About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. W was our last chance. That’s why it was so unbelievably painful during those years. And why many who may have preferred to vote for a Republican, couldn’t in their right minds touch them with a ten foot pole.

  2. It’s a pity we aren’t out there shaping the shell shocked minds of the dittoheads, because we decided to “get excited” about Romney.

    A true missed opportunity that should never happen again.

  3. Please God :

    I cannot stand another four years of the scowling, prognathic visage of Michelle Obama, she of the dumb-as-fuck Princeton dissertation, “Whitey Be Bad An Sheet”.

    Please please I cannot bear to watch any more. I’m going to bed now.

    PLEASE do not let me eake up tomorrow 7 Nov to another 4 years of Michelle.

    PLEASE GOD (Zombie Apocalypse emphasis, screams).

    – Arturo

  4. Romney’s not running again. If he speaks glowingly of the nigger in his concession speech. If he asks us to rally around the nigger…. he wasn’t deserving of white votes in the first place. Ill check my pm’s bro.

  5. “Why not hold non-jews responsible for the cultural products they make?”

    Because it’s different. A certain level of conflict and competition between different ethnic groups in the same space is normal: Anglos, Irish, Italians, Germans, Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox etc blah blah. However despite all the conflict they’d all assimilate eventually even if took a few hundred years.

    Jews have a different and very specific m.o. They move to rich, prosperous countries and then try to make them safe for Jews as a minority without *ever* intending to assimilate. They try to achieve this safety through destroying the ethnic and cultural cohesion of the host. The flaw with this strategy is the prosperity they seek is *based* on the ethnic and cultural cohesion of the host so eventually the country or civilization collapses and YKW move on like a stealth whitecollar version of Mongols.

    They’ve been doing this for 3000 years.

  6. It’s funny when 313 Chris talked about Britain being niggerified.
    Not for decades. Probably not ever.

    America will be wiped out by browns in no more than 15 years.

  7. Quentin Tarantino is half Italian, half Southern, like me. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee. His father abandoned the family before he was born, so he has daddy issues. Lots of anti-whites are anti-white because of daddy issues. Makes for lesbians and coalburners, too.

    Deo Vindice

  8. “Gottfried says:
    November 7, 2012 at 5:18 am
    Brit Hume is saying the GOP should go full on pro-Amnesty like the Dems.”

    Of course he is!

  9. HW – “Yankees and Jews and niggers are allies in the Democratic Party.”

    In other words anti-whites.

    HW – “No one here can deny it anymore.”

    Was that the salient debate? White Nationalism vs Southern Nationalism?

    To me the debate was electoral politics vs practical politics.

    We need a new “mantra”, the idea of Partition. It’s do or die, literally.

  10. He couldn’t even get his own northerners to vote for him.

    He must feel like a lump of poo.

    It’s time for a spasm of secession. Otherwise whites are going extinct.

  11. The fangs are really going to start coming out on the libs. They know they won the country now. They’re just going to keep hammering it in, too.

  12. Denise says:
    ‘My hubby’s business is going to SUFFER under Obama Part II. Already is – but the pain is going to get infinitely worse. Small businesses around here are failing like mad.’

    Yes, and when Obamacare and the new wave of taxes kicks in it will be damn near impossible for businesses to make a go of it.

    I must confess to beeing sickened by what has transpired. And yes, much of my disgust is with the dumbass White people in the North.

    I despise White libtards as much as groids.

    But more than half the country is ‘Gibs me dat’. Yes, government scum bag union slobs and minorities both.

    I thought with the internet and sites such as this, Whitey would begin to wake up. Well, a few have but not many. Most are traitors.

    You would have thought that all those videos of Whites getting sucker punched, beaten, robbed and killed would have raised the ire of our people.

    Same situation as in France. When the darkies went wild burning everything in site, YT retreated further and elected a full blown socialist who catered to the slime balls.

    Sorry, but worse just gets worse for us.

    There are some beautiful areas in Kentucky that were/are appealing to me. Very few niggers in those parts, unlike much of the rest of the South.

    I would like to move from these deracinated fools up here. I can’t stand looking at their COWARDLY faces any longer.

    Tammy Baldwin!! Are you kidding me??

    Go to hell Chris Christie–fat bastard weasel!

    My wife who is gun shy just told me she wants to get a conceal and carry permit and take a gun course. She never considered doing that before. Her face is white as a sheet at the moment and she is afraid of what is coming next.

  13. The Lincoln commercial on FOX News is the perfect exclamation point for this evening. Another fine outstanding Yankee president who “united” us like Obama in his Union.

