Senate Reaches “Bipartisan” Amnesty Deal

District of Corruption

John McCain and Marco Rubio joined Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin this morning to unveil the latest version of comprehensive amnesty:

Note: It is worth noting here that the Tea Party is responsible for saddling us with Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, who endorsed amnesty after the election and who recently claimed that an attack Israel would be treated like an attack on the United States, both of whom turned out to be nothing more than sleazy politicians who are willing to do the bidding of the Republican establishment to prep for their 2016 presidential campaigns.

The only political candidates worth supporting in this country are those which are willing to formally commit themselves to secession. Anything less than secession, as the Tea Party has demonstrated by putting Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in the Senate, and by listening to Sarah Palin who endorsed John McCain’s reelection, will just be co-opted by the Republican establishment after arriving in Washington.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. NOW: Everybody blow the whistle on secession, join CrumbersUSA!!!

    2014: Everybody it’s almost midterms, support your Tea Party 2.0 Congressman, we’ve learned from our mistakes and are ready to take back America, quiet down about secession for a bit would ya?

    2016: We have a chance at a white VP if you secession freaks don’t ruin it!!!

  2. Handy list of the worst savages to ever set foot in this country:

    1. TransAtlantic slave traders
    2. Organized crime (Meyer Lansky etc.)
    3. Bolsheviks (Trotsky etc.)

    Get to it Tamer! Tame those f*cking savages!

    And everyone try to guess what the savages have in common with each other – and with Tamer.

  3. I understand where Tamer is coming from. (Life gets skeerier all the time). Since os many millions and millions of Whirew absolutely refuse to stop wallowing intheir vanity, and pride, and keep insisting that It’s NOT About Race/I am Above Race/White Supremacists are EVIL – then let ’em live with the consequences.

    We do have to come at ’em from the sides. Hunker down in your own communities, make alliances, and outlast anything and everything. The arrogant retardates like PGRT are going to get thier Racial Cherries popped, and will not survive the shock of thier slave status. The rest of us must prepare for the Long Haul. We must outlast the Orc Wars. For if we do, the bitterly funny thing is that the ONLY Whites that survive will be genuine White Supremacists, and those Out Group Altruism genes will be gone for good.

  4. I gave you the info to come see me an offered you 10k in cash prizes if you were man enough. You never showed. I make the value of that shit house you claim every 2 months. Should I stop that revenue to make you happy? Come see me, and claim your prize

    The only person in your state with your name is a 17 year old living 22 miles from the address given

    Give me your real name and we’ll see, until then you are a 17 year-old living in the suburbs of Detroit

  5. “NOW: Everybody blow the whistle on secession, join CrumbersUSA!!!
    2014: Everybody it’s almost midterms, support your Tea Party 2.0 Congressman, we’ve learned from our mistakes and are ready to take back America, quiet down about secession for a bit would ya?
    2016: We have a chance at a white VP if you secession freaks don’t ruin it!!!”

    Very good, Tamer. The gist of it is work together for this short term, practical goal, and leave the long term visioning to Them.

  6. Why not do BOTH, this short term action while continuing to refine the long term vision?

    Is anti-Yankee-ism really a short term measure that will prove harmful to whites everywhere over the long term?

  7. I see no reason to oppose the bill.

    By opposing it, you’re effectively calling for the federal government to continue to heavily exercise its authority and to dictate where people are allowed to move, the conditions under which they are allowed to move, and the conditions by which they may work (or not) after moving.

    I want less federal authority, not more.

  8. I propose a new white racialist meme: Anti-white-“Yankee is anti-white.

    Alternate forms:
    Anti-German is anti-white
    Anti-Irish is anti-white
    Anti-“Southron” is anti-white
    Anti-white-Christian is anti-white

  9. Tamer,

    I don’t eat pizza, lol. I can cook. And if I DID EVER want pizza, I’d be MORE THAN HAPPY to go to Italy to get it (no kidding. I am truly serious about this).

    I once broke up with a guy who tried to take me there, (and Puerto Rico).

    —-Anyway, what is this love you have for mestizos?

    And do you REALLY NOT UNDERSTAND that people of North european descent with different language, traditions, looks, literatures, music traditions, religions, etc, etc—-

    (THAT’S A LOT OF STUFF that’s different.)

    Do you really believe that they should be HAPPY around south europeans?

    Should Italians have to be stuffed into a stuffy ENGLISH atmosphere, drinking tea and reading Dryden?

    Nobody descent would want to make Spaniards and Italians do that, (especially if they didn’t want to, or like it)

    Why do you?

  10. —The Spaniards, Italians, and Portuguese (french and all they conquered in central europe)—- can go to all of south america! That’a a big place.

