Live Thread: Alex Linder Debate on Radio Free Mississippi (Round Two)


It is too late for the live thread, but I decided at the last minute to participate in the debate, and we spent about two hours discussing Greg Johnson and homosexuality, Catalonia, and Christianity.

Note: Here’s the link to the archive to the show. No flaming in the comments! Enjoy!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘We spent about two hours discussing Greg Johnson and homosexuality, Catalonia, and Christianity.’

    I don’t understand the fascination of the other two folks (not HW) with Greg Johnson and homosexuality. That is bizarre. And the hostility of some WN towards Christianity ensures that they will remain marginal. Even if a particular WN advocate is not religious, it’s best to at least recognise the importance of Christianity to the culture and sense of identity of Western people for 2,000 years.

  2. Last time, I had my smartphone, but this time I had Skype and a new headset. The audio is very different, but this was a last minute decision, so I had no time to test the new setup.

  3. Who is this Johnson cat, and why is he important? Does he have a big army? Lots of Money. Or just lots of inches of vacuum? LOL.

  4. There is a difference between whites in the south, and white homosexuals in San Francisco, even if both groups were “pro-white”. Whites in the south share a culture that they have shared and grown, and fags in San Francisco are an artificial group sharing an ideology and practice. They didn’t “spring up” and grow there, rather they flocked there from elsewhere. They are opportunists not a community or nation.

  5. “Homo, shmomo will derail us”, yeah right. Bunch of pussies worried about what Ol’ Ma will think is what is derailing “us.”

  6. Too much time wasted on the non-issue of homosexuality. Gays who can conduct themselves with dignity and class are more valuable to white/southern nationalism than an army of hetereosexual misanthropes in Nazi regalia.

  7. Homosexuality has always existed and will always exist. Homosexuality becomes a problem when it ceases to be a private vice and becomes a public virtue. Then it becomes a parasitic influence that is very much a problem, dear ol’ ma notwithstanding. Empirically this is true, at least among white nations, though I don’t think homosexuality is the cause of anything, rather that the public celebration of it is a sign of a culture gone awry.

  8. I’m surprised you agreed to another debate, Hunter. I was up ’til about 3:30 AM last night reading that thread on VNN. Those guys pretty much butchered you. And I thought I could be an asshole online…

  9. I don’t think that sort of approach is what we need in the South.

    If anything is true, the comment thread over there reminded me of the importance of tone in spreading message, and how a certain tone attracts a certain type of personality to any political or cultural movement.

    When you browse VNN Forum, you don’t see a random cross section of the White population. You don’t see an incipient nation. You see a bunch of White men who are extremely angry, extremely alienated, extremely disagreeable, most of whom are single, and who are not very religious.

    If we are going to have any success with Southern Nationalism, we are going to have to reach a broader audience than the White Nationalists. We need to be reaching lots of normal, well adjusted people like the kind you see in the Vaga Brothers video about Catalonia. 500 Glenn Millers in one room will only repulse the White majority like a magnet.

    That’s one reason why I decided to start moderating the comments here. I think we need less poison and bile and a more welcoming atmosphere for lurkers. Specifically, we need (and this is obvious from what is happening in Catalonia) to focus more on our cultural uniqueness and the economic case for the secession of Texas and Dixie.

  10. Sometimes the comment threads at OD can approach the VNN level of vitriol and personal attacks and that’s the single most obvious area where we can improve going forward in December.

  11. @ Hunter

    In another time, another era, Glenn Miller would have been a major player in North Carolina politics. Read about the Wilmington Riot.

    Glenn just didn’t have the professional help, and the education to make the transition to survive in modern Southern politics.

    Don’t be too hard on Glenn Miller.

  12. Giles was talking about potentially using Christianity as a weapon against multiculturalism. Well, that weapon already exists in the form of Christian Identity and it’s totally ineffective. In fact, it’s a bad joke.

  13. Scotland will be a test case. I suggest you buy a ticket and observe the process in person. Pick a month in the run up to the referendum and do some serious field research. It might be salutary for Dixians who want to build a realistic model for secession.

