Jews and Vanguardists


This is why we need to splinter off and work towards the goal of creating our own Christian nation-state in Dixie.

Instead of sinking ourselves in this morass, I think we need a common sense message that can resonate with ordinary White Southern Christians. We need to take a hard look at the separatist movements in Québec, Scotland, Flanders, and Catalonia and see how we can apply their methods to our own circumstances.

What kind of message do we need? Instead of “destroy Christianity” and “exterminate the Jews,” it ought to focus on talking points like “we’re going broke” and “we’re losing our culture” and “we’re losing our freedom” and “we’re being displaced in our own lands” and “the federal government is out of control.”

The last thing we want to do is convince people that we are more out of control than the federal government!

Note: It was stuff like this which over time changed my attitude toward my Christian neighbors. I went from looking at them as YECs who believe dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark to a generally friendly and resourceful group of people who make good neighbors.

This is not the image we want to project:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Silver,

    Schiff used his elite banking position to finance Trotsky and the Japanese side in the Russian / Japanese war. He didn’t use his personal funds to make sure the parties underming the Russian goy received funding out of New York, New York. Maybe a gentile banker would have done the same. Who knows? I agree with you skepticism is important, but on it’s face I’d say there is good chance this is what it appears to be: an elite Ashkenazi Jew sticking it to the Russian goyim and makinmoney in the process.

  2. The Holocaust is true-to an extent. Hitler did kill Jews, and some of them just for being Jews, but he killed a lot of non-Jews too, and a lot of Jews lived throughout the war in Germany and never got bothered much even though they made no effort to disguise the fact.

    Hitler made a lot of mistakes. Hitler was not a God. He did some things that in hindsight were plain stupid. But he always had what he thought of as the good of his people foremost in mind, and he did a lot of good things too. He should be understood rather than deified or made into a Satan.

    The numbers that you go to jail for for denying or questioning in most of the Western world, are, of course exactly what you would think of any “fact” that has to be so “protected”. The lampshades, the soap, the Zyklon B chambers, are just what rational analysis easily reveals them to be.

    But that is all a diversion from the point we have to make. WE must secure the existence of OUR people and a future for White children for the reason that we must admit was perhaps best summed up by Rabbi Hillel:

    “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

    And when I am for myself, what am ‘I’?

    And if not now, when?”

  3. By the way, what the earlier gentleman said about there being a lot of jews in the WN movement is absolutely true and worth serious reflection.

    Some of them know they are jews, and some of them honestly do not.

    They will jewily jew away. Best for us if they do so elsewhere.

  4. test,

    Wall St. campaign donations completely dominate politics. Jews completely dominate Wall St campaign donations.

    Wall St contributions are a sizable proportion of campaign finance but are not nearly enough to be characterized as “dominating” politics. But even if Wall St did dominate contributions it’s wouldn’t establish that finance is therefore corrupted by Jewish influence, no more than it would if the dairy industry dominated campaign contributions and the dairy industry was dominated by Jews.

    All you’re left contending is that many Jews have made it big on Wall St and use the the money they’ve made there to influence politics. That’s not in dispute. But it’s an example of Jewish influence on government rather than Jewish influence on finance.

  5. Please let me begin by putting my cards on the table: I am of jewish origin, but do not associate with mainstream jews, I have signed secession petitions for numerous states, including for Southern states (as well as for a number of predominantly-White North Central and Western states, and for my home state of New York), and I think the Anti-Federalists (i.e., the real Federalists) were right to oppose the creation of the federal government by the usual coalition of plutocrats and their dupes. I wish General Lee had captured Washington and executed Lincoln, thereby probably preventing the slow-motion genocide of the White race.

    That said, Whites in America will have to suffer before they can admit to themselves that so-called “anti-racism” is a plague more deadly than Communism, and some Whites will die at the hands of their enemies, rather than admit that their enemies are racial aliens foisted upon them by the Yankee federal government and the jewish intelligentsia, rather than White patriots.

    Apart from Kinism and Christian Identity, I see little intersection between Christianity and the requirements of White survival. Some nationalists point to Orthodoxy as a model, yet they leave out the ease with which the various Orthodox peoples intermarry with each other, and the increasing fervor with which traditionalist Orthodox — who are less likely to view their churches as social clubs — evangelize to what may be charitably designated “lower strata of society” (i.e., untermenschen).
    The Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church has negro outposts in the Congo, and the Malankara Orthodox Church has converted untouchables:

    Professor Revilo Pendleton Oliver traced the origins of the “One World” mentality that has been inscribed in the White collective psyche (partially through the practice of Christianity, and then through the rise of the Enlightenment cults of liberalism, progress, and reason, which in turn shifted the emphasis in Christianity to the worst, most radical aspects of Christian teachings, such as the Sermon on the Mount) to a jew, Philo Judaeus:

