Amurrica Series: Obama’s Full Amnesty Speech


Here’s the highlight of Obama’s big amnesty speech:

“They all came here knowing that what makes someone an American is not just blood, or birth, but allegiance to our founding principles, and the faith that the idea that anyone, from anywhere, can write the next great chapter of our story. And that is still true today.”

If that is true, then being a “Southerner” or a “Dixian” has always been about your racial and ethnic ancestry, your culture, and especially your place of birth (in the South, we always ask where you are from), and explicitly rejecting the “founding principles” of Americanism (i.e., the abstract Judeo-Yankee concept of the Proposition Nation) in favor of a traditional European-style ethnic identity rooted in the above.

Note: Marco Rubio lied to conservative voters on immigration to get elected in the Florida Senate race against Charlie Crist. The same is true of Rand Paul who is now pledging allegiance to Israel and who wants to ban selling F-16s to Egypt.

John McCain has returned to pure amnesty form after lying about his credentials on border security to defeat J.D. Hayworth in 2010. Jeff Flake, who replaced Jon Kyl in the Senate, has at least always been a consistently pro-amnesty Republican.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And note, I’m not saying bloodhounds have no purpose, they are better than malamutes at tracking. But if you live far north and need a sled dog, you can’t have a short haired mutt do the job. What I care about, in the end, is Western aka white civilization. Only whites can maintain it. Other races have some fascinating civilizations too, but they are not ours. It really is that simple.

  2. The yankees totally didn’t get the spirit of it.

    Sounds like more of a douchebag urbanite consumerist vs. rural dynamic going on there. Not that a higher percentage of Yankees aren’t douchebag urbanite consumerists, mind you.

    When the rebel states attacked Ft. Sumter, they created the despotism that occupies the federal government. When Bull Connor turned fire-hoses on nugfer protesters, he rejuvinated the dead Civil Rights movement. When the South re-elected George W. Bush in 2004, they created Obama. When the South demands Roe vs Wade be overturned, the ten commandments in courthouses, and prayer in public schools, they alienate everyone with any common sense.

    You people brought this catastrophe on yourselves. And everyone else.

    Yet here you are as usual, hanging out with the southerners. Like the Jew, the Yankee can never just fuck off and go where he’s welcome. And like with the Jew, it makes sense when you remember his only other choices for company are Jews and Yankees.

  3. Git er done Wayne! Do you notice a pattern? To be racist you have to extremely simplify things?

    Mexico is Mexico b/c of the Mexicans! Wow! Do you know who had the first major civilization in Mexico? The Olmecs. Do you know that they had artwork depicting them with African features? OH NO! Did you know there were native peoples there then the Spaniards (white) mixed with them? OH NO! Do you know that none of this ended any races? We still have white, black and brown peoples!

    So yes Mexico is Mexico b/c of Mexicans and Mexicans come in a variety of colors. You will find some very fair skinned people in North Mexico. You should also know that many white people have immigrated to Mexico over the years…Where was that Romney guy say his family lived for a while? Dang white Mormons taking over Mexico, haha!

    America is America b/c of Americans and there are all types of Americans in the USA white, black, yellow and brown… Mexicans coming to the USA and becoming citizens are not going to make America Mexican. Just like Millions of Irish did not make America Irish.

  4. Joe, ever read what the Ottomans did when they invaded and conquered Anatolia??? Slavery was rampant, rape, and execution. You definitely need to lay a heaping Turkish guilt on them!
    Joe, did you know that the Barbary pirates enslaved Europeans right up through the 18th century? Obviously North Africans need to come to grips with their blatant racism!
    You anti whites are hilarious!

  5. There was organized voter-fraud in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. Those were key swing states that could have given Romney the election. The democrats didn’t bother fucking with your South, because with the exception of Florida, your states electoral vote returns aren’t worth the expenditure of effort.

    Translation: “Yankee blue America is a hotbed of political corruption, and I want to shift the blame.”

    So in other words, you’ve decided that you can’t have everything exactly the way you personally want it, so fuck everyone else, you’re just going to pout like petulant child, right? You sound like Harold Covington.

    So in other words, taking part of former America back for ourselves can’t be done, but taking the whole thing back for ourselves is do-able, all so fuckface doesn’t have to move his lazy ass out of Michigan. If whites don’t get Michigan, they don’t get anything, just like a petulant child’s dictate, right? You sound like a fucking retard.

