Amurrica Series: Obama’s Full Amnesty Speech


Here’s the highlight of Obama’s big amnesty speech:

“They all came here knowing that what makes someone an American is not just blood, or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles, and the faith that the idea that anyone, from anywhere, can write the next great chapter of our story. And that is still true today.”

If that is true, then being a “Southerner” or a “Dixian” has always been about your racial and ethnic ancestry, your culture, and especially your place of birth (in the South, we always ask where you are from), and explicitly rejecting the “founding principles” of Americanism (i.e., the abstract Judeo-Yankee concept of the Proposition Nation) in favor of a traditional European-style ethnic identity rooted in the above.

Note: Marco Rubio lied to conservative voters on immigration to get elected in the Florida Senate race against Charlie Crist. The same is true of Rand Paul who is now pledging allegiance to Israel and who wants to ban selling F-16s to Egypt.

John McCain has returned to pure amnesty form after lying about his credentials on border security to defeat J.D. Hayworth in 2010. Jeff Flake, who replaced Jon Kyl in the Senate, has at least always been a consistently pro-amnesty Republican.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That’s because it was a waste of time.

    It is impossible to “Take Back America” so long as the Union exists and the whole North throws all its electoral weight behind non-Whites, Jews, and radical White leftists.

    See the vote on the fiscal cliff and DADT repeal.

  2. 1) Why would Southern secession create the despotism that now exists?

    Answer: the exodus of the Deep South was the equivalent of the brakes failing on your car. The conservative states that held the batshit insane negrophile states like Vermont and Massachusetts in check seceded and correspondingly the White majority in the North shifted dramatically to the Left.

    2) How did Bull Connor revive the Civil Rights Movement?

    Answer: He didn’t. Southerners voted overwhelmingly against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. It only passed Congress because 90% of Yankees supported it.

  3. 4) Is the South forcing Christianity on the rest of the country?

    Answer: No, Southerners don’t care what Yankees do in their own states. They resent Supreme Court decisions like the Brown decision and the Loving decision which forced the degenerate alien culture of the Northeast on the South.

  4. 313Chris says:

    When Bull Connor turned fire-hoses on nugfer protesters, he rejuvinated the dead Civil Rights movement.

    This is not correct, that was the Birmingham bombings, but the South didn’t get rid of MLK Jr. who had loads of supporters in the South too.

    313Chris says:

    When the rebel states attacked Ft. Sumter, they created the despotism that occupies the federal government.

    Eh, how do you relate the first supposedly Confederate shots-of-war as a direct result of wanting bigger government?

    313Chris says:

    When the South re-elected George W. Bush in 2004, they created Obama.

    As Hunter said, it was Yankee transplants in 2008 to elect Obama in the Southern states, not that there weren’t thousands of white Southerners who voted him in but I’d bet that the black Southron vote was greater count.

    313Chris says:

    When the South demands Roe vs Wade be overturned, the ten commandments in courthouses, and prayer in public schools, they alienate everyone with any common sense.

    I think the North has loads of religious freaks too but their vote cheated out by the liberals monopolizing their state representatives to vote Democrat and other parts of the electoral college. However, many people vote just based on what their parents voted, and do no real thinking intellectually in politics. It’s a grand reason to support the end of universal suffrage.

  5. Wayne says:

    The US Constitution was specifically written to destroy, eventually, the States.

    James Madison the Virginia planter amassing tons of Southron respect, would you consider him a traitor?

  6. @Hunter

    There was organized voter-fraud in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. Those were key swing states that could have given Romney the election. The democrats didn’t bother fucking with your South, because with the exception of Florida, your states electoral vote returns aren’t worth the expenditure of effort.

  7. “That’s because it’s a waste of time. It is impossible to “Take Back America” so long as the Union… blah, blah blah”

    – So in other words, you’ve decided that you can’t have everything exactly the way you personally want it, so fuck everyone else, you’re just going to pout like petulant child, right? You sound like Harold Covington.

