Yes Virginia, Even “Conservative” GOP Jews Suck on Immigration

(the following is an update of a previous OD post on immigration)

California Rep. Howard Berman, an F on immigration

District of Corruption

OD readers should be angry, but not too surprised to learn that supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Republican VA congressman Eric Cantor is making insane, treasonous comments about US immigration. Cantor is after all…

A Jew.

As a rule, Jews in America suck on immigration. In contrast, Jews in Israel pursue very strict immigration policies designed to make Israel a safe, Jewish ethno state.

Here ‘s the link to RINO Eric Cantor mouthing off on the usual Jew lies about immigration, how the Statue of Liberty was/is all about “welcoming the huddled masses of the world” to Our United Sates, not Israel. (Jewess poet Emma Lazarus poem added to the SOL in 1903) Cantor also added some attempts to extract tears for his innocent Jewish grandparents supposedly persecuted by the evil, anti Semitic Czars of Russia (Cantor leaves out the part about what happened when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks imposed Jew rule in Russia, murdered the Czar, killed the Russian nobility, and starved half the population of the Ukraine etc).

The Jewish Question in the Senate

If you or anyone you know has any doubts that so-called “American” Jewish congressmen are bad on immigration, please go check out their immigration grades at NumbersUSA. The highest grade any Jew in Congress has is California Senator Barbara Boxer who has a D+.

Yes Virginia, the Jews really are bad on immigration. How do we present this startling fact to mainstream White Americans without coming off as hateful, anti-Semitic, Jew obsessed, Neo-Nazi extremists?

Practical Suggestions

I’m opening the floor to intelligent suggestions. I have some of my own suggestions here:

(1) Present the facts of Jewish support for Third World immigration alone. Don’t try to package this with any of the other negative Jewish programs like loyalty to Israel, sponsorship of neocon wars in Asia, the War Against Christmas, ADL sponsorship of hate crime legislation, the corruption of the Federal Reserve banking system, the Jewish role in Communism, and so on.

It is just too much for one sitting to throw out the whole “IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID” message on people with no experience (outside of Hollywood movies) with the Chosen.

(2) Third World immigration is now a wedge issue. Increasingly, large numbers of White Americans feel very strongly about immigration and amnesty. In Rahmbo’s words, immigration has become a “third rail” of American politics. It has gotten to the point where they will strongly oppose anyone and everyone who supports amnesty and loosening our immigration laws.

For example, White Americans kicked out RINOs like Chris Cannon of Utah who supported amnesty and forced two other RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to walk back their positions on amnesty and vote for the position of their constituents.

(3) My own advice is that you should just present the “facts of life” regarding who is for or against us on this issue whenever you are working with immigration control activists or mainstream implicit Whites who oppose mass immigration.

Just present the truth in a gentle way and note in passing that all the liberal Jewish Democrats like Al Franken and Barbara Boxer voted for amnesty and open borders with Third World cesspools like Somalia and Haiti. If you get a positive response, try to include the sad truth that neocon Jews like New York City major Michael Bloomberg, Jonah Goldberg of National Review, Norm Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine, The Heritage Foundation’s Libertad, and other conservative publications where Jews are prominent like The Weekly Standard or The American Spectator are also for Third World immigration and working for some way to give amnesty to millions of “diverse” criminals.

(4) Ask ordinary White people if they think Jews in Israel or Jews in America support Muslim immigration to Israel or letting the Palestinians have full equal rights in their communities.

(5) Ask if the Jewish community favors affirmative action for Arabs in Israel and millions of Mexicans, Somalians, Pakistanis moving to Israel to correct the problem of a lack of sufficient “diversity” in the Knesset.

No, I don’t think so.

(6) Once again, you want to come off as an intelligent, principled White Advocate who is on the side of the ordinary White people you are trying to educate. You don’t want to come off as a crazy, Jew obsessed, one trick pony extremist trying to refight the Second World War on the German side.