    They are happy in Brazil, and so on. (You couldn’t pay me to go there.)

    For people who don’t want that kind of influence in their life, they should be able to chose it.

  11. “The only political candidates worth supporting in this country are those which are willing to formally commit themselves to secession. ”

    You summed it up perfectly. I don’t want to have anything to do with non secession candidates. We already have been duped by the tea party.

    There’s also no need to reach out to anyone that isn’t from the south. THe Northeast, Upper Midwest and West Coast have been voting liberal for over a century. No need to form a pack with them,.

    Secession is the only answer. What we need to do now it preprare to get candidates in the south to run in the 2014 elections and get out of this union.

  12. You win dixiegirl. The thought of an Italian having afternoon tea and reading English poems would be hilarious if not absurd. If someone is Italian that means they should be eating spumoni while thumbing through Machiavelli. The world makes so much sense now, thank you dixiegirl.

  13. @Stonelifter

    I did give you my real name and address, and anyone can look me up on any public record search. YOU demanded my address so YOU could come to ME. And then you utterly PUNK OUT, and turn around and tell me to fly to fucking Afghanistan to meet you? Fucking coward. Plus you’re a faceless blowhard who’s scared to even tell me your real name.

    Either show up, or shut up, hillbilly.

  14. And PS asshole-

    My “shit” house might be old and falling apart, but I pay for it with honest work, unlike your degenerate self who shoots half-starved, unarmed children for rich Jews. Take your 10k and shove it up your whore daughters ass. Now come and get me, “Ulsterman”.

  15. Actually there are lots of Anglo-Italians. Gelato made its appearance after ww2 when the prisoners of war refused repatriation.

  16. A bit off topic here, but Darryl Metcalfe, the western (“Pennsyltuckian”) Pennsylvania legislator known for his anti-immigration activity, introduces House Bill 357 (as in .357 Magnum): “An Act providing that any Federal law which attempts to register, restrict or ban a firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm in this Commonwealth shall be unenforceable in this Commonwealth; and imposing penalties.”

    [url=]PA H.B. 357[/url]

    Print out and sign his petition:

    [url=]PA General Assembly[/url]

  17. Do you “Southrons” really want to destroy white people in northern states? What would Robert E. Lee say?

  18. Stonelifter certainly does. Just days before the Sandy Hook shooting, he boasted on here of the importance of attacking “Northern homes and schools” during “Civil War II”.

  19. Umm no.

    It is just obvious that the North has no intention whatsoever of backing off or from taking BRA to ever greater extremes. We only have two options: secede or perish. That’s it.

  20. @313Chris

    Stonelifter often does not take the normal thought of spellchecking, a proud misspeller, and often does not ever try to spell “and”. I understand if he wants to use Southron dialectic words and phrases but we’d understand better if you’d use the spellchecker on all other non-dialectic words. This guy is a Southron and is a good example I’m talking about:

  21. Is anti-Yankee-ism

    When Yankees create an “ism” to feel aggrieved about, watchout. It’s Yankee psychology to “expose” and “displace” “artificially imposed constructs” such as “anti-Yankeeism”.

  22. We want White Northerners to stop pulling the whole country ever further to the Left. Yet we saw in November that isn’t about to happen. So what else can we do? Wait for Northerners to “wake up”?

  23. The difference between Mosin and Judith Butler is religion and….. Well she doesn’t believe in gender so I’ll just say religion. They’re both anti-Zionist Yankees ready to play word games that have problems with authority.

  24. “We only have two options: secede or perish.”

    EVERY state has the right to secede as the people see fit, and EVERY state SHOULD secede, nullify or otherwise separate itself from the controls of the evil system, which is really more than just federal, spans MORE than fifty states…. No, I DON’T believe in a global CONSPIRACY — only in the reality of systemic moral evil.

    A constitutional mixed polity with as many checks and balances as possible, and a truly moral, Christian and ethnically homogeneous citisenry, would be most resistant / least susceptible to the evil. EVERY state, county, borough and township must separate from the evil, or ultimately, perish.

  25. Hunter, there was massive voter-fraud in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and probably Wisconsin too. We will never know how the vote really went in those states, and nobody around here still has any idea how Romney didn’t win. And just for the record, Virginia, Florida, and pretty damned near Stonelifter’s sacred North Carolina, all pulled pretty hard to the left in November, so quit blaming everything on Northerners.

  26. Chris,

    Don’t mean to be tripe, but it was the Yankee transplants in VA, NC, and FL who pulled those states to the left. Hunter said this several times.

