Yes Virginia, Even “Conservative” GOP Jews Suck on Immigration

(the following is an update of a previous OD post on immigration)

California Rep. Howard Berman, an F on immigration

District of Corruption

OD readers should be angry, but not too surprised to learn that supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Republican VA congressman Eric Cantor is making insane, treasonous comments about US immigration. Cantor is after all…

A Jew.

As a rule, Jews in America suck on immigration. In contrast, Jews in Israel pursue very strict immigration policies designed to make Israel a safe, Jewish ethno state.

Here ‘s the link to RINO Eric Cantor mouthing off on the usual Jew lies about immigration, how the Statue of Liberty was/is all about “welcoming the huddled masses of the world” to Our United Sates, not Israel. (Jewess poet Emma Lazarus poem added to the SOL in 1903) Cantor also added some attempts to extract tears for his innocent Jewish grandparents supposedly persecuted by the evil, anti Semitic Czars of Russia (Cantor leaves out the part about what happened when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks imposed Jew rule in Russia, murdered the Czar, killed the Russian nobility, and starved half the population of the Ukraine etc).

The Jewish Question in the Senate

If you or anyone you know has any doubts that so-called “American” Jewish congressmen are bad on immigration, please go check out their immigration grades at NumbersUSA. The highest grade any Jew in Congress has is California Senator Barbara Boxer who has a D+.

Yes Virginia, the Jews really are bad on immigration. How do we present this startling fact to mainstream White Americans without coming off as hateful, anti-Semitic, Jew obsessed, Neo-Nazi extremists?

Practical Suggestions

I’m opening the floor to intelligent suggestions. I have some of my own suggestions here:

(1) Present the facts of Jewish support for Third World immigration alone. Don’t try to package this with any of the other negative Jewish programs like loyalty to Israel, sponsorship of neocon wars in Asia, the War Against Christmas, ADL sponsorship of hate crime legislation, the corruption of the Federal Reserve banking system, the Jewish role in Communism, and so on.

It is just too much for one sitting to throw out the whole “IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID” message on people with no experience (outside of Hollywood movies) with the Chosen.

(2) Third World immigration is now a wedge issue. Increasingly, large numbers of White Americans feel very strongly about immigration and amnesty. In Rahmbo’s words, immigration has become a “third rail” of American politics. It has gotten to the point where they will strongly oppose anyone and everyone who supports amnesty and loosening our immigration laws.

For example, White Americans kicked out RINOs like Chris Cannon of Utah who supported amnesty and forced two other RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to walk back their positions on amnesty and vote for the position of their constituents.

(3) My own advice is that you should just present the “facts of life” regarding who is for or against us on this issue whenever you are working with immigration control activists or mainstream implicit Whites who oppose mass immigration.

Just present the truth in a gentle way and note in passing that all the liberal Jewish Democrats like Al Franken and Barbara Boxer voted for amnesty and open borders with Third World cesspools like Somalia and Haiti. If you get a positive response, try to include the sad truth that neocon Jews like New York City major Michael Bloomberg, Jonah Goldberg of National Review, Norm Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine, The Heritage Foundation’s Libertad, and other conservative publications where Jews are prominent like The Weekly Standard or The American Spectator are also for Third World immigration and working for some way to give amnesty to millions of “diverse” criminals.

(4) Ask ordinary White people if they think Jews in Israel or Jews in America support Muslim immigration to Israel or letting the Palestinians have full equal rights in their communities.

(5) Ask if the Jewish community favors affirmative action for Arabs in Israel and millions of Mexicans, Somalians, Pakistanis moving to Israel to correct the problem of a lack of sufficient “diversity” in the Knesset.

No, I don’t think so.

(6) Once again, you want to come off as an intelligent, principled White Advocate who is on the side of the ordinary White people you are trying to educate. You don’t want to come off as a crazy, Jew obsessed, one trick pony extremist trying to refight the Second World War on the German side.

(7) Try to include some self depreciating humor about your own ethnic group not being so good at something; maybe something  like Flamingo dancing or stand up comedy.

(8) Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews. It’s just that they line up on the opposite side of the political spectrum and this will have serious consequences for our posterity.

You want your audience to understand that if Jewish candidates like Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Schumer, Levin or Waxman are elected, then yes, America will be flooded of millions of Third World aliens including Muslims like the 9/11 terrorists, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Portland bomber.

