My Worldview


Editor’s Note: I will continue working throughout the weekend. Keep checking in for updates. The next RFM debate with Alex Linder is about goals, tactics, and strategy.

Our Vision

I’m an ethnonationalist.

I believe that ethnicity is more powerful than race. I want a free and independent Republic of Dixie, an Anglo-Celtic nation-state like Hungary or Poland carved out of the wreckage of the United States, that is based on blood, culture, and history, not on failed liberal abstractions.

There are other separatist movements that fall into the same category: Québec in Canada, Flanders in Belgium, Scotland in the United Kingdom, Catalonia and the Basque Country in Spain, and Padania in Italy. Ireland, Croatia, Norway, Hungary, Greece, and Ukraine have already succeeded in joining the European family of nations.

Like the Catalans or Québécois, Southern Whites are a distinct ethnic group within America. Dixie is a nation within the United States that manifests itself in every presidential election, every major vote in Congress, the U.S. Census, and the maps of cultural geographers.

The Southern States:

Source: Wikipedia

The Southern States (Core and Periphery):

Source: Wikipedia

The Baptists:

Source: U.S. Census

Southern English:

Source: Wikipedia

“Real Americans”:

Source: American Ancestry (2000 Census)


Source: Joel Garreau, The Nine Nations of North America

Dixie Coalition:

Source: Colin Woodard, American Nations

Confederate States of America (1861-1865):

Confederate States of America

Jim Crow South (1896-1965):


The Republic of Dixie would include the 11 states of the ex-Confederacy, West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and the southern third of Missouri below I-44. In a worst case scenario, we might may have to cede Maryland, the Mexican border counties in Texas, the Washington Metro Area in Northern Virginia, and South Florida.

The international border between the Republic of Dixie and the United States would start at the Atlantic, run under the NOVA counties in Virginia before moving up toward the Shenandoah Valley, it would wrap around West Virginia excluding the Northern Panhandle, follow the Ohio River around Kentucky to Missouri, where it would follow I-44 through Missouri toward Oklahoma before sweeping around the Texas-New Mexico border and down through the Anglo-Hispanic ethnic fault line in South Texas toward the Gulf of Mexico.

The differences between the Republic of Dixie and the White Republic envisioned by the White Nationalists are clear:

– Dixie is a real nation. Southern Whites are a distinct people. This is a place that exists in the real world. It is not an abstraction or a proposition nation. It has a name and already exists in the minds of the people. It is not a vague fantasy that exists only in the minds of alienated intellectuals scattered across a continent.

– Dixie has all the ingredients of an independent nation: a common ethnicity, a common culture, a common ideological outlook, and a common history. White Nationalism is based on a racial identity and racial grievances. Simply put, there is more glue to Southern Nationalism because there is more homogeneity, which means there are fewer areas for conflict and division.

– Dixie has existed as an independent nation in the past: the Confederate States of America. There has been an earthquake along that sectional fault line before which destroyed the Union. It is still to this day the most likely spot where the Union would be cleaved in two.

– Southern Nationalism is a type of European-style ethnonationalism. White Nationalism is a reiteration of Americanism. There has already been at least one White Republic, the United States until 1861, and it failed due to ethnic and cultural divisions among White Americans.

With the exception of Harold Covington, White Nationalists can’t tell you the name of their proposed nation, where it would be located in the real world, what ethnicity would be the basis of their White ethnostate, or how their White Republic would be created. After thirty years of talking about creating a White Republic, you would think these basic questions would have been answered a long time ago.

Golden Dawn, for example, can answer all of these questions in under a minute: Greece, Greece, the Greeks, taking over the government. The Québécois can answer all of those questions: Québec, Québec, the Québécois, taking over the government and seceding from Canada. The Catalans have the same answers: Catalonia, Catalonia, the Catalans, taking over the government and seceding from Spain.

What about Southern Nationalists? We have the same answers as the Scots, Québécois, the Greeks, and the Catalans: Dixie, Dixie, taking over the Southern states, seceding from the Union, and creating the Republic of Dixie.

Our Strategy – Working Within The System

I will say at the outset that we believe reforming the system is impossible.

In the United States, we live under a system of representative government. Southern Nationalists have no objection in principle to the system of representative government – it works in homogeneous countries, but doesn’t work in heterogeneous ones. America is a failure as a nation and there is no political solution but secession and independence to that problem.

Americans no longer share a common race, a common ethnicity, a common culture, a common religion, a common history, or a common philosophical worldview. As America becomes ever more “diverse,” we are finding out that we have ever less in common with other “Americans,” and truth be told, if this were a marriage, we would have gotten divorced a long time ago.

White Southerners are a permanent minority in this Union. We are a permanent minority in a system based on majority rule. In 2008 and 2012, White Southerners voted against Barack Obama in overwhelming numbers, but Obama’s election and reelection only proved the futility of trying to reform a system in which we are a hopelessly outnumbered ethnic and cultural minority.

The consolidated despotism that we are living under today under Obama will only get worse under his successors as changing racial and cultural demographics continue to erode our political power. Obama’s election has proven that Democrats can write off Southern Whites and still win the White House. The Democratic media no longer even tries to hide its racial and cultural contempt for White Southerners.

So what are our options?

The first option is submission. We can submit to being ruled indefinitely by a coalition of Yankees and Jews and “people of color.” We can lose our freedom. We can lose our culture. In the long run, we can allow this “majority” of racial, ethnic, and cultural aliens to plunder us of everything we own.

The second option is self delusion. We can delude ourselves into believing that everything will be fine and that we can run Marco Rubio in 2016 and win over legions of budding “black conservatives” and “Hispanic conservatives.” The unprecedented level of moral cowardice on display at sites like ensures that self delusion will win the day for at least one more election cycle.

The third option is secession. We can seize power in the Southern states, secede from the Union, and form our own nation-state, the Republic of Dixie. In this scenario, we will have a fighting chance to preserve our way of life, and there is already movement in this direction in Texas and the rest of Dixie.

The fourth option is revolution. If our backs are firmly pressed against the wall, armed revolution might become the only realistic way to preserve our way of life. See the White Man’s Revolution of 1876 in South Carolina.

The fifth option is emigration. We can move to some other country. Don’t make me laugh with suggestions of moving to the Pacific Northwest. The same despotism that exists here can be found there as well. If Mississippi or Alabama can’t be pushed to resistance, there is no hope at all for Washington or Oregon.

Secession is our first choice.

We want to peacefully secede from the United States like Ukraine and Georgia seceded from the Soviet Union or Czechoslovakia broke apart in the Velvet Divorce. In Great Britain and Canada, Scotland and Québec have been given referendums to secede, Puerto Rico recently had a referendum on joining the United States, and Catalonia will soon be holding a referendum on secession from Spain.

In order to bring about disunion, we are supportive of “working within the system” – by that we mean at the state level, and only within the South – in order to exacerbate sectional polarization, galvanize our supporters, and advance the cause of secession with the ultimate objective in mind of calling a state convention in every Southern state to vote on the dissolution of this Union.

As we have already seen, our fellow disunionists in Europe and Canada are “working within the system” and they are way ahead of us: the Parti Québécois in Québec, the Scottish National Party in Scotland, the Convergence and Union Party (CiU) in Catalonia, Golden Dawn in Greece, and Vlaams Belang in Belgium.

In the United States, we don’t have a parliamentary system of government and couldn’t hope to reproduce those results with a third party in the South, but it might be possible for Southern Whites to imitate and invert the racial and ideological solidarity of the blacks and Hispanics within the Democratic Party and form a Southern Nationalist Caucus within the Republican Party in the Southern state legislatures.

