About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. After the way Rectum Powell shat all over the GOP with the they be raciss and sheitt shuck and jive, I think even the Republicans are beginning to join the Race Realist Camp.

    That and Condominimum Rice voting for Idi Amin, jr., I’d say that it is now inevitable that the GOP will purge the darkies from their camp.

    Although that Shrimp Cuban with the McAmnesty Plan will probably push to keep the mestizos in the party.

    The Stupid Party is Toast now anyway. A New Third Party is LONG OVERDUE.

  2. “Right team, wrong playbook” might be coming to an end.

    Perhaps they realize they have been duped by the Jews.

  3. America does have a nigger problem, but it has an even bigger nigger lovin white people problem. When will the white race wake-up and start looking out for white people. All other races are looking out for their own (logical). When will the white race exercize their intelligence.

  4. “After the way Rectum Powell shat all over the GOP with the they be raciss and sheitt shuck and jive”

    lol hilarious

  5. Here we go again. In-between elections Jew-stooge neo-conz start talking “conservative”. Conservatives, even WNs & HardRights marvel and get excited. StukaPilot, meanwhile, invests in lead. Turn the TV off, disconnect the cable. It is all Kosher, Regime Media.

  6. The center is collapsing. Soon it will be far rights, battling it out with far lefts.

    I will be standing apart from it all, with the real Pro Whites. There is no left or right, there is only Pro White and anti-White.

  7. republicans will never wake up on race, or any other issue. the gop is the original party of “anti racism”, the original party of big, intrusive govt, the original party of corporate welfare etc etc.

  8. “White America crime rate = Belgian crime rate.”

    I was suggesting that very thing a couple of days ago. Compare the White crime rate in the UK, to the White crime rate in the USA and let the people join the dots.

    It makes me wonder if Ann reads OD. 😉

  9. Derbyshire,

    I know you are reading this you tosser. Just get on with it! We know you would willingly drive the General Lee and sweet talk Daisy Duke.

  10. Hunter sounds like Ann has been noticing your excellent “Colour of Crime” series!!!
    I must post links to that at least a few times a week: it’s a fantastic weapon to use on threads of all kinds around the net.

    I don’t care if Ann is being forced into this through sheer pressure or not, her talking about White crime rates vs Negro crime rates on FOX is freakin awesome.

    **Still, as always, the fact Ann sleeps with non-Whites will tarnish her forever 🙁

  11. White America crime rate = Belgian crime rate.

    Speaking of Belgium, my first visit to Brussels in 2010 was an eye-opener. I stepped out of the train station and if someone had told me I was in Afghanistan, I would have believed them. I saw so many full on-face-covered (non-White) Muslims, I had to take a few minutes to process the scene. I soon discovered that Belgium is already 25% Muslim, and that number is steadily rising. I guess this means that eventually crime rates in Belgium won’t really reflect true White behavior either 😉

    Some women are already speaking out about it. This is just a clip, you can watch the whole vid online elsewhere:

  12. What’s important about Coulter’s statement is that she has FINALLY ditched neoconservative anti-European rhetoric.

    She’s finally noticed that whites in Europe and America are more or less people of the same temperament.

    Expect her handlers to force her to diss Nazis soon.

  13. Brussels was a dark and boring city before the niqaab, which is a security risk and must be banned. Wacko-Euros hate the hijaab because it reminds them of what Sister Grace wore when she was trying to educate them. If western women took a clue and had a little modesty we’d all be better off.

    Ann’s anti-Europeanism was primarily anti-French and therefore healthy as the French have been nothing but trouble for hundreds of years. Now she realized that brown America won’t buy her books which is good.

  14. Could it be that some of the respectables anticipate the day when “anti-White” is on a majority of their audience’s lips? The respectables are mercenaries, only interested in their investments and fat bank accounts. They need a large following to keep the money flowing in.

    Perhaps they are simply hedging their bets. Don’t ever be fooled into thinking they are coming over to the pro-White side.

  15. @ Tamer of Savages says:
    How about we give her credit for making a great point in front of millions of our people?
    White America crime rate = Belgian crime rate….”

    That was sort of amazing.

    In Suicide of a Superpower, Buchanan also cites interesting, reputable Public School stats— which show that White Students actually are competitive with others, and their scores are high. The argument could be made that they could have been higher if the students had been in homogenous environments (more challenged), but it was the other students pulling down the numbers.

