Amurrica Series: Obama’s Full Amnesty Speech


Here’s the highlight of Obama’s big amnesty speech:

“They all came here knowing that what makes someone an American is not just blood, or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles, and the faith that the idea that anyone, from anywhere, can write the next great chapter of our story. And that is still true today.”

If that is true, then being a “Southerner” or a “Dixian” has always been about your racial and ethnic ancestry, your culture, and especially your place of birth (in the South, we always ask where you are from), and explicitly rejecting the “founding principles” of Americanism (i.e., the abstract Judeo-Yankee concept of the Proposition Nation) in favor of a traditional European-style ethnic identity rooted in the above.

Note: Marco Rubio lied to conservative voters on immigration to get elected in the Florida Senate race against Charlie Crist. The same is true of Rand Paul who is now pledging allegiance to Israel and who wants to ban selling F-16s to Egypt.

John McCain has returned to pure amnesty form after lying about his credentials on border security to defeat J.D. Hayworth in 2010. Jeff Flake, who replaced Jon Kyl in the Senate, has at least always been a consistently pro-amnesty Republican.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ” What’s the purpose of the largest, most expensive police state in the history of man if you can’t round up and deport people illegally in our country?”

    What is the point of defending the borders in a multiracial country? If you get rid of the multiracial part, you don’t need to defend the borders.

    We have to face the fact America was murdered way back in 1965 and there is nothing left to fight for. It is time to build a new country for Whites only.

  2. I agree with Chris here. Bush was dismal.

    However, Obama has been a long time brewing. I reckon that Powell could have won in 2004 for example had Bush not beaten Gore. This country has been waiting for a nigger president ever since the deification of MLK.

    Had MLK not been killed by Ray he’d have had a shot at the Presidency. No pun intended.

  3. One more thing, I had that discussion about the invade everyone invite everyone character of multiracial America, with my girl. The level of the con really never occurred to her before.

    Hat the fuck is the point of a dominant military if it confers no ethnic advantage for the recruit pool? why risk a son for a state that values a “future citizen” over the actual citizen?

  4. Tom: That’s why we have a solid left media-political establishment–to ensure real options are never presented. For all the blathering about democracy, the power brokers never allow the sheeple real choices, they are never allowed off the farm. The idiot citizens are treated like children and pretend they are free: “Kids, do you want liver or pork belly for dinner?” “Do you want a border fence or increased border patrols?”
    Spiritus German: George Washington wanted nothing to do with the convention, however, he feared Hamilton would blame him for hanging the republic out to dry, so he went but was for the most part silent. You will find that most of those who advocated for the Constitution did not actually participate in the war or risk their necks in the rebellion. On the other hand, various Anti-Ferderalists did.

  5. Let’s say you have an all white country with secured borders… Are you really going to be able to keep people from crossing over and inter-marrying? People are going to meet and fall in love with other people that are different… I’m sorry.

  6. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 30, 2013 at 4:53 am

    “Let’s say you have an all white country with secured borders… Are you really going to be able to keep people from crossing over and inter-marrying? People are going to meet and fall in love with other people that are different… I’m sorry.”

    You are not sorry, you are justifying GENOCIDE against Whites.

    If the White anti-White chooses a non-White future for themselves that is fine, but they can’t force a non-White future on everyone else.

    A White country is by definition for the preservation of Whites and someone who has chosen a non-White future cannot live in a White reserve.

    Tell me, why do you have a problem with the preservation of Whites? Why do you want a future without White people in it?

  7. What is interesting about this anti-White comment by Joe Whitlock, is anti-Whites say again and again, they won’t tolerate a country for White people.

    This proves their genocidal intent.

  8. Geographical pride seems to take up way too much of the conversation on this website. So do the Protestant vs. Catholic vs. Atheist issues.

  9. If a White and non-White fall in love we wouldn’t stop them from being together of course the White will be deported out of the White land and if the relationship doesn’t work out the White will never be allowed in a White nation ever again but that’s a small price to pay for true love right Joe.

  10. Non-White nations do this all the time. Asia say no to immigration as a matter of routine. It is so routine, it is never commented on.

