Can White Northerners Say “No” To Black Run America?

Romney/Ryan 2012: the North's last chance to say "no" to BRA


After several months of watching the Romney/Ryan 2012 presidential campaign, I am left with a final thought heading into this election.

This is the last chance for White Northerners to prove themselves and say “no” to BRA at the ballot box.

If White Northerners choose to renig with Obama in this terrible economy, after all the shit he has done in office (read through four years of Eric “My People” Holder’s press releases), over two Yankees who will win the Confederacy in a landslide, then White Southerners will lose all confidence in the North.

It is November 5th and this ball is teed up and ready to be knocked out of the park. The only thing standing in the way of Mitt Romney becoming the next president is the possibility that White Northerners might close ranks and hold the line for Obama like the 20th Maine at Gettysburg.

A political hurricane is coming out of the South tomorrow. If it washes over Ohio or Pennsylvania, Barack Hussein Obama will be swept out of office. It would be the first (national) public repudiation of black people in five decades. If the tide is checked at the Mason-Dixon line, it will be another gallant, but futile attempt by the South to defend itself from the overwhelming numbers of the Union.

Can White Northerners say no to BRA? In 48 hours, we will know.

Note: The South doesn’t have a problem saying “no” to blacks. We firmly said “no” to Obama the first time around. We said “no” to Harold Ford Jr. in Tennessee in 2006 and most recently to Johnny DuPree in the 2011 Mississippi governor’s race.

The only thread that sustains BRA is the political support of White Northerners. If White Northerners started saying “no” to blacks again on a regular basis, BRA would collapse like Reconstruction did the first time around.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: Gottfried

    1.) Unlike the vanguard, I don’t see the totality of the modern world as being the problem. I don’t even think the “System” is the problem.

    2.) This is the second time in American history that we have been down this road. In both cases, the North imposed Reconstruction and BRA on the South.

    3.) I think the vanguard is flat wrong: BRA would end tomorrow if Yankees would only stop trying to impose their racial and cultural delusions on the rest of the country.

    4.) The vanguard claims the “System” is broken. 90% of Southerners voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It only passed because 85% to 90% of Yankees voted for it.

    5.) The “System” isn’t the problem. Yankees are the problem. Were it not for Yankees, we could easily work through the “System” to reform our immigration laws.

    6.) The “System” doesn’t make Yankees go out and vote for Obama. That’s their choice. They are allied with niggers and Jews against us. They vote for the DREAM Act and we opposed it.

    7.) I don’t believe in “White people” – it is beyond clear that Yankees are a fundamentally different people from us. It is also clear that the existence of the Union with the Northeast is damaging for us.

    8.) I don’t have much confidence in working through the “System” either, not because I believe the “System” is inherently opposed to us, but because Yankees oppose every attempt we male to reverse our racial and cultural decline.

  2. The Negro population is finally declining. Democrats tethered their cart to a dying horse. What remains to be seen is if 2nd generation nw hispanics can be acculturated enough to accept life as a low caste without relying on social services. Aggressive deportation of criminals has left god-fearing (read white-fearing) Pocho-Shudras.

  3. “I think naming the Jew works.”

    I think it has the opposite effect on non-radicalized people, some effect on part-radicalized people and only works fully on people who are at least 3/4 radicalized already. That’s not an argument against doing it, just an argument about where to do it.

  4. I’m watching the smug nigger give a speech in Iowa. This is a lillywhite state full of wretched self destruction fantascists.

    They think a black will deliver the millenium. A bunch of ejjit whites back there waving signs. The pride in the faces as they listen to this descendent of Jayhawkers and Kenyans.

    It’s disgusting.

  5. “Absent the threat of the 82nd Airborne? Hell, yes. In a heartbeat. On the first day without the federal entity, there would be WHITES ONLY signs in shopwindows, theaters, and restaurants everywhere by nightfall. Call it V-BRA Day.”

    That’s cool. I thought you were as brainwashed as us on the whole.

  6. Obama looks defeated and near to tears in his speech now in Iowa.

    He is going to lose tomorrow and he knows it.