Let your audience take it from there. Try to offer some suggestions on where they can research the subject. Start with mainstream sources first. NumbersUSA is a great place for learning about the immigration debate. See also FAIR and CIS. Then move them on down the road to VDARE.

(9) Always listen more than you talk. Keep the topic focused on a single subject like immigration.

You’re discussing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate and become genuine America. You don’t want to get into an argument about a subject like the Second World War which nothing can be done about.

If the White person you are talking to is getting hot and angry and ranting about America fighting the Second World War to defeat racism and Nazism, gently ask this person if he thinks the “Greatest Generation” – which lived under Jim Crow and fought in segregated units until the Korean War – gave so many lives at Omaha beach and Guadalcanal so that their grandchildren couldn’t attend a safe public school in Los Angeles, California or Chattanooga Tennessee.

What do you suggest?


  1. Sam, I got some of my points from other people. The point about Jews smearing and besmirching as “obsessed” anyone who is “persistent” in discussing Jewish behavior came from Alex Linder (a rough paraphrase not a direct quote).

    One of the surest signs you’re dealing with a Jew is when terms connoting mental illness enter the discussion, especially the Jews’ big two: obsessed and paranoid. The classic Bolshevik technique, again, was to accuse the opposition of being mentally ill. The appearance of these terms is usually a good reverse barometer. When a person uses them against you, you know you’re saying subversive stuff.

    The Jewish neocons used to call Joe Sobran “obsessed.”

  2. Speaking of Joe Sobran, this is an important idea from him. Once you get this point, which I didn’t for a long time in arguing back and forth, you’ll roll your eyes whenever some anti-white dolt rolls out the “anti-Semitism” complaints. Anyone who uses the word anti-semitism as an attack is anti-white by definition.

    The very word anti-Semite is reminiscent of the term anti-Soviet. It serves a similar function of facilitating imputations of ill-defined guilt.

    The strength of Western law has always been its insistence on definition. When we want to minimize an offense, say murder or burglary, we define it as clearly as possible. We want judge and jury to know exactly what the charge means, not only to convict the guilty but, also, just as important, to protect the innocent.

    Clear definitions put a burden of proof on the accuser, and properly so. If you falsely accuse a man of murder or burglary, not only is he apt to be acquitted — you may pay a heavy penalty yourself. As a result, few of us are afraid of being charged with murders and burglaries we didn’t commit.

    By contrast, the Soviet legal system left prosecutors with a wide discretion in identifying “anti-Soviet” activities. Almost anything irritating to the Soviet state could qualify. An impossible burden of proof lay on the accused; guilt was presumed; acquittals were virtually nonexistent. To be indicted was already to be convicted. Since the charge was undefined, it was unfalsifiable; there was no such thing as a false accusation. As a result, the Russian population lived in fear.

    The word anti-Semitic functions like the word anti-Soviet. Being undefined, it’s unfalsifiable. Loose charges of “anti-Semitism” are common, but nobody suffers any penalty for making them, since what is unfalsifiable can never be shown to be false. I once read an article in a Jewish magazine that called the first Star Wars movie “anti- Semitic.” I was amazed, but I couldn’t prove the contrary. Who could? And of course people in public life — and often in private life — fear incurring the label, however guiltless they may be.

    If you want to distinguish between the innocent and the guilty, you define crimes precisely. If, however, you merely want to maximize the number of convictions, increase the power of the accusers, and create an atmosphere of dread, you define crimes as loosely as possible. We now have an incentive system that might have been designed to promote loose charges of “anti-Semitism.”

  3. Southerners cannot ignore the Jewish question. They are the senior partners of the New World order. Anyone who tries to use shaming language against nationalists who bring up these topics are fools or liars.

    The reason some of our nationalist brothers seem so “obsessed” with the Jewish question is because it is the elephant in the room which most conservatives choose to ignore and this ignoring of this major question is one of the main reasons conservatives continue to fail politically.

  4. The only Conspiracy is to keep us talking about Jews, because they know it is a losing proposition.

    I want a Pro White leader that talks about White Interests.

    Do I go to a Pro Black leader and expect to him discuss the intricacies of the Chinese and their behaviors? No! That would be nuts.!

    Fact is. We have anti- movements.

    We do not have a Pro White movement, because no Pro White leader wants to talk about what is good for Whites.

    Even the A3P leadership said, it is “less racist”, to talk about Zionism, than it is to talk about White interests.

    Even the A3P doesn’t want to talk about White Interests!

