Amurrica Series: Obama’s Full Amnesty Speech


Here’s the highlight of Obama’s big amnesty speech:

“They all came here knowing that what makes someone an American is not just blood, or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles, and the faith that the idea that anyone, from anywhere, can write the next great chapter of our story. And that is still true today.”

If that is true, then being a “Southerner” or a “Dixian” has always been about your racial and ethnic ancestry, your culture, and especially your place of birth (in the South, we always ask where you are from), and explicitly rejecting the “founding principles” of Americanism (i.e., the abstract Judeo-Yankee concept of the Proposition Nation) in favor of a traditional European-style ethnic identity rooted in the above.

Note: Marco Rubio lied to conservative voters on immigration to get elected in the Florida Senate race against Charlie Crist. The same is true of Rand Paul who is now pledging allegiance to Israel and who wants to ban selling F-16s to Egypt.

John McCain has returned to pure amnesty form after lying about his credentials on border security to defeat J.D. Hayworth in 2010. Jeff Flake, who replaced Jon Kyl in the Senate, has at least always been a consistently pro-amnesty Republican.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Again:
    The whole White Genocide movement is based on the assumption that if there is any White Community anywhere, all Whites will go there. Integration must be forced, because always no country can be White.

  2. “Every European nation has a nationalist-populist party that has actually won an honest to gosh election, what does White America have after 60 years of cultural marxist assaults …nothing.” – Prussian

    He’s right. One look at the fighting going on with Golden Dawn here in the “Jewnited Snakes of Amurrica” or the Jobbik party in Hungary, and you realize in a heartbeat that :

    a) Jews are to blame- wherever they congregate. As someone once said, ‘When a Rabbi enters a room, a crime has ALREADY been committed.’
    b) Ziophilic cultic bastards who follow 1) Baptistic ecclesiology, 2) dispensational rhetoric, and 3) Romeaphobia (confusing catholic praxis with Papal error) are the greatest race traitors and God traitors since the Arians.

    c) Secession is our only hope, and we must work toward that goal, ‘by any means necessary.’

  3. “Funny how Anti-Whites have no problem identifying Whites as a unique and distinct racial/ethnic group, when it comes to blaming White people for the Holocaust, Slavery, and demanding Affirmative action for non-Whites etc… ”

    I don’t blame one group for the Holocaust and/or slavery. I do accept that once a large number of Europeans decided to bring mostly African slaves to the United States, any idea of a “white or European America” became impossible.

    I also don’t believe in Affirmative Action, AND I think this is actually a battle that can be fought and won. An all white land, nation or world as some on here have proposed is impossible and a waste of time.

  4. Anti-White,
    You have justified GENOCIDE against Whites several times.

    Everyone reading this blog understands your position regarding Whites.

    You are anti-White and you want White GENOCIDE.

  5. This colored idiot didn’t read my post. I support mixed race society in the west, with a caste system, that is to say a natural order. He doesn’t understand genetics, nor the deterrent effect southron nuclear weapons and tech would have on hostiles not to mention southern charm in diplomacy.

  6. Anti-White,
    You have not denied that you want a world without White people in it.

    In fact, you said you will not tolerate any country that seeks to prevent that GENOCIDE, by preserving Whites.

    All you have done here, is justify GENOCIDE against Whites.

  7. This colored idiot didn’t read my post. I support mixed race society in the west, with a caste system, that is to say a natural order. He doesn’t understand genetics, nor the deterrent effect southron nuclear weapons and tech would have on hostiles not to mention southern charm in diplomacy.

    OH a caste system! I get it. Like if a group of people decided to take another group of people, enslave them and breed them. That sounds familiar. We could take a group of like “Africans” and do that over the next four hundred years, yeah that will work! Oh I’m sorry we did that and that is how we got into this whole bleeping mess! Let’s reinvent the racist wheel that messed everything up in the first place. Brillant!

    Do you ever think that we would have all been better off if racists didn’t try to “defend” the race? Maybe you’re not helping the “race” buddy?

  8. Just for your information Tamer is Jewish. Jews are not White, as White means European.

    Jews say they are from the Middle East and have their own homeland reserved for themselves, to prevent genocide. So they are saying they are not White. If they say they are not White, I believe them.

  9. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 30, 2013 at 6:46 pm

    “Do you ever think that we would have all been better off if racists didn’t try to “defend” the race? Maybe you’re not helping the “race” buddy?”

    What is worse, a “racist” or someone that dedicates themselves, to the GENOCIDE of an entire RACE?

    Even a child knows the answer to that.

  10. Joe Whitlock says:

    Do you ever think that we would have all been better off if racists didn’t try to “defend” the race? Maybe you’re not helping the “race” buddy?

    Do you ever think that you ought to move out of that nice white crime free neighborhood and live instead in the shit squalor conditions of black ghettos?

