AP Poll: Racial Attitudes Hardening


Here’s some numbers that support the Obama effect on White racial attitudes.

The yoke of BRA is felt more heavily with Obama in the White House and Eric “My People” Holder at the Justice Department.

If Romney wins the presidential election, I predict White anxiety about changing racial demographics will temporarily subside. Then again, it is equally possible that the Left might rachet up the race-baiting a notch or two like they are already doing with women.

“In all, 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56 percent, up from 49 percent during the last presidential election. In both tests, the share of Americans expressing pro-black attitudes fell.

“As much as we’d hope the impact of race would decline over time … it appears the impact of anti-black sentiment on voting is about the same as it was four years ago,” said Jon Krosnick, a Stanford University professor who worked with AP to develop the survey…”

Something else to consider: if Obama loses the election because Romney wins over 60 percent of White voters (entirely possible given the Wash Post poll), blacks and Northeastern White liberals might go nuts over the racist “sickness” of White America.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I understand what you are saying about Whites “going back to sleep again”, with a White Man in Charge.

    I don’t agree.

    Romney and Ryan will TRY to fix what is wrong. They can’t. But they will be infinitely more lucid, effective, and not as much of an embarrasment are the First Nigger POTUS and his female orangutan brood has been.

    Hunter – in my neck of the woods – it’s like that Kipling ” When the Saxon Began to Hate” poem. The Whites here don’t ‘hate” – but they are coming (with as much cheerleading as I can muster) round to the idea that….ahhhh….uhhh….Negroes. Not working out.

    They are getting it.

    There’s loads of Germanic and Slavic stock. I get NO pushback when I run my Anti Mud People rhetoric, with one really stubborn German Christian woman. Lots of he women may get a little squirmy – but the guys? Hoo HA! I could suggest burnign crosses in the yard – and they’d ask what they can bring.

    Folks round here “absord”. Without a long line of argument. Something either rings true, based on empirical evidence, or it does not.

    The locals seem to have come to terms with rejecting “diversity”. “We don’t hate other people – but we like things the way we like them. Thanks.” They means they’d Rather Stay White.

    I think this is what a Romney victory will signify. Could be wishful thinking in my part – but I think not.

  2. There’s loads of Germanic and Slavic stock. I get NO pushback when I run my Anti Mud People rhetoric, with one really stubborn German Christian woman EXCEPTION”

    One day one glorious day I will “proof” before I “post comment”.

  3. If Romney wins, we still might get a polarization effect that redounds to our benefit. Romney and white America won’t be able to go a day without being called racists. These mass libtard meltdowns usually galvanize people (ex: the general reaction to the Trayvon narrative).

  4. What’s amazing is how few times they use the word “racist”. They have moved to “anti-Black”. It’s amazing because I would expect Politico to be the last people to give up on racism, a word that has served the Left very well since they came up with it.

    What the data shows is that still too many Whites are not fully cognizant that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. Since the rise of a conservative media on the Internet, more Whites are finding out facts that the Left doesn’t want them to know, such as crime rates, IQ scores, welfare abuse and use, and so on. Presumably, implicit anti-Black attitudes referrs to acceptance of such hatefacts.

    But they’re still feeling guilty and if primed properly will say the politically correct thing. What we need to do is let people know that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  5. Crissy Tingles and his ilk are losing the PC war these days. Evidenced by the fact that they cry about dog whistles all the time and I’m seeing more and more complaints about PC language wars from folks the left.

    They can dog whistle all they want about dog whistles, its really “the economy stupid”. I hope Denise is right but I’m too cynical. Even if we have another 15-20 year depression like the first, I think many will forget/forgive, especially with the socialists running state schools.

  6. I’ve looked at the sentence and paragraph structure of both Obama’s speeches and Romney’s. Romney is by far more logical. Obama destroys the meaning of words, he says something then he makes another sentence that contradicts the last. It’s bizarre.

  7. Not really, he’s a negro. You ever hear negros try to speak in regular english? Misuse of words, mispronunciation and non-sequiturs all up in hea’

  8. All that jibba jabba speechifyin’ was to brings over some more const….constits…constituts…dem people what voted for us!

  9. The awesome thing is that we will face that future in 10 days and we won’t have to posture and argue any longer.

    Will whites go back to sleep if Obama loses? OF COURSE!

    Why the heck do you think people are so passionate about this election? To get their wish to go back to sleep! A Kenyan in the White house doesn’t let them sleep comfortably; the nightmare of racial doom invades their sleep.

  10. “Romney and Ryan will TRY to fix what is wrong.”


    Are you serious? Romney and Ryan are going to try and enrich their wealth as much as possible while giving the American suckers the delusion that they are trying to fix things.

  11. What are all the Romney voters going to do if he does get elected and four years from now we’re even worse off then before he took office and the Dem nominee is another black Marxist? A third party vote?

