Daily Mail: Christianity Declines, Interracial Relationships Rise

United Kingdom

In the RFM debates, Alex Linder fervently argued for the destruction of “Christ-Lunacy,” but two new articles in the Daily Mail about the decline of Christianity in Britain cast serious doubt on the idea that atheism is the solution:

“Christianity has declined sharply over the past decade, according to the census returns. Numbers who choose to call themselves Christians fell by more than four million.

The collapse in belief in the religion which has been central to the history of the country for 1,500 years means that fewer than six out of ten, or 59 per cent, now describe themselves as Christian. A decade ago nearly three quarters, 72 per cent, did so.

The diminishing number of Christians is mirrored by a rapid growth in those who profess no religious affiliation. A quarter of the population, 14.1 million, now say they have no religion, nearly double the 7.7 million who said the same thing in the 2001 census. . .”

Happy days are here again.

“Like more than one million people in Britain, according to data from the 2011 Census released yesterday, I am a member of the fastest-growing population group in this country: those born to parents in inter-racial relationships. . .”

How can that be?

The decline of Christianity in Britain is correlated with a rise in liberalism, political correctness, and multiculturalism, the weakening of the British character, and a marked decline in the taboo against miscegenation and a corresponding rise in offspring from interracial relationships.

Note: In the United States, San Francisco and Vermont are among the greatest bastions of White Nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The state map shows that Wyoming is much less religious than average but supposedly very conservative. A COUNTY map of Pennsylvanian religiousness would show very stark contrasts. Virginia appears to be less religious in the state map due to the D.C. suburban counties, but we know that most of Virginia is more religious than average.

  2. Once White Man stops believing wholeheartedly in the Bible(all of it), he is open to destruction for he has lost faith. Happened in South Africa, happened in Europe and is happened here too. A single regiment of true Christians with faith can render all legions of hell asunder.

  3. A healthy dose of paganism would be good for the White body politic, so long as its one of the reconstructions of our lost faiths and is a folk religion for White people.

    Asatru , Odinism, Wotanism, Celtic religion, Lithuanian Paganism , Hellenic Reconstruction and though not quite the same some of the more rigorous forms of Wicca or a properly constructed Neo-Druidism might be good.

    These would serve in the way Christianity used too and Shinto does for Japanese people as social glue. You don’t have to believe it, only be willing to practice it as part of a community of fellow Whites and only Whites

    And yes the right sort of Christianity might be able to pull this off as Mormonism did in its early days (if you accept Mormons as Christians since some do not)

    Christianity though Europeanized has some major drawbacks in that it is Universalistic, not White focused and worse started life as a Jewish heresy.

    The Roman Catholic Church is especially bad off and in not that many years will be mostly Black and Filipino with some Hispanics (Latin America is moving to Evangelical) that is the opposite of what we need.

  4. This is such transparently dishonest twaddle. Correlation does not prove causation.

    What percentage of interracial marriages are between Christians? Christianity, after all, is a universal religion that will bless marriages between Christians of different races. How does Christianity uphold a taboo against miscegenation, then?

    The best features of the British character are racially Aryan. They have nothing to do with the Sermon on the Mount and the other morbid values of a Semitic desert religion.

  5. This is tricky. Wilberforce was an unctious Christian type. Tarleton? What kind of god did he worship? The soldiers at Waterloo on all sides were anti clerical.

    Now, the decline of Christianity is simply that Christianity and PC have merged. The Church is just like the Bureau of Kindness and Candycanes. The Vicar of Dibley suggests that the Church died when it began to ordain women and blacks. The preacher in Zulu though somewhat fictional is a good indication of what the godly can do to cripple fighting men.

  6. I doubt very many men at Roakes drift were Christians of any sort. They just stacked up black bodies as best they could.

  7. “How does Christianity uphold a taboo against miscegenation, then?”

    Easy, miscegenation creates confusion and confusion is of the devil. As such, it is a selfish and prideful act, not one of love or honor for God’s creation.

    Honoring thy father includes honoring your ancestors, miscegenation disregards this.

  8. The last university in the united states to have a policy against miscegenation was Bob Jones mid-nineties.

    Most of American Christianity accepted miscegenation when that generation of fail, the Baby-Boomers, got took over the church.

    Is there anything that bunch HASN’T fucked up?

  9. Re: Greg

    1.) Good question.