The future of the Republican Party is unclear at this moment. Whatever its fate, the goal of the Southern Nationalist Caucus should be to split the Republican Party along sectional lines to precipitate the dissolution of the Union. Now that the GOP is pretty much dead as a viable national party, I imagine this will become more feasible moving forward.

Our Strategy – Christianity and Conservatism

Southern Nationalists are “mainstreamers.”

By that I mean our strategy is based on winning over our own people to the cause of secession or closing the gap between the Southern Nationalist vanguard and the White Southern masses until the need to secede from this despotic government becomes so obvious that it is accepted as common sense.

In this area, we are counting on the fecklessness of Conservatism, Inc., the failure of the Tea Party to “Take Back America,” the impotence of the national GOP, and the triumphalism and hubris of the minority-majority and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media to disillusion and alienate the average White Southern male and thereby sow the seeds of disunion.

We are under no illusions that the South is going to cease to be Christian and conservative and embrace White Nationalism and atheism after rejecting the values it has held for almost four centuries.

It is conceivable though that Southerners might be provoked to revolt in defense of the Southern way of life: a conservative revolution like the one in the video below against a hated, despotic central government and the economic ruin and godless, degenerate Northeastern culture that it seeks to impose on Dixie through its abuse of federal power.

As White Southerners lose power at the national level, they will predictably seek empowerment at the state level. When it finally becomes clear that White Southerners have permanently lost power within the minority-majority United States, the allure of White male empowerment through secession will become an irresistible temptation.

Alex Linder has proposed attacking the Christians and conservatives. While nothing would give Southern Nationalists greater pleasure than witnessing the demise of bloodsucking parasites like Conservatism Inc. and the Republican Party or the hucksters who are destroying the Southern Christianity, who we agree can and should be attacked, the following demographic facts must be kept in mind:

Self-Identified Ideology By State

Conservatives are predominant in every Southern state. These numbers also mask the true level of White Southern conservatism by including blacks and Hispanics in the poll:

Mississippi – 53.4%
Alabama – 49.8%
Louisiana – 49.5%
Arkansas – 47.9%
Oklahoma – 47.4%
Tennessee – 45.5%
Texas – 44.8%
West Virginia – 44.6%
South Carolina – 44.6%
Georgia – 43.9%
Missouri – 43.5%
North Carolina – 43.2%
Kentucky – 42.7%
Virginia – 41.3%
Florida – 39.9%

There is no road to secession or revolution in Dixie that doesn’t go through winning over the conservative majority.

Religiosity By State

I shouldn’t have to explain why attacking Christianity and making atheism a litmus test is a non-starter in the Bible Belt. These numbers also mask the true level of White Southern religiosity by including blacks and Hispanics in the poll:

Mississippi – 59% (very religious), 11% (non-religious)
Alabama – 56% (very religious), 16% (non-religious)
Louisiana – 54% (very religious), 16% (non-religious)
Arkansas – 54% (very religious), 19% (non-religious)
South Carolina – 54% (very religious), 18% (non-religious)
Tennessee – 52% (very religious), 18% (non-religious)
North Carolina – 50% (very religious), 21% (non-religious)
Georgia – 48% (very religious), 20% (non-religious)
Oklahoma – 48% (very religious), 23% (non-religious)
Texas – 47% (very religious), 22% (non-religious)
Kentucky – 47% (very religious), 24% (non-religious)
Missouri – 44% (very religious), 28% (non-religious)
West Virginia – 43% (very religious), 26% (non-religious)
Virginia – 42% (very religious), 27% (non-religious)
Florida – 39% (very religious), 31% (non-religious)

There is no path to secession or revolution in Dixie either that doesn’t go straight through the “very religious” and “moderately religious” who make up the Republican base.

Is it even desirable to encourage atheism? In Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, 64% of voters64% of voters, and 72% of voters respectively who “never” attend religious services voted for Obama.

In Wisconsin, 71% of White atheists voted for Obama. In Ohio, 62% of White atheists voted for Obama. In Michigan, 76% of White atheists voted for Obama. In Pennsylvania, 68% of White atheists voted for Obama.

In the 2012 election, Barack Obama won 69% of the Jewish vote and 70% of the “religiously unaffiliated” nationwide. If the goal is to transform Whites into Jews, then obviously promoting atheism is the way to go because there is no measurable difference between Jewish and White atheist political preferences.

Our Strategy – The Message

Southern Nationalists are ethnonationalists who seek a free and independent Dixie.

We have already established the importance of working within the system (like our counterparts in Canada, Belgium, Spain, and the UK) to dissolve the Union. We have established that secession requires winning over Christians and conservatives. We have established the importance of closing the gap between the Southern Nationalist vanguard and the Southern White masses.

In order to succeed, we will need a simple winning message that resonates with our target audience. I think the message should be that Christianity and conservatism are doomed within the United States, we live under a totally consolidated and unrepresentative federal government with unlimited powers, and the preservation of the Union puts us on a fiscally unsustainable course that will inevitably destroy our economy.

The South should be encouraged to revolt in defense of its own values and prosperity. It must be convinced that secession is the only way to preserve the Southern way of life and actualize those values.

In Catalonia, Catalan secessionists have a simple message that the newly rebranded OD will be experimenting with next year: seceding from Spain is necessary to preserve Catalan culture and Madrid has mismanaged Catalonia’s economy by taxing productive Catalans and redistributing their wealth to indolent Andalusians.

It is already clear that fiscal considerations over America’s soaring national debt and unsustainable government programs – such as the “takers” who got the “Obama phone” from the taxes of the “makers” – are weighing heavily on the minds of the White Southerners who are flirting with secession. We need to spend a lot more time responding to these cultural and economic anxieties.

Our Strategy – Talking Points

The Southern Nationalist message relies heavily on our most valuable asset: the unvarnished truth.

We don’t have the money of Conservatism Inc. or the media to contest the White House, but we can give White Southerners an honest assessment of their situation, we can prod them to revolt in defense of their own self avowed values, and we can excite their imaginations with the tantalizing possibility of how empowering it would be to follow their values to their logical conclusion and to assert their right to rid themselves of the ruling class in Washington.

Here are some talking points that advance this message:

1.) We agree with Ron Paul that the Constitution has failed and the federal government has become a consolidated despotism.

2.) Secession is the ultimate check on the growth of the federal government.

3.) America has failed as a nation. There is no political cure for a decompiled culture.

4.) White Southerners are an object of ridicule in America’s national culture. See “Django Unchained,” “Rosewood,” “Mississippi Burning,” “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter,” “Lincoln,” and “Deliverance.”

5.) White Southerners are a degraded and humiliated minority within this Union. See the Susan Rice nomination in which the Democratic media recently told White Southern men that it wasn’t their place to question an African-American women.

6.) Christianity has no future in the United States.

7.) Conservatives tried to “Take Back America” and failed. Dixie is not synonymous with America.

8.) Conservatism is dead in America except as a regional philosophy.

9.) America has promoted secession everywhere from South Vietnam, South Korea, South Sudan, Kosovo, Austria, Taiwan, Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic States, Panama, East Timor, and Ireland to advance its own interests.

10.) America is becoming California. The financial collapse of California will herald the financial collapse of the United States.

11.) The blacks were given their chance. We tried for fifty years to create a “post-racial, colorblind society.” Obama’s reelection on the basis of ZANU-PF-style explicit appeals to class warfare and racial tribalism have closed the book on “MLK’s Dream” and replaced it with “Get Whitey.”

12.) We waged a “War on Poverty” for 50 years and poverty whipped us.

13.) China hasn’t used violence against Taiwan. Russia hasn’t used violence against Ukraine and Georgia. Even North Korea has restrained itself from attacking South Korea. The United States should live up to the standards of North Korea and allow Texas to peacefully secede from the Union.