  11. If I fill my gas tank and park my car at my house am I to blame when the neighbor I am feuding with decides to siphon out the gas and burns both our houses down? Of course not and at least you call our present situation a “heaping mess” which shows you’re somewhat aware of your surroundings.

    You have accepted the artificial immorality of slavery while the fathers of classical western civilization, Christendom and even the United States did no such thing.

  12. “Let’s say you have an all white country with secured borders… Are you really going to be able to keep people from crossing over and inter-marrying? People are going to meet and fall in love with other people that are different… I’m sorry.” – There is nothing wrong with that, they can leave the society they don’t want to be a part of – that is if the other will have them. What most such people want though, is arbitrage, and there is no good reason for anyone to favor what ultimately becomes unworkable.

    “Will you accept…” – Why does the south need immigration at all?

  13. Anti-Whites-Are-Evil: I’m not talking about the whole White Genocide thing. It’s not that I can’t, it’s just not worth my time. I know where you’re going with it. I say I’m not for “white Genocide”, you say but you don’t mind people inter mixing. White people will not survive if we intermix, then I say that is not nesscicarly true. Then we argue genetics, recessive traits, dominant traits, how often recessive traits can reappear…Also, whether we can even predict that all people will intermix enough until one group dissappears….yada yada yada. It is enough to say that I don’t condone the murder of anyone.

    I love the white race, I think white is beautiful. I just don’t believe whites are helped going down this road trying to isolate ourselves from everyone else. It won’t, and can’t happen. AND, even if it could…. it ain’t worth the effort to fight over something like racial purity that we can’t control…you have to lose the illusion of control on this aspect of human life.

  14. It is my sincere hope that the current French expedition to Mali ends up turning into a racial conflagration that ends up with the subsaharans getting their population culled.

  15. If I fill my gas tank and park my car at my house am I to blame when the neighbor I am feuding with decides to siphon out the gas and burns both our houses down? Of course not and at least you call our present situation a “heaping mess” which shows you’re somewhat aware of your surroundings.

    Better analogy: Neighbor Y takes Neighbor X kidnaps him and forces him to work for him. Neighbor X becomes free, has not way of getting restitution. Neighbor X’s children resent Neighbor Y and his children Neighbor Y’s children feel they had nothing to do with it and resent back. What is the best thing for Y’s kids to do? Be hateful, try to isolate themselves or try to be the best Ys they can be and love their neighbor. I say love each other and forget about who is a Y or an X it’s just something you have not control over.

  16. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 30, 2013 at 7:10 pm
    “I love the white race, I think white is beautiful. I just don’t believe whites are helped going down this road trying to isolate ourselves from everyone else”

    Well that is a lie, because like all anti-Whites you say you will fight any measure intended to preserve the White RACE.

    There are no “anti-racists” demanding non-White countries be flooded with unending millions of people that are not their race and everyone Force integrated until the target group disappears.

    In fact when this is done to Tibet by the Chinese, these same “anti-racists” call it GENOCIDE. Funny how anti-Whites can’t see GENOCIDE when they are doing it to White people.

    They say they are anti-racist, what they really are is anti-White.

  17. @Joe Whitlock
    Its funny you anti-Whites, scream about “RACISM” and how MORAL you are, but you fit in perfectly well, with the most outrageous commenter HERE.

    After all, you ARE JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE against Whites. There is no greater crime than GENOCIDE.

  18. Well that is a lie, because like all anti-Whites you say you will fight any measure intended to preserve the White RACE.

    You can not garuntee the continual existence or the end of a race (I’m having the argument I didn’t want to have). Unless someone is going around murdering a specific racial group and has the power to kill all over the world. Even in the darkest part of Africa, with Black as Black Africans…sometimes white babies are born. It is extremely rare, but it happens. So, in that sense a global dictator with all the control of the world could not get ride of a certain type of SKIN COLOR. He could kill all the white people this year, and thousands of years from now people could evolve and become lighter again. Recessive traits can pop up thousands of years later.

    SOOOOO, people intermixing is not going to get rid of a race either, won’t happen. Now if you are worried about “Southern Culture” being gone, or a conservative life style then yes, that is in danger. But, you can’t control the whole race thing. People are born with prefrences, you could be the biggest racist in the world and your great great great granddaughter could be born with a natural selection gene that makes her like men “tall DARK (black/brown) and handsome. Get over it.

  19. You have already said you oppose any measure, intended to preserve the White RACE.

    So your intention is to wipe us out.

    There is nothing more to be said.

  20. I will agree with you there. The word racist is over used and is becoming like the word “communist”: over used and meant to put people in fear of being blacklisted. So two battles we could win:
    1. Affirmative Action repealed and 2. Stop the fear of being labeled a racist/hate crime legislation.

  21. Will you move to the blackest part of Africa and help them create more white babies?

    I thought you’d never ask…lol!

