Senate Reaches “Bipartisan” Amnesty Deal

District of Corruption

John McCain and Marco Rubio joined Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin this morning to unveil the latest version of comprehensive amnesty:

Note: It is worth noting here that the Tea Party is responsible for saddling us with Marco Rubio and Rand Paul, who endorsed amnesty after the election and who recently claimed that an attack Israel would be treated like an attack on the United States, both of whom turned out to be nothing more than sleazy politicians who are willing to do the bidding of the Republican establishment to prep for their 2016 presidential campaigns.

The only political candidates worth supporting in this country are those which are willing to formally commit themselves to secession. Anything less than secession, as the Tea Party has demonstrated by putting Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in the Senate, and by listening to Sarah Palin who endorsed John McCain’s reelection, will just be co-opted by the Republican establishment after arriving in Washington.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Without Alabama and Mississippi to check Massachusetts and Vermont in the Senate, it was only natural that the federal government would trend toward a consolidated negrophile despotism.

  2. Without Alabama and Mississippi Southerners, who were too lazy to pick their own cotton, we wouldn’t have niggers in the first place.

  3. Sean says:
    January 29, 2013 at 7:11 am

    The south has clearly been selected for ‘race replacement’.

    If they were replacing one race with other, ie moving one race out and another in, ‘race replacement’ would be accurate. But they aren’t doing that. They are force integrating White with non-White, with the intention your White children will marry non-Whites. That makes it ‘White Genocide’.

  4. How could Rand Paul turn so quickly? What you want to bet Rand Paul has been neutralized by blackmail? Read about
    The Franklin Scandal:

    Discovery Channel Special that was killed at the last minute,:
    Conspiracy of Silence

    “The Finder’s Case” of child abuse:
    The actual “Finder’s” case report form the customs agents:

    The same thing goes on in Europe. English orphanage molestation where higher ups protect the accused. The recent “Jimmy fix it” scandal in England. The Portuguese had a scandal same as the rest. The French also.
    The Dutroux affair:

    It goes on and on and on and …
    The people that run the Western Countries are evil. Unfortunately most of the rest are also. The psychopaths (by this I don’t mean just an insult or turn of phrase, I mean they really are psychopaths) that run the West will eventually get us in WWIII with the Chinese and Russians. They can’t help themselves. They do whatever they wish here, why shouldn’t they run the whole shebang? I don’t really want it but I think Hunters right. Succession is the only way. It may mean survival. All else is destruction.

  5. The Deal is to keep flooding USA with Muds. Look at the hands closely…how many have Masonic Rings on? and —dont forget the Good Old Big Boys of today–The Ba Nay Brit Boys… Brotherhood of Man will only bring Curses of death and destruction.

  6. lspooner says:
    I see no reason to oppose the bill.
    By opposing it, you’re effectively calling for the federal government to continue to heavily exercise its authority and to dictate where people are allowed to move…”

    Lol. Already there are many partisan laws on the books. Look at housing, just for starters, and who (and who cannot) form clubs and real neighborhoods.

    You’re a real tool—- if you think Freedom FOR ONE GROUP will necessarily be freedom for another.

    The LAWS aren’t equal.

  7. Spilt milk Chris. Arguably important point if it is used to deter more black immigration.

    However, the civil war is used by Hinter to point out that whites in the north can be relied upon to side with blacks, again and again and again.

  8. @ spiritus Germaniae says:

    Don’t mean to be tripe, but it was the Yankee transplants in VA, NC, and FL who pulled those states to the left. Hunter said this several times….”

    We know some folks near a NET couple from nyc. They see themselves as “far right” and fly tea party flags and go to rallys and so on.

    They go to black events, have tons of hispanic friends and are really into all things Chinese, and think they are better than everyone b/c they SAY they are “against abortion” (which they secretly know is not going to change). They are for putting their daughters in the military b/c “while they are unsure, they want the girls to have every chance.”

    Truly despicable people!

    It’s never even occurred to them that the “Constitution” the “tea party” is fighting for—-has NOTHING TO DO with the real Founders, (wasps, thank you) or that multi-cult is a Central Party move (rationalized as helping the oppressed for the left, and rationalized as cheap human labor for the right). No more that it occurred to them that the country was not founded as an Economistic Warfare-Welfare Empire—with their children as State Supported Labour Units (which is all their kids are).

