating ROAD KILL!!! He hasn’t bought meat from a store in 15 years because he eats ROAD KILL!!! If that ain’t an animal, I don’t know what IT is!!!
    Later, you ape-gal or ape-boy, or whatever!

  14. I don’t care who wins. I’m still voting for Virgil Goode.

    Two weeks from now, OD will wake up and either Obama or Romney will be the president for the next four years. It is possible that R will be marginally better than O on some issues like judges and the Justice Department.

    By the middle of next year, I predict everyone here will hate R just as much as O if he is elected. It will be a return to the policies of the Bush years minus W.’s personality. R has already said he wants to push immigration reform next year.

  15. “So tragic. When will it end?” – Obviously if and when society undergoes a massive sea change, and stops viewing blacks as poor, benighted, and above all bereft of agency, and start viewing them as what they are.

  16. Actually, it doesn’t matter who wins the presidency. We as White people are fucked. We vote for Mitt Romney, in the hope, that we will be less fucked.

  17. OT about Autumn. Somebody told me they were living in a largely white Net’s (NE transplants) neighborhood, and told a mother there about a shady looking guy who was wandering in their neighborhood (who happened to be black, the woman is hardly some open “racist,” but she did mention the race). The NET mother (who was from New Jersey, just like Autumn) got really mad and made “southern racist cracker” intimations and basically called the southern person a “racist” and didn’t even acknowledge that the woman was just being maternal, saw a stranger in the neighborhood (some pervs around there were on record anyway, on Amber Alerts) and was just trying to be protective of their kids.

    The moral dilemma she shared: if she sees another shady character lurking around the New Jersey transplants house—- should she bother to call.

    Said yes… people should attempt to protect children (even if their own parents obviously don’t care, and just use such moments as an excuse to guilt, shame, cause fear in others, etc.)

  18. NO worries Svigor, gambling is pretty much the only vice I don’t struggle with, so the bet was small, lol.


  19. Mary, good to know.

    Dixie, personally, I would tell the bitch she won’t get any more warnings about niggers stalking her children from me, but that everyone else is still eligible. Fuck her and her kids.

  20. Yankees are incredibly stupid about race. And insufferably arrogant and holier-than-thou about their stupidity about race, at that. We’ve got ’em all the way down here in SC, bringing their unbelievably ignorant Puritan ways down here and preaching to us as if we’re children. Dumb fucks.

  21. “There was this black guy wandering around my neighborhood last night. I didn’t recognize him. He was looking into the windows of the houses as he passed.”

    “What did you do?”

    “I called Crimestoppers.”

    “Why? Was he committing a crime?”

    “Not while I saw him.”

    “So you called the cops because he was black.”

    “Well, yeah. I mean, I’ve learned the hard way that…”

    “Dude. That’s kind of racist.”



    “Well, what?”

    “Well, I mean, dude, you pretty much just admitted you’re a racist.”


    “So? Are you a racist?”


    “So you’re a racist. I mean, wow. I thought I knew you.”


    “Dude. Intense. I mean, wow. Like, I’m not sure I can be friends with a guy who’d call the cops on some guy just for, you know, being black.”


    “So you really are a racist?”


    “Man. I gotta go. I gotta tell you, I’m shocked. I mean, hating black people. I can’t be friends with some racist.”


    “So you don’t care? You don’t care if we stop being friends?”


    “Dude. I mean, Jesus. This is so fucked up.”


    Moral: Always report suspicious Negroes in your neighborhood even if it means losing all your friends.

  22. Robert Oculus–You’ve just said more of the absolutely nothing that supposed defenders of the white race have been saying since I don’t even know when. Here’s the correct exchange:

    “Are you a racist?”


    You don’t shrug. You don’t say, “What’s a racist?” You respond. “Yes.”

  23. Racism what is it? It’s a socio-political construct designed to beat down whites and deprive them of their property, political rights and social power. Post modernist gibberish perhaps but it will work on academics.

  24. @Oculus & Bonaccorsi

    Here’s how I do it:

    “Are you a racist?”

    – “YEAH I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS.” (*loudly, deeply, and with an accompanying murderous glare*)

  25. If you don’t hate niggers it simply means you hate white people.

    You high-minded holier than thou types can parse it any way you want.

    Deo Vindice

  26. Obama started his break-away today; the powers that be successfully sucked folks back into a two-party mentality, but now they are raising their right hand (Exodus 17:10) and Obama will win as planned.

    I’m with Lew, there is no told-ya-so from me, there is just too much work to do:

    most notable phenomena of this election cycle: the total collapse of the Ron Paul / Alex Jones syndicate. Those folks are going to be looking for a new home. How about white nationalism? Most “libertarianism” is just people too cowardly to say they don’t like government taking their money and giving it to other races. Fertile ground.

    In many states, the white vote will probably go 90 to 10 against Obama. Those folks will understand a Partition message, but we have to strike when the iron is hot.

    We need to plant the seed so that it takes root when the subconscious is most plastic: after the agony of defeat.

    Folks will wake up on the 7th to see that the White House is lost, the Senate is lost, and thus the Courts are lost: 2.5 branches out of 3. The GOP will not be able to reverse the Senate in 2014, and there is the strong possibility of a Clinton-Castro 2016 ticket going up against another Romney clone that was rammed down the throats of the radical white base of the GOP by the Money Men: in other words likely defeat.

    We will have the House which means we can pressure for a Government Shutdown as a card to play for Partition. Whether or not a sold-out GOP would be go for that is questionable, but this will be a populist movement, not driven by the princelings like Bush, Romney, McCain etc.

    A general strike by whites would bring this puppy down so fast it would make heads spin.

    Texas is the lynchpin: more to follow.

  27. Yawn who cares who wins they rule over some foreign nation. What they rule over Americans? Are you bloody mad? Say no more, they are not Americans look at their actions. Would Americans be penned up like chickens when protesting? Would Americans go off to fight wars they have no business in? Would Americans worship a Negro? Would Americans cringe in self pity? Would Americans let in a bunch of Indian mestizos? Would Americans not raise the sword and hang murderers, rapists and thieves? Would Americans not be inventing useful contraptions? Would Americans etc… No and no.

  28. Texas will be blue by 2016. It’s over exactly as WNists have been saying for years. William Pierce said it in the 70s. 2010 was the last hurrah. After Obama wins, I’m looking forward to HWs post-mortem on the numbers. After that, the conversation should be about secession, partition, separation. The only reason to follow mainstream politics is to keep track of the disinformation and lies being put out by our enemies, and to look at trends to have some idea of how people are responding.

  29. You high-minded holier than thou types can parse it any way you want.

    Apuleius, am I one of the persons of whom you’re speaking? If I am, I don’t understand what you’re saying. I wasn’t being holier-than-thou or parsing anything. Maybe I was unclear.

    2010 was the last hurrah.

    And not much of one, Lew.

  30. Not aimed at anyone in particular, John B, but thanks for taking the bait.

    Consider my remarks an object lesson in how to talk to other whites about race. The different sort of “white guilt” hit you hard, did it? Now you know how pussyfooters (whites who are afraid to be called racist) feel. Just need to turn the whole dynamic around.

    Ask them why or imply that they hate other white people. Doesn’t matter how they respond. You have planted the seed of doubt in their mind. Sit back and watch it grow. Be insidious, like YKW.

    As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

    Deo Vindice

  31. White voting patterns may change. It’s possible. But partition is the most sensible answer to the brown tide.

  32. @John

    “But partition is the most sensible answer to the brown tide.”

    – Then go home and preach about it in the UK. Looks like they need it just as badly. This ain’t your country.

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