(7) Try to include some self depreciating humor about your own ethnic group not being so good at something; maybe something  like Flamingo dancing or stand up comedy.

(8) Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews. It’s just that they line up on the opposite side of the political spectrum and this will have serious consequences for our posterity.

You want your audience to understand that if Jewish candidates like Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Schumer, Levin or Waxman are elected, then yes, America will be flooded of millions of Third World aliens including Muslims like the 9/11 terrorists, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Portland bomber.

Let your audience take it from there. Try to offer some suggestions on where they can research the subject. Start with mainstream sources first. NumbersUSA is a great place for learning about the immigration debate. See also FAIR and CIS. Then move them on down the road to VDARE.

(9) Always listen more than you talk. Keep the topic focused on a single subject like immigration.

You’re discussing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate and become genuine America. You don’t want to get into an argument about a subject like the Second World War which nothing can be done about.

If the White person you are talking to is getting hot and angry and ranting about America fighting the Second World War to defeat racism and Nazism, gently ask this person if he thinks the “Greatest Generation” – which lived under Jim Crow and fought in segregated units until the Korean War – gave so many lives at Omaha beach and Guadalcanal so that their grandchildren couldn’t attend a safe public school in Los Angeles, California or Chattanooga Tennessee.

What do you suggest?


  1. “Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews.”

    That’s kind of funny. If you hate only ONE Jew you’re already an anti-Semite and a Nazi.

    Is there ANY issue which benefits my race, the White race, that Jews are really GOOD on?

  2. More of the same writes:

    “Is there ANY issue which benefits my race, the White race, that Jews are really GOOD on?”

    Jack responds. Politically, probably not – but that’s just politics, life is mostly not about politics. Jews are usually good students, don’t go in for (non White collar) crime, and support lots of things Whites like such as libraries, good schools, they’re good for property values, the arts, though they can tend to take over, push bad culture.

    Again, my main criticism with the Jews is that they are really bad on immigration, and just bad on politics. So don’t elect Jews for American political office. That doesn’t mean we hate Jews, just recognize that they are very destructive to our people in politics.

  3. I’m a white predominately German baptized but never confirmed Lutheran from what was a traditionally union city (St. Louis) in a traditionally good guys’ state (Missouri). If you live in the Upper Midwest, German-Scandinavian Lutherans are at the forefront of dispossessing whites through non-white immigration.

  4. “That doesn’t mean we hate Jews, just recognize that they are very destructive to our people in politics.”

    A distinction without a difference. You are so gutless and afraid of being called an anti-Semite that you think there is some sort of pass for you if you only complain about Jews in regards to immigration. Let me clue you in on a little secret: They will call you an anti-Semite for this infraction anyway and call you a dumb fukc racist if you oppose gun control. Your going to find that supposedly “conservative”Jews are for BRA straight down the line on every issue except for military spending for Israel where they have even BRA by the short hairs.

    The Jew is the enemy of White civilization everywhere. Always has been and always will be. Denise is right. They all HATE White Southern Christians with a particular vengeance.

    If you actually know Jews you know this. If you don’t know this you really don’t know Jews.

  5. I would just tell them that I stand with Israel, our staunchest ally, on immigration, and that we should follow their lead…then watch the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Sad to here about those historic parks being renamed. In a way, though, it could possibly seen as a merciful thing–why would we want true heros associated with the leftist abortion this country has become? The scene in Red Dawn comes to mind where there is a statue of the Rough Rider. Let BRA have here cripple, degenerate, perverted activists as heros, it only shows their weakness.

  6. Rudel writes:

    “A distinction without a difference. You are so gutless and afraid of being called an anti-Semite that you think there is some sort of pass for you if you only complain about Jews in regards to immigration. Let me clue you in on a little secret: They will call you an anti-Semite for this infraction anyway and call you a dumb fukc racist if you oppose gun control. Your going to find that supposedly “conservative”Jews are for BRA straight down the line on every issue except for military spending for Israel where they have even BRA by the short hairs.”