  8. “I think the North has loads of religious freaks too” is exactly right, spiritus. Tamer doesn’t see that from his urban bubble (New York and New Jersey) perspective. Only I don’t consider Christians “freaks,” but we’re referring to the same people. Roe v. Wade would be overturned quickly by the will of the people in non-metropolitan areas of most northern states. I don’t know about Rhode Island, Massachusetts, etc. that seem to be lost. Imagine, some of those states were PURITAN colonies, and now so anti-pure!

  9. Is talking secession more acceptable in the South than the North? Because around here you start talking secession you’re going to look more like a loon than if you start talking holocaust revisionism.

    It’s not that everyone on some level doesn’t know that is probably where things are headed, but you go ahead and put that as your first issue, people are going to walk away.

    Aren’t you going to marginalize yourself with the people you need to be your allies? There’s a million other things you could do along the way without putting the end game up in the front of the line. I think greater state’s rights are attainable, is more generally acceptable, and will happen with less work than full secession.

    Americans are not a happy people right now. You go straight off talking secession right now you’re going to have more people pissed off than behind you.

  10. “Did the South create Obama?”

    – Hell yes they did. When, after 8 years of Southern-Evangelical Zionist foreign and donestic policies at the executive and legislative branches of government, the Republican party in 2008 was so hated that fucking Osama Bin Laden would have gotten elected if ran as a Democrat. You people destroyed the Republican party, YOU Southerners made Obama possible.

  11. “Eh, how do you relate the first *supposedly* Confederate shots of war..”

    – Nothing “supposed” about them, you slimy, Southern, liar. It was a full-on artillery barrage commanded by your PGT Beauregard.

  12. Hunter should arrange a picnic get-together with a “civil war reenactment” sometime. No ammunition allowed.

  13. Spitus German: YES! Along with Hamilton, who, thank heavens, got his reward. There was no reason to rush into extirpating the Articles of Confederation.
    Chris: since you think America is salvagable, pleas do tell us how….enlighten us. I dont think it is, I wish I were wrong, it’s not an easy thing to see what was once your country being debauched.
    Chris, you were straight up piss and vinegar toward anyone realistic enough to see Romney didnt have a chance, now you blame it on election fraud. Really??

  14. Gut feeling.

    It’s spiritual secession, it brings together all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds and political persuasions, and everyone is getting tired of out-of-control American wymyns.

  15. Remember where the Bush’s come from, they are not native Texans. If I’m not mistaken, the family is from New England.
    Bush always was a fiscal and racial libtard. When he started the “religion of peace” and bringing democracy to Iraq bullshit I knew we were done. He thought during the war that the entire country would unite in some multicultural orgasm. Chris has a point, he did tremendous damage to the already tarnished image of the Retard Party.

  16. Chris,

    Given your fulsome expressions of disdain for southerners, one would think you’d embrace their desire for separation. Why remain wedded to people you despise?

    It reminds me of the africans who recite their four-word vocabulary “whitey keepin me down” while trailing in our shadow like a mangy distempered dog.

  17. I’ve had solid success talking to congressional staff in Illinois and Tennessee (states I’ve lived in). Even if your Senator/Congressman is hard core for amnesty, it doesn’t mean every member of his staff is an idiot/traitor. Please make the calls, follow up with an e-mail. Be polite, use simple, common sense appeals to protect our workers, keep out terrorists, gang bangers, cite the truth that virtually every country in the world including Mexico and Israel control illegal immigration.

    Here’s queer as a three dollar bill South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s contact information. Please make the calls and circulate.