  27. Tamer! Not the Judith Butler in Wikipedia, a Jewish feminist? You’ve outdone yourself with THIS creative imagination and word smithery. Anti- northern white “Yankee” statements and thinking are a REALITY not sophism, on this blog at least. Wordism indeed. I close for the night.

  28. Florida gets so much of all states’ elderly because it has the best affordable health care plan in the nation, top ranked at #2, according to Consumer Reports magazine.

  29. Tamer of Savages says:
    You win dixiegirl. The thought of an Italian having afternoon tea and reading English poems would be hilarious if not absurd….”

    You’re making fun of me, but if that was the whole world around them, and there was no country left, (called Italy) where they had a majority, and they were simply in a diaspora of a totally different culture (white though it might be)— they would miss things: what their people looked like, how they were together, their religions, how they acted based in their traditions and ways of life, etc.

    And you know it.

    Even Kevin McD. discussing immigration on Duke’s Rense show admits that in the 20s people fought against the u.s. becoming non Anglo-Saxon.

    (The same K.Mac. who was on there DEFENDING Teddy Kennedy the other day (“why is he blamed? He was only in office two years.”) He really said that. So, granted, maybe we shouldn’t trust him, lol.

  30. In NYC, the Italians have been shoved out of old LIttle Italy by the Chinese, but still…they did (and do) congregate in NEIGHBORHOODS. So, clearly, they do feel they would not like to be surrounded by difference.

  31. And they have things we don’t south of the border, according to wiki:

    Subclade Distribution
    Q-M19 M19 This lineage is found among Indigenous South Americas, such as the Ticuna and the Wayuu.[5] Origin: South America approximately 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.
    Q-M194 It has only been found in South American populations.[5]
    Q-M199 This lineage has only been found in South American populations.

    See? Q markers.

  32. I was arguing tonight with a friend of mine from Vermont. She didn’t understand why I couldn’t understand she *really* was a moderate. She is, of course, by Vermont/Canadian standards, which practically makes her a communist by my standards. Her argument is that Southerners and white nationalists have no credible reason for complaint. According to her, everything the federal government has done, or is doing, simply reflects a “democratically elected” government executing its laws. That’s how they view it. They view it the way I imagine we would view it if the South seceded. If it happened and, for example, we ended welfare and abolished the Civil Rights Act, would we really give a shit if some lingering Southern SWPLs didn’t like it?

    Rubio isn’t surprising, but Rand Paul’s turnaround is so shameless and disgusting it makes me embarrassed I ever defended that POS and his POS grifter father. It’s frustrating.

    The coming GOP cave in on guns will be the icing on the cake for our enemies.

    The important point is to learn from it, not keep repeating the same mistakes. The WNist radicals who never had anything but contempt for Republicans and conservatives continue to be vindicated. Hitler and the National Socialists too. Post-WW2 American history is one grand opera of vindication for Hitler, Pierce, Rockwell.

  33. Chris,

    If the blowhard does decide to show up – PLEASE try to alert me in advance. I WILL drop everything I’m doing, and drive straight on in to watch, and cheer you on.


  34. And do you REALLY NOT UNDERSTAND that people of North european descent with different language, traditions, looks, literatures, music traditions, religions, etc, etc—-

    (THAT’S A LOT OF STUFF that’s different.)


    Dryden was a Roman Catholic, dixiegirl so was Shakespeare. Dryden translated Latin stories into English, Shakespeare set many plays throughout Italy. All of Europe was roman catholic until relatively recently. Italian culture existed before Italy as a nation state. I’m aware beaners are a semi-asiatic population.

  35. Here’s idiot, race denying libertarian Rand Paul’s contact information. Please copy, circulate, let his staff members know BY NAME that you hold them personally responsible for the immigration, crime anarchy in our country.

    DC Address: The Honorable Rand Paul
    United States Senate
    208 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510-1703
    DC Phone: 202-224-4343
    DC Fax: 202-228-6917
    Contact Senator Paul:
    WWW Homepage:
    Twitter: @SenRandPaul
    District Offices:
    1029 State Street
    Bowlling Green, KY 42101 Voice: 270-782-8303
    FAX: 270-782-8315
    to Bowlling Green office from Google Maps
    541 Buttermilk Pike, Suite 102
    Crescent Springs, KY 41017 Voice: 859-426-0165
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Crescent Springs office from Google Maps
    1100 South Main Street, Suite 12
    Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Voice: 270-885-1212
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Hopkinsville office from Google Maps
    771 Corporate Drive, Suite 105
    Lexington, KY 40503 Voice: 859-219-2239
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Lexington office from Google Maps
    600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza, Room 1072B
    Louisville, KY 40202 Voice: 502-582-5341
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Louisville office from Google Maps
    423 Frederica Street, Suite 305
    Owensboro, KY 42301 Voice: 270-689-9085
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Owensboro office from Google Maps
    Gorman Education Center, Suite 2
    601 Main Street
    Hazard, KY 41701 Voice: 606-435-2390
    FAX: 606-435-1761
    to Hazard office from Google Maps
    Gorman Education Center, Suite 2
    601 Main Street
    Hazard, KY 41701 Voice: 606-435-1761
    FAX: 606-435-2390
    to Hazard office from Google Maps
    Party: Republican
    Leadership: None
    Freshman: No
    First Elected To Office: November 2, 2010
    Year of Next Election: November 1, 2016
    Previous Political Work: None or Not Available
    Committee Membership:
    Senate Committee on Foreign Relations – 8