    In order for Whites to realize why their world is upside down, I suggest they read Professor Oliver’s book, “The Jewish Strategy”. Especially of interest to those who see Christianity as a possible cure for what ails Whites may be Professor Oliver’s Chapter XII, “Christianity”. Readers of Occidental Dissent may also be especially interested in Professor Oliver’s concluding chapter (Chapter XIII), “The Doom of Nations”:

    I recommend also the work of Professor Kevin MacDonald, who has documented in great deal the efforts of jews throughout the Caucasphere to destroy their hosts, largely by manipulating the pre-existing liberal tendencies of their host elites. His landmark paper, “Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review”, is available here:

    “Conservatism” is useless when it serves jewish economic and racial (e.g., anti-racist, capitalist, communist, Cultural Marxist) interests, not White interests, so that there is less and less to conserve, and what is conserved is of no benefit to those ostensibly doing the conserving.

    Whites need to see that the jew is behind the crises facing them. David Axelrod, the Emanuel brothers, Noel Ignatiev, George Soros, Tim Wise, the ADL, the SPLC, the Israel Lobby, the entire educational/indoctrinational system, mass media, and, increasingly, law enforcement (e.g., through the influence of fusion centers run by the SPLC): What do they have in common?

    My proposed solution to this, which will probably be ignored as “anti-Semitic”, “crazy”, “racist”, or just plain “unrealistic”, is here:

  6. Giles,

    But I didn’t want them all, I wanted to win over a particular nucleus from the public, the nucleus that is hard as nails. I didn’t want the others. . . . That is why I set up my fighting manifesto and tailored it deliberately to attract only the toughest and most determined minority of the German people at first.

    He had that luxury because essentially nobody in Germany at the time thought that there was anything wrong with being German or anything wrong with the government acting to advance German interests. The public may have been wrong or misled about what in fact was in their best interests but the idea of advancing German interests itself was not controversial. Contrast that to the present period.

    Of course, there’s something to be said for building up intensely devoted cadres, but I would argue that it’s self-defeating if it comes at the expense of establishing baseline white identity and the normalization of whites taking their own side. And I would argue that is indeed what has occurred. WNs, SNs, pro-whites, and even mere race-realists have been shooting themselves in the foot by being too indignant. Their every sally has been met, matched and one-upped by the anti-white establishment. WNs wanted boat trips back to Africa, they got integration; they wanted expulsion, they got immigration; they wanted heredity, they got environment; they wanted libertarianism, they got welfare; they wanted white identity, they got told whites don’t exist. The thing to look forward to now is the other side eventually running out of bullshit, but by then will there be a feasible white constituency left?

  7. RPO’s book,The Jewish Strategy, is well worth reading and can be downloaded from sources or purchased from a British press.

    Actually pretty much everything RPO wrote is worth reading. His magnum opii (is that correct Latin? Probably not.) were America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative and Christianity and the Survival of the West.

    He does use a lot of big words and ones not used everyday, like ‘otiose’ and ‘esculent comestibles’. You will, if you have an IQ higher than the average NBA player, have little trouble understanding him perfectly despite this.

  8. The Big Machers of the Jewish ethne are the ones I think you mean nyuntermensch. The conglomerate of the Dynastic elite and its social masonry pursing the Great Work is called by the Church: JudeoMasonry.

    The Jewish and Gentile populations are manipulated in different ways in the service of the Great Work.

    Gentile institutions have all been completely subverted according to the Marxist / Leninist strategy of subversion outlined by Yuri Bezmenov: demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, restructuring of subverted nation to normalise the effects of revolutionary subversion. All the once unthinkables of the unsubverted nation become the new normal. In this context Gentiles are manipulated against the Jews as a hostile and revolutionary elite.

    The Jews are manipulated according to the ‘lesser brethern’ management strategy outlined in the Protocols of Sion. Also stated frankly by the Zionist Jew in the movie “The Believer”. The Jewish Canadian researcher Henry Makow has absolutely nailed this in his classic, indispensible text: “The Illuminati – the Cult That Hijacked the World”.

    The same Apex is responsible for the mutual hostilities. And the fearful, the alienated, the retributionists, the vanguardists weigh in on all sides.

    The mission of the Church was to nations / ethne specifically. It is nations that were to be regenerated and built up as nations within the universal order of the Church. Even at the high water mark of the power of the Church when it was signatory to documents like The Magna Charta and Declaration of Arbroath, there were always non-Christian populations in nations where Church and state were unified. They were under Christ law, they were excluded from political power and many of their practices were prohibited such as human sacrifice, usury, traffic in vice. But they enjoyed the rights of the ancient Common Law recognized by the Church.

    Only with the Reformation was the entire population placed under penal law.

