Live Thread: Alex Linder Debate on Radio Free Mississippi (Round Two)


It is too late for the live thread, but I decided at the last minute to participate in the debate, and we spent about two hours discussing Greg Johnson and homosexuality, Catalonia, and Christianity.

Note: Here’s the link to the archive to the show. No flaming in the comments! Enjoy!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Alex is a smart guy but I wish he weren’t such a jerk. He should be more respectful to the people he speaks with.

  2. I’m 25 minutes into it. Alex Linder kicks ass. That man talks as effectively as he writes. Hunter is doing a great job too. Jim Giles has a good radio voice, but his views on homosexuality are the epitome of backwards provincial. I’ll probably finish the rest of it tomorrow. Too bad the online debates can’t be this productive.

  3. The ziobots who kiss king willie’s loff and judeojesus aka ‘jeebus’ promoters can only wish.

    Jesus was more like: “the kingdom of God whall be taken from you and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits of the kingdom. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. And when the chief priests and Pharisee had heard his parables, they knew that he spoke of them. ” Gospel according to St Matthew 21:43-45.

    And by extension he speaks of the globalist Judaic Imperative, its shabbos goy masonry, its temple money scam and ziobot Commintern, republics, soviets and geopolitical entities.

  4. I said this before, and I’m going to say it again. Note, I do not take pleasure in criticizing good folk who have been raised as Christians. However I owe it to myself to speak honestly. First the obvious: Christianity does not originate in Mother Europe, but rather from the middle east. Therefore from it’s very and inception has been a fundamentally ALIEN influence to European mankind.

    Judging the fruits of Christianity, namely the modern multicultural destruction of the White race, in which the Christian doctrine has been complicit at best, due to its lack of folk based/racial truths, I must renounce christianity with respect and civility.

    We as your European mankind ought to follow our own religions from European traditions, cultures and peoples.

  5. HW, don’t give up. While Linder is mostly correct his ideas will not work without regional nations. Please continue these talks, although I recommend revolving hosts, ie: from all sides. Credit to Giles for starting it but…….

    You are ultimately right but Linder has a better view of the landscape.

  6. The host seems like the kind of football-playing lunkhead who, in high school, would have picked on his non-football-playing classmates for wasting time learning how to read (so that, for instance, they’d know how to pronounce Gomorrah). Worthless.

  7. Homosexuals are only 3-4% of the population. In times like this, when pushed in schools, activists may claim 8% or something, lol. But it is 3-5%. It is that way for centuries.

    I know this because we had to learn about it in school, and in health care situations, and in movies (gay man dress women for parties and are their best friend in a million movies)—-

    —so finally (b/c I’d never met one in real life)—- I felt compelled to go look up exactly how many there were. It boiled down to about 2% of men, which meant most towns have one gay bar somewhere.

    Anyway, I think Thomas Wolfe is gay. I will still read him, lol.

    But why are 320 MILLION people going on and on and on and on— about 2% of the population? That’s the real question.

    What is GAINED by ensuring 8 year olds know about this? GAINED by any confusion they might feel? GAINED by shaping their sexuality publicly? Who benefits? That’s the real discussion no one has (ever).

    Vaguely, it’s seen as about social control. But only very superficially (“they are in our business.”) But the formation of sexuality is much deeper than just nibbiness. In a way, the homo issue does what the old masturbation contraptions used to, imo. Instills fear, psychological unrest and so on.

  8. Motel sure. Any pantheistic religion you name has roots in Asia Minor or North Africa. Farming came from what is now Northern Turkey. It’s alien too by that logic.

    No Christianity is the religion of the hero too. It deeply impressed Vikings and Saxons and Celtic groups when they first heard about it.

  9. The homosexual issue (obviously) IS NOT REALLY ABOUT homosexuals. It’s about the heterosexual children and adult public onlookers.

    They are the 96% for whom the show is really put on. Keep digging at the why of THAT, if it must be discussed. How does it effect ME, the hetero population, etc.

    Why don’t people ever re-frame things, as if life is about THEM? How to say?