    Jack responds:

    You come off as angry and hateful and I oppose becoming a 24/7 Jew obsessed anti Semite because it is unhealthy and flat out doesn’t work, doesn’t sell to regular White Americans. Regular White Americans will not associate themselves with open, day in day out obsessions with THE JEWS. it’s a losing program. we’re trying to win, be competitive, not always lose.

  7. 1) The Jewish problem is a Racial one. They use religion as a means to generate racial cohesion. Communism use to do this, Zionism does today.

    2) They do not want to survive off the land either as individuals or as a group. So they must live off those who do. Once they are attached they have to release toxins into the host to dull the wits and pervert behaviour.

    3) once they are done with one host they often have another lined up. They did this is SA then many of these Liberal Jews migrate away from the mess they made to the US and to Australia posing as conservatives. We are in a terminal stage in the west. Just like SA. Perhaps even worse. At least the whites in SA had the excuse of being the actual minority for their defeat at the hand of the black.

  8. “They will call you an anti-Semite for this infraction anyway and call you a dumb fukc racist if you oppose gun control. ”

    Who cares? Its just name calling, just like little kids do in school.

    Sing it with me!

    “In your opinion I am an aunty-Semite! You’re just saying that because I am White. Aunty-Semite is a code word for anti-White.”

    “In your opinion I am a racist! You’re just saying that because I am White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”

    Na! Na! Na! 🙂

  9. My suggestion Jack.

    Don’t get obsessed with der Juden. They love the attention. Its like feeding internet trolls.

    All we need to say, is they are not White and we only advocate for the best interests of Whites. That’s it. Jews are not White, they say they are from the Middle East and White means European.

  10. Ahhhh, just got suspended at the VNN forum for pointing out that Meyer/Myer/Meier is a heavily infiltrated Jewish name (and I backed it up with proof), almost so like Cohen. That Jewish family branch actively involved in killing Western civilization. Alex over the past month banned more people I thought would never happen to. A funny reversed situation where the Nazi feels offended when you call out the Jew. Alex and Hunter sort of switch positions here.

    We need to get on this task suggest in Hutner’s fashion before all the VNN ‘tards scare normal folks away and won’t listen to any criticsm of Jewish activity any further.

  11. Eric Cantor has already shown his true Jewish self when he tried to get the aid American taxpayers give to Israel put under our own American military budget. (,7340,L-3974773,00.html)

    The reason nonwhite and Jewish Republicans keep eventually railing against Republican ideals like Cantor and that racist filth Colin Powell, as well as recently with Rubio and Jindal, is because the Republicans, even though they don’t realize it, organically (subconsciously) try to preserve white Christian (white protestant even) culture in the USA. The Democrats try to destroy white Christian culture.

    It’s all about culture. You can’t get a USA – or a UK or Germany or Sweden or France — without white Christians. The ideology, belief system, ethics, etc of other tribes/groups won’t create successful countries. For example, Haiti will never be successful, regardless of how many times we poor huge amounts of money into it, until they abandon their voodoo culture and adopt a culture that can create success.

  12. Every time I see something that is anti-American, anti-white, anti-decency, I research the person and 90% of the time I find that it’s a Jew. That’s how I became a White Nationalist. Then there’s the other 10% that are usually nonwhites, Catholic and most definitely Lutheran. I’m not very knowledgeably about Christianity. I had to research what the hell these “Lutherans” were, if they were even Christians, and why they were always siding with far Leftists. 🙂

  13. I think Mr. Rudel is long overdue for a bowel movement because it’s clear he’s got a HUGE Jewish shitlog jammed up his ass.

    Come on, Rudel.