    DC Address: The Honorable Lindsey Graham
    United States Senate
    290 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510-4001
    DC Phone: 202-224-5972
    DC Fax: 202-224-3808
    Contact Senator Graham:
    WWW Homepage:
    Twitter: @GrahamBlog
    District Offices:
    235 East Main Street, Suite 100
    Rock Hill, SC 29730 Voice: 803-366-2828
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Rock Hill office from Google Maps
    124 Exchange Street, Suite A
    Pendleton, SC 29670-1312 Voice: 864-646-4090
    FAX: Not Currently Available
    to Pendleton office from Google Maps
    McMillan Federal Building, Suite 111
    401 West Evans Street
    Florence, SC 29501 Voice: 843-669-1505
    FAX: 843-669-9015
    to Florence office from Google Maps
    130 South Main Street, 7th Floor
    Greenville, SC 29601 Voice: 864-250-1417
    FAX: 864-250-4322
    to Greenville office from Google Maps
    530 Johnnie Dodds Boulevard, Suite 202
    Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Voice: 843-849-3887
    FAX: 843-971-3669
    to Mount Pleasant office from Google Maps
    508 Hampton Street, Suite 202
    Columbia, SC 29201 Voice: 803-933-0112
    FAX: 803-933-0957
    to Columbia office from Google Maps
    Party: Republican
    Leadership: None
    Freshman: No
    First Elected To Office: November 5, 2002
    Year of Next Election: November 4, 2014
    Previous Political Work: U.S. House of Representatives
    South Carolina House of Representatives
    Committee Membership:
    Senate Committee on Armed Services – 8
    Senate Committee on the Budget – 5

    Office Staff Personal Bio
    Chief of Staff: Richard Perry
    Scheduler: Alice James
    Legislative Director: Matt Rimkunas
    Press Secretary: Alice James

  18. We can trace the causes back and forth to either side. What it comes down to is half the country tried to leave and were prevented from doing so by force of arms.

    The implicit argument Chris313 advances is that Northerners were justified in their reaction to various southern actions such as po’ bwacks getting a nice blast of cool water on a hot Alabama day. This is a northcentric view where normality is defined as what behavior the North wants from and/or imposes upon the South. Without saying it he’s saying “Dey ad it comin’ for being on da wrong side a history.”

    He violates this philosophy by his own racism. How does a Yankee racist, somone transgressing a key ingroup identifier (antiracism) try to avoid being a total pariah? He clings to the appurtenances of “Yankeeism”. Taking the southerners as an enemy and attempting to side with the liberators against their pet freed men is not a solid strategy.

  19. Yea we caused because we voted for the 1st tyrant…. nope he wasn’t on the ballot in the South

    Or did we cause it because we stood up to the tyrant…. neither line of “reasoning” makes sense

    There is no pan White american ethnic group. Perhaps there could be but the ones up north have waged all manners of wars on Southron Whites. From an actual shooting war, to propaganda war, to economic warfare to trying to incite negros to kill us. There can be no unity between north and South because of the actions of northern people, which means there can be no pan ethnic White america. It would also cost us our regional an local identities.

    You say shit like that mosin, but you never provide historical examples of why Southron Whites should trust the damnyankee while we can fill the internet with real life examples why we cannot. Modern and historical

  20. hunter- Europeans are even more committed to multiculturalism and delusional leftist politics than Americans.

    Every European nation has a nationalist-populist party that has actually won an honest to gosh election, what does White America have after 60 years of cultural marxist assaults …nothing. There’s not a pro-white dog catcher that’s been elected in America I could imagine if the world economy goes tits up populist pro white parties taking over in Western Europe and nationalist are already in semi control in Eastern Europe but the political situation in America is as fertile as the surface of the Moon.

  21. Bush was president for the same reason romney got the nod to run; because folks thought he would have broad appeal in yankee land, the left cost etc

    I never get odd looks for bringing up secession with actual Southron Whites. It’s a good litmus test on who’s a transplant / from transplant stock. Hell I know Southron liberals who like the idea.

  22. Landshark,

    Don’t you live in Montana? We don’t really consider Montana or Idaho to be “a Northern state.” When I think of “the North,” I am thinking of the Union states that stretch from Maine to Minnesota.

  23. No, I am saying that the North continues to demonstrate in every presidential election that it wants to pull America even further out toward the leftist fringe, and we can either be dragged down with them or abandon ship.

    BTW, we all saw it happen again in November. The whole phalanx of Northeastern Yankee states was called within seconds for Obama.

  24. I guess by North I meant “those not part of the South,” in other words, those states without a history of secession.

    The broader culture here in Montana is not ready for talk of secession, but they may warm to a state’s rights position (it’s hard to argue the State’s rights logic).

