Senate Reaches “Bipartisan” Amnesty Deal

District of Corruption

John McCain and Marco Rubio joined Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin this morning to unveil the latest version of comprehensive amnesty:

Note: It is worth noting here that the Tea Party is responsible for saddling us with Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, who endorsed amnesty after the election and who recently claimed that an attack Israel would be treated like an attack on the United States, both of whom turned out to be nothing more than sleazy politicians who are willing to do the bidding of the Republican establishment to prep for their 2016 presidential campaigns.

The only political candidates worth supporting in this country are those which are willing to formally commit themselves to secession. Anything less than secession, as the Tea Party has demonstrated by putting Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in the Senate, and by listening to Sarah Palin who endorsed John McCain’s reelection, will just be co-opted by the Republican establishment after arriving in Washington.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Let’ s see: path to citizenship to placate the Marxist left on the understanding that immigration will now be enforced and employers will now be required to hire only American citizens. Who here will be shocked when the first is accomplished and the other two ignored…and the next wave of 3rd world immigration cues up.

  2. The latest BRA polls say 66% of our distinguished citizenry approve a “path to citizenship”, couple that with the GOP disaster last election and it’s a done deal. As an eager employer of undocumented labor I prefer they stay in what McCain calls “the shadows” but Jeb’s going to need their vote so all of a sudden I go from a law-breaker to a job-creator. Fair enough. Whatever this junior trainee citizen status “until they pay backtaxes” is…. the focus needs to be on what Southrons can do at the state level.

    We love Beaners in the tri-state area, at least I do. Anyone that feels otherwise is too scared of being called a racist to say otherwise.

  3. They should just all jump in a limo and head over to Arlington and take a dumps and a piss on those poor dead white bastards who were dumb enough to die for this.

  4. I hate illegals out here. I pay white people top dollar when I need the help and they take the money and hire illegals to do their work. That means those with fewer scruples will prosper over the law abiding. But I guess that’s been the way for some time. Maybe always.

    Rand Paul is a huge scumbag.

  5. Get real, TOS, they are not going to have to pay anything, all that bullshit is window dressing for amnesty.

    Now, just give in maybe 4 years and the 2nd Amendment will be revisited.

    They did this at the right time as well– there is no tyranny or insult the Stuporbowl wont wash away.

  6. All these new citizens go straight to the head of the line for Obamacare and diversity quotas. Tell me anybody, wtf is American citizenship worth to a White man.

  7. Rand Paul saying that an attack on Israel should be treated like an attack on the US is a total disgrace. It’s just another example (as if one was needed) of how completely Israel owns the entire American political establishment, R and D, North and South.

    But on the immigration issue, remember that Paul’s call for amnesty was in exchange for an immigration moratorium. Nobody–except for Peter Brimelow–seems to realize what a big deal this is. In the entire history of the United States, has a sitting US senator ever seriously proposed an immigration moratorium? I doubt it.

    Of course he’d better flesh out his proposal real soon before the GOP’s treason wing in the senate (Rubio, McCain, Graham, etc.) gather any more momentum for their amnesty-with-no-strings-attached plan.

    The beauty of a “temporary” immigration moratorium is that it may very well turn out to be permanent. In the past few years in a handful of European countries, like Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and the Netherlands, non-European immigration has been reduced to a trickle, and there is ZERO popular will to crank it back up again. Even Euro-Leftist political parties, though they would no doubt love to re-open the floodgates, are treading carefully because supporting mass Third World immigration is a losing issue for them.

    Obviously, an immigration moratorium *without* amnesty would be the ideal solution. But, alas, that’s simply not in the cards. And because the census bureau counts illegals when distributing congressional districts and electoral college votes, amnesty is already de facto baked into the American political cake. There are congressional districts in California and elsewhere that have very low numbers of actual voters because of the huge population of illegals in them. Needless to say, most of these districts are already heavily Democratic, so an amnesty would just make these safe Democratic seats even safer.