  7. @ Hunter

    In the South there were very few Catholics, only tiny numbers on them on the Eastern shore of Maryland, and around New Orleans in Louisana. The South was 99% Protestant.

    In the North there were was a big influx of Catholics after 1848, and even more after 1870.

    I’m sick and tired of these Catholic politicians of both parties pushing non-White immigration into the US, and other anti-White agendas.

    Let’s face it Paul Ryan is just as big of an Irish Catholic asshole as Joe Biden.

  8. “Let’s face it Paul Ryan is just as big of an Irish Catholic asshole as Joe Biden.”

    No argument here on that score.

  9. If Mary Surratt is a Martyr for the South, it’s fair to say that Catholics were on the right side in certain circumstances.

  10. Excellent comments that cut right to the heart of the matter, Hunter.

    I expect this election to turn out as a duplicate of the 2004 election with the usual suspects all accounted for.

    I only hope when the yankees start talking secession afterwards, they really mean it this time.

    It’s back to sleep for most and business as usual with Republican anti-white policies as a reassuringly immediate and less energetic substitute for the current anti-white policies of emperor Zero. The only real change will be that the very complacent and smug anti-whites will lose their beloved symbolic figurehead for BRA, which will piss off many yankees, who are permanently vested in the “system.”

    Then again, the race is close enough that the emperor Zero could pull out a win to the obvious delight of his many fans in the north. In a few more hours we will know for sure.

    Quo vadis, yankees?

    Deo Vindice

  11. Obama is having a mental breakdown. I’ll bet Michelle will be flinging feces in the oval office come tomorrow evening.

  12. I haven’t paid any attention to this election until now as i thought Obama would walk it easily (due to a lot of white abstentions) but if he loses – whatever the long term consequences good or bad – i am going to *love* the media reaction.

  13. Obama looked worn out. He’s ill as well.

    If you can change a city…state…country…the world.

    Fckin Messiah complex.

    Just sort out you budget. That’s all. Drown some blacks along the way to assist the process.

  14. His voice kept cracking. He’s either dead in the water or he’s attempting make the dumb white chicks feel sorry for him.

  15. He’s all done. Even msnbc and cnn pundits know it. Doom and gloom is written all over their faces.
    I can hardly wait to see the full meltdown live tomorrow night amongst the lefties on the tube.
    Especially, Chris Matthews and the jew lesbian on msnbc.

  16. Obama speech redux.

    4 years ago I narrowly won a three way between Clinton Edwards and myself. And then the media did the rest. Im back um I like my airplane. Change the world, tikkun Olam.

  17. Remember Obama can count on urban fraud in every swing state. There is already a lot of bullshit going down in Ohio and Florida. The Democrats have lawyers ready to to file lawsuits for recounts if it doesn’t go their way. Al Franken stole a US Senate seat this way. If the BGW analysis turns out to be right, I wouldn’t expect Obama and crew to go down without a fight. Tomorrow I will be looking for media reports that dwell on irregularities, long lines, people turned away, etc. If the media insiders have access to data that shows Obama is going down or it’s close, I would expect them to play up the voter suppression angle all afternoon and into the evening. The goal would be to delegitimize Romney and set the narrative for the Democrat legal challenges.

  18. “The goal would be to delegitimize Romney and set the narrative for the Democrat legal challenges.”

    I’m counting on it, and if they win that way it will only further reinforce what we have been saying here.

  19. John, NH rural Whites are good people. Most are pure English. You won’t find a Whiter place anywhere in the states.
    Maine is also an extremely White area where people leave their keys in their cars and have no need to lock their front doors.
    I don’t know why you have hitched your wagon to the south. I have been all over this nation and the best people I have known are in VT, NH, ME and MA.
    Have you even been up north and talked with racially aware Whites, or do you just d

  20. “Remember Obama can count on urban fraud in every swing state. There is already a lot of bullshit going down in Ohio and Florida. The Democrats have lawyers ready to to file lawsuits for recounts if it doesn’t go their way. Al Franken stole a US Senate seat this way. If the BGW analysis turns out to be right, I wouldn’t expect Obama and crew to go down without a fight. Tomorrow I will be looking for media reports that dwell on irregularities, long lines, people turned away, etc. If the media insiders have access to data that shows Obama is going down or it’s close, I would expect them to play up the voter suppression angle all afternoon and into the evening. The goal would be to delegitimize Romney and set the narrative for the Democrat legal challenges.”