    Also, he says that the non-whites still performed better in American schools than they would have in their own home countries, (but poorly enough to pull down the overall numbers, making the schools appear bad).

    This is not something people want said—- it undercuts the moralistic “home schooler” contingent (and related industry), as well as undercuts the stats with which states go after raking in more tax dollars for themselves (school spending) and so on.

  16. Actually, she says DEMOGRAPHIC problem—

    Believe she’s more in a Latino area (NY has a big contingent of that, with places North of the city totally transformed as Latino.) New Haven, places in Westchester county, I think like Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Mamaroneck, and so on. A number of those towns have been transformed into 60% plus Latino, almost overnight.

    So many she’s thinking of the Latino groups.

  17. NY— is more like L.A.— with the Asians and Latinos. Harlem has moved (somewhat) in areas to being “gentrified,” with probably Yonkers being the largest black population, the North Bronx and North of the Bronx becoming more Latino (although some Northern areas Asian, I believe Scarsdale, for instance, which quickly moved to 20% Asian recently; it had been non-hispanic white). Think New Haven, CT is about 40% hispanic/latino now. Sleepy Hollow NY is over 50% hispanic; Tarrytown, more like 25%.

    Many Americans don’t realize that they don’t really exist in that area.

  18. —Part of her comment involves the inner city Catholic realizations that the hispanic populations they pushed so hard to bring in (to give them religious majority) HASN’T WORKED OUT that way.

    The catholic contingent (like Coulter, Buchanan, Hannity, O’Reilly), etc, are less talking about the black people (although that, too)—- but really, the radical transforming influx of their co-religionists to their area, who —instead of being “Our People”— simply began to function like YET ANOTHER ethnic group.

    You are more likely to see Latin gangs in nyc than black ones. Also Asian gangs, etc.

    They are realizing their push for religious majority has endangered their own children.

  19. oh finally—- in places where the religious majority has been achieved for the catholics (not just inner city nyc, chicago, etc, but in the outlying towns, s/a those mentioned, like New Haven, Sleepy Hollow, etc,)—- they are going “leftist.” They are not voting like Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly, Buchanan, etc… (who have more in common, in many ways, with the old “Wasp” group they profess to hate).

    Realized a bit too late, however.

  20. You are more likely to see Latin gangs in nyc than black ones. Also Asian gangs, etc.

    It depends where you are. Chinese gangs run karaoke bars on top of night clubs and racketeer. Besides their funky fashion (think coke-nails, spikey hair, tattoos) they look like normal effeminate chinks. The Hispanics and Negroes actually hold territory and thank God the Hispanics are clearing the Negroes out. The morenos side with the hispanics, again, thank God.

  21. FTR she attended the first AmRen conference but then decided that there was no money there.

    You could probably ask on national TV this question, “Why does diversity need to be managed?”

    See folk you ask the right questions you are interogating these punks and you dominate these punks, and this IMO is good.

    Or you could just recite “facts” and sound like an undergrad and these punks will just call you names and you will not be dominate.

    Dominate is good.

  22. Brussels was a dark and boring city before the niqaab,

    I notice you often say strange things Tamer, but those comments are usually pertaining to the defense of Jews. Now you are suggesting the ‘niqaab’ has been a positive change in “Dark and Boring” Brussels? Are you freakin kidding me?
    Seems to me Brussels is a hell of a lot “darker” since your Jewish pals started promoting their multiculturalism, eh?

  23. Now you are suggesting the ‘niqaab’ has been a positive change in “Dark and Boring” Brussels? Are you freakin kidding me?

    You’re kidding yourself by misinterpreting what I wrote. Brussels was already gloomy (overcast with most people wearing black and brown), the niqaab I can imagine only made it worse and should be -to reiterate- outlawed.

    I don’t say “weird” things. I’m just not on the same wavelength as a woman. Much less a woman likely twice my age that is obsessed with Jews. Sorry.

  24. *”strange”

    I apologize for being disrespectful, Mary. Your contributions are excellent and I share your fondness for Botticelli. Let people like us (people that care about the west) be a family that forgives eachother and works toward a common goal without pointless snipes. That is a reminder to me before anyone else. Have an excellent day.