    Personally, I think that trading amnesty for an immigration moratorium would be a very good deal for American ethnopatriots. I think it would be worth trading just about anything, take your 1st and 2nd amendment rights and chuck them out the fucking window, ANYTHING to stop the Brown Influx. What price *wouldn’t* you pay to preserve White America?

    So while Rand Paul has proven himself to be just another traitorious Zogbot when it comes to foreign policy, when it comes to immigration his proposal for a moratorium in exchange for amnesty is simply brilliant. But he had better come up with a concrete plan quickly before events overtake him.

  8. Look, this is not difficult. Republicans exist to win elections. They know non-whites vote democrat. So Republicans must increase the number of non-white voters. Thus they support amnesty to achieve this. QED.

  9. Jeppo please tell me why “protecting” Yankees from the illegals that 2/3rds want legalized is

    *Helpful to the southern cause

    *Not retarded

    It appears you haven’t matured a drop ideologically since your last time here and you still shovel s#!^ for Republicans.

  10. The usa has always had immigration moratoriums after the various wave immigration

    I will wage all I own their will be no halt to immigration: we’ve had that promise of amnesty with moratorium before, from that great conservative Ronald Reagan

  11. I was never a Rand Paul supporter, always understood why the Tea Party controllers liked Rand while they called Ron “too radical,” “dangerous,” “closet racist,” “anti-Israel” etc. — a clear distinction! No surprise that pro-Zionist southerners elected Rand, and that “anti-Israel” Ron was rejected by southern voters. White PRO-Zionism appears to be much stronger in the south than in the north. White racialism is probably stronger in the north, but in the south, anti-white-Yankee-ism (that includes anti- northern-white-racialist -ism) is even stronger!

  12. Ron Paul sucked donkey dick on immigration saying we were all racist for wanting border control. Why would his son be anything besides a RP liberal?

  13. I want more beaners up north. I want amnesty decided on a state by state basis like it already kind of is. This way southern states can get tough and I can continue to support undocumented families with salaries for jobs well done up north.

    Because every dumb white kid is the next Mozart and it’s beneath him to work with his hands. That’s why God blessed us with God-fearing beaners that work hard and don’t want to play Jenga with traditional values like Yankees, Jews, Negroes.

  14. “White PRO-Zionism appears to be much stronger in the south than in the north. White racialism is probably stronger in the north, but in the south, anti-white-Yankee-ism (that includes anti-northern-white-racialist-ism) is even stronger!

    – Right on the money.

  15. “I want more beaners up north. I want amnesty decided on a state by state basis like it already kind of is. This way southern states can get tough”:

    THIS case of anti-white-Yankee-osis is unusual — in that it afflicts someone living in the New Jersey and New York metropolitan area, in or near the very HEART of so-called “Yankeedom” — definitely north of the Line.

    Perhaps it was caught from OD? Or perhaps you are only jesting.

  16. Stonelifter wrote “Ron Paul (…) on immigration”:

    He was the only candidate with a proven, consistent states’ rights position, and clearly willing to protect the right of states to secede, and the right of states, counties and local governments to nullify unjust laws of the federal union. Southern voters rejected him and his kind primarily because they support Zionism.

  17. It really does seem the 1830s population IMPORTED to gear up for the WBTS, and further IMPORTED (“the mexicans before the mexicans”) to fight the WBTS (then consequent creation of fed, world empire style overseas wars of conquest, etc, etc,)—
    were just a different breed.

    It’s time for the colonials to cut their losses. The “tea party” wasn’t really made up of them at all, but of neo-con ex European serfs from the “melting pot” years.

    Colonials and confederates should unite, form clubs, do something else, discuss emigration plans, best countries, etc.

    This became Europe, (and the worst part of south europe). The demographic “shift” means there’s no way to something that more reflects the culture the earlier groups had tried to build.

    The Protestants have really lost this one.

  18. A lot of the catholic “base” (since Philip Hart opened the u.s. border with the Hart-Celler Act, which was a catholic-jewish alliance act, just like Rubio-Schumer, today)—
    LOVES the third world.

