About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us. . . . If we move in mass, be it ever so circuitously, we shall attain our object; but if we break into squads, every one pursuing the path he thinks most direct, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check.

    I repeat again, that we ought not to schismatize on either men or measures. Principles alone can justify that.

    If we find our government in all its branches rushing headlong, like our predecessors, into the arms of monarchy, if we find them violating our dearest rights, the trial by jury, the freedom of the press, the freedom of opinion, civil or religious, or opening on our peace of mind or personal safety the sluices of terrorism, if we see them raising standing armies, when the absence of all other danger points to these as the sole objects on which they are to be employed, then indeed let us withdraw and call the nation to its tents….”

    -Thomas Jefferson to Colonel Wm. Duane, 1811

  2. Should have given a better reason than Obama’s reelection, think of grievances aplenty and sins abound.

  3. How would a free South deal with mestizos and negroes – realistically?

    Crow coupled with creative disenfranchisement laws?

    Non-whites that accept limits on their employment (field work, sweat shops, etc) ought be allowed to stay, no?

  4. Obama’s reelection is reason enough. He is ineligible for the office, was re-elected through widespread voter fraud, and has committed sufficient high crimes and misdemeanors that the should be impeached. Romney also has violated part of the bargain that he had with anyone who voted for him – that he would pursue the office beyond election day if there was substantial evidence of vote fraud. Otherwise, Romney is wittingly participating in the disenfranchisement of all those who voted for him. One wonders given his reaction to the election whether he really intended to win it – if he did not intend to win it then Romney himself is part of the fraud. Maybe the cheap labor lobby is so corrupt and controls the republican party to such an extent that they would even throw the election for amnesty.

  5. The military academies should remain open to southerners as international cadets. In return, some Yankees would be welcome at VMI and other southern war colleges. Perhaps as a supplement to the GWOT, a “William Walker” volunteer brigade could be created to satisfy the healthy hunger of southern men for terrorist blood and adventure.

  6. Tamer- in answer to your question, (and that of DixieG on finding a ‘common concensus’) here is a stellar article to start us thinking along the lines that James Edwards’ posts articulated: on the inevitability of ‘gay marriage,’ given that we continue living in a ‘pluralistic society.’ Such a view (as Edwards documented, and as Nil Desperandum writes about) was inevitable, once one admitted that mixed-race unions, as forerunners to sodomite copies of same, were not morally (and divinely prohibited) sinful to begin with.


    This stance, (of course) would not admit those race traitor Whites who married Chinks, Spics, or Japs, seeking to both a)assuage their guilty consciences, while b) seeking a ‘model’ wife, rather than RE-TRAIN our own White Women to be as docile, and obedient as our culture once determined they should be….

    But that’s THEIR problem, not ours… if we admit Christianity to be the norm for White Societies, especially in a Reconstructed Dixie 2.0.

    For clearly, the Fags, Jews, Blacks, and DWL (dead white liberals) are clearly on Satan’s side in this battle, as we already knew they were, from the votes for the Obamanation…..

  7. As a matter of good faith, and to demonstrate that those proposing secession are only doing so because the corruption and overreaching of the federal government has forced them to do so, an alternative should also be offered. The red state coalition will remain in the US if the following terms are met:

    1. The federal government forswear cultural and moral imperialism. The original founding stock of the US came to these shores and founded states whose people had widely divergent religious beliefs. Our constitutional form of government was set up so that the central government would respect the diverse belief systems of the various peoples who constitute its citizens. The Federal Government no longer respects the constitution and seeks to impose the belief system of an alien elite on the citizens of the states. The federal government should cease and desist all efforts to destroy through a kulturkampf campaign all differences between its citizens. In particular, this means that federal judges should no longer be able to intervene and impose alien moral beliefs on a regional people who find them intolerable and immoral.

    2. The Federal Government forswear using immigration as a tool of population destabilization, inter-ethnic aggression, and ethnic cleansing. In particular, the immigration policy of the US should not be used as a tool of any particular political party to foster its interests – rather the immigration policy of the US should be used to foster the greatest good of the US. Obviously, this means that any policy that systematically disenfranchises current citizens would be discontinued immediately. Also, the immigration policy of the US should reflect the fact that although we are a nation of immigrants – we are a nation of white European immigrants. Recent experience in immigration shows that it is very difficult for some people to assimilate in the US because the culture of their homeland is just too alien. This has also resulted in the ethnic cleansing of a state California of its native white population – which has turned the state from an engine of industry to a future ward of the federal government. The future of the US is just too important to risk to further untried experiments in immigration, especially in view of the most recent failures (California). Accordingly, immigration from third world nations should be severely restricted, and immigration priority be given to citizens from first world countries.

