About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Didn’t see the whole thing, Mary. Here’s some background on me though: I was born into a crumbling country called the United States. Bra-burning was becoming popular when I was approximately -20 years old. Before that there were other crazy movements such as abolitionism followed by temperance bundled with female suffrage. Those things happened long before Jews, Muslims, Mexicans showed up in meaningful numbers. In fact Niggers were where they belong, in chains, when those clouds gathered.

    So I look at the problem with our women as evidence of a great flaw in our society that has rightfully angered God. That’s why our own homelands have become foreign to us and we serve foreigners, nay, stubbornly persist in worshipping them idolatrously.

    So I see no possibility and even less point of mounting some godless crusade against Muslims in Europe because their men dare to be red-blooded. If we are to take back our lands we have to purify our intention and do it for God, not so brazen little hussies can wear revealing clothing. And not to “disagree with what you wear but die for your right to wear it” as a patriotard or as I call “jumbotron nationalist” might say.

  2. Bra-burning was becoming popular when I was approximately -20 years old

    Wow: How old are you now?

    Look, I know well the rotten part feminism has played for us, and by us I mean both men and women. I am sure many women here agree! We could fill pages and pages on this but it’s not really the focus of this entry. My only purpose in even mentioning this little video was to show that even though Ann Coulter mentions Belgium as being representative of a White country with low crime, the truth is that Belgium, like all other White countries, is slowing being race replaced (in this case, with non-White 3rd world Muslims). This is just one little slice of how that reality is starting to impact native Belgians, in this case, young women.

  3. I enjoyed the Punjab accented Spanish.

    This is just one little slice of how that reality is starting to impact native Belgians, in this case, young women.

    I understand. Again, I view race replacement as the ultimate reality: extinction. Brought about by abandoning religion which some argued was separate from culture. Now we have people saying race is separate from culture, another satanic lie.

    I’m smack-dab mid-twenties.

  4. “Race replaced” is such meek language. It almost sounds like you guys feel uncomfortable raising the issue, as if you are worried you might offend someone.

    On the other hand, calling it White GENOCIDE is rude and brazen. It is in your face and it upsets people.

    We are not going to get out of this mess, pussy footing around some anti-White’s hurt feelings.

  5. This is an excerpt of some impressions of The Civilization of the Middle Ages from Spearhead.


    In fact, it wasn’t only the Germanic women who exulted in the barbarian lifestyle, but some Roman women as well. Although the invaders may have laid waste to the greatest civilization the world had yet known, slaughtered tens of thousands, burned and destroyed centers of learning and thoroughly wrecked the economy, leaving millions destitute, they ushered in an era of women’s empowerment and equality. Amidst the smoking ruins of once-great cities and estates, Roman ladies cavorted and feasted with unkempt, tattooed Gothic warriors.

    In one case, Ataulf, a Visigothic warlord who took over the Visigothic army after Alaric died, made off with the emperor’s daughter and made her his queen, which, according to Cantor, she thoroughly enjoyed.

    Cantor contrasts the elevated position of women in primitive Germanic society with the Roman and Christian women’s lot. He blames St. Paul and St. Augustine for placing restrictions on women, and appears to criticize Jewish customs (Norman Cantor was Jewish himself) regarding women as responsible for Paul’s – and ultimately Augustine’s – position. However, I think we ought to take this with a grain of salt; he doesn’t conclude that Germanic norms of sexual equality had a net positive impact on society.

    (. . .)

    Indeed, this seems to indicate that women’s relative power is stronger in more primitive, anarchic and despotic environments, whether they are our contemporary urban ghettoes or early medieval barbarian kingdoms. Many other examples, such as 12th century Mongolia and early colonial era Iroquois tribes point to this phenomenon. In fact, as far as I know, in barbaric, warlike societies, as opposed to civilized or hunter gatherer societies, women have the most power and freedom of all. In example after example, one can see the relative status of women decline as societies become more orderly, literate and settled. Contrast Homeric Greece to Athenian civilization. Pre-imperial to Confucian China. Jahiliyyah to the Caliphate — the list goes on.