  5. The only Conspiracy is to keep us talking about Jews, because they know it is a losing proposition

    I disagree.

    Perhaps if we all (and who is the “we”, of course 😉 )just got on the (generally) same page about Jew’s roles in anti-White agitation worldwide, and stopped jumping down each others throats in panic when someone starts on about it, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. We could just get in with it instead of reliving this BS and the ensuing hysteria about it every few weeks.

    The problem in Europe is “Hate speech” laws. These are real, and people are being charged/jailed for these kinds of offenses all the time; so there is a real fear in talking about Jews or about the many lies of the Holohoax many of these laws base their reason for being on!

    **I appreciate your disappointment with the A3P, but frankly, I never put much stock in them going anywhere after I saw their presentation at Amren, but they did seem like “nice” people……

  6. Tamer of Savages says:
    Dixiegirl, so obsessed with “what” people “are”. You come across shudderingly crude, dear. I was raised Episcopalian, same as you. Obviously that Church has failed you too….

    Believe me, Tamer, I was not raised that way. But, sadly, you have to learn nowadays. So perhaps I’m very interested in backgrounds—with a sort of vengeance. You’re right. It breaks my hurt— the vision, from a nice girlhood to this.

    There was a period where I covered up the perceptions I’d come to have—- thinking at least, then, I wasn’t announcing I’d become tainted, actually SEEN some of what goes on (a sure indicator you’re in the wrong place.)

    But who are bad “influences” nowadays? Can you name ten national politicians you’d want (genuinely) for your children to meet?

  7. @ Lew —- Turn on your TV. Expose yourself, if you can stand it, to the pop culture sewer. Look at the programming degrading and mocking white folks 24/7. Who owns Hollywood and media?…”

    The “christian leaders” who told people to turn OFF their televisions (and live as if they were alone in the world, so arrogantly, as if society around them would not affect them, as if they can just be “good christians” without any society of support) did the people the greatest disservice.

    They should be watching Tell-a-Vision 24-7.

  8. AWAE—
    @ “…You are still thinking like a Reactionary. Did it ever occur to you to introduce Pro White memes, instead of reacting to anti-White memes?…”

    A lot of N&J-ers leave the impression that all they HAVE is reactionary. A lot of people just find it counter-productive, boring— and not a program that will TAKE THEM where they want to go (living in the kind of society they’d like better).

    People fighting only defense just aren’t that interesting to a large segment of the population (obviously). But they can’t see it that way.

    They have a special truth (they think others don’t know about). That transcendental signifier, the “God Term” (jew!) by which all the whole world can suddenly be understood.

    This, back in reality, just exposes where THEY ARE PERSONALLY in their growth on matters, and development. They have “discovered jews!” Later, maybe they will discover something else.

    Often these are folks who have a change down the pike. “I saw this!!! And then later, somebody told me… Now it’s not just the jews… It’s the X’s…” etc.

    I would not be surprised if AWAE—- has not read all of Kevin MacDonald, listened to David Duke, etc. AND then says what he did.

  9. Look at the programming degrading and mocking white folks 24/7. Who owns Hollywood and media?…”

    Excellent point about the TV Dixiegirl, and one that probably isn’t looked at enough.
    I haven’t owned a TV in eons, but I did a recent cruise through a bunch of the most popular TV shows over the last few years, including 24, Desperate housewives, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy , etc, (via the net), and was pretty shocked how the anti-White message is embedded, in one form or another, in all of them . I have had some success in pointing this stuff out to family members and a few friends, so perhaps this is one area we can hit hard on, for once you “see it”, you never look at TV (or mass media in general), the same again.

  10. In other words, Organized Political Jewry is a reality in the world. (probably that’s a more apt name than ‘zionism.’) But it is only ONE REALITY among many realities.

  11. OPJ— should be used. Organized Political Jewry. It’s better than “zionism.” why do people use that?

  12. Reactionaries always let the group they see as their “enemy” or “opposition” frame the debates and terminologies for them. They have none of their own language to offer.

  13. Did the same, Mary—

    Mostly b/c Tell-a-vision is just BORING. Or…I’d watch a minute and just (without analyzing why I disliked it) turn it off. Life is too short to spend on that.

    But msm is said to be propaganda—- and yet there is not one site I know of which is totally devoted to visual media reviews (hollywood movie releases, half-time Super Bowl dance acts, tell-a-vision shows, backgrounds of acting talent, etc).