    Just as today where Synagogue and state are unified, Christian laws prohibiting abortion, sodomite union, violation of innocence in the education of children about sexual perversion are subverted and an alien code is imposed upon the Christian population.

  9. Vendikar,

    For whatever it’s worth, according to Google Translate, the correct Latin for “great works” is “magna opera”.

    Professor Oliver was indeed a remarkably clear writer — despite his frequent use of obscure words. One of my personal favorites from him was his description of evangelical atheism/liberalism as a “succedaneous religion” in the texts you mentioned above:

    The second paragraph of my initial comment should have read:

    “That said, Whites in America will have to suffer before they can admit to themselves that so-called “anti-racism” is a plague more deadly than Communism, and some Whites will die at the hands of their enemies, rather than admit that their enemies are racial aliens rather than White patriots, much less that these aliens have, for the most part, been foisted upon them by the Yankee federal government and the jewish intelligentsia.”

    I did not mean to suggest that Whites would die at the hands of racial aliens, rather than admit that White patriots had not foisted these aliens on them — although there is a bizarre tendency amongst some “conservatives” to blame Southern slaveholders for America’s racial debacle.

  10. Lynda,

    Many thanks for your interesting comment! 🙂

    I had never heard the term “big macher” — but yes, that is exactly what I meant. However, it is important to remember that they are representative of jews in general. There is no significant difference between the rank-and-file jew and the jew in the leadership position.

    An elderly jewess whom my family knows tells us that her rabbi — needless to say, I discourage all contact with this jewess, since she is involved in so-called “jewish life”, and thus belongs in the oven — would like to warn his congregation about the dangers of Third World immigration, but that he is afraid to, because he knows the congregation would have him removed. The jews, as described accurately by the good Professor Kevin MacDonald, have a stark terror of Whites, and they see themselves as being engaged in a zero-sum game with the goyim.

    Unfortunately, the Church has been infiltrated and judaized, so that only a few remnants, such as the Old Catholics, the Sedevacantists, and the Society of Saint Pius X are Catholic in any traditional sense.

    As the Church becomes ever more mestized and negrified, she seems likely to lose entirely her European character, and to take on that of the savages to whom she has evangelized:

    Here is a link to a collection of articles on Marxism in the Catholic Church that may interest you:

    Here is an article on the Catholic Church and immigration policy:

    I saw Yuri Bezmenov’s interviews when they were posted on YouTube several years ago by Evil Conservative, and I loved them. I also like Henry Makow. Have you read anything by Joseph D. Douglass, Jr., Anatoliy Golitsyn, Paul Gottfried, or Israel Shamir? If so, what did you think?

  11. “His magnum opii (is that correct Latin? Probably not.)”

    “Magna opera” would be the correct classical translation for the plural of “magnum opus” ie. “great work” however in our degenerate age “magnum opuses” is now considered acceptable English for some unknown reason.

  12. Oops. Sorry for the redundant post. It’s interesting according to nyuntermensch to see that Google Translate is literate of the second and third declensions.

  13. Silver,

    He had that luxury because essentially nobody in Germany at the time thought that there was anything wrong with being German or anything wrong with the government acting to advance German interests. The public may have been wrong or misled about what in fact was in their best interests but the idea of advancing German interests itself was not controversial. Contrast that to the present period.

    Of course, there’s something to be said for building up intensely devoted cadres, but I would argue that it’s self-defeating if it comes at the expense of establishing baseline white identity and the normalization of whites taking their own side. And I would argue that is indeed what has occurred. WNs, SNs, pro-whites, and even mere race-realists have been shooting themselves in the foot by being too indignant. Their every sally has been met, matched and one-upped by the anti-white establishment. WNs wanted boat trips back to Africa, they got integration; they wanted expulsion, they got immigration; they wanted heredity, they got environment; they wanted libertarianism, they got welfare; they wanted white identity, they got told whites don’t exist. The thing to look forward to now is the other side eventually running out of bullshit, but by then will there be a feasible white constituency left?

    The White Solution is necessarily a radical solution. Anything less is not a genuine solution. All that you say is persuasive but still the White Solution must be radical. Trying to attract the masses is not the radical solution we need and nor is calling on exterminating all Jews. Additionally, simply seceding is of no genuine benefit and possibly more hazardous than the current arrangement if the New White Republic is founded on principles and by men who do not address our racial and ethnic enemies in a comprehensive manner. Clearly a new Constitution is called for. The old one is a bad joke. Who is to write our new constitution?

    As for some of those Yankee states, would it not be just deserts for Yankeedom to become Niggerdom. I can see the niggers fleeing our turf and can’t you just see the Yankees receiving them with all their contempt for us hateful and ignorant Southerners? ‘Jesus, I had no fucking idea.’ ‘These people are fucking niggers.’