  14. Well, I’ll post here and see how it works out. I don’t bother pretending to be fair. If Lender and itz tards on VNNF see it, then there will doubtless be a cumplaint to the Alex-kenite-nutzi [Colostomy-Bag] Defecation League hindquartered over on VNNF. That ought to be good for another daze haet.

    I listened to your call with Jim Giles and the gut-sick guido kikenweasel with jew ass-GAIDS, i.e. Lender/Linder. Linder got rather shrill and like a California jewboy stuck in goyim-land, i.e. in the Grannyz-basement-bunker in Kirksville, Missery, refused to justify itz religious position, equivalent to Lenin and Ayn Rand. However it got shrill about you “Southron hicks” who dare believe in Jesus Christ. What does Jesus got that Linder doesn’t, except for Chrons/jew ass-GAIDS and much more humility? Christ was the Savior of Aryan White men and women while Linder can’t save itzself from Crohn’s pangs. Of course, Christ had His Judas Iscariot, and Linder’s jewd-ass is Linder’s unruly bleeding kike bunghole.

    I’m still wondering why some jewboy bleeding out the ass stuck in the Grannyz-basement-bunker amongst the Deutch goyim in NorthEast Missery is bitching about some learned whigger of dubious sexuality living in Sans Fagscrisco all the time. Perhaps it is time to testify against some whigger tard posting on VNNF like back in December 2009 again? Most thangs bad to Lender happen around Christmas. Like Christmas Coups. No wonder it hates Christianity!!!

    I also fail to see how someone who isn’t willing to even run for a county precinct committeeman and form a county political committee, then on from there to try to take over a minor third party up to the state level is somehow suddenly going to form a nation-wide political party. Hell, I got a Newton County Libbertoon party organized so as to run Roxie for county commissioner for free and she got 1659 votes/13.5 % of the vote in her half of the county.

    All Linder could do was to squeal about how much it hates and despises Southrons and Christians, and how stupid they are. What that accomplishes is . . . same thang as VNNF has always accomplished, i.e. to get idiot whiggers put in prison, i.e. Kevin Harpham, Bill White, etc.

    You go on doing what you are doing now, building up your blog, doing some podcasting with your friends, urging secession for Dixie-land.

    I’m glad that you called into my show last night. And I think that your call to Giles and Lender/Linder worked out fine.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

    P.S. I’m on Skype when I boot up Toshiba #2 as Pastor.Lindstedt


  15. In the next debate, now that I am used to Skype, and don’t have to practically yell into my smartphone to not sound muffled, I promise the audio and delivery will be much better. It is too bad that I didn’t test this out beforehand.

  16. Yup. After spending an hour at VNN I could see why you got sick of Vantards. Nothing will ever come of that. NOTHING.

  17. Christianity is at a historic low, few calling themselves Christian do not act like it, Linder grew in a cult from what he said, that was a sort of false religion, he may have never experienced true Christianity, so burnt by his experience of presumed Christianity and so woefully ignorant of it therefore he attacks what he sees coming from the Faith of CHRIST.

    It is true all Athiests are not the same but that pretty much applies to many things. Athiests do however have no Faith and are thereforth weak in a certain sense, their roots are shallow and easily swept away.
    Christianity is not something one learns in a day or perhaps even a lifetime, but just as the devil quoted scripture JESUS quoted right back. Righteousness is not wickedness. Truth is singular, is not the LORD GOD truth how can it be otherwise?

  18. Vanishing Never Neverland.

    Mockery can work. Many of the nationalist groups in Europe are leftist, but that’s no reason at all to avoid a dialog with their representatives and pick up practical movement style tactics and strategies.

  19. VNN forum is to the new right (or traditional right, if you prefer) as bathroom stall scribblings are to English literature.

  20. It needs to be brought to a ballot box and challenge the government legitimately. The political effort will need a long patient effort, but if done right it will work.

  21. I’m a lurker and I’m the kind of person we need to reach. Forums are difficult to maneuver and places like SBPDL are too long winded to get to the point. I keep coming back here for the things that aren’t offered elsewhere.

    Nearly walked away from Christianity before I read Cambria Will Not Yield. I don’t think anti-Christian is productive to the movement, but that it is specifically counter-productive. If it is a crutch, then so be it. People need crutches when they’re hurt and we have a lot of hurting people. And it’s the one institution left were we have the ability to affect real change. The barrier to entry is low and it is already self-congregated for the most part, especially in the south.

