Newtown vs. Chicago


Here’s the most important article yet on the Newtown school shooting:

“There’s no doubt what happened in Newtown, Connecticut was a horrible tragedy, a melancholy reminder of the nature of evil in our world. But it is the images of the young white children gunned down by a psychopath that cause the entire nation to stop everything they’re doing, look at the pictures on the screen and realize, “that could be my daughter, son; sister, brother; grandchild or nephew.”

The endless parade of black gangbangers engaging in wanton violence that leaves infants dead in cities like Detroit, Atlanta, a toddler shot in Philadelphia (with the black community engaging in a “no snitching” policy to protect the perp) all serve to remind people of the need to both have guns for personal protection and for staying far away from black people. …

So remember this: the government of the United States of America wants to disarm you, using the events of Newtown – a charming, 95 percent white city that looks like the type of Anywhere, USA so many white people still believe exist – as the catalyst for revoking the 2nd Amendment.

But it is the ugly violence found in a place like Chicago, where black people engage in wanton violence so frequently we’ve all become numb to their ubiquitous barbarism, that serves as a reminder of why we must have the 2nd Amendment….”

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wallmart and Dicks Sporting Goods stopped selling semi-auto rifles. CheaperThanDirt stopped selling firearms. NBC stopped showing 3 Gun Nation (competitive shooting), Discovery Channel cancels American Guns, the NRA killed thier Facebook account, and the finanical firm Cerberus annouced it is selling Freedom Group (Remington, Bushmaster, Barnes, DPMS, etc).

    TPTB seem to be conspiring against the legal (which means almost exclusively white) gun owners at the moment.

  2. What about Newton versus China?

    China’s Media Mute on Local School Tragedy

    “On Dec 14, 2012, 20 children were killed in a gun shooting in Connecticut, US. The sad news was immediately all over China’s CCTV and made the headlines of major newspapers in China.

    On the same day, another school tragedy took place in central China: a man stabbed and injured 22 children.

    However, the news was soon censored. There was not a single mention of the domestic tragedy in Chinese mainstream media. The only source to find out the news was through Weibo, China’s twitter.”

  3. The coloreds are noting this hypocracy as well, some Asian in Austin, Texas ranted on facebook about he didn’t care about white kids because only now is violence an issue, in a sense he is correct.

    The fail of liberalism is right in front of us and by that I mean the masses I now believe can be just told to their faces that it failed and they will just nod their heads yes. Like 1988 USSR or Warsaw Pact nations, their slaves by then were growing restless with the lies, same here IMO.

  4. YKW in Hollywood make anti-white revenge porn movies like Django Unchained to incite their black golems to kill white people and their cousins (-stein, -berg, – thal) in Washington want to disarm whites to give their golems a free hand. Could anything be more transparent? The same people who are pushing gun confiscation were behind indefinite detention.

    When whites have the upper hand: You can’t take our guns away because the first thing the Nazis did in Germany was confiscate guns from the populace.

    When YKW has the upper hand: All non-jews are suspect as potential anti-semites and should be disarmed.

  5. @ “…some Asian in Austin, Texas ranted on facebook about he didn’t care about white kids because only now is violence an issue, in a sense he is correct…..”

    Has anyone asked him, directly, if Virginia Tech was ok b/c the shooter was Asian, doing what Jamie Foxx advocates? Why is he only upset now, not Va Tech, etc.

  6. The National Socialists, as far as a know did not confiscate firearms. Rifle Clubs and target shooting were positively encouraged.

    What the Nazis did do was to kill off Communists and banish Jews other undesirables.

  7. Have a look at them good old boys taking charge of the Connecticut PO-lice role in the Sandy Hook Psy-op. They are going to have to brazen it out with the people who know about the two shooters. They are going to have to handle the cover-up and the misdirects while Big Bro cuts the signs to his fellow Masons and tell America “It’s either your children or your guns”.

  8. Does anyone think Obama gives a rat’s ass about the dead kids in that elementary?

    This is just a good excuse to whip YT again. Obama is vengeful man, very aloof and very cold. He’s been put in place to damage whitopia.

    The shooter will turn out to be some type of NAMBLA freak.

  9. What you could say is this:

    What if you banned blacks from trading firearms ?

    What if Jews were banned from the trade?

    That’s closer to what they did actually.

  10. Liberals oppose the segregation of the mentally ill for obvious reasons.

    Segregating the mentally ill means the admission that some people can’t be “fixed”, and therefore is only one step removed from “other forms” of segregation.

  11. “Wallmart and Dicks Sporting Goods stopped selling semi-auto rifles. CheaperThanDirt stopped selling firearms. NBC stopped showing 3 Gun Nation (competitive shooting), Discovery Channel cancels American Guns, the NRA killed thier Facebook account, and the finanical firm Cerberus annouced it is selling Freedom Group (Remington, Bushmaster, Barnes, DPMS, etc). ”

    Pure deflection.

    “It’s the guuunnnnns!!!”