  14. “You come off as angry and hateful and I oppose becoming a 24/7 Jew obsessed anti Semite because it is unhealthy and flat out doesn’t work, doesn’t sell to regular White Americans. Regular White Americans will not associate themselves with open, day in day out obsessions with THE JEWS. it’s a losing program. we’re trying to win, be competitive, not always lose.”

    I don’t obsess 24/7 about the Jews but they are deeply involved in every activity detrimental to White civilization. This was well known until the late 1960’s and 70’s when the Holocaust industry went into full swing. Thank God there are still a few private clubs that eschew them. You Jack, are among the generations since that have been brainwashed by PC since infancy.

  15. And yet they are their own worst enemies. Who agrees with the anti-anti-semitism campaigns? White people. Who doesn’t give a crap? 90% of immigrants. Muslims are already becoming a political force and Latinos don’t care. The above commenters are correct that going on about the Jews is a losing proposition, whether you agree with it or not (I happen to disagree since there are plenty of non-Jews pushing the same ideology), because whites will send you to the back of the bus, if for no other reason than you lack social comprehension skills.

    Jews had a nice thing going, but it’s only a matter of time now before a Muslim, black (who are getting much more comfortable speaking their mind in public) or Latino makes a full blown anti-semitic charge that can’t be whisked away (like Rick Sanchez was). And then the polls will come out, showing maybe 40% of Americans agree with the statement, and the Jews and liberal media will go on and on about white racism…….completely missing their real problem in their own party.

  16. “I had to research what the hell these “Lutherans” were, if they were even Christians, and why they were always siding with far Leftists. ”

    Not all the Lutherans are that way, although many are. The Lutherans (and MLK Jr.) take their name from Martin Lurther of the Protestant Reformation, who wrote papers such as “On The Jews And Their Lies” in which he called for the enslavement of the Jews. Unfortunately modern day Lutherans and Protestants have tried to distance themselves from him, it seems as though the West Boro Baptist Church hasnt.

  17. Is there any issue the jews, yankees or gop are good on?

    The gop is the original party of immigration and negro worship. It will never be a useful tool for the Southron White man

  18. A distinction without a difference. You are so gutless and afraid of being called an anti-Semite that you think there is some sort of pass for you if you only complain about Jews in regards to immigration. Let me clue you in on a little secret: They will call you an anti-Semite for this infraction anyway and call you a dumb fukc racist if you oppose gun control. Your going to find that supposedly “conservative”Jews are for BRA straight down the line on every issue except for military spending for Israel where they have even BRA by the short hairs.

    The Jew is the enemy of White civilization everywhere. Always has been and always will be.

    Comment of the year (so far!).

    No offense Jack, you did a good post, but this is one issue where there is simply no practical ‘middle ground’ on, really.
    We simply don’t have the time to indulge in the delusion of them being any kind of ‘ally’ anymore.

  19. I don’t understand why secessionists should be anti-semitic at this stage. Jewish politicians are paving the road to disunion by their insanity.

    How about saying WASPs suck on immigration because they let Jews in?

  20. The D.C. Crowd is not our friends and do not represent us.. They are not Servants of for us. They are Loyal to the CROWN of Rothchild. Most Politicians are lawyers..they pay dues to the American Bar Association and the ABA pays dues to THE CROWN. Lawyers take an oath to THE CROWN. We are only SUBJECTS to them. You go into any Congressmans Office or Senators Office–and all you see there is Crocked nosed Assistants..Come on Man! If you write them your request or problem it is put on a level of importance. Oh they say they get thousands of letters daily on different things and problems—heres the catch–if it has something to do with money—then its important…. Letters and Calling their Offfces is a joke. And also keep this in mind- MOST ARE JUDEO MASONS…..TO HELL WITH THE KHAZAR WORLD PLANTATION EMPIRE IMPERIUM…Their AGENDAS will get more aggressive. Whitey will make new things…Who knows–maybe GREEK FIRE will come again

  21. Or just “wasps suck because they gave niggers the right to vote”.

    As for the crazy Jews, my father used to say “I’ll follow any leader that’s heading my direction.” They’ve seen BRA for the joke it was all along. They’ve been essentially ‘punking’ BRA for a century and it’s goddamn hilarious since this place was already rotten since the Civil War.