  8. I would say that the faith of founding stock was in no mincing way Christianity of the Protestant type mainly. All these eastern and false faiths are not to be tolerated, they are false to say the least. Even today’s mainstream Christianity is a pale shadow of what it truly is.

  9. That site looks great, Fr. John. I will definitely be diving into it, thanks for the link.

    In response to Admirer,

    Is our qualm with imperialism and non-Whites or is it something else? The lack of a coherent anglo-American cultural power structure, in nuce: white supremacy. Is disenfranchisement an issue to rally around? Maybe voter fraud? A lot of current citizens, especially Niggers need to be disenfranchised as soon as possible. How can we ever expect the Negroes to respect any kind of political process?

    The failed assimilation argument may be of use against idealistic middle American tumbleweeds and New England types but most rational white men in this country never expected Beaners to excel at anything besides picking onions and washing cars.

  10. ” The original founding stock of the US came to these shores and founded states whose people had widely divergent religious beliefs.”

    This is UTTER CRAP.

    The religious sentiments at the time of the American Revolution were overwhelmingly Protestant, Trinitarian, and, above all, CALVINIST. Historical sources have been collated, and books written that show 90-some percent of America was CALVINIST.

    That was why the Constitution was both workable to the Founding Fathers, and a Christian covenant. Even for ‘deists’ such as Jefferson and Franklin, it was this HOMOGENEITY of religious thought (if not of religious LITURGICAL conformity) that made it all possible. That is why there was a PRESBYTERIAN clergyman as one of the signers of the Declaration, for crying out loud, who was the CHAPLAIN for the Constitutional Convention.

    Only those who believed in the innate Total Depravity of Man, could come up with a document that left ultimate power in the hands of ‘The People.’ For only a people that had NO DELUSIONS of their own innate goodness, could rule righteously, and have God as their King alone. Ever hear of the “Crown Rights of King Jesus”?

    And, I am glad to point out, a very similar “Revolution” at the same time, with much the same people, in a “Catholic” country (namely, France, ‘eldest daughter of the [Roman] Church’) led to the greatest butchery, bloodshed, and immorality known to man at the time, as Burke and numerous other authors have shown.

    Your comment is as historically ignorant, as it is appaling to consider.

  11. People wont support partition if it’s scary; we have topaint a picture of a country that will be MORE COMFORTABLE FOR 80% OF WHITES than the one we live on now.

    I believe a STRONG case can be made, but a very weak case can also be made if it is too radical a departure from the world people know.

    Lasting healthy growth is slow and organic.

  12. Afterthought, the ‘world’ people know is one of slavery and despotism.

    America- for everyone in Europe, was a TOTAL UNKNOWN. We are already rife with two hundred years of what ‘our country’ is, basically America before 1940.
    White, Christian, English, normal.

  13. My one ad hominem attack on Father John. You and tamer of savages are obviously JEW agent provocateurs. Tamer of savages put in a bunch crude ethnic slurs in his posting to discredit this whole thread. My proposal was obviously WINDOW DRESSING to make sure that those considering secession understand that the bad faith is on the part of the federal government and not “hothead sore losers” proposing secession. It was obvious pushback dressed up in grade school and high school civics language that is especially appealing to Americans. You both tipped your hands by your immediate need to foul the discourse by taking it as face value like simpletons.

    And anyways, since you claim to be some convert to orthodoxy, it is obvious to me that the Almighty has punished your schismatic faith for setting a terrible example for future Christians on how to handle disputes in the Church. The spectacle of the Hagia Sophia – the greatest edifice built by the early church – being desecrated by muslim scratching and the bolshevik jews persecuting the russian orthodox church has never once encouraged your schismatic brethren that maybe they should reconsider their position on the primacy of the pope. Keep in mind that those who remained faithful scored a series of triumphs over Islam so stick it in your ear.

  14. IS this a serious question??

    How would a free South deal with mestizos and negroes – realistically?

    Umm, the answer is really, really, simple. Just end welfare benefits and the vast majority will migrate north. Ending welfare benefits will also end the mexican invasion.

  15. @….rather than RE-TRAIN our own White Women to be as docile, and obedient as our culture once determined they should be….’