    The question, then, is whether feminists, when presented with the opportunity, would deliberately create the conditions of barbarism. That feminists romanticize a golden past of female empowerment, even going so far as to suggest that ape society is superior to our own, seems to suggest that they will. Perhaps, then, it isn’t so much that feminists want to change civilization, but rather – consciously or not – they aim to dismantle it.

    Back to our self-professed antiracist girl amongst the rubble, Sofie. An appropriate name, no?

    Sofie Peeters is caught in a contradiction. She’s enjoying the freedom of female expression that the disintegration of society offers yet hesitant to take full advantage of her sexual potency with barbarians. The contradiction is resolved only when she accepts traditional ingroup values amongst ingroup members OR she abandons her cryptoracism and becomes a fully empowered bushmeat slut-queen.

  6. “Sofie Peeters is caught in a contradiction. She’s enjoying the freedom of female expression that the disintegration of society offers yet hesitant to take full advantage of her sexual potency with barbarians. The contradiction is resolved only when she accepts traditional ingroup values amongst ingroup members OR she abandons her cryptoracism and becomes a fully empowered bushmeat slut-queen.”

    And they’ll tell you black is really white
    The moon is just the sun at night
    And when you walk in golden halls
    you get to keep the gold that falls

  7. ” I was approximately -20 years old ”
    Nice use of the number line, you appear to have Mary flummoxed.

    lol, ya, he did 😉

  8. “Race replaced” is such meek language. It almost sounds like you guys feel uncomfortable raising the issue, as if you are worried you might offend someone.

    I disagree. It is an accurate description of what’s taking place. And anyways, I sometimes use ‘Genocide’, just as I sometimes use the ‘Mantra’ etc……and the last thing I worry about is ‘offending people’, please.

  9. Sofie Peeters is caught in a contradiction. She’s enjoying the freedom of female expression that the disintegration of society offers yet hesitant to take full advantage of her sexual potency with barbarians. The contradiction is resolved only when she accepts traditional ingroup values amongst ingroup members OR she abandons her cryptoracism and becomes a fully empowered bushmeat slut-queen.

    Why are you putting so much of this on a young woman? Have you been to Belgium? The whole country is like this, Liberalism-galore–and that is men and women (not counting those Vlaams Belang supporters, thankfully 😉 )
    Men have set the ‘anti-racist’ tone by example, ‘Multiculturalism’ is still aggressively promoted, and these girls just follow along. I am sure were the ‘winds to change’ (as it were, they would follow along the other way just as quick.

    Ps: Your passage was an interesting read though.

  10. Mary says:
    January 17, 2013 at 9:46 am

    “I disagree. It is an accurate description of what’s taking place. And anyways, I sometimes use ‘Genocide’, just as I sometimes use the ‘Mantra’ etc……and the last thing I worry about is ‘offending people’, please.”

    It is meek language of the kind an AmRener would use.

    Try it out on White and Normal people and report what kind of emotional reaction you get. I get very strong reactions to Genocide. Race replacement, has nothing like the same emotional impact.

    As for race replacement being accurate…

    Where do the Whites go when they are replaced by another race? Are you really saying the anti-Whites are giving us the option to go somewhere else, when they Force racial integration? Force racial integration and wait a while and there will be no Whites anywhere.

    Any Whites left from ancient India and their racial integration?


  11. Which is more likely? An angry mob shouting “White Genocide”, or an angry mob shouting “Race Replacement”?

    Which one would you be more concerned about? Which one would be more passionate and likely to get out of control?

    I can’t imagine anyone, let alone a mob shouting, “Race Replacement”. All I can picture is mild mannered gentlemen in suits and ties, drinking iced teas, discussing race stats.

  12. Most of the women here are rabid feminist but they cover up their anti White man horseshit w/ vague appeals that what they advocate is good for the White race when in reality they are pushing for the same kind of female superiority/ female imperative as other radical feminists. It is most easy to see this when they are arguing with men on gender war issues or when they think they are being funny while try to make some other point.

    To be fair, I don’t recall Mary putting of this vibe and C… however you spell her handle has flat out said she use to be a feminist then rejected it because of a personal matter. As for the rest…quack like a duck….