    That’s what’s strange. Wouldn’t that be the first thing you’d expect from resistance?

    Blow-by-blows about each and every show, how they work, what they are really saying, how they accomplishing the subtextual messages?

  14. Here is the Pro Flacco. Cicero defends a former Consul Flaccus from charges of what amount to anti Semetism.

    Even the writer of this link dems to hold an Irgun like Grudge to this day! Flacco is guilty! Flaccus intercepted gold shipments to Jerusalem.

    But here’s the thing Why is a Roman on trial in Rome for attacking and or ripping off a Foreigner, and the Jewish temple in particular?

    It’s because he did it to the Jews. They even had the Romans by the balls.

  15. One could devise a curriculum that catalogs the long terrible history of European anti semitism. The ironic effect on the student might well be to conclude that billions of Europeans can’t be wrong! Almost any white man of note in 3,000 years who dealt with them has something had to say.

    Use these statements, as a sword and a shield.

  16. This is pretty timely:!

    Published on Jan 27, 2013
    Greece’s Golden Dawn party has said a visit to Greece by American Jewish Committee leader David Harris is meant to ensure more of what it calls “Jewish influence over Greek political issues” and safeguard the interests of “international loan sharks.” Harris, who is executive director of the AJC, is leading a Jewish delegation to the region that is meeting with several Greek leaders, including Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. During the meetings, Harris expressed his “concern and solidarity for Greece during the crisis.” But a statement from Golden Dawn posted on its website Thursday slammed the Greek government for giving Harris high-level access. It also derides Harris in what is clearly an example of the party ratcheting up its anti-Semitic rhetoric.

  17. Lew, the word “racist” functions the same way and fear of being labeled as such is the biggest obstacle to any White person stepping forward to talk about what’s good for our race.

    I think the number one priority of any pro-White should be the destruction of the POWER of that word. Being a Jewaholic myself I can appreciate the obsession over the Tribe but the real problem lies elsewhere. Jews are just one of the many tools pushing the “racist” word against us.

    Look to the Whitaker folks for guidance on how to deconstruct “racist”. There is no where else to look.

  18. But msm is said to be propaganda—- and yet there is not one site I know of which is totally devoted to visual media reviews (hollywood movie releases, half-time Super Bowl dance acts, tell-a-vision shows, backgrounds of acting talent, etc).
    That’s what’s strange. Wouldn’t that be the first thing you’d expect from resistance?
    Blow-by-blows about each and every show, how they work, what they are really saying, how they accomplishing the subtextual messages?

    I know there is this site:
    But we definitely need more, doing what you outline above.

    I also like your “OJP” suggestion. Good stuff.

    I have seen you discussed on other sites by various WN folks, and many have commented on your style of formatting as being a hindrance to them reading you clearly. You have a lot of good things to say, and I thought I may as well pass this suggestion on. Feel free to disregard if you choose, of course, and I hope I didn’t offend you 🙂

  19. I guess what stood out for me John, is that one of Europe’s fastest growing Nationalist parties is not shying away from the JQ in the slightest. This is exactly opposite to the ‘advice’ we’re being given by certain elements in our own camps. Might be a lesson in there somewhere…..

  20. “Almost every Meyer you look up will turn out to be a Jew”

    Rubbish. Meyer is a German name and if you go to some place with a large German descended population like Wisconsin or Illinois you will find scads of gentile Meyers.

  21. Mary,

    Greece is a real nation with its own language, church, ancient civilization, cuisine, etc.

    They can and do pretty much $&!* on anyone outside their ethnic group. If you don’t like your vegetables ala grecque they can tell you how much you suck….

    That approach doesn’t work in a propositional nation like the BRA where every would-be “nationalist” has his own little list of which ethnic groups are naughty and nice.

  22. @MOTS

    Again, I use Whitaker’s ideas often. They are effective and imporant but not sufficient. Sometimes, via the conduct of his pupils, I get the impression he thinks his ideas alone are sufficient. That is absurd, if that is his position.

    I also sometimes wonder what the hell Whitaker is teaching. I have lost a bit of respect for him because of the way his pupils conduct themselves on our “in house” sites. The way his pupils waste everyone’s time carping at people who are already on board, if that behavior accurately reflects Whitaker’s method, tells me there is something defective in his judgment.

    Whitaker from what I gather is also responsible for coining this dismissive cliche “news and Jews.” It implies discussing Jews is not important. This, too, suggests dangerously defective judgment for a person purporting to be for whites if his position is the JQ is not important.