    Mississippi is the most racialist, the most conservative, and the most Christian state in America. Vermont is one of the least racialist, least conservative, and least Christian states in America.

    2.) Are there any historical examples of atheist countries that had anti-miscegenation laws? Mississippi’s anti-miscegenation law was struck down in the Loving decision in 1967.

    3.) In theory, Christianity is universalist. In practice, Sunday is the most segregated day in Dixie.

    4.) How strong is the correlation though? How predictive is that correlation? There seems to be a pretty strong relationship between religiosity, social conservatism, and racialism.

    5.) Isn’t atheism also universalist though? Can’t anyone be an atheist? If we look at the Mormons, Southern Baptists, or the Amish, might we find that religion promotes endogamy?

    6.) Do you have that data? My guess would be that miscegenation is more common among the non-religious.

  10. @John bah the stayed and fought for GOD and civilization. At the battle of Blood River the Voortrekkers won because they prayed to LORD GOD and made a pact. Need I mention the Turks, Moors and others that were repulsed from Europe because the LORD GOD made it so.

    Oh and how is it(Christianity) Semitic in character, what fruits are solely it’s that are so Semitic hmm? Desert religion? Say what about Ancient Egypt and the Vandals didn’t they live in the desert?

  11. One could argue that in some cases (not in all), mixture with an Indian may be ‘mixed nationality’ rather than truly mixed race.

    That guy is looks like he has less Australoid and Mongloid blood than the average Indian does. He looks ‘whiter.’

  12. The usual argument is that the Jewish media/entertainment is mostly responsible and you will get no argument from me, but isn’t it interesting that the strongest Christian communities hold out the longest against all this shit while the atheist areas are the first to fall right in line with liberalism.

    I think your point is pretty sound. Atheism does nothing to improve these people or to awaken them from the brainwashing. As you are showing, atheism seems to encourage it further.

  13. WNs are disproportionately atheists, but atheists are disproportionately liberals. The decline of religion doesn’t work in our favor.

    Neo-Nazis assume the decline of Christianity makes White people more receptive to exterminating the Jews. In reality, atheism makes them more likely to vote for Jews and identify with Jewish values, which has the effect of magnifying Jewish power in states like Vermont.

  14. I don’t think it has anything to do with Christianity. Removing Christianity from society is just another part of the Jewish agenda, just as increasing miscegenation is. There is no causal relationship between the two . In the southern United States were Christianity is still very popular, miscegenation is just as common if not even more common than the rest of the country.

    When it comes to my thoughts on Christianity I don’t agree with Alex. I think Christianity only becomes a problem when there’s Jewish subversion involved.

  15. Where is the Jew the strongest?

    There is only one Jewish congressman in Dixie who represents a district that has a White Christian majority. I’m also pretty sure that Eric Cantor’s district draws heavily on the Jewish population in the DC exurbs.

    Cantor was the only Jew who voted against the DREAM Act..

  16. South Africa was destroyed because there was a religious monoculture, the Dutch Reformed Church, that itself was subverted. Had ZA Christianity been like that of redneck Whites in the US-a lot of nondenominational fundie churches and denominations like independent Baptists-it would have taken a far greater effort.

    Indeed, that effort has been made, with Darby, dispensationalism, the Scofield Reference Bible and other Doctrine of Dogshit materials promoting Christian Zionism and other rottenness. But for all that, the Bott radio empire, dozens of media “ministries” promoting this horseshit, there is still a considerably greater number of right thinking people in White Christian society in this polity, within and without Dixie. We are bad off, but not nearly so bad off as ZA was at the end.

    So far.

  17. The South has no control over its own borders, laws, and culture.

    It used to be a felony in Georgia and Mississippi to promote miscegenation in the Jim Crow era. Every Southern state had anti-miscegenation laws. The taboo against miscegenation in the Jim Crow South was stronger than the taboo against “racism” in our own times.

    Engaging in miscegenation was the surest ticket to social death for a White woman and it was often a literal death sentence for blacks who crossed the color line.

  18. Yes, Christian Zionism is one area we are going to have to defeat in the South. It is a major problem. Some people have suggested using Zionism and Israel in our favor for secession. I don’t know if it would work but it does sound like a sound strategy that could work if argued correctly.

    The thing to remember is the level of doctrinal brainwashing of the Christian Zionists. These “Pastors” can be considered right up there as the South’s version of the Jewish media with a Christian moral spin. Attacking Israel is a bigger sin then murder to these people.