    The tea party is WORSE than the left. Willfully clueless and often just users.

  9. thanks Tamer, didn’t know about Dryden. Will take him off my reading list. To the point—- the older generation, which I’m assuming you are, ruined our chances at getting GOOD SCHOOLING in our own culture!!!

    I guess I had to read Roman Catholics. That’s HORRIBLE AND NOT RIGHT.

    We have only one intermarriage that I know of with them in the past 400 years.

    Therefore, my schools should have let me read about US FROM OUR OWN POINT OF VIEW. Right?

    Isn’t that why Jews complain about Christmas? And RC about the stupid protestants and bomb them? And hispanics and white latinos about how “stiff” and “prudish” the English are?

    Why can’t we have a neighborhood and a school to learn about our own people?

    I want to know about my people— and SEE??? Can’t even identify them yet!!!

    Isn’t that awful, Tamer?

  10. “When this amnesty goes through, the south will be flooded with little brown wetbacks”: Large as well as little ones, and in many areas it already IS flooded. Check the percentages, by counties, in northern and in southern states. Nevertheless the theme of this blog is that complete separation of southern whites from northern whites is the only solution. The evil is said to originate in the very NATURE of AT LEAST half of the whites who are born north of the Line — including ESPECIALLY the descendents of the original settler population of New England, and Germans. Disagreeing with this paradigm in comments here is swimming against the tide, like making Scripture references on another WN blog that is thoroughly anti-Christian.

  11. Secession is the only way. Can anyone name a single conservative advancement in the past 50 years? Not stopping a liberal attack or restoring a conservative principle, I mean actively advancing something? All the GOP talks about, and most conservatives for that matter, is about stopping liberalism or rolling it back, not doing anything positive.

    Don’t waste time with existing politics, there’s too much path dependency. Form a new government. The best would be if we elect a Shadow government, like they have in the UK. The minority party has shadow leaders for every ministry. It doesn’t need to be elected at first, just have a Shadow President and Shadow Congress who put forth a new agenda. Not repealing liberal laws (though that can be part of it), but advancing a new agenda. Ostensibly, this is sold as a new political party, a new way of campaigning, but it will make secession possible because there will be a fully formed government already in place.

  12. @ Hunter Wallace says:
    We want White Northerners to stop pulling the whole country ever further to the Left. Yet we saw in November that isn’t about to happen. So what else can we do? Wait for Northerners to “wake up”?…”

    No. It makes better sense if the current Northeast is viewed like the landlocked tiny Euro countries most of those people came from—- and exactly how the catholics and jews polarize and square off against each other. The endgame is always Genocide.

    Both communism and catholicism (when its encoded as a political system, becomes theocracy in a land) are UNIVERSALIST, Statist, essentially feudalist, etc. Both are hierarchical, autocratic, control openly by controlling sexuality, dissemination of information, etc. They are both rulerships by tiny tax collecting elites.

    Unfortunately for the U.S.—- we received BOTH the communist and fascist refugees—in other words, the BUREAUCRATS from both.

    Now they square off (and often ally themselves) in u.s. government—- the whole point is just a draconian show about how and to whom to divvy up the money.

    Palmetto Patriot has an interview (I didn’t listen) with a guy he says describes himself as a “catholic reactionary.” I’m sure he is.

    They are as dangerous and in need of enemies as the jews.

    When they quit ragging on jews—- (if they do) they WILL HAVE TO HAVE ANOTHER target, another scapegoat. Catholic Theocracy is a truly shame-based society and scapegoating way. Just as surely as the tactics of communism.

    Americans were BLESSED to live outside both systems for some time (having escaped Europe) but that has been over at least since FDR.

    Idk—- the American freedoms may have just been a function of the land and lack of communication in the most recent times. Like the S.A., N.Z., Aus, and older canadians— hundreds of millions had LAND to run around and be free in, far removed from “city centers.”

    Landlocked Statist Autocrats from europe—- are a different breed.

  13. Bear in mind I’m FOR secession, and nullification, and not for southeastern states only. Everyone should separate from the evil system in every possible way.

  14. Sean says:

    The south has clearly been selected for ‘race replacement’.
    Time is short. When this amnesty goes through, the south will be flooded…”

    It’s going to WORK and they know it. The old anglos and scotch-irish (as well as scandinavians, baltics, in my experience) will LEAVE their homes of centuries, rather than live in the New “South Florida.”