    “Eh, how do you relate the first *supposedly* Confederate shots of war..”

    – Nothing “supposed” about them, you slimy, Southern, liar. It was a full-on artillery barrage commanded by your PGT Beauregard.

    Regale us with the casualty list, Yankee shitbird.

    Chris: since you think America is salvagable, pleas do tell us how….enlighten us.

    He’s a lunatic troll living in his mother’s basement, who’s he going to enlighten? I’ll save him the trouble: “duh, partial victory impossible, total victory feasible, duh, go Detroit!”


    Given your fulsome expressions of disdain for southerners, one would think you’d embrace their desire for separation. Why remain wedded to people you despise?

    It reminds me of the africans who recite their four-word vocabulary “whitey keepin me down” while trailing in our shadow like a mangy distempered dog.

    Chris will just give you some stupid lies. But he’s not hard to figure out. He wants his property line to fall within the borders of anything taken back for whites. He’d rather everyone have nothing than anyone else have something and him have nothing.

    He knows that it’ll never happen in Yankee-land without help from everywhere else. He’s like an Arab Muslim with his Yankee-ness; all roads to Mecca run through Yankee-land for Chris.

  6. @Svigor

    Occidental Dissent never was exclusively for Southerners. In case you hadn’t noticed, Hunter covers topics and stories having to do with white people all over the world. Under the banner at the top of the page, there’s an entire category dedicated to ‘Tales From Detroit’.

    So, apologies Dixian, but the world just doesn’t revolve around you.

  7. Joe, ever read what the Ottomans did when they invaded and conquered Anatolia??? Slavery was rampant, rape, and execution. You definitely need to lay a heaping Turkish guilt on them!
    Joe, did you know that the Barbary pirates enslaved Europeans right up through the 18th century? Obviously North Africans need to come to grips with their blatant racism!
    You anti whites are hilarious!

    OMG! I never knew all that!? Im such a silly liberal Gosh, did the Barbary pirates end the white race? You know the North Africans got into…Europe… did white genocide happen?

    Or, are you saying Ahmurricans need to be more like the Barbary Pirate and the Ottomans? We’re so weak and liberal here, we need to start building Viking ships again and show the world who runs things! LMAO!

  8. Let’s say you have an all white country with secured borders… Are you really going to be able to keep people from crossing over and inter-marrying? People are going to meet and fall in love with other people that are different… I’m sorry.

    I for one don’t see the problem. Bob White wants to mary Sue non-White. Bob has to go to Sue’s country to live with her.

    Where’s the problem? Like anyone really wants to stop people from emigrating to miscegenate?

    It’s about freedom, Joe. Bob wants the freedom to burn coal. We want the freedom to live amongst our own kind. Being an adult is about compromise, Joe. If you want to get what you want, you have to let me get what I want, too.

    Geographical pride seems to take up way too much of the conversation on this website. So do the Protestant vs. Catholic vs. Atheist issues.

    Trolls and their bigotry take up too much of the conversation here. WTF does Chris contribute, beyond said bigotry?

    If a White and non-White fall in love we wouldn’t stop them from being together of course the White will be deported out of the White land and if the relationship doesn’t work out the White will never be allowed in a White nation ever again but that’s a small price to pay for true love right Joe.

    No need to deport anyone. He can love his darkie from afar as far as I’m concerned. Or he can emigrate and live with her. Either way’s fine by me.

    Chris – What is it that you love about the U.S. so much? I can’t help but think that anything worth loving was dead on a national scale before you and I were even born.

    His precious property in his precious Detroit.

  9. Here are some thoughts: let’s say you get an “all white nation”. Is that going to be Utopia for you?

    Nope. Next stupid fucking question?

    Do you know that having a small gene pool is not a great thing?

    Your definition of “small” and the definition you’re alluding to (statistical border of inbreeding depression) are light years apart. A few hundred thousand souls is more than enough to get beyond inbreeding depression. Or maybe you don’t want to take my word for it, and want to give us something to read, beyond your stupid, 3rd-grade spurious implications?

    P.S., look at the Jews. They’re pretty inbred (far more inbred than a few hundred thousand Europeans would be behind a breeding barrier). Want to tell us what’s wrong with them? Or are they your heroes, maybe?

    Lastly, isn’t it just a wee bit hypocritical that you want a white nation that you can keep people out of? White people have gone all over the globe invading native peoples lands AND mating with them. NOW, because you’re not in power as much you want to stop and pick up your ball and go home??? Sorry, you made your “white people in dark lands bed” so sleep in it.