    Japan is 97% Japanese, does not allow non-Japanese a vote and sends them home as a matter of routine. Anti-Whites make no fuss.

    Korea is 98% Korean. Anti-Whites make no fuss.

    Malaysia canes illegals and sends them home. Anti-Whites make no fuss.

    Black people have over 50 countries all to themselves. Anti-Whites make no fuss.

    They only care and fight to open borders, when it comes to White countries.

    As I said, their genocidal intent regarding White people is very clear. They want a future without White people in it.

  11. Daily Mail bravely comes out against Cobra Commander…

    I cannot say I’m a fan of Hitler of the National Socialists, but seriously: Golden Dawn?
    What is wrong about having a 10-15 percentent nationalist party there keeping a check on multiracialist fanatics? The world could do with some expression of nationalism.

    What is the alternative? Franco wasn’t much trouble. Greece probably should be controlled by a Generalisimo.

  12. Through history racially homogenous states have allowed small numbers of outsiders the right to settle, trade, intermarry. Japan for example reserved quarters of Nagasaki for Dutch traders. There was another entrepôt too, I’m tempted to say its Hiroshima, could be wrong. Well anyway, the Japanese carefully and strictly controlled this population of traders hailing from Europe. I’m sure a variety of ajapanese women and men mixed with the white traders. But it was frowned upon and very carefully regulated. Why should that not apply to white homelands too?

  13. lol at the Daily Mail.

    Dr Joseph Goebbels became the GREAT social critic of the 20th century. The Tim Wise’s, the Noel Ignatiev’s and their anti-White followers, just disagree on WHO they want to GENOCIDE and the METHODS used against them.

    Hell, they are even using White lands as Lebensraum (living space) for their “superior” blended humanity!

  14. Chris – What is it that you love about the U.S. so much? I can’t help but think that anything worth loving was dead on a national scale before you and I were even born.

  15. @Oaty

    America is my homeland. I am an American by birth and ancestry, and belong to no other place on earth. This land gave my unique Euro-mongrel ethnic-heritage the gift of a true identity, and the dignity of a free man. This land endowed with me an indomitable spirit and the belief that anything can be accomplished if my will is strong enough. And this land passed down to me a noble and heroic history of which I will be eternally proud.

    That’s what I love so much about my country.

  16. Sounds very ‘blood and soil’, but why this attachment to the U.S. as a continent-wide union? Why this attachment to places thousands of miles away that you’ve probably never lived? What possible connection could you have to California? New England? Texas? Nice places to visit, but so are Italy, Germany, and the U.K. Surely you can hate what America is today, a state that is hostile to your identity and your history, and has been so during your entire life.

    Surely, you can recognize the demographic eclipse of your people, the marginalization of your culture and history. Do you not see that this process is inevitable so long as you and yours remain subject to the American state? Your destiny is subject to the whims of a pack of faggots, non-whites and girly-men who live thousands of miles away from you and yours.

  17. Hunter –

    I can understand the resistance to the idea of losing America. I’m a Mid Westerner, and I don’t really have a historical identity of whiteness to look to other than the conquest of the continent and the frontier. The idea of a sort of American Empire and the glory of it is something that is learned very early on. American history is littered with great white men doing great white things all across the continent.

    When this is the history you learn, when this is the place you live, and when everyone you know and love is a part of that, then America becomes this great white christian nation that you somehow know and love. America really is great, and it really is yours. Americans never lose, and never give up.

    Well, that sort of falls apart when you grow up and learn that your America doesn’t actually exist. That everything you loved about it had been neutered, gagged, hog-tied, and pegged in the ass on a national scale before you were ever born. And that every year your own government was bending you over for deeper ramming.

    White American patriots are holding on to the legend of a dead nation that is coasting under its own momentum.

  18. Hunter and Everyuone on OD: Everyone is going crazy and bananas about LINDA NEWKIRK PROPHECY that Chinese will attack Southern Border States, mostly Texas. OBAMA HIGH TREASON CLOSING AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM ON MEXICAN BORDER Well Jack Ryan and everyone—is this conspriracy theory or is it real? Are the Chinese getting ready to attack us with Obamas help?