    Even if it’s “safe,” they don’t like it. It feels empty.

    They will clear out, just like South Florida, Central NC, and Nova.


    By then (in case any are left) Panetta, Dempsy, Hagel will draft their daughters and shove them on the front lines.

    And no one will call it Genocide.

  15. Oh— and finally—-

    If you’ve ever lived in one of those Latin Replacement Areas—- where it’s gone from 90% “American” to 60% hispanic, virtually overnight, it sometimes changes again.

    In one place I know of—- “White” Latins (mostly Spanish) FOLLOWED the south american indians. First, it was a trickle (they take jobs socializing them, teaching them English, etc, the way Cubans did)

    Then, the “White” Latins weed out the indians they don’t want to use, and bring more of themselves in, to live on the Welfare state.

    They have been told they share a “culture” with Americans since “we’re all Christians here,” and memes s/a this.

    Well—-if we were all “christians here,” then why did their religion Genocide the “other christians” in Europe, and why have they never really co-existed, and etc, etc. (all the questions on that line are swept under the rug).

    “A christian country” —- was a stupid and dangerous meme, history will tell.

  16. “Form a new government. The best would be if we elect a Shadow government, like they have in the UK. The minority party has shadow leaders for every ministry. It doesn’t need to be elected at first, just have a Shadow President and Shadow Congress who put forth a new agenda. Not repealing liberal laws (though that can be part of it), but advancing a new agenda. Ostensibly, this is sold as a new political party, a new way of campaigning, but it will make secession possible because there will be a fully formed government already in place.”

    In my view an excellent comment. Thanks, Orthodox. It need not be one “top-down” movement, but better as many similar grassroots phenomena occurring even on the county or borough levels. The ever-present danger is that the evil will worm themselves into even the most local grassroots movements, even create false grassroots movements, and finally take control of the shadow government movement.

  17. @John Thomas says:
    The Deal is to keep flooding USA with Muds….”

    NO IT’S NOT. The real deal IS THE WHITE Foreigners who follow their “storm troops.”

    Latino reconquista—- For whites (who like to function as a tiny elite over nonwhites)

    To make u.s. like “Latin” Americas (Brazil and so on).

    —–a sea of grateful, worshipful peasants weeping over Fatima and statues that cry blood tears, and such.

    Good work if you can get it.

  18. Good point on the Tea Party buffoons giving us open border, anti-white geeks like Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. These oafs say they are for reduced government but how do you reduce welfare and handouts when you grant 11 million poor people the right to vote for more free stuff?

    Here’s hoping Kobach runs on the Constitution ticket in 2016 and the GOP gets destroyed.

  19. thanks Tamer, didn’t know about Dryden. Will take him off my reading list. To the point—- the older generation, which I’m assuming you are, ruined our chances at getting GOOD SCHOOLING in our own culture!!!

    You’d be a fool for not reading Dryden because he came home to the Catholic Church. That’s what inspired his best work. You brag about refusing to read classic poetry then blame me for holding you back! And I’m not old you feverish woman.

  20. “American freedoms may have just been a function of the land and lack of communication in the most recent times. Like the S.A., N.Z., Aus, and older canadians— hundreds of millions had LAND to run around and be free in, far removed from city centers.”

    It is always free-er in the wilderness, where there is room to breathe, especially with separation from the controls of apostate “Christianity” — and from unnamed, even more anti-Christian evil. I share your concerns with Romanism, Dixiegirl. The papal system is really not a bulwark but a destroyer of Biblical Christianity and Western civilisation.

  21. But when it is Catholicism versus Marrano atheism, as in that the Cristero War and that movie (“For Greater Glory”) you made me aware of, Tamer, Catholicism is a shining light.

  22. Re: “problems with authority” in your comment last night, Tamer:

    Global Imperialism, Monarchism and Romanism are some “authorities” that I DO have problems with.

    As William Wallace said in the “Braveheart Movie” (I know about a few movies, now): “What will you DO without FREEDOM?”

  23. That should have been: the “Braveheart” movie

    Of course Wallace recognised the Scottish nobles and wanted Robert to lead, but he didn’t bow to any of them. The difference between the naturally free and the naturally herded temperament.

  24. Bernie, there’s a man with a German name (Kobach) born in liberal Madison, Wisconsin, who studied at Harvard, Yale and Oxford, who is behaving very “Southron”-like. Why?