    I talk about Jews when I feel the topic is relevant and don’t when I don’t. People can google my comments from now until the end of their natural lives. No one will ever find a comment from me saying Jews are all that matters, it’s the Jews, the Jews did it, only the Jews, let’s talk about only news and Jews, etc.

    As for deconstructing the word “racism,” what the hell is there deconstruct? No one influenced by me, and I’ve influenced some people, give a shit about that word. It has no effect on me, anyone I know, and as far as I can tell, seems to be losing its sting among more and more people every day. I’ve attacked, mocked and ridiculed the people who use that word countless times, for years. More needs to be done than that.

  23. Golden Dawn calls out Turks too and is very anti-Muslim, to the point of being irredentist.

    In the BRA, most Jew-namers would lick the dirty feet of their Hajji freedom fighters if given the chance.

  24. Golden Dawn’s exact approach can’t be used in America. It doesn’t mean we can’t take lessons from them, study what they’re doing right, and then model the aspects of their approach that can work here, or anywhere. Among other things, we can model GDs approach to Jews right down to disputing a major source of the Jews’ perceived moral authority, the holo hoax. GD doesn’t appear to cower over what the average Greek might think. They have won seats doing what they do.

  25. The fact that people like Lew not only exist but get cheered on the internet is terrifying because it shows how sick BRA society is. Lew and Abe Foxman would be in the same concentration camp if we lived in a sane country.

  26. lol, both Tamer and Silver have stated in this thread that you “terrify” them Lew.

    Your power knows no bounds 😉

  27. Silver has some important things to say. He picks on a lot people. It doesn’t bother me.

    Tamer rarely has anything of value to say on Jewish topics. His comments do add value by collecting all the Jewish clichés and tropes in one place. People who criticize Jews are:

    Conspiracy theorists
    Dumb, uneducated, low class, etc.
    Jewish influence is not a problem
    People are envious of Jews
    Jews are winners, their critics are losers
    Why should Jews be blamed for being winners, etc.

  28. Bother you? I’d think it rather a sign you’re doing good work!

    And my comment wasn’t a slight on Tamer nor Silver as people, I have learned from them both and will continue to I’m sure. It’s the claim you “terrify” them that has me interested…

  29. By now, most OD commenters should have ~10 local people who follow their lead, who will read and act on e-mail messages and links forwarded to them

    If you can’t get local people to follow your lead, please look in the mirror and admit that you aren’t a great communicator or the message doesn’t sell.

    With this in mind, here is the contact information for RINO Jewish Senator Eric Cantor, please circulate, make the calls, faxes, e- mails ask for staff members by name, when you can’t reach the high staff member, ask for an assistant.

    Be brief, firm but polite, express your strong opposition to mass amnest for illegals, open borders immigration. Try to come off as a principled, intelligent voter not some kook. Yeah, we know Cantor is another deceitiful Jew, looking to replace the White population of the USA. Try to finesse this unpleasant truth.

    Here’s the contact information for Cantor’s staff, please circulate:
    Eric cantor’s staff

    Steve Stombres, Chief of Staff
    Kristi Way, Chief of Staff, Congressional Office
    John Murray, Deputy Chief of Staff:
    Neil Bradley, Deputy Chief of Staff
    Kyle Nevins, Deputy Chief of Staff:
    Bill Dolbow, Senior Advisor
    Amy Barrera, Director of Scheduling & Administration
    Brad Dayspring, Communications Director
    Mike Ference, Director for Strategic Development and Senior Policy Advisor
    Matt Lira, Director of New Media
    Valerie Nelson, Director of Member Services:

    303 Cannon HOB
    Washington, DC 20515
    Phone: (202) 225-2815
    Fax: (202) 225-0011

    763 Madison Road #207
    Culpeper, VA 22701
    Phone: (540) 825-8960
    Fax: (540) 825-8964

    4201 Dominion Blvd. #110
    Glen Allen, VA 23060
    Phone: (804) 747-4073
    Fax: (804) 747-5308

    4201 Dominion Blvd. #110
    Glen Allen, VA 23060
    Phone: (804) 747-4073
    Fax: (804) 747-5308

  30. Dixiegirl says:
    February 7, 2013 at 1:32 pm
    “I would not be surprised if AWAE—- has not read all of Kevin MacDonald, listened to David Duke, etc. AND then says what he did.”