    Office Staff Personal Bio
    Chief of Staff: Doug Stafford
    Scheduler: Jessica Jelgerhuis
    Legislative Director/Deputy Chief of Staff: William Henderson
    Communications Director: Moira Bagley

  36. “So what else can we do? Wait for Northerners to “wake up”?”

    Economic warfare.

    If every conservative in the country cancelled their cable subscription, stopped going to the movies etc., the power structure in this country would shift dramatically.

    Adelson wouldn’t be “the world’s richest Jew” if we all stopped going to Vegas.

    Hollywood money couldn’t help elect the likes of Obama if Hollywood didn’t *have* any money.

  37. I disagree.

    In the last five years, the conservative base has become more and more discontented. It has gotten to the point where a lot of ordinary conservatives are following the OD and CofCC Twitter accounts.

    There has been a considerable change since the Bush years. It is much easier to reach ordinary people and get them to accept the truth about race than it was before Obama was president.

    There have also been all kinds of efforts at the state level to control immigration. Yet that invariably gets tied up in federal courts. It invariably fails because the federal government is determined not to subvert or fail to enforce the laws that exist.

    Ordinary conservatives have also tried to defeat “RINOs” in the GOP primaries. Yet the people they elect are just co-opted when they get to Washington or they lose their committee assignments unless submit to the GOP establishment.

    What is happening at the base is not reflected at the top of the pyramid.

  38. I don’t think so.

    The same Hollywood movies and the same cable television programs are broadcast to the entire country. That can’t explain why White people in West Virginia vote one way and White people in Vermont vote the exact opposite way.

  39. Before there was even a mass media (radio, television, movies), the Northeast was the liberal part of the country, and the South was the conservative part of the country. They were voting for radical shit like abolition, civil rights, and women’s suffrage from 1865 to 1920 too.

    The only thing that has changed is that shit that was radical back then like “socialism” and “strongminded womanism” and “social equality” and “free lovism” is now synonymous with mainstream popular culture. They have just pushed the envelope to things like affirmative action, amnesty, demonization of Whites as a race, multiculturalism, and so on.

    They are going to keep doing it too as long as the Union exists. The only thing that will ever disrupt that process is the dissolution of the Union.

  40. The south has clearly been selected for ‘race replacement’.

    Time is short. When this amnesty goes through, the south will be flooded with little brown wetbacks, unfortunately all the tough talk here is meaningless. It will happen sooner than later because the White south lost their balls when the yankees bitch slapped the whole region.

  41. The rebel states’ foolhardy, preemptive attack against the Union, is the very thing that started our federal government towards becoming the abomination that it now stands.

  42. I’m sure there will be a vote on it.

    As always, we can expect every single Democrat in the Northeast in the House and Senate to vote for amnesty, along with all the other Democrats from the West Coast and Upper Midwest.

    Just like the vote on the DREAM Act and DADT repeal in late 2010, there will be a handful of Southern Republicans in the House and Senate who will vote for it, but the great majority of them will vote against amnesty.

    Amnesty will carry the day just like the “fiscal cliff” deal in January and just like DADT repeal in December 2010 and just like every single federal civil rights bill in American history because Yankees vote for Democrats who overwhelmingly support those things and because White Southerners are less than 1/3 of the electorate.

    Just a few months ago, we saw the same phalanx of Northern and Western Democrats turn out to reelect Obama, who has since used the mandate he won in that election to push the “fiscal cliff” deal, a temporary raise in the debt ceiling, and now gun control and amnesty.

  43. The rebel states’ (prescient), (entirely justified) (secession from) the (degenerate) Union, is the very thing that started our federal government towards becoming the (consolidated) abomination that (Rhett and others warned about so eloquently) (because the conservatives in the South were the brakes on the Union) and (removing their influence put the federal government in the hands of the liberal White Northern majority that continues to destroy the country).

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