About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Fr. John+: No christian cleric would use the crude ethnic slurs you have polluted this thread with. In constructing your persona you assume that the more naive protestants reading this blog would actually believe that an orthodox cleric would stoop to using the n-word to describe black people, and would author a blog shot through with christian identity clap trap. Enough already! I don’t believe your cover story for a minute. The give-away that you are a provocateur is that you have multiple comments on just about every thread, and that you use 2x – 3x the number of words a white man would use. The only question is who do you work for.

    To the proprietor of this thread: You should put a disclaimer somewhere on this site that you forswear violence and crude bigotry, and that the opinions of every poster are their own and do not reflect the proprietor of the blog.

  2. “The give-away that you are a provocateur is that you have multiple comments on just about every thread, and that you use 2x – 3x the number of words a white man would use. ”

    Unadmirable- you’ve never met a University professor before, have you? Mea culpa.

  3. And, if you think I am verbose, you should have been here, when Joew was still commenting.

    “That’s what the race war is all about, Charlie Brown: Whether white people will survive and show the world the image of God’s love in man, or whether they will succumb to the powers of darkness and allow the image of God in man to be effaced forever in a racially diverse hell on earth.”

    – Cambria will not yield, courtesy of our friends over at SWB. (BTW, Unadmirable, I often quote Cambria. Does that make HIM a provocateur, also?)

  4. “Fr. John+: No christian cleric would use the crude ethnic slurs you have polluted this thread with. ”

    Here we go again.

    To call a black person “a resident of the Niger,” is being both erudite and correct- even when the word is spelled with two ‘g’s. Niger is Latin for Black, or didn’t they teach you that at your GED classses?

    In addition, fear of the ‘N’ word, (like garlic before a vampire no longer works in modern Twilight variant shows, from Buffy onwards) no longer scares me, as it does not for MANY of the posters on this board. You show yourself both ignorant, as well as a tool of the NWO, for actually fearing calling a black a nigger.

    Since they (residents of the Niger) call THEMSELVES that, it clearly is a ‘cudgel’ for them to use, to stop we Whites from using the exact same term, when discussing their less-than-cacausian foibles.

    I refuse to stand naked before some she-boon (as our lovely Denise calls Moochelle O’Buckwheat.) as did Englishmen last year. I’d as soon kill the sucker first, as the animal he is. (Oh, dear, perhaps you got your Lane Bryant underwear in a twist over that one, as well.. Sigh- I was going to use an even more descriptive Anglo-Saxon term, for an adulterous beast, who dares think he can rape my daughters or wife with impunity.)

  5. IS this a serious question?? How would a free South deal with mestizos and negroes – realistically? Umm, the answer is really, really, simple. Just end welfare benefits and the vast majority will migrate north. Ending welfare benefits will also end the mexican invasion.

    The majority will leave, certainly but there will be stragglers.
    Assuming sane citizenship policies, miscegenation laws, etc.; what’s to stand between a white man and colored labor save for an oppressive government? If coloreds want to work as menial/manual labor they should be deloused and inspected by the respective state to ensure they’re disease free. Coloreds are then registered and micro-chipped. They give birth on company grounds with colored midwives.

    Colored children must be provided some form of vocational training by their employer. If they are injured or ill the employer is entirely responsible financially. In the event a colored commits a crime the employer is billed for the room and board along with the lethal injection if deemed necessary. When they die, they’re to be buried on company grounds. In the event of overcrowding, white cemetaries and churches retain the right of eminent domain over colored boneyards.

    This may seem harsh but after BRA crumbles the choice between a miserable post-entitlement existence and a job in the South will be tempting to many coloreds.

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