    My working assumption about the South is the same as the rest of the country. Outside “alternative” politics (non-MSM), there are seriously entrenched interests (and those get their paychecks from them) who don’t want to hear about big time boat rocking. From the large corporate interests to the academy, local media and all they influence. Are Southerners on the whole really that amenable to doing it all over again?

  25. Chris,

    The White majority in every Southern state – including NC, FL, and VA – voted against Obama twice. The Northern phalanx of states from Maine to Minnesota and from Washington to California put Obama in the White House.

    How come? Those states are whiter on average than the Southern states. The critical difference being that Yankees voted for Obama wherever they live like in every single county in New England except one or two.

  26. A little truth to Prussiacoat’s claim. The BNP did win some seats 1-2 years ago in UK parliament.

  27. Look at the reactionary gun grabbing recently. Where was the latest anti 2nd bill passed? New York, the heart of Yankee land.

  28. What you have in MI, WI, and MN is 50-55% of whites hate the Northeastern policies, but the other 45% + minority pets = permanent shaftage for the white majority.

  29. Southern states have far lower percentages of white population, the difference is whites are more unified- a single culture.

  30. Jim,

    I agree.

    The people who live there know who is driving us into this dystopia. It is 2 out of every 5 Whites in the Midwest and 1 out of 2 in the Mid-Atlantic states and about 3 out of 5 in the Northeast.

  31. Wayne says:

    YES! Along with Hamilton, who, thank heavens, got his reward.

    Jefferson and Madison were the closest of friends. Do you think Madison stabbed one in the back on Jefferson?

  32. Wayne says:

    There was no reason to rush into extirpating the Articles of Confederation.

    Would you also consider George Washington a traitor? I believe he sped up this process, correct? He’s emblazoned on a prominent seal of the Confederacy. I have read books claiming he strongly disliked Northerners, but he wanted Hamilton over Jefferson in the first cabinent. Now we have this source bringing up positive evidence Washington would be Pro Union. The damning statement:

    Washington was firmly, indeed unshakably, for the Union. On June 8, 1783, just two years after his triumph at Yorktown, Washington sent a message to all the state governors, urging them to downplay local jealousies in order to strengthen the Union.

    It goes on to undeniably say Washington would have chosen the Union just over the slavery issue.

  33. There’s more than a little truth to Prussiancroat’s claim. Europe has Golden Dawn, Jobbik, and National Front. All legitimate political movements with actual member rolls, infrastructure, and popular momentum.

    We have some southern states trying feebly to swim while handcuffed to the union corpse…but at the national level it’s Sweet Fanny Adams.

  34. I almost wonder how small are these new lands going to be, a city-state perhaps? Shall seccession proceed according to existing political lines? Will new economies be formed? Will it come from existing or to be built communities? Will force be needed, either to begin or extend new lands independent of the United State? Will new lands be amenable to trade or will they stay amongst themselves? Will new lands formed be political? Social? Religious? What? Economic? Will a fort like community be the key or small town? These are but a few questions in regards to secession.

  35. So in the video Obama basically says he wants foreign students to get prime educations and then boss around the beige “middleclass”. Choke on a banana, chimp. Bowing and scraping isn’t everyone’s lot in life just because it got you to the presidency. Why not just get rid of AA so more Whites can go to the best schools, nigger?

  36. “Note: Marco Rubio lied to conservative voters on immigration to get elected in the Florida ”

    That is what always happens when you come at the White Genocide issue sideways, because you are terrified of being called a “racist”. What we have been doing is working to get people elected, that do not share our values.

    Whites have been doing this for 50 years and failing miserably. It is time to push our own agenda openly and without apology.

    The Republicans and Libertarians are quite capable of running their own campaigns and getting their policies passed and Pro Whites can do the same.

  37. The current debate is whether we do nothing and allow the illegals to live here, or make them citizens and allow them to live here. Either way the mexicans are here to stay and all their little children who were born in the US will be voting soon anyways. There is not a single person with balls to stand up and deliver a plan that would have these squatters deported. Deportation has magically been left out of the discussion even though it’s what most respectable countries do every single day. What’s the purpose of the largest, most expensive police state in the history of man if you can’t round up and deport people illegally in our country?

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