  19. Looks like Feds are putting blocks on the you tubes.. Keep checking google search on Linda Newkirk–From The Mountain and Alex Jones Prison Planet. Look at info before the Feds Zap it…..

  20. @chris313:
    “America is my homeland. I am an American by birth and ancestry, and belong to no other place on earth. This land gave my unique Euro-mongrel ethnic-heritage the gift of a true identity, and the dignity of a free man. This land endowed with me an indomitable spirit and the belief that anything can be accomplished if my will is strong enough. And this land passed down to me a noble and heroic history of which I will be eternally proud.”

    So you’re the token neocon at this site…sounds like Limbaugh.

  21. “We have to face the fact America was murdered way back in 1965”

    Point of no Return; Supermarket,fast cars,autobahns motorway coast to coast,McDonalds,TV,Movie Theathers drive inn,suburbian homes with garden lawn,etc etc. Folks simply forgot to drain the pond of the Immigration act and the Civil rights act

    The immigration act and the civil rights act

  22. J Spruce: It is true—1965 was the knife in the heart of America thanks to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Prez Johnson. Never forget the Kennedys and Johnsons… The worst Killers of America….Robert Kennedy changed the immigration laws from 100 percent White to one third Black, one third yellow and one third White. Never Forget the Snakes that did this….

  23. Here are some thoughts: let’s say you get an “all white nation”. Is that going to be Utopia for you? Remember when you had an “all white Europe”? Anglos fighting Celts, Gauls fighting Romans, Catholics vs. Protestants… Even if everyone is “all white” you’re going to find differences and fight this whole “we don’t like people who are different battle all over again”.

    Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America. Pretty much as “white” as you can get and they fighting a number of different genetic disorders b/c they’re not diversifying who they mate with.

    Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them. NOW, because you’re not in power as much you want to stop and pick up your ball and go home??? Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.

  24. Here are some thoughts: let’s say you get an “all white nation”. Is that going to be Utopia for you? Remember when you had an “all white Europe”? Anglos fighting Celts, Gauls fighting Romans, Catholics vs. Protestants… Even if everyone is “all white” you’re going to find differences and fight this whole “we don’t like people who are different battle all over again”.

    Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America. Pretty much as “white” as you can get and they fighting a number of different genetic disorders b/c they’re not diversifying who they mate with.

    Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them. NOW, because you’re not in power as much you want to stop and pick up your ball and go home??? Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.

  25. Here are some thoughts: let’s say you get an “all white nation”. Is that going to be Utopia for you? Remember when you had an “all white Europe”? Anglos fighting Celts, Gauls fighting Romans, Catholics vs. Protestants… Even if everyone is “all white” you’re going to find differences and fight this whole “we don’t like people who are different battle all over again”.

    Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America. Pretty much as “white” as you can get and they fighting a number of different genetic disorders b/c they’re not diversifying who they mate with.

    Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them. NOW, because you’re not in power as much you want to stop and pick up your ball and go home??? Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.

  26. Hypocritical?

    I’d take the USMC Royal Marines RAF Legion Estranger etc etc to Africa and fugging exterminate the nest if I ever had the chance. No mercy. Yeah, it’s not nice. Kill or be killed.

  27. Interracial marriages are more likely to occur in countries that are socially open to those kind of relationships. A society that disapproves of interracial marriages will see a great decline in mixed marriages. Our society promotes interracial marriage so people are more open to it. People are followers and will do whatever the society norm is. Of course there will be people that are attracted to the exotic because it is forbidden and they find that alluring. But I think that would be a very small portion of society and would not effect the homogeneity of the country.

  28. There doesn’t need to be ethnic homogeneity. Just no artificial middleclass of ethnics, that way ethnics look up to their white employers, not race-hustlers that get them handouts. That’s how things are in South America and everywhere else in the world. It’s going to be like that, even in Yankeeland eventually because an alliance of aggrieved groups can only play Monopoly with white tax money for so long before the decay becomes undeniable. How many Detroits can this country sweep under the rug?