14.) If you can’t leave, you aren’t free.

15.) The United States is anti-White and anti-Southern.

These are just a few examples that immediately come to mind. Every single one of these talking points has the benefit of being true. The goal of our strategy is to hammer away at these talking points until they are accepted as common sense and disunion is accepted as the only way to preserve the Southern way of life.

Our Strategy – Metapolitics

Southern Nationalists have no objection to “metapolitics.”

Unlike White Nationalists, Southern Nationalists can point to multiple successful examples of just such a metapolitical struggle in the Lower South:

“This idea, though not incorporated in the constitution, was the prevailing idea at that time. The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago.”
– Alexander Stephens, Cornerstone Speech, March 21, 1861

There is a myth on the internet based largely on stereotypes and ignorance that the South is anti-intellectual or completely devoid of an intellectual culture. In reality, the Union was shattered precisely on the finer points of Stephen Douglas’s abstract constitutional theory of squatter sovereignty, and men like Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens left behind huge constitutional treatises for posterity.

Even beyond Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens, these issues were hashed out by the secessionist vanguard in journals like the Southern Quarterly Review, the Southern Literary Messenger, and DeBow’s Review for a decade prior to secession and these ideas were circulated to the masses at the popular level in broadsides in newspapers like the Spirit of the South or Rhett’s Charleston Mercury.

OD spotlighted a fraction of this material during Confederate History Month 2012:

“The hour of that hybrid thing, a democratic republic, for the government of two different races, has passed away forever, and we must now direct our attention to those ethnological facts, from out of which the next government is to flow. …

“The peculiar form of government, under which we have for many years been living – call it by what name we may, whether a democracy or a republic – has been well calculated to demoralize, to some extent, the native, high character, of the South, and to vitiate its progress in statesmanship. There has been too much individual freedom, license rather, conferred upon the masses, through the agency of which fact, the lighter and less worthy material of society has floated to the surface. Men of actual merit, who are generally less adapted to popular approbation, have been compelled to come with their opinions and claims before the same volatile tribunal, with the worthless and flippant demagogue; and they, too, as far as was possible for them to do so, have been compelled to resort to the same vitiated means of success.”

In my reviews of Elizabeth Varon’s Disunion! The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859, Paul Quigley’s Shifting Grounds: Nationalism & the American South, 1848-1865, and William Freehling’s The Road to Disunion, Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-1861, I discussed the success of the Confederacy’s “metapolitical revolution” in the 1850s from the eclipse of American nationalism in the Lower South to the emergence of Southern ethnonationalism in the 1850s to the hardening of racial attitudes mentioned by Alexander Stephens and to John C. Calhoun’s absolutely pivotal “mainstreaming” of secession and the compact theory of government in the 1830s and 1840s.

These issues are discussed in great detail in books like Drew Gilpin Faust’s A Sacred Circle: The Dilemma of the Intellectual in the Old South, 1840-1860 and Michael O’Brien’s massive Conjectures of Order: Intellectual Life in the American South, 1840 to 1860.

The ethnocultural division between Southern Whites and Yankees, which I described at the outset of this essay, was pioneered and discussed in elaborate detail in the years leading up to the War Between the States in articles like “Southern Civilization, or the Norman in America”:

“But the Roundhead, at once a religious fanatic and a political agitator and reformer, could conceive of no government but the rule of the Saints, and form no other idea of the principles of civil liberty than what the levelling philosophy of the covenant taught. A bigot in faith and an idealist in speculation, his sentiments were violent and his convictions impracticable. A visionary from principle and a revolutionist from interest, his prejudices allowed no compromise, while his passions fed equally the flame of his cupidity and ambition. Austere in his morals and inflexible in his principles, he set up his own conduct as the standard of right, and sought to dictate the opinions and control the convictions of others. Rude in his manners and morose in his disposition, he practiced the profoundest dissimulation, while attaining credit for sincerity, and concealed his real character and designs under the cloak of hypocrisy. . . .

Opposite under the banner of the king, stood the Cavalier – the builder, the social architect, the institutionalist, the conservator – the advocate of rational liberty and the supporter of authority, as against the licentiousness and morbid impulse of unregulated passion and unenlightened sentiment. No idealist, enthusiast or speculative system-builder, upheaving ancient landmarks and overthrowing venerable monuments; but a realist, a practical and enlightened utilitarian, bowing to the authority of experience and acknowledging the supremacy of ideas, forms and institutions that had received the hallowing sanction of time . An institutor by genius and a ruler by race, his pride was at once the sword of his most eminent virtues and greatest weaknesses, while honor was the touchstone of his character. Chivalrous in sentiment and magnanimous in deed, glory was his ambition, and loyalty the inspirer of his every thought, impulse and action. Elevated in his ideas and tolerant in his views, his selfishness was vicarious and his very faults wore the semblance of virtue. Unyielding in his principles, but compromising in his opinions, his conduct was governed more by sentiment than reflection, and more by association than either. Courtly in his manners and splendid in his tastes, a knightly generosity he practiced even toward his foes, and never lost his faculties in volumptuousness. Without being an abject advocate of passive obedience or a supporter of arbitrary power, he yet took ground against the revolutionary party, not as an enemy to liberal institutions or a well-regulated liberty: but, discovering in the doctrines and principles of the revolution a greater danger to the social and political system than from the alleged existing abuses, he preferred yielding his loyalty rather to institutions than abstractions, and felt it a duty to attempt to quench the lights of the incendiary philosophy, whose torch had been applied to the noblest monuments of civil wisdom yet erected by the genius of man …”

Southern Nationalists have a great advantage in the area of metapolitics. Ultimately, all we are doing is reacquainting White Southern conservatives with their own tradition and cultural inheritance, the Cavalier ideal, which unconsciously informs their value system and actions anyway, and encouraging them to assert that ideal by sending secessionists to their state legislatures.

Our Strategy – Dealing With The Blacks and Hispanics

An astute commentator at VNN Forum made a comment that is worthy of a formal response in this essay: “Qui gehennam habet hostium cum mediocris ingeni quotientem LXXXV?”

[Who the heck has enemies with an average I.Q. of 85?]

Southern Nationalists agree that blacks are not our real political enemies. The existence of the Union with Yankees is solely responsible for the creation and preservation of Black Run Amerika (BRA).

Secession will solve the problem by eliminating the Yankees and Jews who are responsible for artificially elevating blacks over Southern Whites in Dixie. It eliminates all the Northern Whites who voted for Obama twice, who voted for all the civil rights laws, the federal courts that imposed integration on the South and which obstruct the legislative process, the federal controlled public school system which inculcates White guilt, Eric “My People” Holder’s Justice Department, etc.

The race question with African-Americans and Hispanics can and should be subordinated to the priority of secession and securing our independence. In an independent South, the Northeastern media will be unable to maintain BRA’s racial etiquette, which will crumble like communism in the dying Soviet Union, and the blacks will be held accountable for their actions without Yankee-spearheaded federal obstruction.

In dealing with the blacks, Southern Nationalists should be practical and focused on the immediate priority of independence: in an independent South, the blacks will be allowed to keep their voting rights and their civil rights, Russian and Chinese international observers will be invited to Dixie to supervise the fairness of our elections, but BRA will be dismantled brick by brick, racial preferences will be eliminated, and power will be restored to the states and local communities to make their own laws … including restrictive covenants.

The solution to the Negro Question in Dixie isn’t a radical proposal: all we have to do is encourage the conservatives and libertarians to act on their own ideas, which is to say, secede from the hated “Big Government,” and with a solid rightwing majority in the Republic of Dixie, they should be encouraged to decapitate the Great Society welfare state and create the free market paradise of their dreams.