    The rationalize it many different ways, but it’s a base they feel will vote for “free stuff,” so they can be an “elite” and skim off the top.

    A lot of middle class rationalize it, one way or another— since they get a payoff (“christianity,” or cheap labor, or their own parents were MELTING POTTERS AND hey look HOW GREAT THEY WERE for the country (in their own imaginations). And so on.

    Personally, Latino culture is just not RIGHT for my family.

    We don’t even want to live like RICH Latinos. It’s not money. It’s the whole culture, and also the South Europe they reference (I just have no interest in Spain, Rome, even France, much less Portugal and not really Greece, etc.)

    If we were UNITING with Eastern Europe or even Central, fine. North Europe, fine.

    But this?

  19. We have a lot of middle class Hispanics/ Latinos (whatever) on the news anyway. Tons of them.

    I don’t know what they are. Maybe Spanish, Italian, French mixes probably.

    “Mexicans” to me.

  20. Dixiegirl, you are priceless. “Unite with Eastern Europe”, huh? I know plenty of Russians, Serbs, and Albanians and with utter confidence I can tell you that you Southron clowns would have not one friend in the whole if Eastern Europe. You people epitomize everything they despise about America. Try the Israeli’s — you people seem a better fit.

  21. The North desperately needs enrichment and the Beaners have done well by the land thus far. North of the Mason-Dixon means cold negro-infested cities surrounded by nice bedroom communities. The Mexicans clear Negroes out of the cities. Apparently Mosin’s farm in central Pa. and a few acres in Detroit are in no need of Latinos. Suit yourselves, it should be kicked back to the states anyway.

    The funny thing is Mosin tries to diagnose me as a self-hating Yankee when all I do is take the local party-line on this issue. Yankees love Mexicans and I feel Mosin is portraying Northerners as more “racialist” than they actually are…. Northerners have a bonafide aversion to Negroes though but who doesn’t?

  22. Chris is right: Why would eastern europeans want to latch to a dying culture?

    If you have “no interest” in Rome and don’t want to live like a rich latino then I wish you the best but have dreadfully little in common with you.

  23. “Why are you so anti-Mexican, Mosin? It’s because they’re Catholic, isn’t it? Your Kaiser liked them so much he promised them Texas so keep throwing stones.”

    I thought the objective of having “more beaners for the north” might be to harm the white people living in the northern states, including white racialist people in northern states — or was that not meant seriously?

    Assuming “my” Kaiser, you are overlooking my other, Welsh, half-heritage, which is naturally freedom loving and unwilling to bow to ANY Emperor. What ethnicites was Wilhelm anyway?

  24. “Yankees love Mexicans”:

    Probably many more whites do in Texas, California, New Mexico and other places where they have been present for centuries and used and accepted.

    So the point of your wanting even MORE “beaners” (Mexicans, or Hispanics) in the northern states was to HELP northern whites?

  25. Re: “a self-hating Yankee”:

    Not necessarily a Yankee, nor self-hating. Those who are truly urban or cosmopolitan don’t have roots in the land, not even Yankee land, whatever that comprises. But anti-Yankee-ism is normally a southern characteristic.

  26. Some confused white racialists voted to give a second mandate to the MOST anti-white (Obama) to make things worse. Another group of white racialists wants to makes things worse for whites, including white racialists, in the northern states.

    Worse is better is NOT Western logic.

  27. I do not vote Conservative or Leftist, for the simple reason both are betrayers.

    No matter how bad things get, I vote for the most Pro White candidate possible. I don’t care about economics, or the little tiffs between left and right, because they are all just for show.

    If they aren’t Pro White, they aren’t right.

  28. Yep yankees are so pro White they voted for obama and created BRA….

    He is also the only candidate who wanted queers in the military and called Whites racist on the regular. We rejected him because he is a liberal on damn near every issue. Hard for liberal yankees to get that

    When I am in eastern Europe ( Europe in general) they get the ugly american stereo type and that it’s yankees who created it. I’ve staid at enough mom an pop places to know. You’d know these things if you weren’t 17 an full of shit

  29. Hunter and all OD readers:

    It’s time to put dreams of Southern Secession on hold for a month or so and work, really work hard to defeat the latest mass amnesty. we’ve beaten 7 amnesties before, we can do so again and if not, at least we will have lost fighting.