  14. ” the Ashkenazim, who converted to Judaism and are an East Turkic people”

    This insidious canard by initiated by Arthur Koestler and whacko Chrsitiam Identity types needs to be put to rest once and for all. Modern genome analysis has shown that Askenazi Jews are generally 40-60% Semitic in their ancestry and close to their Arab cousins in descent.

    “Consider, for instance, the young (and Sephardic) Edith Gormenzano”

    I do. She is a terrific talent.

  15. @Jim Giles

    Niggers aren’t going to flee “your turf”. Your turf — The South — is THEIR turf. The niggers are the majority there and growing in number every year. If anything, it is you white Southerners who will be fleeing to somewhere else, probably Wyoming or the Dakota’s, at some point in the future.

  16. It’s important not to dwell too much on the blacks. Most blacks don’t bother anyone, and Blacks are a symptom not a cause anyway. The real enemies are white gentile liberals and Jews.

  17. 313,

    What population stats are you basing this assertion on? If anything the nigtropolis is found between DC and NYC.

  18. Niggers aren’t going to flee “your turf”. Your turf — The South — is THEIR turf. The niggers are the majority there and growing in number every year. If anything, it is you white Southerners who will be fleeing to somewhere else, probably Wyoming or the Dakota’s, at some point in the future.

    Wrong, niggers aren’t the majority in Mississippi (.37, the highest percentage of any Southern state) or the South. Your ignorance in this most fundamental fact suggests you are a fucking idiot. Watching too much niggerball, undoubtedly. Overly impressed with nigger ability which is based on 24-7 propaganda by the Jewsmedia and Hollywood. Niggers can’t fight as a group successfully or do anything as a group successfully. Even if they were the majority they couldn’t hold on to it if it came to battle notwithstanding your girlish view of their might.

  19. Hi nyuntermensch. Yes – the monolithic support of the Jews, as an ethnic demographic, for the Tribal agenda and the Kosher Imperium is nothing if not impressive, organised and solid in ethnopolitics.

    The Jews support secular versions of Judaism such as Zionism, Communism, Marxism. And like their Gentile counterparts they hold with liberalism, egalitariansim and all the Revolutionary ideologies fabricated by the Social Masonry of B’nei Zion for the ruin of the goyim states. And, of course, they support the Rothschild state as a Jewish state.

    I am familiar with some of the Jewish and Jewish Christian writers labouring in the front line of the Culture War to extract the Jews as a population from these ideologies: Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon, Roy Tov, Henry Makow, Brother Nathanael Kapner, Jack Bernstein, Benjamin Freedman. The latter, a Roman Catholic, is a hero of both America and the Christian faith. He very quickly got to terms with the Jews as an ethnopolitical elite and the subversion of American and the Roman Catholic Church. He quoted many times from the work of Maurice Pinay “The Plot Against the Church.”

    Christians who specifically address the Jewish support for their Big Machers and Tribal allegiance would be writers like Michael Hoffman and Maurice Pinay of the Maurice Pinay Blogspot. Mgr Jouin also specifically addressed the Jews.

    Thank you for all your references and comments which I will certainly follow up.

    You are among the very few who are aware that the Roman Catholic Church is subverted and that its institutions worldwide are given over entire to the enemies of the faith. In America this had a political expression when outrageous and public heretics posing as as Catholic ‘liberals’ – the likes O’Connell, Law, the Kennedys etc teamed up with Senator ‘open the floodgate’ Javits to destroy the American demographic majority – people of European heritage and ethne – in the service of the Kosher Imperium.

    They all followed the line of Jewish revolutionary Antonio Gramaci in terms of liberal multi-culturalism for the European ethno states.

    Liberalism as an ideology is under the anathema of Pope Pius IX.

    The alliance of synagogue, state and liberal Catholicism is very strong. In my parish there is a joke that to get a ‘cardinal’s’ hat from Benedict XVI, a bishop would have to have a sex and embezzlement crime tab of at least 5 billion and 3 warrants. And, of course, the papal bi-lateral commission on religious relations with the Jews collaborates directly with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem on the task of configuring European Union jurisprudence with the Talmud. The Maurice Pinay blogspot is tracking this same project in America.

  20. @Jim Giles

    I’d love to respond to you, in exactly the manner which you responded to me, but I’m certain it wouldn’t make it past moderation, and I’m not going to disrespect Hunter’s wishes to keep this blog clean.

    Maybe you should just invite me onto your radio show, and we can debate nigger-migration, statistical demographic differences between North and South, and you can threaten and shout at me until your throat is hoarse. How about it?

    You can contact me at

  21. “What population stats are you basing this assertion on? If anything the nigtropolis is found between DC and NYC.”

    A majority of blacks live in Dixie and always have. In spite of the large northern migration that took place in the 1940’s to work in the defense plants the percentage of Negroes living in the South has increased in recent years.