  25. lol, no worries Tamer, I am sure that being a woman, I must be *pmsing* or something , presuming I am still young enough for that function to take place, eh? 😉

    Seriously though, I do apologize for taking your comment up wrong.

  26. RobRoySimmons says:
    January 16, 2013 at 3:56 pm

    “FTR she attended the first AmRen conference but then decided that there was no money there. ”

    Comment for money is what these paycheck conservative types are about and it is unfortunate, but it is reality they will always be with us. So yes, they are all whores, but they can be OUR whores.

    Voting politics has always failed us, but Practical Politics can and does move these paycheck types in the right direction.

  27. Hi J Spruce.

    I think that while trying to wake people up to the harmful presence of muslims from bad racial antecedents in Europe is noble, that video fails. That video shows a girl strutting in a short dress while wearing high boots, probably wearing makeup too. She’d have hard a harder time in Elizabethan England to say nothing of the alleyways of renaissance Italy before the European man was gelded by his crippling doubt of God and self. That she considers the attention garnered by provocative dress to be “molestation” shows how sick Western culture is.

  28. If men asking her out for a drink bothers her so much she should be a flying nun.

    Absolute horseshit.

    Being constantly oogled and annoyed by packs of (non-White) imported Muslims in your own country is not something any White woman should have to deal with. There is a portion of the video where one of the Muslim guys tries to ‘explain’ why they see these women as ‘whores’, etc….and of course it’s because of their culture etc.
    Boo hoo n all that………the heart just breaks. Not.

  29. Stonelifter says:

    republicans will never wake up on race, or any other issue. the gop is the original party of “anti racism”, the original party of big, intrusive govt, the original party of corporate welfare etc etc.

    The GOP is the party of Yankee conservatism, and only provides some bulwark against Liberalism, as Gayle noted earlier.

  30. @Mary

    That’s why nig nog stay off the beach. They’ll get the arse kicked just like in Gronola Australia where the aussies beat the nig nog for harassments.

  31. Being constantly oogled and annoyed by packs of (non-White) imported Muslims in your own country is not something any White woman should have to deal with.

    Agreed about the non-White part. But young men that don’t growup being told how evil they are – or worse, that their people don’t exist – tend to be lascivious creatures. White men have been trained like toy-dogs by culture destroyers to not “harass” or “intimidate” women. So white men become unresponsive to the female which only serves to drive the woman to extremes in her biological quest to turn heads. The girl ends up dressing like a slut and spraying the guy in the face with mace if he cat-calls her on the street.

    I believe some radical feminists that support Ms. Peeters’s exploits damn themselves.


    A woman can where whatever the hell she wants and shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not her outfit will provoke sexual harassment. Also, think about the weather. In the summer I’m going to wear a fucking summer dress.

    (. . .)

    Many of us wear what we do because we like it. I like my red lip stick because it makes me feel bad ass and fun.

    The above quote is nothing more than the scribblings of a hollow-headed slut whose whims are her sole direction in life. She’s bad-ass and fun but if a guy asks her for a drink….. Well, that’s what those self-defense courses were for.

  32. ‘This video may be inappropriate for some users’ Can’t sign up, but the b.s ‘inappropriate for some users’these nig nog don’t belong in Aussies land and in Western culture which has has nothing to do with being Anti-Leb ect.

  33. The girl ends up dressing like a slut and spraying the guy in the face with mace if he cat-calls her on the street.

    The question we as a society should be asking is

    If the girl squeezes into a miniskirt then smears her face with lipstick to go to the market…. What does she wear when she actually wants male attention?

  34. I am not aware of any “radical feminists” who post on this blog and have yet to see any female posters here say anything –ever– that sounds even remotely like anything you have copied above, so I’m not sure I understand you’re including it here.
    Have you even seen the full documentary?

    For me, it’s quite simple:
    Third world Muslims/Africans don’t belong in Europe to begin with, so the boo-hooing over their inability to control their ‘lascivious urges’ really ought not be any of our concern.
    Bottom line is that those who are responsible for bringing them in deserve a slow and tortuous end, an event I dearly hope I live to see.

  35. “Bottom line is that those who are responsible for bringing them in deserve a slow and tortuous end, an event I dearly hope I live to see”

    Dredge of society of Bill Clinton and the like are responsible doing one bidding for the power that be.

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