  22. Shift it off the Jews, per se, and talk about why GENERATIONAL Americans have allowed themselves to be ruled by PEOPLE FROM OVERSEAS.

    from wiki: “… the son of Mary Lee (née Hudes), a schoolteacher, and Eddie Cantor, who owned a real estate firm. His family immigrated from Eastern Europe in the early 1900s (his maternal grandfather was born in Romania).[2] His father was the state treasurer for Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign.[3] Cantor was raised in Conservative Judaism.[2]….”

    Re-frame the questions: What IS “assimilation” anyway? And HOW LONG DOES IT REALLY TAKE to “assimilate?”

    3rd Generation Cubans (no longer recalling how the democrat Kennedy screwed them, now are OVERWHELMINGLY Chavez voters for u.s. straight-up communist.)

    Can people WHOSE GRANDPARENTS were in another country (as downtrodden serfs) really be expected TO LEARN about American documents (constitution) in a real way, with no Oral Tradition in their family, and without it taught by “real Americans” in the schools?

    Instead of pushing jewish buttons—- discuss how being ruled by people from other countries has not created “a voice” for Americans. (Who are FROM America.)

    Explain HOW MANY (B/C it’s about 100 million plus) have substantial backgrounds from the REAL American Pioneers. Should they have a “voice” in America— or is “America” too changed by foreign ideas (by its immigrated serfs from europe) to bother with the Children of the Founders, the Founding Stock, here OVER SIX GENERATIONS?

  23. “….How about saying WASPs suck on immigration because they let Jews in?…

    TAMER, what are you?

    And they did not “let” jews in, anymore than they “let” anyone else it. It was THEIR COUNTRY. Only they existed (in significant numbers). The others fought— and turned it into what they know how to do. This.

  24. And in all fairness—- we’re told they were all from “ghettos” (we learn this in school), or fleeing their bombed cities in various wars.

    We were NICE to take them, right? But what kind of payback is “deconstructing” the country?

  25. Rudel—

    A fact of transplanted southerns in big northeast cities—- is that the jews will hire them before the irish catholics ever will (and it is discussed). The italians are 50-50. The Germans fine.

    Now, maybe this is for “the wrong reasons.” As a token, or whatever. Still… a job is a job.

  26. Matt—- MLK was not born ML—- he changed his name LATER as part of the sweep to end all Lutherans (part of the overall program of genocide against northwest and north european protestants—so other “sects” could federalize the government and use them as slaves. Imo, it’s b/c the northern europeans are envied so much)

  27. Piers Morgan is no American. I guess when all the guns are rounded up and outlawed…Piers will start his Knife Campaign to outlaw them. A false flag Staged Event will occur with someone on serotonin drug running around in a crowd stabbing people–like the Ku Fung Ninja Gok Movies….Then Piers Morgan will say no more knives with points. No Butcher Knives, No Bush Axes, No Machetes, No Swords—and on to even Crossbows and Bows and Airrows to pocket knives to blow guns. Then Piers Morgan will have his dream of a total disarmed people….Wonder why he has so many body guards…hum…..ha.ha.ha. Screw Morgan and his Queenie….To bad there is not some good Firestarters around…instead of lighting candles, set fire to other things…If they give everyone a Background check to buy a gun, Wonder why they dont give a background check for Cammander Obongo….

  28. Dixiegirl, so obsessed with “what” people “are”. You come across shudderingly crude, dear. I was raised Episcopalian, same as you. Obviously that Church has failed you too.

  29. Lenin knew the Civil War was the razor across the belly. Though the acid-tongued asiatic didn’t know when he war started.

