America Needs Lunatic Control


H/T Kosherpagemag

The Jared Loughners, James Holmeses, and Adam Lanzas used to be locked up in insane asylums

In the 1960s, the United States embarked on an innovative approach to caring for its mentally ill: deinstitutionalization. The intentions were quite humane: move patients from long-term commitment in state mental hospitals into community-based mental health treatment. Contrary to popular perception, California Governor Ronald Reagan’s signing of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act of 196712 was only one small part of a broad-based movement, starting in the late 1950s.13 The Kennedy Administration optimistically described how the days of long-term treatment were now past; newly-developed drugs such as chlorpromazine meant that two-thirds of the mentally ill “could be treated and released within 6 months.”14

At about the same time, two different ideas came to the forefront of American progressive thinking: that there was a right to mental health treatment, and a right to a more substantive form of due process for those who were to be committed to a mental hospital. If there was a right to mental health treatment, then judges could use the threat of releasing patients as a way to force reluctant legislatures to increase funding for treatment.15

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Do you want to know what really drove the shooting?

    Nobody gave a shit about Adam Lanza before the shooting.

  2. I’m stall waiting for the info on him being abused sexually and him being a pedo.

    Who kills 27 some children?

    A child abuser.

    Plain as the fugging nose on your face. Hamilton the chap who shot up Dunblane was a Botscout troop leader and obsessive NAMBLA type.

  3. In most psych hospitals Friday is judgement day when a state judge shows up and all the noncriminal patients get to plead their case for release with public defenders. They let a woman out once on good faith for her to continue anti-psychotics as an outpatient. Two days later she was in the middle of I-78 with a karaoke machine. She was given a warm welcome back by the unit. People like her and the crazy jewish ex-wall street guy that would streak and knock over tables were harmless and pretty good at poetry and sudoku respectively.

    The criminally insane are absolutely terrifying and should be executed.

  4. Social liberalism doesn’t give a shit about people. In social liberalism, voting and agitating in a way that shows you supposedly care about “humanity” and “human rights” is all that matters. Unlike Christianity, giving a shit about real live people you interact with isn’t actually required.

    Social liberalism is incredibly perverse, one does morally good according to liberalism by “fighting for more civil rights”: for blacks, lunatics, whomever. If it gets your neighbor killed or his daughter raped, well, that’s just ignored.

  5. Dear Hunter,
    You have a good handle on part of the problem.

    The decision to close mental hospital was boon for the medical-pharmacological-money-making-machine.

    All of the mass shootings in schools in America and abroad were done by killers who already were under treatment by the medical-pharmacological-money-making-machine.
    The “medicines” dispensed by the medical-pharmacological-money-making-machine turn harmless patients into mass killers. The drug companies know this. The inserts on some anti-depressants already list suicidal and homicidale urges as side effects.
    It is no longer legal in the United States to report what specific drugs a killer was taking – that might hurt business.
    There is no reason to believe that the medical-pharmacological-money-making-machine has any benevolent motives beyond pure greed.
    They know that the anti-depressants they prescribe kill patients and turn patients into killers.
    You should visit and tell all of your contacts to visit
    This web site focuses on the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first. Other SSRIs are Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) (known in the UK as Seroxat), Celexa (citalopam), Lexapro (escitalopram), and Luvox (fluvoxamine). Other newer antidepressants included in this list are Remeron (mirtazapine), Anafranil (clomipramine) and the SNRIs Effexor (venlafaxine), Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) as well as the dopamine reuptake inhibitor antidepressant Wellbutrin (bupropion) (also marketed as Zyban). Ritalin also is associated with suicides and murders.
    The problem is not “lunatics”, the problem is the medical-pharmacological-money-making-machine.
    Please use your influence to crush the real criminals.

  6. Most, if not all, of the random school shooters of the past two decades were either on psychiatric drugs or recently had been on psychiatric drugs.

    Don’t forget, according to the CDC 1 in 5 American women are on psycho active drugs.

  7. This crap is laying bare the soft underbelly of “liberalism”, even Kunstsler this week realized and wrote that its a complete fail.

    End the mass indiscriminate druggings, end the war on white boys, and put real men in schools or end the PS system altogether.

  8. @ “….Social liberalism doesn’t give a shit about people. In social liberalism, voting and agitating in a way that shows you supposedly care about “humanity” and “human rights” is all that matters.

    Well, they love people—- LOVE their money! And ain’t that Love?

    “Getting funding IS LOVE!

    All you need is love! Love! Love is all you need! Love is all you need! (and they don’t knight pop singers for nothing— they can sure coral a crowd!)

  9. For all those who like to complain about drugging kids, restraining orders used as a form of harassment in a divorce (you lose your guns too) and the like, you might want to rethink ideas like this, it can be a very slippery slope. Institutionalization presently has a far lower barrier to entry than jail. Cops usually can put you in a ward if they think your a danger to yourself or others, judges can keep you there even longer, and a jury wont ever be involved. It doesnt need to be made any easier.