    I’m also glad you’ve started moderating the comments. Most of the bile-filled arguments are either silly or useless.

  22. Whatever you do, don’t ever listen to the anti-christian fringe element. Your particular brand of Christianity is the South’s spiritual center. Without it, it would have gone the way of secular yankeedom. The Protestant church in yankeeland stopped taking Christianity seriously more than 100 years ago.

  23. I listened to that pro-fag conference call for about twenty minutes before I gave up in disgust. The queers are in no way part of the solution to modern society’s problems. They are part of the problem in themselves.

  24. The homosexual issue, imo, should just be re-framed and dispensed with, in a way.
    Talk about having to hear ad naseum about things that have nothing to do with you. People should just say, ‘I’m heterosexual, and prefer to think about that, thank you.” Just divert all conversation and shift the subject, immediately.

  25. I admire Cambria Will Not Yield, but I try not to confuse the beauty of his prose with the truth of his particular religious view. After all, one of the arguments that Muslims use to prove their religion is truth is the beauty of the words in the book around which their religion is centered. I think there is room enough io our political spectrum for Alex Linder and the pseudonymless CWNY.

    I am reserved in my enthusiasm for secessionist movement centered in a part of the country heavily populated by judeopuritans who wave the damnyankeeflag and who are proud of serving in the damnyankeearmy.

  26. Linder was saying how “Jews attack Christianity round the clock.”

    Hunter should have said “How are you different from a Jew.”

    That would have been funny, however I do reject religion as “opiate of the people.”

  27. Jim’s summation of the HQ – Homo Question – is the most perfect, succent assessment EVER.

    J – stick around. Your comments are thoughtful, and thus valuable. Write more stuff.

    Hunter- I was afraid the Pastor would be booted (Your Truly as well) – but he is not.

    Huzzah and BLESS you!

  28. the angry vanguard types can be useful tools. hell their type have been useful tools throughout the ages, but not tools to be directly used by folks with more politically viable gifts

  29. A very amazing discussion, especially when it got to Christianity. Jim has been saying he’s looking for a leader. I tried to tell Jim awhile back that he is the one, the best we have. Telling him that just made him hate me and distrust me. Jim needs, in my opinion, to realize that he needs some fine tuning. As he admits, his ego is maybe too big, and it seems to me that he dislikes anyone who didn’t play football and/or serve in the military. And in my humble opinion, you other two guys need to realize there are two sides to every story. Yes, George Washington was a christian and that is part of what made him who he was. On the other hand the modern Christians are handicapped by the jews. And to secede from the union is good, but not enough. There will also have to be a purge.

  30. “I am reserved in my enthusiasm for secessionist movement centered in a part of the country heavily populated by judeopuritans who wave the damnyankeeflag and who are proud of serving in the damnyankeearmy.”

    You are right about the patriotardism, but the only time puritans made it that far south is when they drove through to visit disneyworld.

  31. Hunter Wallace said:

    “I used it as an opportunity to illustrate the cultural differences between the West Coast and the Deep South.”

    You sure did and quite well!
    I enjoyed the Catalonian gentleman, too.
    The parallels between the South Americans’ attitude and those of US muds/ illegals are…interesting. (Having some idea of the cost, firsthand, of trans-Pacific/ Atlantic travel, I’d still like to know who/ what organization is “sponsoring” their trip. As if we don’t.)

    “The first and most successful racialist organization in American history was the Ku Klux Klan.”

    For those who haven’t read it, I enjoyed this history of the early Klan very much. It’s available here, to read online

    Author: Davis, Susan Lawrence, 1861-1939
    Subject: Ku Klux Klan (19th cent.) — History; Ku Klux Klan (19th cent.) — Tennessee — Pulaski — History
    Publisher: American library service, 1924


    At one point, I was thinking Yikes! This shoulda come with a warning.
    You quit just a few minutes too soon. That part of the conversation ends about 25:26- 8. (You can slide the little diamond thing and pick it up there.) There’s a little dead air when Jim Giles is getting the Spaniard fellow hooked up, but past the queer stuff, the rest is good.

