Rand Paul Embraces Amnesty Again

District of Corruption

I didn’t think much of Rand Paul’s grandstanding over Obama’s use of drones on American soil (a classic example of a political stunt) or prostrating himself before Israel. I think even less of his embrace of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Note: I’m also glad that I saw the writing on the wall in the Nevada primary and didn’t make the mistake of voting for Ron Paul in 2012. I definitely won’t be voting for Rand Paul in 2016.

“WASHINGTON —On Tuesday Sen. Rand Paul will urge conservatives to abandon their long standing opposition to a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers in the United States, bluntly warning to not do so Republicans “will need to resign ourselves to permanent minority status,” according to excerpts of a Tuesday speech obtained by BuzzFeed.

In a speech to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Legislative Summit, Paul will lay out his case for a conservative, and Republican, embrace of comprehensive reform. “The Republican Party has insisted for years that we stand for freedom and family values. I am most proud of my party when it stands for both … Republicans need to give birth to a new attitude toward immigrants, an attitude that sees immigrants as assets not liabilities,” Paul will say, according to excerpts of the speech…”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks, Allison. You are absolutely right it makes no sense. A revision that WOULD make sense is: “Those who BELONG in your category are, naturally, strong opponents of Ron Paul’s platform on foreign policy and banking — and continue to gnash their teeth at the memory.”

    I dash these things off between customers, mindless chores, boring paperwork and phone calls. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who isn’t able to concentrate.

  2. “Note: I’m also glad that I saw the writing on the wall in the Nevada primary and didn’t make the mistake of voting for Ron Paul in 2012. I definitely won’t be voting for Rand Paul in 2016.”

    You were so much wiser to vote for Romney, eh? Give me a break!

    Mosin Nagant and others have clearly spelled out the differences between Ron Paul and Mitt worse-than-obama Romney that actually made Paul a US presidential candidate worth voting for, imperfect as he may have been. But you would rather swallow Ryan’s Americanism kool-aid because he might have had a chance, whether he would have been no different or even worse than Obama? Never mind the tremendous positives of Ron Paul, he fudged around the edges. Right?

    Where is this aversion to pussyfooting when it comes to the track record of, say, the LOS? Not to mention the GOP. Oh yeah, the GOP is the party of white people – wasn’t that your theory a while back?

    Don’t you know how obvious and overboard is Ryan’s continued diatribe against Ron Paul, as if he is Rand? Don’t these continual rants of guilt by association have a familiar stink to you? While many of us are still waiting for a single post from either of you explaining how much better Romney would have been.

    Yep, Freeperland.

  3. My own theory on what Rand not-his-father Paul is doing:

    He thinks he’s being clever. He thinks he’s ingratiating himself to the GOP, working his way to the higher ranks in order to sway them in a different direction later on. IOW he thinks he has learned from his father’s mistaken strategy. Of course he is being naive.

    IMO this is so obvious it barely rates an acknowledgement. It certainly doesn’t rate his being the centerpiece on OD. Unless you feel the need to endlessly scream out how right you were about a man who wasn’t even an issue at the time.

    Welcome to FreeChicago, recently separated from that Confederate Renaissance business.

  4. “The subject of this post is Rand Paul’s embrace of full blown immigration treason, racial treason and Conservative Inc, The Libertarian powers that be deceitful efforts to spin Rand Paul’s treason as the best and only hope for the GOP, Conservatives to come back to power.”

    It seems that the subject of this post has become the centerpiece of OD. Really now, “The Libertarian powers that be”?

    “The comment section is falling down to hobby horse obsessions of past White vs White civil wars.”

    Yes, let’s forget that boring WBTS era that ODers aren’t interested in. Let’s make every discussion about the far more important Senator from Kentucky and how his acts represent all who are related or known to him. Let’s get back to being good little FReepers.

    “Please adhere to OD’s comment guidelines.”

    Or else!

  5. Bill Yancey writes:

    “He (Rand Paul) thinks he’s being clever. He thinks he’s ingratiating himself to the GOP, working his way to the higher ranks in order to sway them in a different direction later on. IOW he thinks he has learned from his father’s mistaken strategy. Of course he is being naive.”

    Jack replies:

    Rand Paul isn’t really being “clever”, more like being the successful as@ kissing, boot licking, brief case carrying, apple polishing, work shirking, pussy footing, Lib/Libertarian tool we’ve all come to know and despise. The key to understand this horrible breed is that ideology isn’t that important to them, they just try toagreewith whomever is in the room with them. Rand Paul is perfectly happy to be kissing as@ at some Hispanic Chamber of Commerce event, putting out some spin that lower class Hispanics are natural Republicans because Hispanics hold Conservative social views, then the next day Rand Paul is sucking &$@# at some Gay Log Cabin Republican event expressing his support for full Gay and Lesbian, transgender rights because of his firm commitment to Liberty and his strong belief that there needs tobe less government and more personal freedom. The Rand Pauls of America will attempt to do the same double political prostitution with both Jewish and Muslim immigrant groups. This sounds impossible, as both groups would surely try to kill him, but The Rand Pauls of our country usually get away with concentrating on denouncing (White) racism, nativism and putting out some spin that all immigration to America, including Muslim immigration. Both Muslim immigrant groups and the American Jewish community favor open borders immigration to the US and enjoy insulting White Gentile/Christian Americans. Occasionally, this Lib/Libertarian pandering to both Muslim immigrants and Jews goes bad, as in the case of Bobby Kennedy (I’m getting ready to write about Bobby K.).

    Again, the main point with Rand Paul, really the only point with Rand Paul is that his immigration treason, racial treason helps him personally. If his treason didn’t help him personally, he wouldn’t do it.

  6. “If his treason didn’t help him personally, he wouldn’t do it.”

    Then you don’t think it’s his ideology at work? Why all the diatribe against libertarians, then? You know, there is a discernible difference between making a point and preaching.

    BTW, you don’t need to remind me or anyone else at OD that politicians are opportunists or that non-white “immigration” is bad for us. As if these things are less boring than the black crime stats. You seem to think that the rest of us don’t know about these things you’re discovering.

    The challenge is in presenting and discussing ideas about how to deal with these things, not the “news” that they exist.

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