    And in contrast to the rest of the country they are imbedded everywhere in the Deep South not just in the urban ghettoes of the big cities in the North. Scroll down to page 11 for the map that shows this clearly.

  22. Jim Giles,

    I would advise against wasting 10 – 15 seconds responding to 313Chris. His hatred of Southerners is pathological.

  23. “niggers aren’t the majority in Mississippi (.37, the highest percentage of any Southern state) or the South.”

    No, in Mississippi they are the highest percentage of the population of any state. And the Deep South has all the counties with black majority populations. Again, Mississippi leads the way.

  24. To Jim Giles,

    Re: your recent comments at VNN and here, take heed to what Nyuntermensch says above, in this very thread. In spite of the fact that he’s a Jew he supports a final solution to the JP.

  25. Cutting off the welfare tit would drive many negroes out, to be sure, but only so far as one is available elsewhere, and when things get really bad that may be an issue. The are going to have to either be deported offshore or killed, neither of which are practical (no one else, not even and perhaps especially not Black African nations, would want them en masse, and we, unlike Genghis Khan or Pol Pot, aren’t sufficiently murderous to kill them) or a piece of land will have to be set aside especially for them.

    We will want them to have deepwater access so they don’t have to be traipsing across White land to get in and out, and it must have sufficient agricultural land to feed them without our super high tech high yield agriculture. If ALL blacks are sent there, the “talented tenth” now living as honorary Whites-the Bill Cosbys, Quincy Joneses, Shaquile O’Neals and others-could form an able corps of leaders which we in an advisory capacity could defend from slaughter by the “bluegum-niggers” as the Haitians slaughtered their mulatto, semi-competent class after French abdication of authority. Eventual mixing would reduce this problem, combined with eugenic measures.

    The very stupidest negroes, bred by the AFDC fueled illegitimate teen mom explosion in the last four decades, should be sterilized, perhaps any under 80 IQ, en route. All the younger girls should be Norplanted to give nation building a little breathing room before they start calving.

    Those negroes in prison for repeat, violent felonies or for gruesome offenses against Whites should be euthanized, without ceremony or much process: the rest of the black inmates should be turned over to Black authorities to do with as they wish.

    A great many other details need to be worked out, but the guiding principle should be one of allowing this people to exist on their own to the extent possible without damage to us.

  26. Lynda,

    Thank you for all this information! 🙂

    I was unaware that Antonio Gramsci was jewish, since I had read that he was of Albanian Catholic (i.e., arbëreshë) descent — but yes, I see now that his mother was Sephardic, perhaps a marrano.

    The Maurice Pinay blogspot is very interesting; I was unaware that the Church had given herself over to such blatant collaboration with the Christ-killers, but I am not surprised.

  27. No, in Mississippi they are the highest percentage of the population of any state. And the Deep South has all the counties with black majority populations. Again, Mississippi leads the way.

    Yes, niggers aren’t the majority in Mississippi (.37, the highest percentage of any Southern state) or the South.

  28. Greg Johnson says:
    ‘The principal enemy of the white race in the South, and everywhere else white people live, is not 19th-century Yankees but 21st-century Jews. In practical, future-oriented political terms, the enemy is not the person who creates a problem. He is the person who stands in the way of fixing it.’

    This deserves a huge *BUMP*

  29. Giles,

    The White Solution is necessarily a radical solution. Anything less is not a genuine solution. All that you say is persuasive but still the White Solution must be radical.

    I would say that depends entirely on what you want ‘the solution’ to achieve. The objective of merely securing racial existence would not require anything nearly as radical as the objective of, say, winning control of the entirety of U.S. territory and expelling every racial incompatible from it.

    Since all possible solutions are going to require many long years — decades, even — to achieve it’s much more useful to conceptualize ‘the solution’ as a process rather than an event. It’s for this reason that the ideas — the thoughts, the concepts, the attitudes, the reasons and so on — related to race are so important, because it is those ideas that will determine what objectives to strive for and those ideas that will allow one to recognize when the job has been done. What appear to be trivial differences in racial views at the outset, unworthy of divisiveness, much farther down the road can lead to hugely divergent racial objectives and policies.

    Trying to attract the masses is not the radical solution we need

    Not as far as recruitment of cadres or formation of political parties goes, certainly not. For these purposes, radical views are not only permissible but, I would imagine, requisite — after all, you want dedicated personnel, not idlers with a mere passing interest in race.

    Yet there is a danger in too much radicalism. Race often stimulates extreme emotional responses. Anger, fear, hatred, despair, elation: WNs are no strangers to the extremes of any of these. Such heightened emotional states are not likely to engender cooperation or lead to organizational stability. Hasn’t the history of “the WN movement” been abortive attempt to organize after abortive attempt to organize? Has it not been marked by bitter feuding and a notorious inability to make its most basic tenets comprehensible (to say nothing of acceptable) to outside audiences? I submit to you that intense emotional overload has played a starring role in producing such outcomes.