  13. Why are you putting so much of this on a young woman? Have you been to Belgium? The whole country is like this, Liberalism-galore–and that is men and women (not counting those Vlaams Belang supporters, thankfully )
    Men have set the ‘anti-racist’ tone by example, ‘Multiculturalism’ is still aggressively promoted, and these girls just follow along. I am sure were the ‘winds to change’ (as it were, they would follow along the other way just as quick.

    That young woman put herself in the public domain as an avatar of western woman by making a sensationalist documentary. I went with an uncle who worked for Merck on a business trip to Brussels in pre-911 times. You seem up to snuff on the situation there, Mary. It’s pointillism to me. Step back far enough and there’s a gaping hole where God should be in our civilization and it’s not there because we’re too smart for God, our politico-economic situation proves that. Man was created to glorify God and we’ve created false ideologies to devote our energy to when we turn our back on the creator.

    As for men setting the example and girls just following along.
    Do you think Sofie Peeters would become an acolyte of mine if I started talking about God and pointed out that she is a little post-apocalyptic tart? While she hasn’t listened to the men from Vlaams-Belaang, her own well-known kin…..Women run wild with excessive power in the West. We’re a high tech Amazonian playground. Women make it a point these days of not “following” anyone, especially men and most especially of all, a man named Jesus Christ.

  14. Anti-Whites Are Evil says:

    What is your deal? This blog is ‘Amren friendly’ btw, (well, it was last time I looked anyways) and the people here are well versed on the use of the ‘Mantra’, etc. It’s been discussed many times.

    Suggestion: you talk how you want to, and I will continue to use the phrasing I find most suitable depending on where I am. You are not the first ‘Mantra’ man to start giving lectures on what people ought to say, and frankly, it is very off-putting. You’d think you’d have something better to do then scold the ‘already-awakened’.

    And again, I do not agree with you that ‘race-replacement’ is a lesser impacting term than ‘Genocide’, although, again, I do use ‘Genocide’ on occasion as well.
    I have found it works quite well and will continue to use it, despite your apparent disapproval *eyeroll*.

  15. I miss Clytemnestra, Stone.

    What is your deal? This blog is ‘Amren friendly’

    Pigeon Pie! I distinctly recall your revulsion with Jared Taylor on account of his failure to name Jews mere days ago. Well all I have to say is he is a secessionist and was before the renig brouhaha so that counts bigtime for most at this blog.

  16. “I have found it works quite well and will continue to use it, despite your apparent disapproval *eyeroll*.”

    And HOW did it work and on whom? What reactions did you get Mary? Describe them for me. This is not a hostile question BTW.

    As for AmRen, they take money from Jews and so are influenced by them, so I will criticize them.

  17. I will also point out Jared Taylor denies it is White Genocide using arguments we have dealt with many times before from anti-White.

    And as long as he is financially supported by Jews, he will never call it White Genocide. I assume he has a mortgage to pay off, just like Ann Coulter.

  18. Jared does not call it White Genocide because, as any Jew will tell you, genocide is Their word. He does not want to offend those that pay his mortgage.

  19. What amuses me about Pro Whites on their websites, is so many behave like they are having private discussions, as part of their leisure time.

    Everything you write is being watched by lurkers and enemies. There should never be a time, when you are off message.

  20. Pigeon Pie! I distinctly recall your revulsion with Jared Taylor on account of his failure to name Jews mere days ago.

    No, that is not what I said at all. If you’re going to cite comments I make, at least get them right.

    I said that having attended the last Amren conference myself, and seeing, with my own eyes, how Jews were given prominent positions and voice in that conference, I would not be making a second trip over for another one as I disagreed strongly with that action. The lead speaker of the conference was a Jew (Robert Weissberg) who spoke disparagingly of low income Whites during his talk, mocking them really, and then when he caught some heat for his attendance and association with Amren after the conference, he had no trouble distancing himself it.

    Also: I just wrote a lengthy reply to your previous posts that has inexplicably disappeared when I clicked ‘post comment’, grrrr, frustrating.
    I will rewrite it momentarily, but my first request was for you to define your terms here, specifically what you mean by “we” “our” and which Christian denomination you are agitating for:

    Step back far enough and there’s a gaping hole where God should be in our civilization and it’s not there because we’re too smart for God, our politico-economic situation proves that. Man was created to glorify God and we’ve created false ideologies to devote our energy to when we turn our back on the creator.