    It has already started here over the weekend with successful efforts to keep the early voting open all week long and absentee ballots issued to the crowds where the polls did close. The diversity just loves them some early voting.

    Driving past the very long lines for early voting here in South Florida this weekend, I couldn’t help notice that there were enough niggers to make a Tarzan movie. Or two.

    Might just have to swallow the dog and vote Romney after all.

    Deo Vindice

  21. I want to believe that Yankees won’t renig. My head tells me they won’t this time. My gut tells me they will and there is nothing we can do to stop them. Everything about our history tells me you can’t trust Yankees when it comes to race.

    Just watch MSNBC. This morning within the course of one hour the Yankees were on MSNBC expressing great confidence there the White vote would drop below 74% this year.

  22. Hunter, the north is filled with mega cities, mostly nigger, PR, ect. Hence the voting patterns.
    Have you been to an inner city here and seen the insanity?
    You really don’t know what you’re talking about and appear to be very ignorant.
    Rural areas in the north are not filled with wild Obama supporters. That is our cities.

  23. Sean is vying for the coveted position of yankee scold.

    Here’s some footage of all the racially aware whites in New England.

    A prime example New England racial awareness:
    “The negro is superior to the white race. If the latter do not forget their pride of race and color, and amalgamate with the purer and richer blood of the blacks, they will die out and wither away in unprolific skinniness.”
    Henry Ward Beecher

    Deo Vindice

  24. Northern Whites are predictable when it comes to
    Meta issues about race.

    Obama is your imaginary Black Best Friend Forever!

  25. You don’t stand a chance in hell always looking backwards, HW.
    References to Pickets charge(?).
    This is not the 1800’s.

    Do you get out of Alabama much?
    You should. The real world may provide you a different frame of mind.

  26. No, John. He is not.
    That dumb statement just shows me how ignorant you are in terms of White people here in America.

  27. Romney the weak, perfect.

    Regardless of who wins I want to take the time to congratulate BRA, and if you voted for romney the weak you voted for BRA. It looks like romney the weak will win, so us Southrons need to come up with a plan to show how romney is bad for us and we needed to secede as much as ever.

    If romney brings more economic prosperity it will be more of the consumer debt driven kind that has put so many White families on shaky ground. No thanks

    Yankees are the problem not jews. Yankees have been doing this build a perfect society through big govt and negro worship shit way before jews showed up in numbers

    I didn’t vote for the nigger, I voted for Goode, but I now hope the nigger wins. I believe it’s what’s best for the South in the long run. Nothing will start a secession fire in my nation like a couple of election cycles where the South votes White and yankees vote nigger. America is fucked as it keeps embracing all the various ideals of the left. Even the so called “right” wants to conserve the liberal ideals of a few decades past. It would best if the nation crashes and burns with a negro as POTOUS so the clear thinking Southron White men of the time can point to a clear sign of what went wrong.

    Never swallow the dog

  28. Dude I have seen how people act around the occassionally articulate black. Tweety Chris Mathews described it nicely: whites get tingles when a black speaks in complete sentences or recites a story. It take a while to realize the phenomenon. Even the local rightist Rex Sinqufield reckons that blacks can be saved by chess. I don’t know if he’s sincere though.


    Don’t tell me, are going to call me rayciss?

  29. You’re a funny guy, John.
    Enjoy your stay here.
    You are a foreigner that meddles in other people’s affairs.
    Go back home and concern yourself with the problems in your own troubled nation.

  30. The current governor of Massachusetts is Deval Patrick, no doubt elected by all the racially aware denizens of that state.

    And who can forget this emotional paean to negro cibbil rights from the previous Massachusetts governor?

    Of course, anyone who disagrees with a yankee is “ignorant.”
    Such is the winsome quality of the yankee scold.

    You’re right, Stonelifter, thanks for the advice. What the hell was I thinking?

    Deo Vindice

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