    Small point, but White women have been Queens of nations for millennium, a reminder that the real “docility” has never been the “submission” the left-right multi-cult coalition attempted to make of “women’s degraded role under patriarchy,” but rather the mature capacity to care for more than oneself (and have the wherewithal to really do so)—whether for husband, children, country.

  16. —-about vid— so many of those things would not matter. In a real Southern country, the “culture” (like musicians) from the north just wouldn’t have an audience. So, they wouldn’t be as likely to travel. How many “real” southerners do you know flocking out to see Tarantino, Lady Gaga, Madonna, or whatever new “pop” phenomenon (who are always doing the exact same routine as the last “original” artiste).

    Same with sports. After a while, people would just get away from the “gladiator” games the north gives its proletarians, (the stadium, arena setting) and buying and selling of players and mega salaries, etc— and return to games that embodied, reflected and taught other values.

    The south would become more “regional” in feel, more like people were traveling “to another country.” The strip malls would probably vanish, the ugly tract housing, replaced with modified forms.

    Real Southerners left to their own devices, and making decisions for communities in line with how they like to live, would be different.

    If they’d stuck with local and state’s rights, and not done things s/a moved northerners en masse into where southerners lived, (like the “new south” by the, literally, tens of millions in a short time)— the south would have continued to be a different, more gracious place. It would return to something such as this, but be different, due to the northerners who were here.

    A better question is what to do with non-southerners in the “new south.” Would they be exported?

  17. Fr John, read this site and weap. http://boycotamericanwomen.blogspot.com

    Bet a lot of these guys support secession. Would you be ok with them if they just married nice Russian Orthodox women, haha? Anti-racist conservatives won’t feel like they fit in either country if secession happens and you become the Ecumenical Patriarch of New Orleans;… maybe they need a third country?

  18. I really think this is a more sensible idea than a White House petition especially considering many of the same people are signing all the petitions instead of the state where they reside.

    On a more practical note, there is no way the people now in charge of ruining this country would allow a mass exodius of the white tax base without significant violence. Who,would feed all those welfare babies? I full expect to see the black run bankrupt cities being bailed out by the tax money from hard working whites.

  19. “Your comment is as historically ignorant, as it is appaling to consider.”

    Balderdash. The leadership of the founding fathers was rife with outright Unitarian Universalists (Adams), Deists (Franklin), and many “closet deists” like George Washington who was nominally Anglican but was notorious for not taking communion. When in season he greatly preferred fox hunting to attending church on Sundays. Indeed most of the founder’s religious beliefs were a theistic rationalism, a sort of middle ground between Protestantism and deism.

    One of the causes of our slide back into barbarism has been the second Great Awakening and the rise of absurd fundamentalist sects such as the Baptists among the masses and who if we had our original and proper restrictions on the franchise would not be allowed to vote in the first place.

  20. I believe that the only realistic path to secession is through loading up our state governments with anti-federal radicals. If enough states had such men in charge they could overload the U.S. Attorney General’s office with so many trivial but impossible to ignore violations of federal mandates that there wouldn’t be enough hours in the day for them to put out all of those little fires.

    If all of the red states elected state and local leaders who were determined to challenge or ignore every federal law they didn’t agree with, the feds would either have to relax their stranglehold or send in the troops to make us get our minds right.

    Do you think those lefty cunts have the political will to start another civil war? I don’t.

  21. “If enough states had such men in charge they could overload the U.S. Attorney General’s office with so many trivial but impossible to ignore violations of federal mandates that there wouldn’t be enough hours in the day for them to put out all of those little fires.”

    This! ^^^

    Local federal mandate nullification and jury nullification along with as must tax evasion as you can get away with and refusal to serve in the federal military or police is a practical way of resistance. Do not co-operate with federal authority.

    This often involves monetary pain as eschewing federal programs also leads to not receiving federal funding.

  22. “How many “real” southerners do you know flocking out to see … Lady Gaga”

    Who cares how many if she performs cool standards like this?


    Two New York City Italians (both of whom undoubtedly voted for Obama) singing a song written by two New York Jews (one of whom was as queer as a three dollar bill.)

    Great stuff! Be sure to watch in full screen as it is in HD.

  23. Admirer,

    Stop posting window-dressing at OD you frothing anti-semitic faggot. You’re the one discrediting yourself. You do that by insinuating Romney threw the election and seguing into talk about some islamic museum in Turkey that used to be a Mosque. Pardon me for trying to conjure an honest discussion out of your boilerplate.

  24. “I believe a STRONG case can be made, but a very weak case can also be made if it is too radical a departure from the world people know.”