    I was a Jewser and got over it, grew out of it, once I learned that White countries have browned out, long before there was any such thing as Jews. See ancient India for example.

    And as a Pro White activist, I have encountered enough White people, that get off on being anti-White, to know the truth about Whites and our “treason problem”, that any race (including Jews), can easily exploit.

  31. I am about taking responsibility, not shifting it elsewhere. If Whites are traitors, if Whites are the ones who have opened the castle gates to the enemy, I am not going to shift the blame elsewhere. I am going to hold the traitors resp0nsible for their misdeeds, otherwise they will do it again and again.

    I guarantee when we win power, the Jewsers will be the first to say the traitors should be forgiven and forgotten, because “the Jewsers made them do it”.

    I am not going to let that happen. 2% of Jews can’t wreck all White countries without a lot of White traitor help. Another failing of Jewsers is they can’t do Math.

  32. Jack Ryan says:
    February 7, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    “Be brief, firm but polite, express your strong opposition to mass amnest for illegals, open borders immigration. Try to come off as a principled, intelligent voter not some kook. Yeah, we know Cantor is another deceitiful Jew, looking to replace the White population of the USA. Try to finesse this unpleasant truth.”

    If you must call him a Jew, call him an anti-White Jew.

    At least put a label on the bastard.

  33. Except who is doing this, trying to shift rather than take responsibility? Duke, MacDonald, who?

    My guess: you will come up with exactly zero names and zero textual citations of known nationalists taking positions that amount to shifting all blame “elsewhere.”

    I am about taking responsibility, not shifting it elsewhere. If Whites are traitors, if Whites are the ones who have opened the castle gates to the enemy, I am not going to shift the blame elsewhere. I am going to hold the traitors resp0nsible for their misdeeds, otherwise they will do it again and again.

  34. Mary,

    Tamer of Savages is not worth reading. Earlier in this thread he disparaged Martin Luther and Kevin MacDonald. Speaks for itself.

  35. Martin Lindstedt is right about Anglo -Metizos and Whiggers. Judeo Masonry is everywhere with the all seeing eye. Jack The Ripper, Marco Polo and Columbus were all Masons. The Founding Fathers of USA were mostly Masons. Also all Black Leaders have been Prince Hall. Obama is a 33 Degree Prince Hall, so is King, Sharpton, Young, Jackson and the list goes on an on. The White Masons a have a long list to. Even Country Singer Mel Tillis is a 33 Degree Scot Riter. HARRY TRUMAN was a Knights Templar Mason–maybe highest ranked Mason that was President Strom Thurmond was a high Ranking Mason. The list goes on and on and on. Now–how many members of Congress have the Rings, and what about the different Police Forces, plus Military, plus Judges and so on. Strange how they have White, Black and Jew Masonic Lodges racially segregated with Women in their own Rites like Evenning Star and the Bay Nay Brit Boys on Top of course… Clinton was a DeMolay. David Wynn Miller says and claims he is a 93 Degree Mason–I dont know about that one–hum? Whats so strange—no matter were you go in world–there is Masonic Lodges. and hey, Hunter Wallace…George Wallace was
    a Scot Rite Mason. Maybe Joseph Smith is right–Modern
    Masonry is a corruption of true Masonry. Smith started White Adamic Masonry in his Temples and Priesthood and the paid the price for doing it. Adam was the first true Mason. Just a few thoughts on the Powers That Be……How does this fit into all Agendas that are Coming forth now? I Gurantee—there is a connection…..

  36. Rudel says:

    Rubbish. Meyer is a German name and if you go to some place with a large German descended population like Wisconsin or Illinois you will find scads of gentile Meyers.

    Here is an link about Meyer population settlements of the past.

    Identically matching the documented historical Jewish 19th century emigration patterns but so many Germans came to those states in 1848 too.

    California has very close to the same amount of Cohens and Meyers. (Cohen: 22,430 Meyer: 22,566) In New York, having the largest populations of Cohens and Meyers, there is not a great deal of difference in their hundred-thousands. (Cohen: 149,952 Meyer: 215,680) Maryland has twice the Cohens and Massachusetts 4 times more. Only Wisconsin, Missouri, and Minnesota had the greatest discrepancy, by 13 times more Meyers. (source:, via search engine)

  37. Believe me, Tamer, I was not raised that way. But, sadly, you have to learn nowadays. So perhaps I’m very interested in backgrounds—with a sort of vengeance. You’re right. It breaks my hurt— the vision, from a nice girlhood to this.