  25. It has gotten to the point where a lot of ordinary conservatives are following the OD and CofCC Twitter accounts.

    This is true. A lot of people on twitter who tweet the typical conservative blather about how great Reagan was, etc. If you check who they are following you will see a lot of rebel flags and sites like OD. In the past they would have been completely repulsed by the things we are saying.

    The betrayal that is ongoing by the Republican party is huge on social media sites like twitter. Very few people these days defend them. A Republican party total break down is a must for a real resistance.

  26. Uncle Sam tries to keep his Judeo Masonic Ring hidden. But sometimes they wear them. Keep your eyes on the hands—try to catch them with the ring on. We need Automation—not more Muds and more Muds—its insanity. We need a Wall from Pacific to Gulf with tunnel spotter tech and lazar spotters, and alot of Crocs and Gators and Peranas in Rio Grande….Constanople of Byzantine lasted along time with a Wall and Greek Fire. Israelis have a Fence to keep Arabs out –so why cant we have Wall and Fence…..Even China had a Great Wall to keep Mongols out and Romans had a Wall Fence (Hadrians) to keep Wild Scots out…Ha Ha Ha.

  27. Re: my Hitler, Pierce, Rockwell comment, I meant they were right about the GOP/Conservative Inc. leadership all along. They were never credible opponents of the Left. Everyone single one of us who defended them (elite not rank and file) have been made to look like fools. It has been a while, but I have defended them myself in certain qualified situations, especially grifter Ron Paul. Generally, when I criticize conservatives I mean elite not rank and file.

  28. Dixiegirl: You are right– I did not think about that. In South America THE PADRON AND PADRONNA SYNDROME is well entrench in the psyche of the masses. They are loyal to the rich ones who own the land and big bussiness. I guess these So Called White Foreigners want to be the Padrons and Padronnas here in USA. Good Point Dixiegirl!!!!

  29. Re: “grifter Ron Paul”:

    “Grifter” means con artist, swindler! I wouldn’t go THAT far. There was pandering to Hispanics in the campaign, but he’s from Texas that is approaching half Hispanic. Was it taqqiyah, or just sincere but wrong libertarian misthinking? Can’t tell, but those who donated a lot of money and time to his campaign may feel cheated. Nevertheless those who want secession and nullification should have thrown their support to the only states’ secession and nullification rights candidate rather than Romney, Gingrich and Santorum.

  30. The GOP should not get any support any longer.

    Find an openly secessionist party oh yee Southerners.

    End this sham.

  31. Dixiegirl is as full of shit as always..always the RCs….I think she is a troll who comes here to divide like minded whites by always getting on the religion thing. Not that she has any idea of what she is talking about. Or maybe she’s just one of those snake handlers.

  32. Race trumps religion. Focusing on the bad things one religion has done, when they have all become nothing but PC Anti-White Churchianity, is definitely a waste of time, counter-productive and should be shut down and out. We don’t have time for that.

  33. Dixiegirl: You are right about Hispanics. California—Whitey leaves, South Florida–the Whitey left. Beaners taking Utah!!! Race Replacement is true. But when the Chinese come to the West Coast you can be ashored that the Chicanos/Metizos will be eliminated as well as any Whitey Anglo Metizo Whiggers and Black Malatos there. The Yellow Peril will be the big Race Replacement. The Yellows are quiet, make no noise–when you wake up they own everything and are the Administrators and Bosses. China is turning into desert and they need new land. The Blacks and Brownies are nothing–keep you eyes on the super problem of future. Keep in mind San Fagfrisco and Hongcover (Vancover). Many Goks there. Alot of Chicago is owned by Goks. I wonder how the KHAZAR JEWS will handle them—they arm them and move all the industries their—Maybe the Yellows will turn on them…Ha ha. ha. Its funny..They say..I LOVE EVERYBODY….Bring Them All Here…This insanity will create a terrible future for North America….NAFTA–USA, Canada and Mexico all one nation…what a toilet bowl… The Chinese in charge of course…

  34. Dixiegirl is the poster child for why women should not have suffrage.

    Incapable of reason and therefore forced to argue from fixed opinions of a very slipshod nature, such of the weaker sex as she are more gainfully employed in producing semi-literate offspring to be employed as manual labor.