  10. Linder would really be great if he dropped the anti-christian rhetoric. He doesn’t even have to be pro-Christian, just drop the anti-Christian verbiage because it’s just so damn off-putting and polarizing. For example, I would love to show Linders stuff to my Dad, but the anti-Christian stuff crosses the line and as a result the entire message is lost.

    Lets ignore the fact that Europeans as a people achieved world dominance when Christianity was at it’s absolute strongest. Just do a Jared Taylor and state your religious views are personal.

    Normal white Americans aren’t dropping their Christianity and adopting paganism or atheism. That’s the realm of the left-wing faggots and communists Americans despise.

    I think Hunter won that debate.

  11. Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt:

    Good lord, dude.
    Can you make a point without all the profanity, personal insults, and childish playing with people’s names? Do you realise that any valid point you might otherwise make is completely lost with your credibility when you act like that? I am sometimes ashamed that you and I are on the same side.

  12. There was no such thing as “Europe” before Christianity. The church was what united and defined those peoples for over one thousand years.

    When we are talking about “Europeans” we are always talking about white Christians(at least in a cultural sense), not the biological europid racial cline.

    I mean honestly, how many people consider the various white Bedouins, Turks and afghans of the middle east their racial brothers. That’s laughable.

  13. “Judging the fruits of Christianity, namely the modern multicultural destruction of the White race, in which the Christian doctrine has been complicit at best, due to its lack of folk based/racial truths, I must renounce christianity with respect and civility.”

    I’m sorry you think that Christianity has caused multiculturalism, but multiculturalism is a product of empire, not religion. There were multicultural empires before Christianity, and there will be after. I don’t want to get into a big religious argument, so let us just speak empirically here. The least multicultural supporting parts of North America and Europe also happen to be the most traditionally Christian. The Roman empire was multicultural long before Christianity, and so were the Persians. Multiculturalism is a product of Empire, not religion.

  14. As for Greg Johnson I stuck up for him on several occasions, especially about being an editor of OQ which is now 50% Jewspiracy gobbleygook, but since I critiqued him and his merry band of essayists for being a bunch of wannabe Mommy Profs up in their own little tree house I cannot even post there.

    HW makes his case about WN just by pointing to them, and they do the rest.

  15. As far as I know, Einstein’s entire contribution to the construction of the nuclear device was writing a letter to FDR.
    The majority of the Jewish scientists who worked on the device were not from Germany and were never within his field of control.

  16. Get real Anthony Lynch, there has been Christianity in Europe for 2,000 years. Even the one week ‘hit the capitols’ tour of Europe will establish this.

    The North, Central, Eastern and Western Europe were all Christian nations with Christian government. Before that Rome originated in the Middle East – Troy to be specific. Read Virgil.

  17. Dixiegirl said:
    “LOL @ the spanish bitching about the incoming south americans. At least they are right, and the spanish did conquer them.”

    You laugh at a White person being opposed to White Genocide in his homeland? Anyhow, “history” never justifies a Genocide. The Turks stole land from Europeans, but nobody says that they should let in zillions of non-Turks and assimilate with them because of that.

    “What’s totally bizarre is the influx into the u.s.”

    No, it’s not bizarre at all. It’s called White Genocide and it’s being implemented via massive non-White immigration and forced assimilation into every single White country – and that includes the USA and Spain.

  18. @Murph

    “There was no such thing as ‘Europe’ before Christianity.”

    – Wrong. The very word ‘Europe’ comes from the term ‘Europa’ which Herodotus depicted on his map of the world in 450 BC.

  19. If you understand mythology – that is folk history, then it is possible to trace the cult of the white bull (that is Baal sacrifice) by many names into the Northwest.

    Europa was abducted by Zeus – in his Baal / Bull persona and taken to Crete where the cult of the double axe and the sacrifices, that would be human sacrifice btw, to Baal were instituted. There is quite a deal about this in Bible, actually.

    Pagan Europe began with the cult of the bull.

  20. Whether or not the redemptive qualities of belief in Christ could be replaced by some other ideology is an interesting question. But that absolution in Him was integral to the growth of the tree of culture upon which we sit, dead though its outer branches have become, cannot be seriously questioned.