  21. And HOW did it work and on whom? What reactions did you get Mary? Describe them for me. This is not a hostile question BTW.

    Yes it is a hostile question, for if you think I pass out questionnaires after conversations I have in various settings and then compile said data to pass on for you to evaluate, I’m afraid you’ll be left wanting.

  22. The best thing is to form a small exclusive club and charge high admission at the door. Then provide club members with a comfy chair, a pipe, a copy of the Telegraph, possibly slippers and a valet. Then everyone else will work hard to conform to the entry rules to that club.

  23. Mary says:
    January 17, 2013 at 12:54 pm

    “Yes it is a hostile question, for if you think I pass out questionnaires after conversations I have in various settings and then compile said data to pass on for you to evaluate, I’m afraid you’ll be left wanting.”

    I would not feel the need to evade such a question, because I use it on anti-Whites every day and can tell you exactly how they respond.

    Anyway you have answered my question. Evasion an answer, anyone can understand.

  24. Ah: I think what’s happening is that because I included links in my comment, it’s not going through. A bit odd though as previously it would just say “in moderation”, but now it just disappears.

    Oh well.

    Do you think Sofie Peeters would become an acolyte of mine if I started talking about God and pointed out that she is a little post-apocalyptic tart? While she hasn’t listened to the men from Vlaams-Belaang, her own well-known kin…..

    Vlaams Belang has been subjected to the same kinds of harassment, legal threats and various other persecutions as have pretty much all pro-White groups the world over. That Sophie Peeters (or any other young women in the rotten Universities), are not in full support of them is down to either their being shielded from expose to their true message, or, that they are painted as ”uncool” by the anti-White media.
    Vlaams Belang, like all of us, have their work well cut out for them, and truthfully, it’s been a while since I even took note of where they are at these days, I will have to make time to do just that.

    As an aside , by way of demonstrating the kind of tyranny Europeans are operating under, I mentioned that Kevin Carroll of the EDL (hardly a pro-White group) has just been arrested for ‘inciting racial hatred’ over a comment he made on Facebook this week:

    *you will have to search ‘Kevin Carroll arrest’ as my comments including the link simply won’t post.

  25. I would not feel the need to evade such a question, because I use it on anti-Whites every day and can tell you exactly how they respond.

    Look ‘Mantra-man’, I am happy for you. I hope your results are as glowing as you imagine them to be, but please don’t kid yourself that your style is a ‘one size fits all’ that is fighting the pro-White fight alone. There are loads of us out there, planting seeds and doing good works whenever, wherever and however we can.
    I am glad you are on ‘our’ side, but I find your smug judgement of other’s methods to be slightly delusional, and annoyingly familiar, as this is far from the first time I’ve encountered it.

    Good luck 😉

  26. Why write another paragraph that says nothing, to evade the question again? As I pointed out, I understood your answer the first time Mary. No need to repeat yourself.

  27. My apologies for misunderstanding your post, Mary. Also, I’ve had a staycation the past few days but now need to start focusing more on real world stuff for a spell so please forgive any delay in replies after this.

    My pronouns? In that instance, primarily Westerners but I’d extend that to anyone from a traditionally Christian society. I’m agitating for whatever denomination that individuals feel is best given their location and beliefs. If you have family members that go to church, try out their place of worship. If not, see what faith tradition was practiced by your ancestors and read up on it, maybe it will appeal to you on a Jungian memory level. The first step though is humbling oneself by realizing God is in control and turning to him for guidance through prayer. In my opinion, for an atheist would-be cultural crusader this means surrendering the sword to God and dedicating oneself to spiritual betterment then accepting the sword when God sees fit to return it.

    He’ll call it flattery but I’ll talk about guys like Stonelifter that is currently in Taliban crosshairs while never forgetting God and Country (Dixie). Ask Stone if he could do anything good in his life without God. Or Fr.John+ who is moving south to spread God’s news, just as the prophets are accepted except not in their birthplace. Ask where his boundless energy for our cause comes from.