  22. Martin Lindstedt is right about the Intellectual Bowell Movement and Anglo Metizos. The Tribulation will take its course–then the mop up needs to be done on the Whiggers who make it thru the Tribulation-.-if they dont Morph inoto White Men make them slaves or eliminate them. The Gok problem will have to be resolved also. The Goks are a real threat. The Beaners and Blue Gum Spear Chunkers will kill each other and Whiggers also–Go Under the Radar and wait for our time…Lindstedt could be right on the nail head….

  23. The black in Africa lives a half life.
    In the US, why, he can become leader of the world.

    Miserable whiny niggers look a gift horse in the mouth. And gullible whites buy the bamboozle.

  24. Now Joe Whitlock is just being disingenuous. Those whites born in deepest dark Africa are called albinos, idiot, and are not white. Still, they are valued for their healing power when ground into powder or made into stew.
    Race is much much more than skin color, I regret to inform you, and the aggregate of race is culture and civilization. African build African civilization, Asians build Asian, and whites build Western civilization. We here want our grandchildren to enjoy Western civilization, as it is a manifestation of their history, heritage, and genes, and because the West is an awesome place to live. You would have us believe a Nigerian is just a Norwegian with a deep tan, but only Norwegians can maintain that civilization. Only whites can maintain Western civilization. Just look at Haiti, Zimbabwe, or South Africa for proof.
    All of us here would love an honest national debate on race and genetics but it is never going to happen, your side would lose hard. Your side is the same as those who refused to believe the Earth orbited the Sun.
    We here are willing to struggle to preserve our civilization and culture, it’s so much more than skin color–it is race.
    Why do you tie slavery to racism? Slavery has existed from the dawn of time, exists now and will probably exist forever, and most of it is interracial. The morality has been discussed on here already–God didn’t think it was important enough to put in the 10 Commandments (neither racism), Paul told a converted runaway slave to submit to his master, Allah calls all his followers slaves and slavery is permitted, the Romans and Greeks all used slaves, serfs were basically slaves, of which Russia ended around 1864. So the only moral leg you have left is atheism, which only offers might makes right. Tell us where this great morality of yours comes from. I answer that-it comes from popular opinion because you are an intellectual coward.

  25. But we all know that slavery is just used as an excuse for white genocide. Germans, Norwegians, Irish, Italians, Greeks etc never had black slaves, yet you anti whites still claim the need to be multicultural, which means not white.
    Japanese are 98 percent Japenese and probably another 1.9 percent their Korean cousins. China is over 90 percent Chinese. Why don’t you tell them that preserving their culture, race and heritage is impossible and pointless?

  26. Did you see that the Israelis were injecting African iigrants with birth control to keep down their population until they are deported? Joe, go tell them they just need to accept being non-Jew, that there is really nothing they can do about it anyway.

  27. “Now Joe Whitlock is just being disingenuous. Those whites born in deepest dark Africa are called albinos, idiot, and are not white. Still, they are valued for their healing power when ground into powder or made into stew”.

    (God I hate getting into this with people b/c they are going to pinpoint on one thing and not the big picture). Wayne it can actually be three things: 1. Albinoism 2. Dormant white Genes 3. DNA mutation…. This is not what is important.

    The POINT is that if you can’t get rid of the white race even by killing them off all at once, then you can’t get rid of a “white” race by having some people interracially mix over time. Races mixing doesn’t equal white genocide. We now know that the original people evolved in Africa, there were not blonde haired blue eyed whites, but they came into existence. SO, even history shows that even if whites didn’t exist, they can reappear….you can’t garuntee the extinction of a race just like you can’t make green eyes extinct….

    I can tie slavery in the USA to racism in many cases, but that is not what I am arguing. I’m saying that once Europeans decided to bring African slaves to the USA and breed them over the course of a hundred years, and then did not make restitution. ALL that led to the end of a white only USA and a big racial problem here. The answer to the problem is not isolation, segregation, or racist policies. The answer is discussion of the issues and coexisting in peace.

  28. Judaism is not a race per se. Some Jews share common features, but there are black, white and brown jews. Some people consider themselves Jews b/c of ancestry, but others because of religious practice. It is more accurate to call Judaism a ‘tribe’ or a group of people that carry a common context, but a variety of different features.

    That being said many things going on in Israel are wrong and should be condemned just like in a lot of countries. Ironicly, much of the history of the state was brought about as a result of persecution that was let go on for too long in other parts of the world.

  29. Joe Whitlock says:

    I’m saying that once Europeans decided to bring African slaves to the USA and breed them over the course of a hundred years, and then did not make restitution.

    It is ever the blood spilled debate here about wherein the ultimate responsibility lies between the North or the South intergrating the first African slaves into our early economic stimulus, by all the Northern and Southron posters here. I think both sides failed just by looking from a completely unbiased third person view based on the fact both didn’t have enough white enterpreneurs to establish jobs for Whites only.