Just imagine it: the year is 2025, and every “Black Confederate” is confronted by the sight of the Confederate flag waving in triumph at every public building in the Republic of Dixie. Five years ago, The Day The EBT Card Quit Working unfolded in Atlanta and there was a mass exodus of blacks from every major city and county in the South which diluted their electoral majorities.

The White conservatives who have an iron grip on the Confederate government didn’t stop with the SNAP EBT card when they seized power. They voted to eliminate the whole Geography of Government Benefits: WIC, TANF welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Obama phones, Section 8 housing, energy assistance, “fair housing laws,” disability benefits, federal funding for HBCUs, affirmative action, “disparate impact,” most forms of public transportation, etc.

Even the Post Office was privatized. The Confederate government and the state and local governments of the Republic of Dixie have laid off thousands of government workers. They passed a slew of regressive taxes. They disenfranchised all convicted felons and passed stringent federal and state Voter ID laws.

As in the Jim Crow era from 1896 to 1965, the relative differences in social status, economic opportunities, and future prospects precipitated a mass exodus of African-Americans from the Republic of Dixie to the United States, which responded to Southern secession by creating an even larger and more generous welfare state that was infinitely more attractive to “people of color.”

After the Union was dissolved, the Confederate Congress pounced and quickly repealed the Immigration Act of 1965, while the remainder of the United States (now monolithically controlled by the Democratic Party) passed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2020 to encourage Somalians and other types of exotic Africans to move to hideously White enclaves like Minnesota and Maine.

At the state level, the Southern states began passing ever more stringent types of Alabama-style immigration laws and E-Verify laws, which made life a living hell for illegal aliens. Without access to the federal courts and a friendly Justice Department, the Southern states began passing laws that made it illegal to rent housing to illegal aliens and for public utilities to provide them with electric service and running water.

A huge fence was built on the Texas border which has been decried by Mexico and other Latin American countries as the “Great Wall of Dixie.” Most of the illegal aliens now crossing into the Republic of Dixie are White Midwesterners who brave the Ohio River in a desperate bid to escape the onerous taxation of the United States in the sanctuary cities of Kentucky and West Virginia.

Does this get us all the way to a White Southern ethnostate? No, but it reverses our racial and cultural decline, shuts down the major feedback loops that are driving that decline, it would significantly whiten Dixie, and position us to pass further reforms as the international and cultural context changes in the decades ahead.

The first step is the hardest step to take. It has to be secession.

Our Strategy – Dealing With The Jews

Southerners admire the Israelis.

We ought to use that to our advantage: the Israelis have built a massive border fence and concentration camps for the deportation of illegal aliens from South Sudan and Eritrea. They call themselves a “Jewish state.” They have a great immigration policy which we should claim as the model of our own:

How would Southern secession intersect with the Jewish Question? How many Jews live in the South compared to the rest of the United States?

Source: Wikipedia

Alabama – 8,850
Arkansas – 1,725
Florida – 638,635
Georgia -127,670
Mississippi -1,575
Louisiana – 10,675
Kentucky – 11,300
North Carolina – 30,675
Tennessee – 19,600
Missouri – 59,175
Virginia – 97,290
West Virginia – 2,335
South Carolina – 12,545
Oklahoma – 4,700
Texas – 139,565

Total U.S. Jewish Population: 6,588,065
Total Southern U.S. Jewish Population: 1,164,315
Southern U.S. Jewish Population as Percent of Total U.S. Jewish Population: 17.7%

If the Republic of Dixie seceded from the United States, we would carry out less than 1/5th of the Jewish population in America, over half of which is concentrated in South Florida and the Washington Metro Area.

Of the Jewish members of the 112th Congress, 5 of 26 in the House are from the South (Cantor, Cohen, Yarmuth, Deutsch, and Wasserman-Schultz), and none of the 13 Jews in the U.S. Senate are from the South. Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican, is the only Jew in Dixie who represents a majority Southern White Christian district. There are no Jewish governors in the South.

Secession would eliminate the three Jews on the U.S. Supreme Court: Elena Kagan, a Jewess from New York City, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Jewess from New York City, and Stephen Breyer, a Jew from San Francisco. It would also eliminate every single Jewish federal judge in Dixie.

As a practical matter, the Jews in NOVA who work for the federal government won’t be coming with us in the Republic of Dixie. The great bulk of the Jews in South Florida (where over half the Jewish population in Dixie lives) are snowbirds from states like New York and New Jersey who will simply die out over the next twenty to thirty years.

In the 2012 election, Barack Obama won 69% of the Jewish vote nationwide. In a 2010 Gallup poll of ideology by religion, 43% of the Jews described themselves as “liberal,” 35% as “moderate,” and 20% as “conservative.” A Pew poll recently found that 66% of Jews are “Democrat/Lean Democrat.”

How does this relate to our strategy of encouraging Southerners to revolt in defense of Christianity and their own conservative values? If that actually happened and the Southern states seceded from the Union, it means that Jews who are among the most liberal Democrats in America would among the unhappiest people in the Republic of Dixie, and huge numbers of them would self deport to the United States.

If the Southern states seceded from the Union, we would lose the capacity to fight foreign wars for Israel, which is a common criticism made by White Nationalists, and it is even more unlikely that we could sustain foreign aid to Israel in light of the high costs of the transition to independence.

The Jewish progressive social agenda would be totally and utterly defeated. Every Southern state would ban gay marriage and abortion. Christianity would aggressively move into the public schools and the public square. The site of the cross would have an effect that would look something like this:

Does this solve the Jewish Question? No, but secession alone will ameliorate the problem, break the Jewish stranglehold over Dixie, and put Southern White Christians in charge of their own fate. Without the interference of Washington, they will chart a radically different course, one which liberal Jews will find extremely inhospitable and probably so offensive that they will leave.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Mantra thinking (…) is an important parallel effort to secession but it needs to be kept behind a firewall and work its magic surreptitiously. The ‘mantra’ equivalent for secession is flags and other territorial dominance displays that hack directly into the mammalian brain.”

    Psychological propaganda was the older term. Not properly “Mantra” as in Eastern meditation.

    The Western, Christian tradition is to speak truth plainly, and believe the truth will make us free.

  2. That’s not enough time. The Black Death was the last significant bottleneck for whites. America took the selection pressure off and simply offered bounty to the hardscrabble yeoman or servant brave enough to move. I would agree that the pioneer settler were likely to be more confident people than those left behind. However, many of the early waves were probably in New England. Hunter points out elsewhere that Barbados was a sort of clearing house and training ground for colonists in the South. would that constitute a window for significant genetic adaptation? Probably not.

  3. The “Americans” are really English, and Ulster-Scots/ Scots-Irish. Some of them actually think they are Irish (the subject of Jim Webb’s book How the Scots Invented America).

    This is b/c they were called “Scotch-Irish” and had lost the history of coming through the Ulster Plantations.

    Again to the point— they i.d. not as “americans” due to accepting some ideological “americanism” (the way people who were in the “melting pot” idea did). They i.d. as “americans” because they came through something int he land space that BARS THEM FROM truly identifying as “european.”

    I do see myself as part English, for instance—- but the idea of being “anglo american” is completely ridiculous. 350 years of other fights, other wars, other history, etc, that the English, (nor any other Europeans) share—– makes me american.

    Argue for “Ethnic Americans” —- which refers to English-Ulster-scots- and german. (Which is the ethnicity of the “American” area, really). The area is also a heavy overlap with Protestants. (wasps) —also that area here is ‘upper south.’

    many using the word “american” are not Ethnically American then. (“Founding stock, founding americans, Generational americans”…)

    “Traditional” americans makes no sense to me. Usually that means moral majority types, and yankees.