  14. Ethnic whites do not assimilate.

    Case study with Chris. I grew up fed on the ennumerated laws that exists as a given in your own system. I’m foreign but not that foreign. Same myths. Robin Hood/Dukes of Hazzard, same folk songs really. Same food culture, though you would know it. Whiskey, homebrew, farms, shooting at birds, stags and badgers. The French are not that different. The Spanish are not that different. Colonialists, luxury loving, quick to fight and exploit. Outside of that the full Germans or Scandinavians are different. nice people but irreconcilable differences.

  15. “I’m not really arguing with you test I agree jews in the media (and anywhere else) is a problem. However I am 100% sure we’d have the same problems jews or no jews given the yankee pre jew track record”

    Fair enough.

  16. The Republicans are effectively finished, because democracy is demography. Only white people have convinced themselves otherwise.

    If the Republicans adopt Democratic platform items, people will nod — and then vote Democratic. Why? The Dems give them everything the Republicans will, but with fewer strings.

    Now the USA is determined to follow in the footsteps of the former Soviet Union. The Europeans who gloated over this election will be surprised to see that they, too, will follow this path.

    Democracy is great because it minimizes the few sane people and lets the idiots yammer until confusion is so great that compromise must occur, and then it does, successively whittling down anything that is not the lowest common denominator.

    At that point, Rome is burning because there’s no one left to notice fire hazards.

    That’s about where we are at this point. White people are just too individualistic: they could not cluster around their interests, even for a moderate candidate, and win. They had to talk about Libertarians, 3rd parties, not voting as a protest statement, etc.

    Obama’s first move will be amnesty, and his next moves will be to increase the flood of other third world peoples.

    No matter what the Republicans do, these people will never vote Republican.

    Those who want revolution have now totally screwed themselves, because not only are they unpopular with white people who are still hoping for a peaceful settlement, but they are now massively outnumbered.

    The solution was plain, but for some reason, white people are just too individualistic. They wanted their unions. Their auto bailouts. Their entitlements so they could continue their art “careers.” And thus they sold themselves out, for personal gain.

    Well, that’s how it always ends.

  17. The ethnic whites did assimilate. The ones in the north assimilated into yankee culture. That’s the difference.

    Just like young white Southerners are assimilating to BRA culture under the influence of compulsory public education/indoctrination and broken families due to feminism. No fault divorce created legions of anti-white latchkey children with daddy issues raised by embittered career focused women. No shortage of wiggers around these days, among other dysfunctional types.

    The law of the harvest is in full effect. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
    Like the reprobate Esau, whites have sold their inheritance for a mess of pottage.
    The moral rot runs deep in BRA. It is bigger than race. Who are the 47% Romney mentioned during the election? They are the ones who voted for Obama to secure their gimmedats/gibsmuhdats.

    Deo Vindice

  18. The pundits on TV are still talking left/right.

    Damned deceptive rats.

    They can’t mention that this is Civil War 2. Rich or switched on southern whites v everyone else.

  19. “Ethnic whites do not assimilate.”

    Well it takes time and the amount of time depends on the level of initial similarity (and previous historical grudges) and the amount of time that has passed so far is less than was needed but the main point is *not assimilating on principle* and therefore developing a strategy around not surviving as an unassimilated minority is unique to a few groups.

  20. Once you go black you won’t get your country back.

    So… what now? Can we get some nullification up in dis bitch?

  21. It was amazing how well I blended in while in Scotland and Northern Ireland. They even understood the desire to seceded in short order

    democracy is the problem and a far different then the republic my fore fathers left us

  22. I don’t think Europe will actually follow the US down this path. As long as America experiences a white supremacist secession Europe will begin pogroms.
    Two events in tandem.

  23. Hunter Wallace says:
    November 7, 2012 at 5:33 am
    The Lincoln commercial on FOX News is the perfect exclamation point for this evening. Another fine outstanding Yankee president who “united” us like Obama in his Union.

    Speilberg move. Speilberg = Jew.
    Starring Daniel Day Lewis, Jew.

  24. Brett Stevens has it right.

    The Republicans will now double down trying to out-Democrat the Democrats. You all should have seen the Allen West campaign down here. He sounds like a liberal democrat circa 1975. Add to that the fact that he is a negro, and you have the future of the Republican trajectory from here on out.

    Pro-white whites had the comfortable illusion of their political voice removed for good tonight. It was only moonshine, anyway. The Republicans haven’t bothered to make a pitch directed at whites since the Reagan administration. Even then, it was only implied, never to be spoken out loud. Advocating for whites has been taboo since the CRM.

    Deo Vindice

  25. I hate jews just as much as anyone else who has researched them.
    They are evil anti White scum, but they are opportunistic by nature.
    No one can pin this on jew scum.
    What happened tonight lies squarely on Whites in northern urban areas.
    I hope they reap what they have sewn in spades.
    BTW, John go home

  26. Election was probably a fraud. Thankfully I did not vote because how can you possibly think any politician is good?

  27. Yeah, I heard Brit Hume too, one of several saying the Republican Party is just going to have to drop the border issue. Funny how none of these spoke mouth twits could identify immigration as one of the reasons Romney lost (a few did say America was browning–too much sun I guess???), but the very first thing they say the Repubs have to change is immigration.