  32. LOL @ the spanish bitching about the incoming south americans. At least they are right, and the spanish did conquer them.

    What’s totally bizarre is the influx into the u.s. Saw a post with a self-described “brown immigrant” bitching about peoples’ pronunciation of various spanish words in America. “You made us speak English” he says. LOL— he speaks spanish, and was bitching about spanish pronunciations, and YET HE STILL was blaming anglos. Anglos did not conquer him. That’s why he speaks spanish.

    That’s how effective the propaganda has been.

    Spain should take them. The u.s. south has had it drummed into them that they must take care of the ex-slaves. This is black people. Ok… they said fine.

    But now, it’s the spanish ex-slaves, too? Let them go to spain!

  33. I do NOT believe that this Med guy is willing to give up his land as a “White Homeland,” the way he says, the “white multi cult.”

    If we said we were going to turn his area into a 90% Anglo Protestant Area coz hey, “we’re all white here,” bet he would not like it. So… the south europe “white homeland” could be all nordic, pretty much (since “we’re all white here.”) Doubtful.

    But in the u.s., it’s like “we’re all white here.” So what if the North Euro Protestants live as a minority, even when their families founded the country, right? “we’re all white.”

  34. I tend to think the religious aspect of this debate will have to do more than just bag Christianity or even give it a pass for ‘cultural influence.’

    Jew Award winning actor Jamie Foxx has just publicly hailed Barack Obama in the following terms: “First of all, give honor to God [that probably should be g_d] and our lord and savior Barack Obama. Barack Obama.”

    Broadcast on the Soul Train Awards BET, Sunday Nov 25, 2012

    Just in time for Hannuka. Cue strains of the Havah Nagila.

  35. It’s a survival mechanism for encountering Jews too closely.

    Jeebus was probably like:

    “you a-holes do what at Temple?” coin clippers!”

  36. I listened to the “debate” on the way back from Houston and I’d like to offer some constructive criticism.

    1. Homosexuality is a distracting sideshow.

    2. The Catalonian stole the show with his deft weaving of mantra and anti-new world order verbiage into secession. He also sounded the most white-and-normal.

    3. Some things can only divide us religion is one of them.

    It was said of ancient Rome that the religions were considered by the masses as equally true, the philosophers as equally false, and the magistrate as equally useful. Nothing has changed.

    Christianity was the Jewish take on Zoroastrianism and was multi-racial from its first centuries. Most Christians aren’t white. If the south was a model of a strongly racial society (it wasn’t, it was an unstable cast system that collapsed like ancient Aryan India…) if the south was strong racially, it was surely despite Christianity, rather than because of it.

    That said, I would gladly live in an all christian society if it were all white. Conversely, I would hope that white Christians would rather live in a non-christian society provided it were all white.

    4. Linder’s “plan” is ridiculous; we have the plan: it is the partition of the US into the blue states centered on CA and NY, and the red states centered around Texas.

    Attacking conservatives and Christians is asinine as we need 80% of whites to come together to be able to resist the genocidal intentions of the other races which vote and act in similar percentages.

  37. Dixiegirl says:
    November 27, 2012 at 2:17 am

    The homosexual issue, imo, should just be re-framed and dispensed with, in a way.
    Talk about having to hear ad naseum about things that have nothing to do with you. People should just say, ‘I’m heterosexual, and prefer to think about that, thank you.” Just divert all conversation and shift the subject, immediately.

    You can say that again! Considering our national situation, if Giles is going to continue to obsess over faggy Greg HW would do well to discontinue these talks. Otherwise I enjoy them and think they could be productive. We should all benefit from continued discourse, provided it isn’t sidelined by negligibles.

    Linder isn’t wrong about everything but he is about other things. I respect his opinions, whether he is a good administrator or not.

  38. If I debated vanguardists, I’d question the wisdom of their take on the Jewish question as well. Vanguardists in my opinion correctly point to a number of bad influences to which Jews as a group are complicit (but not a single cause), but there are legitimate downsides to painting every single Jew with the same brush as well. For instance, how did it help Hitler to drive Einstein out of Germany? And do Jews not run an internal gamut of ideologies?

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