  19. Authentic Christianity fostered a sense of sin and its consequences in people. Our Christian forefathers as a result understood that the wages of sin were suffering, death, judgment and hell.

    They also had a very good understanding of the relative levels of sinfulness among various populations, and what particular sins various populations were given to. Such an understanding – which had many practical consequences in everyday life – made things like intermarriage or miscegenation practically impossible. Why? Such relationships could put your very soul at risk!

    In contrast, our culture practically HIDES this information from people – particularly white women. Further, the culture tries to convince white women (1) that they have nothing eternal to lose in life, so white women take incredible risks in deciding who to cohabitate with or marry; and (2) that they have to miscegenate in order to atone for the alleged sins of our racist forefathers.

    If white women understood the concept of “unequal yoking”, i.e., that white men are more likely to be an equal in marriage than a non-white, and being an equal, would make the living of a Christian life more likely, miscegenation would be practically unthinkable.

  20. Stool examination is such a waste of time. All virtues decline when they are oppressed over a significant period of time, whether they are in fact “the word of God” or not and whether they are directly correlated or not, and whether or not any said oppression is natural or artificial. What simpleton couldn’t understand that?

    Way to splinter something that was getting somewhere, Fade. How disgusting.

  21. The importance of Christianity today is not in the details of scripture or its origins, but in the fact that Christianity is traditional in the West. The erosion of Christianity is part of an agenda of rolling back traditionally held standards, values, and beliefs.

    Regardless of what the Bible actually preaches, it has been interpreted and used historically as the moral foundation of everything we now hold dear. Weakening the most central institution of our traditional values is not at all unrelated to the decline of White people.

    I say this as a non-christian.

  22. “Where is the Jew the strongest?

    There is only one Jewish congressman in Dixie who represents a district that has a White Christian majority. I’m also pretty sure that Eric Cantor’s district draws heavily on the Jewish population in the DC exurbs.

    Cantor was the only Jew who voted against the DREAM Act..”

    The Jew is strongest in NYC and Los Angeles and those two places matter the most. That’s how Jews are able to exercise such tremendous power over the south even though their numbers there are very small. I can’t emphasize enough how important their control of the media is. Politicians can only make changes that the culture approves of. You think laws are the reason why miscegenation didn’t happen and now it does ?

  23. “It was federal courts, federal highways, federal money, and federal troops that destroyed the Jim Crow South.”

    None of those things made white women breed with animals. That was the influence of the media.

  24. I disagree.

    The existence of the Union is why the resistance was defeated. The media demonized the South over Little Rock, Birmingham, Ole Miss, Tuscaloosa, Selma, and the Freedom Riders. Southerners responded by voting 9 to 1 against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    The federal government gave us Brown, Loving, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act, the Immigration Act of 1965. If it were not for the federal government, we wouldn’t have any of those things today.

  25. The South never needed federal highways anyway. They had the best railroad system in the country. It never had to deal with the profitability destroying effects of the granger laws that destroyed railroads in the midwest, or the over built roads of the northeast.

  26. That’s why “pro-whites” who hate rednecks raise my suspicion. Big dumb-ol’ southern rednecks, bunch’a hicks, yet without their common sense I’d still be lost. You know, until I moved down south, I had never met white people who verbalized what I was thinking every time some dumb nigger said or did something stupid. Back home, people would nod and pander to the idiot, it was peer pressure from white people that got me to tow the line, not niggers, they always annoyed me. It wasn’t until I met southerners that I realized there were other people who noticed the same things I saw. That redneckitude lets them say things, right things, that browbeaten Northernerers would never let slip.

  27. Southerners speak truth about race boldly. Only people in America who do as a rule. That’s why, no matter how much stonelifter hates northerners, or how often I’m ripped on for being a “Yankee”, I’ll always have a soft spot for southrons. Only men in America who truly speak truth to power.

  28. If not for the media’s influence we wouldn’t be as accepting of any of these things today. The government would have been overthrown. I’m not quite sure you understand how blacks are viewed in our society today. They’re not only our equals but in many ways superior to us. These are people who are not even the same species as us who have a higher social standing than us. Our women breed with them. There’s nothing more insulting and demeaning to us than that. The federal government isn’t responsible for any of that. It’s the opinion makers and the culture shapers who are.