    The state governments would remain as they are, and proceed as normal to provide stability in the national transition.

  25. What Roots wrote sounds realistic enough. Rudel is right too but wouldn’t the majority of leeches ‘self deport’ in a secession scenario? I’d imagine niggerball universities along with the undertow in general take a large chunk of fed funds.

    “The words of a historical ignoramus.”

    I forgot. It used to be a Sikh Temple with a prohibition-era hookah lounge downstairs before Muhammad invaded it. That sikh-slaying sunuvabitch. Thanks a lot dune coons!

  26. Admirer- What ARE you talking about? Are you insane, or just cantankerous?
    Such utter disdain for your betters is the mark of either a fool or a charlatan.

    Jew provocateurs? That’s rich. You speak whereof you know absolutely NOTHING.

    I cannot control the past. No man can. But we can learn from it. Everything you mentioned are the actions of men who saw the world with different eyes. The old adage, “you can’t put your foot back in the stream at the same point” applies here.

    Your comment ” those considering secession understand that the bad faith is on the part of the federal government and not “hothead sore losers” proposing secession.” is silly, in that there ARE ‘hothead sore losers’ proposing secession. I am ONE of them!

    I loathe the Obamanation, I also loathe those who use EEO fallacies to have taken jobs away from me, that I would have gotten, had it been between myself and another White man. So, I don’t know what meds you are off of, but I suggest you go back on them, and double the dosage.

    Wack job warning, big time.

  27. “Fr John, read this site and weap” = PigRot

    I wouldn’t, as you can’t even spell.

    Moreover, yes, of course there are atheist and multiculturalist White men who have fallen for this trap. Henry Makow (a jew turned Christian) has written on this topic, more than once.

    It neither proves nor disproves anything- other than that you are a fool. But Russian women marrying sissified metrosexual, narcissistic American ‘men’? Ask them, it’s THEIR choice. I’ve said on this blog, I am a WR Orthodox cleric. Russians and I don’t see eye to eye, as they want me to be a Russian before I become a Christian, something that is called “phyletism”, in case you were interested.

  28. “One of the causes of our slide back into barbarism has been the second Great Awakening and the rise of absurd fundamentalist sects such as the Baptists among the masses and who if we had our original and proper restrictions on the franchise would not be allowed to vote in the first place.”

    God, Jewdel, you sound like a sedevacantist RC. One would think you’d want to make the Second American republic a Papal Monarchy, if you could. I don’t need to refute such unamerican garbage. The reason for the mess we are in, lies fully with the rationalism of the Thomistic philosophy, severed from Christian faith- something Rome is fully to blame for.

    Not the Second Great Awakening- Whitefield (the Anglican) not Wesley (the Methodist) engendered orderly ‘conversion.’ The Baptists were even denounced by Luther, so clearly, the Reformation heritage of this nation (and this, speaking as an Orthodox!) is not to your liking, rather than the Truth, and you would use any sort of thomistic ‘rationales’ like the bloodiest Jesuit, to deny that Truth. (which is, after all is said and done, a very “Jewish” approach to disputes, I might add.)

  29. @Fr. John: you claim to be an “orthodox” orthodox christian AND a member of the christian identity movement. They don’t go together. Christian identity and the concept of the ‘White Christ” are obvious heresies. You post christian identity nonsense here to scare off believing Christians. Spirit Water Blood had the same problem with posters like you trying to discredit kinism with the christian identity heresy. After all, every versed christian knows that one of first converts described in acts is the ethiopian eunuch. Men of every nation can be our brothers in Christ whether you like it or not. The issue kinists and other like-minded christians have with the liberal church is whether Jesus sought to end race and ethne as an organizing principle – they believe He did not seek to end race and ethne as an organizing principle. There is clear support in scripture for such a belief since so many of Our Lord’s commands were directed to people as “nations” not as individuals. In fact, on the day of judgment Our Lord indicated we would be assembled by NATION. Whether the liberal church likes it or not, Our Lord indicated “nations” would survive to the end of time.

  30. It is peculiar to note that the Christian Faith died out every where but Europe and a few remants mostly around the Mediteranian, in Europe it grew and expanded to the four corners of the earth.

  31. About American women I say this, men are not men and women are not women in America. It is true that to a degree women are worse off than men in this respect but how often is their introspection.

  32. “you sound like a sedevacantist RC.”

    LOL! How in the hell does pointing out the deism of the founders imply that I am a “sedevacantist” RC, of all preposterous things. You appear to not even know the meaning of the word. Ignoramus.