    I didn’t make shit, you hypocrite. You’re the one using collective guilt and the behavior of long-dead people to justify fucking me over, so yes, you’re the hypocrite (because you know damn well you don’t blame today’s niggers collectively for today’s nigger crime as a whole, much less niggers 200 years ago).

  10. Translation of Joe (Jose’s) post–Wayne’s airtight arguments are too hard for me to counter with mommy professor’s sophistry and tongue-craft!!!

  11. @Svigor

    Occidental Dissent never was exclusively for Southerners. In case you hadn’t noticed, Hunter covers topics and stories having to do with white people all over the world. Under the banner at the top of the page, there’s an entire category dedicated to ‘Tales From Detroit’.

    So, apologies Dixian, but the world just doesn’t revolve around you.

    Now you’ve gone all Yankee/Jew lawyer on me; “I’ve got the ‘Tales From Detroit’ clause right here in front of me!”

  12. But you did imply that you’d leave if OD was exclusively for Southerners, which lie I find laughable, it’s so absurd.

    Like you can control yourself, lol.

  13. Joe, the majority of Mexico is Mestizo. The Hidalgos of Spanish descent are a minority, although they do run most the country. Mexico is third world because of the population which is Mestizo. Same as Guatemala. Same as Honduras. Same as Nicaragua. As a matter of fact, Joe, I don’t know of any Latin country that is not turd world. Why is that, Joe? Same for Africa. Whites have a right to exist as majorities in their nations, not just to exist.
    And tell us about those awesome advanced civilizations in pre-Colombia America, Joe. Share with us the widespread slavery and human sacrifice. Tell how they had ZERO manufactured goods to trade with Europe. Tell us about their mythology and literature. Oh, silly me, besides Mayans with their impossible system they didn’t have writing. Tell us how 300 Spaniards with 100 horses overthrew the mighty Incan Empire.
    You can’t have a 1st world country with a third world population. When you import the turd world you become the turd world. It is that simple.

  14. @Svigor

    “Yankee blue Anerica is a hotbed of political corruption..”

    – Always has been. So is your inbred, toothless Dixie. Don’t pretend to you’re somehow different.

    “..and I want to shift the blame.”

    – Shift it from who, to whom? You just said, and I quote, “Yankee blue America is a hotbed of political corruption.” It makes sense that voter fraud would be routine in such a place during such an election — by your own admission.

    “So in other words, taking part of former Ameruca back for ourselves can’t be done..”

    – No. Because there is no “ourselves”. White people don’t get along in a big country like this, and we sure as hell won’t get along on some little reservation.

    “..but taking the whole thing back is do-able..”

    – The Spanish did it. So did the Poles. The Russians. The Greeks. All sorts of niggers in Africa. Want me to keep going?

    “..all so fuckface doesn’t have to move his lazy ass out of Michigan.”

    – 1.) You don’t tell me where I need to go. Got that, cocksucker? 2.) I work two jobs to make ends meet. Do NOT call me lazy, you fucking Southern crybaby.

    “If whites don’t get Michigan, they don’t get anything, just like a petulant child’s dictate, right?”

    – Fuck you. I’m not the crying for secession. I want to preserve my country. You want to destroy because you can’t have your way.

    “You sound like a fucking retard.”

    – Oh? Try reading your own bullshit.

    “Regale us with the casualty list, Yankee shitbird.”

    – Hostile fire is hostile fire, casualties or not, Southron eunuch.

    “He’s a lunatic troll living in his mothers basement, who’s he going to enlighten?

    – No, I live in and own the same house I grew up in. My parents haven’t lived here for 15 years. And my basement is cold and full of spiders.

    “He wants his property line to fall within the borders of anything taken back for whites.”

    – My property is my property either way. I could care less whether whites “take anything back”. I’ve done just fine without the presence of any ~*whites!*~ for a hell of a long time. And what is all this “borders” and “taken back” fantasy bullshit? Who are you? Harold Covington?

    “He’d rather everyone have nothing than anyone else have something and him have nothing.”

    – Well that was a mouthful. No, you’re describing exactly the attitude of yourself and your fellow Southerners.

    “He knows that it’ll never happen in Yankee-land blah, blah, blah, etc.”

    – Go get some fresh air.