    We are dead because we now seek absolution through a culture defined by a media that seeks to make sure we find none. We will never be forgiven by people that hate us. Yet people need forgiveness to be redeemed, and redemption to find hope, and hope to act in a meaningful way for beneficial change. Everything we have built is now used to ensure there will be no redemption.

    So could something besides Christ fill that void, and backstop our backslide into oblivion? For certainly whether we have sinned or not is irrelevant. We as a people have been judged to have sinned, and are slated for execution. How do we renounce this verdict?

    I don’t see why it isn’t relevant to look to He who renounced the verdict for us 2000 years ago, and planted the tree upon which we sit. We are NOT GUILTY. Why? BECAUSE THE LAMB OF GOD TELLS US SO!

    I fail to see why that isn’t good enough. Should we replace The Lamb with the Unicorn of Osiris, the Two-Headed Goat of Banshiris, or the Sword-Wielding Cyclops of the North?

    Whatever it is, it’s just not going to be as evolved as Christ. So why bother?

  21. Bingo!, Dixiegirl. Sodomy is not about sodomites, it’s about the destruction of traditional Western.

    Chris is exactly right, Europe and the West existed long before they imported religion from the Levant. Notice how the West is now supposedly “Judeo-Christian” now. I just finished reading “Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas”, published in 1900. So many Western traditions, stories, and holidays are from Norse mythology with a thin veneer of Christianity.

    I ‘m not saying we need to dump Christianity, but the “Judeo-Christianity should be put in the trash bin.

  22. @313Chris

    – The very word ‘Europe’ comes from the term ‘Europa’ which Herodotus depicted on his map of the world in 450 BC.

    I could have just said “Europeans” then.

    This is semantics.

    Herodotus is referring to a continent, not a people. Before the Christendom, the Greco-Roman world had more in common with north africa and the middle-east. It was the Church and it’s opposition to Islam that made Europeans start thinking of themselves as a single people.

  23. Just listened. Giles is painful. He’s suffering a multi SD IQ deficit to both warring parties. Hunter/Brad you did well, but should focus on eliminating the “umm umm ahh” tic. You can do this with conscious effort; it will improve your presentation.

    Lastly, Linder’s strategy is to destroy the conservatives…and the christians…and the “southern ignoramuses.” Then he is going to pivot and reduce Jews and liberals to ash.

    Well, why not go for something ambitious? Though as Stalin wondered of the pope: How many divisions has he got?

  24. I tend to agree about the late advent of a self conscious Europe. After Rome fell and the Islam hordes demolished the Roman remnants in North Africa, sundering Europe from the Med then you get a self conscious Europe, or a self conscious Christendom which meant the same thing. Christianity hardened up in its Militant phase during the a crusades.

  25. You’re all voices of sanity on the homosexual issue. What a waste of time! As long as they’re not having children, all is good. My side (the anti-whites) could learn a lot from this discussion. It is tragic that a lot of white liberals are starting to discriminate against Africans, Hispanics and Asians for their anti-gay attitudes. The split between seculars and Christian antiracialists on this issue on this and the abortion issue is a huge problem. We need to keep focusing on destroying the concept of the white race and southern nationalism.

  26. I’ve listened to these ‘debates’ and looked at the pages and pages of meercat droppings here and on Lender’s Greater Free Range Tard Corral. Let’s understand something:

    This was not a debate at all. Hunter gave his thoughts concerning that Southrons are of a different tribe than Northrons and other ZOGlings and the necessity for secession.

    Lender/Linder was more interested in screaming about Greg Johnson being a homosexual — as that is what was used to get out of snitching back in Dec. 2009 and screaming like the kikes and mamzers over on VNNF about how much they hate Christianity and Christ. That and how a ZOGland-wide Imperial political party like “Golden Dawn” is necessary and possible. This when Lender and TraitorGlenn Miller cannot and will not even go down to the county seat and register for county precinct committeeman, and then organize their own county. Since they won’t even take a half hour to take over in their own county a minor political party, how then are they going to set up a nation-wide racist political party?

    They ain’t.