  4. ““Republic of Dixie”

    One criticism, Mr. Hunter. The name of the new nation in your proposal is fairly uninspiring. I would suggest the name “Antebellum.” It has a nicer ring to it while also getting the point across.”

    I have to disagree. A white nation’s initials are almost more important than the name itself. “Republic of Dixie” or R.O.D. The ROD.

  5. Many really don’t understand with any depth, that many in america really have lived OUTSIDE Europe for 400 years. That’s a long time. The European fights really are not their fights. They don’t really care about Europe. The whole bitch fest with catholics and jews is just not very interesting (although due to their immigration, they have to deal with it).

    That doesn’t even make sense, Dixiegirl. If the Protestant Americans with four centuries of ancestry here were unconcerned about the whole bitch fest with Catholics, then the presence of Catholics here wouldn’t force them to deal with it. I’m not saying it’s important to me personally. I’m almost fifty-nine years old and am so naive that I was virtually unaware of it until I began visiting this blog regularly, a few months ago. To you and, I will guess, many persons in Dixie, it’s important.

  6. And oh— they “lost” the history of being from the Ulster-Plantation/ Scots-through Ireland experience, simply due to being in america so long, and also later, due to attacks on them (to accept europeans and “integrate” with them—- in that way, the european waves of immigration were the ‘mexicans before the mexicans.’).

    LOL—- Europeans in the country 3 generations sometimes forget their “home country,” and people in 5 generations brag about their uber-longevity, like Ryan who was running for VP.

    — In the “American” area there, they may have 350 years: Like from 1650… 16 generations. Obviously, they should not have forgotten why they fled Europe, or otherwise landed there, as it has come to bite them in the butt.

    According to society of Royal Bastards, Virginia was the most likely destination for royal bastards, and having the highest incidence of them, since they could get land there, where they could not inherit overseas and the VA area being English. They estimate about 20,000 such descendants now. So there were many reasons various colonies were attractive.

    Idk— 350 years is long enough to form another identity, outside Europe. But this is not a shared “american” identity with others who use that name.

    That’s why there is potential for pan-international colonial groups. People who have endured the Colonial Experience do have commonality— In large cities, someone told me they felt more in common with Australians than american yankees, for instance. New Zealand, S. Africa, Canada, etc.

    It’s “the anglo-sphere” and yet a deep difference with the colonial mindset— what one comes to know about the world and people, what’s learned from fighting and living in those hardships, also the inter-white warfare with other groups (Indians, Spaniards, French).

    —-This is another thing people on t.v. (relative newcomers) don’t get at all.

    Colonial stock in a large part of the upper south HATE Spaniards. They feel Spain is something they already dispensed with— so why is a traitor government suddenly printing things in a language you have had so many wars with?

    It really irks some segments of the colonial population— but “newcomers” don’t even know this

  7. Afterthought,

    Calling the Golden Dawn approach asinine is nuts. Why are you advocating proven losing strategies and attack winning ones?

  8. Greg Johnson,

    [Southerners] would end up clinging to “good” local Negroes, because Southerners don’t hate blacks as individuals.

    Yes, but this problem will exist everywhere whites attempt partition. Every white person in the West, for example, will want an exception for Latinos they know personally, the gardener, the nanny, etc. A lot of people will demand to know why their favorite Filipino nurse or Indian doctor has to go when they live as peaceful citizens and don’t bother anyone. I think I remember reading Goebbels or some other top NS leader was concerned every German would want an exception for Jews they knew personally.

  9. Afterthought,

    This need not be explicitly white at first, and we need to bring back the concept of “implicitly white.”

    I didn’t realize the concept of “implicit whiteness” is so out of fashion it needs to be “brought back.”

    I wish it were true. I also wish KMD had not put that concept out there in the first place where people far less less sophisticated than he is, and almost certainly people hostile to white interests, have seized on it. They use it to encourage sincere people not to pursue strategies that involve explicitly defending white interests.

    This notion of “implicit whiteness” have given pathetic conservative losers and people who with malicious intent toward white folks a fresh name for a fatal idea: encouraging people to try and advance white interests without actually whites are who they are for.

    There is no bigger implicitly white organization that the Republican party.

  10. Hunter,

    When you upgrade the site, can you please add an editor? I am constitutionally incapable of typing comments without typos….

  11. I will continue working on this post throughout the evening. The next RFM debate with Alex Linder is about goals, tactics, and strategy.

    Sooner or later, all north secession/partitionists will have to deal with economics and money. Hard thinking about these matters will be needed to create a serious plan.

    The US strategic oil reserve — “ZOGs” emergency backup supply — is located in southwest Louisiana and east Texas. There is vital energy, gas, chemical and other commercial infrastructure in Southeast Louisiana and on the Texas coast. There are hundreds of oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico that operate under Federal license, with large portions of the tax revenue going to the Fed government not the states. Who do you think British Petroleum is going to want to do business with? Who will be better positioned to serve their interests? Washington DC or the capital of New Dixie? There are major military installations in the Southwest. Fort Polk, Louisiana is used to war game nuclear scenarios. Throughout central and north Louisiana there is a lot of what is known locally as “Haynesville shale,” a potentially massive source of natural gas.

    “The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources estimates that there could be up to 251 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.”

    My family has property there, and I’m hoping to hit it big one day.

    The chance the US federal government will willingly relinquish ultimate control of these resources has got to be zero.

    This is the tip of the ice berg. Every older person in the South uses medicare and social security; the young ones student loans. There are also the many other federal benefits like funding for highway infrastructure that few people will want to reliquish.

    Finally, there is the local Republican leadership in the South. While they are definitely a little better than the Republicans who serve elsewhere on matters like immigration, they are still typical GOP scum only they operate on a smaller scale. Texas, the hope of the secessionists, is currently led by Rick Perry who puts Texas business interests first. Louisiana is currently led by the foul Bobby Jindal. He is so dedicated to the local plutocrats he makes cannibals like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan look like men of charity.

    The chance that the mainstream Southern political structure will ever lead a serious secession movement is zip.

    Say what you want about HAC. Certainly there are many problems with his plan, but, at the same time, HAC gets reality. People can and have laughed at his northwest militia/army idea, but the idea does show HAC understands that nothing will ever happen without expecting, preparing for and ultimately using violence.

  12. Lew,

    If I recall correctly, you made the same arguments against Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, and the overwhelming majority of Whites in Louisiana went out and voted for Romney, and when he lost the election it was a guy in Louisiana who started the first secession petition on the White House website.

    Note: How many people are there in the Northwest Front? Does HAC even have a dozen people in the whole state of Washington?

  13. HW,

    I’d venture a guess very few. My point is that I think HAC is conceptually and theoretically right that nothing can happen without violence. The Fed gov simply won’t allow secession for many reasons, extensive economic entanglements between the South and the rest of the US being of among the most important.

    I’d say, therefore, HAC is right in theory, at least on this narrow point, even if he doesn’t have the boots on the ground to practically execute his plan.

    The other problem is the local Southern state governments are essentially mini-federal governments in terms of whose interests they serve (not the locals). Hence, they can’t be looked to to spearhead a serious movement.

    I’m not trying to throw cold water on the idea. I support Southern secession, and I am starting to think of myself as a Southern secession/WNist hybrid. Also, I don’t feel that Greg and Alex have adequately answered your objections about race and self-interest being a thin basis for unity when whites are so divided. Especially, this idea that whites will assemble wherever doesn’t really answer anything.

    Again, it seems to me though that all the dissident sites tend to get lost in history, ideas and theory and don’t spend enough time analyzing the practical problems like who gets the oil reserve. Again, the economic entanglements are huge. I’m not suggesting intellectual analysis is not important just that it’s not sufficient.