  33. I petition Martin Lindstedt to chime in with some of his ramblings. His creative use of profanity usually scares away Fr. John+.

  34. Nice video, Mr Wallace. 🙂 Props for keeping a straight face on some of those questions.

    Following Dixiegirl’s line of thought, will some effort be made to discourage liberal, Marxist educators at Southern universities? And would this mean purging the US Congress members who, in actuality, do not represent the people’s interests and starting from scratch?
    The thought of a completely different political process (politics as an industry and a drain) is as exciting to me as getting out from under the heel of Washington DC.

  35. If you will look at the art, architecture and layout of Washington DC, I think it is rather clear that the state religion of America’s founding is Freemasonry.

    Check out the ‘apotheosis’ of George Washington in the dome of the Capitol replete with the entire pagan pantheon, as is the Great Seal, as is the Heredom (House of the Temple of the Supreme Council) and so on.

    The American people might have been preponderantly Calvinist but the Republic was founded in Masonry.

    America was founded by Deist Freemasons to realize the dream of Francis Bacon’s new Atlantis.

  36. Unadmirable-

    ” you claim to be an “orthodox” orthodox christian AND a member of the christian identity movement. ”

    I’ve never claimed such a thing. There, you are absolutely incorrect. That’s YOUR take on a matter about which you are insufficiently informed.

    “Christian identity and the concept of the ‘White Christ” are obvious heresies.”

    The term ‘Hvide Krist’ comes from the Norse as they converted to Christianity, and is a nod in the direction of the Orthodox Saint, Olaf of Norway (since I live in MN, and have antecedants in this direction). I’ve mentioned this on my blog, more than once. Again, That’s YOUR take on a matter about which you are insufficiently informed.

    As to ‘obvious heresies,’ I think that the praxis of the Church determines heresy, and the antiquity of same, as Vincent of Lerins noted, himself being an Orthodox, and not a Roman schismatic means tha he would not recognize Papal Rome as being of that Church, as he died in AD400’s.

    “You post christian identity nonsense here to scare off believing Christians. Spirit Water Blood had the same problem with posters like you trying to discredit kinism with the christian identity heresy.”

    Oooh, “People like you.” The mob’s voice, iterated by Unadmirable.

    I post ALL items that have a bearing on the current questions we are discussing here, because I believed that most men were as desirous of THINKING through issues, from all anges. Clearly, you would prefer a pre-packaged ‘instant ideology’ by some corporate giant laid in your lap. As I am not such a proud SOB as you seem to be; (since this seems to be nothing more than an ‘ad hominem’ attack on me, rather than the Obamanation we all are suffering under), I ask you, ‘What is your motivation here?’ Heresy hunter? Agent provocatuer?

    Moreover, what would ‘scare’ the readers of this blog, UNLESS they (you?) are already multiculti race mixing bastards, [Heb. 12:8] afraid of any light shining under their rock, as you would appear to be?

    But I will point out that, since I was on SWB before you came around, and on Harry Seabrook’s website before that, the concepts and understanding of the CI is only ‘heresy’ to those who view miscegenation and papal ‘universal salvation due to universal jurisdication’ models, as somehow ‘normal.’ As you prove yourself to be such, in the very next statement.

    “After all, every versed christian knows that one of first converts described in acts is the ethiopian eunuch. Men of every nation can be our brothers in Christ whether you like it or not.”

    Ah, yes, the ‘Ethiopian eunuch’ cavil.

    I spoke to this mindset, four years ago, on my blog. Perhaps you might like to read it first, BEFORE assuming you know me completely, and not just as some ‘knee’ ….errr, jerk, with his reaction to the reality that you (like Paul Ryan) should be ashamed of having dated/fornicated with some dusky babe in college, now that you are older, and should know better.


    In addition, do you actually READ SWB? What ‘Christian love and charity’ do they extend to Anthony Bradlee, say? No, the SWB folk may be schizophrenic, but they merely haven’t become ‘fully self-actualized’ in their racial awareness, as some of the less creedally-oriented folk on this and other boards, are. And you come HERE, to call me a heretic, when not everyone on this forum, even has faith in Christ? What kind of satanic pot-stirrer are you?