    The American people have a revolutionary tradition which has been adopted by the best representatives of the American proletariat, who have repeatedly expressed their complete solidarity with us Bolsheviks. That tradition is the war of liberation against the British in the eighteenth century and the Civil War in the nineteenth century. In some respects, if we only take into consideration the “destruction” of some branches of industry and of the national economy, America in 1870 was behind 1860. But what a pedant, what an idiot would anyone be to deny on these grounds the immense, world-historic, progressive and revolutionary significance of the American Civil War of 1863-65!

    The representatives of the bourgeoisie understand that for the sake of overthrowing Negro slavery, of overthrowing the rule of the slaveowners, it was worth letting the country go through long years of civil war, through the abysmal ruin, destruction and terror that accompany every war. But now, when we are confronted with the vastly greater task of overthrowing capitalist wage-slavery, of overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie—now, the representatives and defenders of the bourgeoisie, and also the reformist socialists who have been frightened by the bourgeoisie and are shunning the revolution, cannot and do not want to understand that civil war is necessary and legitimate.

  30. “Dixiegirl, so obsessed with “what” people “are”. You come across shudderingly crude, dear. I was raised Episcopalian, same as you. Obviously that Church has failed you too.”- Tamer

    What the TEC is, is not longer a) a Christian Church, or b) Anglican, in the truest, noblest sense of that word. Oh, they bring out the realities for Royal Weddings, and stuff like that, but it is the trad Anglicans who are the ‘Remnant’ today.

    The Episcopal Church’s only creed is, ‘The more perverse and antimale you can be, the better your chance for being a Bishop.” They believe in themselves alone- they are like the Jews in that…. and just as damned.

  31. For those who don’t know Jews operate, I recommend starting with the New Testament. It discusses the early Christians’ “fear of the Jews,” lies being the native language of the Jew, and Jews and the synagogue of Satan.

    Read The Jews and Their Lies by Luther. Educate yourself on why Schopenhaur called the Jew “the great master of lies.”

    Hitler and Goebbles writings about should be carefully studied, along with those of William Pierce.

    When you do this, have a copy of the Babylonian Talmud on hand so you can refer to it. Go straight to the source; read what the leading rabbinical authorities themselves have to say about Gentiles. If something Hitler or Pierce says strikes you as dubious or outrageous, that no group could really be that malevolent, pop open the Talmud and flip to the portions that draw parallels between Gentiles and animals.

    Look up the Jewish historic roles in exploitative debt usury, slavery, Bolshevism, the Ukrainian genocide. The great British Romantic poet, Lord Byron, said Rothschilde banking was the real power in Europe.

    Jews were, in Winston Churchill’s language, the “driving force” behind Bokshevism. Karl Marx was a Jew. Look up who paid to send Trotsky to Russia where he could agitate for the Bolshevik revolution that culminated in the murder of the Tsar and his family, and the rape of his daughters by Jews before they were murdered. Who was it that paid for Trotsky’s trip? Why it was the Wall Street banker Jacob Schiff! He had ties to the Rothschilde banking and was descended from a long line of European rabbis. Look it up.

    Moving to modern times, read from cover-to-cover all of Kevin MacDonald’s works, and all of his citations. Turn on your TV. Expose yourself, if you can stand it, to the pop culture sewer. Look at the programming degrading and mocking white folks 24/7. Who owns Hollywood and media?

    William Fulbright said Israel controls the United States Senate in 1973. Around that time, Israel attacked the USS Liberty and murdered American sailors. Israel paid Jonathan Pollard to spy on the US in the 80s. Pollard is considered a hero in Israel. Numerous Jew luminaries including Netanyahu have demanded his release from prison ever since.

    The last spies executed in America? The Rosenbergs, two communist-sympathizing Jews, in the 1950s. Born to Jewish immigrants who came to New York.