  14. Lew, you are right of course that everyone would be trying to make exceptions, even in setting up a White Nationalist society. So how much more difficult would it be in an “enthonationalist” — that is to say, ethnically not racially defined — project like Dixie. After all, blacks and whites in the South share something of a common culture and symbiotic existence, and there has been some race-mixing as well. So aren’t they really part of the larger Dixian ethnicity? This is just the sort drift one would expect of a movement that eschews abstract thinking.

    White Nationalists, of course, are immune to this kind of drift, since we place race above culture. Hunter claims that this approach is too abstract, though.

    Of course if it is too abstract to embrace whites-as-a-race, then it is too abstract to exclude blacks-as-a-race as well. There are just too many “good” blacks who share the same religion and sports and food as their white neighbors. So Southern ethnonationalism has problematic foundations.

    And if you don’t get the foundations right from the beginning, then you will pay the price in the future. Hunter wants a white society. But he won’t explicitly aim at that anymore, so he aims at it by proxy: the Republic of Dixie. The problem is that if the Republic of Dixie is not defined in racial terms from the start, as time goes on, people will exploit that lack of explicitness to push for an ever more inclusive cultural definition of Dixie. It is analogous to the crypto-racists who decry “illegal immigration: and invest their time, money, and efforts fighting it — when, of course, “illegal” immigration can simply be “legalized” by the stroke of a pen.

    All such “implicitly” white approaches are losers for whites. MacDonald’s idea of implicit whiteness was certainly not put forward as an argument against explicit white advocacy, and it is dismaying to see it used that way. Hunter’s recent enthusiasms for the Tea Party and the Republicans indicate a penchant for “implicit strategies.” I just don’t think they will save our race in the end, in Dixie or anywhere else.

  15. One consideration that HAC brought forward in A MIGHTY FORTRESS is that ZOG might be perfectly willing to allow the secession of parts of the country that are too troublesome to police, but they would be far less willing to allow them to secede from the global economic and financial system.

    Every banana republic is sovereign on paper, but how many times has the US intervened in their affairs to prevent them from enacting populist economic reforms?

    The oligarchy might actually favor secession in a place like Texas, because it might give their local branches a freer hand in exploiting the workers and fouling the environment.

  16. And if you don’t get the foundations right from the beginning, then you will pay the price in the future. Hunter wants a white society. But he won’t explicitly aim at that anymore, so he aims at it by proxy: the Republic of Dixie. The problem is that if the Republic of Dixie is not defined in racial terms from the start, as time goes on, people will exploit that lack of explicitness to push for an ever more inclusive cultural definition of Dixie.

    Yes. I imagine the temptation to claim that “it’s not really about race” would be overwhelming among incipient secessionists. While that may produce results in the short term, inclusivists would eventually demand Dixians live up to their claims that it’s “not really about race.” This wouldn’t be a problem if Dixians were as practised liars as Jews. Jews would simply turn around and tell you “the rules have changed, fuck off” without breaking a sweat. I don’t think that’s something trusting, gullible Dixians have in them. (I don’t know any southerners. I’m just basing it on my internet interactions as well as lifelong experience with people of the same racial stock in my parts.)

    MacDonald’s idea of implicit whiteness was certainly not put forward as an argument against explicit white advocacy, and it is dismaying to see it used that way.

    No, it certainly wasn’t. KM coined the phrase to describe the observation that whites so often end up associating with or participating in activities alongside other whites even as they’re not fully conscious of what they’re doing. Or as I put it with respect to white rock/metal: “Many bands make white lurk.” Most of these people would claim it’s all about the music, but if three quarters of the crowd were non-white, I really wonder just how many would still love the music quite as much as they do.

    Yet almost immediately after KM coined the phrase it began to be critiqued as a “strategy,” usually by contrasting it with “explicit whiteness.” Your own Ted Sallis was guilty of doing this. I don’t think he meant it to go quite that far, but by continually claiming implicit whiteness is “not enough” he certainly contributed to it being treated as some kind of strategy rather than a simple description.

  17. Tom, Negroes and Hispanics will never support Southron secession. Further attempting to gain their support would only create confusion. Neither identify as Southron or even as Southern. ‘American’ is about as far as either will go and most of them even qualify that with ‘African’ or ‘Mexican’. Since neither (barring exceptions) identify with us there is nothing we can or should do to make or convince them to be Southrons. Those who remain should we win our independence even though they’ll have to be productive members of society will never be one of us. They will always be to a greater or lesser extent be alien.

  18. I realize this is a work in progress, but I’ve seen enough to offer the following conclusions.

    1. A Republic of Dixie along the lines described will not directly work to preserve the white race in North America, although it might accidentally contribute to that aim by breaking up the US. So although this is not White Nationalism, there can be a confluence of interests.

    2. The only real danger I see to WN is that this sort of non-racialist project could, under the right leadership, bleed money, man hours, and other resources from genuine White Nationalist efforts. All too many of our people are willing to climb on board a train that is going in the wrong direction. Witness Ron Paul, the Tea Party, the Republicans, etc.

    3. Yes, Hunter’s project is based on demagogic and dishonest Yankee-hatin’. But realistically, there will not be secession in this country without a certain amount of animosity between the parties, and the risks of such animosity are far outweighed by the potential benefits of breaking up the US.

    4. Hunter’s strategy certainly could, if employed by credible leadership, could contribute to the breakup of the United States. (Hunter himself, of course, could not play a credible leadership role in such a project because of his personal history. Not that he even nurses such ambitions. Somebody else could, however, make use of his ideas to devastating effect.)

    So, bottom line: Hunter’s project isn’t White Nationalism. It will not save our race. It will not even try. If you are serious about White Nationalism, don’t give this your money or time. Fortunately, you won’t need to, since this project is designed to siphon support out of the mainstream, if implemented by credible leadership.

    If this sort of movement gets off the ground, it could contribute to the end of the US, which would give our people a fighting chance in North America and around the globe.

    So I wish the Republic of Dixie Godspeed. The more mischief, the merrier.

  19. Mr. Griffin,

    you are 100% correct in your analysis, Sir. Your ideas and activism are our best hope, you are our ‘Hoffnungsträger’.

    Please lead us to victory, I for one will swear allegiance to you!

  20. HW, it might help to use an English word such as ‘Worldview’ since most readers won’t know the German term. And if they do they might assume the site is a Nazi site. Just a suggestion.

    As far as the name, I like Republic of Dixie just fine. Variations of it would also be fine. Such as Federation of Dixie, Confederation of Dixie or

  21. @ “…..That doesn’t even make sense, Dixiegirl. If the Protestant Americans with four centuries of ancestry here were unconcerned about the whole bitch fest with Catholics, then the presence of Catholics here wouldn’t force them to deal with it. I’m not saying it’s important to me personally. I’m almost fifty-nine years old and am so naive that I was virtually unaware of it until I began visiting this blog regularly, a few months ago. To you and, I will guess, many persons in Dixie, it’s important…..”

    I’m trying to be good, lol, and not muddy up HW’s blog.

    But this is to the point. I —and many friends— were unaware of that rift before moving to big cities that are run by catholics and jews (like nyc, chicago, south florida).

    In particular, Irish had carried over Old country prejudices, strong anti-anglo nationalism, (even if they were somewhat unconscious of it, and expected you to share their historical narrative, of anglos are evil, their irish heroes, stories, superstitions, etc).

    So, it is true they still identify ethno-nationally (anglo or irish), as you say. But there is a difference also (obviously) with the cultural experience of “Anglo” colonists versus the English-English.”