  15. Comedy break …

    In related news, Axis Sally has denounced the Northwest Front and has returned to her career in dominatrix porn. Repudiating HAC to become a porn star has repaired relations with her family.

  16. Martin Lindstedt is correct. Civil War 2 will get rid of most Whiggers. Mamzers, Anglo Metizos, Blue Gums, Malatoes, and Beaners. The Whiggers that dont Morph to White Men will be made Slaves or eliminated. The Gok problem will have to solved. If there is no Civil War 2 or Tribulation–America will be like Brazil. The Bowell Movement is rotten to the bone and controlled by Feds. Intellectual Whiggers are all screwed up in the head. Like the Judeo Masons say oh we all are Brothers–we love everybody–bring the whole world to USA. Piss on the Judeo Masons….

  17. Joe, the majority of Mexico is Mestizo. The Hidalgos of Spanish descent are a minority, although they do run most the country. Mexico is third world because of the population which is Mestizo. Same as Guatemala. Same as Honduras. Same as Nicaragua. As a matter of fact, Joe, I don’t know of any Latin country that is not turd world. Why is that, Joe? Same for Africa. Whites have a right to exist as majorities in their nations, not just to exist.

    Well keep in Mind Wayne that before white people came to the Americas, they were all 100% non-white. So, if people have a right to exist as majorities in their nations then you can go back to Europe and we can have Canada, America, and oh by the way Argentina is now over 80% European…dang white people takin over. LMAO.

    No, people will continue to migrate around the world and the races will continue to exist. AND, to my original point: people in the USA inter-marrying does not mean there is some sort of White Genocide going on. You can look around the world and see everyone is doing fine.

  18. Joe Witless,

    China is 94% Chinese. Japan is 98% Japanese. Africa is majority African. No one is saying that the Chinese need to become “diverse,” i.e., non-Chinese. No one is saying Japan needs to become “diverse,” i.e., non-Japanese. No one is saying that Africans should agree happily to become minorities in their own countries, quite the opposite.

    Which europeans do you hate most? They are diverse in their subgroups, after all. They have no 98% country I know of, much less—- various 98% countries, like other people. Why is that?

  19. Dixiegirl: You “Boer” me. I’ve had this argument about 50 posts back, go read it and get back with me.

  20. Jose Witless: immigrants from your Latin American third world failed nation states are not coming here to live in tepees, hunt buffalo, and dance around totem poles. They come for the civilization and wealth that the society my white ancestors built for us and that you ancestors were either too lazy or dumb to build for you.
    Immigrants are streaming to white countries, Jose. They are risking their lives to leave the turd world their ancestors created. Is it because we whites build better civilizations that you insist to live in them?
    Regarding you silly comment about the Turk and Moors not extirpating the white race, it is because and only because our white forebears took up arms and drove them out. Tours, Grenada or Vienna ring a bell?

  21. Dixiegirl: Ignore Jose until he answers even a 3rd of my points. I’ve kicked his anti white teeth in (metaphorically speaking) on every one of his tired, old, recycled, mommy professor certified talking points. He began saying he loved white people, and has so far admitted that they can be wiped out, and that they should all pack up and leave this country our fathers carved out of nothing but overgrowth. He is a clear and present enemy of our children and a hater of our heritage and culture, even though he takes advantage of it daily, in short, he is anti white to the core, the next Stalin, who would have no qualms with whites in the gulag archipelago.

  22. Anti-White Joe Whitlock, has Justified Genocide against Whites and says, Whites are not allowed a home. Roll back a few comments and you see him state it very clearly.

    So Anti-White Joe Whitlock, has declared a “RAHOWA” on White people.

    No point having an intellectual argument with someone, that has declared them self our racial enemy. Just call the idiot, anti-White.

  23. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 31, 2013 at 1:15 am

    “Dixiegirl: You “Boer” me. I’ve had this argument about 50 posts back, go read it and get back with me.”

    Anti-White, you do not address it, because you have no answer for it. So until you anti-Whites address it, we’ll keep playing our broken record to you.

    Anti-Whites say:
    Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White countries for Everyone.

    Pro Whites say:
    That is GENOCIDE for White people.

    What are you going do when White people say no, to your plans for White Genocide and really mean it? Are you going to turn to violence, or are you going to be a decent human being and stop engaging in the GENOCIDE of Whites?

  24. LandShark says:
    January 31, 2013 at 1:12 am

    “Is Joe PGRT?”