  29. the more secular a place is the more liberal the population and race mixing is the left’s ultimate wet dream. liberals and race mixing go hand and hand. who’ s the lest likely to be liberal ( as its defined today. modern “conservatives” are liberal as hell )

    #1 the Bible is anti race mixing with half- breeds being excluded for generations but mostly Christians are somewhat insulated from it because of their higher value on tradition. marrying someone who looks like ma/ pa is an example of valuing tradition.

  30. The media isn’t responsible for our situation.

    1.) The media supported the Brown decision, but the Supreme Court had to force integrated public schools on us.

    2.) The media supported the integration of Little Rock, Ole Miss, and UA, but force was required to integrate our universities.

  31. It’s easy enough to see what happened to the white world. The people who for whatever reason are drawn to what we call liberalism and all that is associated with that term were also the people who gravitated to intellectual pursuits–book reading and writing, teaching, researching, lawyering, doctoring, art, thinking seriously about things, etc. As a matter of course, they were situated in universities and publishing, and thus began spreading out in these institutions at some point and “infecting” the entire complex. Eventually they had captured the universities and publishing and, as time went by, all other associated institutions. Everyone knows what I am talking about; it is not necessary for me to rehearse the steps and explain this.

    So we have the situation where all intellectual professions, services, outlets, etc., are overwhelmingly dominated by people who believe deeply in and are strongly attracted to liberalism–again, you all know the entire, comprehensive phenomena I mean by using that descriptive word. And of course since all “levers” that control and govern the operation of a country and society, and most idea dissemination outlets–media, books, etc.–are ran by and controlled by these people, and not farmers, garbage men or heavy equipment operators, it is not surprising at all that liberalism has the grip it does on society. How are mechanics and landscapers or welders going to impose conservatism—I’ll use that word for brevity, too–on the country and its people and make conservatism the dominant ideology? They can’t in the modern world. Even if they manage to take over something, like win some elections or even get some legislation imposed for a period, it is all but inevitable that the “intellectuals” will soon reassert their dominance again since they still will control all intellectual domains. They control the mind. Your kids will get it at school, and a lot of the adults will get it from the media–both the entertainment and news media.

    The “smart set” likes homosexual advocacy. That is why there is a “gay agenda” advocated 24/7 from every loudspeaker.

    The “smart set” is drawn to “color blindness.” So that ideology is transmitted throughout society. The “smart set” is attracted to…fill in the blank…we all know what they like. And all of this is the dominant ideology spread.

    So how does the peasantry and its beliefs overpower the intelligentsia? How does it override the power wielded by those who command the mind? I can only think of two strategies. One is just not going to happen, it would have long since occurred, and the other is possible but I have yet to see any indication it is probable. Deer hunting and NASCAR appear to take up far more space on the radar screens of rural folk than reading books and studying. (Yes, yes, I know plumbing and goat skinning are noble work and society would collapse without them. But they just don’t have the juice in the 21st century as several other types of pursuits do. We are talking about our need to reassert the values we like and want.)

  32. 3.) The media supported the Loving decision, but the Supreme Court was necessary to overturn our anti-miscegenation laws.

    4.) The media has supported Roe v. Wade for decades, but it would be overturned tomorrow if the power to do so was returned to the states.

    5.) The media has supported “comprehensive immigration reform” and the DREAM Act for a decade, but the public has opposed it.

    6.) The media was in the tank for Obama in 2008 and 2012, but the majority of White Southerners in every Southern state voted against him both times.

    7.) The media was for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but Southerners in Congress overwhelmingly voted against both bills and nearly filibustered them to death, and when that failed, they began to abandon the Democratic Party.

    8.) The media is solidly behind gay marriage, but it has been banned in every Southern state.

    No, the problem is not the media which is already widely distrusted and hated in the South. The problem is squarely the power of the consolidated government in Washington to force those values on the states and destroy any type of organized resistance to them.

    If it weren’t for Washington, MLK and the Civil Rights Movement would have been defeated in the 1960s. Even with the assistance of the New York Times, which was sued for libel by the Attorney General of Alabama, they failed to win our support with their stupid demonstrations.

    The resistance to integration only crumbled after Washington used force to settle the matter. After enough time had passed, integration was passively accepted and institutionalized and racial attitudes gradually began to change, largely due to federal control of the public schools.