    Everyone here needs to join NumbersUSA and make the calls, write the e-mails, do street protests if you have the extra fighting spirit. This immigration mass amnesty is the issue of the moment of this month, don’t waste your time hanging out with o,d farts who just want to talk, talk, talk about ending the Fed.

  30. Whites are always coming this issue from the sides, because we are terrified of the dreaded “r” word. Until we deal with the word “racist” and call it what it is, which is anti-White, we aren’t going to get anywhere.

  31. We just need to secede as soon as possible. I don’t care to make packs with anyone. I want the southern states to secede. If we can get just one state to secede then others will follow. I don’t want the south transformed into a 3rd world shit hole.

    I don’t care what the northeast, upper midwest or west coast do with themselves. They can go about running themselves however they want.

  32. Good suggestion, Jack.

    Forget the libertards and republitraitors, That is yet another “come at it from the sides” tactic. Eventually we are going to have to start pushing our own message. Stop compromising ourselves and our message, stop making deals with these low life creeps.

  33. I voted third party Mosin, and the logic was “better sooner than later,” not “worse is better.” I think about that decision often. It’s really hard not to wonder if Romney would have been better. On the whole I’d say no. If a hit is coming, and I believe it was ultimately coming, I’d really still rather get it over with. As ugly as it is, it’s time to deal with it. Now.

  34. What ethnicites was Wilhelm anyway?

    Wilhelm’s ethnicity was Prussian. His meta-ethnicity was continental nobility. He wasn’t “half Brit”. Royal’s bloodlines are different than commoners’, Mosin.

  35. Jack Ryan wrote: “It’s time to put dreams of Southern Secession on hold for a month or so and work, really work hard to defeat the latest mass amnesty. we’ve beaten 7 amnesties before, we can do so again and if not, at least we will have lost fighting. Everyone here needs to join NumbersUSA and make the calls, write the e-mails, do street protests if you have the extra fighting spirit. This immigration mass amnesty is the issue of the moment of this month, don’t waste your time hanging out….”

    The best advice, worth repeating. Contact as many legislators as possible, get the word out every way possible, join with all possible allies — on this “issue of the moment of this month” !

    And perhaps while working together on a practical effort the anti-Yankee emotion will subside, a little.

    However, Jack finished his comment with another stab at Paul (and Paulists) who “talk talk talk” (with a squeaky voice) “about ending the Fed” !

  36. “Royal’s bloodlines are different than commoners’, Mosin.” They should, in theory, be people of the land, of the same blood as the people. But monarchy is not like that in practice, in reality.

  37. Chris,
    I was thinking of the Eastern, Central, Northern friends I’ve already had. Some who didn’t love communism have bought what they say about the South, LOL— they seek out Dixie folk, in my experience.

  38. Tamer, why didn’t you just go to spain?

    And why on earth would you think others should want to live that way? Why can’t you let people live? Why do they have to accept TOTALLY FOREIGN cultures?

    And about your use of mexicans to change the demographic to suit you, why not do your own dirty work? Isn’t that what the northerners always say to people in the south, right?

  39. And what? Tamer is the one happy to push along Rubio AND SCHUMER and others. If you’re loving the “demographic shift” then you’re the one with the jewish allies (obviously, lol)

  40. stonelifter says

    When I am in eastern Europe ( Europe in general) they get the ugly american stereo type and that it’s yankees who created it….

    That’s how it seems. The only people who have ever been rude and nasty are the Northeast Americans. (And they are seriously outnumbered, these days, due to the immigration they so badly wanted, in order to wipe out u.s. wasps, lol).

    Real minorities see “Redneckia” as crapped on minorities, also, lol. And often go out of their way to be nice.

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