    PGRT stated, exact quote: “I serve the Jewish agenda”. lol

    Since no one but Stormfront types uses the “Jewish agenda” phrase, I decided to ignore his posts.

    Joe Whitlock on the other hand, does a fairly good job, channeling the anti-Whites, with his “friend of humanity”, justifying genocide against Whites and when he gets pinned, getting angry and spilling the truth about his intentions regarding Whites.

    If he is a Pro White troll, he has an anti-White living deep inside him. lol

    Joe behaves like any anti-White activist, I have seen on Youtube. I have seen La Razza types use these tactics.

    These people aren’t messing around. They will use any and all means.

  25. Wayne and Anti-Whites,

    Look, my points are simple. We’re not getting an all white homeland, it won’t happen in Europe and it most certainly won’t happen in America. There is no nation in the world that has 100% of any race in it anymore. You can talk about Israel, Japan and China, but they have other races. The closest things anywhere in the world is Sealand, and it has a booming population of 27 and ironically is all white! So there you go, move to Sealand, LMAO.

    Just because SOME people in the USA inter-marry and have kids doesn’t mean “white Genocide” is going on. It is an insult to people who have endured actual attempted white and non-white genocide to claim that.

    Anyways, go ahead and keep up the fight. I don’t think it is possible, but I hope you prove me wrong and get your all white nation. Maybe you’ll let me come take a tour sometime if you do, good night!

  26. Whitlock, city after city in Europe is being taken over by waves of Asians and Africans.
    That is a process of ethnic cleansing at best, genocide at worst. See Haiti 1805. It’s not muh different to what happened in Detroit in 1969.. And what is now happening in Chicago.

  27. No I am not Joe. Thanks for remembering me though. But Joe you are making excellent points in defeating the people wining about the white fake genocide. I’ll be back in a couple days; I’m busy with my real life.

  28. Joe Whitlock says:
    January 31, 2013 at 4:15 am

    “We’re not getting an all white homeland,”

    Who is this “We”, anti-White? lol

    What makes you think Whites that try to GENOCIDE Whites, will be allowed in a homeland, created to Preserve the White RACE?

    That would be as stupid as inviting Poachers to a wildlife reserve.

    “Just because SOME people in the USA inter-marry and have kids doesn’t mean “white Genocide” is going on. It is an insult to people who have endured actual attempted white and non-white genocide to claim that. ”

    It’s obvious genocidal blending is being forced on Whites because we have Demonetization and Reprisals inflicted on us if we refuse.

    You were screeching “racist”, in your earlier posts. That is but one example of demonetization.

    And again for our VERY PROVINCIAL anti-White:

    Massive immigration and Forced integration is Demanded of all White countries and ONLY White countries. That is deliberate RACIAL TARGETING of White people on a GLOBAL SCALE. That makes it GENOCIDE.

  29. Anti-Whites says:
    “It is an insult to people who have endured actual attempted white and non-white genocide to claim that. ”

    It doesn’t matter how you make an identifiable group disappear, be it with violence or Demographic Warfare.

    According to UN Law, it is GENOCIDE.

    Anti-Whites like to say Diversity is “freedom” for non-Whites to enter White countries in unending millions and “mix in” with whomever they wish.

    However Anti-Whites say, ONLY White countries are not allowed to refuse this “freedom”, so it is their diversity we are FORCED to accept.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  30. Any White person that objects to the GENOCIDE of our RACE, gets viciously attacked by these anti-Whites.

    The Anti-Whites call this “Freedom”.

    Any non-White person that objects to the GENOCIDE of their people, “anti-racists” celebrate! Case in point the Dali Lama, American Indians.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  31. Again for the lurkers, the anti-White Joe Whitlock stated in this thread, he will not allow a White Community or nation, anywhere on Earth.

    No one calling themselves “anti-racist”, ever says the same of any non-White identifiable group. They would never get away with it.

    They only ever say these things about White people.

    They are not anti-racist, they are anti-White.

  32. 313Chris: I don’t care about this union. We had over 300,000 southerners die trying to rid ourselves of american imperialism. Today, the US government does the same thing worldwide. Puts military bases all over the world and bombs and kills people. That’s exactly what they did to the south. I’ll never praise this damn union. I want absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Going forward I’ll do everything I can to get the south free of it’s imperial grasp.