    To say the American colonists have no unique experience at all, that separates them from their home country, would be like saying the Boers don’t.

    Yet—- LOL, the Boers deserve a “living space,” but the American colonists do not. The Boers are of much more sympathy (in wn circles), where “america is a melting pot.” They are a people but early colonists elsewhere are not in ca, u.s., aus, etc Nor is it b/c they are Dutch, as look at the treatment of early-settler Germans in u.s., as well as PA dutch.

    Anyway, now hispanics call all whites “Anglos,” sometimes. So welcome to the club, everyone.

  22. The Dixians secession seems to be an ORGANIC expression of the people itself. It doesn’t need leaders. The leaders such as they are can only hope to grab onto the coattails of the secession, or jump out in front of it and march at a slightly faster speed than the juggernaut.

    HAC? Wtf is it?

  23. This post is starting to get interesting. Reduce it to 8-9 logical points and you have yourself a fighting chance at a new country.

  24. “….There are also the many other federal benefits like funding for highway infrastructure that few people will want to relinquish….”

    If it became truly unpopular to live on the government, if people who don’t live on the government became “cool,” and if distancing oneself from the system and making it otherwise became valued—- that would help.

    Or even if they understood THEY ARE State Dependent families. Many living Generational State-Dependent lives think they are in a “free economy.” They think they can have “private property,” (without understanding the problems of taxations, land appropriations, etc.)

    Showing the public their real situation is a Central Planned Economy, and de-naturalizing it (so they feel other options can be pursued) seems important.

    Just talk to military people who bitch about people on Welfare, lol. And without realizing they are just fighting those same people to line their own pockets with the same money.

    The key is to MAKE people WANT to relinquish the cushy deal they are being given. Make it a sign of subjugation, dirty, immoral, etc.

  25. To reframe this debate, Southrons–native born white Christians–do indeed form a nation. For the most part, they share a common Anglo-Celtic ethnicity, a Protestant religious tradition, a history and a culture. In the same way, the Canadian government recognizes the Quebecois as a distinct nation within a united Canada.

    But African Americans also form a distinct nation, and they largely occupy the same territory as the Southrons. So the South in effect constitutes at least two nations, one white and one black, warring within the bosom of a single homeland. And what of the ten million Hispanics in Texas, surely these Tejanos or Texicans or whatever they call themselves form at least a sub-nation of their own. And let’s not forget the Cajuns, the Cubans etc.

    So the South, or Dixie, is not the homeland of just one nation. That’s a problem, but not an insurmountable one. The real problem is that Dixie is an amorphous concept, not an actual place. It cannot be found on any map. No two Southerners agree on exactly what constitutes Dixie. Even Hunter’s definition of Dixie varies from day to day, sometimes from hour to hour.

    Let’s dismiss Hunter’s latest bizarre definition, “I-44 Dixie”, out of hand and go back to a more logical 14-state Dixie. Whites are already a minority in Texas and Southrons (native born white Christians) are a minority in Florida and Georgia, and probably in Virginia and North Carolina too. White newborns are now minorities in all these states plus Mississippi, while barely hanging on to their majority status in South Carolina and Alabama. The only place where Southrons have any demographic staying power is in the 5-state inland Scots-Irish belt stretching from West Virginia to Oklahoma, and outside of WV and KY even that is iffy.

    So out of a 14-state Dixie, only two states will likely be white-majority by mid-century. And since Hunter’s version of the “Republic of Dixie” will be based on white supremacy just like the original CSA, this will obviously preclude democracy since Southrons will only make up a minority of “their” nation. You will be facing an extremely hostile internal population of at least 50 million anti-Dixie non-whites and non-Southrons. I guess you’re just hoping that they’ll all peacefully leave once the RoD is established and welfare rates are cut. Good luck with that.

    And the logistics of establishing the RoD are daunting to say the least. 14 referendums on separating from the US followed by 14 referendums on re-federating into the RoD. Piece of cake, especially since nearly a million people have already signed the Dixie secession petition. Oh wait, there is no Dixie secession petition, only 50 state secession petitions that Hunter doesn’t want to talk about because it might distract peoples’ attention away from his pet project.

    Some guy was interviewed the other day on CBC radio about the Alabama secession movement, so it’s making international news now. I didn’t hear the whole thing, but it was all about making Alabama an independent state, nothing about Dixie. But what does that guy know, he’s only got 30,000 signatures (and counting) behind him and is being sought out for interviews by foreign radio stations. Forget that real-world activism nonsense, just because state secession is actually popular means nothing. I’m sure that it’s a much better strategy to engage in endless online wankfests about a neo-Confederacy that has no popular support.

  26. “….There are also the many other federal benefits like funding for highway infrastructure that few people will want to relinquish….”

    yes, the next step from that is whatever would make the people WANT to relinquish that. And their sense of morality is stronger than greed in many cases, if it’s presented right. Like the “dropouts” of the 60s

  27. Even contemplating violence separates you from the white and normal.

    Violence will doom real world victory. Average folk want to feel more comfortable, not less. More secure, not less. That is the promise of partition.

    We can sell a “velvet divorce”, but violence is a no-go.

  28. Those hoping to racialize whites and then carve out a new nation are out of touch with normal people.

    You have to act with the people you have, not the people you wish to have, or will have in the future. Secession and explicit white nationalism is an infinitely harder sale than the “libertarian” model. And by infinitely harder I mean impossible.

    We need huge numbers of people, and we need them fast. Internet oddities won’t accomplish that. Leveraging existing culture will.

  29. @HW: Forbes mag..”11 states in death spiral” due to too many govt.employees, bad econ. policy, etc.–4 of “our” states are on the list..Kentucky, SC, AL, MS.

    @Dixiegirl: You need to take a few days off and then restate your ideas so that they can be understood.

    @Greg J.: So where is YOUR ethnostate gonna be–San Francisco? You also seem to be way too worked up about Southern cookin’ (to use your own phrase).

  30. I reject the idea that to have a White-dominated society you must have a governing authority that explicitly recognizes White supremacy. It’s interesting that White Nationalists believe Whites to be superior to the darker races in terms of intelligence and civilization, and yet they insist that a government must reinforce the supremacy. Well, it’s the same argument WN’s often use against “civil rights”….if you need a law to make you equal, then you’re not equal. If you need a law to make you superior, then you’re not superior.

    All that really needs to happen for White-centric ethnonationalism to flourish in Dixie is simply to remove all the government programs that prefer “minorities” over Whites and subsidize them. Just let nature take its course.

  31. Still thinking about that—

    If only everyone taking public pay could see the LIVES of the 1000s of people destroyed, who work 3 jobs for nothing, who are decent and cannot afford to have children, while PAYING FOR “Family Reunion programs” in prisons where inmates father huge families FROM jail. Working 3 jobs to support the 700 billion a year military mouths.

    Ron Paul is the only politician who ever took on military spending. (The next step is showing the families destroyed by a) taxation to pay for the other families b) the endless rhetoric, propaganda that supports the system (making decent people feel they don’t deserve to keep their money, to have families, etc— to free up the money to pay for the military families.) Same with Welfare paychecks and their huge families.

    As the checks get bigger, the State Dependent Families (SDF’s) get bigger.

  32. Sorry—

    but that’s something the “left” has had such success with, but that Whites will not stoop to do— show the hungry mouths impoverished BY HAVING TO PAY for Warfare-Welfare families.

    The real face of poor americans who got impoverished by having to sacrifice their lives to pay for the warfare-welfare families. To take up the slack when the warfare-and-welfare paychecks get discounts in stores, etc.

    Real people—- have to pay for their salaries, benefits, retirements, clothing, every morsel of food their children take, their cars, their vacations (while the people who pay can’t have those things!)