    There was a period where I covered up the perceptions I’d come to have—- thinking at least, then, I wasn’t announcing I’d become tainted, actually SEEN some of what goes on (a sure indicator you’re in the wrong place.)

    You are such a sweetie. All you need to do is marry a good go-getter wasp that your family likes. Then God willing you’ll have rambunctious kids to worry about. You make your life much grimmer than it has to be, Dixiegirl. Don’t become paralyzed by your racial awareness. It’s time to “pass it on” to the next generation, not pursue an online doctorate in racism.

    Wasps have always been tainted, same as other people. We (and I say this as a lapsed Wasp currently in RCIA) are just better at covering it up so don’t feel shame for being more worldly than a Sweet Briar girl.

  38. @ spiritus Germaniae,

    Rudel is right, there are tons of Meyers in the US that are not Jews. You must either live in a basement or in New York or on the West Coast. Everyone living outside those two regions well knows Meyer is a common family name and that the vast majority of Meyer’s are not Jewish.

    The Midwest is full of Meyers, virtually none of them Jewish. It is a common name. Where I grew up and live now, there are literally dozens of Meyer family names, all separate and unrelated. Not a one of them are Jewish. My next door neighbor is a Meyer, in fact. There are at least four different sets of them here in this small town.

    You were banned at VNNF, not for pointing out that some Jews long ago adopted the name Meyer–everybody knows that virtually all family names have to some degree been co-opted by the Jews–and demonstrating this, but for claiming anyone named Meyer MUST be a Jew. You were banned for being a moron who thinks white people are by definition and universal law incapable of doing wrong, a prominent mindset, apparently, amongst WN’s. You were banned for insisting a specific person was a Jew even after it was clear they were not.

  39. lol, both Tamer and Silver have stated in this thread that you “terrify” them Lew.

    Your power knows no bounds

    Hey, if a power so great that it can convince observers it is without bounds is what’s required to terrify me then I have to regard that as a compliment. Thanks, Mary.

    Silver has some important things to say. He picks on a lot people. It doesn’t bother me.

    I suppose it comes out that way, but it’s not intentional. It’s just a form of tough love, really, even though I don’t know anyone personally. There’s so much crap thrown about it I just want to cut to the chase and correct it, which unfortunately but unavoidably means ruffling some feathers. On the other hand, if it’s me talking crap then I’m prepared to face the music.

    I want to get back to the JQ, but I’ll deal with a couple of other points first in case what I have to say upsets you so much you stop reading, which would be a loss.

    Regarding Whitaker, it’s not hard to get the impression he think he’s a know-it-all and that his methods are the last word, and his retinue certainly doesn’t help dispel such an impression. But it’s a mistake to dismiss on this account. His focus is on training activists on how to normalize pro-white attitudes in society. That is a long way from being ‘sufficient’ but it’s a crucial step, because at least then whatever anyone thinks about race pro-white ideas and policies won’t be reflexively dismissed; at long last they’ll have a place at the table. That provides a foundation on which to build. Absent that, it’s all for naught.

    This is why phrases which rub you the wrong way like “news and Jews” or “crime and IQ stats” are necessary, because so many activists who get a handle on race have an almost irresistible urge to do nothing but cite and wail about the latest outrage or the bankruptcy of a power structure which pointedly ignores vital racial realities. The effect this has on listeners is to annoy the hell out of them, even if they don’t completely disagree with what is being said. Their reaction is often one of “OKAAAY, you made your point. I get it. Why do you have to keep prattling on about the same old thing all the time?!?”

    Mind you, it’s not necessarily obvious that you’re bothering people or that they’re misunderstanding you. Many of my friends know me as “a racist”. They’ve often been keen to learn more about my point of view and I’ve obliged them by providing thoughtful answers to their many questions. After fairly lengthy sessions in which I’ve thought considerable progress was being made I’ve often been hit with extraordinarily dumb questions like “But isn’t there any [blacks] that you like?” — as though the whole time I had been making the point that I hate every single black on planet earth and that is what they should do too. What I’d forgotten is that what I think of as “hateful” or “too much” — ie some loose cannon on VNN — is rather different to what they think of as hateful or too much — ie someone just talking straightforwardly and rationally about racial issues. So while I’ve been taking the time to patiently explain certain points, inside their minds they’ve probably been thinking wow, I can’t believe this guy has actually sat down and thought about all this stuff, just waiting for me to cross some arbitrary threshold at which point they can tell themselves, aha, I knew he was “just a racist.”