    It is easy to see why Mexicans are a greater threat to her progeny than to most. Less intelligent whites face a far greater struggle for existence when they are outnumbered by their Latino counterparts.

    In a free and independent Dixie, Dixiegirl’s offspring could be guaranteed employment in the custodial arts. This would ensure that her kind are able to employ their meager gifts to best advantage while removing the waste from pilferage by current Latino custodians.

    My two cents. Have a Dixie day!

    Deo Vindice

  35. Yes, enough Catholic bashing. You know you ought to thank us Germans/Austrians and French Catholic leader Charles Martel for keeping out those invading Turks weeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll before the Chris Columbus set sail for Puerto Rico.

  36. “Without Alabama and Mississippi Southerners, who were too lazy to pick their own cotton, we wouldn’t have niggers in the first place.”

    And if Northerners did not believe unskilled high school dropouts who push brooms or watch over an assembly line should make seventy thousand a year…

    Seriously, are you guys serious? It amazes me. At least the old timers when I was growing up up here in the North actually had some skills. Many of the old folks used to be master machinists, skilled carpenters, electricians, etc, often an old guy really was a jack of all trades and damn near a master of them, too. And many of them were interesting to talk to, too. That was something I remembered well about the North when I was growing up.

    I moved away for over ten years before coming back, and whew, it’s a whole ‘nother story up here now. Like I said, I’m amazed. The younger people here now in Indiana and southwest Ohio don’t seem to have any kind of developed skills at all. Someone with a Bobcat that knows how to get a bucket of dirt is what they consider “skilled labor” now. Most of the “tradesmen” are at best semi-skilled as far as I can tell. Instead of being interesting to talk to like the older people I used to know who enjoyed talking about and demonstrating their skills, the people my age and younger today seem to totally disdain their jobs and only want to get home to start right in all the pop culture, materialist “hip” things that are popular with “the masses” these days. This is mostly going out drinking and eating at the right places and ball games.

    But most of these people literally think they should be making at least 25 bucks an hour for doing, well, I can’t even usually get a straight answer out of them concerning exactly what their job consists of. A lot of them are outright evasive, even, concerning this. Nearly all of the ones that I know specifically what they do, I am often left thinking, “this guy or woman makes THAT kind of money?! For that?!”

  37. As Ulric said, the ordinary conservatives – the conservative base, not to be confused with the politicians who represent them, who have to cater to huge financial contributors and the media – are rapidly converging with our views on the most important issues.

  38. I should add here that a lot of stuff really was done at the state level, but it falls victim to lawsuits in federal courts, or non-enforcement/sabotage by the federal government like the state based immigration laws.

  39. The millions of White Northerners who continue to vote for Democrats in election after election are responsible for this. They tip the whole political spectrum to the Left and it effectively means we end up all kinds of shit that would never pass a Southern Congress.

  40. Sam2, I strongly advise you not to fall down in to wild conspiracy theories to understand Rand Paul’s insane, treasonous support for amnesty, mass Non White immigration. This is the standard Libertarian position – open borders immigration. Ron Paul was falling down in to this open borders immigration treason…. ALL THE TIME!

    Ron Paula and Rand Paul supporters are simple enablers of this immigration treason. The only solution is to get out of the race denying Libertarian cult and strong punish any White Libertarian person who pretends to be one of our leaders. It’s simple impossible to try use reason, try to talk some know-it-all Libertarian out of this immigration treason. Use force. End their political careers so they have to get real jobs.

  41. Yes, let’s not forget that Ron Paul was comparing the Border Patrol to the Gestapo in the Republican primary in Nevada, and he was opposing the border fence in the Republican debates too.

    That’s why I didn’t vote for him.

  42. Hunter, the libertarian immigration talk was a minor irritation that paled in view of the benefit of acknowledgement of states’ rights to secede, nullify, etc. — and that the other candidates were equally bad on immigration, and worse on states’ rights. His libertarian strain is harmful but his other, constitutional states’ rights side beneficial, and he was a SOUTHERN congressman, unlike Romney, and Santorum who did well in the southern primaries. No, it was NOT his immigration position that caused him to be branded “dangerous” (and even “antisemitic” and “racist,” undeservedly) ; but it was his lack of enthusiasm for endless pro-Zionist war and other aspects of Zionism that was his downfall with pro-Zionist southern Republican voters.

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