    Additionally, simply seceding is of no genuine benefit and possibly more hazardous than the current arrangement if the New White Republic is founded on principles and by men who do not address our racial and ethnic enemies in a comprehensive manner. Clearly a new Constitution is called for. The old one is a bad joke. Who is to write our new constitution?

    I think the mistake you’re making here is putting at the beginning what more properly belongs towards the end. If you take the view that a racial solution is an ongoing process then it makes sense to see before you a series of steps that have to be taken, with later steps unable to be taken until earlier ones have been; the point really being to put first things first.

  30. Half the blacks in Mississippi are on EBT. Secede and gut the welfare state. Problem solved.

    Okay, say you do that and those blacks depart. If half of MS blacks leave for greener pastures that would reduce the proportion of blacks from 37% to 22.5% (assuming only blacks and whites live in MS). That would leave you with a better class of negro to be sure, but does this really amount to “problem solved”?

  31. (assuming only blacks and whites live in MS).

    Actually, that assumption isn’t necessary. I was going to write about the white proportion, in which case it’s necessary, but I left it out so there’s no need to assume only blacks and whites live in MS with respect to the calculation I made.

  32. Hi Lew, with Masonry I think the correct term is ‘JudeoMasonry’ used by Maurice Pinay (the collective author) The Plot Against the Church, Mgr Jouin and Fr Dennis Fahey in his writings of the doctrine of the Social Kingship of Christ.

    The Protocols of Zion also use the term ‘JudeoMasonry’ calling the Masonic organisations ‘our Agentur’ and ‘our social masonry’ and ‘Gentile Masonry’. Dr Henry Makow, the Jewish Canadian author of “The Illuminati: the Cult That Hijacked the World” (an essential text for the new millenium) also uses this precise term.

    We are looking at a very organised group of Movers and Shakers in English parlance, Big Machers in Yiddish parlance. Both Jews and Gentiles are pawns in their Game. Some are deluded pawns. And some are deluded, willing pawns as far as they can see – but all are manipulated and all are going to lose.

    I see that for the first day of Hanukka, Dr Makow has posted “Zionists are the Worst Anti-Semites” This is very true, especially if you know that the Jewish people are ethnologically the (Y)Idumean / Canaanite people of the Bible who moved north into the Caucasus where they became the mighty Khazarian empire. Their racial Imperium is the same today as it was during the Roman Empire and is stated succinctly in the New Testament.

    Masonry is Kabbala for the goyim. It isn’t the apex of the NWO imperium, but it constructs the scaffolding for it in organisations run by high level (ordo ab chao) Masons. The lower degrees might think they are just members of a good old boys club with lots of socializing and charity work – but they are just the plausible deniability and window dressing for the Illuminist higher degrees and above.

    I saw this in the politics of the suburban eruv (wall). Eruv politics is one of the scripts the Kehilliah and JudeoMasonry run on the goyim. It is the ethnopolitics of plunging the property values in a desirable ethnically European (White) suburb so that Jews can buy up cheap and move in as a group. But it plays in the Jew Media and the city council as a ‘White and Gentile Religious Intolerance’ schtik. In the eruv shitfight I saw, it had the Whites bending over backwards denying they were ‘antisemitic’, profusely apologizing for the Holocaust, trying to do quiet deals whereby for X amount of dollars the eruv plan would put the eruv poles in the front yards of the Whites who couldn’t pay up – basically the whole meshuggenah.

    During the Eruv shitfight I saw, the Jews led by the rabbi played the ‘anti-semitic’ hate card on the liberal (clueless) White Christians. To hear them caterwaul in the media – the Jews would not be able to attend synagogue on Shabbat unless eruv poles were erected in front yards all over the suburb. To hear the rabbi tell it, any goy who didn’t want an eruv pole in his front yard was ‘anti-semitic’. He was preventing precious Jewish children from attending Shabbat school. He was denying the Jews the practice of their religion. The Jewish mothers got on tv with the adorable Jewish children and cried and carried on like a pogrom of fire raising monks was coming for them.

    At the community meetings, where the SHTF, the rabbi and the liberal (novus ordinarian) RC priest greeted each other at the four points of the compass as brother masons. And Yours Truly riled the novus ordo when I mounted the podium and told a heated gathering ‘let’s flip the script. Let’s say that the pope has decreed that no Catholics can push prams, carry car keys or an umbrella etc on Sunday unless crosses are erected in front yards all over this suburb. To be able to carry your car keys on Sunday you have to be able to continually view the cross as you drive or walk to mass. Now are we going to say that unless we put a cross in our front yard, then we are religious bigots who are determined that the novus ordos are not going to be able to go to mass.” The Jews let out a scream you could hear from here to Mt Seir. The rabbi coughed up his furball.” And for my sins I enjoyed watching the local n.o. priest have a cow on the spot. The rabbi was furious. And I got to meet some really cool Jewish ladies who (if we didn’t have to be on opposing sides in this stupid eruv shitfight) would have been my friends.