    The gun control effort is being spearheaded by Jews, Bloomberg, Feinstein, Schumer. Behind every single anti-white or anti-Western project, you will find Jews. The SPLC is run by Jews.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Those of you think there is anti-semitism problem on the right, wake the fuck up. No group has amassed a criminal record that comes to close to the Jews’.

    Jews won’t be able to ride the gravy train forever. As I’ve seen it put elsewhere, the only question is, who will eventually be stringing the rope? Black, brown, yellow, or white hands? I myself hope that the hands are white.

  32. Once again many commentators have missed the main points of the post:

    1) American Jews from Left to Right are overwhelmingly supporting bad, race replacement immigration in to the USA

    2) Be effective in opposing the Jewish program to disposses our people in our country, concentrate just on the immigration issue, which White Americans are overwhelmingly on our side. Don’t alienate mainstream Whites by coming off as a hater, a societal drop out, Jew obsessed nut case, loser, loner etc.

    Be effective. Try to win.

    We’ve beaten back ~ 7 of these mass illegal alien amnesties, we can beat this one if we are intelligent, hard working, effective.

  33. Then as now, Jews fought the 1920s immigration restrictions. The goal was restrict immigration to Northern Europeans.

    KMD documents the involvement of Jews from the northeast in fighting to keep the immigration flowing from non-Nordic areas of Europe.

    No doubt those Jews were hoping for a few more Trotskys or mama and papa Rosenberg’s to hit American shores from Eastern Europe.

    Jews will need to dealt with sooner or later. Maybe the Chinese will get it done.

  34. Orthodox says:

    Jews had a nice thing going, but it’s only a matter of time now before a Muslim, black (who are getting much more comfortable speaking their mind in public) or Latino makes a full blown anti-semitic charge that can’t be whisked away (like Rick Sanchez was). And then the polls will come out, showing maybe 40% of Americans agree with the statement, and the Jews and liberal media will go on and on about white racism…….completely missing their real problem in their own party.

    Different races and tribes of browns I bet don’t like it when white liberals see all their cultures as the same or closely similar. A Navajo would never consider himself with the Cherokee, or Apaches, their traditional enemy.

  35. Among the 16 cosponsors of the recent assault weapon ban in Congress I believe 8 are Jewish. Almost all of them are Yankee state senators, with Carl Levin of Michigan and the two Jewish senators from California also getting in on the party.

    So it’s not just immigration.

    I really don’t understand how Jews, of all people, could be in the forefront of advocating for policies that would allow only the government to have guns. That sure hasn’t worked out well for them in the recent past, but here they are pushing for it like there is no tomorrow. Strange.

  36. The Jews will make themselves special exceptions, having their souped up bodyguards and missle proof limousines.

  37. HW says: “Be effective. Try to win.”

    I think the more effective tactic is to just ignore the fact that the promoters of the policy are Jews. Why is that important to fighting the policy. It automatically opens the door to the “anti-immigrant people are really racist neo-Nazis” line of counter-attack.

    By not bringing the Jewish issue up at all this line is closed off, and defenders of the nation killing immigration policies and amnesty have to defend the indefensible, not get over with ad hominem attacks on critics of those policies.

    It’s good inside information for us to have, and it can be used to nudge along those who are already further in their thinking, but for mainstream conversation or media talking points it’s clearing counter-productive.

  38. Jackson,

    The reason is Jews are motivated by pathological hatred of non-Jews. You appear to have a lot to learn. Jews don’t want white conservatives to be able to defend themselves against blacks. They want gun control other reasons too.

  39. It’s only counter-productive because they don’t have the facts about how Jews operate. This is why ignoring the Jew factor is not the way to go. You have to start somewhere giving people the facts about Jews and starting the educational process. Among liberal critics of Israel, no one gives two shits about being called an “anti-Semite.” Let’s learn from them. Just give Joe Sobran’s classic definition: an anti-Semite is not a person who hates Jews but a person Jews hate.

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