    Yeah right. 80 million legal gun owners and none of them go on shooting sprees. The commonality wasn’t that they had guns, the commonality was that they are nuts.

  12. Two gun stores today, both were booming and nearly totally white, saw one black young man, and a lot of empty space on the walls and the cabinets.

    Picked up two long guns myself. Lady Smith 38 specials were sold out, which sucked for Christmas.

  13. “Wallmart and Dicks Sporting Goods stopped selling semi-auto rifles. “

    “Discovery Channel cancels American Guns”

    Great news!

    The more business diverted to the mom and pops businesses the better. And the more pansified Discovery Channel becomes the less people will watch it.

  14. Obama does care about the children and we are proud to have him as President during this difficult time. Reagan closed the mental institutions so don’t blame the liberals. There are definitely a lot of problems with the African-american urban culture but it’s mostly because of racial prejudice, and the fact that 50% of blacks have never been to jail shows why racial discrimination cannot even be a possibility.

  15. I do believe there might have been a second shooter though, but it’s probably an attempt by the government to protect the neo-confederate groups which may have been involved in this brutal attack on the Yankee nation, since they don’t want to crush these neo-Confederate groups yet in order to avoid making them martyrs for secessionists.

  16. About the only thing that can unite the entire grass-roots right-wing these days is them going after guns.

    They must be feeling pretty damn confident to be kicking that dog. That, and they likely have file cabinets full of contingencies on how to use the next shooting to clamp down on freedom.

  17. WAKE UP NORTH CAROLINA. See the timing here? Three get off in Alamance county because of the”racial justice” act now the face of violence suddenly looks white because of what happened in Newtown. What happened is horrific but it’s about value and no religion and an athesist northern united states. Ask all the yanks who move down here the athesist state of the north causes those still in their right mind to move south asap. Now they are coming for your guns. Obama won’t stop. Repeal the RACIAL JUSTICE ACT before they come for your guns. They want your guns so the criminal constituent that voted obama in office can continue business as usual which is crime . WAKE UP NORTH CAROLINA.

  18. So now American Guns, a program dedicated to gunsmithing and gun customization, has been cancelled after a bunch of liberal pussies whined on Facebook that it somehow promoted acts such this rampage by a mentally ill self described Communist/Anarchist nutjob? Can you get anymore stupid then that? Look, I am no gun nut, I don’t care about guns and I can not relate to the passion that a lot of people have for them, but to place all the blame on gun ownership and ignore the massive underlying reasons for these mass killings is simple mindedness to the extreme. How is it that Switzerland, due to its militia based national defense, has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world and yet virtually no gun related violence? Have these idiots ever thought that the trouble might lay with the totally ____ed up society they have created and that finally the chickens are coming home to roost?

  19. Is blaming 80 million Americans for the action of one deranged lunatic really a good idea. Right now people are shocked, but watch out for the back-lash in the coming weeks. Lots of gun-owners who see themselves as respectable citizens are going to be P.O.ed that they were sold out and blamed for something infinitely removed from them, and not just by the left, they were sold out by many who were supposedly “allies”.

    I can’t wait for the backlash to really get rolling.

  20. “But it is the ugly violence found in a place like Chicago, where black people engage in wanton violence so frequently we’ve all become numb to their ubiquitous barbarism, that serves as a reminder of why we must have the 2nd Amendment….”

    Its mostly black on black shooting spree of turf war suburbian by drugs. I know, been there done that in my youth i was young ,dumb and full of cum we wonder in ghetto zone at 2 am for some weeds. he, he.

  21. It is possible that alleged shooter at the latest school shooting may not be the perpetrator.

    The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with 223 (rifle) casings. However, Adam Lanza was found dead at the school with only handguns – a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. Then he could not have possibly been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did then?

    You can google “medical examiner sandy hook” to verify this.

  22. Gun Control does not work. Where there is Gun Control—the bandits and thieves still have guns and pistols and rob and kill. Every one learn how to Make Your Own Weapons. Law of Survival is above all Man Made Laws. Lookin Good in Chicago like Terrible Tommy says. The bastards will fix it so only the rich bastards have guns…Piss on all the gun control freaks….

  23. J.B. Stoner use to say BAN NIGGERS NOT GUNS. They are now trying to equate Gun Control with DUI Law. The DUI Law is crap. There is one set of laws for poor and another for the rich. A Dupont Kid would wreck Sports cars in Florida all the time, and drunk. Nothing happened to him and he kept driving Sports Cars. Then a Big Time Attorney Women would be caught drunk and smashed two cars. She got out of it because the DUI LAWS do not apply to all the same. Laws for Whitey, Laws for Muds, its all bull crap. There is Gun Control in alot of countries and all the rich bastards still have their guns. Just read were Feinstein has a Permit to Carry. Oh well they will say she is a Senator and needs it. What hypocrite crap like Rosie Odonald the Lesbie from New York who had a Permit to Carry and would go around crying for Gun Control. The Khazars want to disarm to entire world civilian population. Mix all the races up and they want to be Masters of World with everyone else as Serfs and Slaves.

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