Kunstler on Newtown

New York

In the Unabomber’s Manifesto, Ted Kaczynski spent a lot of time describing “the power process,” and I am growing more convinced that this is connected to these psychopathic nerd meltdowns:

“For what it’s worth, the Newtown Massacre to me is largely about the failure of men in America, and in particular the failure of men to raise up male children into men. The tragic monster that Mr. Lanza grew up into lived with Mom and ended up parking four bullets in her brain. Imagine the tensions in that monster. It’s not an accident that the commercial fantasies represented in movies and television aimed at boys are populated by legions of super-heroes. This sort of grandiosity — the wish to project supernatural powers — is exactly what you get in boys who have not developed competence in any reality-based, meaningful realm of endeavor — and I wouldn’t necessarily include school, such as it is in our time, as a reality-based, meaningful realm of endeavor, since it is mostly a brutally boring accreditation process. Notice, Mr. Lanza’s chief instrument of death was the “Bushmaster.” His weapon made him a “master” of something, at least, even if it was just the systematic slaughter of six-year-old kids and the women in charge of them…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Kunstler gets it right here. Self absorbed parents, kid in the middle of nowhere, no culture.

    Still convinced the kid was a pedo John, you steaming pile of fraudulent academic horse shit? You are one sick fuck. A perfect representative of Western academia. Get the fuck off this site you filthy retard.

  2. Apparently the little freakazoid was a vegan. Figures.

    Brains need their saturated fats, and lots of them. Better heart disease when you’re 70 than nut-house by 17.

  3. Very good connection! I remember I was just out of college and still friends with a pseudo-intellectual liberal philosophy grad student. I showed him Kaczynski’s manifesto and he dismissed it as trash. Now Kaczynski is taught in college classes, by serious professors. He truly is an important thinker, and much more relevant than these philosophy people who just sling around terms like “emergence” and “metaphysics” and “epistemology.”

  4. Actually, the “fear of being committed” information that’s coming out now sounds right to me. Having been close to an extremely troubled, depressed person who swore to go postal should anyone even talk about putting him in a hospital, this has the ring of truth.

  5. Child abuse — yes. Sexual abuse — not something to be tossed around lightly. Unless you’re a raging academic pervert.

  6. Wtf set that outburst off?

    I’m just comparing (Newtown) Lanza to (Dunblane) Hamilton. Both appear to have lobbied to spend time around youngsters and been told to fuggoff. He was a grown up when he shot the elementary students and so was Lanza. Just profiling the two choices of target.

    How is that perverted?

  7. The simpler and more fitting explanation is that he was mentally ill; perhaps fueled by (yet to be determined) psychotropic drugs rather than being some victim of poor parenting and debased BRA culture that failed to raise him correctly. The fact that 99.99+% of people don’t go bonkers would be a testament to that.

    We already know he has autism which is genetically heritable rather than being culturally implanted into him.

  8. As I said before, this shooting happened because before the shooting, nobody gave a shit about Adam Lanza.

    I think the IRS needs to audit his dad and GE, since the current laws have no other way to touch that piece of shit.

  9. As if the people running America do not fantasize about slaughtering us. Look at the movies they make. Hypocrites moralizing about Lanza.

    Kunstler fantasizes about the destruction of White America. His entire “career” is based on it.

  10. “As if the people running America do not fantasize about slaughtering us. Look at the movies they make. Hypocrites moralizing about Lanza.”

    Yeah, no shit eh? You think “Jango” will be delayed release “out of respect”? Fat chance…

  11. Yeah ATTACK OF THE MAMZER NERDS!!! Martin Lindstedt is right about melt down of Zog Babylon. Just read article on google search: REVOLUTION HARRY: Piers Morgan – New World Order Sycophant…..The Khazars world wide are trying to ban guns – its a UN Agenda for the Khazar World Plantation Empire. Whitey is smart – new things can be made to replace powder shooters,,,, Real Chuckys on the rise….like Cunstler says—Lindstedt has in down pat….Nerds are watching Combat Game Videos and the story continues….

  12. Speaking of anosognosia, isn’t Kunt-ler being a bit obtuse here, seeing that his style of doom-porn seems to have been what motivated the mother?

  13. Kunstler’s Eschatological projections are a bit boring. Tribulations?

    He’s just saying that everyone is a girlyman. Big man that he is.

  14. Kunstler is Jewish. He calls conservative whites “corn-pone Nazis” The fear of the white man runs deep in this one.

  15. Fifth-grade classmate Dan Lynch, now a junior at the University of Connecticut, remembers Lanza at Sandy Hook school.

    “I was in class with him in fifth grade, and he was extremely introverted,” Lynch says. “He was really skittish, always anxious and nervous.”

    Lynch says he remembers watching a sex-education movie, and Lanza saying he was about to throw up and needed to leave the room.

    That’s not aspergers or autism.

  16. ” Notice, Mr. Lanza’s chief instrument of death was the “Bushmaster.” His weapon made him a “master” of something”

    I dont really got the connection. Using a Bushmaster branded AR15 was simply a coincidence, it happened to be the rifle his mother owned.

  17. chances are his father would have liked to spend time with the boy but the mom played games and prevented it. that is very common

    but why to join in on the general anti masculine mindset of BRA/ WRA afterthought

  18. Re: “school, such as it is in our time…mostly a brutally boring accreditation process”:

    The brutally boring public school prison system and the rest of the metropolitan environment is unnatural. Even if the mother was a gardener, Adam probably had no connexion to the land.

  19. I agree with a lot of the comments on here actually; divorce is bad, meat is good. Focus on that and not so much on the racialist trash.

  20. full-scale Civil War right now. And probably enough ill feeling. Just pick the flavor of the conflict you want: ideological? Religious? Racial? Regional?