    So yes, the media is always injecting us with poison, but if Washington wasn’t restraining us in a straightjacket, we would have broken free and ripped their throats out a long time ago.

    The key to reversing our racial and cultural decline is ridding ourselves of Washington. No way out but through disunion.

  33. Integration alone does anything. It’s the change in attitude which makes a difference. Blacks and Whites could have been going to school together for the past 50 years but miscegenation would have been just as unlikely now as it was 100 years age if not for media influence.

  34. @ “….. or how often I’m ripped on for being a “Yankee”, I’ll always have a soft spot for southrons. Only men in America who truly speak truth to power…..”

    Sola scriptura has something to do with that, imo. And in many cases, their power comes from God.

    Because no matter how psycho “Leaders” and self-described “elites” get, no matter how ig-nernt the t.v. talking heads, no matter how undoable the “Greater Society,”all those Big Voices have NOTHING to do with God.

    People pick up the Bible, the Bible easily translates into, “what t.v. is saying is all a bunch of bullshit.” And they are obligated to tell it like it is.

    There’s great sense in having at least one sane group who divorces Earthly Leadership and the men in robes and dresses— from what GOD wants.

  35. “The decline of Christianity in Britain is correlated with a marked decline in the taboo against miscegenation and a corresponding rise in offspring from interracial relationships.”

    And CI is so bad, or so incorrect in pointing out the Biblical injunctions against such behavior, why?

    This is the duplicitious idiocy that I just couldn’t handle- either in politics (we vote in conservatives, who then destroy what our ancestors tried to conserve- i.e., a WHITE culture) and then encourage the destruction of green spaces by urban sprawl, to make ‘white’ (read, ‘good’) neighborhoods, to go even further out, as more nig-nogs ‘be movin’ on up’ rather than retain restrictive covenants on the books, and in our R.E. Contracts) or in Xtianity (we are a ‘confessional church’ but we would NEVER think of prohibiting our ‘African brothers and sisters’ from joining our little Trad. Anglican/ SSPX RC/Norwegian Synod Lutheran church, even though your ancestors never saw such as anything more than ‘mission/conquest’ numbers on a ledger, and NEVER thought (Prior to Hart/Celler 1965) that ‘They’ would be coming…. HERE!

    “A pox on both their houses,” as Britain’s monoracial playwright clearly noted, when the only ‘mixed race’ couple is Othello- whose jealousy is easily manipulated by a WHite man, and who kills his ‘baby momma’ in a fit of Nigger nutcase-ness.

    All they need to do, is restore Edwardian norms, and Britain would be a ‘green and pleasant land’ in less than a month. Deport all non-white, non-christians to their homelands (or, in Elton John’s case, ‘homo-land’) and we’d be back on track, ‘spit-spot’ as Mary Poppins used to say.


  36. Brutus says:

    @ “….It’s easy enough to see what happened to the white world. The people who for whatever reason are drawn to what we call liberalism and all that is associated with that term were also the people who gravitated to intellectual pursuits–book reading and writing, teaching, researching, lawyering, doctoring, art, thinking seriously about things, etc. As a matter of course, they were situated in universities and publishing…”

    But Brutus, also, when Antonio Gramsci wrote in the Prison Notebooks about his “long march through the institutions,” and so on—-

    —it was also clear that the “intellectually inclined” people of the west were the ones who were going to be TARGETED for all these “new” arguments (of anti-whiteness, anti-westernism, and to be steeped in “historical narratives” by “the other.”

    (And so Thom Hartmann —who we were recently exposed to by HW— only has stories about Wise Indians to relate on air and the great white Evil told to him by his Indian Teachers, to impart to his OWN CHILDREN. Rest assured, whatever that man says on air, he says at dinner to his (apparently) two DAUGHTERS, who naturally repeat it, b/c they love Daddy and want to please Daddy, even if it is a little weird and they feel sold out by him on a deeper, unspoken level).

    Imo— the Lower Middle-Class got the most slammed. The white Schoolteachers, nurses, this sort of thing. The people trained to disseminate the Socializing Messages for the society. They ARE FAR REMOVED from real power. Yet they are trained to create the next generation for the Big Money.

    Thom Hartmann, essentially, falls in that category. Your average M.A./ Ph.d. type. The “intelligensia” of a very small town. The “petit bourgeois.”