    Vastly pared down talking points designed to jog people out of their stupor and instill the view that things can’t be allowed to continue on the way they are is worlds more effective. People then come away feeling funny or challenged, experiencing an incipient need to reformulate their ideas and priorities, rather then coming away feeling your moral superiors.

    Regarding people’s feelings about the word “racist,” sure, there are plenty who don’t care at all about it in the privacy of their minds or in the company of small, familiar groups, but how prepared are they to publicly confront it? You may find that many of them shrink back in that context. So it’s important to keep draining the word “racist” of its power to cause panic.

    Going back to the JQ, you said “Simple. All they had to do was not behave like Jews.” Hey, that’s not half bad as far as glib answers go, not half bad at all.

    Presumably your answer means that had Jews not engaged in the activities that they did engage in all would have been fine in your book. But then what of the whole genes talk business? Jews, remember, must be kept from polluting the Aryan racial stock so it seems clear that things would have come to a head eventually even if Jews had not been acting like Jews. At this point Jews would have been guilty not of “acting like” Jews, but simply of being Jews.

    Now, if “acting like Jews” is to mean anything intelligible it must mean acting in ways that are specific to Jews; acting in ways that only Jews, and no others, act (refer to The Litany for examples of such behaviors). Obviously only a Jew can be Jewish, but there’s nothing specifically Jewish about merely being whatever ethnoracial unit you happen to be (Jewish in the case of Jews, German in the case of Germans and so on). If you insist on claiming that merely being Jewish forms a part of acting Jewish, then I have little choice but to class your response with those that insist that there was nothing Jews could have ever done differently in order to avoid incurring wrath; it’s what/who they were (Jews) and where they were located (in too close proximity) that matters, not behavior. That’s all very well, but it goes back to the point about creating (unnecessarily, I must say) a moral deficit for yourself. Like it or not, other people’s opinions matter, and when you take a position so cruelly inflexible it has the effect of turning opinion against you. Of course, you’re free to disagree.

  40. Hey, if a power so great that it can convince observers it is without bounds is what’s required to terrify me then I have to regard that as a compliment. Thanks, Mary.

    Ah now Silver, you know you left out the wink at the end of my sentence, right ? It looked something like this: 😉

    Truth is, I still have no idea what it is about Lew that has you and Tamer “terrified” of him. I shall just have to learn to live with the ‘not-knowing’ I guess ….*sigh*

  41. Wow, I’m stunned to see so many people spew anger at people for their “Jew hatred” on this forum. You can get that anywhere on the web. Every time I think I’ve found like-minded people, you figure out they’re just not there yet. Might as well be liberals to me.

    Once a person reads up on Jewish behavior, the clouds part every time. Every time. There will be, inevitably, a new understanding of the National Socialist view of the Jews, followed by respect and admiration for their insights.

    That’s the absolute truth. You’ll also understand why the USA’s political system is lacking and what the Founding Fathers overlooked. And you’ll never feel the way you did before. There’s no going back. Most people just haven’t taken that path yet unfortunately.

  42. “Obviously only a Jew can be Jewish, but there’s nothing specifically Jewish about merely being whatever ethnoracial unit you happen to be (Jewish in the case of Jews, German in the case of Germans and so on).”

    Or in the case of German Jews both. I once had a acquaintance whose father had survived the camps. Despite most of his co-religionists eschewing German cars he always chose to exclusively drive and own Mercedes-Benz as opposed to Cadillacs (“Jew Canoes” as they were then known by.) When asked why, he being a still patriotic German replied: because of their superior German engineering. Nowadays of course every JAP drives an Audi if what I see parked in the lot of the local Jewish Community Center is any indication. All the E-class Benzes are driven by the wives of Chink engineers and they are all barely tall enough to see over the steering wheel.

  43. Why do you know what the average JAP drives, Rudel? Do you pass the community center often on your way to work?

    Additionally, almost all Germany’s Jews seem to have survived the holocaust, somehow.

  44. the clouds part every time

    That’s just another way of saying the world never made sense to you until you adopted a belief-system based on Jewish boogeymen. You people crack me up. I need to upload the video on my cell of a homeless jew stumbling around as a black cabbie says “blacks are stupid” in the LES. You people don’t get out.

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