    Eliminating entitlement programs such as Medicaid/Medicare, SS, Welfare, Food Stamps would strengthen churches and families, which are the two crumbling pillars of white civilization around the world. Sadly this is not only unlikely but a waste of time to pursue inside the USA because this country grew on a steady diet of hypocritical anti-racist boondoggle and is ideologically bankrupt.

    So non-Whites have always been with us in the new world. The problem is since the civil war, north and south have been too busy locking horns over smallball issues to give any thought to the future beyond the next election, the next amnesty, the next free birth control pill, the next affirmative action quota, the next “first black…..”. The American system was highly partisan from its inception but including a group of states against their will made it much worse and incredibly near-sighted politically. Now we have a nigger-huckster president in the pudding.

  29. Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America. Pretty much as “white” as you can get and they fighting a number of different genetic disorders b/c they’re not diversifying who they mate with.

    Whites in the US are from all over the world. Comparing a white country to an Amish farm community is an indication you’re not very smart or possibly a pro-White trying to make anti-Whites look ridiculous.

  30. Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.

    No. Your people make my bed and you’ll get back to being a servant just like your ancestors when your President that plays basketball and hangs out at Jay-Z’s “crib” is gone and all you have are your genes and the clothes on your back and hopefully God.

  31. @Wayne

    More Anti Federalists fought the war than Federalists? Never knew about this discrepancy although loads of ‘Scotch-Irish’ did and were certainly Anti Federalist now that I think about it. If Washington wanted not to really participate in the Constitution Convention then this secretly meant he was an Anti Federalist? Do any of his private letters prove that?

    What would you have done with Madison? Expulse him to the North or hang as a traitor?

  32. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 30, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    “Here are some thoughts: let’s say you get an “all white nation”. Is that going to be Utopia for you? Remember when you had an “all white Europe”? Anglos fighting Celts, Gauls fighting Romans, Catholics vs. Protestants… Even if everyone is “all white” you’re going to find differences and fight this whole “we don’t like people who are different battle all over again”.

    Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America. Pretty much as “white” as you can get and they fighting a number of different genetic disorders b/c they’re not diversifying who they mate with.

    Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them. NOW, because you’re not in power as much you want to stop and pick up your ball and go home??? Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.”

    Hey anti-White,
    You are not denying GENOCIDE against Whites, you are JUSTIFYING IT.

    You would not feel the need to JUSTIFY GENOCIDE, unless you are COMMITTING IT.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  33. “When the rebel states attacked Ft. Sumter, they created the despotism that occupies the federal government.”

    Hardly. When your fellow imperial Yankees refused to remove a military installation located deep withing someone else’s country (ours) they caused the despotism you see now.

  34. The White GENOCIDE movement operates on the assumption, if there is are any White communities in the entire world, ALL Whites would MOVE there.

    The Integration of Whites with non-Whites must be Forced, because no country is allowed to be White.

    They want White GENOCIDE.

  35. “Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them.”

    It’s hardly hypocritical. Perhaps you should turn on the logic center of your brain (if you have one). Muslims have done the same – even to Europe. Why are they allowed to continue it? Why do left wing scum demand immigration and multiculturalism here but not in Israel? Why do they refuse to live in diverse neighborhoods while demanding the same for others?

    Hypocrites exist here but they are not us. All we demand is the same that they accord for themselves and their pals in the Middle East.

  36. “Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing? Look at the Amish in America.”

    Excuses, excuses. There are FAR more of our people than there are Amish. Your argument is invalid and nothing more than grasping for straws.

  37. “Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing?”


    The anti-White JUSTIFIES GENOCIDE against Whites, by saying he wants to use us, to breed a “master race”.

    As I pointed out, the anti-Whites LOVE Joseph Goebbels.

  38. “America is my homeland.”