    As Dr Makow says – they are deluded. But they are certainly not as clueless as the goyim.

  33. Three reasons it makes no sense to attack Christianity:

    1) Our most powerful enemies are secular white gentiles and jews (misses the target).

    2) Non-Christians don’t need to be convinced not to embrace Christianity (wasted effort).

    3) Christians won’t be convinced by these attacks to change their ways (more wasted effort).

    A better approach for non-Christian nationalists is 1) to be neutral on religion, ignore it and let it die out on its own, or 2) promote subversive Christian ideas. In the South, this would mean promoting Kinism, or Christians like this man who belittles the “Christian Zionism” concept and men like John Hagee.

    I’ve never heard of this man, but I’ve seen the evangelicals up close. I am 100% sure his message on Jews would resonate with white evangelicals in the South. He does a good job attacking the idea that “Jews are special people” from a perspective that will make sense to evangelicals.

  34. A better approach is to just remind Christians of what their own Bible says about Jews. This perspective on Jews was the Christian standard for 1000 years.

    You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    John 8:44

  35. “Yes, niggers aren’t the majority in Mississippi (.37, the highest percentage of any Southern state) or the South.”

    No, it’s the highest percentage of any state in the entire country. And only in the South do niggers make up the absolute majority of any county (and there are a lot of those counties) with Mississippi leading the way.

    Mississippi is the most niggerized state in America.

  36. Silver,

    Secession eliminates the federal government which has always meddled in the internal affairs of Mississippi.

    Remove the federal government and everything changes in Mississippi overnight. The racial taboos would crumble. In a thousand different ways, Whites would naturally reassert their control over Mississippi.

    The most obvious way would be by gutting the welfare state and securing the border. Illegal aliens would be forced out easily without federal interference. Blacks would start to depart en masse. This would create a positive feedback loop.

    Whites would retake Jackson and the Mississippi Delta. Black political power would plummet and then evaporate. Businesses would happily rid themselves of the albatross of civil rights laws and liability to prosecution on the grounds of “disparate impact” and racial discrimination.

    White Mississippi would no longer tolerate the destruction of schools, neighborhoods, cities and so forth by the Black Undertow. There would be no lynch mobs, but in a thousand ways – strictly legal, as Jim would say – the blacks would pushed aside and pushed out to the United States.

    In the long term, I can easily see Mississippi becoming over 90% White. Remove the federal government and BRA collapses.

  37. What Civil War II Will Look Like

    Jim Giles did the unexpected over on Linder’s Tard Corral yesterday. He made an intelligent point:


    I criticized Christians and they deserve criticism but not the kind that emits from here.

    If Christians shared your political views identically would you still be assailing their religion? Hell no. You don’t like their politics and so you blame their religion.


    To which Lender/Linder replied:

    CI (Christian Identity) agree with our politics. They’re not even allowed to post here.


    Why is that? Why, if Christian Identity agrees with Lender/Linder and TraitorGlenn Miller and the rest of the jew and mamzer and ZOGbot tard-corral meercats over on the Greater Free Range Tard Corral and Colostomy Bag on the necessity for exterminating the jews for whatever reason, (DSCI says jews are the Spawn of Satan, Linder because he is a self-loathing jew and a ZOGbot) then why is there no further allowance of Christian Identity posters and postings?

    Let’s leave aside that most of so-called Christian Identity is nothing but jews and mamzers and whigger ZOGbots playing what I call “The Wandering Mamzers of WikiPedia-Talksjew CI” with most of them delusional about who they are and most of their so-called pastors being either marrano jews trying to change DSCI doctrine or drunken whigger crackhead criminals and perverts and ass-clowns. Lender/Linder makes the mistake that most of the ZOGlings do that DSCI today is synonymous with half-bearded religious sociopathic maniacs wanting to bring about the Apocalypse. And, I’ve made lots and lots of fun of Linder and ZOGtards since the Christmas Coup of 2004 eight years ago, and been banned for good reason.

    You yourself three years ago when ambushed on Dec. 18 2009 by Jim Giles trying to rescue Linder from allegations of snitchery for testifying against Bitch-Tits Bill White on Dec. 15, 2009, said that both Linder and myself were pro-genocidal exterminationists. You were right about my religious and political policies. You were — and are — wrong about Linder’s political policies. Linder is a self-loathing jew that collects ZOGbux through TraitorGlenn Miller and has no intention of being anything other than a kike clown collecting tards, ratting on the whigger tards, and getting fame and fortune for pretending to be a leader, er, cheerleader.