  12. If the electorate truly has shifted, and this isn’t just another round of throw the bum out, then the democrat party must respond to that new electorate, and therein lies probably the best reason to vote Romney, who otherwise is probably not going to be so great.

  13. Those who think a Romney win will result in big chimpouts from angry blacks don’t understand black behavior. The black reactionary process is based on their sense of self esteem. When they feel their empowerment has been dealt a blow, that artificially inflated self esteem is depressed. On the other hand, the more empowered they feel the more they are inclined to e-x-p-r-e-s-s themselves. Hence the sharp increase in chimpouts in the last four years. All you have to look at to notice this trait is their behavior in cities where they have gained power.

    Those who desire that the smoldering fire be kept hidden from the public will no doubt be praying for a Romney win, which would definitely forestall an increase in awareness of blackness.

    I would prefer to raise that 51% to at least 70 or 80 with an Obama win, not to mention discouraging the love and enthusiasm for “America” that has so crippled the South in recent decades.

    As with Lincoln’s war, the sooner lines are drawn the better chance we have. The Confederates waited too long and we probably have too, but in this micro event of an election we stand to gain from those drawn lines the sooner they’re drawn.

    Personally, I don’t believe in voting for any candidate who I don’t think would make a big positive difference, so I’m resisting the urge to vote for the monkey. The black one, that is. But unless Vladimir Putin is put on the Florida ballot I might do it.

  14. I’ve never thought of this angle before. What a great scenario that would be.
    Denise: your evangelism seems to be proceeding much better than mine.

  15. What the data shows is that still too many Whites are not fully cognizant that anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. Since the rise of a conservative media on the Internet, more Whites are finding out facts that the Left doesn’t want them to know, such as crime rates, IQ scores, welfare abuse and use, and so on. Presumably, implicit anti-Black attitudes referrs to acceptance of such hatefacts.

    This is the cancer in the heart of the Racist (anti-White) Regime. The longer the Internet sits there like a bleeding sore, the more it weakens them. It’s not good to have the Internet as your mortal enemy.

    And the “anti-black” (pro-White) affliction leads to other maladies…

  16. Why did they get into politics? Like all other men, to fill their pockets!
    Charles Fox.

    I don’t think Romney’s in it for the money. He’s already got a shitload, so he’s almost certain to go into the red insofar as his political forays are concerned.

    It’s likely to be something other than the profit motive for Romney.

  17. When they feel their empowerment has been dealt a blow, that artificially inflated self esteem is depressed. On the other hand, the more empowered they feel the more they are inclined to e-x-p-r-e-s-s themselves. Hence the sharp increase in chimpouts in the last four years. All you have to look at to notice this trait is their behavior in cities where they have gained power.

    This man may have a point.

  18. @Bill Yancey

    Vladimir Putin has endorsed Obama. Putin doesn’t give one shit about you, your “Dixie”, or any white people other than Russians. He would feed you & yours to niggers without a second thought.

    Also, as I’ve stated before, I don’t believe there will be mass chimpouts when Romney wins. Maybe a little bit in Chicago, but it probably won’t even last through the night.

  19. I understand the point that the black behavior has hit a new low point under obama and agree that it’s probably due to an increased feeling of empowerment with Holder takin care of business for them at the Justice department. If Romney wins, they won’t look at it as a case of democracy in action, throw a short tantrum and settle down. They will sincerely believe this is nothing less than racist white people taking their power (what little they have) and “rights” away. Supreme court is currently deciding on the fate of affirmative action as well. Can you imagine how they would react if soon after Mitt wins the election, the court strikes down affirmative action? I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Mitt wins, the month of November will be very active.

  20. Right on the mark about chimpouts, Bill. It is clear that you know nigger.

    For anyone who claims to be pro-white, Romney is a poor choice for POTUS, a combination of timidity and weakness tantamount to sticking one’s head in the sand like an ostrich. Romney is the SWPL candidate par excellence. That is why he was elected governor of Taxachusetts in the first place.

    I’d rather have Putin as POTUS than either of the two anti-white Republicrats actually on the ballot.

    Deo Vindice

  21. The traitorous media always report on how Whites feel about Blacks. Why don’t they poll Blacks about how they feel about Whites. They have an ever abiding dislike for the hand that feeds them, but the media doesn’t want everybody to know that. They just want to portray Whites as evil racists, when in fact, sadly, Whites are the least race conscious of all groups, to our demise. But those lying bastards in the media would have you believe just the opposite.

  22. If nits go nuts when they feel empowered, what explains the 1992 riots? The go ape when they feel jipped or bored or the desire for shoes or any other reason a toddler may throw a tantrum.

  23. John says:
    October 27, 2012 at 10:19 pm
    I’ve looked at the sentence and paragraph structure of both Obama’s speeches and Romney’s. Romney is by far more logical. Obama destroys the meaning of words, he says something then he makes another sentence that contradicts the last. It’s bizarre.