    Not according to all those Mexicans who say that you stole it from them. They aren’t going to rest until they get it back. In the process they will get my homeland, too. My home is NOT America. It is Antebellum, and I want it restored before your homeland starts jailing political dissidents (Bradley Manning), starts more wars that my people die in (Libya, Mali, Iran, Syria, Iraq…), allows one more Hollywood scumbag to mock it (Bill Maher), floods it with more gangs and block-voting illegals (MS13 and 18th Street), becomes more of a police state (spies on everything you do, reads your email without warrants, places GPS trackers on the cars and in the phones of protesters, collects information on twitter uses, etc.) or allows its imperial president to break one more law and get away with it (when was the last time we had a stimulus report…well, the law requires it but…).

    Your “homeland” died and morphed into a monstrosity a long time ago. You won’t ever be getting it back.

  39. Again folks, take the time to make the calls, write the e-mails to defeat this mass illegal alien amnesty again. We’ve beaten this beast at least 7 times. we can beat it again.

    I’ve had excellent success speaking with twenty something staff members who are happy to speak with an intelligent constituent. Be polite, don’t rant and rave or try to act like a school assistant principal and scold your senator.

    Call all state and local offices, not just Washington DC office. Here’s the congressional staff contact info for Tennessee Sen. Corker.

    Washington Office
    185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C., 20510
    Main: 202-224-3344
    Fax: 202-228-0566

    Todd Womack, Chief of Staff
    Ramona Lessen, Scheduler
    Hallie Williams, Deputy Scheduler

    Constituent Services
    David Dudik, Operations Director
    Erica Frye, Constituent Services Representative
    Ashton Davis, Staff Assistant
    Lowell Sherman, Systems Administrator
    Megan Spoone, Constituent Services Representative
    James Tatgenhorst, Staff Assistant

    Rob Strayer, Legislative Director and General Counsel
    Ryan Berger, Policy Advisor
    Hunter Bethea, Legislative Assistant (Budget, Social Security, Education, Agriculture, Energy, Environment, Transportation)
    Michael Bright, Senior Financial Advisor (Finance, Banking, Housing)
    Whitney Goetz, Legislative Correspondent
    Joe Curtsinger, Legislative Correspondent
    Aaron Fitzgerald, Legislative Correspondent
    John Goetz, Legislative Aide (Health Care and Grant Support)
    John Lipsey, Chief Counsel
    Anne Oswalt, Senior Health Policy Advisor (Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare)
    Stacie Oliver, National Security Policy Advisor (Defense, Foreign Relations, Veterans Affairs)
    Bradley Dickerson, Foreign Relations Fellow
    Frank Polley, Legislative Correspondent
    Darlene Rosenkoetter, Senior Professional Staff Member (Banking)
    Evan Sharber, Legislative Correspondent
    Mark White, Legislative Correspondent

    Laura Lefler Herzog, Communications Director
    Chuck Harper, Press Secretary
    Micah Johnson, Deputy Press Secretary

    Tennessee Regional Offices

    10 West M.L. King Blvd., 6th Floor
    Chattanooga, TN 37402
    Main: 423-756-2757
    Fax: 423-756-5313

    Betsy Ranalli, State Operations Manager
    Kelly Puckett, Constituent Services Representative
    Joey Greer, Constituent Services Representative
    Claire McVay, Outreach Coordinator and Field Representative

    Ed Jones Federal Building
    109 South Highland Ave., Suite B8
    Jackson, TN 38301
    Main: 731-424-9655
    Fax: 731-424-8322

    Jennifer Weems, Field Director
    Dana Magneson, State Constituent Services Coordinator

    800 Market Street, Suite 121
    Knoxville, TN 37902
    Main: 865-637-4180
    Fax: 865-637-9886

    Jane Jolley, Field Director
    Rhonda Smithson, Lead Constituent Services Coordinator
    Cate Catani, Constituent Services Representative

    100 Peabody Place, Suite 1125
    Memphis, TN 38103
    Main: 901-683-1910
    Fax: 901-575-3528

    Nick Kistenmacher, Senior Field Director
    Jeri Wheeler, Constituent Services Representative

    3322 West End Ave., Suite 610
    Nashville, TN 37203
    Main: 615-279-8125
    Fax: 615-279-9488

    Carlie Crenshaw, Field Director
    Stephanie Parsons, Constituent Services Representative
    Katie Davis, Constituent Services Representative

    Tri-Cities Regional Airport
    2525 Hwy 75, Suite 126
    Blountville, TN 37617
    Main: 423-323-1252
    Fax: 423-323-0358

    Bridget Baird, Senior Field Director
    Kim Cordell, Constituent Services Representative

  40. “Whites in the US are from all over the world. Comparing a white country to an Amish farm community is an indication you’re not very smart or possibly a pro-White trying to make anti-Whites look ridiculous.” ??????????