    Thom’s daughters may well wind up on the DC metro on a bad day. (And he self-centeredly cannot consider this)

  37. Whoops—

    Was trying to say, Brutus, that that’s backward, maybe. When the working class did not RISE UP in the 1848 revolution and other conflicts as Godhead-Marx said they would— then the communists (who really weren’t, anyway)— had to explain how Marx could be wrong and come up with a new strategy.

    And that strategy was to CREATE (via education) people such as Thom Hartmann FIRST.

    BY socializing them deeply to “accept” wealth redistribution, inculcating the message that smarter, prettier (etc) people OWE ALL THE OTHERS, (by teaching them they are evil)— THEN the “revolution” will happen.

    —-Of course, that strategy risked exposing “revolution” as a cult of envy writ large.

    And when the “oppressed” gain power—they (as it turned out) will just continue in assuming an “oppressed” identity forever and ever. And (as it turned out) their rhetoric of “oppression” must be expanded to keep their monetary scam going (so new “oppressed” populations are found, which is why Sally Struthers morphs into Brad Pitt or George Clooney, always some newly minted “star” posing among the very poorest of Africans).

    Or—they must endlessly re-define “oppression,” shifting their argument to ‘even if we are not financially oppressed still, our people such as O.J. Simpson continue to be oppressed in more silent ways, which is what matters, and so with just a bit more money….etc, etc…)

    Such systems are a collusion (in a sense) between the very rich and the very poor. Which is why the “middle class” vanished. To make that work—- they had to create a “middle class” of Thom Hartmanns.

    If the middle class “un-does” its own education— which allows them to screw their own children—- the system is dust.

    This is exactly the problem communists dealt with in trying to produce a revolution in the first place. —the petit bourgeois that had been socialized in the interest of the upper class.

  38. —Sorry, one more thing—

    Brutus says: So how does the peasantry and its beliefs overpower the intelligentsia? How does it override the power wielded by those who command the mind?

    —-It is doing it now, isn’t it? Information dissemination, exposure, synthesis of what’s been learned, etc. Seems we’re watching something significant unfold. Another big turn of the wheels that were spinning back at 1848.

    Deo vindice. History does all the work, really.

  39. The reason the “smart sets” are so attracted to liberalism is their ability to rationalize away the cognitive dissonance created when beleiving in something that is self-evidently retarded.

    But I don’t think its really about intelligence. I’ve seen lots of studies showing how liberalism is correlated to educational achievement which is correlated to income which is correlated to intelligence…..but those things leave open the possibility of several “x factors”.

    I personally think liberalism is about a desire to be accepted. In my experience, conservatives are those more likely to be direct and speak truth to power. Liberals are those that qualify everything so as not to allienate or offend. Nothing to do with intelligence, as I know lots of smart and dumb people of both stripes.

  40. I think Christianity only becomes a problem when there’s Jewish subversion involved. – Mike

    This is so patently false! Note how New Spain, always ruled by pure whites from 1521 to 1821, was perfectly Judenfrei while at the same time promoted mestization on a colossal scale—and the same can be said of the very Catholic, Judenfrei Portugal and the Portuguese’s mongrelization with negroes that totally ruined their gene pool.

    So yes, the media is always injecting us with poison, but if Washington wasn’t restraining us in a straightjacket, we would have broken free and ripped their throats out a long time ago.

    The key to reversing our racial and cultural decline is ridding ourselves of Washington. No way out but through disunion. – HW

    So true. And taking into account what Washington did in the Second World War, no less than the crime of the age (see my latest blog entry), it could even be said that if the Jews are the white shark, Yankeedom is surely the Megalodon.

  41. Well, there is a reason why Mississippi is the poorest state in the Union. Also why it is the most Religious. There is also are reason you don’t see any Research Triangles or Silicon Valleys there. It’s because it’s populace are mostly sub-IQ types.

    Jackson Mississippi is famous for pretty must two industries. Catfish farms loaded with nigger workers and niggers that come to Hollywood to get into the jewish ran interracial porn industry (i.e. Wesley Pipes and Mandingo). So there you have it. The south, a powerhouse of industries!

  42. This is a bullshit argument. How many of those who race-mix use Colgate? Ergo, using Colgate is a sign of one’s willingness to race-mix. Anyway, the point is moot. I don’t see a new Christian conquest of Britain in the offing. That toothpaste is out of the tube. Most race realist are pretty secular in my experience.

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