  28. For the life of me, I don’t understand pro-White hostility to the Mantra.

    Could someone please explain?

  29. Obviously the comments on here should be exclusively reserved for Manta. And only Mantra.

    Every Mantra repeat in comments here converts thousands of whites.

    It belongs on YouTube, Facebook, liberal sites, conservativeInc sites etc etc.

  30. What are you talking about? Every few months a fresh mantra advocate shows up repeating the Mantra telling everyone else to shut up. Hostility? Who’s being hostile? Stop avoiding the question More of The Same.

  31. more of the same says:
    January 17, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    “For the life of me, I don’t understand pro-White hostility to the Mantra.

    Could someone please explain?”

    Most Pro Whites, post on Pro White websites just for entertainment. When BUGSERS tell them to take the situation we are in seriously, we are spoiling their fun and they get mad. 🙂

  32. Pro Whites for the most part, prefer reading articles and arguing with other Pro Whites over the minutiae, contained in those articles. Going out and challenging those that disagree with us, is avoided for the most part.

    So this is just entertainment for them and nothing more.

    Until the delusion of White Supremacy fades, the Pro White scene will remain what it is now – just a venue of entertainment for “dissidents”.

  33. Tamer, I hear you on the ‘real world’ stuff. I am just over a bad flu and have a literal mountain of tasks before me, so I will take this as my cue to ‘get back to work’ as well 😉

    I genuinely wish you well in your future endeavors and am deeply grateful, of course, to have young, intelligent and articulate pro-White men out in the world.
    We obviously have our differences, and that’s to be expected. I think it’s part of why we need a myriad of different approaches in dealing with the various perspectives we encounter, for what is working for you, Stonelifter and Father John , etc, just won’t fly over here at all at this time. The role of various Christian denominations in promoting the multicult/race mixing/anti-White policies and the like is one major reason, but again, let’s just leave it for now. There are plenty of other places where that conversation is taking place, should one desire to join in.

    Be well.

  34. Minutiae?

    Anti-Whites Are Evil,

    When are you going to catch a plane ride and protest on behalf of Emma West? Big talker.

    I’ve converted my girl to my race related position. Easy to do. I’ve worked on about 4 people in a serious way to get them to rethink leftwing politics in the light of race reality. It’s not easy. Secession is openly discussed among my liberal associates. I got very sneaky about that one. The audience for the Mantra is well outside these comment
    threads. You are hypocritically discussing minutiae here instead of prosletizing elsewhere, if you had any self consciousness you’d realize that.

  35. Thank you Anti-Whites are Evil. It’s kind of funny how some pro-Whites get angry just for asking the question.

  36. Where is the anger? Eye rolling maybe, but anger?

    I saw a few Mantra’s on YouTube clips. They were a good entrypoint, pathway, but after that?

  37. Clytemnestra. Thanks Tamer. I rarely speak well of women but she earned it here

    The Almighty commands us to be strong, to fear nothing but Him and trained my hand to war. Everything I have in life (besides my children) come from those three things. Hell I’ll say even my kids since it was those things that got my ex wife all lubed up in the 1st place.

  38. John says:
    January 17, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    “When are you going to catch a plane ride and protest on behalf of Emma West? Big talker.”

    Real activism, the kind that destroys closed systems, is not about torchlight parades, it is about converting millions of people to your position, by confronting and destroying their belief systems and seeding unbeatable memes.

    When thousands of people are taking part in torchlight parades, the revolution is long over.

    Surely John, like all those other silly Pro Whites, you aren’t going to say the hundreds of millions of people on the internet, that we have free access to, for a short time, are not “real”, are you?

    No really, that is what Pro Whites say to us… while posting on Pro White websites! lol

    “Where is the anger? Eye rolling maybe, but anger? ”

    Your passive aggressive behavior, has real anger behind it. 🙂

  39. Passive aggressive behavior is the coward’s way of opposing something and anti-Whites, all being cowards, use it against BUGSers all the time.

    “No really, we do not support White Genocide, we are just sneering at you and standing in your way!”

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