  33. Joe Whitlock says:
    Wayne and Anti-Whites,
    Look, my points are simple. We’re not getting an all white homeland, it won’t happen in Europe and it most certainly won’t happen in America. There is no nation in the world that has 100% of any race in it anymore. You can talk about Israel, Japan and China….

    I did talk about Japan and China, should have mentioned Israel—- but you just discount that reality, lol, as if you can cover your tracks in such a dishonest way (and conveniently don’t mention Africa, where the whites are told very explicitly to leave).

    On the one hand, you admit “propaganda works,” like with the “Tobacco Acts” that put 500,000 farms out, and made it so the “New South” land could be gotten very cheap. Now, “nobody smokes.”

    Yet YOU THEN PRETEND that the anti-white rhetoric, commercials, “society as diversity” (code for non-white) memes implanted in your own education—- HAD NO EFFECT at all (even as the effects are visible all around you).

    Nobody is preaching radical diversity in Japan, despite its low birth rate, saying Mexicans (a different people, different history, different religion, hostile enemies in past, etc…) BE BROUGHT IN BY THE TENS OF MILLIONS, since “cheap labour” is so needed. Nobody is saying they should be brought “because that’s the christian” thing to do. Nobody is saying to Africans that they should vote to be a minority in Africa, OR THEY are racist.

    You’re either dishonest or extremely stupid. Which?

  34. Dixiegirl says:
    January 31, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    “You’re either dishonest or extremely stupid. Which?”

    He is both. Anti-Whites don’t come in any other flavors. lol

  35. The West is the Lebensraum, for the anti-White’s “blended humanity”.

    Their Lebensraum will be a blend of Whites and every other race in the world, they can force into all White countries and communities.

    Anti-Whites say:
    Its not White Genocide, if your genes live on in some form.

    Pro Whites say:
    Birds have Dinosaur DNA in them, but Dinosaurs still are extinct.

  36. At least that is their Stated Goal. They have stated publicly, they want a “Coffee Colored Future” for all White countries. So they are demanding a future, with no White people in it.

  37. Without secession, I think the best we can hope is what Tamer describes; a multi-racial “nation” with Whites occupying the top tear of the caste system. That would occur based on IQ alone, however it would doom millions of average and below average IQ Whites.

    That probably doesn’t bother a good number of OD readers who seem foolish enough to believe they are at the upper end of the IQ bell curve

  38. John Thomas:1965 was the knife in the heart of America thanks to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Prez Johnson. Never forget the Kennedys and Johnsons… The worst Killers of America….Robert Kennedy changed the immigration laws from 100 percent White to one third Black, one third yellow and one third White. Never Forget the Snakes that did this….”

    Ironic; Lincoln, and the two Kennedys were assassinated…….I wonder.

    LBJ resigned to run for a second term. They weren’t popular as the MSM have us believe.

  39. @stonelifter
    “Without secession, I think the best we can hope is what Tamer describes; a multi-racial “nation” with Whites occupying the top tear of the caste system. ”

    That’s what the White rulers did in Ancient India, but eventually the libtards of their era, ended segregation and the civilization in India browned out and went down for good.

    “That would occur based on IQ alone, however it would doom millions of average and below average IQ Whites. That probably doesn’t bother a good number of OD readers who seem foolish enough to believe they are at the upper end of the IQ bell curve”

    I know smart, rich Whites, that defend the multicult and let me tell you guys, they don’t give a damn what happens to poorer Whites.

    In a multi-caste system lighter skinned “Whites”, would become nothing better than parasites. Whites deserve a better future than that.

  40. Agreed Anti-. It is not what I favor or advocate, just my prediction of how things will play out

    High IQ Whites are the worse on race, the group most likely to support BRA etc. Our way of life,values culture etc would be dead if the truly high IQ Whites were all that is left of us

  41. Our way of life,values culture etc would be dead if the truly high IQ Whites were all that is left of us

    Because this ‘country’ has never allotted enough authority to the aristocracy, military and clergy where cultured high-IQ’s can be found. Smart people like Bill Clinton can take the path of least resistance and attain maximum prestige and fame in our shit society.

  42. No Tamer you are wrong. Research shows high IQ people search for novel solutions to non problems and like to tinker with working systems. Apply that to…. yankees giving women the vote or ending Jim Crow and it perfectly describes what all the high IQ dipshits do. We had well functioning social norms but yankees/ liberals etc wanted perfect; wanted to “fix” stable and proven social institutions; wanted to solve non problems.

    The high IQ are some of the last people we should trust

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