    We dont need to do anything about spree shootings like these, the yearly number of people killed in incidents like this is often under 100. Even if it were 10 times that, it would still be insignificant in a country where 2.4 million people die every year. If you’re worried about your safety that much, put down the hamburger and soda or cigarettes and pick up a salad, glass of water and start jogging, since heart disease is several orders of magnitude more likely to kill you than a crazy person with a gun is.

  10. @ “….Don’t forget, according to the CDC 1 in 5 American women are on psycho active drugs….

    Thought it was up to one in four, Earl. Will have to check.

    End Goal: let everyone really crazy out to destroy people. Simultaneously, pathologize the most NORMAL feelings on the planet–and drug everybody normal.

    Silenced normal population plus free shock troops out there!— yah!

  11. Some mentally ill people understand they are mentally ill. Others have absolutely no insight about how sick they really are. This lack of insight is called anosognosia. It literally means not being aware of the disease. Research seems to indicate the frontal lobes of the brain are defective and unable to process reality in a normal fashion. These poor people should be under constant supervision and lock up for their own and society’s protection.

    BTW, the commentators who think the drugs are the problem don’t know anything about mental illnesses. I know several people with mental illnesses, and I can see how the drugs allow them to function in a normal manner.

  12. Drugs are a racket, they are far overprescribed and undersupervised. Hell I cannot even take Sudafed, its a decongestant but it leaves me in a dark violent mood. Point being handing out drugs but without close constant supervision is a recipe for disaster.

  13. Confednnorth is right about this. Mental illness is an individualistic thing. A fellow I know is deeply schizophrenic but has been well medicated for decades and functions just fine. I had no qualms about hiring him for some light side work and he in no way needs to be institutionalized.

    His wife is also ill (they have no kids so good for them) and while she is prone to messianic delusions and mood swings, for the most part she can function, with a bit of stewardship and help from hubby which she appreciates as she should

    She has been institutionalized a few times and might benefit from more care but its cheaper and is probably better for both of them to not lock her up.

    There are other OTOH, who need to be in a care facility but doing so means paying taxes for it and it means having a good public health system and protocols to prevent abuse. BRA can barely do roads much less something complex and so between them and the dimwitted leftists, we have what we have here.


  14. Warehousing the insane is the least worst option for dealing with them. We can’t really get them the help that they need, but its better than treating them like criminals(who need to be warehoused as probably the best way of dealing with them).

    We are basically putting away the mentally ill now… just via prisons after they commit some crime, and that is probably worse overall than institutionalization for all involved.

  15. This shooter was a kiddy fiddler IMHO. As it rolls out, there will be some make babysitter or an uncle who molested him and he wanted to be able to do the same to elementary age kids. Same target as Hamilton in Dunblane.

  16. On the topic of prisons.

    I would suggest a pilot program in a future republic where white inmates are given billyclubs and biometric access to all cells. Effectively policing themselves and other inmates. If there were to be any trouble at all, discipline the white prisoners harshly. If things are running smooth, give them rewards. They’d be an interface between prison staff and non-whites. This would free up significant manpower.

  17. “All you need is love! Love! Love is all you need! Love is all you need! (and they don’t knight pop singers for nothing— they can sure coral a crowd!)”

    Oh they LOOOOOOOVEE “humanity”, while they fuck over their neighbor and countryman, and let the nanny raise their kids. It’s been said that Christianity is misanthropic. It should be. Humanity IS evil. It’s only by loving your family, and doing right by the people you know IRL, that anything ever improves. Serving the “greater good” simply serves to separate people from the consequences of their actions.

  18. Yes, humanity is evil, and that’s why we need to take away racial identity which is what makes humanity even more evil. Especially from the white race which commits most of the mass murders in all-white communities. Reagan was the one who closed the mental institutions, in an unfortunate alliance with parts of the Left. They should be put back, although I am concerned about the government putting people like most of the commenters on this site in mental institutions. As insane as you are, you are all too fun to play with.

  19. I don’t know about the other two but James Holmes seems like a highly gifted and intelligent individual. The fact that he would become a psychopathic killer is something that is difficult to understand. It seems like the most gifted are either extremely gentle to a fault or else serious psychopaths.

  20. “Especially from the white race which commits most of the mass murders in all-white communities. ”

    You must be a race realist. Far better to have a nog from a ghetto do all of it right?

  21. “For all those who like to complain about drugging kids…We dont need to do anything about spree shootings like these”

    Politically the SSRI argument is a more effective counter to the attempt to use these incidents as propaganda for gun control imo.

    “the commentators who think the drugs are the problem don’t know anything about mental illnesses. I know several people with mental illnesses, and I can see how the drugs allow them to function in a normal manner.”

    So do i. I also have come into contact with individuals who went from being depressed suicidal to violently suicidal when given SSRIs – or at least a particular kind. Given the scale on which they’re prescribed if they only make 1 in a 1000 have homicidal urges that could still explain an awful lot.

    It didn’t occur to me until the other day but the almost identikit profile of the white or white-ish killers in these school shootings *screams* identikit psych meds.

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