    I know whereof I speak. TraitorGlenn Miller has poisoned the well in making sure that overt ‘White Nationalists’ cannot run for state or federal office in Missouri and set it so that now write-in candidates cannot force local radio and TV stations and jewspapers to sell low-priced campaign advertising.

    Now I’ve listened to Hunter’s ‘interview’ with me and will post it shortly. This “Pearson” is a Toronto tard that looks like a jew that causes trouble within CI as well as amongst the nutzi tards.

    Anyway, what Greg Johnson does in Sans Fagscrisco and what Hunter does in Alabama and what, if anything, they believe is irrelevant to the VNNF tards, some of them jews, some mamzers, some whiggers, all ZOGling fuktards. As is what these VNNF tards believe.

    Rather, the best revenge is Hunter doing his own thing, Johnson selling his books and trinkets — there is no more Order armored-car ZOGbux to make such as Pierce into a runner of an Elohim City for CreaTards — and for them to feed their own meercats by means of operating forums, blogs, and making podcasts.

    In fact, if I were to make a board game illustrating the bowel Movement I’d make a player take a Nutzi faction and a CI faction and have event cards like “Crohns Pangs” to affect Alex Linder, Dan Johns, Bryan Wright and “Allegations of ZOGbotting” to affect TraitorGlenn Miller, Jim Giles, Alex Linder, Bill White, etc.

    Let’s understand something: What makes Linder and Linder’s meercats like Vargina the LinderMiller Meercat, CornCobb, TraitorGlenn Miller really bleed out the ass, besides Crohns/jew ass-GAIDS, is my having ‘free speech’ on this blog. They are all cumplaining to theyz’ own Ass-kenite-nutzi Defecation League each and every day, as if whether Hunter gets to continue playing is to censor.

    Why? When they need Hunter to even make this collection of jews, mamzers and whigger ass-clowns around a suspected jew with a bleeding bunghole and implications of ZOGbottery to be relevant?

    These v-bulletin forums are no longer the major medium of Movement propaganda. 100 meercats making a million ‘muh dikkk’ posts now means nothing. Rather, now is the time for moderated WordPress blogs and accompanying podcasts. Thus Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Greg Johnson, Hunter Wallace for the non-CI Movement is what is now the Walking Present of the bowel Movement. Not David Duck and Alex Lender/Linder.

    Hunter has at least a plan and a message and a means of disseminating these ideas of regional secession. Linder doesn’t. Jim Giles doesn’t. Hunter stayed on message. Linder and Giles have no message other than solipsism.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN

  27. “Porter says:
    November 28, 2012 at 1:08 am

    Just listened. Giles is painful. He’s suffering a multi SD IQ deficit to both warring parties.”

    Mr. Porter,

    How about you and me debating the importance of IQ and my painful performance on RFM?

    Jim Giles

  28. John White says:
    Dixiegirl said:
    “LOL @ the spanish bitching about the incoming south americans. At least they are right, and the spanish did conquer them.”
    You laugh at a White person being opposed to White Genocide in his homeland?

    No, John White—

    I laugh at brown folk incoming to the U.S. who have been hate-incited against Anglos, largely by “Liberation Theology,” which is about white-on-white enemies, in my estimation. I laugh when they talk about the Anglo enemy, and do not notice that Spanish is the language they were subjugated by (not English).

    Somewhere there was a reference to a non-white Spanish-speaker getting all mad about a pronunciation of Spanish (done wrongly by an Anglo). “We didn’t ask to speak English,” the guy said, “haven’t we gotten to the point that we can acknowledge multi cult, and the Anglos can start using our Spanish pronunciations, etc.”

    Anyway—- my heart goes out to the Catalans.

    But ALL I REALLY KNOW is that a massive, coordinated effort was done AGAINST THE PUBLIC WILL (again) in the u.s.—- the effect of which was to print EVERY SINGLE paper in dual language (spanish being the new language).

    If Anglos went to Asia— and overnight, printed EVERY SINGLE document in English, (as well as Chinese)—- what would the Chinese do?

  29. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    November 28, 2012 at 5:01 am
    You’re all voices of sanity on the homosexuals….The split between seculars and Christian antiracialists on this issue on this and the abortion issue is a huge problem. We need to keep focusing on destroying the concept of the white race and southern nationalism…..