  30. Joe Whitlock says:

    Judaism is not a race per se. Some Jews share common features, but there are black, white and brown jews.

    Really? Tell that to Ashkenazi Juden, because they consider themselves a separate race from the Sephardim!

  31. Hey Tamer–Go to Hell… You think callin a Congressman or writting a letter will change their Agenda,,,, You got a Judeo Masonic Ring on? US will be like Brazil–only thing that will stop that is THE TRIBULATION like Martin Lindstedt says.

  32. Really? Tell that to Ashkenazi Juden, because they consider themselves a separate race from the Sephardim!

    Yes, it’s just like people used to say things like: “the Irish Race”. Meaning more of an ethnicity than a race based upon a color of skin. In that context there are some Jews that consider themselves ethinically (racially) jewish in a region or from a region. It’s just like there are Byzantine Catholics, but the ethnicity is the keyword here not the Religious word. So, the Byzantines are an ethicity, but Catholics as a whole are not a seperate race.

    Some jews are Russsian, Ethiopian, Ashkenazi, but Jews as a whole are not a seperate race. This is not accurate.

  33. Thanks for making it clear that you have no qualms with the genocide of a race. No doubt you donate to save the whales or the rare poison farting wart frog.
    Again, this valuable information you have needs to be shared with Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Israelis. Just tell them they’ll reemerge in 50,000 years. I’m sure they would buy it.
    One drop of shit in a 1,000 gallons of ice cream is no longer ice cream, it’s shit.

  34. It is ever the blood spilled debate here about wherein the ultimate responsibility lies between the North or the South intergrating the first African slaves into our early economic stimulus, by all the Northern and Southron posters here. I think both sides failed just by looking from a completely unbiased third person view based on the fact both didn’t have enough white enterpreneurs to establish jobs for Whites only.

    Well, I believe that people got greedy and wanted to have huge plantations that they couldn’t pick with their own families. Some people hired poor whites, but then got greedy and decided to use slave labor. Regardless, we now know that slavery was wrong and it hurt a group of people. Failing to deal with the wrong that happened caused many problems later.

  35. “Thanks for making it clear that you have no qualms with the genocide of a race”.

    Wayne argue fair and stop making straw men. I never said that.

  36. I’ll go with your greed with regard to the slavery issue. Now, lets deal with the greed associated by corporations bringing in millions of Mestizos and Indians, shall we?

  37. No doubt the DWL’s have no qualms with 3rd world immigration whatsoever. The taxpayer foots most the bill. At least slaveowners covered all their slaves expenses. By the way, their quality of life was equal to if not superior to European factory workers. Even Adam Smith admits that.

  38. My bad, Joe. Let me rephrase, you have no qualms with the genocide of the white race. There, fixed.

    I didn’t say that either. That is why I hate going down that road. If you show people the failure in thinking that interracial mating that happens at a slow pace over time doesn’t ends races therefore is not genocide then they just ignore it and throw jabs….

    I’ll go with your greed with regard to the slavery issue. Now, lets deal with the greed associated by corporations bringing in millions of Mestizos and Indians, shall we?

    Nope, like most conservatives, I value you free market capitalism. These are people that take the lowest paying jobs, but still need food, clothing and shelter thereby creating demand. The best part is that we don’t have to travel around the world to sell them our products, they are coming to us thereby cutting down on cost. I want to do the right thing and pay them a fair wage so they can spend more here.

  39. Joe: Mexico is Mexico because of Mexicans. Zimbabwe is Zimbabwe because of Zimbabweans, Haiti is Haiti because of Haitians. What do you think the USA will become when we are populated with Mexicans. Since you appear slow on the uptake I’ll answer: turd world, just like Mexico.

  40. What killed the Old South and the Jim Crow South wasn’t slavery. It was Yankee fanaticism. It is what will finish off America.

    What gets me is how even “racially-aware” Yankees preaching “pan-European solidarity” come here and throw slavery in southerners’ faces, like it wasn’t Yankees who mobbed the zoo, broke in, shot the zookeepers, and opened all the cages.

    “Southerners must give up their regional loyalties in pursuit of pan-European solidarity, so regionally-loyal Yankee pseudo-WNs can impose their hegemony and culture.”

    That about the size of it, boys?

  41. Joe, I’m going to type this very slowly so your brainwashed mind can understand. If your Alaskan Malamute copulates with a bloodhound, will you get a litter of Malamutes able to survive harsh cold and run for hours on end, or will you have a mutt, unfit for anything but accompanying you to Starbucks? Don’t blow a gasket Joe, just use common sense, if you have any.
    And for God’s sake, we at OD are 100 percent honest, do us the favor of lying about conservatism.

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