    Those are all tempting, I’ll take one of each.

  21. You realize, John, that you’re the only person who saw the similarities in those cases. I posted at least twice about how I understood Lanza’s anger, having gone through a similar upbringing. Yet you posted again and again that he had to be a pedo and cited a case that is profoundly dissimilar to the case at hand. In so doing you diverted attention from the only issue really worth examining here — the trench warfare psychological torture of a kid in that situation. You are consistently wrong, you are in an Ivory Tower and you have no idea what goes on in the real world, and obviously you’ve drunk heartily from the Freudian cup, as all your ilk must do. There is more on heaven and earth you little fucking twat than is dreamt of in your two-bit trendy shitbag professor’s lounge.

    The kid was different, no question. If there were no psychotropics involved, it probably wouldn’t have happened. Perhaps if there were no first person shooter games involved it wouldn’t have happened. If he had a stronger father figure it probably wouldn’t have happened. If his brother didn’t leave him to stew in that situation it probably wouldn’t have happened. We could merely say he was crazy. Sure. But that was the least of his problems.

  22. Kaczynski claimed that this “nerd rage” is what happens in an overdeveloped mathematical mind. However, this would not apply at all for most kids today where having such a mind is not encouraged. The fact that computers are now chiefly used as sources for political blogs, cheap entertainments, pornography, or worse is one aspect of this.

  23. The Psychiatrized Society is just a mistake.

    Wrong is bad. Lock them up. That’s it.

    The “treatment” model is just an industry with a revolving door to R&D, the DSM and Pharm companies.

    It’s so deep, most people cannot understand human behavior without it, nor imagine a very recent time when models of human behavior did not include any of this. Try not using the newly minted psych words for just one day.

  24. Oh— and churchgoers think it’s appropriate for their priests and pastors to have shrink degrees—- even though the underlying assumptions of religion and shrinkdom are utterly irreconcilable. Pastors brag about having psych degrees—what could it even mean?

  25. The article appears to still have anti gun narrative like it was dictated by the boss. He drew his conclusion on the brand name? The gun used was named after a snake and it was black and is sort of like things used by the army and police. Ooga booga!

  26. Four things which produce a non thinking Zombie. These four things combined together thru many years effects the brain in many ways. They are: Processed Salt, White Flour, White Sugar and Flouride…… Then there is the CELL PHONES snd WIKI signals and of course GMO Food, Sodas, Energy Drinks, Vaccinations…..The whole population is effected…. Christmarkview or Name Aflame is right about Babylon Cities and getting out of Babylon. Martin Lindstedt is right about Tribulation, Mamzers and Civil War 2. The VATIC PROJECT on google search has good articles about False Flag Event of NewTown…..

  27. “That’s not aspergers or autism.”

    Introversion and odd/awkward social mannerisms is pretty much the norm for Aspergers. It doesn’t mean that just because you’re weird/quiet that you must have it, its just a characteristic of it.

  28. “Bushmaster”.

    If Kunstler thinks that is more than coincidental he’s deluded.

    Ivorytower? No. Freud? Certainly not.

    Landshark, I think the kid was profoundly dissimilar to you. You have a lot of
    Michael Ryan for example at Hungerford holed up at his school after his spree.
    He also has an unhealthy attachment to mum. His dad had recently died. I do think this is a big similarity. However the targeting of the kids, the attempt to gain access to the school a few days before point to more.

  29. I didn’t mean you have. That was inelegant.

    Lanza has a lot of similarities to Michael Ryan at Hungerford.

    I’ve always thought your comments were interesting so I’d prefer not to have an argument with you either. I’ll stop commenting on the case. The truth will out eventuslly.

  30. One more thing. I have friends who’s children have been victims of the LAUSD sex abuse scandal. So it’s not ivory tower stuff. The abuser in question threatened family if the kid told. Luckily the kid was brave and told. Let’s leave it at that. You assume it’s all theory instead of lived experience.

  31. “chances are his father would have liked to spend time with the boy but the mom played games and prevented it. that is very common”

    Chances are just as good that Daddy Lanza was much too tied up in chasing hot young tail to spend a lot of time with a nerdy, nervous, probably not very athletic, boy.

  32. “I agree with a lot of the comments on here actually; divorce is bad, meat is good. Focus on that and not so much on the racialist trash.”

    If you’re thinking divorce is bad and meat is good, you’re partway down the path to us.
    Stick around. You know you want to.
    The racialist stuff is not trash. It’s preservation of one of the Universe’s amazing creatures, like the Orca or the Manatee — the White European of Christian Heritage.

  33. They divorced when he was 17, Barb. Maybe he was just sick of the pair of them. Once the older son was safely out he bailed out out too.

    I understand that the mother may have been in the middle of attempting to commit Adam. She was sick of him too.

  34. “Oh— and churchgoers think it’s appropriate for their priests and pastors to have shrink degrees—- even though the underlying assumptions of religion and shrinkdom are utterly irreconcilable. Pastors brag about having psych degrees—what could it even mean?”

    I’ve always found psychologists to be rather creepy.

  35. ” The gun used was named after a snake and it was black and is sort of like things used by the army and police. Ooga booga!”

    What more do you expect from an opportunistic doom pornographer like Kunt-ler.

    Hunter gives that yid far too much credit.

  36. That’s a classic symptom of abuse. When all the chaff blows away it’s going to be pretty clear that sexual perversion was a big factor.

    John, I don’t know what “sex Ed” means in Britain, but here it means slides showing a series of the worst surface effects of STDs. On this side of the pond everyone wants to puke during (certain) sex ed videos. On the other hand, the fact that they’re reporting this as they are suggests it wasn’t that (certain) type of sex ed video.

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