  28. “It’s funny when 313 Chris talked about Britain being niggerified. Not for decades. Probably not ever.”

    London is majority non-white now if you include illegals. Europe may have started from a lower base and at a slower pace than the US but at least since the 90s the pace has sped up massively. There’s no point in mutual gloating.

  29. “I hate jews just as much as anyone else who has researched them.”

    I don’t hate them. I think they’re a curse but hating them just makes them worse.

  30. Well, I think it safe to say we can scratch one political theory. If there was any doubt, it seems confirmed that the idea of whites rallying around race has been busted as myth.

  31. John: love your posts but answer me this: how many years in a row has Mohammed been the most popular children’s name in London?

  32. Landshark, you ain’t seen nothing yet out of monkey boy.
    Bush by comparison is nothing compared to bongo.
    He now is fully empowered with a mission.
    Expect new laws by the thousands and an attempt at gun grabbing within his first two years.
    Not to mention a nigger on the supreme court, maybe even Eric Holder?

  33. Obama unified the country tonight. Perhaps it never occurred to many here that white Southerners are not in it. They all want us gone. Just ask them.

    Does Honey Boo Boo remind anyone here of Step-n-Fetchit?
    Bottom rail on top now, so they say…

    Deo Vindice

  34. Sam says:
    November 7, 2012 at 5:32 am
    Denise says:
    ‘My hubby’s business is going to SUFFER under Obama Part II. Already is – but the pain is going to get infinitely worse. Small businesses around here are failing like mad.’

    Yes, and when Obamacare and the new wave of taxes kicks in it will be damn near impossible for businesses to make a go of it.”

    I know. He knows.

    “I must confess to beeing sickened by what has transpired. And yes, much of my disgust is with the dumbass White people in the North.

    I despise White libtards as much as groids.”
    Snow Niggers, is wot they are. I owe a young Soutgenr gent a long-promised rant on Snow Nigger,s on my blog. He’ll get that tomorrow.

    But more than half the country is ‘Gibs me dat’. Yes, government scum bag union slobs and minorities both.

    I thought with the internet and sites such as this, Whitey would begin to wake up. Well, a few have but not many. Most are traitors.

    You would have thought that all those videos of Whites getting sucker punched, beaten, robbed and killed would have raised the ire of our people. ”

    I know. I don’t understand it at all.

    “Same situation as in France. When the darkies went wild burning everything in site, YT retreated further and elected a full blown socialist who catered to the slime balls.

    Sorry, but worse just gets worse for us.

    There are some beautiful areas in Kentucky that were/are appealing to me. Very few niggers in those parts, unlike much of the rest of the South.

    I would like to move from these deracinated fools up here. I can’t stand looking at their COWARDLY faces any longer. ”

    We are completely on the same wavelength.

    “Tammy Baldwin!! Are you kidding me??

    Go to hell Chris Christie–fat bastard weasel!

    My wife who is gun shy just told me she wants to get a conceal and carry permit and take a gun course. She never considered doing that before. Her face is white as a sheet at the moment and she is afraid of what is coming next.”

    We’ve never met in person. But the fear, on your wife’s face – I heard that fear in a relative’s voice tonight. He was very quiet, on the phone – but I heard THAT fear. He couldn’t even talk for more than a few minutes. He was one of the Fam that has given me the WORST time about “racism”.

    Apelius thinks all Yankees are full of disdain. But that wa s Before. That was when Yankees thought they were in control.

    The ones that will suffer the worst are the “Liberals” that actively aided and abetted the Ascension of the Negro. They have no knowledge or appreciation of what happened to the White Quislings in South Africa.

  35. Wayne,

    There’s a good chance that if you fall victim to crime in 20 years some kid called Barack will be doing it.

  36. “Secession is the watchword on Free Republic. Chin up, and get on a consistent message!”

    Agree with that – personal and political secession at all levels.

    “Well, I think it safe to say we can scratch one political theory. If there was any doubt, it seems confirmed that the idea of whites rallying around race has been busted as myth.”

    Not at all. It was never going to happen all in one go especially with Romney/Ryan not even meeting ex-democrat white voters halfway. The interesting stuff will be in the details of the white voting.

  37. Tonight,

    It’s as if Mugabe had an election with full suffrage and Ian Smith won.

    Really it’s that perverted.

  38. “Afterthought says:
    November 7, 2012 at 5:55 am
    Secession is the watchword on Free Republic.

    Chin up, and get on a consistent message!”

    Could you provide a link? I scanned the site – and I saw gnahing and lamentations, but no “racist” stuff.

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