  33. Maybe they could be called “Taxed Singles.” Those sad single people who were just used as tax fodder for all those warfare-welfare paycheck users.

  34. Hunter,

    I am fully in sympathy with your views, and I applaud your effort to explain them as a Weltanschauung systematically.

    However, that does not change the fact that I still regard the concept as pie-in-sky fantasy that is about as realistic as pining for the return of the Ottoman Empire (which some in Turkey do: not that it matters).

    There are so many problems with the Confederacy 2.0 vision I don’t know where to start. I’ll leave out the obvious ones (ie How’d it go the last time and why do you think it will be easier now?) and focus on the biggest one, which is that NewDixie will have huge populations of unwilling citizens, mostly but not exclusively black. No matter what pleasant language you use, NewDixie will have to either subjugate these people into something like apartheid status or expel them on a scale not seen anywhere since the Germans were kicked out of Eastern Europe in 1945-48 (ca 12 million civilians). If you think any rump USG – still strong, stil la nuclear power – would tolerate either of those options, you are deeper in fantasyland than Covington.

    The only way NewDixie becomes viable is in the event of full state collapse by the USG … which will happen, I just doubt anytime soon. When it does, all the White Homeland visions come into play, but not before. And at least the Covington contingent won’t have a huge, angry Fifth Column to deal with, as NewDixie will.

    I concur with you that most WNs engage in magical thinking which has little, if any, bearing on realities. But so do you.

  35. It would be helpful to define the meaning of goals, objectives, strategies and tactics and their relationship with one another. They are not synonymous and there is a hierarchy amongst them.

    Has anyone here ever written a business plan?

  36. jeppo,

    You should focus your energies on promoting the emerging anti-White ethnostate of Vermont/Massachusetts which could be a racial homeland of all the White liberals who reject the concept of racial solidarity entirely. Thaddeus Stevens and Ted Kennedy could be your mascots. 🙂

  37. “I have to disagree. A white nation’s initials are almost more important than the name itself. “Republic of Dixie” or R.O.D. The ROD.”

    That’s pretty dumb. I can’t imagine anyone laying down their life for something called “the ROD.” Germany is still Germany to most despite its official name of “Federal Republic of Germany.”

  38. ” I believe that ethnicity is more powerful than race. I want a free and independent Republic of Dixie, an Anglo-Celtic nation-state like Hungary or Poland…”

    Ummm Hungary and Poland aren’t Anglo-Celtic. They are Slavic.

    Do you realize the problem of your strategy? Your attempts at splitting hairs is ridiculous. Okay you want an “Anglo-Celtic” nation, but what if someone wants a Celtic-Anglo, or what if some Nordics feel exuded, what will you tell them?

    It sounds silly to divide the White race into tiny ethnic/regional/cultural/political divisions. All European mankind are being genocides out of existence because philosophies like HW’s prevent us from uniting on racial identity to secure the existence of our folk, ALL EUROPEAN FOLK, against our eternal enemies the jew led color hordes.

  39. Anthony,

    I did not say that Hungary or Poland were Anglo-Celtic. I said that I wanted to create an “Anglo-Celtic” based ethnostate like Hungary or Poland.

    In other words, I am saying that most people in the White South are of British or Irish derived ancestry, and that we are ethnically distinct from the Northeast, the Midwest, and the West. Southern Whites are already a folk. The people in the Northeast are a different people.

    BTW, it is natural for the “White race” to be divided into separate ethnic groups and nations. Greg’s hero Adolf Hitler would be the first to agree with me on that point.

  40. Steven Akins made the most succinct counter argument to HW. Allow me to paraphrase. Basically, he opined that regional and cultural/ ethnic divisions are not currently important. The only important division among Whites, particularly american Whites, is between the suicidal egalitarian cultural marxist freaks, who want to mix with coloreds until the White race becomes extinct, versus the racially healthy Whites who wish to preserve our unique civilizations, and to secure the existence for White children.

    I agree with Akins. Its the only division of any real importance, at least in the here and now. It matters not whether one is a norther or southnerd. What matters is if they are pro White, willing to fight for out blood, and deal honorably with eachother.

  41. Greg,

    In thirty years, White Nationalism has never moved beyond the stage of being an abstract fantasy for alienated people on the internet. To his credit, Harold Covington has at least tried to move beyond that stage and get something going in the real world.

  42. I humbly suggest that we strongly focus on achieving *self-determination for the people of the South*, such as would be possible in the absence of an oppressive federal government. This is a universal right which everyone can support. We need to take the moral high-ground here and make positive demands. Each additional negative demand will alienate more and more potential supporters.

    We need to use our detractors own intellectual and moral weapons against them. Everyone who is against them is potentially with us. Blacks? Jeff Davis’ wife was black. Jews? What about Judah Benjamin? What about Jesus Christ?

    As asserted in one of the posted videos, we Southerners are politically reactionary at core. This gives us a profound opportunity to appeal to people if we can offer them an attractive and viable alternative to the present political arrangements. As the political facts in the U.S. continue to move further and further leftward, people with reactionary views will continually increase as a percentage of the total.

    As stated in this article, we need to focus on issues that the vast majority of non-activist Southerners can agree on, especially political self-determination for the South and support for Christianity. Black Southerners, Native Americans and other Foreigners should be allowed to join the new polity if they individually swear allegiance to it (see the way the situation was handled in Latvia on its independence, i.e. those refusing to swear allegiance were stripped of citizenship).

  43. QUOTE: “Hunter’s strategy certainly could, if employed by credible leadership, could contribute to the breakup of the United States. (Hunter himself, of course, could not play a credible leadership role in such a project because of his personal history. Not that he even nurses such ambitions. Somebody else could, however, make use of his ideas to devastating effect.”

    What personal history? What are you talking about? Does he have a half-Asian kid or something?

  44. See what I mean? Look at Goblin’s comments suggesting an alliance with niggers! That’s what happens when you subordinate racial truth to a relatively superficial geographical based division.

    I support southern nationalism. But only so far as it is a stepping stone on the way to White nationalism, and the replenishment of the White European race. I don’t agree with integration like Goblin, and neither does HW for that matter

  45. @Goblin,
    Varina Davis was black? That would have been news to Jeff Davis I suspect and probably to her. Miscegenation was illegal in Mississippi at the time. If you have evidence I suggest you put it forward.

    Additionally ‘Black Southerners’? Very very few Negroes in the South identify as Southrons or even Southerners. Being either requires more than just being born in the South. We can’t make Negroes identify with us and it is a waste of time and even delusional to insist that they do when so very few claim to identify with us. Respect the wishes of the Negroes and acknowledge them for what they claim to be.

  46. Anthony I have no wish to commit suicide with Northern whites for the mere sake of unity. The unity of the grave will come soon enough for each of us.

  47. Can’t put the cart before the horse. The entire world- not just the South- is under jew paper money hegemony. There will be no progress until this monopoly is arrested,

    Wasn’t war declared on Germany in 1933 as Germany was trying to establish a money system not under jew control?

  48. Anthony-

    I am suggesting a real-world applicable political strategy. If you listen to the RFM broadcasts, you will hear a rational and inspiring HW vs. a borderline insane AL. The host JG seems like a nice guy but does not seem to be able to guide the show in a positive direction most of the time. HW is an activist who has clearly devoted his life to an admirable cause. My comment is designed to support his agenda in the real world. Racial solidarity just does not exist for most people, only tribal. See also: Chinese vs. Japanese, Hutus vs. Tutsis, Jews vs. Arabs, etc. There are very good reasons for this. I am suggesting only that we don’t turn people off with outrageous and hateful demands. Once we have our own state we can do whatever we want.

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