    Why are you pro-Genocide of Southerners?

    And do you feel the same way about the upper and lower, and even island South? Is it their religion? Skin color? Connection with the pioneers, i.e. you fear their Genetics might make them too independent, less easy to control, too capable of critical thinking?

    Why, exactly, do you want them Genocided?

    And why do you allow Indian Reservations, from that secessionist group? Do you want to end Indian Reservations, also?

  30. Jim Giles,

    You should temper your umbrage. Cogent extemporaneous thought and verbal agility are elements conducive to our cause. Linder and Wallace are more endowed, and the debate flourished when either had the floor.

    That is not to say you aren’t a valuable patriot and advocate. But when key counterpoints were ripening like coffee beans, you weren’t exactly Juan Valdez.

    Though regardless we’re probably on the same side and so I apologize for my previously artless observation.

  31. Mr. Porter,

    How about you and me debating the importance of IQ and my painful performance on RFM?

    Jim Giles

    I’m not Mr. Porter, but why don’t we debate it right here, bigmouth? By IQ, Porter means intelligence. Do you think the importance of intelligence is debatable? So do most of the members of the white race, which is perishing. If you’d like to see a race whose members don’t think it debatable, oberve the Jews, who are most certainly not perishing. You know who the Jews are, don’t you? They’re the ones you white nationalists complain about impotently when you’re not watching football.

    PS: “You and me debating” is ungrammatical.

  32. My power to conserve our language is emabarrassingly limited, Mosin–but you’re welcome.

  33. The latest podcast over at Counter-Currents makes HW’s case about cultural differences. I totally get the whole anti-intellectual thing (and one can certainly not accuse HW of such a thing given all the book reviews, detailed analysis of history and politics and so forth). That said, why their focus on homosexuality and urban, artsy life-styles? I have no major ax to grind with homosexuals as long as the person is question doesn’t push their sexuality upon me (in fact I’ve known a few Right-wing, pro-White homosexuals). But I think that we can promote intellectualism and culture on the Right without promoting homosexuality. HW was right that this is probably a cultural thing. Being a homosexual Right-winger (as opposed to a heterosexual Right-winger) in a place like San Francisco or Key West is perhaps a plus. Here in SC it is not.

  34. homosexuals are an issue because they’ve made themselves an issue. by and large no one cares until they align themselves with the marxist and try to force men into thinking the queer lifestyle is normal, acceptable and laudable

  35. “bigmouth?”

    PS: “You and me debating” is ungrammatical.

    My intention was to be understood in a richer sense than your pedantry allows. Kinda like Will in the movie Good Will Hunting:

    Yeah, but I will have a degree. and you’ll be serving my
    kids fries at a drive-thru on our way to a skiing trip.

    Yeah, maybe. eh, but at least I won’t be unoriginal.
    Pardon me, if you have a problem like that, you and me
    could just outside ‘n we could figure it out.

    Some of you boys remind me of Clark, the pedant.

  36. My intention was to be understood in a richer sense than your pedantry allows.

    Oh, I see. Thanks for the Hollywood dialogue that confirms white illiterates in their delusion that they know something the educated don’t. How much did you pay the Jews for the DVD?

  37. I’m not as dumb as you think I am and you’re not as smart as you think you are.

    In any event, I have no respect for anonymous lions who roar from their keyboard at me but would cower before me in person.

  38. In any event, I have no respect for anonymous lions who roar from their keyboard at me but would cower before me in person.

    That’s the second time you’ve adverted to physical violence against me. (The first was indirect, in the excerpt from Good Will Hunting.) As for my supposedly being anonymous: If you can read a phone book, then look up my address, come to Philadelphia, and break me in half, as I imagine you can. That way, you and the perishing whites who look up to an ape like you will know you’re better than I am.

  39. Hunter,

    Do you find Bonacorsi may have engaged in as him attack by doing the grammar troll routine? The guy obviously was looking for trouble with that correction and concern for Giles’s English.

  40. Bonacorsi engaged In Ad Hom attack … It took the trolls no more than a few days to start up their language games again.

    Bloody spellcheck!

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