    And, as to SWB, Admin over there acted in such a childish manner, that he wouldn’t even grant the possibility that the West’s errors (tied as they are, to the filioque, something you probably have no knowledge of) are tied into this assumption that Rome (as model for the rest of Europe) was correct in her universalism…(but not her theology?) which is rich, considering the fact that the Roman missiology (who and where converts were to come from- the ‘whole world’) IS their theology, because Rome is an EMPIRE, or, as the Reformers called her, ‘the Whore of Babylon.” This is all the more ridiculous to ponder, when they (SWB’ers) also call themselves Calvinists- a group that denies universalism at the outset!

    Nevertheless, just as the kinism site I noted made clear, one does not have to accept CI as a whole, to glean knowledge from their tenets. After all, it’s merely the concept of what Belloc (himself an RC convert) said, a hundred years ago: “EUROPE is the faith; the FAITH, Europe.”

    Oh, and case you are going to throw Acts 17:26 at me in reply, here’s my answer to THAT scripture-twisting, as well.

  37. Jewdel- I know EXACTLY what a sedevacantist is. And my comment was so far over your head, you didn’t even get the insult.

    We are dealing on this post, with the reality of Secession petitions, to remove ourselves from the JEWSA, under their House Nigger, O’Buckwheat.

    The comments section started off on topic, but the malcontents, and rabblerousers took over the forum, and it descended qute quickly into either a digression away from what DixieG opined (How does one have a moral society, should we actually divorce ourselves from the present immorality) and the ‘America was Deist’ faction took up their horn, playing it so loudly as to obscure the reality of the truth- that, ignoramus (to quote your own term to me) is where I stepped in.

    Now, admitting that (as Lynda’s more temperate reply showed) there were Masonic elements, and Deist ELEMENTS in our founding: Again, I would opine that, (unlike 666WOP, who merely wants a knock down, drag out fight- not knowing that clerics cannot fight other than in the arena of words, as per canon law) neither Washington and all his Masonic cronies were corrupted by the Illuminati/Weishaupt variant on same, as W. had only come up with this digression away from a fraternal order in….. 1776. And, when boats to America took three months at the very least to get over here, and transmission of ideas could take years, we interject OUR presuppositions into THEIR temporality, to make the facts FIT OUR PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS, rather than taking them as they said of themselves to be!

    As a colleague of mine noted: “ We should never allow ourselves to be stampeded, herd like, into forming opinions and judgments stimulated and orchestrated by the sensationalism of the press and the other media masters. Instead, we must calmly resist their mind-control techniques. We must strive to be independent thinkers. Realizing that we are not alone, we should turn to tradition-minded churches, schools, and political and educational organizations, and there lend our voices and support to the creation of bastions of resistance to the Gramscian onslaught.” Thornton, Fr. James, “Gramsci’s Grand Plan,” The New American. Vol. 15, No. 14. 5 July 1999 issue. pp. 7-11.

    The same thing applies to analyzing our own nation’s pre-history. I said that Calvinism suffused America at her founding, and all I got was some diatribe about the Second Great Awakening being the proximate cause of our current malaise. That is tantamount to saying that the actions of the Church Catholic and Orthodox, caused the fall of Rome! ( and iterated from the pagan Roman’s pov, at that!)

    You just cannot SAY certain things like that, becuase they presume that people THEN had knowledge of what YOU know, now!

    The Man from Mars drew the conclusions that I long ago drew, and noted it,
    “It is peculiar to note that the Christian Faith died out every where but Europe and a few remants mostly around the Mediteranian, in Europe it grew and expanded to the four corners of the earth.”

    Yet when I say the same thing on this forum, all I get is flack from the ‘Amen’ corner of Roman (for lack of a better term) universalist/ism advocates. But we in the USA or Dixie 2.0, have seen what a ‘universalist/ism proposition nation’ gets us- multi-racial animus, one race trying to annihilate another (can we say 14 words, here?), and I am merely pointing out that our THEOLOGY will inevitably inform our PRAXIS.

    I can’t expect everyone to ‘get’ this, but some do. And it is to the ‘gentlemen scholars’ I am writing, not the ‘hoi polloi’ such as yourself, who cannot even draw the conclusion that Catholi-schism’s view of herself, and the ‘world,’ is at odds with that of how the English Calvinist Protestants (whether Westminster Presbyterians, C of E 39 Articles BCP’ers, or Savoy Declaration CH Spurgeon types) who founded this country, saw themselves- as both Englishmen, Christian men, and White Men.

  38. Pennsylvania and several other states have multiple secession petitions going, and there seems to be no order to it, no organisation at all, apparently a completely sponaneous, bottom-up, truly grassroots protest. Next thing, there will be a secession petition conspiracy theory that it is really a secret information-gathering programme.

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