    But, you’re not pushing for a “whites from all over the world” country. IF, you could have a white nation, you would then have to weed out and determine, who is “white”. Will you accept white hispanics? Will you accept southern Europeans? NO, you will want WASPs, then you will want blonde hair, blue eyed, Aryans, and so on until you make the gene “pool” smaller than a drop of water.

    Beside that… Who will defend your small southern white only country? Will the military that is made up of mostly blacks and hispanics? Are you all of the sudden going to start becoming whites that reproduce faster than non-whites? Let’s create a small southern country with the small pool of whites, while the rest of the world reproduces twice as fast as we do b/c we enslaved people and breed African American males to be bulls that reproduce more slave. Your flat white behind ain’t built to keep up.

    Anyway that you play the end game, you lose… You will not get a white only land. It’s not going to happen, it can’t happen and even IF it could it would fall apart b/c it is nothing more than racist banter.

  41. Anti-White, why are you asking for a definition of who is “White” when you have already defined who is “White” by whom you are trying to GENOCIDE?

    Funny how Anti-Whites have no problem identifying Whites as a unique and distinct racial/ethnic group, when it comes to blaming White people for the Holocaust, Slavery, and demanding Affirmative action for non-Whites etc…

    And yet… When we talk about the constructive GENOCIDE of those same Whites, even in Europe. These same Anti-Whites act like they could not tell an African from an Eskimo?

    What amazes me more than anything else, is how people still take these sick fools seriously.

  42. “4) Is the South forcing Christianity on the rest of the country?

    Answer: No, Southerners don’t care what Yankees do in their own states. ”

    And, HW, as a Christian, this is following the Great Commission, how?

    Rushdoony, North, Jordan, Chilton, DeMar all argued that no lasting cultural change could come about, until and unless the individual SOULS of the people under discussion were changed/regenerated, and made aware of God’s prior claims on them and their lives.

    Dixie cannot exist without it. And I believe you (and many other posters here) know this- then why dismiss it? Because you don’t want to thought (as some puerile snots here, do) as an ‘idiot’ as I am thought to be?

    Lukewarm spit. Those two words define the entire corpus of American religiousity these days. Prot, RC, LDS, LCMS, the NCC/WCC Synagogues of Satan. They ALL have capitulated to the spirit of the age.

  43. “Roe v. Wade would be overturned quickly by the will of the people in non-metropolitan areas of most northern states. I don’t know about Rhode Island, Massachusetts, etc. that seem to be lost. Imagine, some of those states were PURITAN colonies, and now so anti-pure!” – Mosin

    This is a great evil that must be stopped. But until the complete illegitimacy of the entire legal/government of the USA is seen as just that (illegitimate) the fear of prison, and censure by the synagogues of Satan (as the RC did with Terry, etc.) keeps faithful WHites from doing just what they should be doing- avenging the deaths of the millions of little ones, by ‘removing’ the offenders – the Abortionist Moloch High Priests.

  44. “eside that… Who will defend your small southern white only country? ”


    Anti-White, You JUSTIFY GENOCIDE against Whites at every opportunity. You are Demanding a future world without Whites in it. Then you claim you have concern for the defense of a White nation???

    Do you see how silly you look?

    “Anyway that you play the end game, you lose… You will not get a white only land. It’s not going to happen, it can’t happen and even IF it could it would fall apart b/c it is nothing more than racist banter.”

    As an anti-White, you admit you will tolerate no White country anywhere. You will keep attacking, until the last Whites are gone.

    You want White GENOCIDE.

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