    John – Obama has a LOT of Kikes working for him. He, like other not So Magical Negroes, has always had Kikes doing everything for him.

    I know that Romnet is Krawling with Kikes – but Romney IS:

    1) A White man. Anglo Saxon as Anglo Saxon can be. He’s an Amecan Englishman. Scary – I didn’t think there were any of those left – but true.

    2) A social and natural aristocrat. He’s been Above the Fray all his life.

    3) He began doing things, including marrying, BEFORE Organized Jewry noticed him. He was just another White Man. They got their claws in him as an adult. Not a child. He learned how to BE – think and act – as a White male via his family and his own expeiences. I KNOW his Daddy was a Nigger loving FOOL – but that was long before America and the West reached Peak Negro. Whites did not KNOW that those nice, polite, well dressed, well groomed Negroes, just fighting to be treated fairly, were NOT “the same underneath” – and were really chimpanzee DNA NIGGERS – poised to destroy everything. Depsite the Romney’s Adventurs in MeHEEco – they are Uber WHITE, in their daily mode of being.

    4) Obama has been nursed along his entire life. Mommy was a Marxist – as was biological spern donor Frank Marshall Davis – and a CIA operative. Since earliest childhood. He was also RAISED as a Muslim. Taquiyah, any-one? Lying, in order to achieve one’s goals, is swell with Mohammed. Which is the anti-thesis of Christian doctrine. FYI – taquiyah was lifted from the Talmud. Not the New Testament.

    5) Obama’s a Nigger.

    6) STUDY CULTURAL MARXISM. Language is one of their chief tools. Words do not mean what words mean – they mean what the Kikes Kontrollers SAY what they mean.

    7) Culture Marxist verbal subversion meets Niggerish.

    8) Obama is a Marxist Muslim Nigger.

  24. tom says:
    October 28, 2012 at 1:42 am
    I understand the point that the black behavior has hit a new low point under obama and agree that it’s probably due to an increased feeling of empowerment with Holder takin care of business for them at the Justice department. If Romney wins, they won’t look at it as a case of democracy in action, throw a short tantrum and settle down. They will sincerely believe this is nothing less than racist white people taking their power (what little they have) and “rights” away. ”

    And we care what they “feel” why?

    This is our NEWEST mission, in Racial Awakening – communicating TO Mainstream Whites that there is NO reason on Earth that they have ot pnader to dreadful monstorus violent children, throwing tantrums. “They are NOT your concern – YOUR life, family, children, and society are YOUR concerns. Wev’e given them EVERYTHING – and behold what they DO. So STOP enabling their monstrous behavior. Booker T Washington TOLD Whites, 100 years ago, to LEAVER THE BLACK MAN ALONE. He has to figure out how to function AS a successful adult on his OWN, or he never will”. Cite Bokker T as a salve to squeamish White, who want to sign off on “tolerance” – but don’t know “how”.

  25. Apuleius says:
    October 28, 2012 at 1:49 am
    Right on the mark about chimpouts, Bill. It is clear that you know nigger.

    For anyone who claims to be pro-white, Romney is a poor choice for POTUS, a combination of timidity and weakness tantamount to sticking one’s head in the sand like an ostrich. Romney is the SWPL candidate par excellence. That is why he was elected governor of Taxachusetts in the first place.”

    Dearest Apuleius – why know. We KNOW. We who are touting Romney KNOW this. We know we know we know.

    He’s still White

    An installation of Romney as POTUS will not herald a blazing New White World. We will NOT be flying Swastikas, or Celtic Crosses, and goose-stepping. Oh no.

    It’s a repudiation, however lame and tepid, against “diversity”. A baby-step turnaround. I beginning of a Return to Whiteness. And it’s EVERYTHING.

    It took a hundred years for the Whites Race to degrade to our present circumstances. We’ve been subjected, as an entire Race, to an unprecedented psy opps campaing, to get us to destroy ourselves from within. NOTHING like this has EVER occurred in the history of the world. The fact that Whites are finally beginning to “see” – and are rejecting the social engineering poison – it’s a true glimmering of hope.

    Have you ever partied, and gotten REALLY drunk? The next day you have a terrible hangover, and you can’t think striaght, as well as a general feeling weakness, and being dragged through the mus. That’s where the White Race is, NOW. Getting over the Bad Tolerance Swill.

    I know our people are terribly degraded. Everywhere. It took a hundred years to get us top this place – and a Romney installation will signal thei first step in a LONG HARD slog “back up”.

    “I’d rather have Putin as POTUS than either of the two anti-white Republicrats actually on the ballot.”