    My position is to use a Racial Religion like Dual-Seedline Christian Identity to make the onrushing Great Tribulation extremely bloody and effective in exterminating over 90% of the whiggers, around 120 million of them, almost all of the mamzers and muds, over 170 million of them, and all of the jews, six to ten million of them. Unlike yourself and Harold Covington, I don’t have to try to turn less than a dozen or so meercat whigger tards into warlords or offer any political solution other than for those Whites who have been wronged to simply exterminate any opposition to their revenge and seize power, land, warriors, gold and pussy the old fashioned way — by killing for it. There never has been any mighty Evil Empire which has survived implementation of policies designed to eliminate their Founding Stock. To a Dual-Seedliner with a knowledge of History, this is ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final before the return of Jesus Christ to save the Remnant of YHWH’s Servant Nation.

    When in danger or in doubt,
    Kill them all — Let YHWH sort them out.

    Jim Giles seems less rational even three years ago when I baited him into screaming his hatred of Edgar Steele and annoyance at myself. It seems that the ‘debate’ has been cancelled. Pity. If Jimbo would give up playing leader and stick to playing Dick Cavett like he used-to-could, he’d be working towards his strengths.

    The Movement Turd #151.5 of Dec. 6, 2012 is re-engineered. See:

    The 32kps re-engineered show with muzak is @

    16kps re-engineered show, as above @

    Your 47 minute and 44 minute segments start @ 1hr 44 minutes.

    I’m hoping that you will finish Thursday’s interview tonight after 9:15 pm Central time tonight, where the topic will be whether peaceful secession is possible and what Civil War Two will look like if peace is impossible. I take it that you will argue that peace is possible and that if it comes to civil war, why dem damn-yankees and theyz’ jewboys will be whupped before Christmas. Or not.

    I’ll do my monologue, perhaps have a quickie segment with LoganHunter, and clear the phone for you around 9:15-9:30, RSVP.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  38. “My position is to use a Racial Religion like Dual-Seedline Christian Identity to make the onrushing Great Tribulation extremely bloody and effective in exterminating over 90% of the whiggers, around 120 million of them, almost all of the mamzers and muds, over 170 million of them, and all of the jews, six to ten million of them.”

    Jack replies:

    I feel this comment violates OD comment guidelines advocating illegal, mass violence, “exterminating” etc.

  39. One can argue that killing, or even extermination, is a good thing in some circumstances without saying that such drastic measures ought to be carried today out in the near future. I am against any violent action against non-Whites until the current US government is gone and replaced by a pro-White one, or anarchy reigns supreme. In such circumstances, laws would have no longer protect non-Whites from violent retribution. I pray daily for the collapse of the US government, as this would imply open season on human vermin.

    There is no legitimate reasons for the presence of non-Whites in the West. They have to go or be disposed of. In other words, completely exterminated, from young baby to the senile old man. No pity. I’m in favor of the large-scale use of chemical weapons, like Sarin gas, to cleanse infested shitholes like Detroit, after all Whites have been moved out. This would limit property damage and eliminate the subhuman filth before any massive chimpout could occur. This solution should also apply to a significant proportion of non-Whites living in their own countries, especially places where Whites have had a strong historical presence, like Southern Africa. Over population is a real problem on a global level, and non-Whites abound because White technology has enabled them to reduce child mortality. It’s not good for the world that hundreds millions of niggers and muds exist, ruining the environment and behaving like vicious, sick animals.

    As for the Jews, simply confiscate all their property and declare that no laws apply to them, and that killing Jews is no more a crime than killing a mosquito.

  40. The prominent Finnish philosopher Pentti Linkola has called for killing on a level that far exceeds anything even the most extreme racialists have ever advocated. He basically argues that a trans-National body should exterminate 90% of the world population, irrespective of race, and obliterate all large cities with nuclear weapons.

    Because he is not a racist, no one really cares about the fact that he advocates extermination on an epic scale. And because he strongly objects to criminal activity in the here and the now, his opinions are entirely within the bounds of the law.

    It’s not illegal to advocate killing in the abstract, but it is illegal to advocate killing in a concrete manner.

  41. “make the onrushing Great Tribulation extremely bloody and effective in exterminating over 90% of the whiggers, around 120 million of them, almost all of the mamzers and muds, over 170 million of them, and all of the jews, six to ten million of them.”

    Great idea. Exterminate 90% of the population of the US who don’t agree with you. Unfortunately I fear you will find that it is more like 99%.

    You are certifiably insane and for the record I object to your constant use of fecal ad hominem insults. Your logic is non-existent and your rhetoric is foul and disgusting.

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