    Me, too. Abso-toot-ly! But Putin’s not running for American POTUS. Why would he? He’s CZAR, and very busy rebuilding Russia. Romney’s White. He’s the first step back to an American Putin. I personally want Nikos Mihaloliakos

    “Deo Vindice”

    Vote Romney. We will.

  26. Obama has been nursed along his entire life. Mommy was a Marxist – as was biological spern donor Frank Marshall Davis – and a CIA operative.

    Not True, the thing that struck me when watching 2016 The Obamination Movie was how much Barak Obama’s half brother looked like him. Even though the pictures if Barak Obama Sr. don’t seem to look like Obama Jr. his half brother in Kenya is obviously related to him, same mouth, same face, same posture.

  27. @Denise

    Putin endorsed Obama for president. He, like the rest of those brain-dead, white-trash drunks who inhabit that shit-hole of a country, are no friend of white people, and do not give one shit about the survival or well-being of any white people other than Russians themselves.

    Vladimir Putin is a scawny little shit with a bad comb-over, who goes shirtless all the time because he’s probably now hitting the high point of his mid-life crisis. Fuck Putin, and fuck the Russia too.

  28. “He, like the rest of those brain-dead, white-trash drunks who inhabit that shit-hole of a country..”

    Enough of the yankee boilerplate denunciations of other whites.

    That’s what you all usually say about Southerners.
    We’re starting to get jealous about all the “kind” things you’re saying about the Russians.

    FOCUS…Take your adderall.
    You’re here to undermine Southern nationalism…remember?

    Deo Vindice

  29. “It’s a repudiation, however lame and tepid, against “diversity”. A baby-step turnaround. I beginning of a Return to Whiteness. And it’s EVERYTHING.”

    As much as I would truly like to believe that, Denise, I believe it more to be a last desperate, ultimately ineffective rearguard action.

    Voting for Romney is simply trying to lock the barn door after the mule is already out.
    The deficit is now so high it can never be repaid. The end of our financial tether lies ahead. Anti-white policies have become an enduring and important part of the federal government apparatus and its bipartisan goal of white race replacement.

    BRA is doomed. We no longer have a dog in this fight.
    Both candidates belong to the anti-white establishment.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Apuleius says:
    October 29, 2012 at 12:29 am

    “Voting for Romney is simply trying to lock the barn door after the mule is already out.
    The deficit is now so high it can never be repaid. The end of our financial tether lies ahead. Anti-white policies have become an enduring and important part of the federal government apparatus and its bipartisan goal of white race replacement.

    BRA is doomed. We no longer have a dog in this fight.
    Both candidates belong to the anti-white establishment.

    Deo Vindice”

    All VERY true. Mittens is not MY Great White Hope. Howver – it all goes down easier on us, if Mittens is at the helm.

    The Crash is coming. The BRA IS doomed. I’ve been writing this all along. Under Holder and his boss the Kenyan Usurper – it’s a lot harder on us. They wil luse al the mechanisms of power to kill US.

    Just like Haiti.

    Just like South Africa.

    Just like everywhere else Blacks take over. Why don’t you see this?

    WE will be systematicaly kilt off.

    Mittens will TRY and FAIL to fix things.

    He is the last chance for us. You have to see this.

    I’ve been saying all along he’s breathing room. We need that.


  31. Chris – Russia, of al the places on Earth, totally deserves their revenge. Americans let the Jew Bankers pay their cohorts, their Jew monsters to invade and destroy Russia.

    Russia owes the US nothing.

    If Putin endorsed Obama – he’s having his little joke, isn’t he?

  32. Actually, Russia exported their monsters here, in the US.
    Many of them are now in high end government positions.
    Neo-con jews.

  33. romney and ryan won’t do shit to solve any govt problem. The upside to their victory will be lower tax rates. That’s it. We’ll get more beaners, more deficit spending, more middle class tax money transferred to big business, more jobs sent over seas, more affirmative action and EO stuff etc etc

    the gop got its start based on freedom and rights for negros, more immigration, favoring big business and a big gov that promised to transfer the wealth of one region to the big business of another region (cotton tariff to railroads)

    We’ll get more of the same from romney and ryan. But you fools go on telling yourself that things will be better. It mus come true if you say it often enough and believe it deep enough. Right?

    A vote for romney is a vote for BRA. The case can be made for it being BRA lite, but it’s still BRA.

    Well said Mr Yancey

    As for why romney got into politics, don’t Mormons’ have a prophecy where a Mormon saves the usa? Perhaps that’s it on top of wealth, power, fame and the other typical reasons. None of which are mutually exclusive. Puttin is most likely a bastard, wants to line his pockets etc but I’m also fair certain he wants to do right by his people as well.

    I think it would be best if the usa crashed with a negro as POTUS. The truth rarely wins, but propaganda propelled BRA. The South has often relied on the truth only to lose out to yankee propaganda. What better reminder for the average White man then watching his nation crash after a string of negro/ minority POTUS?

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